OCTOBEA 2 109. -n le- jffý 0T HARU~S' ~tAST -tEN9 RU ES KN< sca UU rus e7Wflda sai. .~ Supervisor L-Owry Dayton of Wau- hiiu. los Wbbly l.s Apke-a la the possessor of a gruesome -~ I te souvenir iu thie torm utth 1e lest ln ~iê<Uêlscenet to wbtcb llar Harris, SIaSp Angeles attorney traveling the broui Ot path ithat leada la distrucliosi, w55 reduceit wheii le held Up and roi) the Hglband Park baril and tbens h Esuiclded then lie vastrai>sietlaild _______________ faceit capture. * Highland Park la crazy oser aoUTè-0 ABaupt le-Mmea feflet mo' to Ad1 nitr cards of the raliber and the rab- iffl esiePr Purpase of D*! becyscenes and the peope grabl tu~ il a theExoeçtiafi of $pan8h offat any price wbatever. fiusofliS Remiti n sreus. Wit%! .Wh3bm J.. Thorne, a Laber P&melOhr. i and e"ior Victor hChW4c-le là" ùOct.20 - îp*la4disp&tttli Mb ladrid eureoffldelit ofthe asys tisat ainseO the neye et r<rom enesn' u. tob.iiU-ithe ylac.,..Kio Alfouso bas AT THE BAZAAR. ligoa a dejected apraawa. gRes At the bazar Isat evening the door *Whlag tra aleeplme» &aB sd lois'prize, conssting of an order on Mac- &R La tfeRlh i l lth ! tin eviaJ for $1.50 wortb of merchan- u r,= 4dise, vas won by Roy Galager. Tb* itutios inBarel- tBplr' ý omorowatternoons a big card par- giave foe ,Ayme uferli; a word1 sbd rasee os veu te Tree,&,ty la ta be gisen at whicli severui l5i*b5.S~itUMad o ege-;cotly articles wiii be giveri aa prises. W~>UUt'UletAi'51bU.In the eventnig a supper viili e served Rt t.frntr % ta 9 and the crowd promises UàÎI Oct. 2.-The a SCllt M1eus-'to exceed any prceedIng nigbL Ji* Ï t lsbosm of eM0 -triai tii Ilasi night Highland Park. Lake OUMIbu e -mi- Of0thele lver ho-l5ý Foresi, Lake Bluff anid Waukegaii zr mibt oMay fourteen taler and four jîîi1 mèuIam eauld be farsnd ta ais-i ma K. Lblsh spent Tuesday la .~gitt~-daa.Chtcago. Aibet Victor Grayme05he flic ldiut Miss M. Hallaran of Evanstan la the s sissa for the Caine Valey division giret of Mca. W. K Schuman. i et"eaire. and Wlliam nJ. Ta le.ira. nney and Miss Wells vere bletmeuer or cut We~~1 Chicago visitera yesterday. tba creted a disterbaiice by ate A doevs aldt hcg u UUUS Utheir colI5Ve&&M a "binful jA or vscie1taCiiOt oeadi." Thosne aboutie« ont I vas attend bis aunts tuneral. bs pions hope that 'thase bWho aighed Mr. and Mma.R. t-. Strtpe arrlved »Weausdaath wrront vtllbe Isnt, taborne leat ereffug trams a trip tu eat- hamnsby ihe cliemicai parcela priai. lie. LITS KNOCK OUT CAMOIAES sid.e AivimetOus t uleInswu iPitte ef Constructng Mter Cam Thejlu t uabn a spltegoritiflited Wa*inatom, Oct 20.-aan .adUrea Ila bemaô haptuuigi rail1tou law- ett il anuaml eeting et the Oarsbs' Jet bMee ted-wth JO la tbat conts- EdlIa's Nationlal asangbe.ti. iS5elce 1nette0dfnie efora the year 100 C..aniy niof uegrIe. ..prealleut of «S pitemkiug vas introduet 1.19 the aoedaimo, sauittPt ho ktt IIL UlIb u1~ h r egbrao"w wm Une ta Big the.MM a or <ts ez*u la Fiance tihe s but grae ecrnage bladhug. 'j"le aidry vais estabuisiedIrla1714 nsutateT of bJsb gramde&re- lb. trot boanii tManufacturaeo situgs. h. m&. oud eooa bava bu h. fUn piafista the United t Bates vis ai glu the anuftire et autonmlsi tgttobawg l10872. tb«tiatami tot remaia la bustutem. @moUno eNew Vets isetiest. 140v Tank. Oct. t9.-<baile Ma& bMer of tlhat ie . laids b" * - Mt ai$2.Mtala miè ttte o e lm- , racs fer ma«n. and Mam4rë fijo te, $5.000tsat Justice Geyse VIII deeat W. IL Heast. The Wather. rbaollvng la ths acihi vasiber Inrecit: uMis. Indiana, Lever ldm1pbia Wiaena and lovak-Party i>'cedy, w» a bovers probable. THE AIKETS Camharale market. WIateientam by sample: No. 2 ted, 3121; lNo. S ted. l. k.2 é a 2 bard. $.11@1.14; No. i bard, $U7* LUO. Bprlng viset h sample: 1N. murtberu, $.7la;N. 2 po ILOS@1.07%; No. 3 spriisg. l, 1~ cora 17 simple: No. 2 6104l%c; 14X w, hite. 6%sc; N. 2 yeliaw. 6iý4 lc; No. 3, 61061%c; lNa. 3 yeiov. 411%@1%c; No 4, 6094c. Oate by ,, . fai:Nu. 3, 39%c; No. a uhîls. 3$%041e; No. 4 whte,3900_ standard. 41%c. 3%4c. Chicage Liv. Stock Hoga-Receiptu 15000. Qutationts rng" e t $77507.86 for chelce heavy, 87.70*7M 5 leher, $72401,4( Ighi Mixed $7.4507.65 cboice liaIt5 $7.400 7.466heaiy' mlktigr, F260 7.16 gaéd te choice.pige. Csutti-Recelpte 14000. Qiotaiono ilsled aI i, W25*.9 for eolueII prime steera $7.40@9.20 good ta dffh Bi0rs. $>02 04, cIOie bec! (ows $4.0«6.00 ~ t obolecalvet. , .0tL eela - '94»e, 4.0004* gdori te ioe iWeep-R<Ql~ts28000.QnulU MUa0ded t $6.90Û7.25 for gaod ta 410w %scim. OSfmi.o fait ta sid lamqé. 4.àù.oogood ta choice Yearling vethers, $4.24.76 odl Live Peuh>'. p'r4,Ws, .16*16c' cblieel-M mad <avis. ita; ptçe., s %Ic ; aidis. lua; sue. 9010c; juCrie 12c. Chalce t0 fancy. 626G5c; fair te goond 48(trOc. D ent I.hIvo SEat Brilo aUveStock. COMMalaon Mrchants,Haut Buffao, Y . guOte as folova: Catte-iRo, for the man Wh sans; mm*« tslow. Hp- 10l u art t *ady.. knows aitd BpI>fÀ "x, --"d tates Oa gàd mi *'go't." »ey baltant en >are loqg, 19i. ai4, when the lînessa began ta pile l, aud the caunt>' plysician. Dr. A. E. 3rçwu, liad ta came'<o attend lte pa- Ints; une appendifflts case. one case )ftubercular spîne In which lte pa- leut va a girl, of 18. and tour cases )ftypiolid. lu aîdition ta attpudiug the Cliara- on bard luck famil>' the couat>' pli>-1 clan did yackthbat entitles irtu 1 te higfiest 'praise and thait beyond a raaoable douilt saved oaller peopie foui contractlug diseuses that uiight ave resulteil lu desth. As soan as lie dlscovered lte 1>' phold fever lie îook samPleq utflte weil andl cisteru water and atter an analysîs bad been m>ade discosered bat the clatern water was the cause tf lhe typhoid, belng badly intecteit, sa he ardered the cîsteru filled. 55v bhat il vas filled and ai once sîuPPc4 the shipuients otfnîilk that the harmer cas îaing. With better water and t,r"35utiO>9 taken. theliel lanos'.being shtlpped again, but il l4a sbrout question what wouîltl ave liapppned l'ad nul the r-oltlty physîcian tak.ai the riglit steps. The Wisconîsinuman aud bis tamîily have retîted a farai 0on the state bor- der loc a y ear sud tbure is no va! o! seudlîîg theut back thîr ',fore tîttil thte lease terminales. 'l'h. Jarndyca Cm,.. The .larndyce case ilu BleuIf"Ouse was basait an fart. il was actually the fumons pr3.e-Sombre case. A Frentit adrenlure? lal te eiglieeliil century Ma riait a beguni of Onde aou acsîuired enormos vealtli. 1 tbîi Il vas he vbo built the !,t&rtlmere ai Agna. a0 lamons ln the lndiafl utinY. aud natles of allier iteautIflil butldingt of mund u huam. [10w bis affs.iXII allai death gaI lIe Chancary I dou't know. but tbe fart remaîns flit evenl scrap o! bis weallh dîsslolvei ln tri . iligatln. Wbiteeil: lasteit members of lthe conteqliig familles vere caret for and descendants are todfiY bolding rammîsslonf la the Engllsb army an iotber ceputable po,.ltiaus.-New Tnt , turt *deréd Oui of Wiscotsin,flrop si On Border of Illinois in hi îuuatyl Physician Brown'sP Action Sss Spreïd of Typhoid Foyer jieovere That Four Cases of Typhoid t Faver lu Family ou Border Lead Di. ractiy 10 infected CdatenSao rdere Cimtern Fiiied, Sees Tamk la Per- formed aud Stops Shipmeuta of Mille ta Chicago Uttu Fever Gnes. (Fruls Wedneaday's Daily Sun.) A RECORD FOR "BAD LUCK-" A family Just acrasa the Wia- consin barder in Lake couuty in balieved ta hold île led luck roc. aidlor miccuese. Hare Il in: Oua 'case aPpeudicitia. a boy. Oue case of tubercular apina, girl cf 19 yeara. Four cases of typhoid. And ail thim jusit atl>, one case after île other, with the excep- tion that th. girl le aaid 10 be a cauflrmed Invalid. Coupled with the disco'.rrv ofthlie family deperideiit ont caunty aid ait tbaI, vblcl islaclaimei totavse the telnesansd badl luck record, an adi- Iol dica-e! as been made about the practice of Wisconsin supervisors n orterlng their patîper chtarges out t) lte state. Bath discoseries were made lu re- çarit ta the saine family, viticl isl said o lie a family oritwbat are 1,nov. As8 mrofesslanal paupers. Tliat la.,viten- ýver tliey bave an! dîfficaity wtat- ýVer <lie>'appeal la the couant lu irhicl lte> ie tar aid. 1 Moved Across State LUne. Wrlgbls biplane a(ter making arie sue. essfui ilglit, toppeiln Inidair and the inventer and Pupil LaI. Ca0ne ta te gruund oniy te id4atter hours CIf exainaltion tual the bi.g gasoliLne tankC vas eni1iy and th51 lIhe machine hait been trylng ta run vîthout lis tue bleoit. Wrigbt lauglied hearllly and ta show there vazot a thing tih. mttec vlh the machti ineb e lîch% bie tprenionsa record for long tue flytn.g ly staYlng up on One filaIt for ain1eteen minut-a andtCiveseconda. Durîng te long agligh e raced it)ku a Blaltimore and Ohio railrnait tran keepluob lead of a fast express for a distance of about one mile. TEXAS MtAS A CLOIJDBURST Tren luches of Rai fraiia-Property Hrt-Trans Deayed. Dallas. Tex. Oct. -2.-Nearly 10, 000 voculi af danser wasadune ai San M4arcoi, by a riauditursi vhlch precipi. lateit ten luches oftrain. RaIlcoasut ira is ae bperri adly danaet and much general pcauseclY risineit. Trains front lthien6uthvest axe dlayed. AUTOOMIE CHI SES RUNAWAY JIORSI ýSou of Dr. Foie>' inPhyicin's Ri When Horse Breaks AWay, Ael Haviug Beau Uutied, Ner H i'tla sud Speeda Hme s.te Fais>' Yard r 'here Little Boy Ia Fouud, Safi e but Frightened. )f r. (Fro n \ edestay>s S'.) peedlig auombile vas the sPectacle titat Nrthi avenue and teriorhi ide ,.aclledly altnessed Ibis marnirig. i.eaving bis son nh sbuggt 6. jiH t Leasing bis sou lu the buggy, to viticli the horse vas atlached, Dr. 3.. c. Foey liad gori mb the bostiltal lu mae is rounds ad tait raie out again. lie untied lthe horse frun tihe biigpost andt Ibm, wltb the1 child lu the buggy andt betore thie pli>' sician could geltho the rig also, tlie htorse belleit duwn Northt avenue. 1Thte physician JumPed lotaote Shults autinnoble, whlcit vas stand- pumut.e te onean ugy oSUQÀÂX TRUST AT Bave bis $out. The horsé speédd aImoand Its zig-O ROUt zag course aeit i mposslile for th 1e L 0F R O U S miachine to catch up. go that hors. andt- buggy niever atnPp)ed ntit they atood lu the yard of the FOIeY rerid (e eon Iamptons IagaZins thil Month The boy vas tound lntrié11buggyvmy To --.h- gtn- ree.f 1 ul Glucose OOURLEY AGAINST HiUS$EY tVeale, realty agents, againat E. W. Enb, ln u .stice MIuries court. for commissions the Ivo allfeei the>' were entit dta. the jury vas Ont un- tl 1 ocick lasI igbt sud inal>' dis- agreuil. The case wilI be tu-led agaîn' it la probable. Weale ant Cruai jclalme t lt alater callnglteda wlh them off En sgold bshne1 jtheir custoner. William Crams. The>' dlaima t heir CoMmuiil,. anmuch disease, te Wisconsain suPer-i .laor, bellesing lhe members O!fte aniiy to lie "reglam," chronie cases 1f dependenta. orderei thlim ita nove )u,. and tliey lef t Wtsconsin anuitos-et l)ver the state ulne. wgga -~~a-n îa~ i~s agt ern' bats TUACKS THE CONNECTION of om en« esdA i».alBrn.) gar Itinge, Fallsd ta Cet COntrai of ( F r o W e d n e s a y * D R U B l n .) C o c o P r o d u c t a e B c a u m e o ! S t a n d a r d Ily apîlellate court derîsalius Of Yes- 011Interets, Magasine Bayai Thsey tecday John l2oîrley vins partial1>' lu Were Plàcated 'euh "i.edng Stan- bis figbt for possession O!flte ile o! dard 011 Batik. the Hîîssey lunîber yards, viticli lie ro e n wayi SU . owris. aud lu analler decisloft Huss880rY Vtieiay U. vIn a o er Oourley, the judgîîent 111 The sugar trust1 abolit 1n yenra te tamiais Cap W agner sco v case lie, *ow rt Itotuglucose, tarcli and ali log aliri-ed.lte sarlous prattict or crn. A ire- iîg afiîn t.m eudaus c-onsoidatiou. iundeIr th e Gauchi-> vben he ha'-!it the sile o!ftCorn lroducts cauîîîauy. wag flilaly the Hussey yards aetlthe fonît Ot Ciay.. eftri. aiich nliast mnpoîliI4 ton streetauglit a v.rît ut restitution thlise lines out îitsint-ss, iauiral! îand 10 gel imsoasiiliasd lituasey at once cio<elln-altt the sîlgar businI-s. sairgbl au injurtloîi.loiirley nierit ut Ibunu- -as a itch rblugettirie con- Yta diaruissandsud ge Wrighit deuledtIrai or ane sîibsblalry iutnîany; liti 0 lhe motion a ndt hlie apprial reInlteýI .^.irg r trns ls scai ered iiat that sut- Now tbe case lias berri ceverset aud sidiacy co-amîay was lu cantrol ot a remanded. ol.1-.mdaugbly .antagonlst Ibaît Stia-i Thte attorneysl'or Coirley lnteresta ilard 011. antibiîre waa; asharp mi-- vece tooke l'opue and Polie and lAt. noua hst t>w,.-, lte 110a,1W (h îarriy Anîhur Bulkley .ade the oral H andm11eroaillli-,fise olkr-- 4argument betore th(- alîpeliate court, feller. lu the settiiîî-t, alun 1h'ý so t bat tite-decisiuîî la greatly t10 bis a r V.ais .Sutinard 011trenate1( credit titgîr as ailîîial-the 1havi-e> cri. were unotttl'- 1-hi lu îîîîdiaîîttt-il i-(,u og traI, but 11-tiry 0.) lii> .-ui-î r b.-'arit- 'r TO LET CONTRACT THItS WEE% a diri-tur ilbh Natiotiai City batik. ithe fremoal r-igitî- ut Standlarud OU cNew Lithuanien Hall Pieus Not D.ad iai-C The C'or-n lrodutt conipn> b>' An>' Means. reuanpt lit perfect h-rurnati! and ca- (From Wednesiays SUN.) peralon wvî theli,-sgar trist' says SI i -t. or a ewliaititan>s aigazie. been restived andtwo lots purcitaed( located at the southeast corner of Lin- coin avenue aîîd Nintit street. Plans foc the building bave bren rîrawn aud the coutraci vîlilib e ltttis wes-k. Tue bail aii b- useit foc lodge meetings, dancinîg sud alter social occasions. The pîlanis foc starling a new ludrîreri dent cbirrch have not been reived aud proitabîty wl nat be for sane time ta coune. Printed Sooke The firat printeit boks vere pninte4I aoi cQue aide oui>'. tbe leaves bcbng past- ed tsack Io back. aiugal r ca,ti nis It <or IroIs, a tii abiout of îÇi.,ii tcalil tt al lti - liii UiCorn Ptihtis otiîîatiy - it h about Itti <iii iiijt<i riîtal. anulail tIbisStanidard OHi ratnlly. nieýr Ibrift!. nhe'-rftiil.undtgis'- jeu mîtrîito varIaut,.hof iliulchar- lily ait r;illnn. havi- b-,n brougtig togithpr lu a sa--it arr rrd. CeunI>' Court Trial Cal!, Oct. 21. 12 pi-ople '.s .a-lh lia'k. I tor-& Evans vs. lAki- FîIr r-st il'uiîrsltY- Illr-Osutrh iii s Iîî Jhnî J. ryl'- ant itiis I iaht. S"l ou- r -r Ta. Ttî..~..t.I -~ i-~- -i -. It Pe, s to Trade at T~4~store It aystotrade at tiis store for more reasons than one Wedo inox Sýeln ~CIO hes. We sellgood c1ohes as 10w e» they cem.012You have Choice of à Lrqgeassrtl1CIt of al the lâtest things in Men's and tsoy s wesroWeS". ônt fail to sce our geat Unie of ThÉt~4~Utb Sl Ir~ he New b~v-"# T(our Afiention Its jam cram 1çill of good suits and overcoats, that look ridbt, à.rf- iedé e rght and fit jOit Our Herculeà Sults At A 0 cannet be d Bcated in iqny.other suit. Its all moil ýve fllestmaterlals frservlicean ios a ll sQ ïfý tkeed énd double sewed. Even the.bu çvý çpilýpn>to slay- We wéflt teey nmother lin 13 e Countyto try tvhis s« tetlét Is - pove thatwe cfifmakefOod. i 1 Il 1 ~l