CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Oct 1909, p. 10

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Fu» ' Nar fi lir e yterma of tbnotce gtyeu t,,u days ago. ej'loseit S-About Lack of M"ent, vW Â l fVle eaeothtr market conditions, on your ter.of hat dates back toeilut spring and À s a I j & 't At d e s itof a qso r cf w h t layr w a y o el -ro d d o l tÀe ri o ?W as the cause of m u h Inc u venlence thtdre It asrto hieCOO wyofgg adwhttels et "What la the nature of the surround- then, but the trouble In this. respect IMua-an thatjm fon onthe lnks of the 'HW&Ot.h Ul5PIC.ligcuê?Backed by fAttorney and Police s'as greatly Increased this fail.ter v~ DR W:ukegan Country club la belleved te Industriel Aiet f f Jo-là l qis fuel bi eecured really, or mlut large "ýAre yb, neai. the base of any natu Ofbr llNt l: have been perslËtent anld contlnued bemiea an and there isa110w an secrets at Commercial suppiie% b. carried? ' rali upplies utîîîzed lu your.local ln- violationis and breaches of the cuve- Investigationonte________ her or net gX& nd "Ybft' dustriesct1? ailgsveupartscuilaro. NvthpaShiculana tnn the receiver bashm the NO JrOY luulItl o!nyveu. I;bf *dgm- "Sa ralra -eyour cty vel governed, and do ,*right ta take possession Of the PrOPy 0sau4. ~~~~~~~~faclites, and Iandy for street car its ofifcers tnde an lutereat In the et ihrfril rohrie"si calIneretsTH MAKE5 AVEFATS T (NÊR N~ etc? estabil ghd Industries as'vWeiasults RENT REFOND ATTEMPTEO a man famillar with the situation at Ca_______TH _ARET "VOFlàtôâ 10ve apffaximate cent per acre, other demanda for municipal sdvance- ________ Zion City. and p tràèt4 entThe twenty-four hour deniand. for Ileirs Hrip ~i4DmrectlyInter- h'cagr c.26 netre migLctianWI# il "an ay ofthese sites be secured 'Ioutere an effort made toe ecour. Tn Ca ofviction Notice Expird Immediate possession exî,ired at 3 Ma,& fco- itr wheat by sàinple: No. 2 Mauner of lnfornaiOM and &sm5 ors nl*trm contracta, with easy puy- age thse Inyetment of local capital iun s~dybtPr.Thdtndt 'lc oay ohn a endn esedBu MXb~f Fo- red $1,19C 1.21; No. 3 red, $l.1511); taory aofJoie'$ Commercial Assela- nMental home factorisa? Got POUWeon Dot@ Not Materialixe fuçther than te dnd ont wbether or flot tun"PusOtNo. 8 bard, 10@ll;No. 3 bard, tien î,aduutritCommtte. 04Ob , "Çaa sy of them ho ieaued for a "In abosi,-ta your City a gond manisý and. Presit Lesesu Potiâ« .Witi tise demanda of the recelver would 1), lune' 05»l.lO. Spring wheat by sample: Sampie--Waukegan Cmn Answer. Peri0d of years, under favorable condi- facturing snd shippins' Point, ln aIl Attortey and 1See4ki Police Pm0tec- complied with. Wbat action will, next' np.,i orthern, $1.07%U 1.08; N.2 AiofT m arbl.tes that tIbig implies, ad a deirable Place tien te Prevaqjt Porcibie Seixitre. be talten s'as decided at a conference Mg.lenr unGg tSiihnotsr,8.0601.07; No. 3 sprîng, Alt hmFvoai.tos fA lab unGe oBits oten ou" I which ta live andi rear a iarnily? hetween tbe recelver and bis attor- $1.030106. Crn' by sampie: No 2, "la any land givon as a bonusedya U. ny nChcg tdyad ohn Capaital toeClairetfor AnWri«O NoMirf1r o h.Gk;Na. (FromtaWedneedays a Sn.) "Winl tbe oweers of factory sites Co- (rmWdedyaSN) ny i hcg Oa m ohn le Wmn.a2whit, 61c; N. 21The control and possession oftiedlntasotefsurcuser the Who Number #"fOthfSPrO105 " yeflost, 6ly4@61l(sc; No. 3, 61c; No. 3 Secretary W. O. Hodgdon of thse tu- operate vithi ndustries ln the erection TO HAVE REVENUE CUITER zion City botel wu a s urrendered reofi sîe the mautuer cou dof ho gn State "id tWHi" " Wen Loft ygllow. 61061%c; No. 4 59@60%c- dustrial committee of the Joiet Com- of factary buildings? etraafrnm b M$.AV-lred 16 b mot'Engllsh 6tià by sample: No. 3 white, 394@ rmerdiai club spoke before the national "Have you assy empty factory bnild- etriyatroi yfr.A .iand #%er and Adventurer. 40wc; No. 4 white, 399b3934c; tanu Lconvention of commercial executives Ings? If so, give dimensions, rentaI, Tsfuor oBoTkn.w Off h Bo t G rm i the e tO n acdaewit ho ar,40%@41c.foNeOn.tetreoth e a vcinn'GF AT BRHA PRY Chicage Live Stock. recently and ln speakioz of the Mai'- railroad connections, and othor partic- (From Wednesday'a SUN.) tices ervedl upon ber provlou*ly and GF T BRHA AT Chicaga, Oct. 26. ner of aocurlng new industries sald ln ulars. WsigoD . c.2-nte tl npseso h elrsta <Verm Wmlaeaday't SUN.) nogg-Reepta 16,000. Quotations part: "Have you mapa or drawinga, sho w sh ngte o D C..tOct.he7.-nther stcill lu possren adec helaeu-1 thatt ube fFi urrs Mr.ZenrDaa scioal teacher r çdat $7.90@8.00 for cholco heavy, 'ln this searcis for nes' factory sites ing lboÀtion of factory sites snd builli. vSs la t on he adde t lathesUnt sil eyero sederteonaseoun rieMdseta Numb ari Ffy pr ce ia. E eanorN .uJ , s l e orh a 7 7Q 7 .80States eet on the75r7at5lthes, andttiiltaget timem ef tts expiration, four M isa Sodorni S un. cf PainieI, N J. saledon se a- 770.0coIce igb$6 .7507.2 5 tgond rilagn eca ietar iga(iicago la ta he thse port frôln vsIch yeaa f rom January 1. Attorney C. B. ('o enalr u renu, ia Sa-sjtedaim for the Amnent- haypakn,8670.5 od get for ail sorts of questions Natu- "Have you a city map, or a map it vill operate. The bhast vuIsI e aSeuai ofthse aw irm of Chapin & i Flfty young people f romlise Swed- o- boire the etate af Sir PFranàciacioiCP"ee pi 5,00a. aiOEr«liy hemuat ho able to discuse tisese showixs thse generai location et0f u revenue cutter, one of tse iargeet in Sears , Cbicago, remalned et the hotel isi Metisodiat churcis Iat nigist sur- SwiLe, xplrerandadveturr. nd 4ite <o hoce intoligently andI satlsfactarlly. Per- city, wvus nilroad connections?' h evcadwl utepicplaI a etrayfrteproee rsdMe iceSdrano h- brtSb0-tok the Internat or etleutast t 15$.26û9.00 fotheservie.panan leh the rincial aflday ysteque$f- ise prposeoftheielocialMcnneditdrmasnon th prime sabers, $4.235.25gond te choie hp nouoato fteequs Wa r ts oa odIin isctter in thse great laite district. giving counaei and legal protection ta occasion of ber irtisdsy and] among M U msore Waukegsssitea. 00u8. 145006.00 god ta cbo c.:1 tions viii serve thse purpose, andI ex- respect for taxes, ire Inauraisce and e'Ciaol ehv hsba uteMs rhm it edrdtepplryugld flamoel Born oaithUse st COut, cool- beiferg, $9.00(19.75 gond tb cbiecpose the secret, if terejas n. Inlire protîection; vater as ae? resCbi5o athe nhave ts fSecat as isy M G aa. gVilencee ee fthe Hein sareyoing a p is eone of thse Waukeguu hire tu cajys,.$5.000i5.50 seiected feeder,tise_ order of prosentatian, the quee- "Do thse orkîng people generaîîYreutatiendvrsoSeearaiepoeofteHin irewra 8etl 4.0004.40 gond te cisoice stockera, thse Treasnr,,y ranlfin MacVeagh ans eae Vaeno birdsa eye mapie rock"r 1th r-à~ tbeestate, if Uere la any a oif t liSeetieens 2,00generally rmn about as folova: ovn tiseir homes, and Iare Use facili- AssatSceayCaiDe o- An apuseai vas made te Sheriff Grif- bouquets a book and a silver rnountc-i 1 MW"& Basides thweeare tva Deer- S t-"lps2,0.Quotationocs1 mYu rnprainf- isfraqlighmsgn? Asitn ertr hre yrNr t" wmen ho Wm t holinel de laged t $.766.00 oodte coketon, botS af vhom are Cisicagoas. Tein for protection and aiso to Chief ofi perftine bottle. Refreismpnts w5.- S~ vme ve ai t b lnel e rngd t 6.50.0 gndtochîe only questIon vhetber tise s'dos theavergeasmeeflaPolice John F. Jnap of Zion City. At- ti asmdas itie isa avgao sdIaMbe, 84.40CV4.7à gond te cioce:cuit es? H queation le lins? "Wbt doshUse veragehome f a i »Mgjes ote re aegatfl bave vetbers. $4.00«4.60) good te0ecoce, NNae tism. Are there belt Une con- vorkingümirent for? Icabe bulIt thia year. inasmucisaslits ternsey Seara stated ta tise -poiiles sd -_______ »Ndéobr WnemtnbaencinDoos this service a;npiy pro- "Ai-i tiseregoo4 acisols andI frese 1t iibeaond$ 00,ad aaerîff ibat It vas feared that a We~~ llited aI add lime. as otls~~r bersLive Poutry. vide for Use local Industries? lbala isrha sastlpra oi e dete takepo or Wu 1.5 1555,, Turkeya, per lb. 24c; chickens, "How about the freigist rates, and Ueteft, gol uviv f anedpesentadminntratlsatemtp1 etiCiLRNW R NDNE fovî, 11 moater, - y ~ i streak of ecanomy tiis addition to the 1 alan ar Use hotel by force and tish fOi,1% roaes c; springs, the switcbing and transfer chargea? atber Institutions and facilities for tise rvnesrvc a ocniee such s step vas ciearly Illegai and Il Hmmoring Away at Loaded Gun Wiil Thais "Pau Ou»" 11%c; geese. 9010e; dueka.12c. Are Use latter absarhed by campeting betterment an'd entertainment ai the 'ruxeuesriemyb idry. atiat police protection mlgbt be ne- Cartridgea when Seen. Clama tu otiser "vat etates" in Ptattea.1 ur anal the Aznekaiaiss estate ta viicis a"Wa are the facilities for handiin.g "Wiat are Use street car facilitiez, O SACK 0F TOADSTOOLS Ing mIade. Notising oi Use kIndpvas grocera ,eliver boy Ibis morn- WM*a~ peaple lte enumber of auBuffalo Live Stock. 'frelght. hoth aItishe freight terminais city and Iinterurban? Are apeciai ar-GO attempted, but a demand vas mnade Ing doscovereti two smaii ch idren on Eat al cr amtab enSsal Buffalo, N. Y.. Oct. 26. and fer teaming? Are tise freigit rangements made ta care for Use vork- ln vriting that possession ho glven norlis Shridan rond isammering se. Moth hOtscor clam tebe birb Douusi & Stevens, Lise Stock ý bouses centrally located, sud easiiy se. ing people, nigis and morulnga? I (Prom Wednesday's SUN) vithin tveuty-four boura. atIgs ihaplceotru Te lna ir exemple ofa canplte lo. Camissaion Merchants. East BofteJc. cessible? "o bu h akAet. ýieofcrsen aoe a Try te Rent. sltiee nd h tpe ldrnse yte- Up.ýtb« Jono .u num Y.,qoteasfolov:SIS 'h ,ý Ifnov aide tracks are required. la sobîtaistiai and harmonioua, and visaI rying alarge bundie yêeterdayasakedslin ndhdtecilrnsced Ut' tse postal Telegrapis snd (151. e fiPta 2 cura. mn'ket teady. ilo09-- tisero any plan by visici Use cent l la it UOr policy ln dealing vIls local tise man visat hobad ln tise package. A tender vas &asemade of tise un- ed in explodistg them tise.wottd empesy.til i tbtkoa t i t u isare leespta 1,5 cara. market teady ; beavy,ýiere oto fterna OeYhv enasrosacdn.Wë @ iWandmai make a trip est soots 7.00.00; Yetkers, 111.7007.90; pigerebldt ts nutrescs sd-bdutisuista io a ut a goa t ls aotion aa tisere t i n e avobnerons acch itt Wboysn te eiti isa vnperonl ntrest la *.077.Siseep and aI Re 1dctn bt a certain sum par car on "Are tise ewapapers stauncis aup- feiiov replied "raishits." 't.eîta osesbtIi mutwsrtre iii ts nle > ii rttite it. twmtt.éeipt 10 cars, market steady; Set !Use freigist bibis, or are tise Industries portersaifthse city and lit e ie? DoItefli.' aisI tisepoliceman. Wben .,1hon Ivuinthae>e 5 acîlabtiveet-, IUniha, 7.715@7M2; yearling&, $5.0* required te stand al Use expense of Usey exercîse care inte eeIndustrial oponed, tise sack vas found t0 certinJIcepted bail Usa botel cîerk kI5Owfltb8isenfommed concertting te tart site w1il t1 frake heis ln Uis country, 6.60;-els $ 4.9006.50; estes, $4.25 tUss ork? mattersY - large qunasity of toadstools. He contenta of tise envobope," declars.] greatby alarme,] and itad th e 'd'r sio 1fbave Poiieis hl il li utrMre. 1 iad tgt to u ntom. ýern nyfrthemont et boylabo .tisrat rtriw's ntttlthe' mInce1886.are otitie tisI Uslr dW Ligî luter Maket."Wisat are Use labon conditions? In pro'ied iUs paved streets sud gond as iogtte eomaraa "vt wtae iliitomal$11,00,000. Elgin, Il. Ot.26. raoai sii imasadsdoal Tise officer varned Use man of tise'1OctOber had ibeau pali in advance up banda of tise chiidren tand le i fortih- STe afar t an e. ere ers u la er is, 28% rss.30 ; dine..a female help, akilied andI unskilled? Are yesr contractora capable of con- dangerof eatIng tise tosdstoobsansd 10e November 1, andIthe receiver re- eatetisat tise ladiavrd tih,' na- I la fureirding ttie altrra gratra, 2c; lir, 2%c; ai skWbat are tise prevaiiing pricea oi la- trueting plants promptly for nevr in- ise Urew tbem avay. thanking tise[turved 844.46, Use arnount unearned, ture of tise tiendiYplaYtitintttt ,fttr'ý *jup Iht 1 1sdny té pi siand Sc-ber? - - - dialris - isscot !or tisetinseiy vrindating front yateula.y. vistci vas thse serions injury resulted 0" ati hISbobloug te the asadcatia --i __ bt àià, seeb"sevsn u thé Al50eka'- - - - --MIN~ ~ lm inpèaleare alaobeagued. ~- .~~t- - ttawent ta cousin. ite 11* t t te snything authentie ISL as~>kaedinre86ita U ,hose e làrie prapetty ofAir ÈiUsCfi Dftah, incjudlng granta ýy Parllusept desddetÊ W bit son. 8Br TnlB Drùke, ai&#à rom ims sioul4 hivé. *aiô ta ÇapWan Francia, suoliser sôt dlii 'et fortune, but Use captalu, visi aerval.inte UeAmendais revalutIowc, .ZAtTAKESII N $2,300. one Of Ue meut aucceaiful Affi given lis IbiS part of Ue country ta a laong tir» vas t.h* Hoiy Fsmily cbaiVUk isasaar ~ eloeisd vilS a grand bail asuupwila'mday nigit. Thse gres inent taken in vas ovr $2,300, viUs eouses ln Use nelgisisr. boondof 1300, making Use net receipta equsi 82011, or tiereabouts. Tes* arestilI nome returus te coase ta visicis viii avel Ue total. The financisi suceesa of thse affaif la eonsidered notilu short of pbiNeni. enal, conaldemtng Use short tb»I.lis wiiSIl vas sotten up and ecalsra, tsely spoaking. bas surpa5saed ay thiag lu this part of Use country' As a socil event lis succest couid uat hais been greater. for tise reps'.' Saetaive Peoplte of ainsa ail tise noti sihore town8 spent at least one eve5ing t the bazaar. Il vas tise cou- ter ci social gatberlngs sud many peo- pit nov express regret at ils close. Neveomers orcheWta furtîlsied mu- ic for Use occasion. Thee Merchants et Norths Chicago, W&*XieM, Chicago sud intervening tovus viso contrlbutod se generousiy 'ad tise public visa patronized tis eta- * fir. -Obseve peiai mention, for itlel tissoagis Ieir efforts iargely tisat its sueeas v as assored ras lise start. * Tise beasîltul dlla aI Use baxair - bicb created Sa mucis enthuBaam, ve van by Use folavtng, Bride doi, Mm .WMn Flahserty; automobile dol, deonal 57 Mr. John SiserIII, vas ivectSp iss Bila Wacbter. Tise ailer tva dalla wve W ons by JaepisMaster- amm " Mn. Robrt Bunrns. Tise cildren lu Nantis Cisicag aM voln un everal surroundlng lovas vu. mnable tas Me 15>ngMe aovesOr . psçqeeet i atmg an. ai tise 4015,'m ÀAhinguertbu la tut ailu i M'el es are adait. - Stson 350 l.... Mite .... 5 at .... 3 l00 None Better at the Prices Don't miss ourC1cd Unme of Shoes PP*e Ihe hae al he snap and sIvs-tatothrswant $500 fo~~~~ Ifwe o' ear rlght we give yeu à atew palr. - N~n ofYou Frend We desloe our boys trade I~~ ù,dA»tefi~erstto b n! psr s dptment is tlftII~~~~ ~ "Itii49ecot~e.o est values. No W6y nôt èù?7 awter,,%wt the price, $3.45 W. S5ame ec w arét tot ý 1,k attention O1J1C'a mm GIeIlCU S rges ad Hercules a uamer of -du p Iates ~tftIee wII d% - AT& ,9 AT ~!IOW O IUIflC ~VIVLII a- --e- - - *~. ...*,......AI......., ....S LVII VI 1.2-M, 5A0 anýfd2Oe lso Hmen. lhcy have mu"lstlmctive f suture 0oot ed counts. i.... - - -r - ' - ------------------------------------,-,---'---- S~'.... ..z..,..d. -- - - ~. 1-.. '- - 't ~4'i'.s ~pm.2 g51 5~tlON - v. ~ *, -~ .~------ J t i m

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