CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Oct 1909, p. 6

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6 LAKE COUNTY INDEPÈNDENT, FRIPAY, OCTOBÊR 15. 1909 VOLIVA CONDEMNS SOU VENIR CARDS Objects taOh. Fresh and Suggestive Remarka on Somne of the Very Pretty Cards £0 Psuch in Vague ah the Presant Tirne. VoUiva bas officiaiiy put the ban on the sale of even the fahntiy suggestive of evUl souvenir postai cardsatal bis geaêss.l stores anti bis folowers ar-o righteousiy oxlting hocatîce they claSsa Use ndepondent stores are tii seillng cards ai the order ho bas ban- IP wboie niovemont started when an elderiti singe dame af thse white dove dity ber feathers ail ruffieti, weut into the generai stores recently Purchaset by Voliva of the recelver, to boy souvenir carda and In glanclng over the racks fonnd about 200 te whhch she conhd abject. Protested to Volva. Armeti with these abe went ta Vol- ivas office et the busiest Urne of the day anti, tpreading out the cardas one afttr the other before hlm demantiet that the devil inspired taie cesse at once, Ilt iti. UÀke carda are on taie eserywbere In Waukegan. andi are net considereti ove. falntiy suggestive of evîl thIngs, bohag contidereti rathor uî,te tanuf and asmart. Object to Verses. Here are tome of Use verse carda ta which Voiva objocteti foliowing the *rotetandi whicb bave heen removeti front the racks at the Volivan general stores: Picture of girl at cîîhnnhng wheel wltk young malt's arma oit shoulder. The Bridai Wrealh. -Now Jack la at MnY Bide Agd a6IkS Mee labc bis bride. h cinot sptin, Ossiy Us1n10of ai î.- Evet Wankegan wouid not blamoe Votive. for banishing thia card on the score of i-S rotten Insane verse. PlatUrie of a fat baby on a cross eyed stock with a pietboric moon behinti halls anti a few stars spattered over a green sky. "Weicorne, baby, te aur aphere, Ove.- theoralnbow 50 brigbt Tas came irons Nowbere loto Mre -Andthie malden cant say né. Now shet sottieti ln ber place, With the colti wind lin ber face.' Pretty thing, too. Saine Others Banished, Folowlng are brief deteriptionis ai sanie aihera banhched: 'To rny ittle tweetbeart." Picture of smsii boy kisaing little girl ln a rowbhast. "Even a biind man can inti trouble wlthout dflâfcuity.Y Picture of blinti mans feeling bis way Into a salooo with the aid of a cane.8 View of yoîtng ynan hsnging looj girls hand for deïr lite., Buneb oi violet& wltb Inscription. "Dearlo, stop that fooiing."n Picture of daring young man cbnck- Ing srnitng young woman under chin. "To rny dear affinity" card. r And H-lre Are More. - "id like a hUMte lovin'" card. Viow of Spanlsh dancera, girl show- ing-well, wbat dock the corners ai pi- anot about hait way ta knee. n Pictre oi pretiy warnan robbing mni of watcb. She bac sncb taklng ways. Pîcture of girl steppiitg froin boat9 ant ilncidentaliy advertising lingerie Picture of pretty wornan roblng ma man oi watcb. -Sho bas sncb takin ways.. Picture oi man. 'stewoti. hbanglog onto tpost while is steanmer leavea for Chic-ago. Looks like Pore Marquette. Picttre of booch girl ln posture that ntay ho abandotted or that nay int- dcale cripple. And Hersa the Finish. Another lady holding np ber skirts eigbt inches. Labeheti summer loys. Pivtsrenifblady ci.tthvd lIitttly iln spider web. Picinre of a butsch of nympbs dis- porting theosselves An the grasa. Picture ai hachelor doing own washing. "Young lady wanted to keep bouse for ingle young man. State Two Hundred ln List. There are two hundred in the ist but the abovo are satnples ai what Volivans abject la. CLUBBING RATES RAISED. The Chicago Daily Inter Ocean andi Tribune hsving raisethe price of thir suhscriptions bttcus we are unohe to And an angel guided your stops furnish eîher roper clubbed with the aight." Lake Couniy Independent for less than $4.00 per yearjd thIat only on the Juet Onea Ki., rural routes. Residents of tihe various Another card shows a yonng man tawnc in which the Independent cir-- and wean tobagganer about ta kiss, culates are flot in on the cubbitg p roposition sud must psy the regular end te yang man cri-es, In colors: aubacriptian rate. 2-tf PIERRM L.y Sinems Sale Bam Adjudication Notice. Her i 'sS t Ba PubIk NOUo 1 ea arebY alven that te Suit- 2 LSAAE. INCTI sriter AdmnisrtorOf the estâte Of eremtikh C 74EO V£.MNC ,IL Brown. deceaced wilatttend te C010 our o ilcdence 2609Ellsba Ave. Laie Coulty. &t a ter hco 0b odne he firel Monday e0'Dc=mbr neat 10 AiOd fH-h am"bagn ndB '0 abUer rso"Il De. g cloJa ganet tlem for Sale or Etchange es ilHTlme ,id Estate are notifiled and requestd.t present the $ate 1to màd Court for edjudlcatàu. JAMES L, WAEB& dmojt'tr. AUCTIONEERING FOR PIJBUC SALES Waukegan, Jue 20. 1505 02-4tc GEORGEL. OSS was Opposition ta hlm ln hte district. P5RRY L. PERSONS. Attorfh'y. ho desired ta withdraw enttrely.saa Adjudication Notice. VISIS WA K!G N th itokfo Rephilo îeîîngan mi- ublis Notice i erebT iven tuatite Suit- VISIS W UKEG N te Rckfod Rpublc, ellng a Ini-scruter' Admiatrator oflte e"taie of AnO dent ln the recent conference of the Elîcabetit Brown, deceaed, wahi attend the oc PasViait to Greute Bchooi te Pind Methdijlt church. Brushlngham wa Couuty Court of )Lake Couzty, at a tern i tereof >ayat li e boldeu et lte Court Bonne ln Waukegae, Out Whether or Net They Need superîntendent etf the Chicago north. insaid Comuty. on lb, trnt Monde>' ofu....mber Mor Moey-asThu Fe 8 e1. 109 tritn and ahere ail persous itavint Mor Moey-.a Thu Pa 0. ern division, ittcludlng Waukegan. cialis adMeinet gald estate are notified and cured $4,000,000 Alil Toid te Bulld Lake county'and the north shore. cauedit o etlt aetaci or o Institution to Train Men for United Bihop a-oodseiî sahiî: '"We have JAMES L. NWAYem er. 909. lraor States Navy. ped with our brother tu remaîn and_________ have asked hlm ta takle an appoint- Congreasman George Edmond Fos ment that offors considerabie embiu- PERRY L. PeRSONS. AttoefleY. was a Waukegan visitar Saturday.,ment. ince there bas heen sorne Adjudictce atrb iron %No tie S When seen by a SUN reporter ho restiessnesandi opposition to Broth- sPit¶ic tNtice i.f heeita'ofliandlie ub- Winters, deeeased., Ul attensdthe Couet>' Court staued that bis vieit 'basnO peticuiar or Bruahinag àn, it was decidiod by a b Lake OOny. et a teruathencof 10 tbcitoiden Kt nission exoept that of frtenditoob,. unantmouis foie of the cabinet that 'tecorlRoues n,Waakega.n. $&sid CeunI>' 111am eir tofin ou whthe orno n te 0rot Monda>' of DeeMber sait. 19M., Wb" 'I rn oEe talln on whthe orha b. superaeded. There has been aoncd abere ail persona havlnsg hlemagaablt toi ite naal raiingochol eed unujres.said Estate are iotillait and reqneehed 10 Precrit not he nyal raiing choo nees ufààmnlbielame 10 cad Court for adjudication. more money'," ho sati, "andi shall 'NOt a particl, Interrupted Dr. uen. RAY B. DIXON. Administrator. pond the atternoon at North Chicago. Bruainglxam, "Bor cny surprise." Wuern fil.. (ICI. 4919M 10. 2-4 -l have secureti for the scbool ai- "Not a particle." came agailltram Ajdcto oie eady $3500,000 and $500,00 separate- Behap Goodiieli, "for ho was lnformed Adjditio Notice.l eey9ýD httebb ly andi 00W 1 wtsh ta ses whether or of theotctsthree or four days sgo. PnrbUrxcutofi 5 te Oby aivlta lb, hub- ot any more ls needet.' Agan we urge hlm ta, withdraw hie 'Co He»ur'oulldeceaed, alL attend thte The ongesomn l th picuroof 00uet t ~>~< a ~ onu>' CurtefLake Conny, et à tersi taieref The ongessan e th pitur ofreqest nd o tllean APOIitmnt l tob, bolden et lbe Court Hous, le Waukegen. ealth. He was accornpanled by Post- in said0ontY ont l rotMouday otNovenber Bon- Urged to Stay. nextýI. 09 ieýn cd aitereail verons Bvina natter Watrous and Atorney dim araheat cait oflaI, are ootiuled0ant A grot wav ot e ofnwt,over eufeltedtuopreeet thlie asaie lu&&id Court for arnin Mîier. the audience andi cries of"lhraw adidicall.. WLIMBIr xclr Wbe h o 01 resident Tisaft oud yonr requeet, camne tram ail over the Waukeraae. III. epternber 20.19. 52-4 wheheror ot reeden Tat wul hflose. Several members trlod Ita tttend the formai opening of the pabtherviswr cod school in Septernherlho stated that with feelng. tbe achoot rigbt flot open for two ilnally, Dr. Brushingham sali:.IQ u k r O t yeara or en, that plans are not made. desîre a location, but If It la the wish QO t n a lireviont atatement made ta aO hecneece ilwibrwm citizen and flot for publication he ex. of utcn. ectwi îhrwm presed he hpe hat he rosient He was shaking witb sobs, and few l and his cabinet would attend. eyswr r.1is the %%len ske Saurdy 1. m wht mmediately a motion was made, kind of a foderal building would hoe secondeti and carried unanimousiY,< trected bore and when tise work of anti ln accordanco wih his reloctant perfectly nalanced building wouid be commenced, Con- concession, Dr. Brushingham tays int grt)asnian Fas ttated that the govern- the conference. Ho was greeteti atter mont was planning ta ereet a model the conference ciosoti by his many human food building and that he would use hic frionds, who rejoiced at hic consent ta personal influence for the purpose ofrmi nteciieec.Tog havinretaenbleltiegconfrrence. Tooogas havng he uilingstatedas aonas tore was differenco of opinion ln re- possible andi putbed ta completion a ad utetidmofsm ooh an early dato. The congresornan also cardgta te mdewistior puf ae yands slated that ho thougbt it the Intention 1pchas onmadebis fploputaint s ci . ..tit n l ' to tari the work this fait. waa flot at ail Impaireti. He wus ap- 'cbtv pointed to Sycamore an the Dixon dis-____ POPULAR PASTOR trict.a R! SIGNS POSITION oýeImean rcpith i Minister Was Buperintendent of Lake pa.aizg.. tq, th ie irritation inte throat. Aoutith. tile amedn membran2e@, 1Pwvîrobed. SE ITUNC Cnunty, North Shore and Waukagan siis, ù,îitVîatcub iaper. aavaaa'apznigma c.*afl Churches and BuccessfullY Invaddd ,iro itt iitýivt'lu H vtare lhoaied aa prssv anrd rtrso s:niidi. Zion City Where Church ie Now -- ù ue i 1 ci sopeld e'îepMcst, e,,tnctd itsoe l Buldig-Urged te Stay, Neverthe- ltî,l* tîu iis t u i laio e.raaMeaP5 gpniîti, n te t-11-v tifickair. dsèeandc oeeaynT ,Jio-kty 015018. iota Goes Back te Puipit. 'tA .a IlB. LvvLI. opposite U. 0. patent Offloe, Great.-.orrow watt rnaifosted Fril- day a. m. wben Dr. J. P. tltushingbiant pý.I. îu suehngt eltI. bu ttii. We bave a classiiied fil voire tremblIng with ernotion read Nit, otite i un for t(bis Itarticular puor- a paper ta the effout that ince thore es.1 WAUKEGAN, ILI : Childrens' Coats Priced Low 1 'qFancy Cloth Caso 1.39Coats, suzes gobd mater. to 6 years lai, exra val. t 3 Plain and CAgiA ' lwool ly Bear SUIn Coats, Per- couts cu- 09 Lamb colla r Skirts Panama sklrts, knee pleated,satln bands, and jet1.9 buttons ....... - SPECIAI Offer ... Fine tallored panama sklrts an opportunlt of the season 3 5 et........... We quote a special Voile and hlgh grade panama~.~ sklrtet ..7.5 Waists Tallored walsts ln dakclos.39C One lot of walsts Inclu. ding fine lînens, em. broidered, tallored,and French lawns, black, white and colors ...98 Black .11k eunbroldered eF Wals...... Fancy net Walats, scal- Iop. effcct, sllk fined, black, ecru, lf white ..........=- W. have Walsts for ,s49n $3.5, $6.95, $7.$0, $15 and up. THE and 107 Genese Street Wauke. gan STORE We w 'ill pot cal this a sale, but an economy event of the f irst mnagnitude, presenting extraord- inary bargains ln every dept. Eve'y Item SUIT ...New model broadcloth suits, f long coat effects, satin llned, ra 61 aus fra.....$10 ...values,.... SUIT..Worsted serge or broadcioth suits, ln 1n ew shades, many styles,% strlctly mon tailored, real $15 values, for...................... SUIi -.Elegant suite, mode f fan« cy broadcloth and other good materlals, with sklrîner's guaran. teed Ilnlng, real 22.50 values .. SIJITS ...sCholce of a number of lmporttd modela of extra hlgh grade suits ln most pleaslng 2- effects. S«e them. ......... 4A.50 2.50" Ont lot of ladIes' & mIsss dresses and costimes ofsilik ' Jersey, fancy worsted, serges, broadcloths and shepherd plaids, ln th'le season's latest - effects, tastliy trimimed. Best valucs off er Another lot of hlgh grade dresses madM S of broadcloth, knee pleated effect., pjan;el front, rlchiV embroldered, Alice blue, 11= 1 ,ee . *".be.k. end orey. S3« 1k-e.... .. .. Fine moire and taffeta sllk dresses, anh - there . s.. ..$.... Ça, faie Refunded o Uoacaet $3,55or. mur*. Childrens' Dresses Priced Low School ()resses, r1Serge Dresses 79C sues up 2 .2 ' Newest Effects 14 years ail i Ses 5 One lot Dresses: 30 ~Hlgh Grade 1.25 h n latest 95~ Dresses Beau- Cecs& Plaids tîful Trimmied ' Fins S6armnts W e aim to exceli in value' givln g, )not on one item, but on every garment we offer, and our goods are of the best quality. o Read £very Item r.<I Seml.fatted kersey coat, 54- COAT /.7 I nches long, yoke lined wlth lnlaid velvet coilar and Jet buttons, real $10 values. y n~ Fine broadcioth and English COAT 7Jcovert coats, full length, some plain tallored, others trlmmed, real $15 values. ~ OWe show at thîs priée a Une COAT 5e of misses' coats, sîzes 14, 16, 18, t and 20, that cannot be dupllcated. Set them. 14 5OOne lot ot coats, made of COAT -5 diagonal worsteds, fancy broad- 14 - cloths, some ln thîs lot are worth $25.00.'s But Trlmm.dHais We have just recelved a new lot of lmported Pattern Hats, whlch we place on sale at about haif their actual value. We have an assortment of our lamons trmmed bats,t embraclng the newest large bats, the new colonlals, and la fact everything wanted ln pretty dress bats, ln a wide range of styles. Fine Trlmmed Mats, ChIldren's $1 .50 to $50 00 B'skin Bonnets&m'J AlLPmar Voal mm lmmbu~emt i Msl t.10e. Furs WE LEAD THEM ALL Long French Coney Scarfs with 6 Tails. .75 Fine Long Throws, trlm-. II mcd with headsU.ýr% FUR SETS. large Piliow Muif & Throw 1095 SPECIAL OFFER RIJSSIAN LYNN SET 0F FURS worth 25.00, extra large MAuff and Shawi Col- lar, Sklnner Satin Lin- I/I14U95 Ing &RuffleA 0 Specials SWEATERS *For ChIldren' Sweaters........ 49c For Misses' 14 Sweaters ---. .14 Ladies' Wool Coot Sweaters. 2.75 Ladica, Mercerfzed Skit Cent sweters. mih irade 3 9 KLUIÉ Cret reCvers. Leu@25 end Short Sieeea..- 5 We.menia maturai and White Unie, 79 Suitu 79------ wJ bed Fleeced Uined Vente end Ponts. . 25c Flanellette Nlght Gowns 39 Taffeta 511k Pet- I Ucoots, ail colors u . FRIEUMA4'S BARGANS3 SpwmliVales.--hlaiu Hundreds of Smali Houses Like This One are being wired by us for electrie light at cost-payable a littie each month for two years. Any House C»w-er to instail this modem rn :ic frorn cellar to garret. Electric light costs no more :n other. CALL 00AUKEGAN 258 North Shore IIectric Co. --- - -1 immmmmommalm" E DM eý 230 N. GENESEE ST. 1 m

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