-~.~'~-eVYTIUNG ýiRTECOi<FOtT OF THE YOUNG VL A C~4~,~ui~,Dt~flsSftirts and Millinery THIS SALI? BEGINS Saturdqr Noývember 6th ANI) CONTINuL9 FOR. ONE WEEK An opportunity of Great Importance - lo Evmr Woman, Picked Lots of Elegant Outer Garments ,fromn the Leadint MaNUâtacturers and Iinipoittrs, purchased dy our buyers, who just returnéd from Nctàr ork, having bouwgh immense quanti- tics of these hfgh ciass goods for our tiain of stores. The large manufacturers realize our output facilities, and natwur, buying in such enormous quantifies, we are given the prefereiice over sma4lq deaiers, and we give our customers the advantage of our close buyirsg, by sdhlig every one of our garments at re- markable W=' econcessions. We have Ptirchîaffla pÎroinent îiakî'rs tire îî~ihî ii) mtis-k iîof hsli-î~aT i md n fainey Sniti4 at a great ri iltivtîîîî. 'Ihoe lx-iut-ltil neW' nixdls wxe .otr lu riii rtwi, (rg0e <chevi'oîit, %wiîh- shade i il tiw îiw tvmturem. Thîîe atm atit , I C 1»1,iatl « viaisiwithî gitimt(".s1matini îî' WeH e !*sfThree Lots Every Garment Wort h Double We invite your careful inspection 01 these Suits, and aret tare to plea se you. EI.gmnt Suitsup to $65 Chu '3 Cbiidren's o~ e~ery 7tery conveivable < Mothers 1 lot of School Bring your children Dresses. in mix- 'here and we wilI save tures, sizias 6 to 14, you money. only one to' caeh tcustomer,. A new lot of -Fmne a.. Cloth, Ilearskin, Chinchilla-and oth- -We have dlt'îded the er warm Coats, lots of Fine Dress 1.49, 1.95. 2.459 at',, 1.29. 2.2S. 2.95: SéOS. 4.9* 3.50, 4.93. Many )ý-é* Walsts* We are recognized leaders in ItLe Ihandlfig of al grades of tailored Wnd fan'cyWaiàta.l -TMEVE LOW PFWeEà PFOR TIS SALE, 30 %tyles Elaboate 811k. su1fad Lace 7Waorts, for party. and evefflg Týaffet.s 811ik Iaisie, rchl ernbroilerûd. at ........................ *Q l \Vc have 6ecure .,a» U 1>Dozen éther lor o algs ssorth talored Waif;tg. ý j$1.50 Yoiur cholce .. I.....t . a U' 'ctien t~ ~ ~ 9ý OO!-iesealprchâire M 500 Flan- Inelete Persian Kimonas and Dressing Sacques oneé to s customer, wor t robre ExclusiveÇQ frS ll- bri ad<letl 1 keiNreys, fai iv te nriwlîicih wie plaee on sale îliîtiimtii lirnîin îveîit nt ïîrwestha.t will - - inî1-ptr.i* îvervwomn iînintettetd ini a coat Three Great LotsI 12.50 17é. $~ Ail at'e "4*ncheq> 1 An Uuheard of Coûkt &pec *1 54-inch kersey'coats, in ali s' a limited niber at ............ An Important Speclal Fuil iength kersey coits in ail i*e7 velvet collars, worth $15... Speial sale of eut fl i Drsses In ail the new ma- terials. We guaran- tee the best selection of dresses of .every kind, and our prices are much lower than elseîvhere for these fine Costumes- Corne new e Hih. b~1 Si 14 and scethem i4t- ~ oellt 6.95 - 99 IAltman Voile 12.5 15.O 'Iof tlk highou 12.5 - ioô 750. DeparoUe MC, Ldies' Har'd Bags la ge sîze .. . . . . . . . ..ý Elegant Leather Eags, 1$l2, fiàtwý Art Mufflers for ....................... A Complete Line of Kid and Gofif Gioves. Beautiful Belts and Buckk&L .. 30~. 34~j~ We have scured another lt of hom fine blickj 1 n ~e T~ ig this sale only at 39c, one te ols. v. WVben yoi bS&y Firs st u,' store "aiiare gettlng them at wholesale price. As we have our 0", nFir.fàbtory to sulplly ailî or our easteru jAnd westerti stores and ne dealers caîi boy fors cheaper froci the faclôrY tlln 'we seli iller to our custo- mers In our rotait stores, 45 lnch Russiail Pouy Coats Elr..................... $ Cots up frrrn....... We have a cor pete liae of a14 t4se à~ Furt. Mlnk deta froin 18.00 f io e. Heutiful sets, single rmnffq, perolipreo.&' fazicy jgeces, black Lynx, Martpus, ~b lea, F'Oxea, Wolf,' Jap Mluk. ef.et. a' asld aiXigle peces., T-fl wýc ièàý,ail igt#a~nd afl~o&s Aftnc>$s ÜA e Value for............«...................... ......... Lîte'sd ChIldren's He............... :8lsBw ....39C: Princeest1Poe0 Ai% S11k PoiAU' 3é Dýeep flounS e M I - w Aprons ......... 9cots.98e and p..L Chltrens llannalett4 â nîglit goWne ............. Pull l Ite o0r nls EnhIý oidery d ~ Collais,....... 5 hawn ........7 9 c TFhe prettleet of the seasmi. A l! e- Wated varlety of smart, lamtîy, îalch « tiln6ry a howfi# sonie 1<2e:, strIkitir. piodela of thé 'cleveres! (rtck clit-11 Ïive las. Corne lnu sdti v (11i1,un. »eEÇIAL FOR THIS SALE! 100 new trImmed, bats, juic! rî'cî!vMd ]Cach one bas the stain cf u îg!ia1Itt" bMd bgaaty. Extra.ordtIiiiî'v simca,3.95. gil1k tëlyet fats. Tr.,,, w1th burndh of genuie rinm ............. ,1eiWer Ha! a..........3.94 lX%35 £1014and Silver brntd. if. wide, 50c value . . "... at Ykrd .. .................. ,Complet. lUne of Ch1itd's lisanmd Cap$. - E~iÊIc il bay ,~1l. . il]' -e. 1:1 w17J9 4. - - Al Popular, V*ii'iââiàIIIrttillhe Music ai 10e Per Coéy - -- as 111 ~ - -ý, *4z ý-" 'km ». *«Wi *,.Ii ý-x ý -,