CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Nov 1909, p. 5

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.1 o o * o o o- o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 'o o o o * o *eaaoooououomsommoooo~uoumo@ei NEW ROYAL SEWING MACHINES We ask you to buy a New Royal machine because you want the beu't wheu you buy. The best material and the best mechaniCal skill combine to make this ma- chine of few parts so simple that anyone can understand it, and we believe therefore the very best machine for any family. W a En DAVIS (iroceries and Dry (ioods LIBERTYVILLFE, ILL Our customers'are repeaters-they buy thoir niade-to-order clothes from us season after season. -The reason?-we have the orders filled by Ed. V. Price & Co. of Chicago, laz'gest tallors h> the world of GOOD made-to-order clothes. $20 to 040 Askto see their handsome fal and Wlnter Woolens, and be measured TODAY. FaaMs. 1h. et Ibi ts.Mvé Sué - m* am a amé. - zam Sf J. B. MORSE &CO. lEverything for lien LIBERTYVILLE, ILI Pure Home Rendered Lard and Home Made Sausage ,'ou know the quallty we handie J. ELI TRIGS Grocer LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDÂY, NOVEMBER !2, 1909 SHIORT SKETCH Of LIB RTVILEBRIIEF 5 MISS PRANCIES CLARK o Prornuslng Future of Popular Young L.OOAL. AND PIERSRONAL.. MIEN«TION Lady who Died et Elgin Rscontly. q Graduate of the University of Illnois. Arthur W. Newcomb @ peutgasverai >MUs. Wii.on uilgv party for ber days witb relative@sin Chicago this week. kiadergarten tram t te 112, November 17. Mise Frances Emma Clarke, oldeet Servics wiIl b. belliaaasiue at the Corne a& brlng tbeech ld ren. daughter of 1Mr. and lirs. F. E. Clarke, Epiftope Mision, Sun)day afternoon Everybody coule and se aur bargaina of Urbane, Ill., died et the Shermn o t2;Ô in 5 and 10 cent gooda on next Saturday hoiital, Elgin, Ill., Sunday, Oct. 81 at 78e &. a. n., afterauine of;m * M. E. 8 Corleit spent Sunday witb et Bouvwick'à stare la the Bulkley block. 9:8aniieso weeke of typhold lever. An intestinal *ber brother, W orden Wells and famly Mm.. Burroughis returned horne lait hemrorrhage intsaflsd thle ilîneus and *atElgfln, 111. Saturday alter @pouding a weeL at the et varions Urnes cilie d beau in a very CM. Fuller visited bler siaster In home af ber parents in lireen Bdy, Wl,. criticai condition but witb youth and o Mulingtoni, Ill.,Who la senaously sick St. Jo@eph's Court NO. 1.'?s Catholie vîgar ta 8stain ber elle rallied again * irt ibis week. Order of Forrmatera wîll icîve a card »Id agamn and flot until a few days b- Mmir. Mary T. Brown la spending party Tliurodeýy eveang, Nov. i H, 'o. fore lier death did those who go lovingly * evra .'eeseu hriter Rlt.Ra verbd odal nle watched snd cared lor ber se the lait seveal eek , th ler atbr, obt.liar vrybdy crd'lly'avtedray of hope setting in gloom that was lu Lawrence. Miel,. A general liue of 5 and 10 (-liit goods inevitable. lir. iioeranddaglt.-, )elorbare carrled at Beswick's ie'.'. store Frances E. Clarke was born inu MII 0 Mr. Cupe an daulitr, eboabinluding candies, music, note,;,,,, crack. waukee, Wls., A agut 2, 18M7 ami die~I ol Lake Forest, @pont Sundey eith BE. ery, etc. Caîl and ses ouneh i ont0oPen- (Jct. 31, 1909 'A heu a littie chuld of <Osborne and iernily. ing day, Batnrday, No'. ]; i icne .n year @lie came witli ber varents to O Beswick's new 5 and lOcent store will Bulkley block. Libertyville wliere tihe graw to women- lie open for business on Saturday, T'he BubDistrict EpwîîrthLî .ague cou- lood. Bie lied gonle to the publie chool *Nov. 13,~ Buikiet lloek. veution for the North Chicagocî district bore all ber lie and gradueted front will convene et Waukegan. Saturday, high achool ln 1903 efter whîch @he O The Ladies' Aid Society of tie Preety- . 13. ltev. L. C. lttrling '.'.ll speak atteuded the Normal sebool at DeKalli 4Jterian churcli e l mett aithie ihome of et 3p. mi.Ber. W. 0. tl,îîd Supt. one year. She movedwithb ler parents Mmlir Serah Dluseuberry, Tliurday alter- of the district will @Peak lu t,. e'.ening. to U3rbaue, Ill., lu 1905 aud attended tic Doon, . 1. University of Illicois four years, gratin- OHave oid one carloail of those ins ating froin the collage of Literatuce amd * The Tiria Chapter of Wetinlsîmer beilere. Anather awraits biiy rs. $orne Art@ of the University lait june. rb * ulld seili meet at Uic home of Mise of these ouglit ta go to the farîîier rather ably there lies neyer been a more Helen Wright on next Tueaday eveuing, than the hutcher. Two bave ýalves by inftuentialgirl incullsgethan Miss Clarke, 10Nov. 16. Everybody iuvited. their aide. Gen ie aeen ou fer;;, eest of for aitbauglielle wai identified witb Mire. J. Bl. Robertson, who bai ten fair grounda. 0. 1). BAvEN, Liliertyville. many iteresta slle fournd te ta devote iiting the peet week et the bonîe of The reguler meeting aithie Epworth lieraell ta them ail and ta ilm t the 'er Sun, J. T. Robertson. let Mouday League ol tie liethodialchu r b eIl il .strengtb of ber preeence and abity. Au fo bler horne in Miîrocco, lnd. ield et 6:45 p. mi. net Suuday evening presldent lu ber senior ysar of the Yonngc EUprevlaus ta the prechiniz ser-i ire The Women's Christian &sscietiou @abs camne Mr. nd 'Idr.C.N. Durand ettertained tpcfrti meeting wililie: "So wing t know intimately very may of the s School (il C(<rrespondence lest Sunday aud readinge. The workersin flicleague greater then that îof any girl In college et their lîîspteble home ou Milwaukee wiab to malle this e rousing mieeting as et that tirne. fibe wse a meuiber of avenue. they wisb ta awake an intereetwin aithle the Engliali and lierman clubs and premi- Mission Study Cla ie ih ild dent aI the lllola Litergry Society. At F. J. Brown, of Indianapolis, recently metings durlng the wiufer. the. %aypole lest sprnt abs led the brouglît iglît head oi hormes hers frontmoeseniîr girls as tlîey made their way ta bat city and bas plared tbem under the Tlienkogiving week promises to l.e..n lîlînolâ Field. cere of '.rtbur Koon who will train grand wliirl of gaiety. Three big deucce Miss Clarke wsut ta Elgin, September tileurîet the Sheldon larm Ibis winter. lolkiw5d by the regular Saturdey nîglit 1(1, to eccept the position of eassistant dancing clama yul tekse up the greater secretary 0I the Y. W. C. A. and durîng lyrolite waihed coal foîr ynnir coîîk part of the week. The Pire Deprtment ber mouth of work there obe lied 8eMve. No linkers oîr sout end very give e dance on Wednssday eveuîîîg. the, endearcd herseil ln tbe hearts af the littie emoke Best coal ou the miarket. Liliertyville bandonThaukggiviug nigltitclluers and mrember, oi the association For sale lîy tiire fHOMEi Li sIII IECOM,.Ii~u, and tire Amici Club on Friday c'.enig. and It wae whispered about thet as Libertyvill., 111. -i The Aîmici Club will give Ilirir irit wee t-i le given the office of secrntary Frek Wiglt rtuuedromEd>ertndamecetitte tawn hall thîs Thuiredîuv lu Auguet asewai onunected witli the Frak rihtr liredfbas lîcnetin e-i'îng. Invitations will uit lic immucd saine work eti Rockinrd. Ber deatli uts Wîs., Sunila '.Vwliere dehsbe lt lii,, .,eer but members of tire i lub i; eiihort a rareer oIe building îîîîsiouary as cashier inI the Firet National Bank ofirinvt frîcuds ta, attend tiies. oilaI asoshlie d been acceited by the foreigu oi Edgerfon duriig tfeilenrce of Roy evente whuî will have the prîvilu.g, of board ni missionis and would have licen F. Wright e linblis been abseunt u,îa beciniing mnembers if tliey go dcsîire aesîgued tii e ior..ign field in tliree years honreyuîîî;întripi ni two weeke lid ed cdsired. Mrsu Spriig returued home MIuila.ý, At the age oif seven, years she joiued alter slwiiiig svurelweek8 in MiiiigIaîi Dancing Sehool. tire lresbyterian chuîihand took upon Th pigrestaurent lies hecu iuî,'.eui Cnmiiing Saturdey eveîiug, Nov. lierseif the vowes of clurcb înembership. ueoi.ur îîîrthin îutue Bilkles ibuildlinîg 1:I i, l 'pari Waide, of Chîîuigîî, e il wfl a i tieu oliitheCiri stia dea or Iil dnuew n isflic ronni iiriiiuerl.icoudaimt a dancing sebool in tiiWood-Vnid rmdnofteCi@a Eevr occuied y th J(xliliiiiibakei. ud was a ready workcr in othtr occuiedlivtheJu'liiîiii iîkcr îman hall, instru.ýtiona5 8 do I p.îm.; depertiiieute of the churcli. Jý T. as "mraster scuîîîfîlîneoter- î-leuriiig tft'bercafts r. Loesons. ladies Sirc was e yong womau wlîose sweet perliirued neyeral i iiiesmiul iup rations 25c , geuts50e. dispOositioii and epirit ai solf sacrifice on tire Thiom. Kelley lemu;. whiîriîîsni;'. made lier loved by many. Ber svery tire ripîrty ni Peul Me(iuillu, rereiitly. tiîuugbt being liow tn aid and aisiat Dyneoilte figured promiuently iu the Commercial stationery---enivelopcs. others and espevielly thooü dear to ber iestivitiee endl for several lînurs thie ski letter heade, bill heamfs, carde, state- il, dtbomne. Sbc leeves ta 'mouru lier was filled witb flying stumlfîs and nients-we bave theinial luncîther lssge a lnviug father, mother, twa bouldere. large or emaîlloIts. brotliers, anc sîster and meny other ___________________________________________________________ relatives and friends. The floral offering8 were mauy eud very beautiful; makling e fregrant amasaf color tiat beapoke thec tender syrnpatliy and condolence ai scores of! iendo. The uerai e asibeld front the home of ber graudmiother. Virs. C. Md. Fuller, LOUIS J. Y OMAN Tuesdey aiterunon atdwoa'clock. 11ev. LOUIS Je Y OM AN Van de Erve aieited by Bey. J. B. MacOuffin and Tbos. R. Quayle ofilciated et the service and with ktnd and N hul word8 af cheer seid mucli ta saotie the affliction af the liereaved THE PIANO MAN t o'l.Mr. Jas. Davis and lire L. B. Intemen inthe akeidecemetery A weethe remains were accampenied liy mayrelatives and Irleuda ai weU as ___________________________________________________of__lier youg aicoclates and ochoometes. Marshall Dennis Limberry le restiug Stock Show at Hrand. Memoriel services were bled by tis monre eaiy this wsek f ram tlie injuries nemr i nentaepLv Y. W. C. A. et Urbene and Elgin, T,lîurs- received in the automobile accidentD. He,1MnemreteItratoa i day. Nav. 4, afwI ec association alie la not yet wecl enough taulie able ta mit Stock Expositioîn, whlch wUl be held bas been presideut and an active mem- up but liai recovered sufficiently to, fin d in Chicago irom Nov. 27 te Diec. 10, lier the pait four yeer. th i ik lied ver 'y irksome. Hii@ meny bas accomplisbed tie aeemlngly i_________ friende have remem bered hlm with many fliwers, fruit and otier deliaecies for tic possible by egein sliawing e moat scik rooni. Frank Herringtou was 'ont pbenamienel increae inl entries. Once Card of Thanks. ast Saturday for the firet tme end marc al peet records have lissu de. Wu. wisliîtri tbank the man fr*Ild wbule leeliug inucrbobtter still leela tic molished and once noire we are brouglit for thiîr kindnese during the bur!rial o effect@ of bis terrible fa]].ounr belnved deugifer. The beautiful ta reelize tiiet uteret la growing in flowers were apprecieted deeply and ws To err la bumen Fsudiwben the perty tu, the' greateet a01live stock shows- wieiî fe express uni bearicit apprerietian eli a es inned s i ns f iflte gentler taleii xioctîfti lv tc u u îi,îitilai n yptyl il Ije elways witb more or les@ regret ti edn xoin ftelv tc ftr huhhladadsnptyi that the newspepers are compelled tu îudatry-and ftlet tliis great annuel the houe if i;nr lereaveiiient. chronîcle the epîsode. There are very event te beaming more popalar fromNIRANNlsF.ECLKEmi MIY tew ebo have eny knewledge that e yer ta year. Even thougli feeding youug lady went wonug in aur qufet oprtoshv oneceigylgh h adCnet village nat long agiandl not until itis prtosbv eneceig lgi h adCnet week dîd the iact corne ta tile cars of aur during the past yeer, we still SuDd an The Libertyville band will give tieir reporter. Mies Bessi Faleoner, the iucreaed number af entries lu the atdIe iret lîneinese Meus' Concert aitir" M cliarnig deuglîfer ai Mr and Mira. depeedment. The draft lhome exhibit eîutersecries et tue touvu bail' on u.t Hirami T. Falcouer wbo ceade et the wTuaa vatg o.1.11f 1 corner of Cook avenue sud Divis*ioneli be the greateat ever senlu this 'hrdaornig Nv 1.Te lalîn inany otber country. florses, whose lin,.- îng ettrective peîgram bas bîen atreet, ehile shopping lu Chicago uotal dates back into the dark ilîl erreuged. long ago became conuued and lost lier e1aes iAIIT i beariugs mIte eandererl about for several be seen lu the ring beride tuemost haus bt plendid specimans of Ilie Englieli and MARO 'Our, iuretor.. .. F. E.Bilcow- ousbtwas fartunete enongli ta meet Sot ayeWOf qUI a8OETR- os r wn a policeman. ebo dlrected her do the neSc eote tyesehose equala bve OEiT.iiounlEe, ArBA . ee Canal Street Statioin ehere sic wa@ilun eer ieor benbrugt agthr u A timeto ctch he a8t rainIrone uclinumbers lu tie listory of the VOuCAfL SO. L... ... . M.1. C....K lc th litsow ring. The number of axhibitare FLOWER Su)NG-Busme ovioletis....... The bai of Libertyville liai long been lu the sbeep departmeut exceeds that . ... ...i1 C. W. Bennet conspirions for ite popularity witi the of auy p reviaus year, and In quality VoLuI N IUCETý..ý............eiced opulace ai wecl as ùmnerons clients. their ex ibits wîll fer aurpasa any. u.îri.a AN BRENE-H i.vKu. lt basl recently been discovered. liowever, thluge ever ceeu bere lu the pait, ai wAiiZ ,-wîîessfuielue..... Tieo M. Teba.i that tbey bave another accamplielirent the entries show tbernta contein sanie BAN that lias been allowed ta blusb unseen of the chiicet importation$ made ta IPARiTIl fuirsortie tme. Mr. Fairbanks reeultly Ibis country lu recent Sear.. In theý MAi00 niUardes D op .... R e uial coîîîputed the fart that tie bar of seins departimeut ail the leadingtpe TN oEM 'APH I' ison Liuetville weigbs almast hall a ton. yl &gain lie represented and the qnelity .. KA oed ans tbaueaud pounuda or tan Itundred ilîl be superiar te that of any show BANDî weigbt. Ta say that they are proud of evar ceeur on tbis continent. Ail th. ON C T( Rt -Thc iii tdems....... id. would be expreqsing it ligbtly. There and many otieue fetures give ... .....M.N.D.....CW.Iee« are ouiy four iawysr-sýoms people promfioe OI makirg dhe CaMing eXposi- CLARINET SOuLOa................... Selocted wnuld Lus unkind enougli ta @av that tian the greateat in the istory of this S..RCi.....its.. e ucAK was nat enougi for any town afibtis cplendid series of avant@aend ne one, be BA~N size-and svery ans of theni tips te lier go aadltantly connectedwîtb hIV6 A geucral admission of 35 cents ilîl be acales et cronldsrably over 200 pounudastock-the riglit ariaIofaur baslein l- rharged ta Ibis concert. There will be and the grand todal la a Isie pounida duotry, agriculture-cen affard to miIsn reserved seata. short oI 1000. Libertyvîlle isalamons. this exceptional apporluuity for educe- Wîtb tic assistance of Jeanis Fletcher, for many tbinge and lairt but nat leait tion, enterteiient nul a peainre trip the ceisbrated Scottisb prima donna, the camnes dis "bevy weigliî bar. in ans. lband boys ivili give a apeclicancer t et cie tien hall on Tbuedycvnug cake cornW fnational fBank capital and Surplus $759000.00 BOYS' KNIEE PANTS STRAIGHT KNEB PANTS, BLOOMMR AND KNICKERBOCKERS A simple line of Wool Kace Pentu la the newest pattera. cf wool ciseimeres end worstedu purchued et a THERD BELOW REGULAR PRICE. ALL SIZE FROM 3 TO 16 YEARS A big lot f fin" alil Yod Boys' Suit, ii ins t $LO aile Tbrte, Fourand Fivie only. worth $2.50 and t. $3.00.................................I SL25 Boys' Coite, suies 3 to 9. worth S4.50r ........... S2,75 Boys' Blouse Waits made from Dark Outing Ise FlneL usually 25aad 29c, now....... THE FAIR, 1Libertyville, ll. The Thing to do Right_1Now Is to prepare for bad weather by coming to us for your SIIOES AND RUBBERS1 Children's, Misses' and Ladies' Duli Caif Shoes for hard service. Kid and Patent Leather for best. A FULL LINE. COME IN. What time wiII the dlock stop Inquire of A MEETING PLACE We have fitted up a comfortable room for our customers' use; a con- venient place where they can meet friends for business consultation. We shall be pleaed to have YOU make use of it.

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