CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Oct 1909, p. 4

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LÂrârmCOr]WrY INDBPI NDE&T. PRIDAY, OOTOBER 22, [909 ..CtCOUNTY UNDEPENDfNL SIUUTVf OFFICIAL PAPER 0F LAKE COUNTY 1ev. John P. l)svee, of Peit OeTeephono No. i trs Residence Teiephone No. 1141. ibertyvilie Elleil ne Bepent Monday witb relatives hE SetredettheP.toflceetUbetîIi. ti,asSecond Ciý ari ser Uyou ueed cordwood for las * IMUE0 wsazi.y ituVRTIING I&tT s Mus sOWN ON APPLICATION. the Home Luirîber lumPauy, *USS8CRIPTION PRICE $1,50 PER VEAR STRICTL-Y IN AOVANCE ville. Phone 50. The W. C. T. U. will meet at1 of Mr@. Edith Herricki, Tuesday, FRA NK H. JUSr ..... ............. .........................................EdUor t 2:30. Sulject, "Erhroeeo! s I. MI. KELLEY ... ......... .... ............................................. City Edtor etB. ___________________________________________________ Wilf Warren aud wife lef t las for tb.f r home lu San Bento, T FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22. l?09. severaI weeke vidit witL frit relatives.fbers.. NEWSPAPERS LOYAL Ben Griffith, of Woodland. if te peopfle of any communty weroe. loyal ta the interesti of their visiring oid Leike Coultty frieni tewn or City a the n.wsp&îOrs. .ys the Springfield (Ohio) News, whàt a fir-tt ili, lit 2) YPr% nduf pon splndcompettion this country would e. tnys in Libertyviile Ibié meelî. Bu hyatnot. Nor sa any coW.d&orl part of the People. Nor are ail te .buine.s men or the manufacturent. That town succeede'just Inpr- heralring scon p re.p portion t, te zeai wità, which talleaouintg aition baok Up the prtriotiunif the retreet lu friont oteer fleneapapers. Ti ilcmlt hetr i The truc newslpaper dovotas columnsa nd pages of rspace tobocin the TMiswuke com uelotethentredi City in whiclt t la publithed. The mot loyal and davoted bosters of uiy clty Miakeaeu ohot arm fcued in ita neffpaper office.. There la a earing claie of people In A Halloween Party will be .v"ryCoty wtto, <d finig no gond in anythiflg, decry the nevmèapOr5 a. mofgers the nelt regular meeting of of serostons, and as destroyers of character. chîspter of the Order of the Easi They dnmand the news, and the newspapaf that la falthfuf mrrar holdi Oct. 28, '09. Almembemsare up telils roadefs the reflection of their own doings. If the. community la bâdti ivited to partWapste tuI tb lie m.uwppr pages will show IL If itlfa gond Is news articles will show It. Ietivities appropriate to the but the. papar tslf-lt ia fer in advance of the procasolofi. With hare 1it t, reported that a lea and a ndl thora a yslow exception it stands for the bettor thinga, stonde unceoas- îributîng station id tub. Ingly for thc beterment of business conditions, constwilly seelci ta bring more Rondout eon by a (heago ni buWmu st. the town. Botter titan that, lt stands for the moral upbuifdinfl Moore. Tbe store wilî occupy Its citzonchip, stands for better tivic fortueri> used as a boute d In msny citles the e cdltors have an upilil tsk and a f oftelome one. anîd wagons will be rmn frot, Thero are imes when the mstI devoted ncwepaper man wil foie faith ln the taîl ltua nd coffees througl value of publicity. But honest and cnthusaatlc devotion ta a cty's interesta ,rUnding terrilory. vAili swakOfl sufficent spirit sfong the people actualf y to accompfish things. - - - - - -A meeting wl i be h-inl the Sunday. October 31, s HalloWt'Cfl. One pecularity of the events of' tht uïî-ll oi-k îtSaturday evec year is that they neariy ail fail un Sunday. a litige Ouf tireir. (ts if St.(, Halfoweve or Halloween un the vîrgîl of Ali Saints Day. For somne ac.- îiiesîii twenty niîîcmbsrs to coeteaif the singular observances by whlch it usedt te e, andt t sorne extent. 1-1>trpriil-oiu--tI tisr. t-igir s iîtnguistied n Scotland anti elsetehere, refererce may be made of' the tacîl le.-iIl redd iifîtuintt> krcwn poem o! Burns. e-t u..t uai-u lis Ir,urîtI Though saine timen neglected in modern practuces, the most essentuai bent-uitp. part cf Hallowe'en rtual semrs ta' consut o! the lghting by each househoid H. C. Crajg. if tuiuliI of a bonfire ait nlghtfall. But Infthe present day t un obsen'ved by the small lias lui-tf luuieil o luitelx bey (and large one, to) in various other ways decdcdiy annoyung to the vît - ""mPo8idîu-vi-veîitufor tXfî tires, and many times carnieS ta an extent in the defacement o! property that lN ondraki.' v beit- lr ici neodte ta beiesummaruly deait with, it being entirely foreign ta the spirt of tie îniuuietiiuit Otfafi -ii proper conception of the occasion. Hii. ,- u .and l itnil 'v ' l ilu inil h tIut tuile. Occasioraliy lucre ls a cfeariy outapoken opponent of priîmary efection il î, ,i,iutvI ii- [ -tId tei laver Icfilation. The Quincy tWhig," <aer exemple, ventures ta say tiis;"'lt a tcAI luilevillage Ruulurt verdi be vcry dîffcult to persuade the presient legllatitre that the people are uoflîu-ugîî IieltsIit pavrait moaing for a ncw pnlmary lave, wher, lhey know it wili ho right aiong the G'~î ri lcight aîud Coke fine f Ita predeccsars. Thore is fiaposiblîty of thc genuine article this 'fthlra vItfronu E. -i.ceicyst a( season, and re.rfy every Mtdent ofpoitics knaws it. Of course, there art sidi-nhn tu fl$25. li tome who prclcnd thcy dan't know it. The no-caifeti down-state ls elck of the alcît bouu iviftle-Auctsou t whofe îravcsty." fartai rond fur $1.0(0 - - - -- -Kate Copî-iaud pacerd awa3 6enator A. J. Opison of' the McHenry county district, whence haufe Speaker dy afrs.Snoîu-itcireuy suudetl Shurtlclf, ha* caused a big fi urry politically hy the decciaratlon Ihat lac stands tt-uollesituewaa e<luuîi ast for a direct primary faw. He aiso sald that the bigbuik of his constîtuents, nid. Faithfu o tuu oîi-d. a j Whno are also Speaker Shurtleff'a canstituents, are strongfy favornable to a d4if A tiuleIdef-.and Ouie wiuO rect prlmary st modefed n essentiaf respectsafater the fatte Oglesby law. Ile Iug mut ea glouut'yserrtht- e -Kankakee Republican. StucIl-ares lu mouorirfir luo aujà, uvo dielar4 es iitru luttt-tor more iaitiuful horst- 1811lot 19, T. Jeff Smths subdivision lu State of lîlînoi ,County of Rea Etat Tanser esection 12, WVest Antioch township; In the Circuit'Court of Lai te. d., $1200.llîo: ------Byu.O Percivai Pearce sud wife to, Wiuui- Ilios Leh ouay Tile rustCo.John H. Duggau snd Sabil Lab Cuny Tll &Trut o. fred Pearce, part lot 26, addition t10Ys Sarah Lessch. Mary Jo) 1Abtracts of Tille. Titles Guarauiteeti Northwest addition, Waukegan; w. d. KnIode, Michael J. Duggai Maaonic Temple Bidg. Waukegfl, hi. $1,000. gle t)uggau snd Harvey Ouai Lt-uis J. GURNEZ, SeCy. DaniliPeule and wife ta t.- A . 37.5 o atto Pease, 2)d, lots 17 andi 18, Penses Sub. No. lIc9noicelerPritoy Mary 0.*Morrill and husasuto G. of lots 34 sud 45, Highwuod; w. td. bite notic a oresud W.a ai1.lot 9,1rantlown sin sw. tered ln the above entitled l2s5t0. , rnttwshl; P.d . sP, Crandon sud wife to Huma the Mardi terrm A. D. 190 Emma Osborne tirSsrh Muhol- asnlt1,bok1,W huu court., te undersigned, . land. lot 7, block 2, Osores sub. to Sprtugs; w. d., $400. Chaucery o! saldt court, wttl UAbertyville; w. d., $660. Eliza Farrow aud husbandt 1 Louis day. the ututh day of Nover Nelle M. Sione et al! o A. G. Stim- Faber, %acre lot lu S. E. Y4 Ses. 32. 909, at the liour of 1 o'clg Waahugto Par, W~k~East Antioch Twp.; w. d.. 1850.00. feno !sl a Itt su, lot 21,.ahntnPak ak- Master il, Chancery to J. D. MeGre- o! tecourt o se lu yathe c gan;. w.d..Ca$2egor. 160 acres lu Secs. 13 sud 14. bib-kgni ai onyo R. 9. Southgate.1R.GR.Cre ertyville 'Pwp.; deed $13.500.00. kgul at onyo 40 acres lu soutbeast quarter of!sec H. C. First sud wife to Trustees o! tate o!fIllunois, Bel t pub tlon 30, Warren townshilp; w. d_ SholEast Deerfield, lot 4, blk 12. tolte ldghest sud best blddi $1,00.Port Cf inton, Highlaud Park; q. c. the !ollowiug described faute H. T. Birch sud wife tu Esteila Koz- $1000.eiate etuated Inl the minaki, south 286.58 feet of bock 1, F. P. Dymond sud wifc et ailtu Aus- Lake sud state o! Ilinlois, : Binais & Willamis subdivison of High in Schusebele. lots 13 sud 14, blocku Lot Il 1in block 1inl Hige laud Park; w. dl, $12,500. 2, Dymouti aud Atusin is Add. ta lu Lake couuty. Illinois, e: J. R. Fulton sud wl!e t1 E. C. Streed Libertyvlie: w. dl. $20000. trip of!landt 150 feet wl( lot 4, bocku 21, Washburu Springs; Faunie P. Day ansu basut 10RD. weterly aIde thereof; alst w.d., $25. Hill, lot 103, Ferry sud Farweliui Suit - of lot 1 0 lu block 1 lu Iifgh C. D. Chase ta R. B. Dixon, 45 acres Lakte Forest; . . $.0~.oinl Lakte cotinly, Ili!nois, de Iu sotheast Quarter of section 2Ô Mary J.sMarhal W Mary F Thom- !ollown: Commeucluz at Warren township; w. d., $4500. ROn', lot lu S. W. i14 Secý 27, Avon easteriy corner ot saiti lot R. B. Dixon sud Wl!, ta C. D. Chase, Twvp.; w. dl. $1900.00. runniug northwesteriy aloi lot in village of Guruee; w. d., $2500. _________teriy fiue of sald lot 50 fe Speclal mater lu chsucery to F. P' southwesterly paraliel 10 the Crandon, lot 16, block 16, Fond dulac C R I IL!Yheo adlt27fe;t Bluffs. North Chicago; d., $617.53. TO MILWAUKEE easterly parallel 10 the Bute Helene Stauton and Itusband 10 R. -. aid lot ta the southerly il D. Cummlugs, part lot 5, Lakte For- Busines" Men of Chicago Now Plan sud thence nortbeasterly est; q.c, $1. Chicago tri Milwukee Flight do saldt southeriy fiue ta the p Sai-ah B. C1. Emmaerson to F. M. Waukegan WiI Have Chance to S"glnuing. Steele, wesî 12 4 f t-tt esut 183.4 feet Strange Man Bird In Skies on 89 Dateuf,Ct. t, A. D. 1909. O! lot 1, block 65:, Highland Park; Mlse Air Hike Before ý.ong-Much ELAM L. CLAI W i., $2.085. Favored Plans. 2-4 Mater Il, C RuthtD. Cummingit sud huaband tW Helene Sta.tan. part lot 5 Lakte For- Before leaving for Detroit Suuday Harris Cremate, et; Q. .. $2. ulgbt Glenn H. Curtles, the noted avis- The body of Lamar A.1 C. E. Smith and wl!c 10 John Dlcks- tor, declareti that hie was [n lavor o! Highland Park banit roblt salis sud weile. lot 3, Smliths eubdlvl- tht- uext international aerouautic meet cidle, wae cnemated Moudi sica o! blockse 1 sud 8, Dreyers sube beiug held lu Chicago. Ho dîscaunteti Gracelsuti Cemetery. it wi divisIon of North Chicago: w. il, $1. the objections that were raisesi ou ac: et1 iP. M. from te Prior ii . I. R, Weavfer sud wife ta G. H. count O! weatber conditions said Itanroutin, where Il fias resteW Carrier. 40 esres lu northeaet quan- be fhere, sud Iudorsed the proposition tî,gedy o!fIsut week. ter of sectIon '33, Deenfield townshilp; ta have tht- race run aven the laite P. M. îî was. pîs u It W. t.iî. !om tht- Chcago barbon 1tulthe Mil.Howard A. Robinson, com A. W. ParsBansd wife toO0. H. waukee barbon, a distance of 82 mIl--. deceaaede oit charge o! Km"s. lenta 69 to 74, bock b. Deer- Tht- projett le uow decl.ared to be lu suad will moud titem ta Los am IPam-,;W. 4& $1.00. tht- hautin of the Chcago Asociatlin the home of the former y 111100100u IAPLant and vile10iC. S. o!f(Commerce wtb flfty promîineut uY by expres. BIdbats. 40 are, lu uortesit qui- business n'en backiug If. A machine_______ $Wetmeocu f17, ust Âutioch tWwn. Shap for tht- building o! seropîsnu ulvm.PRO<,A *W#- 18 0 Isabout ta be. erected et the Haw- AdjudicatiPMonMo t »qipia»riaolîta e munlaSulivan. thorne race track sud w. B.Wllda Puli-Nielah8bgie AND RECORDS A HTdss WTGHA and JEWELER Libertyville, 111.' hre to re- ih tii. sur- oing ot H P 81 ' aioning Co. eeu. a I tI.. [t e ii. e iid ý.-îk d s r e-l l c about Interra- tional Overcoats lv l.1îied 1 that is totally au- .Y t it sent ithe erli- nary hutIi8*kind. Thuis li Whîei atrof the is due inpartto. ...... Lers cr thffe unusu ai r 11, the con- th co sy martness of the LIAt Son- fabr"c and the n attack offt clever way M, '2 aIl uartliy great 1ur bc wao hltid ii i r eadl id-I .,nîînir À is lone. C. C Copi- - r owned a' INew and exclu- LkeCony sve Models at na Duggau pgces that ame >yce, ei.. e n, Jr., Ag- popular. tead. Gen.i given that Tomneasure oniy. d cause at 9, of sald Master in E..W. PARKHURST l, on Tues- Schanck BlOdK UBERTYILLE, ILL CORLE-TT & FREDERICKS O StapIe and Fancy= - gGROCERIES * MEAT MARKET * PROMPT DELIVERY TELEPHONE No. 30 - -o J. M. Graves AUCT11QNEER s e Mef re sMakug Vour Date Satisfacton Ouarateed Offir. 2M N. G.nemee t. 5.sidence Phtone 4M 2 es. 144 Eiîod Ave. WAUKEGAN, ILL. Paine o! women, heed Paine, or auj r .opped ln 20 minute.sure with . 8oo' Pluk Pain Tablete. Ssfl foml n21ée. Box. Bold by AU. DUALSE Law Flsgg, Proprietor Just around the corner on Sprague Street, next tb the Boehm build- ing and opposite the Pester blackemith @11oP. LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS 'Cf gars and Tobacco jLaundry Agmey Razors Hond The Unrivalled UNIVERSAL Stoves anmd Ranges Art Haniditd Exclusevely by HARDWARE AND FARM IMPLEMENTS jl L-C ,t TUIc H When i need of a cooki Slise, for yots wlsecure mm ta your home. They are thei mein1 le best- heating stovr pec t is that wUl be m addition -nose bettes. D(>WN HY THE OLI> DEPOT THE PLACE TO BUY C SCranton liard, ail sizes, Ç 0 Bostonia Cannel, Pocahon= Q A tas, Carterville Waýshed Egg A ~Coke, Mocking Valley, Etc. L KINDLING WOOD L F Pioneer Cow, lExcelsior Ilorse,.BuffaIo E Gluten, Grano Gluten, Daisjj Dairy,E E_ ftour Middlings, Bran, Shorts, Oôts. FE D corn R.- Red Comb Poultry food D Phone 47 Li bertyjville, 111. i ,~ t J e Another Bunch of Bargains inCold Weatheir Goods Extra Henvy Ail Wooi 11-4 Biauketq, pure white with striped border-----------------------------------------.......................450 Alil Wonol 114 Biankete lu plaid design, stripesi border--------......4.00 Al Wool Blankete similar te above, but 104 wlde-----------........3.00 W. are atili seilhng Inose tlDover*i Blaukets, full 11-4 for----------.....goc Anoîher lot of those faucy Oxford Kit Ladies'Sweater Coats aI 02.75 Sweater Coats for Infante, Cblldrn. Boys and Mon at Bed Rock Prices ir GROCÉRIES postum Cresi, the beat health coffee, reguhar 25c pkg. aI .......... 8 Onrapeouts, 2 packages for--------------------------------..................25c Holl*ud CreamnerY Butter, par brick------------------------.> ............85 Extra Small Cauoed Lima Beang ............................................ 5C Paris Sweet Coru, Barnhans & Morrill's .................................. 13C Try our Tea .....................................4-Oc sud 00c 1C W. W. CARRZOLL & SON FRED CROKER TAILOR AND DRAPER Libertyville, Illinois fall and Winter Goods Now on DispIay CLEANING DYEING REPAfRING Bar Out the Cold This Winter by Having a HEATING PLANT Installed in your home. You wili make nîo mistake if ) ou buy an Ideal Boiler or Boynton Furnace. Get facts and 4iures from Albert W. Litchfeld" LBERTYVILLE, ILL. mai . tyville, 111.

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