CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Nov 1909, p. 12

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PAOR POUR LAE OUTYINFIF 4lW w 12, r>tu10. PROI1S ANDi MINISTERS TO BE ELIMINÂTED New Leaders Sought in Dry Campalgn Started by Court House Meeting Bellot of Dry People is That Ail of OId and Many New People are With Them Sane. and Conservative Campaign to Be Planned at Meeting Now in Pro. grogs and Ide& of Whole Affar la ta Be EffectIvenea Rather titan Noise --Old Leaders Seek to Lay Dowrt Staff as Sucit and Jon Ranke oft Worlue r that If the saine nid leaders are puit ln Uff charge the catupaliit cII net baveDIJ1 U~ I any greater ttretîgt than t i ad lie- Thsechng.ýinplnsbyth. it- THE SKOKIE -JDRA do flot lit eny maya Iean that the otd leaders wilIidese rt tho shit-th new Many Teami Now Scéoping tut> nds hotd of It man),ny Pa:o Fotn rd fIo!r ilrt-mlt, while tit laefo lotlg rd fOttoacri wîtt not deserit the old leadt And Barge e1rSý 1Il îs also rutuot ed that the prea h- :(isai c gongto be In tire hackgroutnd as iiuch as tossibte and thev w itlI n tht> wmork In a 1more 0subtie Itanner. A rtimtei-trsaid . - i-arein thJsý camiiign to win antd i ttink triet tir(, ni-s pians wilit do tote thaît cli.ii hue pi-to bli ledtlourcauise, Town Test Here. Il sas itecideit teiitil.v lie At andi 11'Y test te Waukegari tow nshit> t at tire sil ng t-tectlons, Insteait ot to ti City atone. A dry leader this rnovitig staec that of tatee hi as hearul a persistent ru nîoî tIo tie t-t t hst t li govi rn niment wiili ot o011e>> the Etite, alii s iava aitraining sihool ontilthîs vichin- (Front Wednesday's SUN.) When the ministers.of Lake county met In the court bouse thîs after- nioo for thse purpose of starting a' emapegn for the elimInatlon of the liquor traffle ln thiis county a new mode of workIng wi li e starîed. The CanWagn asat year was niore on the 'gum asioe" order and lhis year te Packers of tihe movement exitrît lit mayoy f those wbo were liîkewarrn durng the iast campalgu clt nuew cons. te the fore and actîve-It asult SHOVEL TO EAT WAY SC Channel 400 Feet Long and Buit Proportions of Canal Wtt Be M and Water Allowed ta Gati-er That Barge and Egredige Upon May Be Fiouted-Armnour 13ridge Be Only Serlous Obstacle. (Front Wednesday's Sun.) P-îuavations for the barge chan for the Skokla canai bave begunw iltaltî teafis on the work, and Ity goes dry anti that lus whv thetest barge and its îlredge have b la t bc lle a atowiî oni nsteail of> hlîuîîed front Napanee, lud. one ieret 'v for tho ciy- it order to scoop out the di A-i a nattîr of tact the stttoonî ivr» ge canai wblcb lu Io run tbrough tioc o c tegr liFoiiitetîth et re, t andt Skokie a pliace mnust first lie madi tht ile anîd ciic eightli litît, tîcace which (he barge Wth the dredge ci I lic gos erît nu-wt t l t sDItit- may Ioat anîd this la what la b- Thisl afte ri> îî ti)- il> fi >ces. aCre do>> iw -ar Rondotît. Coil> ii-(tiI Irgali idt I i>>l'ytowîî Tite hannei t» lie excav-titd aill attt> l i thiogi tii.- îoîî ty for t lii coîing 41)0 ifeet long sud te depth and wl battîtantîthi- ut rocigesti toiblte ita- elitîi-i, itue i, utgogalber Ini t lic In the cause. SeekNewLeadrs.Soied Water ln Ancient Tintes. Se.k ew Leders.Now Ihat lih- use of bolh&-d drlîîking Two yeura &go the leaders behitltd water lias tiecome comnon It la Inter- thse drY movement isd Borne difletuity esttng t. be reuriuded Iliat a uinilar la baV'. jseOPle take the varions of-nietitoi of guardtug agaittut digease Sice. Wbat la proposed by lisose Who was lI'a>cttced lu suclent ticues Iieod- are b6ilnd thse movemsent ls to bave ortel115ls oiv Cyrus lîttîl is drinking PenPe tke caMewho avenot eenwater tited sud carrled lu sUcver ves- peole ak.chrgewis hae lotlisassels. and ittny the eider relaies thait kMOova saproUklionins and who are Nero itaîl waer boliesi and afterward siot OccPYIPS pulpîts. The reasn for cooiesi for drlasking by plarlng It In this la very aplurent, as theY daI&m glass flasks snrrounded with 5*0w. I. otht- anai as il wil be finist XW'tn te dredge gets to tise Arn biridge- at Loden It wiii have to takftî aitart andi carrled ici the of u>de of the bridge, witere It wilt set uit again and work reaunmed.. dredge moves forward as Itasti shovel completes excavations and liieraily est its way 10 the ensd of citaîtel near Deerfield. Stinday Schoot Teaclser-Now, E ny, what la "lrigisteous indlgnatIomn' Danny-Gettin' md without sa any ruasaword-Boston TrnamcMpt A - - -a UIKflNIUU~IIIJ ---w w ---w-- Ititeresting news to those who are thinking of,4o ~PS - ___Q We have jiist arralîgtêN witlii ilit- table Piano Company of Chicago totecarr- a stoc-k ef tht-jr instit-l ments at our staire, and we ai-e sh iiwithte inesîtto-ai lection that hast et-er heen ellijt-di îLih<rtvvillî-. Tiis lanews tiS l-usIiili lilm- wot- îstîY tvlipresîpevtivbupino in titis vicinitv foir it giî cs ailtîaat- sil-te gi-t Inltie ti instrutîîs i thp lowet price at w buth good pianmrs clinlm-i- aighl. We cel~ The Cablo Piano> eîstipaaîi's tiîîstruitiius (tor t-cveal-.t-airtuns. c PiiSt5 beea.use (boy uare- f-aîneîîls oth for- île-jr-iiiîisiu-al itibeus aind strengtlî of ron- Mtreion. With alilel pianos as lii-e <-knîw tîtîtat ourctiîstîaîîiersî will loie Conlplete-ui le Second, bem-use- iis lino e!(ifiitiaiî Lts is iii> ii ht-Jussitiatisof! sing all o te s-ll at the lowest Prie-.(A TIird, beeauase- a(2cn offer,-a îeajîîî-ranigé- oti fogae(i- Ibu mrs to aelectffrein. Fourth, be-ause- eneryhuvit-r ros-oivos thetn* - t -ar8 uiriî te - gurantee of (liesmanu- facturer, which li tw- gi-eatff -t.niernotifts kind Iiithie wtirld. Amyone wItesknuws% anytîixsg about musial inaîitrumesatie will tell yu that titere are Do othom which ar%- no ptpuar anti whiehI have ili e -patin uiaiîtng irusicians as theso- aold by T'he Cable Piano Comspay. Why 8pend your insoei-foîr a poiano of dîlithîfu i meit or repîîtxs.tion whonyeoitvant get orle ofthifie? Wby taie any Heianr-t-wlîeîî sîîîî-ait get oe fte o met autifuî andî beRt ruade instruments ha-kéd hi- thes guaraat-cuofia rospeîaiui>1hîeIoue? Wtt invite everym>ne in chix itlv andl vit mnitv he eante t» taîVynmîw or wlois iitlîink- xng of buying later to cùansd aie'- thim dxhilîîtion. it iii wortlî your while at est t» ni- vestigate If you are going î jourehaie- ou rannot afforal t» talais soing whist oppor- tunitien are offert-i liere W Lynch Brothers', Libertyville, 111. Special Note by the Cable Piano Company ()ILacci>"ti of tio maiv inquiri*ýK for our pianos (ran Lake <tounty we have deeided t» make it otix.ifI)>rt Il, iip< of th is vicinitv tÀ) i* exuctly wIUt we have t» offer with- out Making a trip to cVhjé-gî,. We wo,4rp frtîîrîald in being able to ecure the co-opera- tdon of Lynth BIs. axilIti i111( 0.%,"rýy I liîv-r t» take adrantage of the oppor- tunity thus arti'Ii'd X. I î'!pan-<d tit 'siv twgive pnrchaw-Irs instruments of dte highest quaiit 'v, lilso st,10S-1i tterrî is maki" it poms4bte for every one t» havf> a good piano. The foliowing list utî .d it. r- rnge , o'hoice and the priveg offeretd: Mason & liamlin 8841.800 Wellington 0226-$275 Cable Conover p"&4m [)eutzer Kingsbury Inner Piano Players L.Cable Piano Company, Chicago LLewinthal Special Representative Lake County Spdeisness an4 1 out Mae ae to mnel with t he been 'gin- it.he le lu In it wlng ldth ýhed. DM r. 3be )ter Ilbe Thse Lm wylli IL Anniversa 'ry Month Established 66 Years LÀIKE COUNTYINDEPE"E*T. -PMBýýT. - WAVPUlRrýP 11) 1 üûn Anniversary Month Established 66 Vears &,»Màkua ' 6mmi 1 1 When we state that -with four of 'the largest floor spaces in Lake County one of whîch, the Economy Basement extends out under the street reaching to the curb lime, the new Lyon store contains- nearly an acre of floor space for business purposes, some idea of the im- mensity of this establishment may be gathered. To mention a few of the details Iurther illustrative of the- spaciousness of Lyon's, a haif a hundred departments are so arranged to dis- tribute and display their large stock to the hest advantage of and comfort of patrons. Three hundred newest style electric lights with cleâr shades, lights distributed by the means of ne.arly five miles of electric wiringand forty inverted gas arcs make Lyon's as bright by neght, as by day. The great area that Lyon's occupy allows ample space for' rest rooms, lavatories, etc. The ladies' and children's room is located on the second floor and that for the men is in the basement. The use of these comforts and c on- veniences is free of charge to eveÈy visitor with- out any obligation to purchase. The new irotery and pure food market (noW more than double in size) contains fresh vegetables as well as alI, stajle limes of edibles that an epicurian patate may demande By far the largest amd most varied stocks of merchandise in Waukegan at Waukegan's lowest, prices complete 'a bri'ef fsummary of what constitutes the make-uplof i"Waukegan's Best Store.'" 1

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