WAUC ONbA DEPARTmIrNT E. bMAN, Correapontud Agent 1e.U.d-ktte.<5.M Ms.. h ete'e.the.s b.l ~~s~p8ee ha. fer Ibm bellE sehe baby greislu I kmr. B. Scierding entertainfd rela- "en as ram Chicago. Evanston.- Des.- Plainea nd Palatine, Tbursday, Oct. 7, 4p bouar ut ber birthdny .Acery Wmseant day was epent.9 l1 re. Hopkins entertalned relative- tram Aurorea ver Smiqlay. lire. Biernian and ber eiater. Clara Theise vlited relatives in Mnnesota "Cesntly. Pev. Allenu îil reancb in a Chicago aburch the caînlng yar. Rev. Il. ) (Dady takes hie place bere. Fred Kuna basmîuoved into hi@ new homea lu the uorth part ut towu wbara b. wil heaet home ta his Patrons. Atty. Peck and wile leitt his week tor lict Springs, Va. ifarman Harmoning je un the ick liet. Frred Massmer alter mevaral weeks lu e Chicego bospilal je home egein. DEERFIELD, Mmir. Wm. Smeticr and ean, of Chicago, are viitiug wtb Mrm. Todd. Miss Ruth Reicheit vi8ited in Cbicagîî Batnrday. Dwlght flibeaon had the misieortune ta fil and break bise rîniSunuday. *Be W»s immediately taien ta thbe doctar and le dhingnicaly at praseut writing. lire. I. R. R..bm ilataîendiug a conven- mon lu Penuneyvania. lire. Bruwn returDed hume Monday hrumne six weeke vigit lu Madîsan, Ohio. The Ladie' Dorcas Society met Thurs tiai wlth ie. Oea. Pettia. >À numbar tram hore eattended tha Ouady chool counveution beld in Ov6ysle, Tuesday snd Weduesday. IL R. L. fuîmes madêe, abusiness trip ebUdati Créek, Micb,, Tbureday. SJobs Kuect ;&@,a Dertield caller Thon. Rumslvr witansd lttls danghter qsual"tundey wtbLake Forstrelatles. bavdail Klug bas suffliently recovered "tros bisrecmne mîstortun nas ta ha ~to b. about wth theald aifcrutchas. - Gog~.Adersoan sd tamly returced ta 4 borne atLake PoreatWeduasday alitr afl athe Pest taw nionthe lu -Vs. Newton snd wit ae rrterned VMa*bsort visît irith relatives lu ~ W. A: ehaw sud iamlly are .now m4eplI oins over tha Neton store. Pa.?ul Boy sud wile speût Sunday et *bon o lMr. sud lire. WIliI Kugge. leMi rsred t ram a niable source ig*fltthsdanghter cama ta, gladdeu *=om. of1Mr. audlMre. Lae Aum, af ~ Va. nA mes we tarmerly xi, 8tiisJaOal. Mmre W. L. Rch liqexectsd tram 1'Wtbtugtou Ibis wsek ta maie uaesaary an'sssstlo for their auqtiou sajs ut bg sla1goodo. The %ala taise place )OSuiSili. Theîr plans are, ta maks 'Wuslngton Ibair tuture huma. E. G. Payue lat bien durlug aur 0 cst suow storm for Ogema. Wl.., 'Orhére ha wlll engage lu preparlng 4eeîratione for tha holiday traita as bas &-» bhie Ustam tor a number aify.aarâ. A ean uàmed Wood san onenad Stone e n tlhIe sîrasland were having a chat, when a wau lu a sbaath gown md a muéhrSom bat pasesd. Waod "edtu Staue and Stona turned tu eZ thon tbey bath turnad ta ruhbee. Mn. and Mmr. Fred Bolitile. o ai IV n. kaeu, were viiture lier atiurdaýy aud Wm. Tonne. E. Thomas auà Chartes Godgluck vent ta Chicago Mouday ta ses e hall gama, but there was noua. ,Thomas Bller made e trip ta the clly Tussday. 1The coid snep gat bars Mouday, and .eryho>dy le Lusy puttiug OP staves. Luther Dixon uc amployed et the ersary hae tarted hie naw position Mondai. Mmre.Anuolt'roelilick, Mrm. Wm. T*5il Ires H. Seinetr, Mrs H. L 2 ansd LMr. H Illimen visted wllh PIIW Nrman Laud et uauonda laad »W hsLydi =akerneyer want ta the ~Wednesdeyta vsit Irwnrde and "bu MoCartbi bas moved upstire in 4hVoiling's Dow bouse. i9ýL à- . Fiche, Otto Fiauk, S.i-11, ý"#%asbmFred SBiaîp urJohn Taoutan mkfflu a e naday lest week. 1 ilman basresigaad bis posîluani o ur church. auloua golfle helsg playsd et for te gaie anid the euijoîpeut mat 1km. bould has a 11W tias poffible. and the Min »t ersinlugtvlng J'onis fbt we tzwAd. tarlff reform 00 eàkïceoçy or otherwlse of tbe ibd mmvi lut when yos are deepy boy lb.hezit chat ta b pars a &legberally a nui- ~1gh If yoo can't puçh, loat us yubave m=y prttng rau bUilot 11wsukSow and va vii ef«lt Mir. and Mr@. ad. E. Miman vane Chcago viitana Tuasday. Twa hunIers cama ontt runi thecity Monday 10 try their luck eboutiug dueke andi immadielely upon reaching unr1 village wanl daien ta tbe lakeanad eecnred e boat andi atarlari for theae. Teba hrigona LI utltile vaes ram ahore whau e fioci oi ducks came Sylug by andi bath @iood up andi ebol et the saea ima wbicb tippad thc boat ovar and Lth ware tbrawu lu the leke, ana oi the mnn oing bis pgun ttemptwng ta pava hîmmeei. Their predicamant was wiînesed liy P. Nimegeeru, Aug Kuebier andi Robin Pratt whu ware an the sbare and immdiataît set ont witb enoîber boat aud reacuari themi. Thai tIen waut up ta the aLeaida butel and sDant tle restaif the day andi nigît lu lied w hile lbefr lothas ware being dried fer them. Mr@. Trabing, of Lerauîie, Wyo , li iitiag et the hume ai llenry Grava. Geo aDrîlaîtle sbuilding acom.îiodioual barn. Misa Julien Streari visited et tie hume oi Wuu. Lewin, Sunday. Erneet VauPatreju is quite ick with ociatie rbeumatiem. Mr. anduri i. 'John Shea. S3r., will leeve naît Tnedeyfar Kensa t vieil thir daugliter, lire. Cravan. Mrs. M. Hipp andi sou, Joseph, are visitlng eit the hume ut Wm. Weddell. SMis Elsia Devine cautamplaeas a visit ta Oklahoma. Pbilip Raynolds lae sci et bie hume ou the tavu lins. Miss Ethel Dietmeyer veut ta DaKalli Friday ta attend the Abornai. UmsaLattia tuppai sud triaud ri rm Mtwaukee, Wi., visiteri at thei ni. Ruft home recanîiy. Anyone dasirluig a good beavy drait boiséasbouud attend the Shula sala, Saturdey. Oct. 16. See notice aI sale in enother calumu. 2-2 Be sure sud attend the parti givan Lv tb. R. N. ut A. Mr. sud lire. A. Clark antertainari relatives irom Ohio r"cntiy. Phillilp Besinge violearielnde han Bunuday. Mr@.D. Nevell, ai Russeitvisieari tb relativas bhem Saturdey sud Buuday. Mrs. Henry idingar, ut Waukeasu @peut unuday with bar siter, Mr@. Erkilue.* ' ArcbBlsbop Quiglai, ut Chicaga Arcli Dlaceee vii confirm a clos et St. Patrtckls cburcb at 2 P. ni., Wadnesdey, Octaber 20. lire. 1. 8. Wlntere je viitiug vitb ratives l inlnasota. The Rayai Nagîhore aI Amrica yl giva one ut their famions daeca.andi banquet et the Broya hall, Pridey avaulug. Oct. 22. Evaryana le curdipili luvltedd enred agoad lima. Magie by Hapke orcestretoI Libertyvilte. Mns. Goa. Cashinore and cblîdren spent a le days wlSb Iriende lu Chicago. Our station agent lin. La.esbas muvari hie temily luto the hanse o wnad hy Mita Lux. , James Bartlett @pont Mcndey lu Chicaga. Mre. Mayarx has gonetaChicego whare sIa inteude taynug tur the wiuîar. Quite e number tram bears ettauderi the funerai ai Walter Lux. tha litt lwo- yeaerld sounutflMr. and Mn. David Lui whlch vas balil et Wauiegan tat Mondev. LOVE ANDOOA[N[SSI By F. A. MITCiIEL. fO.pyright. iM, by Americen Pes AB»6 ciation.] F'engns MecAlistar, a Scotch Pree bitarlan 'ulnlsear, bavtog loet the pover of speaaifng dlqtlnctly. Laei s burden on Ma s ougragatlon. lu or der ta gel rld of hlm thay sauggasted thnt ha go ta a more salalirlous cli- mate, sud builîri p anothar churcli. There vare muni Englel supeaktug1 tourltelIn southeru ltttly, and the puis tor vas îfcied off lu Naples,. vbei. Insteari af eocceedlng lu entabllehluig n charcli, ha supporteri blinsel! anud is tsmlly Ly entertalitng ealii touriste lu wu at lue calladln Europe a penaioa, lu Anerica e boardlog hanse. There caime tu Mr. MacÂlstrre peu- Slon iii Anîrîcan party canostlug of Mr. Bllbson. au aId gentleman deuil a a past; Mra. Harier, a widow, deaf as Mir. Blobisou, andi Alice Harier, lier dauîgltcr, ugeri tweuty-Sive, e coufirmeti zlufie trotter. lilsflarter vax eqpe- cially :iuxlios lIat ber mother. vbom slie foiiiîulItlnconvestieulta odrag atbout w llb lier. sluautd lu coma vay ha auauthK]l 'Tle flarkers lbad.met Mr. Blobson tn l'aris.eîîd ibey hail aIl traT. elari lagethlir to uîue.on the wsy UmIssHnrlier lîîd i-auuelved tbe Idea af marrytog ber moiher ta Mr. Blobsgon. thougi baw tlue twa vera ta gel ou together, bath eufferlsg tram tle samae pbîselaldefect, oea idti alcanaîder The beginulng af tbe partys stiuy vlth the MacAlters wae uat ausplclous. ir. XacÂllser aI dînnar, after bis geusi. ,ad been seeted. haut "bIs)ead Don't farget tha Hervest bail aethîe Laeaide pavillon thie Priday avaning, Oclobar 15. David lailuretnened ta aur, village last Frlday alter a two mauthe visît witb relatives lu theeeat. , Dr. and riir. L. E. Goding andi daugliter. ut Lihartyville. @peut Sundey wltb reaetivas lu aur village., Hahry Maimen epeut Sundev endi Mondey wîth relatives et Waukagan and Bîghwood. 1Mise Orace Murphy returneri huma Tnaaday alela e eaisviil wiîb re- tives in Chicego, igtîwaad and Iigh- land Park.. Jua Baaaley, Mr. and Mr@. Miller anîd Misses Anea Conkie and Dure Kittinger, af Uiion, spent Sunday wiîh Mr. aîud lire. Wm. Baseloy. Auction Sae. The undarsignad belng about to retire trom farmiug will oeil et public, auction at bis ltrin, three mile@ northwest of Libertyvillô and libree moiles southeat of Grajàlake on Saturday, Octoherl6, '09. commencing et l.0'clock the illowing C raperty: 9 cowo, 4 wltb calves bysbide, alancespringers, bey horme 7 yrsold, wt 1600, a flue animal; hrown horme 10 yrs old, wt 1600, gaud worker; beauv team barnass, 400 huchai white nets, 5 tons millet hay, 5 tous timotby bay, 10 acres corn in eAock, 2 @tiaw siacks, Mecormlck mower, nearly new: 3ecCor- mick selt-dnmp bey rake, naarly new; sulky cultiv tue, walking cultivator wlth biller attacbmnent, 2 barse pu]- verizer. selt eel lever drege, pair bob sied@, beevy mllk wégan, lumber wagon, set grave] plauks, John Iteerp 14 Inch walking plow, steel trame grindstona, 16 lb. post metil, post bale diggar, bey reck, 16 ohlppiug Cane, o setter caes Lirtcblleld nulit ouater, 7 bIld steel tank, 3 bbl steel tank.'16 black Langsbeng chickeue, berret-eburq, number ai grain and foed seeko, bard coal heater. Bina- daeacoak stove, nea: quancity ot hou..ehold furuitnle, carpcr's. etc. Thie lerm ai 60 acres t IlIl fret-edace improvemente ls fer sale. Tlermes ot Sal-Al i umutof10 and under cash, on ail soin@ aver$lOea credit ot une year will lie given an gond liant- aLla notes baarlîug 6 per cent intereat. 2 per cent discauutfor cash. No gondti removed until setliedý W. Fl. Sto TF..Prop. GOa VOUug, Auctioneer. Auction Sale. Trneday, Oct. 19, lwginning et aine and began tiio peanl l osi'toule. ci -clei., i wii sBeul et pli lii ailetion ai. 'Wbat's Ilulît?" neked Blobliuuuiî nîy Pranliseâa aI Ilun'Ieller, al my t Th hos paued, oniehat is i, uusehuld gouda iucluduîîg piano, boot cetedha wihas uuuut anoif-higtheîscoIl caca, tablas, ciuih. binuis clves, cerari thxu alIan uoiiliî Ile li edr-oom sels, 2 Marrise haire, ruiuýeen4 terruptîon, began eguilo dîcluc anad coatiug uteîieuhim, etc. 'Speak laurier. iPm bard of hbinrliug.' Ilsual terme ot eale. persîsteri Blubson. Ladis juvilai. The Scalcîmun rajscd bis head iî urW. L 1jucin, Prop. epoke ne laud asehieslînpnlred voire W. H. AI'PLEY, .5.Oiti,neerý voatri adroi.But il wns1ýno use Blabson uravued bIeisards wllb bts deanîr for laurier speech. Auclion Sala. "Ye Irreverent mn!u" 1acAilter ex- Baving daciddrita quit lartuing Ivilii claîmed eugrily. ,'Im suylsg grace' seli I tPublic aueîlun an Vie aid Frani Il seenri e sthongli'ait Cthe deaf Ruppert frten wajuilles nurîli aiLong tOurgtstu ErOP wûr de(Ine toGrave. ibrweamiles 'esst. aI Laie Zurich tor.ec uEroenie'ille 0aud tîre mijle veel af Prairie Vlav un met aet McAlsla'c uîr9gigbouse. Maudey, Octobar 18, 1ff9, commaneiug Sir Douglas MeCracien, borni ileîuaiet10 ucloci îth olavingpaet.v: andddml, an oId trIantS ar CIe dmmi 13 cove, 5S yul caeves by il;3beevy nie, vas axpoctari to vIil tNaples aneuS srlugars. 5 mitais, bey mnie, '12 yeere darlng biss day vas.ta ha a iuembar aid; black Morgan, 9 abouta, INa dozcu of the houseeolui. Aice Hariar, wIa chictene, 5 mili cens, woud rAck, ona was sedto tlkig wih by moberdoien grain bege, plantler. !run kattia,, vas thed tgeaigriltinguaig e wniother Meormick grain indar, MeCormîck tay îles l Sue aigu angg, ve ak0dmovar, Desre plji, Gala laver dirags, la ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n sleluetrlughl. uaDean sulky cultivitor, Diemond i bath moruuug on cumlng lu from elgblse- 2aulivator, Gale emnal cultivatar, Scotch lug ev as tld th« Smr Douglas lied Clipper sulky ploie, Roosier eaOder, arrlved. Eularlug the dravlng rooli, Derlug la y mle piauarly naw. puiverleer, oea e a man wiCb a young face andi 14 inch Dige, Malias poita marier, a blId lead raadlng a guldalicai corn planter, corn* ehallar. boh slolgb, Saaîng a pntty girl2 ha rose deferen hlog trough, caw trough, bernasses. bureau, bedsl.ad, Singer eawlng meelne, tialti. file erdreaseed hlm luthaelgu voori cuai etave, Waslng -machina languae an d ha reptteri lu n id. and wviugar, 16 acres blliicorn cult îit Nov, It happaned tînt thia meetlig iler, 12 ions Tiniothy bey, couvase, ln'ralvad a ceseaof love eitifrait lgît. stock second crup end ataci soughi bey. For an loup île tva plled Clair Sin- Otherariles tua usmarmons to man- gers ta mutual aulertaluimaut, ami t'On. Mina Marier hagan ta Ihini boy idu- Termes ot Sala-Al amnme of $10 andi gular fil vald be If sacsucceatiri u untr cash, un al usum evr 10 a edi redîl at one yaar w Il lia givan ou goari uaraing her mothar ta the deaf Mn. heukehle notes liaaring 6 POr cent Bioleon anS ace hersait ebouid marry lnert. No good ramaved until ssllled tle Seat adsudmi Sr Douglas. Pres- Ion. entty the domînla cama lu vith a mn STEPBICN KEILER, Prop. au old as biniseit and lutraducaci hlm Wlî. PKT"a, utiner as tle rean, original aud ouly Sir Deug Au.. F ..E,icit, Ciri. las MeCracken. "And hIls gentlemen?" Aliceaoaked. Auctuan Sle.: polulng lwîenincI ldbeuco- Heving decidari ta quit fanming i viii varsng vlli.,, oeil et public anctian vithant nesarva ou 'fie's Sur Dougtas' sos, Anun." thc Lynch Bru., faima, 2 miles norili- "And i'va beau Ialking ta tha yoang weet ai Libertyvilla villae, 1 mile eact lady," celui Anus, "euppomlng ber te ofI Bandeeas platturni on Wednasdey, heas deaf mule." Oclohar 27, 1909, cammeucing aI 10 Tbare,'e nothîng lie elgîîcaalng e-aie. ni. tha following property to-vit: cursions for loveaitng. Angua lie- Bey hanse. 9 yre aId. wl 1050; btack Crackeu ndriAliceilianker vaîkeri u-cuit. Byra aid, wî 135Ô; black colt, S yre gtlar on Ibg bItta overlookitg Naples aid, Wt 1200; blck yearling colt, bIsct and is pctursqueboyqalld t stnciin1g colt, 14 choie cave, 4 with antIîleplcurequi La, slle taîlecalvas by ide. 10 springers andi miltang, Islandl af Capri, spooerilnlils celebrai yearling bull, 3 broori auva, 20 &boat@, ad bîtie grolloansd dmaya frani Sorren- 1 huer, grain indar, Deplng corn ta osier the nuaeî beîiutltul driva lnte h levtar. cars planter, pulverizan, ieorld ta Anialli. propousnaile tunie sulky plowienowar, @et lever drage steel. et opportune uîmomîents, and ti u1hil ce sulky cultivator, walking cullivetor, the deuuiaralion waîs mede wlujle ltii. aoval plua, pain tracks, mliiwagon, tva ivere loikiig riown mia îlte cinter bey ract, sulky bey rTa, grindetuine, of Vsuvuqilowver Alre -q rjoi dauble bernas,, 6 ehippiug cae, cooliug ue t. amsi vîns iseir Ie -u al tank. '10 bihil cs., 14 airs ai sunea fer~~~~ Itllit c ri,: u tu bu 1)u 1., 1i1,iiciuc ,it u % i t iîdeî, u îuy w nc-ieîeuiig lîpulua lilas ta luilig alle rticlea 11o. uuaro.uetamention. about the unluî ionofter maCerrvTernisai el @unAiofut$10 and ATr. Blobhans undar cash. A l songe aven $10 a credit file Caîri Anus ?IcCrackêo tlînt ai ana yeer, oui giad liaîkabla notas et vhIlla ler îîîutba n-es on han lande 63lper centinie reet sie coulnîrnularny. Lut @che pd lui'JOHN ~SUYDAsa, Prop. maie, a match for te aId lady, atler W. H . AV-i E, uitianean. wihcIsiewoald bepleasad ta boem lia vife. Angua, euuiiug tînt lies Il people slb evaptaus af i unai an lappluese depî'nrid on the aucees of bleridan troubla rounîreaUeliatleir dané- thue gcema, irîbith davutar inuiset ga.r tbey wuldîîtwithout lase aI lima ta Air. Blobson, souudlng alîl e vhile ciîrniisni'>Paklsg Fa)ley'mKldn"vRemedy. Ain. Hurker's pralses andi eaggestîng Thia great remedy stops île pain andi tle wIol a inet hing Itvanîri ba for hlm irreglaenties. streugulieus andi Luilde up tlhe..a argans and tIare le nu danger at If le could secura ber for a vIfe. Brigta dimeneerciîhereriounsdlsordsr Blobsan vas Sinaly canvlnced aud tbldlDn niat dicregard uthe aanly symptoa. Auges tînt la voulri proposa. Angas FliANE B. LoVELL, communicated the neye toAlMice._______ Aice lu tain coufded lCaebar mther. Anges McCracken and Alice Marier. The Paint ef Vlew. lboagh tlay led plîgliteri Ibaîr trol The Sqnlre îaympathetesfly-Pm caagblng ap the fumas ai a volcanIo, very carry lu hear tlat your humhaud cunsldaresl tînt a romandee situation l5aitbah point ut deatb. Mir. Hodge. ouald bha nice ffective lu loslng lhe but yon muni n'y ta ha cheerful. as malter belean tle eider lovers. TheYu uwIwl baifothbe. Party Taraent Sorrenta at tle limaineo.laIli I o l at Ona roadnd ldu p tle clIf a short Mns. iuIcu' eAh, aes. lndaad. sin. 11:11 dIstance framnhleir loCal le a bausa of ha a tlessing wben 'as gona. l'Il ha entertîtlnmenî ylba square open cu- alla ta lhse lu confort then. as 1 'ave pots overlaooclog tle antlctng bey andi 'lmiIliitour dlS'erent clubs.-Londou snaanurdlng mouintaîns. The youg- Taller. stars drove t iar eiders Claeeana moan- 1- Ilgil aseultug anuSpusheri Ihai ap ,BcboliIî'tres edeavrng ta lm- It th e capota, Angus glvlug tle aid press upoilitbe clas, île meaningot min le up lIat le lad baller maie the word '(utjdla"l.)-Noy. Polly John ils proposai lIeu sud lIere. Wlen the @on, tellImniat uwitb ylwhlçh My couple descanded AMIca drav 1er mtI- face andribands are cavered. er nvnay andi asked ber If tha proposai Bnckcasie tle anever vîtIearttîng had beau nmade. Praniptltode.-"idrecîles ae mss.»'Lon- "I supposa s," said theîlead lady. don Tît 1111e "but 1 couldu't lear vIal le eald." _____ Mr. Blobsan tld Angus that halbaS -Ifiti cts'oue boy ont boui 10 do "tld lis story." Angus tld Ale., tvo1alre ile, haielong vili lt ihe two Ailca tld han maller, and the affalr boys lii du.one errdr w55 5selid Anever nit' s a"y. ROUND LAICE Miss Alme white isvishîlng Irlande ai Woodaîack.f Several outheibamsebaU'fens attendad the hall gaine et Chicgo, uday. Dell 8mitb spent Snnday w.lth his parant@ et Grayosiea Mir. and lire. John lfart eutertained MAr. anduriir. E. B. Nevilleaned taînilY, of Grayalae. The cerpéntare willl ha buay etA.rmuure for anothan month. Dont forget the dance Saturday evan. iug. Evarybody camne and baea egod tiue. W m. Ro0sinu base arderi suma fine naw fluor cases ta bias@tore. A. KL STEARNS LAWTER 218 Washilngton Street Wauiega 'Phana 2761 DR. !DW. V. SMITHI General Prackice Office aver Luce & Compeny's Store SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO DISEASES OF LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS DR, GOLDING DENTIST Houre 8 ta 12 e.m.-1 taS5 p.m. J. Eli Triggs Building with D)r. J. L. Teylor-Phoua l19 lRes. Phoue 1092 Lihartvlla. Illinoie DR.,E 'FL SMITH. DENTIST. ovEa LAIS COUNTY NATIONAL nANE. auua-d ta 12 e. m. and 1 ta 5 p. mi DAILY. Lîhartyvllle. Illir oie DR. MICHAEL GOLDENBURG Will haent the NEW cAePLE BOTEL EVEUT WEONhSOAY Prom 3:80 ta 7:010 p. mi. Practice Limiteri ta tbe Eya, Rer, Nasa . aund Tbroat DR. 1. L TAYLOR. OrFICE OVE J. ELI. 'REmue nana. uyu:-7 ta, 10 a. m. 2 ta 4 and 6 ta 8 P. nM. Basîdeuce ou Broadway, apposite Park Lîbertyvill, Ililuoi. MARTIN C DECKER ATTOIîNEY-AT-LAW Office Opp. 181 St. Elecîrle Station Office Phane 5384 Bas. Pboe 8 608 NORTH CHICAGO, ILLINOIS PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATT1OENET AT LAW. Lihartyvle, Illinois vuovu es CI1ds on the Chest Ask your doctor thé médical k naine for a cold on the ches,~ He wlll say, "Bronchlîis Ask hlm Iff Itla ever serlous. Lasdy, ask hlm If he pre-,, scribes Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral for this dlsessc. Kqep -in close touch with your familiy physicien.I y W. b-,.&h £t.heI I Wben you teil your doctor about the Lad telle lu your mouth, lois of appetite for breakfast, aud frequept beadaches, aud whe n bc secs your coated tongue, h e l say, Il Yo u arc bIlios." Ayer's Pills vork veil In such cases. -MèdesbY theJ. O. Àyer Ce.. Le'.el. Ms- .Wm. LAYCOCK Co. Opoalste I.Pm'i freghî Depci Libertyvilleï Illinois Machine Shop REPAIR WORK AUTOMOBILE WORK A SPECIALTY Engines Ovarhauiad. A Fîull 'L.ina of Sundrias. 'l'ires lia- Paired. Wilu n iii 'Trouble TELEPlIONE Liîsertyville Euoeiaage 661or1262 Chas. Dykes transaeted bueine.. in Chicago, Seturdey. lire. Maria Dykes and son, Tom, spent Itunday with Oea. Cleveland and iamily. A tew ut the nimrods wrecont Sundai but gema 8aamad ta Le scarca. The Fart 1Bilhbaill etamplayad Round Lake Cube on the Round Lake diamond Sunday and woeadpeated lu a score -af 13 ta 20. Everybodv leo planning tor a big lime at the Woodman dance Oct. 28. Plane are being laid for the new Woodnn hall and stock je being sald. Work will commence saun. Ceas. Jorgen"an ent Sunday with bi Parents aet Chicago. A. M. Wbitae@pent several deye ut lest weak with triendea a Southb Baud, Mich. Bank et Round Lake. Thera le strang talk ai a bank Leiug terted et ' Round Lake. Several men froin the Lake Shore, wbo are lntaresited lu banking have been bere seveal times and are *very niucb imrnpeed with the prospecta. The citl,.eue ,oftbe village are Pntting forth every dIfort to land IL Laying Period ra' tbe" r.eda a' ... _heeIlhy and re r.d by p a cca f th-e flne«t erkcka e.d vwhol %anued ueed. ee5. nr ucake, beehaeî.e ad hce. DICKMMNSOW -MBAD I.cluea--Sm" ChlCk Starter 10r blet Chick,, .'Ct*ucst" ChicS F-1 , chiche th.vato.igchî wec. ld '~sss"Po,1Iîry ..h for f~s sud "Ke" O .oeFed 1 sqab. rot smm. by HOME LUPR COMPANY Pro[tssinal Cau'ds DRL 0. F. DUTTrDRLD, VETER114AR SUGEN A55EBTAII? STATE VMTMUNARU. DRL C. RL GALLOWAY,, oint,.-ovua L0VX1.L'@ have s¶aaz. *ousj.-rona 1 to 8 aud 6S b 8 p. m. W.12STUDIER SURVETOR Subdivldiug and Parm Work LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. you will get more for your old piano from me than anyone else wilI give. 1 seli and ship them everywhere. Phone Long Distance, Waukegan, 165. Call or write. xi Martin Lewis [Girl PIANOS AND PIIONOGRAPMS North Chicago, Ill. j-e THE original shape of s garment fils'ih only for the torm le wisemade »over. and wlen yau crawd youreelt Inta anceflot made over your torm yom destroy tle lImes and ruin the shspe. This li v hy rcady-miide lothîni . never hols 1hcauorl...l1 nes avcr1 whlch le was buuht. You are bound ta crawd it out somewhere and It la bound ta cave lu eomewhere. Ail of Ibis can hi avalded If yau wlll order clothes made expressly for you. Then ypu have assurance or pleaslni, permanently fitting jarments. wlthout mer or blemleh. Ordeiý yaur clathes tramn us - have them made for yau tram homest tabrica by aur Chicago Merchant TaUlors. Rd. V. Prlce Ce £a.. and then ludge for yourselt- you'Il neyer wear the -made Up" klnd aluin. Cali and &secaur new l'al wooienà -3W0 styles ta select from. J1. B. MORSE & Co. Everything for Ilen LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. - Morses for Sale. Motiai adow Stock Fearai, anpa nd une hall r mile 'tortib ai aucaudea, lihnais, bait contenatly ios hiund and toir enp te, enpet nierksat trice, a sîîîck ot aill Ine ti ofhuirmPea enîutalila tor tbhrond cil arri atrk: express and draît. ucelful and carvi,'oellafront jl110i0 ta, 16100 poorîdu. Prica $tti $200 00. No îlugg. Uiinîe ta Mîîuîtalu Meedow anr iheîbebas .on anu the ftmni.Al aectinictM and avaid plat ot .icktass. AIl guarentaad au dýJivery as repraeuted. W 441 Wauc.nd. COL. f. j. BERRY LOUIS J. YEOMAN TH-E SEWING. MACHINE MAN W-à . . . . . . . . . . PIANOS Are sold by me at 1 rics tlat uno hoine need go without mie, and nfot! îî g ùs more easUly misrt-I resetited tii-i anos. It 18 bard for the inexperiei cd one to point out the instrument which wiIl giv~e tînversai satisfaction for a liietime. 1 will guarantee every Piano that 1 sell to you, and you can buy a new Piano froin me at prices that will surprise you. You will recom- xnend my instruments to your friends. You eau pay ail cash and get the instrument at almost factory pricte, or Syou eau pay part c ash and balance in instaliments, or if you want to trade your Piano for one of my new WIDDIFORD OR WAGNER PIANOS il 1 '