CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Nov 1909, p. 9

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fLAKE AND WAUKECAN WEEKLYCSUN VOL. WVyII.-N, 1PAT., F IDÀY,' W îYi»M, 1LE,., 1.M)AY FOUR PAGES . I.î PR YEAR IN ADVANC.9 to Wreck Fast Train? ENffINI3CRIPPLED EARLY TODAY Suburban Train Neariy Sent Off Track and Into Ditch Last Night Near Seven-Thirty By Brake Beam Believed to Have Been Placed Deiiberateiy in Path of Fast Train Due Some Minutes Later. Beam Piaced Be. tween Switch Track and Main Track Near Sharp Wire Mill Curve t Frrm Wt'd tesday's ftt iy SUc ) lrit tthpht' it lati tren' iti titcrr tint f tithe' ficfiiig hfiltiglit cf ai Oficiiaiittin' are îraiîg ailtiiithecris irrakf.î liant otigeriir' uî"îa sutiIch 'forn'tht' iras crfthftat' u nd 1risîcîr irait antditht' irain ii' îofthie Noth-il the itu ofarts i!tti'rtrntitr(irg te t'st'-rrtonitl 'triotaie titit u i nt'tlai' t 1 r"k'ei.tii' itrinTiti s a'il ithe titiýdtit t iait' f-n'en tibtferate au sectionîr iteii aIhthtit'rat I.andtiriat ttifip io i t'i'tta fatapfasst'ttger iraitn t It ofittihait' tît'enalîîrst ititltssîtil Tut'- .\rrrtfl ttrt rr irinrueti ta ittr atitra tre' rptut a raircatr' earîr sîri II of Irlcri trik tî.guri trw1fit'tus rîtli ' trreastth- sEor iivr ltItg ltitrt initia iirrit!Fi Ilit"ai luitortjilttr4 r trt'cî' thîa errîrtifi.'hart litadirtii torîrrr a sai'h erîgîrît' ipiiirigni ti ff t le tf'iit'tlI 'Jo irrrr'l s trith-ir' rtrrvrards, loticirng tii h itglrit t'C irakr' tIti lit' trîg1joi atri" rîrl lî'rttn tir irîrît fi trr ht 7.4f t , ar rî' t tht' tut unr hi' ati t it liii".t i, I- n to Passengers Jarreti. W ttt't ti ixatu îfl iforitrIal in, u,' ruas itrituhi tir a stopfii 'endtinter nta l'arc mi tastigateti I-ii iîriteti tts'ce tisrî'îifty i.rt i r u1hgtr attlt Chicagot andi aIt norti.boillui trains tb h.'orur ilsho.ret'tr' rtire uit'ar t- il wr c itîfeibr a l ug mari anti it ('utr' -ai abirt r tco 'îîit ttas! ni gitrî ch es 'I'ie o n tht' trcatîtsuid thlia îtasenger 't rer., brnrn.trt'ti andîri reai ibey fiait tectel t(-frit' ofitlete ut rîosi froînt lhilcr seîanaitih fe irait. lies anduttitaitih îîruas tIrie irrab r. cceru rî't'ctied a flrglrt. ititfing ihat beau.]ii rite urlîlu itans ofrt lit tut' whohittlIrafit)ruas off thet radis atîiei't I i t'r'îîtlîtfi(tt'tnrI Iiti ('entucter Edward turc andti ngi-nnl'tes ocîtýar thet iaiI. nent t' Drafke riit ltc it'run ci Deiberate Attempt? ti' Cetasanti )tscietri. tnt. tarîtr'rit't i ma, 'attt i n te. apintîlendt"t s, anti taeft Ilias baiirg tht' trurl inte i,]fht'ftîtwliii'thcagto & \rîra'î' ioti,' ii ndtrrrc.ause.'ori îrti aniage. t,,aas' tue nrutnî' tititht' attetnlîpt Tlrt'y forntii, iseuget bitw'ta"tttoCt' ruifucînilgit at ' r riiti(jlun îtu t'aittoftrarurîwjt(htra k rartdinutt'eoftihe tand bun ur r'erscoes ta ineruin mrain, fie iaclits.tîn lirn itrîti'luer "XN'e finieuhall no tiutIr intri tht Hati eeen Puaceti There. nelfc.tlet ht' rf'eat "Thî't'sa uta Titi, ieam wau rlaret lt'ngtbwsc c f ni titrthtitîhn're'eAus a tetiherate ut, the' n crks and tiati iteîn aetged li ut . tomt'to tdtt etailtait), but thet' îivé rrgitny tîtat offilcais andtimetfera otfiuforte attI'nlfrr wtt deoni inuterstanti tht' car creru'art, of tht' opinion u tinu rementare tnvestigaitIng. Veirv tL w'aa eliteratetv place(]ti iece. fiailtic efficiai rreort onotht'afair ail Holtis Up AIl Trains. Yvt, Tut'creru oi tht' local train wlillt m'ari tNcorth C'h" icagoputcieitsebfakstein iC'hicago tiis afierneton Tinet maîr eil orifivas icugt inr tt atl)w'îîbîite rtrcgatt'd ai that ime. t îreîrdrirg art n estrgati(iin. arui] anothes Certain Express Train Was Target. i Whanthtgatr, tahn.rtrailtrinîsrutnt st rippîeî. Traitna;wr elhldier ifieen minuties 'rhili' îick and crowfiar w'ersî usedtot tiltege the' brake beam. IL was tak' t onc te Wankegan as Exhihît A. Tht' f)oif it'ruînctilieti fate iit lie eveciirg ( antI nnadte air I n spetioir oitht' accne Escape Was a Miracle. Tint' six îitrlty-fout eont cf (Chicago le VP s the nnthîrbatn traieniat fiings tred Wtaufeganitt's Irone flrin Chicago feits. Ifihall a gruat mmuiy nassengera en board. ita escarre was ittie short et a nîcrti. Thor train ruas nearty 4 sent off tht' trark and ait got a aeaere Jotlcg flit the train suid afenîg ils isheels asaaicg hetaeeti tht brame itesm anti the rais. Hati tho train loft thet ruck IL weuid bave been precipiaîte vt'r a cuiveri anti town a bank a ditanrce of thirty feet over anti over and i lvt'a weîtl hav'e been lest. Englue Off Tcacks. I ibe eariy mornlng houra a swilnh engins le charge ofCoCndînctor Day leit tht' track In tht' ncrth yards anti a wrecker wblch came bore at il la now cieacing away the debrîs. Tht' erigine ln lia career tore up yards ai Irack, punetured i is water tank, anida apreati lis drive wheeis. Tht' crew itadtt jucrp or hae deatroyeti. The cause of the accident tflotl tinerun. Thete were rio cars attachent tri the engltue. Draw Long Breathi. A SUN reptrter arrive aI tht' acena of the braIte heato accident reur thre ugar rt'lnt'ry befere the' section men fram Nortit Chicago bail arrived. Train No. t3 waas toppeti hy means ai torchtes anti wben (thecrrw came np ta the t"ich wfiere thre be5a vwas ]acatad they irvarlahly drew a long breal.h and tharaketi themaelves tisat thsY,ýhad-been varned t llme. tÏ%. frinmien were af tise ainlan COU-NTY INDEPENDENT The' chlt'lt tt titi rlttrif ir t h, Tnhe h il a- of " tri I tîi tff ha, b . VISITS lici P'atitattlbel .d b eRAï FOR wALLS "ai ru ras elit il t etrai n her * d v \\'tliant C> Parker tn ru ti teircia r~lirSoder man inuat<-rencersation. Thit' VTO l'on- rattltttg ru t'î',-k tilt' train. If TO JURYi IRMi1.I ihrate t t' sti.ot'"ant ili O JA thint' lir t'a tlarI f ie roaihartll ua legt'd larir.î prit . qýo a, O A L A hit ll (tIr o liti t in rtuil l1d ali-nresi E1tI I n il liitosis u t ufs the linti lil ar'ltrrl t. ttr' t irîl ruit tti'altighil srtîo sititi t, sa 'd Church of God Adherent Rai r 't bu Wr' r t luit urg hu firl,, t a l ti a titlrt g trgif litti Joh Soermn.Witess inali t'antd ritals fri'trding tri thp plain. And Jailed in Zion City ARREST IN HIGHSHEW CASE Jh oema.Wtes tlff*' .am(i .ttrrrri îtase il trLast Night _____ Dodge--Judge and Parker tîtaIlîte tI tnt rIijLrrut'int r'il<' Prernmnen ta Cittzen of Mshawaka De. Case, Talked With Jury ttK at ît rît'rîrt'Ltjrîa eRST 0 LC ta'e d hy the Police.'I w ip a S ti ir 'nd ml., No%,. Il). i'daard "" aheýtiit r r,( îrl i i li aitrtrrftit ' tlaa ras t i n ar.t iIiintt tstttîVerdict of $200 Againsi Parker,,,,,,,,,rtriat ntIrlirrg (elliriitf'fGterAotZo fr di ftt'iii o Itr i ti tn stttt tr tti Suit Being Fought on Phrase i i.,Ki .andi Offer Invocation that Wafl iti fi'r1tani lotI d iru l11ii t , -She's a SIiek One' Not Waukegan Dodge. Juil May Fat and Man Under tittalinilut Itioi tit rattrn it ti ___________Tlitnrgh tht, tasi'ft' 'ft(itgt' r iittî' rest Be Defivered to Them,L titeru rutls "ttl'o tr t ilt tri a trmtir tt ae s Io eet 1ilrfru'ft rîfît th t' iv Paul and Sifas--Howf Serp lor'aflt v las lire5tw, Ililrt i t triîrri' Discovery Thait fIt s Alfegeri Soder. \Wattfi'ýgait lletîgs 'fhte ire 10(()l Through Megaphone. Tli w %' il n masHad i VsiietiJury Truste During rCftir l r. -ati-t ir arC tii5 nt (if ':i \,;.rt I i. t frît ndlr w ri rti t I rraîr, t% e. Recess andi Whîte Attorneys Were Ar thlýtiities auitieie rn siar AUTO MILE IN 37.70 SECONDS Word's Record Smasrti by Sfrang in Fiat Car Atlantrta,1'C., . Nu .te D1riý ittu hi, 2ilrtii "irs r'Fiat car suithrrlt abandunttintr titi itai feautri'of il.-it uew 't3rMt001r)s tecdwras, L'iriattrali satiterd tht' frîrd s rt'err fol n'n mile. atif)g tt', nsra tnati al, ut 2 John sAiYi'-n, tenuaionai ct r rb for titi' Nationa.ltrtlrcmast tIfitid r babiiis rrriu t sl ,2. "'t MRS. BATONYI IN NOW FREE Former Httsband Forbidden to Marra Whle She Lives. Nie. York.. Sut tri Tire irrrriagt' lie$ r 'If Aure'f ItuOtii . ' l-li'rrt t, h lî andttriii tai ifia lr.,. F atrt-, Wtrt MRS. AUREL BATONVI. Flurte Rtoche litent t. ers trrrnatiy dliuilae'd ta lieu ttttne tains tg Io the suirenit'ceurt signethe iii' rteln itocu tienrer' ritdii orce rît'eti, io tarni-ti h e taire. The- dt'cîee teclintis atona I te niairci duru g rii' e i riý%rs a.fllti.SIt, mtade notiti lor asiioîny Dtscussing Legat Points Causes a sensation ai court Hause asd May Lead to New Trirai. Becaute John Soderisan of seat' Gage Lake, 'a witness. is sard to have Invadeti the jury roam dur- ing two recesses yesterday, the jury in the case oi Dodge vs. Jutige & Parkier for $10000 stan- der was calieti on the carpeî after the verdict of $200 in favar o! Mcm. Dotige had been delivereti and fectured, it ss ard. liy Judge Wright. Aft itn-turne tlin, Ili, titt'ithat ie ir' tr trtanta surie i î i k'tht'ai, tuttI a isitu ef Sodt'crrnr as a trieurr tri gir .a trems triai. of-tciirttctrttlt n' i>this Saîid to Have Vîsiiedi Jury. Srtrlet'nr slasait teitha-r'got' ite tir, unrra cnt aithen tht' trdgî' bat idon 'i't fit'e jury t0 eur r' ,tire'court toi pîîî endu tg a discutstttrt htuee'r trrit tin.,t strnsomoe mnîuîîî'îht' atit ira tir' iliff guard anti ras tforait irr titthjilt t rmil lasait ry t'on stable tla r,î,lioisiraris' ortece i fi nt. Thtrnntgir art ovecighr île Incident tar t.t r lrtert to the ttrnreys ln thet'ca's,'rtoteWilliam C. Parkrer, tîhn titi it Pt. iethe' aletten et oftht' tnietuttLillait' in tht' day. Tht'n it tirne sîer t'rrttt erious proprtions. ifI :ii Itai etaittrathiar Soetii' miarin itîrnî' tai i lats lf in t' i nn no In s tteuýd n bat Soterman. ta irel Wrtness for Plaintif!. l fat tlir r, att aasiinossfor tht'tire tiff ltr-t- t h'at the jutige saintte ti titra. sr i at Sedermansald tir it on fins alegr'tf i siats tthe' irr a'. nt tise thtng. ýthat vert' fot irnewn tenfi Verdîgt af $M0. leIng oint an Il O'ctock yeatirda', ire 'titi t rithe care hroughî lirit I tîndt n t 7la-rt night, retucnlng $2o) i ni tai ci îrt liii' îrtaintiff. Copynightî1901).f' TheHouseof Kupenhe Ndc6argo te irai r' irrli ti t ira îîî s t'aitrrî'.i ti otir'Itilif titis tinrr sonaltuttigi'ofrtthtti'jut .';ts it ru nef r rultitary te rtltacabaillff irît hare rrîtilti lrr'cas , aiîrsri tuti ita, 1wt'tt glueti te rire unr Oîre c ýfilfît' jrst i efilet ttfitt til itiSetl(it'iital wtts II tit i' Iî irirîrifuýcrra'tfitg titiicase aslthefri' tri a't,)ir ilifi i>ViM,.i tIfii nitinet(ý' 1fie ai 01r,,' o"rt'ýriftwitar fias ftintht' t oeît te 'utrit ru i'rttretrrat"ucase ir.". Tir 'aoritrrî ' aie faie raa eiitt h<ilcago City Railwau'a Cornpalq Montîr t rtirtIr' eitr"îter atirrg rîrtreli1la hefore tht' arrerecoutrand oc" disttrfatrci'thie 'anti haue taketi anotlite linlafietihelere thé Dlecetnbq nouet planr foirairtiotrttcfttg thet'lime (Prt Henry Rîîdorith Amnan vi anti fplace' of tlttittoeetingK. A large lîcohairît'aak tlirottgb hie atornaji tit'gîiteti' au lrenrred nt îhotghrvis anti ftrhien a continuant» id tii ai rîture lias been rinteet iy tire the' iearlng for a charge of alleged ytrd ru i fled aith l f iti' Warn Infg iiiatt mrrrriee againsi hlm iiithe' Dece le repetnt arrd attetuti ire anriea ()i lier tem of court. lHe needa tU. mîrtrrtga îetng ireliIn tht' Zion nurs- 'monta with which te ight bie def.u6 Imatie bis mark, *hiéh-w'aus witneoiW atîti thp. hearlr.g progresed l beWi 11trqicP Stanley without a jury. agairit hîs religions priticpias to a' trîtJ terurît fiatr or havýe any tb1IwI te do t u anfi'uvyegaf ProceedJiga TM magistrale cleasedti fie risoner iipmi tprontiar. f0 cesse using the'm. fioettalil brir efthe' night ta *âjj trottere tir etretigs Brother KWJ avfed as atternrey foi' the prîrrorer a"d alto testilier in rit flbehaif. Tht' fearing ruas Gerre ofthe' kind tftar clirnot he riirîtefinleany aUber' :"tin tiitie 'rrteti States as1n0 whae ,tIse are tbtere an niany religions ian#-' tires tengregateti and aiio'wed ta r»u ai large. Ont' ni the' principal oWr-' îe)rtý I-r an insane mran who la barmer %1L 1 tided ,RAY )ntng És of !rAr- Like aptu re 'WILL PLEAD FOR AMANI %ry ht thtetig, feur cd Irrtawestheftmenfitlaernaclee, i i rîu,' 'rrîî'r uti ra nitrr~~eti~t'reHis Irlend atrdi ieriefactor AttoMeu;ý bcrs 'tOf t, titi o thî ie jîrraroom thia rtrr'ceirlrtrrîruhat' been matie Thomias Nlorean rof C'hicago viaited rîornlng horiorieredthetitrîilotro eper t Pffireotresldrrrg lnttue a'iclniîy cf hlm esierday lirrresponse to, a iettaat. oiii arnrri e 0rilarîrsu arrv rase with SIîloh Park sut lMayor Rutche lit ir la sali thai Amean a uffers haHtmdý,: iheni ant Inteortt rihini tttrsenaiti' aitrctet <'flet nirtPolice Jaaît to arreartrnatiorrs f0 the' effect that there 510- all rcOn'ire ti'tit-'li lit î'î t t t) itititethe'the' offender orîta tita rge of d istu ch murrder plots ln thfie jali. enfer.ilog tiretientce. one' oitht' mission__________ Tht'fanitonsa case againar Frant. ailes wassarr t'iteti ut 8 o',,ock ataiSiate orIlilinois, t'oulrty of Lake, ta.; t.Oa'e, chat ged t 1h fai ng robtîhe ihi' it'tg anti girtît a iîearing t his ti tht' Circuit Couîrt ori Lake Cout. TeranseririSmithrri esidruci'ti tskor nortritg bfetreittatire t' K. Stanley. Enrif Ruderî va. Franklhin'W'. G' sé 131111YfSeutntera iRi, ras hearri tufs Wai ni rrlFaessî.ti iiitrtricaHelen W. Ganse. hia v,'fe, itac arternotoi l tire court.i tee it wit Tht' tnlstonaries, iocan ob Gotiyo andi the Chicago Titie & Trst'$ lie renmht'ered s thtr mair who ras lontio tht' ihttrrh etft(tcd, andi may (Compantrust. Bilt oeIW , capthreîi fisAssistant ('hier Thomitas not ite tiornionsallier aIt. number Public notice la herehy given ai Tvrcef aitcary, uni lseloti r cf tht' artyeng men anti fia'virirre of arr order auddae.git tri ht'tuti' gaîtttijnîtt ineef ne oan.When bforrronithet'. 1 ere l Itthe asfo e en 11e4ct. on, votaidtii'rcuit (Court aIthe Otober t.vU: Indicte fi ui rcglarvt(] arrîi eN. ait grgallen learned tia alate bouc thati6A D 99Ieettr fdI8a 0f lteeironîr i irtht' lrdîctinrîwere ont'ettheir crmber waa tln durance imaster ln chancery o agid oart. WM noletterosseti excepthetis'one charginir vit'. tlites mucedIothie tpoice uta, o n Tsesday, the' fourteenth de>' :«, frettv a' ftens aird o this ceuinIt e' Ion aboutt f 'ttock Ibis mrnrring ari Decenîher A. D. 1909, nt thse, hçsr ot' starfd 'cin btht' ailernoon o ai ad d 'r. tr;arigrility' tfat 'ti f lce ofrthe' at the' osaamain door of tbe Joh igatoskipield uily o adelverzie- o thJrImprîsoneti brolh. baune o ailke unty, lu thsé e charge ort acceny aird tisa teetcei'er. Tfrey were congregateti just be. Waukegaa, ln thse' courty. eai " týjse'P sxtvdit, lt jil nd ol1w tht' usintow nitht' cel where the t'lat of, Illinois. oeiltatpubilce sui i.i a et re oif sritîvu nsidandJn nr a oc i ati e ' b ty"t te bigireut and bat bidder Èorn 3 fia' rtit r'iii$2 stri ir a iti.1 rr rc'toîr' rua lcîrti rpsudbish eaty irefoiowng deacribeïd land and gg rîrcir eut rpleadtilrîriln te taiacens amensaIo the ititiona tfoc divine aid esiate, tawit: andti î'r entenceri te litteerais Ilt acrusefl tht' nremher, of tht' ice de. Tht' uorlfi200 feel aiftthe sasitisa5 tit' ttitît t ii in ti tia its rt1 partcrent wh(t aiteî ln tht' samne bflit- eet of that part et lot 3. itu&ted .j# Ihe(oot, ailai' lopa>fin Of$.,santon Z'2, township 451 nartbin u oudu' lng. Waukegan, heing a subsirdaon i>y ý Mtt'chant Policeman Stewart hadrt enlus A. Newcomh of parts af!&- nmach tltffcintty in pecattaditig tht' bandti lin 3Mtownship 45, aud of sectin ' OLDESI WOMAN IN STATE ILL te desist ftcom heir turîese of comain- townhip*4, noth,age 12,east ing ntii ht' octi eieaeti be0rplat reCardeti lu Baok C af Plats,. Orrin ednda Su.) er. Theyt' li tht' officer that tbey batiPages 54 anti 55, Lake C.onty Record power te even calte the dent! antidn osOflca Alto lots 6l, 7 audS u 'rî s illam teikirae agri int 'îsîti n rmaitn utilitht LodIn' lack134 o ai ati ubdIvisian byicly- MISWiliamleninsn aecln 1ne ised n rmaiingoutl te Lrd rcnus A. Newcamb, abova daucribed't rî cgitiatmi perura tire lel caused tht' watiu of tht'briliding te tait ail of saiti premiset belng sltuaied lu tan nit itht' tate. ru te criltcal ton-'away andti he frisonter wall< forihla'tht' corrîtît'ofiLake andtimle oa!][Ill. ilttît rotilnt'u aut hec honre. titi Paul ant ilSas et accient lies.nOCd ai' r r lîýJiiii.seuriteri netter At tetilIi mrigte' i ELANI L..CLARKE, criilioer ceittsed to aigri a jurry waiver but Dateil November 12se n bney la i w ttNot how cheap, but how good," is the motto of this Big Ciothlng Store. When you buy a suit or overcoat here at $25.0 It's the best that can be bought at that prIce. The same ls truc of a $10.00 garment. The great growth of this business is conclusive evIdence. We cai attention to our great showing of suits and over- coats at Ail the new styles and colors are shown Irr thîs Une. Compiete showing of DENT'S and- BACMO dress gioves ln grays, tans and black, dressed and undressed, $1.00 te, $3.00. Underwear ls another markd fenture of unusualIinterest hem W. protie for every taste and preference. Somne men Mie once thIng and ome another; we have them ail; wooi suite, ribbed and filat weeves, $1.00 to 2,50; union sotte, 51.00 $5.00. Cotton rlbs and fleeced lined gar- mente 50c. Our Boys'- Dep art. ment Deserves your Attention. Our Special Boys' Suit at $3-95 has great value. W. show: them elther with plain or knicker panta. Coatsauar cut vcry full and dreusy wlth fancy pockets and cuit. Fusil? <JR.

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