Ath 8«nu ýw",.- I *wmenp.ofsl Taise Easy 0--4i Cmo é Mth.r Wli iou. èqu VYuoMat!d and g W~a.S1iSUN.) bitmg etter te those whL, q'i Md ÏWribut0cl by tbs 9.ieb i'Nedrh Chicago: egve *è s.Cbldr.b la "'a me-nther yery sers, îi 0fîîIp9 *hleh nmy ~o. lb Ut$oote, but lose b4*4 .OUCW and buiness' ~at~am POpOTo mamy lh»eo.mY Mean abat elb, tbIh ther mey empe 0 Sebt am .for eug b" *oratkm".Onk-lB toit, wM tbs vtvupnt tarinc ë* gb..*y sot o.lylu KtoMkW 1sËateç,la adding 50 isoitb. uSmoer type. pwo iap déemes bath. Bo bU ýÇ-aatbd. "?n hm p b.. b. onuai tu .1_9.»uiaq.n W" fliv.aes ia bA uule binver boss CÏ41» ut er ,eHealtia ~USU~O~ WIth . to vabn lie a mthwbo a 11h iasea te the itreý ýo* "«'è. e il h a wbo bsterrolzd lg ~eWng ess Clbe an eLk ai d'm&der Lge wiere -d b. mov e te bi 4. ialunae o fieré are, 1 . meê'of' the h4.his BIg.-ôer 000 Yards of 2 yardswide unbleaeliéd sheeting, tiri heavy quality, 25(- grade, off-, the piece, t.- y4d .................i172k Plilw OBeaReguar lSvvalues, two sizes, 45 by36 also 42 'l, by 36, sale priù-e each. .. .7L bv 90 mcli bléehed sheeta, heavy 'quahity, 59, lj kind, each ........ CaUc-Standfard Arnerican Print, light, medium anmi dark colora, splendid patterns, regular * price 7c, yard .............~is OUig PI&mil-7000 .yardsof a regular,10e grade, stripes, elýeeko' ' anid'laids, al colora, -3 yad....... ......6c Drm 'Gibai-Toile, du %Nord, lIreas gingharns, 12Y2e quality,. de-. airable eblorings, istripes, <ýhe<ks. *and plaids, 12/2 grade l *at yard . . .. . . .. . .ê Dreping Saque-Women 's Man-,' nelette dressing sacques, extra quality, Peraian patterns, 25 worth 49c,, at ý...... 2 ý CfSton lunel-MOyer 8S00yards. good grade, ibleaced, ordinarfly sels'at 7c,3 ; sale price....f:.. .. PermdlS-36 juches wide, liglit ground% wiîli dos in varions colora;, sale price -%5c yard................ 5,C Hankerhlls wornen 's fine Swiss embroidered handkerchiefs, heiftstitched or scatllo)ped _edge, sightly iinperfeet, -I 25e values at ..... Baxony Yarn Fine imported iSaxon.yyàlln, Importe, in al cul- ors as well as black and white, very special at skein ................... Craah Tow.ling - Unbleaehed, 17 inches wide, ail pure linen, heavy quality, regularly brings 78 12%,e, sale price yard ....7 Pjaamelttes-3000 yVads of the choieast Persian and floral, designa, desirable coloying, 12y'c .'71 quality,,sale price yard ...... sc Tooth Puwder-Dr.,.Greves TootliÏ Powder, regular 25c size fpr ........... Oc A 'Spe4da- i -3;50"O p-cha frotn New York's ireateït manuf&ctuters. Woeiis-Sts as 8uit-A'reat aasodmý t !t e 1eautiful models, tailored from aeiseef<W (loths, prunellaa, eheviots and novetÙi% &frvl into three lots. ILot No. 1 consiste of $15,00 «, at $7.98. Lot No. 2consista o!f*20.900suit» $12-75.Lot N'o. 3consisti-if 25.00 suit st Dresse-An in4nersepurchaseof d resW ,women, nmde lu te mtBtOf0f aTOM, pma.8' 00'ma novelties, menalaine .111, atilped voriteds. L'ta. 1,=9ào $1000 dresse" t 16.98. Lot No. 2 emtflo0f40f1*~ $7.98. Lot No. 8aCSiste of 130.00 dress a £$9»1. À4~.e 4 Blsts et $2500 dresses ut $16.75. t,. LauoI~thiMi v i 4. J40