CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Oct 1909, p. 4

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LA.KE CofflNy INDUP8UD4;T, FRIDAY, OCTOUJER 15, [909 LAKE COIJNTY INDEPIENDENT[ OFFICIAL PAPER 0F LAKE COUNTY Ole Tetepboue Ne 1. Ititor'a fle5dence Teieprrune Nu.1141.LIbertyville Exchange Baored i the Prnwffc ie an beriyile. tEL. as Second ciasa Matier fflTz IWousLY. &.easvriu sR&TSMAE snsrXOW5ON APPLICATIION. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 01.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE t in FRANK M. JUST ............ .......................................Edtor C. E. Mi. KELLEY ........... ......... ..........................City Edtar hb FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1?O9. hi .~gq~~Ela township; w. di., $7,650. t -î usJs.acob Is&aison and wite te Arîstar- w * Re.tst..~,kan aud Auna Pautil4, lot 7, ýuock 1, (± LessFfl5hd yqoeo Cummlugs & Co.'a addition to W<nlte- L.k eCýoety TitlsATrust (Co. gan; w. d,. $400.W Abatreets of 14tte. 14tL-9 Guaranteed Ruth Davis to Reimuer Schneider, 0" 7ilwionie Temple Bdg. Wankegan, Ill rc fladI etos 0'n 1 1,wi J. ruNrz I iUbertyvllle twp; q. c., $696. * m L~iîsJ.OrssSe>' L P. Kraft and wIte ta Margaret. AI- a M. S 'onry sudvUs O Pee-nand Charles Peddicomd, tract ot Johnson. part of the sosthwest quarter !land la southeait quarter of lpectlon of section 9, Warren townlbill; w.d, 17, Waukegsu ttownshlp v. r., $1100.F -0. . Braown to W. J. Salmnon, lot 34. M J. B. Stepheus to Susan A. Doyle, lWashington Park, Waukegan; w.dr.. re north third of black 10, McKay's sec- 18600. d oud'addilion ta, Waukegan; and nortir __________ 50 feet lot 4, Sunderllnê subdivision, THESE MAY WED. o Waukegan; i. c.. $1. Louis Steiu, Hghland Park, 39; Ad.a C. L. Harder, Jr., to John New- M arona, 24. S slan to Lake Forest; w. i., $750. Thos.. E. Burneite, Russel, 24; Aurelia Estate of S. J. Mtrphy. dec'd, te D. Nelson, Neeuah. 21.t Augusta Schebel. lot 4. block 26, No. iAibert E. Miller. Jacksonville. ý-7;T Chcago;.il., $100. Bettie J. Taylor, 24. P Bsulah E. Brigb am te Fred S. Er- C . JC(rîstensen, Chicago, 28; Gerda V ikine, lot t. block 6, and lois 3 7 and C. D îohansen, 22, 10, block 10, Ladd & Georges addl- Franrk M. Gilbreat h, Burleigh, N. .30 ri tien to Waukegau; w. il, $1.200 ýWlultred Cater, Lîbertyvlle... _23 v Nellie B. Frauken and busbaud to Anîdrew Jarel, Waukegan ....29 a 1J. B. Stephen. part lot 294, Lake For- Xlary Jîcteca, Waukegan .......... 19 es, . 1 William NIcGown. Waukegaîr... legkla J. B. Stevens to Jacob Fraukeer.GaîherIue F. Fallon ............ legai D part Jt 294, Lake Forest; q. c., 01. W L. Otebl. Chicago.............. 30 c (hale Phllpa udwie te Peter thel Mi. Fleming .............2 Nelson, 160 acres iu uortheast quarterFan ,ari.........: of section 1, Fremont townsbip; w.-dil Marcel Zukte.......... l $J.000tpen eSs& .D Anon Kurk, Millwaukîee.... J.BSepeu10Ssn .Dyle- Mary Kurk.................... Il j uortb 'i blotk 10, MKays 2ýd Aid. Sittu Orlando. Ft Sheridlan... 21 I te Waukegan and north 50 font lot AIbertrI Youuggren . ....... .28 4, Sunderlins Sub.. Wauhegau; r. c.-(Charles D. Davis. Seattle.... 2 $100 Blanche tCooper..................2-)1 C .U Harder Jr. te John Newbore, Oscar Krueger, Se. Miwukee. .-.. 26 lot 3 bloc 2, Harders Sub., Lake For- t lrz uesn....... 2 est; 1w. di $75000. AJohn tindera....... ........... 237 Estateoi o S. J. Murphy (dec'd) 10tIIJodu Lakstau.................3t Augusta Sebubel. lot 4 block 26, North TAlbdart W (biu...o......261 Chcago; deed $100,00. Aurgusta Zuber .................. 39 Beulah E. Brtgham to Fred S. Er--Gog hceteNCîao 2 kine. lot 8 block 6 and lota 3, 7 and IfeltermX . ...eser ..........20 10, Laddi and Georges Add., Wauke- John a Nansnerus, Northwesteru Op- gaa; w . F ke$ t erator uit Lake Forest anld well NelieB.?rnkinau bs-au t luown here ............. ......2 J. B. Stepliena. Part lot 294, Lake Foec rn iIe akgn 2 1 3.oB.eate; v. ted. co$100.n. Williamt L. DiehI, Chcago....130 p.aB.kte,LaeFoeto . Cob Pranke. EhlN Fleming, Chicago..*....27 paslot 294. and F're te Pc.t$00.William Keller, Milwaukee ....21 Neha..160 trsi ndN.vifs'to eter1,Katherine Lennis Wood, sane ...19 elson. 1Tw0.; w. l . $E2.004 . ~Frank Barney. Chicago ...........25 W. 1. Gray' snd vite ta Mary H.HlaVel ...........1 Vjbite, lot In Village of Antlocb; w. ri John D. Waiawig, Miwaukees -...40 $2WO.00.Ovidia Ganseil, saine............. 20 ~J.D. Murphy snd vifete toB. W a. o!Ilni, ouyoLkB. Wells, lot 8, Clark snd Mules But. l te IruitosCourty af LaeCounty Leke Fo~rest; W. td. $1400.00. îI h Crui outofLkes:ny ArviMa Thtomas et al tb Phlllp lbos Bluler, 38 acres lu . W. U~ Sec. 9,IJohnu H. Duggan sud Sabina Duggan CubaTwp;w. l. $880.0s, Sarah Lea0ch, Mat>. Joyce, Nellis Cubia Thom" e. a. te JosephKinkamie. Michael .'Duggan. Jr., Ag- Okoi>ec, 31 acres in 8. W.1 - c y9, O i J'D BBJ for are tit . G Cuba Tvp.; w. &. $2790,«00.No349 frPtion A M. Outermtam ite Chriatlan Public notice le bereby given that Koebelinr. lot 7, block 3, Hall & Oter bY virtue o! an order and decree su- maum Ad., Deemd;il.C. 36000.tereti lu the above enttieti cause ait Artbut, F. Sheldon snd vite ta Shel- the Marcb terra A. D. 1909, ai sald don Bolsool, 14 acres adjoing Roke- court,' the uudsrsigued, Mlater ln feller; w. r. $10600.00. Chaucer-yof sald court, wll, on Tues- Ameia Feddeler sud husbaud et al day, the iuth day o! November A. D. . te W. 1-. Kruger, 6 aces lu S. IE. % 1909, at the heur o! 1 oclock in the Seý. 31. Fremont Twpl.; v. d. $20000. eaternoon of said day t ibe east door Miles Lancaster sud vifs et ai t10 of the court bouse in the Cty o! Wau- Eliaabeth Moore. 2 acres lu Sec. 24, kegan in sald couuty af Lake, and Libertyvîlle Twp.; ql. c. $12900.0. Blte of Illinois, sait public auction M. S. Couro>' aud vite ta Peter to the 1Iîsheet aud best biddee for cash JohitOn, Part . W. 'À Cec 9, Warren the followlng descrlbedl land sud ceai TWP.; w. d. $5000.00. . estate ituated iu the Count>' of A A Cen'Penter, Jr, sud vifs t akansd state of Illinois, to-wît: Gagemerem Club, unsllvlded %r tract of Lot 11 lu block 1 lu Highland Park, land tia Gages Lake; a. w. id. $1000. lu Lake count', Illinois, exceptiug a A. A Carpeuter, Jr, sud vife te strip of laud 150 teet vide %Ifi the Gagemere Club, tract of land at Gages ,westerl>' aide thereof; aise that part La ; . i. $1000. o! lot 10 lu block 1 lu Highland Park. A. L. OI et Mersu oison, est part ln Lake countY, Ilinois, deseibed as, lot 11, Hlgtrvood; v. d. $50000. follOws: Commeuclug t the soutb- P. . OGesekus et aI te Anune Osllug, easterl>' crner o! said lot 10; theuce Part lots, 6 and 7, blocku 9 Suudemlu's ruuuing nortbwesterly aloug tbe esa- lt Add. te Waukegan; rq. c. $1.00. tenl>' Une o! sald lot 50 feet; Ibence Mrnle Ollng sud husband te Aton southwesterly paraliel ta the southerl>' Malavor, part lots 6 and 7, block 9, lins o! said lot 217 test; theuce senth-. Sinudertins 181 Add. to Waukegan; sasteri>' parallel ta ths easterly lins of v. d. $3500.00. said lot te dhs soulirerly lUns thereoi Batae o! ilas Roberson dolsd teansd theuce uortbeasterb' aloug dhs A. n. Robertson, 120 acres lu Sec. 4 salt southerly Rlinsta the place o! be snd 160 acre lu Eer 9, Waucouda gluuiug. 'rV.; deul 16,5000.00. Dated, Oct. 6, A. D. 1909. J. T. Crawford sud vi! e t James ELAM L. CLARKE. ..l..ctrie trour S .V' cý eer ln 1E.5.,. ., 19. Newport Tvp.; v. d. $10000 Xmma A. Hovard sud husband to To Buy Aoroplanea. NatbiMa Pape, lot at Fox Laie; w. d,. An secroplaus set" la dheis ltegt in- MM- , uer lele belug Nouidered at Lake Xisate of C. J. 'Hainbeton. deceased Foreet. t sasi, that la the tenor of ,to 0Mate o! C. H. Deere, deceased a report emtauatiug front the polar triet of land adjalning itaminia; d., 1une o! the exclu*lve Ouveutis club. '5,-. H. neubers uttat spangled rganisa. Bo0 o , .Deere, deteased, teon.whchcobues the club coin- etate of iC. 1. liambleto, deceasesi. forte Of Rue de Mlcb. vtth arborea tva trrnct4of ls"d adJoinu Ravinia; euchantrnentri Of the lavel>' nodi a.. Mw-s shore, are reported ai beng afIlicted jeiaoser! ad ile ta T. P. Toblln with slenhip fever. The Jure o! avis. lot 4 2 Grady & HaUlovell'a tion has snuggled lto their aristoca.a suMJvtutpe, W.Uiega; w...$10. te b..,es 1(ltatheîr uj-todate cap- fil". U Booth a"'athumillami to El. rice to fiy, 11Y, flY--sud titha en mmar 9. sC'ap-a,3% 4aeres laiseveral of the youuger clubmma SatI$P S SIsestpvp*lp; Ir. &, $. reeti>'bave tdiee s on albatroaaea IF4 o. ,. ud if#te Oi. fl o m y~ trouthe tactarles o! dis Wrght lim. bm 4.*ma"Curtis.. Tam riers New Magazine Ouf,» T Ce atNIMaazine pukili&hed 1h1 Tir Catiîr Scity ut Pttsfil1d, Mass undedier lî ToriDreier cf thIs city, w-ar recejed here this week. fi is a tlirty-tari page perrodical printed lu two colon atjd ta without (jueotiou one of the most beautiful magazines lu tire countmy. It contains uotbing but the writings of The Vagabond. It will be iseçed montbly, the next number to be priuted ou pearl kra.v paper made escalic for this magaWzine. M.Deeier bai aise been reque8ted b>' tbe editora ot Hamptan'. magazins to write a ses. of snappy artices. on men wha bave acbieved auce lu endering services t the world. In addition te sditlng and vwnting Tb@. Caxton and acting ai manaiging edtor for The Busineus Bleopbc?, a egular montbl>' cntrlbutortoThsliook-Keeper of Detroit, The. Naut4lua of Botioks, Maie., New Thouglit of Chicago, Modern Mthois , of Saltroit and later inta ei yeam vili condut a wSekiy departinent in Sentor La Folette's weely wbicb la pulished et Madison, Wl.. ;i' & MURRICANE AT KEY WEST, F LA. Faderai Guveruiment Asked ta S.ud Troopa 10 Police lthe evasttated Sec. tion-Choas ReIgne on Ever>' Hagd aud Few Remalu ln Their Homes, Huudmeds of Which Have Eltisar eu Wrecked Totali>' or Reudereti Unluhabîtable. Key West, iIs.. Oct. 12.-As a ,'eult of the bireane wlricb struck the eouthemu caasf of Flarida, Key' West In a mas af wreclnsge, It la ceported tlrat thirty have been kllled and tie damnase ta propset>' la stimated at $2.000.000. Martial las- vas proclsimed b>' the urayoar sd the Key WVest griards are patrollus- the clty. The Utrltcd States govrrnmeut bas been asked to send troopa becs vithoat dela>' to asslst lu polîcing the storm swept area. Chaos relgus on every baud sud faew remaîn lu thetr bomnes, bundretis o! wbich sither bave been totall>' wreck- eti or made unluhabitable. The maximum vind velocit>' WU seveuty-eix nies su bour sud tditen luches or ralu fr11 vithin s te's' oums. The virelessstation wva iong tha building. blova down. Ais soon as dia wlnd bati .ubstided plunderus- began. Almntet ver>' ne- tionalt>' fa repreaeate&aMOiug the e tym population o! more than 20,000, about one-diird of dii. tumber being emPloy- ed lu dia elgar tactarlu. Nine citer factoriea ver. parti>de- stroyeti. laciudlng die> #avan&,Amt- tan, Martines, Nichola, Ru>' Laes. Manuel Lopez. Fieitaa ToreYO,oartez sud Wolf planta. Sky Suiphumous at lilami. Miaimi, Fla,, Oct. 12.-The ai>' va avercast vtth a sulphurous yellov, bouse. vers unroofeti sud limobe blowu fram trefsb>' the stortu vhoaefull (orevas faIt al Key West The littleCsndy 04Cldue Tablais tale ed Preventies, vîlI Ià a 1ev heure eafrY eheek &It l..oM"rLHrIppe. Try tIielu 482. adb> 'A".M IS AND RECORDS The Unrivalied U)NIVERSAL toves and Langes Additlonal libettyville Mms. J. EL. Marsbhall, of Evanaton. Wa d'endlng the wPek witb bet mother. drs-. arriet C. Gridly. jm;. C. R rPugh bai had a@ her guefit te pat eek ber muother who eeldes inTaylorville, 111. Dr. E. C. Crane ices purcbaied front G. U. Boyes the property occupled by imna nSouth Park Ave. Another motorcyecl e rneet will be eld at the mnils track next Snnday ai- ternoon, the. weather perniitting«. D)r. J. L. Taylor and'Dr. Foies, of Wati- egan, made a trip tii South lOakota thM. reet w h*e .tley are intereetsd lu lmnd. The Tirla Chapter iof WemlonitVw 1uild will i eet aiat s holu I e l raY Wells on n.xt Tms.'lY evaging aM elgbt odcock. Everybodyilnvtod. The Uakeuide Csenisl1 Association wll meet with. re. Hlarrison Browp, FMlay ,ftroqu, Oct. 15. A&l lin as hl bloche completed pieuse bmlng to thia Meeting. Born to lMr. and àdre. 0. R. Mitchell, Friday, Oct. 8. a son. The band leader mye lie le a pr-omising youfgster and ai- mady shows musical abilits and a melo- lions volte. W. C. Rawnand wifle will leave the firet of the. coming week for Miles City, Mout., s-ber, Mmr. R.awn bai acepted a position* s-ltb the Chicago. miiwatike & Puget Sound R. R. L. J. Amnes je building a uew barn on- the property rPe-ently purcliased froin Tho@. KernunouMilwaukee avenue and expeces ,o oe hi@ lamuil tu Liberty- vile in a eho rt tîme. The Hari-est Home dinner tint h. given et the Lake Bluff orphauuge every year. .reiall *v îlîriug tIhe îonth of C-tober. was utitivaidablyv posiporied thisyear on accountid thesmnail pox. This hus lutoiff onfe e ,urce of revenue and supplies ofî whir lthe, lipuiowue very uiuelî in med .. d in ')rder tiii make up tIhe deicirirîy a numlier of Libertsville ladies have de cided to makpe up a surprise donationP. Persong ulru bave aiiY useful articles they wi.h to coutriliute eau lea, e the samne ut: the horne of Mrs. 0. E. Cliiirc- bill. tiothing ol ail kinds, gurden tru L or mouey will lie aceptable. At this seaeîlri, dthe' vear thre lardi-r (if thelhomie ig sorely ini ueed et rr.plenieiiîg and it i, hoped that a liberal contribution eau lie riade. The qieraiiire has treen liitcd anîd iheri Ls no daniz-cein visiting the home. This is a chaiity thut begins ut Iroieandl teeds vîmur esupport. These ladies rire trot paid foîr gettiug your con- tributions but do thr, woelt gratis anrd you kuow that your contrrbution goe@ to a demerring cauie. The people ofl Lîb- ertyeîllemrstbe vert liherul ile the toun WOUld Dlot be over run lv eorkers for Chricago charities. THEIKE 18 a ed somethiiî;g abouthIntern&- tional 0Overcoats that is totally ab- . sent i the ordi- ' :- nary kind. This is due in part to the unusual âmartness of the f abrics and the clever way ini wbich the work is done. Tailoring Co- New and exclu- sive Modela at prices that are popular. I'o measure only. E. b PARtKfHURST Schanc Block LIBRTYVILLE, ILL. .aaa :CORLEiT & FREDERICKS * Sapl and Fncy- GRNOCERIES * MEAT MARKET * PROMPT OELIVERY TELEPHONlE No. 30 Bar. Out thie Coldl Thie Wlnter by HaviDg a 14EATING PLANT Installed in your home. You will make îîo nittake if you buy an Ideal Boiter or Boynton Furnace. Get facte and figures from Atbert W. Litchfeld LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. J. M.. Graves AUCTIONEER 0" ler N . GaeS SM. asitnepana.«W Bas. 144 Etiswoad Ave.. WAUKOGAN, ILL. paille of *omme, head pins, or airv Iet& fuI ANOTIIE3R ADDITION We have recently added ta our stock a fine liue of HORSE BLANKETS4 These are ail firat close goods and coma lu various weights end styles for both stable and street use. Ws are also showiug some genulus 'Chas."' robes at prîces you cannot boat anywhere. W. have recsrved another lot of those handsome Dover Bcd Blankets at 90e per pair Sorne others at 70c A NEW LOT 0F LAUES' OXFORD SWEATER COATS, 02.76 faucy knit, wi* h 2 pockeîs. Meu's and Baya' GLOVES sud MITTENS, large variery. 28c ta 01. 15 OUT The Cozy Comj BARBER SIIOP- Law lagg, 'raprletai'ry Jui tamouud tIc .,riir n Spague Mons st et i o the lb hm lu Id- Thi flogrsand omîu t h4 t' ter * Seai hlaeksnit l hop. EN LIBERTYVILi FE LLINOIS O Cigaaersi Tobacco Laundry Agency Qezors Honed H, B, EGER HARDWARE AND FARM IMPLEMENTS 0 ~Libertyville, 111. When in aeed of à coakint or heating tove inspecithI lie, for yoit WWIlrncweme tlal"g~t w in bera'addiio ta your homec. Tbey are the best--none beter, Wlien You are Figîîring to BULDÀ STORE, HOUSE, BARN OR ANY KIND 01F BUILDING 'l'lie most esoetial part is where eau you get the material pronîptly and the clîeaîieLt. No bill too large for us to give prompt service- andi Lnali onies the sanie. DO VOUR FALL DITCUIING Look Up Your falu feed Wantsand Give Our f eed a Trial FIENCIE VOUR FARM WITII GOOD POSIS 1 *ým o,1 e. leguar 25c Rolle ................................................ ..... 20e TING FLANNIEIL, 6c pr yard anu p Large variety ta choose tram GROCERIItS our 35c Guatemala Coffes Bonelsas Codrlah. 2-lb box ... 32C nach Prk audBeaus, can Oc -Grapenuts, package ..........1C hree cana for ..............25C Two packages ..............25C Brand Lemon or Vanille Jersey Swel Polatoes, per tract ....................... toc paund .............................4c N. W. CARROLL & SON FRED CROKER TAILOR AND DRAPER Libertyvills, Miînois lfou and Winter Goods Now on DispIay CLEANING OYEING REPAIRING Art Haadled Excîosivel>' b> hl% A HUSSWATCHW441,EJl A.HU S and'JEWELËR Libertyvilie, IlI AU Re OH 3todn

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