CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Oct 1909, p. 5

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1.5, 1909 Now is the Time to be Thinking About SHOES We tlave Them and They are Priced Right For 4Men Educator, AU) Airerica Vici Kid, Ail Ainerica Patent Colt,. llartford Etiglisih Welt, Mastiff Kid, ý1a'ýtiff Box Caif, Great Western Vivi Kid1, Gre'at %Wc-tern Box Caif. WORK SIOES Slarkskin Waterproof Toiler's Shoe, and otlierci too mimerous to mention. For Ladies Trilby Vii Kid, Dainty Vici Kid, Her Majesty Patent (Coit and others. For Boys and Youths West Point Vici Kid, Mastiff Box Caif, R. & H. Box Caif School Shoos, Clayton Box Caif, White Soi Box Caif and others. For Misses and Children c ia.s.s mate, Marcie, Primary, Tyrant, Phoebe, Junior, Sunbeam, Katie and othuers. Wu E. DAVIS Groceries and Dry Goods LBERTYVILLE, ILL. STOV ES Are What. You Want Now* * We Have the :STEWART 7,E JEWEL * Bue Bùrera, Hot Biasto, Oaks, * Steel Rangea, Cast'Ranges, Cooks * IF I1"S Over 50 to Select From PROM Cme in anîl Talk it Overr * j SCIAN K'Sit wi.l Pay Yon * ~IT'S S M N K OOODBRO!-. wutt BUILD NEW they are tisualIy ail piered as welI as HR NDPROA tauedtheorRiialpeit baîng made SOTAOPROA C O N C R E0 1 B U I D I N G11nuch eb yt he a diti n e nu m ba n d D r. J. C. F o ley , of W aukeg an . w ., in F Amorican Wire Fonce Company to caretnlty ewed. The low price of the village Monoay. k Make Extensive Additions and Im- Chine,. tabor makes thio eaîliy poisible Mr. and, Mrs. A. C. Murray relurned é provements. Making Feather sa and makes the kins bicng much bettr Saturday froin a viit ta Marengo, 111. *Wolf as Wool Dusters et the W. prices. Mrs. Abbie Tufte. of Calemn, Mass., is *C. Holt Manufacturing Company. Ail the lOOr space in the. new building visiting her &inter Mc.. Elizabeth Waldu *Other Factory Naes. au watt as -the old )Dîe iii now being Rteal win terbegan Tnesday. Itblowed utlized. The manutacture utflether anad unowed and froc.. and made lots of n@colde. Dowu in factory town on the Siale velisas woot duisters under one roof sai o Lberyvll buinssinboomiog. ombines two industries that go watt Idre. Wm. Wood, of Hlaioesville, in sat f iery Ilebuins 9. sedi g the week with Mars. C. I. The American Wlre Fence CimVany bas together but there isnDot another factory Dller.n bagua work un au nae addition to their lu the country at the. preffent tiue R.S. Trlggs and fa miiy moved into building and nead more belp in the miii. operating under sncb conditions. Tihe *now bouse on1 Eim Court last The W. C. Eolt Manufacturng Compabny Hott Company la aiso îobbing in fur lMonday. in working fuît capacity and in handieipg 9oode aod kindred hunes whicb la addi- lir. and irs. Thomas Williams. of a more extensive ina of vont and Clou to their own products enabie thse Chiego, speut Bunday at Che horne of featber dusters than any plant in t. heihpment of much larger orderw Chais Air. and lirs. Fred Croker. country. vs bka ava aver buiore beau haudled. MAsr. F. E. Ovrvu erturued test wesk Grouud wëbr nthigs week for a lanJY aie of tihe opinion that Liberty. Itou Altoona, Pean., where sise wae usw machiue »bop and wark room for ville vil noever ha a factory Cawu; b. calted by the deatis of bar @inter, thse vire feucesCompany juat east of tiait ta as It MAI, tibus, ho wever, beaueu. Lester B. Coiby of Chicago, upent Sun. Ardee Big JO Pillsbury's Best F LO"U Rm J. ELI TRIOOS Grocer ld une ai tise înut iuteretiugi4serationii ta lie seau at the vira nMil. Tiid coînpacatîvely a naeîîcoduct vîtli dieu, but bping satislied with the ee oesif itH Mnanufacture and sati4li..d tlîîît it s a ver y practical cummudîîy the iese bnildinîg vili lie uieýd aitnmit iiiie foc its manufacture [l i iat al tjiî stet.l vark tClint w iiigoî bîuid i ng id nmade in the planit ait ici pri.sii tt rime uic, ri iîg foc tie fiida- tiîî, .w aI le, eauî. pliiard nul ci oifi A new l0v ire4'elire eteaxi lieating Planît idi loeing puit iii the îiri lt the present tînie Big long cadiatoru. suri, as are used in large wack cîîîîîîs w il lfie placeil alang the valils and w ill heat tisa varions departîtients nîakiîîg it Muet caufrtable and picasant tacrtise men cmpioyed hers duing tise vînter montise. Tise miii now carrdes in stock many tans ot steel visichid lesd in tisa iakîng ai cernent reînfarcemente and tisetain. Pletian oatie nev building sel incnaasae Chir output ta sucis an axteut that they vii ha campellad ta carry a mucis langer stock. It la &,go plaaut tuastate hat more meu as al as boasare ueeded Ciere at the present tima. Thse mors vonk, tise mare empiayad, tisa more ampioyed, tise mors Lhartyvilleanad a fireater Liberty. vilae la tise main Idea uuggauted by tise aboya. Not hat tbe facttaries are loved leus but Lihantyville more. The Duster Fsetory. Tise W. C. Hanit Manufacturing Coin. pany is Oua ofthtie busteet lactaries in the tavu. Every yaar they expacience a short duli seasan during tise summer mautise but as tise hlidays approach business increasets anîl at tise presant ime tbay are varking saine tseanty-eix or mare peaple and turning ount wock hat represents train *300 ta $500 lpar day. Tbey are flaC aiy inanufacturing tise long wooi du8tens but featiser dustae as eali. The dusters are made tram tisa leathare uft tiat tovi made immortel sveny Tisanksgiving Day-the tunkes-. Most of thein coins tram Kausas and Arkansas being eiipped la big haies. Tisa eathers are steain tieaned, santed and the quil eplit tai maka theun soit and pliable, alter visicis hey are buntisad and bound. Tisa apenation te a Most iutsrestlng ana and thea fiiaed produtt a nacessany article tu ha found lu tise haome of aveu.ygand isaevite. Tise long woal dustae, seau brusises baby cab robes, mufle and boas are still as popular as lu t be past and the factor~y Is at tise presenit tîme vonking au large ordens ofaitailthe@a different unies. The skilu ed lu tise manufacture of tiiese goua for the Most part cama tramt Canada and China. The patte visicb conefrtram China are nat as large as tisaes fromt Canada but are fluier and ai httar grade aud are usad lu tisabigisen prlced gouda. The Cana- dieu patg heiug math heavian and coarser. An lntereetiug tbiug about tise sklus vhicb cotoe from China lu hat @e., vo ame proad of visat wea arsadv have and mo. Cat tisey are addlng Illte and proeperisy ta Cisc tovu àiany comne iooklng for locations but tew àtay as Ciseî uunalli vaut tua mucis bonne. The town lousu notbing by their absence for if hai are flot self eu pîîrting dIair room la mach prolsrad ta ther compauy. A New Cigar Faclory. uA w cigar tactury will ha in opera- tdons bars lu a short fiie and viii occupy tise second fliior uf the W. w. Carroll grocery building jmet eunth ut the etectrîr dapot. Thse pruprietur C. H. Smith, of Pin,. itînit, Acansas, was heme a short tir-, agi and tîtade arrangenieuts ta chat 4ci. tTise ici ject viii ha tartad ao n malii eale at tiret but it le hlieccî tfiaiat t nu ha enceegssin. The pr,,iati c im vecy sanguine and vîlliug ti, givec t a triailC le founet ha welconîleil to, cOudr As a starter, tva branils (it cigare sll ha rnanntacturad; the Cit. 'a ice îent d"sit isn uparents, Mi.' d Aire. Byron (Joiby, uortb or Ch vll age C. P. Wrght lof t Taeuday for Edgertou, Wis., wtisrs be attended a dtrertor'u meeting of tise Firet National Bank. Tbe social @ent of tha veek lu the dances gvn by Miteel'sa iuitaa'y Baud at thse town hall thie Frlday eveuiug. The Ladies' Aid Society of tise M. E. cbuch wilt meet at the home aoflire. Maxham, Tnesday aftarnoon, Oct. lPth. Mir. and ifr@. Paul MacOuffin and Miss Flora Stapiaes wsre cailers lu Antioch iaat Friday making the trip via auto. mobile. A. F. 8cbwartzenberger leit Monday evening for LosAnele.Cal Hie brother Edviliil11 iei position as clerk in thse p:eètotlce. Mc. and MIrs. W in Warren and McN. Harrison Birowenvers gueqs at tlhe haine af (ea RaY, in Damond Lake a.t Priilay. Jas H. Cwaîî and tamîly, aof5.ntiacî1, bsave hesn spenidng the past waek at the haine %rs Swariîe parents. Mr. and Mrs. present storage ro'om aud adlatutng the gravai pi. Thse building wyul be about 75 fest i l tiband 150 test lu iaugtb, a full tva storien or more lu heigisi and viii ha uuad &@ a machina sbap and work room. A new dock or eoucrets piatfornm will also ha built ou tise end adjoiuiugtisa raiiroad track extending the full ieugtb of tise building whicb lu ta ha uued for sbipping ptirposes, %hat lu, a aubstantiai base an sehîcista load and unlaad the heavy material tiied lu construction vork. Thse uew building viii be ronstructed entirely af concrete and w iiiLe tise fret otite kind ta b c ected lier.. The n alem weli as tisa roof, beame jand girdere. Big coiun nimusoaithe camne itecial w il h.. use(Ilas supports on tiie insidi. lne, ai tii.. ci pan y uaantcetors ce roini lt Laste iit y vas bacc thiB wveet uperin- teîîding tise yack of exîavatîngb. Tise aîîly tiing that ian lîî,eiîll delav the wack viii be conîtînued cî,id and fceeZijg weat4 h e whviii Jput thelie nak îng il oli et n ut ftii . 'tion.i Thii af coucrate reîtîîcîî ilents fihiad vitis@Mînoke visici vas aflervard found ta bave cama from the store. Tise boys respanded prompty bat fartunateiv thier services vers not tonnd necessacy, Tisa motarcycle races ai the mite rack iast Sunday aiternoan attracted mauy froin Waukegati and Lake Foreet lu spita of the bad da.v. The L.ake Foret rooterm vers rery damoutrative over an altaged injustice ta, a rider tram hat citv but tise raevas ettW dta tise entire satisfactiau of hose participatlug iu I. Tva M. & M. tvln oillnder racers from Cbîcako attracted mach attention and madls van fast ime-couiddering tise VOUR SAVINGS Deposetd with us an or haire November 5 wOl ",w two fulltnths interesu onjanuaay 1, 1990. Ont dofla, ill open aun Mcouat. sm sà A r m Tho First Natiu I damkof Lihertyville Nszt Dow tfo Pootl Op=n Saturday Eycningu Tiseetate aialcat Springfld cio&ediet Caturday and vas a record breaker in erery respect. Tisa Lake county exhisit twas tise muet attractive of anty or tise nurtisec Ililinais caunties atî.i Walsin change ut Bart Austin. Lake couîîty %vas veti eprssentad et'tisa tair and tisera vas quitt@ a delezatian trom Litiartyvilie. AmOug those visa attend- a d vere: Chao. Smith, Mre. M. A. Pratine, tirs. Editb Warren. Airs. M. Andrews Ars. H Lawrence, Earl Andreve$ Miss Irons Lawrence, W. E. Miller, Chas. Autin, AI Dusenhanni. L. H. Schauck. Mies Dot Bchanck and Missu Aima Trsptovo. Rey. W. L. Whipple, of Rackfond, filusd tise puipit ai Ch.eMthodist chu reh fast Suuday and le th@Dowvpauttar appointad tor Cie tovu. Bre. B. F. Lavier, vho ba@ bean boe for a number of years. go" ta llawuer's Grave Be and bie tamiiY have Ma"emany friands durlng their redes iboeshovisavliregret their departurs, as Chai bad beau hoping that Rev. Laviar vonld ha aigasîn appa1ntsd ta Chie pastarate. N<t ln rearm bas he Rock River Contenance haId sncb a pro. tracted »seson as the ans juet p"at Tisa confersuce awvars hagins on Tues. day and usnafly ends tisa foiiaing Tuaa. But hie vear the appoint.. mete voer not madenutil tva day. Man -Taîlored Garnie.* Made to Measure You maa nov get man-Walored garm.nhe, mi 3our Individu&] mesure, at lit tie morse hi ui ' made prices.. j W. taks ail ofths measrementu rigbt at ou, moui W. gather ail the facta ueeeany to At îour figure, .Up- and lndividuaiity. W. send ait theus facto to, the American Ladins Tau- orlng Co., Chicago, tise iargsut concoru la Ulm a Thars thse garmentu ame mada by, îonrnsym.n teignt under tise pereonai direction of the famoiuMouie Kayser. Deiivery i. veny prompt. 180 KINDS OF CLOTiI We ace showing at our store the baudioma Faah"a Portfolio issueu by thia Taiioring Canceru. Tho hout or-, styles for icall and Wiu fer are shovu lu it-asl inluactusi colors. There are 54 styles pictunai in tii Portfolio, We aiea show 180 satupias af the lateet weavesla clatis. Auy style that yau cisose viii ha made to ymr, 'Imeasurs in any loth you select. Think what an anor- Tise prices va quota, are auiaziug-hardiy more tisa&. caady.made prices. Yet the garmants are al]itmua-tait- ored by experts, and tbey have ail the man-taloo'd SUITS, $13.-50 to $45-00 At m SKIRTS, $5.50 ta $15.00 COATS, $750 ta $25-00 We guarantea absalute satisfactian lu fît, style, vorkmauîship and materia&e. Any gacmaîît not riglît need nat ha accepted. Pleasa cime and ses this Fashion Portfolio, and jndge visat sncb service mie. Your Financial FutureI is likely to be exaotly what you make it. What yon do now in the way of Baving may determine what the fit- taré will bring you. A sav- ings account is a great helper. Start one with us. kt Eoon adondl Bak Capital and Surplus 75,000.00j Krau, aa te "ir"l"- "a",II gn -hýAnyne deiriniz a giîod heavy drait id an Havaia aud viii selihic.tx1centshuiceebhund attend te thbjte sale, Tii..twa tiînds have lîî.n trîciea ýicce 1tsaturda ..lic 11;Cee nîtice (iifsale in wit h good reouits and w il ni, dan lt lie a t hec iiniiir eiqnally popular hoem. A littie latec an Johnl J. lictz, ut Chilcago, vha tins a domesltic igar witis an aîîprîîpcîate Mnaiy iiendm in Lihartyvîlle spent loîcal naine viii ha put on the umacket. s. an d iutigenrsant.cko fbn Thse Lake Cannty Grave] Compilany lias ""hn gecrin býn eoseddownfor 1w pet W Mc. aind Mrs. Paul Nac(;utin letCTues- beenclaed ose fo tiî. astnee day fur a tripi t,,Mineapolis, Wankesisa îîwaîting tisa arrivaI of a iew bilier bunt anjilatiser Wîsconein ton ns, expecting ta le expccted ta ha running agaînsn ,ii. Lieabsent about a week. Tisefunes ii tise aid une gat ru.4ty. Thise tiik nmacket was active Tucsday. Twoîîcar loaîis otfcve sacciviîg isece an isa, tis tat dna I lne tii L. A. leubscis and IL, teof Gnrnee oiî i stîir te' oH.W ull lier.. iday.te tert W.filey i rs. Vi!isin viii open a kîniiergarten Att.v. Martin C.l)eckec and taiiiii ofio ixNov. let at ber resideuîe onia haIt Nicili Chicaga, vere viitiics in' tue liilock sautti ot tie electnic station accuse village Munday. îr,iin tise %W1WVCarroll store unCMi- M. A ice[)avie, oi Genua, 1 li,. las iieeu yankee avenue. tisane851i. vîeîtirig thelhast waek w.itli lier siiiter, Hacry Alimand pcesented the1\NDEPFN- ics il, A. Protine. îiRNT office vîth a large pear cecently 1aple ends for kiudling vilI tart a that weîgised almuet a Pound. it nias gîîud ire îînick. For sale b y the Hoiî. iof the Ilvwart" variaty sehicis iade tise Lumiiîi Cî,iîA.Nl, Lihrtyvtaiii. 1. 32 tinne quiterni!ileading. it bas dis- Mc. and Mirs. Claytan Staples, ai appeared. Wbeatan, vere visitars at tise hoaie ut Jus. Callalian gave a big barn dance hie niother. Mc,. Harrison Brown, last at bis ltin nurtheast oftotwn last veek. Satnrday niglit. Tise newly coinplttd barn which replaces une destroyad by Ohart Halvoreon and Irving Ecîty, lire fast sunimer is a large oueanad a Whb ava beau empioyed lu Llhrtyvîlle cravd ut almosi 300 enjoyad a reat aid for one tm attI ody marning îasbiansi tins hestbat evening. for Encware, Wig. Mis Be% Wlso aferqendng eve The North Shore Elactrit Company Ails Bs, iion ftssteudng avral willinl a short time extsnd Chir fines au days nt tisa home of J. B. McCrystie far soutb as tise Austin Clamant toiaim. rsturnad ta baer home lu Oak Park This takes the fina inCa Vernon tavu. Tuasday maruing. ship and makres it possibie for the limues Delta and Florenan McCaig and farmers thers ta anjay as good an Mr. and Mrs. Robant Tisomas, ut lectrit service as atong the uortb @bore. Chicago, bave beau vtilnai the H. W., Ars. C. N. Durand bas retarned alter a Füllett farta the past vesk. tva veek' visit with Airs. L. Dreier at Pyrolita wasbad coal for yonr cook Duraud, %Iol., and wltb Mises KitCy stava. INo linkers or soot and vry Knuntat Delalield, Wis. While away littte emoka. Haut coal u the market. aeevisited tise fartious Stout Instituts For sale by tise fHoM LumBER CompÂNY, at Menomonie, Wls. Tise choal van Lihartyville, 111. 3-2 th irsrt Prize at tis a fir at St. Louis for We are bandliug a wark sboe made lîy i@mne riigehb Hainilton Browen & Co., of St. Lou Is. The ladies of the Methodiet churcis and Mo, called the Hardware. We guar Clihe Aid Cociety gave a farweti party at alteCisem ta vear six monîhe P rice tise home ot Mrs. L B. Hauby last Tuas- $3.5ff. Caîl and ste than. E. W. day attarnoun in bonor otftirs. H. Fl. PARKHU"iT, &hianek Bojck. 2.)2 Lavier, She was presented seitis a beau. Themantîtul ent glass fera dish and a handsoune T y tanfriende aifIGearge Ellis. ut uak pedietai. A lunch waes erred and Ida Grave. lIwa, neho vas iormerly aavec iity aisvr rsn.Rr resident iif Lihartyville, yl ha sgorry to Lawiead uileawe te ack far bis lean ttatduingtheinnth ut July ha nese chacge et Dasenerem Grave inucitot snffered a stroke ai paralysis tisat bas tise regret ai bis congregatian and many lait bin pactially paralîsad and tise friands. chance of a complets rscovary selems very aligisu. President H. B. Eger of tise village TuesayOct 12h, D. P M.0JIreahuard, recantlv reoaived $28,50 wbîch Tueeay. >ct.I 2t, Dr F. . O hbre tu e t aplacad in tise park iuproremant and Miss Winitced Cater vers united lu innd. This nîoney va s rued by tise macriaga at lier parent's borne -In zealons vorkofai anunihar af vel kuovu Libprtyville. Rer. J. B. MacOuffin ladies iroin the sale of le cream undring i afficiating. Oniy Immediate relatives tise baud concerts iast suiuîuîr. Mucb vituassing tise ceremony. Tbay left fin work bas beau doua on tisa park thîs madtately for their future home lu summer and nant yea wiii sureiy see ità Bismark, Nortis Dakota. far mare attractive vitis Wallks, Baver Tise fine dapartmeut recaivad a burry bedsandneatlytrimmedlawns. Wauke- up cailita tise resîdeuce af M. B. Clby gnhsba akn akfnsm Manday avaning visicis pnoved tu ha ime but Cbay bave not naarly ass mach nothlng more Cisan a geare. Tise family dta.ebas et illartakad eer had beau absent tram tise bous tra..atosa iatvle Misses' and Children's At MlitPri'e [n the bankrnpt atock of S. Recht & Co., of Whiting, Ind., 'whlch we purchaped luat a pring, weire a big lot oi Girls' Long and b~ort Cloaks, Infants' bearskln and FIamnnd Coais, Babies' Obtnets, Legglns and Bootees. We bave them on sale now for HALF PRICE Be iiure and Inapeet thein before maklng any purchaps in that line. THEFA Libertyville, 111. Hl>oo"ooo

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