CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Oct 1909, p. 3

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LAKE (COU1TY [NDE.PENDEN'r, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1.5, 1909 Great I One of the G I Mlstory of As I amn going ont 0c 0 every piece miu@t be so days. If you want gent. Ipie goods, no old stock w tobuy. Everything mu iReginald1 GRAYSIL 1 hav" at my home several st3 nvite ynuto cou and se GEORGE E. STRANG, Unde GRAYSLAKE - - Dmi Bi.k s«en apenY-ooIW eth sturms AM , i mn Oea tecI ihbt. i amn the, onph yslrdan who myst0th, .lek. 'l lu. ,,utof o! y orn port. jpayforur - ed, Ci. LL if ait. ru brl.fou op'irI Ami 20r prsiDr. Bbcor'l Medirns bave Got Hoalth bren mnd and msonmended I,-,Cty and ,rd in e-rumnu ,tjh.r , . ,,.-. I alr,,i.I th.,lo'rt hold r. î a 1 orrrolho...! ir l tlOO ,'1 1 . 10 n ' br.j h.ben beatnh ahhgaln. o - fal gxnjLijirly tai.. ho WO I;ky 17lyk,,, il tirihe.rhrsith fu.l% n turn Di. sirai, .j; ar!frli.rl ui ru. tea- th r.Jt An crù.ia.oi a ulj ùjia Butrt. ne fIt for an orrirr I mfl ve diaranidror I irt AI] drorirt aiIl Dr shoot,. IL .îo sand R- ml îî. ebut hee, o m o ar ,. md I 'a g l th h. M Tn 'oe afio whh book yoir n-od. 1. bookA 0510w .111 isfy open np new and rîIpofIra te gth-.eWho arm noteIl. yieA m er.Ct;fr. ly t- o n I.ih euta o Would wu rp * yosr -1 ,sic Jan. M ]dvloelaS boc belw ana yovnp-and wthout eat P"rbavi a Word or 'W o frein ers rosinets alIment. I1hans heipedhhss rrpon tglind. b, My prte raltstigon or tsrsoiiladvice Plan. mi lest eliorh lid.zrsli Af torwards .oris lg nt>reont.Id elU 0W wfl Dr. Sheor a1. rr .. Nvo. 1 on Dn,rg,.i No. 4 For Woeun Ne. 2On th. Ileaet No àFor Men ab On the KidneensNo 56 On Rireatismj SEE RUSSEL Lumber Yard For Figures on BUILDING MATERIAL My pricSâ are righand grades good. Wbethhr you buy or Uot get my> figUres5 PREPARED waiTEWASH r. S. IIEAD, Prop. f. BAU RSTOW# MANUFACTURER 0F Marbie and Granite Monumenis s Cemetery Work of Ever Description Correspondence bolicitec 126 Genesee St Waukfgan 0 N Friday in Waukegari andaît trirîîjd the Sale of 0.J R'E dtrPi.eN Eastern Star Chapher. o n seeikers'E c ri n o .J RIC do hoeN.1 Mr. and'Nmr. fi. 'arrtaflrPttirrd borne T h aoa n otn o! ~ Orders raken for Job Work Advertieing Ratas On Application Tbursday fron Chic agoi,vn hoîrta ndM ntn * I Mr. and Mmr. Johnbu i,nîr, NirAJ.Ni. M m * *Strang were Chicago visitiere ast Fni October 5 and 19, Novemnber 2 and 16. I U * Miss Suais Whitehead bas rented hber Mies Marsel, of Cicîagoment latur- day. Mmr. Boutuer o gPttinig along bouse on Maple avenue toe1ev. Preston, day and 8unday a il ie Ribetb nicely siure lier flu (Oi Octobet .5 au(] 19 and on November 2 and IIf, OT'R pastor of the M . E clinrcb. Lewin. John MeGuire and ron,. lape. uf Iow-fare homeseekers' tickets will bc oritsale to oMir. Win. Wilson, of Zenda. Wls., Mises Zta Masse>' speot Saturday and Auhîocb, were visîting 1% m.Sielluire tbe stations in the 1akotas andl Montana on the 110w lino *vlsited Miss Sosie Whitebead oeverai Sunds,yat ber borne ti ichagir. paat week. hothue Pacifie Coast, oshichigi now completem ho Seat,- reaLest LIEthe day's last week. Thé Brut of the serues of danes griven James Anderson. ofi Lake Forest, osas tie and Tacoma. MieShela Miller, or Lake Bluff, byWi. Brandstetter & Soun came off surveylng in hbinr vrîinlhy last Friday Tickets are good tweirty-five day8 f romt date of sale vilhed frieude bers this week. iay evening. Ovcr t ity uupie were and Saturday. and are go for stop-over, teeya rig an f OIày l k The servicee«aht ibe Mission were woîî preseut and aIl report au excellenth hue. J. El.Donner spent Sunday withîMmr. excellent opportuuity for making a caref ni inspection a ttendait]8qmda esiq #Wou. Tbs Yonpg Ladies Mîsionary Gliss. onner at hbioapihal. cf this new country and ils unusual farming andi f the urnitre busness, * tng nd lmr *e Kueetr hUidatt. M . e Mr. and Mms.Irving returned reeently other opporiiunities. )f he uritue uf3neU 0 ingan imrouveserimKnokergaurdy.frotta New Mexico where tbey bave been Vamt areas cf fertile farming lande, inclading thon- old wit.ln th neit ti ty 0 Wni. Janos vioitrd hie son, Eddie, lait Prof. MeClelland attended tbeetsats vlslhlng their son, Tom. sîd faro IMSEDLNS etaapt ____________the____________0__ day and Mouday. wbo la atteudtng fair ah Springfield Saturdla v. adi- Mr@. Bd W'elle @pont tbe parrt week ln e1 for diversifled farmaing, have been m.ade accessile une t>rgaina on good 0ta * aroy chool et Concordia College tueued b:me Bunday witl bis famlly, Springfield and athendedthbe @hate falc, thog h osrcinadorpeino h e time boh lhb i e wte and one of the faculty Willlmasburg. Mise Inez Pollock, of Cicago, lebornme whatever, now i your tm fthDeOI orm, ter1Mr. and Basai>', a for a weeko vacation.Chcg 0 Ed Adam@, w!fe and-daugbter, Lillian, boy, Monday nightbt. 11.i iut the E ust go regardlest; of cost. 0 laIt Tuesday evenlnz for a tbree weeks Bowlings homne. Man Mm. Edwin ThoofBristol,MiCh aô areIe the e 3OheUflva ofa ab trip througb the weet. Tbey will attend Mrs. John 110k î,uud Rd unie. boy, thora )et. 5.M iw u e & P g t So n 0 heeposition ah Seattle. transacteti businestri u t, ukegan I> Thdfe sad news reached friandis boe lait day. Mrn. ani MNs. iairshow and daugbters, Railway w uk ftihe death of LMr. Hubbard, a rBdD. o Wbeaton, visihed Friday and Sahur- - Y b~~~~arnems maker formerly of Grayolake - ro a i-i .il-îgwh day with Mir. and Mirs. John Bonner. 0 and waa well kuown in this vicinity, an ulerahed tomphb J hou.,ande of enterprtsing farmers hîave aiready Io- AKEILI Q ho iedah be brneof is augherMmr. A.,K. Bain returned houme Mou- cated aloug thie new fine. There is ehili room for nDdosoines, Iowa. Srînday, Oeh 3rd. Dissolve Parlnenship deat otheiaster Sbtar nt ai aIf you intend ho engage in farming or are Iïuneral belti Tbursday. Oct. 7hb. on Oct. 1 the lin uof1Frank &lîretzler wfamnadwihtcageyu loto,«y Mir. and Mme. Allie Kappleand Mr. and ownere and managers iif the îiraysîake tise. Gibon.nif Chicago, again tjlledno fa inadwihtcageyu lcto, y Lins Paul Arery, of Lake Villa, visiteti creameey and iee r.-mIaî-uîacry, dis- the pulpit lash Sunday. 1ev. Safford flot maire a trip hhrough ihi8 new counhry. I rlatve bes Sndy. olvd anterblpliTuroîîaî -hnset.will be withbus next Sonna>'. Take adranhage of these low fane excursions and stop - --- ---- r. Frank tillowns aur,! tono rbeciream- W. G. Metinire andi Mimes Ethel MeGuire ofa bren ordco emn ot aoa Dr. C. A. Go.., ofSheridan. Wyur, le a oryr Lon Grovnor linrg 1,is assisent. mient Tueoda.y and Wedrsday wrtb to regieten for one of th e rr thurusanci 160 acre larme gui-et of bisoi,on, Mrs. Jekur Longa- Tbéd le.creani fachor>' o as oîld hrr Frank Mmn. Oriffltti in Wankegan. nteSndgRokad(eeneRirIdii baugir Unuce andi Florence- .1.lirai e, of tbe Rsrain.Rgsrto ctbr4t 3 r WU U~~~~~~~~~~~~~ravslakre Pharmair, lie uew llrrrr Mrs. Oso. Strang, of Marsifieldi, eRsraii. Rgsrtin<.tur4h 3 rw W. H, Sbarrksis tere froni La Crose, wiîf'open upéarîy lo hie soîioo and sil v iofting rMrm. Geo. S trarig, Sr . ard otber ing ah Aberdeen, October 26. NlO rd., overseerng tbe building of a ies manufacture a eair i%% lot fi l libe >mu- relative. Corrlehe informration regarding cruet of ticket-r, train bar n on bis fart o uhof ntHaineseille. perlor hoi a y ever p u n tire markt W m . iIiler.. of Lake Fîrreet, visîteti aah service. anti desrirpivr tolders roe o u requeet. Lire. J. P. Sberman visiheti ah Chicago betiire Mir. Frank butri rentuiut aflr the bhonte ('f Wm. anti Mimes onner yle8 of tilre Bldwin Pianos. 1 Moirday. the manufacture oi unr, k i i-aurt, whîi-b saturday andt Sunîlay. F. A. MILLER W. W. WiNTON bie wiehes ho devoth rilrfineo,, tbio lie- arers v. hhn the reach rof ail. LaMiot Allen le sic t ahbie bome on irrgliresreasou for rptr'tiroîntrrfie ce Mr, andi Mrs. Wm. Tbomr, o ib rlty- OetrAl passssner Agant District Prsisger Agent Lake street. eanubusiness BeHe e aht lPin-sip- î ville, wîll r-turn wrtb ire. Jafmes Thom Chilcgo. MadisssWis. trtaker and Lcensed Emnbalmer Mise Martba Claire, of Chicagro, hr a pinR cream tho Chicago irr large afriouutn anti rhildregr Wedneeday to Nebraëia. C ig t gui-st of J. J. Longabaugh anti iamrly. ho the Colline lem ersain firar. C R. topiî-, (Ot. 17, Pilgrlfn Irrgrees C icg ,1iwa ke*1t.P ul1ila - - - - ILLNOIS Lr.Fe uberat ieSseSies X, l>îîulhiîrg Cashie - P. 43: .î.aafe a . .a.a Mhu. heri vierhed reand - s@ Wuke Nae Pa4tor ai M. E. Church 1-5. iulbv Clevreland, leader. _______Whitehead_____________relatives ast ridar,. 11v. C. 1h. Preston, utfiiar.-etht ii ai ______________]__st_____ i d.I riofihuhe, Ervansrtuuii otheir-fios r'val-Obituary. Rihr -ibo aeVilbogh &hedpuo f h ry aeiE trbisbrrjne eouth if Mitîbur n on o s '('1 ou hhbetaxileiihJr-e@Lrrnga- r-burcb anti preacbrd ho the fue1ti, Sept. 28,occurreti the deaht fN.C » baugb , lnet onday. tu be mniunted. andi irientis lash Tuestiay - uuiur>ansd Surensrirrut a1ipi-ndiitis. Funri mr-rir P lA N O S , fLae ila.tasevening. Mr. Prelorts frnt rIP,:t ic@ e bldaatetou t11 ,va. mK ? 'l_______P l__ oiI tebreo ehrethieid> to bslite nBotnMmm huuliltlW Sfor firattw .Tirermaune Ear Rchrdonn-urnd riayfr e ducarr'd.Haile a marrd rmrolrt idtomlire rvrlaid hîr r-orliti tue Anth i lride SoruthrDakoîta. wbere be bas apvfrh tire aur- afid hwo boys bave falie-rua brousoe pc-lichr en e 1.-vea wlar.'nd thbree ('lmap (oor piaos e doîiattari nonths. ini howr, eriper-itm lwt s trerr-flu-ar -Iiîudren. bis purnrtsrrii(i lit-nrelativesQ 1Tire V.onens ( luib fiet r.itb thPir lee 1e rehnla i...iid ii 1tri fu ru-r ir tir- laîrurîr *îrro r,'*W cn metyuurdiemna Utit se'l ecalIse Wli wil 1iflot i ir-rirîrt. M r. J. M. Patfiner, larrt Ti trs tr-Atani- andilott ivt.i0lru sl~o tr - i r u > uftiinia hatîditsthem, brut we (Io r,>fl îiudav ii.Thiiswam tire rtret inîug b ac unteievanirelîr-al %nor kturing beneaeurr-ot Q matter how large or swa11 they may be. lot fihe'seasorr. Thre- artie trave îî'ciîtr rî henilmh sevenote tes. ig i h FEOT ET reliabie, st a n da rd makesr t, take up tire shîrdo- of FEglroh liter-u eit o rlntcieilag-liie FEOTCNE The Prepared Roofing we seil to fini- thi4 aifter, htirr bntlicrn ourg ruaia'erolboue ho lu wr..r, prei-- inuc-lî cimeaper than the sanie i larîtet Thi- npit meetingc osil i- Ort. fgror being at 11. Neit Sailit Frankt Erarnt ertierhairui niu)anyVorcso esb terl steb :1 rt tire humi-of Mrs. Jrobn Buliard. i ioinig the theme wi+I ir -The riiosPr -riorri Noirthr(AirI ago, Saiiii.urvsonesbyteroli tebs 'grades Iv 'e 'n~l lia re 1Tr Ilurhradi iieiot~lt rsl i Fr ,reF-i-o i, simt uuîg Iurileoî the market, and coules complete lit..1. N.P l m-r aet hre da îiiîh- 7 :30i1, I-r îvals " Epworth r I.eague ut ar el -s 1rhlerit ill tuh'colinty. gray tilrrr-rrg hrse of IeiLongabagir, t6:45.Altos-ho have no chutr irîrrîie areanretisnihec.v lot et ar-riî-îîdially rîrvîtei ho attend hierderi-s Msri KaheitftO a ti ahtrvn with nails and Cernent ready to lay, at PRICES FROM - H semKaW,ena r-i-iLlet il Hiremur;wr re-t 1,berthe right priees. $ 2 0 . rard tcateulon iirls îrutheir, $ 2 0 0Fred ut h, i- tAlret,-n bo.sptal Surrday. . r-rMse ili nrH ln 'letlie f 0' (A ntuet ae sokflir pu udywtiter Powell Roofing l.ompaly' par pymntonGrnd, p-LO I S J. YEOMAN l rigts nd Fayr er .Sirote, ut Watikegau, asoiteet m * j*7 S.Geues«I St. WAUKEOAN TlephO..377 Write for information. - mDhevotion" wbti s' as belti ah St. Mays ui-oe -JE ELERhurcb the tirr;o the eek tb week os ti ber daugher, Mns. Wrll Doa-e, ut Waukegao. Th R C I lt nWaukeganbho9pial sevreaweeks an M usic Co. ho tbe treahed b>' Dr. FoIey fr ton ac VOLO trouble le greahl>' Impeove t aphroeuet 13 N ensc t.Wakga, I. ir.Leti ue, fLieeyile wae ig.Fred is a joli>' gond ielow S 132I.IIIIIIIS.IZIIIIII111IIIIIIIIIIIIZ, f Lberyvi wltbaël ait largeg uunum ofber edsolo illScend S upwho,04wtll11 IUPSTAIRS) The Benneth rider mlirai been dolng the goetut relatives hecre one day lart i- giad tu learnthbat be wil soon tech )1 S i j1 e PHONES 1282 and 148l a bfig huminem% the paiît w.ek. week.. able ho rehuru borne. A FULL LINE 0F UP-TO-DATE ____________Mr. anti Lis. Sylvester Wagner ai-no L. W. Bnacbrr brougbt ln a n'os bururb Waukegan vritura Thuraday. WEST FREMONTTi ok opsto ok W H. APPI) EDI i u uikstefrt ihswe. Osrar Bangna turned Saturua>' aiter Mies Lena liauer re riirtînrga tew days TbesSrthPd W. il. 1-~EEL<L~I Lins. H. Sponenburg i8 on the sick limthacsta>' of cereral weeks ah Stougirto iru, a er couinro.Lîriia Dulirer. TbesSrthPd Auctioneer Dir. Younîg rerurneti froni Fremourt, le-s Metrerri George Teiraruçe anti Wm. Pencils Rulers Ni-b., ast aeek Tbureday. Bie mohber Sire Fred lltuîrfiil was the guest ut 'Ar. Aik,,fenr marde ri bumrnees trîl, tii Volo Pencil Boxes Drawing Books FAR1I SALES ONE PER CENT rehurnet i atir bina. anVire Alrs ftredlNrcholls lu Chfcagoî part Sunaîrlr affernur. Ik rsr Libertyvlle, ~ rn. Chitte-adin ertertaineti nrile m J i1 ire. i-nv Tekafupe anti dauîgltere,Pe adPhoerCrosEc iriiuvll, 11 rnt hue,ll tire firit of tire s'ek. h oiglt oe oGmet n. lleiiand i, 'iln o r1A i LIeim-rnasited esadPno rCay sEc _____________________________________ osherne lire osil doi rsPenher s'onk foirtheuv iuitPien %%1aukiaori, lurttrty. T1' . Fre-nchb i-eeuly erlt hie taraitrui-ut us' o-etr.%I>-psn. JohiunîndtBen Diincer s'ere Anytbing we haven't in our large suppby cf these gocds RUSSELL Chir-rgo mr'o. Mr. anti Mr.. Henry Rogera, ut Waulre Luake Zuci, h cailere Suoiday aihernoon. _e wiil get for you cif short notice. We invite you Ieo ai There was a gond attendance at hei A large gang of mea bave been laying gan, have icen visiting ahtie Chars Ju aibokceoilsefsttoe. Ladies' Aid Suciet>' ah Lino Reeves, neos-rainoati rails thhougbh own this Raugbt borne n-cenri>'. Jon ient bondaah utborne, n okcrror ieo tt Thureday. wee-r-. * Mn. and MLre. Johîn Richrardson arid Lir. Mat St,,fh-l epeot a tes' dayq in c There erîlI be a 'Scare Crs' ur-iale Li Lre..Sbuihz ai-e rver S3untia> visitons Waukeganr lu the chus-ch the lait ni Ortuber. An- M. Brown bas impro-eti mucb in wîth relatives ah Elgin. _____________X_. nounicement L.hen. bralhb tire psss' est. % Messies. E. i.usk anti J. Walton spie'rtors Gayl ,Ciras. Thomson, R. Phi. Mms. L. M. Bonner refurruedtiu ber The Stroos' stonnu ni the season Tuesdavin t a iro. A Mltaken Uniform. These St R ockefeller, H. A. Watson, R. Ph. htme Saturtiay airer seifding a week Tuestiay s'as net ver>' agreeable hte Lins Sarah Howard ani Mem J. Ernst lUnIformeti officiais are often a P.s Round Lake wihb ber sister, wbo got hurt b>' a tati. Morrst on u peuple, anti daugbten. Mervin, of Hales le se hoArneni-an trar-elers. An Instance __________________________________ Dr. Lewin anti Ara Corne s'ere M. Partar bai rented a bouse lu vîsitedtiwh Lre. C. Sabel last Thumeda'. eofhrisaba gir-en lu "Recoilechlons of a gu Kenosha visiter@ Sahurtia>'yuusat tlmv sso. Ms. anti Nis. Fr"nk Zuelkdort anti Varierl Cancer," b>' Generat W. E Munie Bros. bave anther carloat fciiren, ni McHi-ns-y, are shaying ah the Daeforet'Aiicnabsa-WRE ALRGOE cos's. Rn>' Lake ant i siter visîteti their Harry Nieiolîs homethis week. don ho liai>'. General anti Mes. lPe? Mrrao.Mary Hawkins c visihirig ber The Ladiss Aid Socety Win met l Hilen ad tb foliowln msn expenlence otber, Walter Dunlap sud iiteniets Mise CJ E. Geblîng, Wsdassd*Y, Oct. Lins. A. . 'omrise@peut Sahuria>'ah ret e bes Snda'. ins rîKrrwan andi Mies enHI et trve lg lu ussIe wben bey r od ine.Almsirr ou Millîrnowithbber isher, Lins.Joîhn Lirs Editb Ortusby, ni Waukegan. lta>îotruvidieutet hthe Ben Cuearnluth epn g s:beeti set oha ps-en meàar fu Sonner. suent Sunda>' athuhme, borne ah Roundl Late oua day lait aeek. line. Drapera nuait, Manie, speaks Mr, anti Mre. Alfredi Rrati oisited UmseNel Gleason anti Minute 8 tirace ('arpenter, of Ranni-v epert LMr. aid rdis. John Austin. ni Wauke- Mns. Win.litunulil anti Mn.. Wni. German as weil as French, but Htin- inuta Conliis tbe hast week. voenl Chicago on business lait weea Suda>' nigbt s'ihh M.o chie Crrnîs Biranifuos sud son, Chester, were goers sala b tyond ber. Aller Mrs Drc- Mie Bow vsit-t hr rotie atigan, sers o-metons boes f iretfth Ie aofLinant i lis.Claude bichardson at pers bcd was made sberiesiret an- The Warren Gi-meter> Association wiil The Zbon City mail route iras ar sishes aht Wadswortb. Frida>'Egnato-dy eety. other tîliiow. and Marie rusbed Loto rnet with Mesdames Ricie and tiSela carrier, Mrs. Niel bai accephetisauo - Qih a no sorg veletiths eefitfiGAGESLAKfl Mn. @peutonue day iast tire crrnIdor te get one. Seelig a man Boot, Wednestis3 torenconn Oct. 20. position. Tavea s'. Ligtdthsseto e ns.Wl acte 5sckwt lurs' i et i h -gin unifonm-the nsilway porhers wear Ms-. Allen lsenetentarning iientis inoin Tartedogs vere killeti on the St. P ITobren&atuae sbtppiirg M ani lins. er>' Dac wt eu i mî>'unforms-sbe demaudeti a pillow lna the rit>' thies eet. teaek hore ast s'eetune belonging cabae. h>'ae ie!Rvnho.siîet eltve er he Gertuan. Lim. aod >rimmrrSu-parti bave returnretiTn gn Wabag".rer re inFe ues. ofr (ito.viiriaieu, borett"I bar no pillows." saadldib.. roni RochkhIslandi s'ere tbsy have rsen William Les ha@ purebarted a boutq Warcerolb, o Fres Glu, petrtothhe ee. Idia Olier elebrateti ber nain h bintb- "bister. then," said Marte. atteudtig the W. C. T. U. shahs con- Zion City'. Saturtia>' igbr rir bA@4 Conis. LMc.Ta *%oir, Mise Vida Taylor anti de a srt Naurda> b>' enterhainlng a 'I bave no boIster." venhion. The frientis ni Mr@. Sarab Young FRMN.Mr nd srt e. lid Ditme>cr, of Waute- numben of ber frtis anti piaymahes. "TIren gve me a couple Of tOwObs o The W. C. T. C. met witb Aima Romse ere>'t'u hear of ber ilineeanti bopa FRM Ngafr. ai-ce viitons srtb Ms. anti Mre The men iof tbe neiirbochooti bat a wrap up one of these dm1>' cushicns." 'on Wodnesda.y. liporti s -om, thre con- a speredy rtcover>'. Mn,. Joe Oueil anti littie daugirrer, A'.iries 8Soda; .bée ion M ns Winters lent week anti rut 'I bave nu towels elther," nid the vention s'ai the progranc. Chas Lewin ans-veci four da>-s of Libenhyville, spent one day lait wirk M ise Ella K.sppir f@ spPinding a couple anI rbocted ber corn anti dug lber unnform."I amn a colonel tlniris niai- Chance ,Chase iras bld hie fan to wr-rhon tire jury anti sas dieni with ber parents, Me ranti Lies Fredeit. of aPk nehe utirrcb. . pohatries estys Imperial guard." R. B. Ulunu outil tanther notice. George One-naul @peut Wrdneday lun Lins. Roit Kerry leq enterratning ber M Lr' Elia Buill, of Kenoaba, i. isiting Puer Marie nearly went buto, hystes-- Pat Kelly @pont the tirer of hhe ar Wauteaian. fam ie,rM. Bur-e. îM Dosîlîson. Iowa. Blanrcbe Oliiveir. lrs, and 1 was called lu ho explain that RONDOI,T ae attr awertsstet iîhreaties a ~ ionîîrTreersontructionlgrr.air s rsi te nooyfese c caant Bbsa nelw Ct er 'au, care lait '7

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