CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Oct 1909, p. 12

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'LAIE OOUINTY INDEPICENTWP RTTAY. ocTosER 22,. AUCTION SALE! John Skidmore. being abolit to re- i0l04p 10 anohetr statp wîlseli at Ilbl>c %ucion. a ilIsna eidence1 nie mWiofI ((tigliacl, 0onSaiurday, <dtolar 4 I 441,9, (((((4414(4c4iig ai<one 0o(1I(4<11 1 litihý.fo4low4ing 1ropierty 1 gcc w orii i ani, 1 b] ack mcare, romilig 4 ai.w,,ght 1.)00)potnds,. 1 bav nmare et(in((ig 4 years, weigàtý 11<444 40(44(4. 5 niiii cow s. 2 iwo yeari out liîciiie k 5j2 slng a]ies- . f;Sjringj A qualltilv of till440411(4hay in bain, FUT11 RISE IN .- RAILWAY RATES loprestatives of Trade Orgas- izatiuls Take Stop la Cnvoitions CINCINNATTI PLUCE OF REETINII Object la ta Combat thec Arguments for' fi>ll Higher Freight Rate& as Mode in a Tools I NcCorinick mowpr, nparly: Pamphlet Recontiy Issued by the nea I b1 ay ra91,14. ISlkv CIi(vaIor,ý Chairman of the Trunk Une As&(> i walkIng ruiivator, 4 1(04-1 44W, clation-Increase of Railway Earn. ' 1 llC 1(w10I iOOuR-r ls(eeder, 1I set Ings in Ton Vears la 453 Per Cent, i 1s larni wagon(, 1 grft4el box, Figures Show. :1 i (1 1lei 1wagon(, 1 hay rack,. Cin4nntl, Oct 20RepesetaIwooI îa k, 1 CE t double harness, 1 CIncinail, Oct. 0.-[ereseno. ý hu-nss, 1 i 44', plverizer. 1 Ilves of trade organîzations from (Chi- grimd s(440iw 1 9J444iC' ý lop bugv, f Cago, St Louis, Pittsbnrg. Indianapollk;, liîilI (ans4. cross C i '-((W ((and(44fl( Columabus, Cleveland, TIoledo, ('mcm (4 1,0 4H4I 4(01.. (((I (((C((41I(eL listi, Richmond, Evanoville. Te re -ýî 4(4(04 sci lI Haute and other western cities arý .101N ç5KI1\I4JRE.' lioiding a meeting here to make a piro- 1eroprbt or. test agaInat wbat they declare Ioa'~~ camPaiga on the part ut the railroads.X((O4( for a generai advance ia freight rateseîoî11101w X b.g5 The meeting flowE a jrellnlnarv conference, heid a week ago In h44 eltY, attended by represenlatis es ci trade organisations of several ridles. AUCTION SALE. The abject le ta combat the argu- On accourot of the deail> of my hua- guenstfor bigher freight rates as n>44de; bond 1 il4411seInl(u pilc ancion u(t in a pamphlet recentiy Issued by the ufl( rn1(4in (the144Nil1age' f Roseci ans, ebairman of the Trnnk Uine Associa- o T,(-sdav, N04,-miber 2, 144), at Von.(n his pamphlet,.In short, makes th, 12:301, i (4sl(arl(, th(- foclowng de- aLrgamena. tihat the pirchasing iower _acribed 1ruier y, including one oftIhe Of raIlwaY earnnla s b,. now than choic>cit herds of Holtein celle In la 1897. alj that thererore freight the> county: irate.sbouid be advanced at least il) (ý'i TE. Eleveit full bloôd il- par1 cenit steii>cows. two 2 year full blood Hol- The trade organisations aver that, ti iies he erigfl ln the caurtiers» sworn statements 10 the'apnItces hee~ahgfi lo Interstate commerce commission P((,1(4>' InstIcin lheifers, four f441l blond liaI- conclusively that there la no aeed for steii( lieifer c4414Qs, 0one2-year-old IL redUction In vages. and that the true full blono10lein( bull, three graded b"saseticamParsion cOf rallréad Opera- cows. tiona la net financial results. HOaISES. One bay mare, 10 years On this basis. It la declared, the car, old, one gray tmare. 5 years aId, one riera' SwOra sttiltics show that the brow-n mare, 13 years chid, one gray' Ilet Incarne for ail ralIroads in the Uni- ted Staes for 1907 wa $449,461,188 mare age unlcnown, one two year old aD that for 1R97 it vas $81,257,503.1 Percheron colt, one yearling grade The excesasini 1907 over 1997 la.$368., Percheron colt. SU,881, an liscreuae of 453 per cent., HOGS. Oue Young 44(w and four Piga, fou blooded and regstered Pal-~ SAY PLOTTERS DUG GRAVE I hns About forty chlckens. Char"e That Conaver's Ilayers Madtijmick harvester, one grain bînder, one Proparation te Bary Victim. jmower, one bay rake, one corn plant- Terr. lante. lad.. Oct. 20.-De- ier two sulky cultivators, one sulky' ta«Uves MY. tbey have leai-ned that plow, one walking piow, one set drags, ât&lPbCoanover, Jr., and bis chua, .one sud cutter, one seeder, 0ne corn Ceofge reenlel. fLOt 0o111Y hal enter sheller. one weeder, onue gasoline 'Bd lnto a compact to kiU Conovers a igegneihenml aS Xstier, but Lad prepared a grave for Pmfn nle ibenml aa thétr vlctim In a seciaded &pot near the One hay rack. one set bobs, 20 acres Liflover homne. norulit shock, two hundred bu. oats, ~Th grand JurY bas returned indict- une hundred bu. aîeltz, 25 tons alfalfa 111-tàAaginat Greenleaf for murder In hay, G tons straw. Many other ar'- t"e fLrst degree; iaph Conover, Jr., ticies ton numerous to mention. aad s the sacesre bfrTERMS 0F SALE.-Suxas of $10 or he taCtt e a te elemr.Under, cash. On sumo over that TisDetectives slYaY tbe obethevpe m. amaunt two per cent off for cash or raooflerhwasbflly tuware ofndhe rpa.six months lime on gond bankable' ]her huaband. notes with Interest at 6 Per cent. AIl property must lbe settied for bie- IIEI'S DATI MYSERY fore removal. _______ I AMYSER 1MRS. LENA WINTERS.1 àtilet Aaron Wilson Waa Hur.d George Vogel. Auctioneer. Under Train nt Evanavîlle. J. GI Welch, Clerk 2t Evaylile, mnd., Oct. 20-M ystery______ Ilrouds the death of Aaron Wilson, twenty-tw-p Years aid, vho waa draggedACTO SLE b dathbenatha tain The undersigned wialI seIlat auction 't la beleved YPnng Wilson, who on the farmi knowil as the H. P. Prlce Vas sole blir to fa $50.000 estate, may ý farm. îhree nmies west ut Waukegan, have Met with foui play. onGrand avenue. Thursday, October If t#oe case ta One Of murder either 128, 1909, ccumencing at 10 o'cock, the: obbery or Jealousay in a motive.i foliowitig property towit: 1 COWS -36 choice cuws, 8- cows eWilsoeuna imnn th'e habit of carrying with cut bYide, 8 heavy apringera eosierbl mae. When searched 10 camne In In November, 7 tauom in 19 the morgue DO MORIeY or valuables in Dem r,1ersti lch;one' Were fOnnd on is persoan. Hisein bu ihel. ti mlh;'n Wilso011 reCently came Imb posses- HOasES.Seven heàddut horses, Islan af a fortune lefI hlm hby big bay mîare 12 lears old weigha 1,200,1 father, sud bas been ieadbng a reckless grey irood mare six years oid, welgbs, tue. 1,700 bred Io Lawrence Amensa reg- ____________ itered Percheron, mare tu osMay BRlOTHERS IN PISTOL FIGHT ,30,gryhore 8years aid, weigàà Il 00,baYhore, yersold, weighs Quarrel Over Grocery 0111 Results in l,600, grey horse, 16 years oid, weght Serius Sootlg Afray. 1,200, fanlly pony eight sears old., Wnhser. us.ShOt.ngAfa.- h ul POULTRY.-About 50 chickeas, 141 *honchedteri dOctu 2.-on yiigeese, 15 ducka, 25 turkeys. abo ad erouly wouaded bis TOOLS.Al bOis iraI class shape, brother, Martin Duil, In a pstaI fight 5foot *tlc.ormick inower 5fo ei neaor Unionpurt. Ing mower, 6 foot DeerIng mover,1 The trouutde arose over the paymenq Sandwich boy loader, Sandwich aide' ef a grocc.ry bill. Tice uI)Is bave a con, delivery rig, Champion ba rk, tract for tbe construction or a court,, sPring toh cultivator dis ay uti8r. ditch near l.nionPurt snd bave been ai gang cutivator, three waking culil vor thre or eveal ays Thy ae vtors' gang piafw-12-inch case sulky vorkthee fo aceraIday The ar ù- 16-loch came, waiking Bodpîa-w,1 Weil to do ciizens o! Ranidolph cuunty! two waikfing sud and tubble plaws, Th e we anwassht n POtatu îflow, Potato digger, Buckeye Thewondd mn ash tl h, Seeder, Prairie Ciiy seed attacbment,, Slp and arm and may dl,. John Duli di., harrow, Davio corn Planter-check; la a prisoner. sud drilwbth 80 rods check wlre, 1O-îlng <orn harvester vcrik ICORN IN CRIB FOR 20 YEAR5 9g4a" lil,-c, 144, s -of dragm, ane _______roltr, (44 l ruck wagons, new Be-an One unded uchea Pt Aay r'n bwagon, hi-aiymilk w agon,lilght On 18nre U Sels Put Away 1>niît 4magot), Pair bob leiglis, îwo wat, 1889 SheIlnd EasOct. Pr tancks, (44(1k 'wagon, bal, rac-k, two Morcco la., ct.20-Corn thai magol, boxes, lwcnty milk cana. h". beau la the crib twentyyü~ais ilAtNESti.-Pair light driving bar- ovued by M. O. Smith, 01er the illi nes !444lr l'aIr heavy work hlarnea,' "ol ne. has been shelled. 9-t Il',44lOg rIC harniests, pony harnegs. There vere about 100 Bughels. Il h Xi XNDI( OIN--Aboul 15 tos vas cribbed la the fali Of 1889. and of44îîIII0111c1Y ntrin, 1,000 bu. whte oe year the crib waa filled with Ihe 44. toi4, 444 Ialed oal straw, ,000 flev corn, leaving the oid In tLe bot lho- s.. ,I tom. T'he cornobselled easily, the color ,.flbon III Iii toicé numerous ta Wubright and the quallty good. ahuri, I Prenant» 05W0 PitteWife. Free. ii;ca(r4, * Columbus, Imd. Ct. 20-C. Busch-, ALPHED J() .lH\SOrNProp. M anagarment manufacturer of l- vi Vlmî îý l acll clerk. *IaApoIs bas purcbased a yauagl _________ Poietter dog of V. R. Flshel, paying ' $M9 for te animai. Buscbmsn tld, The diilerernce Isuac,n astsarvlng' Vsslthat be vas buyintg the dag for. u u 4iUl( 4eln Dk Ie ma n 4toioelnst t - - .~ and the other entesto long, Our Great Coat and Suit Stock, which has always been the largest and most complete in Lake County, bas been augmented by àte arrivai of a mamm oth consignment from the East. This great purchase embraces almost every imaginable style of garment, many of whîch were neyer before shown here. These were pur- chased at a great discount, and our patrons will receive the benefit. THIS SALE 1 6FOR SATUNDAY A80 MIOAY ORLY Furs The eacl'ý buying 0f fur@ at our store la due ta the satisfaction given by the fur& puch- a.ed at iaur. store asat meson and to the splendid aasortinent we are sbowln nov Or stock Ineladea ouv ars mueof ful skias af absoiutely the beat quality in their reUpecti- e cIaasee-mareov.r ve stand by them add sas for prica-the saine old Hein bargains raie bers. PRICES KANGE 1.509t*$260 PILD &ET SOME NEW COATS SPECIAL COAT JUNIOR. AND MISSES COATS Grea t 1(l ii tlie, b i, la îîîî o f g> î<4i J eauIt i 'Il l imic il n lîl îse- i ais, mîade il II i nal(,III liclXn!i-s 98 g444 iii i. iîs>x 1i vIit4,li 4145 wirtî p ii.$lUiI...............9....8 * lti$ 1 ........... ....99 AN EXTRAORDINARY COAT SPECIAL Exgeclleîîit IîIa<-k b \ î,ut at 52 îlîes long, seiilitteil e<fie>- t. Iî:îîuulsîîîîîîplait eîl skirt etei, ii iuîîîîed \it h satin blea id iii lurgi l jeit buittonsi, 1s'ii\eVv iti, .................................7.98 Iligiî-graotekes- noetiilteiiais, TWO GRE-AT COATS 0F HIGHEST GRADE worfil t11 i 2 .75 sev, sîiiiî-sles in blaek amind1 44)iiii5wi îtii up1t) $2......$ 1 SERVICEABLE GQWNS Tî-eîîendoîîs assortinent of îî'ettv dresses iii- Bl tltfl Iailîîred (ll'ss, of ai I w>4m)! t il-t eluding nîany good Fouîlards, Rajahis, Taffe, eloth in rasin, gveen andi a ii* ioelt frimmn ii tas, Panamas andc noveltv mîateî ls %vQ ithlnbutuons etc. wcirth .1 worth ni) to $15.0 ... ...... . 798 7.50 foir............. .... NEW SWELL SUITS MISSES AND JUMIOR SUITS Prettx' Jui ir Su ýits uîad<* <f ail wool chev lots Splendid Nlisses anîd*hiuniors Sui s niade iii a inthe-n< effeet s, 5&98 aiet *v of st *les anîd inaterials, woîrth $ i )] . ..... ..... ..... .. w rtilî 11) to '$1'2,10 foi.. . .. . .. . 7 .9 5 SPECIAL SUIT BARGAIN An\I extraoii(lial-Y assilii11elit of Ilngh-gî'ade Silîts îi>st no<tabîle allhîîîg t !îeîi. is eautifuil tail- ored suit of Nvnie ýavîi agonial îîatîrial ini two- (t 'ie ai so id coo. ff otWo-0 ,3500.. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .2 2 .5 0 HIGH GRADE- SUITS I Iighi-graule t2iliii((1 sits. nmade od satiiifnshA splendid i'illi*îtliuîîof cdligi-a(le squit s, maude aniaiIw>ol xviiîsteuliiaterials, ecats ¾45i. tiî!itdw>std,îîe1,1,ii-\ltS11 long, satin liîned and new iî!aiteil skirts, iii broiadiiiitis, tiiese vilîîe ili allIl(.\\, s!ades, andi inany styles andl colors, woïti flfft orth u t1121) (>0 lup to $17.50, for....................98 speeial...................... $1 5 m - W ,-MR SPECIAL Chlldrens AII.Wool Sweaters, mode of Filsher Yarn, worth 2.00 ,U for ............ 9 8C SPECIAL Beautiful Sicliean Rubber- ized Raincots5 worth $7.00,9 for ........3 9 SPECIAL Ladies' Ali-Wool Sweaters, Many styles and ail colors, Worth I m 3.O0for.........8 I u M. -i Waists '(e finmeu'9 Illto h iam I waist and nîany othei' high -gracie brands worth $1.50, for . -..95e Beautiful Nun's Veiling and Linen Wiasts, ernbî'oiderv fronts, worth $2.50 l'or ... 149 Messaline anîd Blac'k ralfeta silk Waists in a vaiet 'v of styles, worth $5.00, for .......... 2.95 SKirts All w ocil Pananma Skirts iii bhîe, blai-k anti new sliades of gray. Thiese inelude thie il('w plaited effeets. Special at-------.2.85 iNo>bbv I>aiarna Skiî-ts ini new'est effects and elors; at ...3.95 WXe wisli te direvt youî- attentionî to cîti regular $8 ski t. A genuine surpr ise at. $ Millinery Neat stout Hiat made of t aitdn and neatltrimmcd, 3,50 for..9 Felt and veli et sîrect and drcss hats lrimmcd in many sy ,wot up t 10 , for. $ 5........ SPECIAL- Greaitlot of Chitdren's feit hats, worth Up to $2, for ..........49c, 69c and 98c SPEOIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL Ail wool Panama Skirts, Great lot of prettyý tailorcd Big assortment of slightly Flannelette D)ingSqe well tailored 49I waists, w ortht~~3 soiled Ciorsets, 3cI worth 7,,4 .......... fo1ot491O............for .............. Tremendous Cash Purchase of Sample Shoes Four _great lines purchased out-right at 50c on the dollar. No mothera can afford to pass this opportunity to buy in a supply for the children. Seuiil leather school shoes fuir boys and gis. Bîîtton or lace, w-crih $1.50 for ... 9 Slîulanîd dress shots in many leathers, j9 wertlî upt) o$2.50 4*............. (O'i-at lot of samIple , hoes iii viei-kîd patent, duli andic guri-metal leatlhers, wvrth Up to $3, for.,................... 1.49 Juiha Marlowe shees made of *patent viei kid, Fient-h kid, guni-nîtal, cithcî' blaek or volered tops. Ail hiand turned and(i and welt, .9 $3.0() shees fer-------------..... 119 $4.50 ad$5.00 .9 M. - W~. ý '2db MI; M ft ab , 1PAS£ POUR stac o1(C f tueln.- 1- cfsiaw, DOP b4i -'t,2ý9 ih a ck, ofcf orn ln Car fare refunded to out of town customers on purchases of $5.00 and over. be pi 1

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