CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Nov 1909, p. 8

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LAIE OOJNTY INDBPBNDENT, FUIDAY, NOVEMBIOR 5, 19019 Waukegan NewsI -1à DMLVERY Vogel respouded. Nighb Sergeant1 Vogel with the belp o! Officer Oavis WAS PLANNIED succeeded ' la cking OCounel In a - el and quieting the rest o! the pria-j *pIft Tila sto Ellect that PrisOners oners. A* lgnded Together to Bush the U55d wheIt Pen or Central Cil le MEN BIJRIED UNDER Orpenai or WIII tUse Files to Pro- wmné Weaae-Oflciait Apprlsed TONS Of EARTII 'Tae sbÀPrecautions. Two laborers were nearly crushed WllIe It ta strefiflUO5y denled, the tu deatb Thursday atternoon when reprt a eurrent that back o! the there was a cavein in the tunnel uow £tbewe two prisoners athet being excavated under Glen Rock1 oounty jail Monday nîght was au a1 avenue by the ravine sewer contrac- 1,usd plot sit Jail delivery and it la a dtarl The soli at the point where the tâat O'Dnmell attacked Frank flasker accident accurred la principally dlay, beiuie It la alleged Basked wouldu't but somes quicksand was unexpectedly ioa tu wth thse reported plot and &a reached, when several tons o! earth "ln ILtumbled dosen, buryiug the men he- jail o0icera profess ta know nothlng Their fellow workmn succeeded lit whatever of the matter but Informa- uucovering the men before they were " to 1 the SUJN la ta the affect that serioualy înjured, promptnesa of the1 a bgty et the Jan la alegd ta be worken undoubtedlY saving their Wigg letters out for other pris iver. The contractor wlll have the 40M Wltb.ont aUBPOctlng their nature remainder o! the tunnel work braced Md aue a hurnntarin aet. while It la wltb supports sa that a repelition o! " ai.mid that attexnpts have been the nearly fatal accident May nOt OC- Ual. ta introduce files snd other cur. There was not thought ta be anY obi-ts.danger because Oie sali waa a hard t in claimed that four are [n the day and Oie sand wasn fot knowu to uileo plot te> get freet o! restralut exist et trat point a" the afleatjon la made that the Ran ilite Mayor@ Auto- att g ui take(mie o! iVo forma- A teani attacbed to one o! Oie sCar- adhu a concerted rush at au omfcer enger wagons rau away late Thora- lKhm ho OPea the big cage ta let Out day alternoon when Oie barges be- a pismer W a conference Or va is e came frigiitefled et an engine used by ,M jute of the windows where ban5 Oie pavmng contracta? on Belvidere MW lre swed. Istreet and rait nortis an Genese abimuons attempts were maie ta atreet. damnaging Mayor Bucksasuto:- kap the watter seret because of Use mobile. which was standing in front a! tUm et Sbezig Gin. due ta an à£- the Shea-man Hoase. Thse frightened die.b« t Ilm lkuova txat au laves- 1aniumis w-ere not tapped uimUl the - b u ow on s&d tsait the jafil .10bolg narcheml fru top ta bottome tg OU evlioees ofthse sfleged Plant - wcaaeOy Mauj Assistant (.Cie ?gssM me lu Charte ci tse jau lPend- àM m ewouy et Sborel GIMISa" a in - u b ebellme a"o ta te" thseI - lw hus 1.the sw ou far ast ft s. bgel" 4mthse quieth thelis ýIM -om vasWoureafly tise leged plot1 k st met the jma. Ib ldu uebeiW of thse jafl bumbeau apdset aitise péot litla1 am a" metaktag aUn petaioe1 te.ouvt mnos Ib IMIS Ihnomnt i fused siso-1 lfete, aMo u e a? . bli euor1 te u1 si là" ky Faâbmwa duilofpisysic me Lak e.d>1uilMeaay wmm is a fa-e ft dlau nom occred.Orne id b. psis.ees » us a proe- OIPuinthé deuil la eitkahly hart m Ume eufit efhavissg bees édkiMW auj ats.. Prlaceers lu the coutyjailiMonday aIM i idalgad lu a fee-fer-aB ft inl vrbl& Frak Basker satuied serious 13lujurlesa the baméds o!John OCGon- nOil, nuder ludicimeut for burgiary aud larceuy front Use St Paul rallroaa A boettl fbitters, aald ta contain u1uety Per cent alcobol, la reponted ta, have bean smuggled Iuta tise jai by a s persan uuknown, sud the prisoners are thought ta have become mmxoi- cAted afler drinking tise contenta. Tis la dlaputed. OConneil la a lougis eus-1 tomer h ls sald sud la inucis larger "ud iratiger tissu Basker sud gave hlm a severs, beatlng.' Not Rernoved ta Hosptal. B&aker, visa la also under ludici. mlent fr burglatrY and larcen>', vas kieked 50 aevenelytat h vas thaugisi tes le remave hlm ta McAllister bas- Pliai. Fear Escape. ThO count> officiaIs f ean tisatinl -ame ha as nsmovedtere be mîgisi maisa an attempt taesacape sud are tisarefora uuvilhîug ta cousent to, hb beIng taken tisere for Ireaiment un- las anme arrangeueto can Le made or special guards. it wa reported Tusulaiytisai Basker ms tondton vas PrecaLriona sud tisat several boues isad wagon gtucy-k a telegripis pale ai Oie cora-er of Water street. visere for s tins it looked as If the Lazzauin fruit store might be partiafll dernolished- Miatoe& Sm qÇoa- unny. WbLla ont i hunl sat Suuday fors- conas Frauk hHa1»1, acidentalhy abot; bis seveu-year-oMdsoni, Frank, Jr., but the &bo, taklug affect in the lover purt oftise body, dld sot IluSict faal voumda and tiser. lanaodanger o! Use boy'. die. T1%e accident occurred ai about 19:» oclock lu the vaoda on the farm, nur Hou" ~Laka. uhicis Mr. Haink ocpies. He bad gont i ith hi& gazi, ioplng tea ud nmre amulh gams, sud allovad tise boy ta e cam-k pey hlm Tise youg lad, visa bai entered tise buaises i n attempita seule ont a nabit. vas sono. bei sigis of by bis ftther. and vises Mr. dld ses a raisit and fred, h proved tisat is wu vas lu direct range sud received the charge lu hie legs -Bar- rlngtosi Reviev. WORK FOR INCRtASE IN MÉMBIERSIIIP Sean thse Men Wearlng Litile Lapai Buttos with Simple Inscription '10W' on Tbtt>-Thone are Wood- ni", Seeldng te, Sweil Lodge Lisi b>- Gettwsg Recm dBreaking Guets of New Menabars for Order. Miauy pesona have been puzxled a W tise meaulng af the red aud green butions vbleh are belng vos-n b>- six buudned memberz o! Lýaka- Camp .Modenu ', oodjnsn(i! America. The ouI> mark upon the buttons la the number .006O Those vea.ring tisa red buttons bays beau duishes Use "Anarchlis' suad tise vearena of thsa green embiema are knavu vithln the odge cîrches astbe "Iriat'. A frlendly coteai la on ta lus'reaee tise lodge memberasip to 1.060o memibera sud tise loeing aidaeviiha ezpecisdj to banquet the v1innens lu Oie novel1 coteat visich suds .Iauuany lig. Tise ised camp offersa s slk banua-n ta tise camp lu eacb state visicis shows tise argest increase lu memb5rasip for eacb year. Waukegau aspects ta, recelve tise banner aud local ment- bera are vorklng night aud day ta bing Oie mennership up 10 tise ane been braken. This vas denled isy thouaand mark. CouMY> Physîclan A. E. Brown, visa n oPeu meeting will Le hsld on %&a U tino boues vers brlken. November 121h ta vwich every nse Offlals Not t0 marne. i; Iuvied. Promîinent Woadmen viii Siseniff Griffun, viso s contuel ta ogive addresaes sud there vîli ha an Webed as a resuht of tise ijuries Itereaîlug prograut sud a splendid seitlned lu the automobile' accident. scial urne for alvisa attend. Dist- could Dt be seeu but Biaies Atior- rict Deptly JOs. Riseiunnn atlended IWY DadY is anthorlty for tise state. the nieeting o! tise L.akteand Nontis Mt Usai s guanti vas lu change-of tIticago ('st"op ast ulgisi, sud Oie Il-I tbe juil aI thetsUis th isehbî ok ti-tion o! s-eral candidates vas pit- place but refUsed ta, give tise narne of 15'tt'tl t11 he nexi regulan meeting. .thb. pecilh atcismau visawuvai> Tiire- lis agood slzed cîas awaltinig tetd ta guard tise prisaners ai t1I'fIixIle-gea o!fniemierahlp. aloM durl thUlhess a! Oie shenlir. The. shirit lan lu no vav resuonsibie CLUBBl-NG RATES RAISED. î<r thse occurrauce sud il la aIea poas-Tise Chicago Daily Inter Ocean sud sili..UsaIthse guard cannai he blamed. Tribuns basing aised tisa price of iheir Bmsjs.mlu Weaven has beeu am- snbscrmPtions Io us wes are unahie ta gki sedasulisi vatchutan ai tie ail furaisb eiser paper lubbed with the ami Ivas on duly Monday nigisi. When Lake Count>' Indeperdent fon legs tissu b. bsond tiha n&»stUsaprsoners 84.00 per t'sar, sud Ihal oni>' ou the VW. m-1dghoa attemplsd ta quiet rural routes, Reidents of tisa varions ý* 104 stop tise Iht bUt vas un-to lwns lu which the IudePenden~t ir- 'nW t&eff. WtisM MniayW thisattculati sare flot ln on the cluhblag le promoltb' »Ouft5s tis proposition and muet psy tise negular 000MIe U 1M* -d "Sucaipiom rats. 2i i . a! Oie lins vs vould flot cars. We1 have the mousi la bulld h ta oGrays-i lake sud vhen vs are In Grayslake vs viii vais bonda ta bulît It anoten 12 miles, and 50 on until va reacis Rockfond. Gentlemen, vs vaut ta gai ta ltackford as qulckly as you vaut us toansd It la ver evideut thet rnueyed men vouhd nDot Put uP mons>' for Oie perfect condition &fier tventy yeers. De Wolf la the RUÂL Party lu Inter. Tisee as nmre discussion as tanvisa est. should ha the Judge of the condition Mr. Orvîs ought ta know, 1 guesah., and it vas finaily left ta the discretion does. of the counciL. Ail rails shasl b. flush , The people would lîke ta keep thon. vitli the street and Oie klnd o! rail streeta. If Waukegan la paylns à in ho uged shall ho deigusted by the large sum of money ta, Mr. Stane, gnvernlng body a! the city. 1 mesn Mr. De Wolf, for bis services TF iyepae l er*par- clerkgIsudnôt ahoy hl iampoe Th t F mlye hr b e r- acierkgandnôtais e ouhiestikoter mitted ta ride ou ail cars !ree, pravid- wlth 1gw aulta InvolvIug Oie employ- Ing that ihey vear a badge showIng enas praperty. If Waukegans maney that they are ln the clîyas service. la golng ta ho uaed tnfIght Waukegan Cblîdren under six yeara o! age shahl with 1 would auggest the maney be be permltted ta, ride f ree and for thase paid to same ans wbo wauld use it dl!- WYNN ORDINANCE MIAS NOT BtEN PAS! Aldermen Get Chances They Ask for n Part But ht la Net Thought Like- ly Thai Ordînance WiII Corne Up Before Council for Vote Until Borne More Time Ha@ Elapeed as Councîl Desîres More Tîme. Tisere la nat much chance tisat tise Wynn road ordînance will corne up for passage Mouday nlght ai council meet- ing sud visile tbe city and Oie officais are nearer a settlement lu regard ta ordinance praviBlaus tbere ls stili a lot aofisedging ou Ibat lty year fran- chismalter. Tise lateat phase la tisat tise alder- men ln part agree tu a fifty year fran- cbise- vlth a twenty-year forfeiture clause lu csse the raad faila ta get ta, Oie city a! Rocktord ln twenty yeara. The franchise raeai that If the Waukegan. Rock!ard & Elgin Traction campany bas not cornpleted eletric IUe ta, Rock!ord in that tîme th,., fity year franchise could ha for!eitsd by action o! tbe city. Alderman Er- Aiune madle abjection ta tise phrase 'by action o! the cancil afier tweniy years" sud sald that lt shauld termi- nate by the action o! the council witb- ont notice. Mr. Wynn Givea Reasons. "Gentlemen, yau wyul not fiud any- thlng as scary as capital and vhen the ordinance la psssed every man who puis lu five thousand or mare dol- lars [nia It wili give it to bis iawyer for appravai sud wben be sees the clause that If Oie road la nat coin- pieted ta, Rockford ln tweuty yeas the franchise will be revoked, it la tan chances ta ans that be vlI turu l14 dowu. "If vs isad the mauey ta bulld ail lrat: twelve miles unlesa they thaught f ocati corporation (1 dan't thlnk lt that lt wonld b. completed ta that waa Christmaa Urne, either> absoluts- LOUIS J. YtEOMAN THE OPTICIAN city. 1 arn sre tisatIiftse franchise !ly vithaut paîment ta tise city-jnst vas ta ba revoked vitisout action of 1hbad il aven as a preant Well, Mn. Oie cauncil lu that trne vs could flot !'De Wolf rau for ne-election on hia enlat tise aid o! capital." "'yule-tide idea" sud tise votera elected Thia vill cause cousidenable dis- a Demacrat, Soute gay Mn. De Wolf cusaon visan I la brougisi befonsre ev as vexed, even anuayed. ai tisa out- council Nionday eveuing. :coame o! tisai election. Tisetins la ta be completed ta Aften lMn. De Wolf bad coaled dovu GraYslake by October 1,I1910 Tiis a bit, a Matier o! five or six yeas or vas amendai ta gay tOuithtisure go' s Oie st.ry go0s, ha !ouud ise bad vould he a. tended for any deiay a lutile lime ta spare, go hbe mat nain- whicb %as nat tise !ault o! tise road. rail> atnolled davu 10tiste lakeecans ht vas put lu tise franchise so tisat bigisi sud sunny aftennoon. As he Oie company migisibchabale ta baudîe walked aloug Oie ahane. glanclng nov any trlke trouble sisould sncb a diffi- sud Usen ai the barbon, visicis tisa cty culty rise. elfiably kept fanris ovu ose, flittlng cuTheUn- on a.rleeto Gur-Pebisont oser taeplacld vatera o! Tis lIs matbe ompet taGun nd Lake Michigan, vatcilg Oiem use befora tise road atart& ta build on3 sklp sud then disappear front viev, Washington treet tisane came ta hlm an Ides, no, ha dug A provision o! the new ordînance up that Information ha gainei as gays ilisi frelgist trains of nat more maYar; the tbougbt cama ta hlm, than six cars ln Iength sisail b. par- "doas tOee cty ovutisa ends a! Usass ritted ta> non beveen the banna o! sireets -- Ha iaoked the mailer up 10 p, m. sud 6 a. nm. ultionn recelving and !ound ha couid purchase nome real a permIt frontseit>- of Waukegau. good haalthy lav çuitz againast Wau- Otlier Featares. kagau--and ha bouisi them qulckr. Tise Company- la ta b. heid for dam- Thea suita vers atartad ai once aud atsteariang agaluatthesacity ln cou- tse cîy bas ben fightIng ta kee con, noction vlth tise lectileune. tral o! ltisaitae front streets aven If the ro"d ln sot propeni>- boadad inec, The van vaged for several ta avoid eieciroiji the company Yyeara tissu let up for a spehi. Il takes shail be reapansible for sncb damages moue>' ta carry on lawv suita, so1 ta vater sud »er Pipes arn lid. Mnl De Wolf lai up and Lise The city shall hava paver ta negu- City biad a breatiîng spai. laie the speed o!faIU cars.Tloe rua au. in sun sud ashais, sud No tine for ntuno cars vas speci' Mn. Fred W, Buck vas elected mayor. fiai lui the ordinancS uer tissu tiai in. t>eWolf vas promptiy appolnt.ed an. car sisautd ha z-nu sach iotir. lark a! tise Board a! Local Improve- If any provisions af the ordîxtncue ots, as i sald bafore, tise besi psy- are. ual carrled Oui Lb. coauncl Can înjob la tise giif of tise mayor. Mn. forfeIt the' samne b>- giving tiîty da De Wolf aska for bis services tse sum notice of ibm-a- tsr cont, afavez-y dollar *pont Al vais-r pipas, gZ» mains, 'etc, for putli,, Imprasemrenis lu tise clty af tomn up shha a berepslresl ta Oie Wi Wauk'-xar, -ratb",,r a tidy snm. Mn. faction of tise Mayor a" d ci>- cUnchl. 1e Wolf!Is lu lundi, and igiitissun Provision wv asido tisisi 115kcoun- thity <'>' Sdslise mutitnfor Usose lake pan>- sbould ha penmitthsd ta Put ivo front mina-cia are lu active eruption. traclis on Wasbingtou sineet, but t'va Mn. Te Wolf gays hoaugsagned ail big tracits could net b. put v~e4 0a" tnack nov existaTise Wsukaga, 'luPl rs uIn bas#fetreets ta a Mn. Rackford and Bigas g~~ c~p~ tan', noi "Mn. Waukegan," mmnd shail psy lise portion or ni» testof you. NO, a MrnStotne, o!fsom@wh«.e. Paving for oa"etra5eon t o ie t 1t h'me.Mnr Y 'Orvia, aur ciy ab and aîgt«eu ftt-fM iv. 1,1*5o «tr" uw uc»s at e tiéseet Th* portti Vto et b. Wd the via.'. use . Il emtad laf tekp 6 n* tIslBla e«peier t t sub eUlaltàti Mr. ferently. "98.A atitehIn lu ime" "galbera no If I continue ta regain my strengtb i vili write nsxt week. Yaurs truly, SILAS GRUMP. NORTHI SHORE FUEL COMPANIES UNITE Yards cf North Shore FueI and 8upply Company ai Glencoe, Highland Park and Lake Forest Are Now Vards of City Fuel and Supply Company but Keep Old Name lit la Stated-Fred W. Upham ln New Marger. aver six sud under twelve years, ten ids tickeisa cm be purchaaed which wiii masure s three cent fars. Aduita will be çharged five cents and trans- fers given an ail lhues. The corporation shahl keep Wasb- Ingion Street sprinkled. SILAS GRUMP GElS VÉRY REMMNCENT Say$ ihat De Wolf, Defeaied on Vule Tide Ide& of Preeenting Hlarbor te Coal Corporation, Raked Over Infor- mation Gained as Mayor cf City and tar'ted Suit for Stuis Ends of the Streets-How He Carried Them On. Mr. Edior:-Once upon a Ure- dosant ihat brlng back the daya wisen father told yau stories ai bed tinte? Yau wauld gay, "Papa lit that a resily and truly true tory" XeiI, this la a really truc atory ?" Once upan a tinte Mr. Edward P. DeW~olf, the gentleman visa now bolds the isest position ln tise gi!t o! tise mayar, waa hinisel! chie! execu- tilvi o! ibis city. While 'Ir. De Wolf was in that Important office ha ggth- ered a large fund of information per- taining ta city affaira priucipally c- garding tub ends of aireets on the lake front. This important data Mr. De Walf, as a careful sud prudent man sisould, stored avay for future refereuce, ai- ways rememhering Oie antlquated adage, "It'a a long kane that bas no tomato cana lu it." As 1, renjember lh. tbe siory runs Sorneth ng 1 ke ibis: Mr. De Wal! vas mayor about lise trne the goverument. at the requesi of the Unied Statea Sisal Corporation, o! wbicis aur vire iworks foa-ma part, gave ta Waaikegan a harber, aofvisicis we are juaily proud. Mn. De WoU earned ta present that harhor ta ANNOUNCE WEDDING Of DAUGIITER Daughter of Attorney C. T.i-eydecker, 150 Park Avenue, Miss Bene irene Heydecker, la ta Be United to Jas. Fred Barry o! Waukegan ai Home of Bideas Parents on Thanksglving N ight. Attorney sud 2NIrs, C.T. Ileydeiken o! 150 Park avene annuce tise esui gagenient of Oilr datigiter. iss Bes Irene Heydecker, taunrJ anisa Fred Bierry, tbe weddisîg being set for tisei eveulng o! Tisanksgiviug day, Novern- ber 25, aitishe bornis o!tise bride. TIhe weddlug la an important ans so- ciaiy. Tise bride ta leIls tise daugis- tern o!one o! tiseaieana o! tise Lake counl>'bar, ans o!flise foremasi Citi- zeus o! tisa cauuty. sud a a nupromni- nent lu state affaira. Bshe la glied as a readen sud la pogsssed o! greai dra- matde aj)lhty whicb bas ahane on oc- casionîs wbene Wsîtkegau's cisanîties bave isenefited. Misa Heydecker la asen a kînderganten teaicier baloved o! tise cbiidreu. Tbarougbly a-anniug. mauy friande wlah is berfect isappi usas. Tise groom taese. Jantes Fred Berry. la tisa son af Fred Becrry, dowulOvtt business man sud la assoclatedi vus ini lu tise tobacco tmace. He 1laa yaîîug uman o! tise sort Waui<agau la incky lunisaviug sud la proniluenit lu atbletlns sud social ile. Tisane Ia no case on record tofa in-gis or colsi renultinln upnunuoula tor con. aumptian ai tan Faisys lotney suad Tan bies heen taken, as iwiiitaP youreougbj sud break np jour cold quleki>-. Befuse aul but the genulua Poiey'a Houeya>nsd Tarilu a 1.11w package. Cntaine Do opiates sud tla"san su ure. Fesi B. LOvimL. Hundreds of Smali HOU'se Like This One are being wired by us for electric light at cost-payable a littie each month for two years. Any House Owner Can Now Afford to instail this modern convenience from cellar to garret. Electrie light costs no more than any other. CALL *AUKEG- h North Shore Electric Co. 230 N. GENESEE ST. WAUKEGAN,',ILI-. iSTOV ESi Are What You Want Now We Have the 01 *STEWART -- JEWEL* o Base Burner@, lot Blaots, Oaks, * Steel Ranges, Cast Ranges, Cooks * IF IT'S Over 50 to SelectFrom * OFROM Corne in and Tialki tlOver, * gSClIANCK'S IT'S S IA C 0 GOOD0 O BROS. IlS VOUR R0OF7O. K?.i 0 We teau meet yoiir requirements i10 * matter bow 1rge or srnall they rnay be. *The Prepared Roofing we seli to *Our eusturners by the roll is the best* on1 the market, and cornes complete Owith nails and celneDt ready to Iay, at* *the right priees. gPowell RoofingCornpanyg 917 S. aienc5feSt-i. WAUKEOAN TelePhOne 377 Morses For Sale. Nlountfiin Mpadow Stock Farmn, one and one-hait mile north (if Wauconda, Illinois, ba@ eonstantly ou band and for @aai.,ait lowest market pries, a stock of ail classes of borseës, efitable for thesroad and ail !srm work, express sand draft, useful and serviceable. froni 1100 ta 16l00 ponnéis. Prices$80 to $200.00. No plugs. Unnie ta Mountain Meadow and seethe boraes work on thse fam. Alil acciiîated aud avoid net of eickuess. Alil gusranteed on delivery as represented. Telestiose "I COL. P. J. BERRY Independent ""Want Ads" Bring Resuits Wbile but a few o! the lnitlated bave been "on," the Nortb Share Fuel and Supply canîpany, wicb was or- ganized severai yeara ago tu geýt afier and take up the fuel and building Lrades supply business ofthtie uortb shsore, bas been merged witis tbe Chi- cago tCity Fuel and Supply company. Tise merger la important because o! [lhe faci that Mfayor Fred Busse, Fred erick W. tipiaut aud other big Chi- caga netail dealers lu tbe Important commadîties nanied are boack o! tise Cbicago company. Took Effeci Long Ago. WXhile the merger bas long been lu effect, so quiet bas tbe newa been kept that lt bas Juat leaked ont ta the gen- eral surprise of tise people af!ected. Tbe Peabody Coai company of Ci- cago la sald ta be tbe source o! sup- ply for cool for tise new company. la Vcry Extensive. Tbe City Fuel sud Supply company whicb Mayor Busse beada owna twen- ty-six offices aud yards lu sud about Chicago sud bas added ta these is narth sbore boldlngs-namely offices St Oie failowing places. vitstbeir yards: No. 9 Jackson St-, Chiicago, Glencoe, ighland Park, and twoata Lake For- est. Tise name North Shore Fuel and Supply company la retalned as far as Giencos and tissutise campany's local namne changeasfatiste City Fuel sud Suppiy company. Abandoned Hene. Tise nid yard. o! tbe Norts Shore Fuel sud Suppiy compauy ai Wauke- gan sud Nonth(Chicago bave been abandoned, as bave plana for offices at Kenosba and Racine. h la asald tbat tbe sane people back o! tbe aid North Shsore Fuel and Snpply company are nov backing an enterprîse for tise exploitation o! the sand, brick sud gravel of tise nonsb sbore, but ibis campany la Inactive. Tise H-igbland Park Fuel sud Bnp- ply company la a new companycon paraively, tisai bas opened at i 1gh- land Park. h las largely backed fln-n cially sud la a big compsny tisai la dolng a rusblng norti shaore business.

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