LAKE Thankogiving Nuznber - Twenty Pages. COJJNT'Y Thanksgiving Number - Twenty Pages. vol. XVIII. NO. 8. PART THREE LIBERTYVILLE. ILL., FRIDAY, NEIVEMIIER 19, 1909). POUR PAGES' $1.501 PER YEAR IN ADVANCX. SOUTDERN WEDDING GOBBLERS STRUT HE14D AT HIOUSTON AND FARMERS WAIT Lester . Colby is United to 'Big National Birds Know They Miss Mary Frances Gam- Are Safe Owners Seek bati cof Texas Hlgher Prices FATHER IS COLLEGE DEAN TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A POUND Cepy Readen for Chicago ExaminerC and Rlsing Special Newspaper Cor-; respondent Weda Texas Seauty Whose Pathen la Dean of Texas Den taI Colege-Now on Way North to Make Home In Cty of Chicago. (Froîn WidreîîaY'eSUN i Lal.ssl lglîlut ai Io -lui ith. honte lfit .. lniile, - 2414; Ft-îîîîiîu i'itr -f -ous- Flii x, -i, I i-ter Il. ('il ilîof Vvaike- gati i]îîl .li- l-las unltid It olar-iuag-itii%11.sIna isrv Frariies Gain. baits Trhi.- iii t w as a roi-,îi îlîl iutliirii wfelilwg Inli b eaity -li% out ihi- solthIl alodi iiîîuîî-îil iely aifier ithi - iIr-uioil v Mtr. andit Ils.(,lblofti-fifîîlicrio i-llîh Tiou -11wIIv lii i rio guiia liairenîts,. Mr. and 'il ne Hi n i ii Iîai Lierty v vhilIfrxi. unir la.- lâtet i.-i lii% frleîîils In Viîi--i TIie- brilîle- lmtrie- il.igliter-n flit r (lylluls. F Ca ibl lituîles (if liie TexaR 1)iial tull'-gî-lit liiîiviuii. Sit- lmaa Iru ai lighiî-iiioflihe Suthfl. M'am luairu lit the-511< utte i -îrgla and ut lies out blîi-ai t ii-il mi lieîuî She lm a iyîîl c-aI uuiîti luru i- auiii of ithi-rareansd llove]), tîiuîileli l.l o i iî rlariîiîg fiialiflî-s wîil iiîak- lir a fIl-ne Iiio a- ci-e-iy 'rhi- gî îoîîî lm a eorîy roatier for thi Ciîcago Exanlier.le h.gsliiam i- ly dior lit tri- Laki- toioty udi-pon don-t, vibîrlilm a SVN puîblcation. Ltt ir hi- arepted a post wth the Fort Worth Tel-i-rani on the- staff of whîch. wlîîn nii-rgi-d wlîh the Sar ho becami- a .-otswroair and hi-ad wrter. lie lm a frequent and valueil rontrîhutor 10 oagazlîee andîd<ies sp-clal correetpon- dplence work wvich liast nîarked hlmt as at aille- aiman Illia rare dogree ut genii ls. Wil Reide In Chcago. Mlr. aîli I re tolby willl oake their hontei- li t Chicago. llî,îsiî,î,wher- the niarriage was 1hi-fil lam io gb t.lm 0one if ithi- hui-uty spiots ot the south. Grocens et Waukegsn, wlth Butchers, 1Se." ta Thhnk that *'Turks" W iiI Be Sent te Chicago This Vear I n. ibiad of Sold Lecally as Chancesa Are That Prîces Wili Go Kltîrft. Up When Market la Found Empty. (Trom Wedneaday's Man.) There willl h- a great ehurtage ut turkeys tIIsyi-ar ln anVîkegan, as lb., farnîers liti îl c ainîîd vii-nltv have ver * vfiw turkey., for sale andl thuîse whlivhave vi IIfo ianq îte plire: (4) t hi-griîc.- i as tlii-cai.- wal thîg ait advaiic.- linltii market, iOnîe grocer sald: -Tii- arîiie(rm gen<-rally cntlu n anti1 iliairrangemîents wltlî the. grocers ai 1111,, finî-it of be year for turkeys - Su far thie year I have flot seeîi 'a tlimrieîr w lii woîîid ta1k ot se l lu g lu rl, i-se Il lai ery lîkelythat iîurkeys for Wanklegai iwll hi- hlj;ied trontiCi hi A luthler gro<î-r aid I 'lb ii k tfiit ite ai (rage lprie of tiirke> s thîs y-i 1111I lu- i w'l-u'tY flii i 1.-ts a loiil andî 1 Il) net11f I-ii tiei si-Il th l î ai thiat prive- KING GEO. COMES TO GRIEF' AI Leasi One of Hia Fereign Agents Does, Arnesbed. Ail uiiknowu foriguier wu tfli cause u of osîdi-rahît. exciiemeot «n hi- sreefe hIIs afiernoon. Shortly afler dinuer hi- eutered the Il -e lest shot. alun- and started lu tell thosi- about thé. plaoe »oJt Kiuîg George sud thie khugs of Muvropi- Ofilcer Frank Tyron wss called and vith ihi- aid of a citizen tht.e oIl- loadi-d traveller was lierslly hsîîled to the rity hostil-rY Ht. woiîld uot wahk ai(]ibis wu-seucsairv un lring hlm there. li-e saad<'Chlet why dld yoîî ar-etl me-), 1 iviaille fîî iwilIoiiiboy a soit <f cloihes*' W heu hi- w-se utarcht.d ai tht. sta- tion a eplx u ftihread and a hotu-é ot cheap whisky was fouud. BUT, EXCHANOE SELL A Public Markief Day wlll b. H.ld at North Chicago, Ill.. on Staf. Street, be- ween 1 Ith and l2th Sts. Bring ail your farm products to oilai privai. sale or ai auction. FIRST MARKET DAY WILL BE HELU ON Sslirky, Nov. 20, And every First and Third Saturday of cach month there- atter, excepting Saturday holidays; then remember it wili be hld a day before the first and third Saturday of each month. This wilI bc fhe finit Market Day that North Chi- cago ever had and we thank the farmers who have promis- ed to attend and extend an invitation to ail having sonne- lhing to Bell. Don't failto attend this Market Day. Every- body will have an opportunity to buy ail their wants at their own price. PRIEMIUM. Carl Swanson Will gliVe$5.00 lni cash te fth. pqS-fy who qwill briub4 the most products on the tiret Marliet 4*ay. ODE TO A GOBBLER BY R. K. Munkittrick AUL hall i al! Oh, raie and antique bird Thtlately on the veuoysme oo ~~ ~ i nUdl a bal of sleep, tet chill wtads hourd No mon ie Winlpl yred crayat Or ripple on thy w*gM" 4 Fer tins hath caugt tho;e@, i s-g the est Catchethetigray and pgle. -Ê*adrt, And uow thy praWJie wtag, Gathered abbut the board, prea. s"d gay, With joy i.n e th.0 lyiiig os thy baCk,ý Thy chaste, luth drumiticks tieklugla tii air; Thy wings in uweet peace 101dM md, alack, The t hy stu.ffing. pungent rare, Pllling our sous with heavely mélody, Thy dark meat and tiiy white met fcndly we Sutume wth gravy i u ee And thon, wlth pleasure rife, Euch dainty mortel neatly tuck away Upon Thankspiviag day. Tbou'rt nobler than theo canvasbmek er gocet, The lordiy uhmnghi or the ortolan Or any other miustrel tht is loéee Front Tescalot Cape Mary Ans. Cosupred wth thee the woodcock lu a mor. Delusoa-'.all fiaul; The uLpland plover ne'er can bW thy peer, Beside thee to the epicure and eer The prairie hh maiul; Thou at the bfrd cf freedont anywsyi lJpous Thnksiviag day. i - - - -N New York Proe. WILL COM MLIAE 8""«s Bus:U'NÀÎIAL sEA: 818 WIE COMPANIESete'Rae Governor Campbel ththe ould re- Talanke..*j Te aiu g o i oce un Jaemml' 1, for the Amu" l okui .. purpose uf makng the -race for sot-1 amer.à graph BuIYS W Weser Ulai hOverior Cmbl nuedta ______1__asItant attorney general. tou;1the va- New York, Nov. 17 -The, Western cny Union Telegrapb compaay t 0la nolng- P USSTE ~OP Or a Gould concera. Control of th,-. KUPSE TE OPN corporation that was the pet and pride AmerrIn. CoucuCsgdWt s fi.a Gould and bas beau under the ln uner Cargeccts- dIetonoas sfmlyfa eean'on Pltlsburg, Nov. 17.-la the United pasdh h mrcnTelepbonecinSadtates circuit court herè. a cUe w&-% Teer phmany, whlcb already has begun wbîcb affects dlrectly the armor IL virtual mODOpol y in tbe Bell Tel*. plate lndustry uf the- world. phone comPanles tbrougbout the Uni- Tbe suit la brought by the Krupp ted States.lteetutGreyndteCree This transaction la generally under- Stee cor Gnr, agyandtthe lCardegie stuod te li- a very long @tep ln the dlStecopy.hagn tîtulg rection of èonsolidatlng the principal SeeKmp se crs akng irmr ltein Otteponsdter p h bog. tht. sanie seertrs for whlcb the Car- out te coutry.nigis compsny paye royalty. Soda Watsr.As. Strange tu say, wbat ln calli- da Asa comprises '32*per cent oftheb water centaine flet the Ieset particle of total land surface of the globe and bas mis a population uf 820o,000000 THE SPITEFUL. CAT. "If you baS a figure IlIki-mine what would you wsar at tiha dress1lI?" "A balloon."f THERE'S A REASON. "ýWby are You sore t. iss HowIT' .Wben she was urgi-d ta alng nme- lbing at the psnty Izt ngt ube sld, Oh, 1 cant shgl' "Weil?" 'Well, shi- went abedaM n proed IIl' JUDOINQ MUMAN MATURE. Z Dichins nmy@ h.emateli wbether y howill 1k. s as a-eh" st~lkid with bib hoan ushour." ASKIEO AND-AN&WgltD. "Ye; h lao» f u» pwleWho "Dessrt" Muid bu. "I hOPO lu Pie' w'Yeu be . ore of ~u. eoçInnho nia mer made. bermmort. try b o bmir OM UCS M 5acqi Miewas flot cri-us. but ber rwhy mme-Wua "Jut a IlItho tart." Wall - MOTORDROME M(AIN BROUOBT TO THE FORE David Beecrot Tells Chicago Notor Club of Projeot North ocf City May Locato Costly Motorlrack And Arshlp Course Near Wlnthrop Harbor $2W000 Sald te Be Ready 10 invast in Enterprise and Site le Sald te Have Been Picked North of Chicago- May Reter ta Tract Under Option Ni-an Winthrop Harbor and State Line-Osvelopments Awaited. (From Wednedaysa Dally Suit.) E The. oui sud exclusive SUN siory W0t a iiotordome 1 hi- bîllt ou the etateE iiie rietaiWiîtrolî Harbor tuok a1 position utflIportanlce agaizi yesti- day wbeu Chicago evenlng papi-rs îîrluted an Interview wtb David Bei-1 croft of ihe Chicago Notor Club Iiîr whlch hi- refi-rri-d to such ai automiz1 ile and airablîî tracktlu hi- located uortb ut Chicago.E At the time the lirul-ci was filct1 talked of opîtions on lanil weri- oh taiui-d and then the lîlatier wah droppi-d.The land icluded Wauke gau owned tractes ni-ar WVinthrop Harbor. lntended for Chicage. - Baye the. Chicago Journal- Chicago may bave a big motondrome sud serodromi- where automobile races sud alrsbip i-vents cohi-hi-Id in an Inclosure wtb a tnack at li-gt twofolle around. sud accommoda thons for the seatîng of 100,000 aPe- tatairs. If negtisiions uow under way are succesfulîy carrled out tht. ilrst i-vents wilI ehi- i-d ni-lt July. This anflounicemeut was made et the snnal fillowabip dînuer of the Chicago Notor Club hy David Bei-- croft, chaîrman ut tht. technlcal ceom- mltiee of the. organlzatîon. The nantes of tht. backers ut tht.ei- terprise were not divulged, but parties wbo will have of of ficials of tht. (hicago & Nortbweseirn ratiroad and tht. (hicago & Mlwaukee ilectric îlot.are eaid lu hi- carrylnà tht. project forward. Thet rack wIi ho coiistructt.d north ut tht. city, lu Illinois, and will form oui- ut a circuit of tracks ai Atlanta, Ni-w York, In dianapolia, Chicago sud San Fran ciseo Dates of races sud other i-vents will hi- arraugt.d so that contestants may travi-l lu a body from une cîty te another, $2,000,000in Enterprise. 1iward of $2000,000 will heI-. vested lu the prouet. The track will hi- lonaîed within seventy minutes' ride ot tht. clîy by stesmt and electrîc transportation. It will hi- sîtuated not tar fr001 Green Bay ruad, su that It wilhe ea.ely accessible te automobîl. Ists froni Chicago, NMilwaukee, Racine, Mladison, Janeevilît. sud ofhsr nearhy cities. Rtaces a Fosture. -ThAetla great ueed ut euch an ei-l lerprl.e near Chicago," said Mn. Bei-. croft today. "Tht. support glven tht. tracks at Indianapols and Atlanta show that people would rather sie an automobile race on a saf e cîncular lrack where the cars are always lu vu-w, ihan ou a tretcb of country roafi where tht. contestants are si-en only occaslonally. That a track of thia kIud can hi- made perfi-ctly sais bas hieun demoutrated by the race mi-et et Atant a. Races were hi-Id there i- ery day uesai wi-k, witbout a slnglb accident. Oemsand Near Chicago. As tht. seroplane and othen ait crsft are deviloped there will hi- a de- maud for an open Spac wheri- tests cao hi- cannedeS n lunssety hefone large crowds. Cbicago uow bas notb. log better Ibm tbe nId race tnack et Hlawthorne, whicb la i-ntirely toc amaîl. "Chicago people are behînd thîs pro jected enterprise. JuBt at present they, do flot want thelr usmea revealed. Ne. gotiathous are nearnag a cimax, sudt wthîn a wi-ek the final decîion prob. ably will hi- rsached. If It la decided to go ahead wîth the seheme work onj the automobile track wyul bs started ai once, The raclng tracte wlU ha wIdé, sud wil ha covered wth a pavement that wlll maka automobile raclag a% safe as it rau hi-ruade. Thete 19lv i iea8oiî why the llrst eveot cau loi b, ht.ld il u .ly.Thîs prnliahly willl i- a national automobile event." The Atlanta. Ga, lrack Cuet $l,225.ý 000. Tho. Indianapiolis track î-osf IIEAR 0F SUNNY SPAIN Sesame Club Memburs Get Facts in Rega rd te Country. (Prom Weilnesday-s Son t I MPROVEMRENTS MANI AT IB iAS PL (Front Wednesdays SUN.) The North Shore Gaz couspany a niîîèofut mîrovementsunuder Wv",, The elevated track for the K. J. Ml. crua cas le OW complets and tbW, Dudley t rafta Watson of the Chi- COnUlrtctiOa oft he sh~ed la under vair,, Cago Ait lnstitute viertaiiied the Se- Thie she4 la 178 fi-et long.- bY same Club Monday allernoon with a thirty-èlgk.t feet wlde. by thlrty-&yoý talk on -Spanlsh Art." (set hb: The walle to a baisât ai Mr. Watson apent cozsiderable tlme Six te« idIl be but of coucrete. Thé last summer ln Spain, and la especially new shied willI hi used for bolter cotàl, well adapted by nature and training' ga cool and coke. The construct"o61 Io disetuse the art of thla lIltie known of the elevated track will mlegi t country. To Illustrate biss uject he big saving in the cost of gag iur~ showed mauy photographe s of tIe facture au the coal aaid coke cmas famous Sîîaîîlh paintings. tiken tram the shed direetly t bp 7IP-r talk was Informal, techuical fi'ttaces. In the old way the f4 enough to suit the artilt, but wlîhal had hi be thrown from the car simnple enough to please the unini, lahorers and hanled to thze shed, w. tleted, and showed a complets lenowl. II: la now It wlll only have to be btaa edge uft he subject. lie concluded led once. wlth a graphie description ut Spai The ga; cornpany have ro as he saw If, a lanîd of sunshîne, or y erected a flftretbousand aste lowers and gay colots, and llustrated frgzot It wiîh water color sketches hi- andI The gas company have Inti members of his party hadl nade white a system Of tanks for the s. a à là. ln th coonry.of waler and the tar. Th]* taUr At the close of the meeting tea wax sprayed over the coati;u-hlck served by Nlrs. John B3arwell, asaîtîtee incresses the heat efficleincy. by Nrs. Clarence E. Smith,. B. Cy tar fot îeed y the plant P rus Blodgetand NI.s Verte Morrow placed on the market. pynigbî 1907 by ar Scbsffiner & Marx For an y-day wear Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes YOU'LL appreciate the importance af ail- ~ wool fabrics when you get into a Hart Schaffner & Marx raincoat; wettlng doee't injure it or cause it ta bac its shape. We have them i cither Auto Cofiar or Regu- bar styles and in al Iengths. These clothes are for you; the best cothez. made. Rain coats $10.00 ta $25.O. Suita S$15.00 ta $30.00. Overcoiuts $ 15.00 ta $30.00. We bave lots 0f otboreffl ttàgs hao fer yen to weert 0» MOi you wat. This store l, e lhome af Hart Schaffncr & Marx clathes AND WAUKEGAN WEEKLYESUN INDEPENDENT