CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Nov 1909, p. 2

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RSING MOTHEW low the berteficialc Ws Emulsior 'ùa very short time. ,kot only builds her u but enriches the mothel jnilk and properly nou ishes the child. Nearly ail mothers wl nurse theirchildren shou take this splendid foc tonic, not only to ke, up their own strength b to properly nourish th( children. POU BauE RT ALL i)EIGOIE¶ ;a cS'r & oWni. 409 han st. New FREMONT. 1 Lbe;yStahi. of Long (irove. je via 'et, IMra. Mite Wagner and fa thia wek. Francs B ertel 8pent a few days u"iev and frienido in Wauk x.oetly. . Miite a few from here attended dancee at Long Grive, Saturday eut Ail report a god tfine. Grrie Wagner, of Long Grove. lxmday bre. Mr@. Jobn Raaeb and son, of Lit Villa, @petaturday and Sunda.v . ber parents, Mr. and tira. John Wa, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Galter, cf t omis, were, Fremont caliers Tuecu Will Tekampe is on the 8ick it. à Party wauu iven in honor ot N , lkbo's twelftb birthday. 'Vhs et .waa epo-t wtb gaines and mu.1 ,irnocUmWas erved and an enjoý Im was bad by ail. Mr. ad Mu. John Galeter and JOhn. weut to Sî"en, Xi., Wednt . 1I attend the funeral of their Yvlank. Rie dled aiter an bour ilin beasaifailure. Mr. and %ira. Geo. Hertel and fi Attfflded the ssedding cf ber ie! POi Lake, Wedrieday. WARREN .Thefglnn W. C.. T. U. wil ment MMre.Faanle Mill, Tueeday fore 1 *ô. 2&. Dr. Mdargaret Grant w~ &Me tbe meting on uedical tempei ! Jame S baw han beau vlitiigi Hoary Shepard houme. MMe Mary 9. Hopper, national , I. U.-Organiser laaorking in Lai '*M week in the Interet cf the W. U. The Lake Co. coon crop mmit be aattuiBser Alfre'd .Mudeanid -Miller' bavae eh beeun buildýiing arg J. F. 11oreaberger wll bold #]!0 r "DU&] i îreY shot at Hait Di Tb"auiving Day, Tburada 'y, Nov 125, oonmencing at 10 a. m. L( turkeYe, gesse, dimke and chieke Vwellsascday pigeons. Theseeevent 1 8lwaye wellP attended and this .Mnulseatoinbe nù exception. 'Tbere will be a turkey shoot at SeuWlr'O Vernon B ciel at Hait D ¶'haukugiving Dao, 'lburoday, No, Ire turkeya, ducuta and gpesse. abootiig and rifle range. It will big day fer the hantera and a OAiiaSe, get Borne gaine. ýj_ WARENtON Mne. John Sheridan in viiting1 Win. Rvan bas returned to CI miter eeral daya viit wi th J. Ry tsmliy. Mr@. B. E. Food ie visiting wit Ilven ia Chicago. Mirs. Martin is viiticg witb ru bers. LOW ROUND-TRIP FARES COUNCIL BLUFFS ANDo O ON NOVEMBER AND DECE . CHICAGO, MIL*AUKEE & PAUL RY. 7%16s ralw&y will sOei excursiot 1 '0 ounieil Biuffq and Omaha in1 1beeaad osmber t ONE AN! BALF PARM FOR TRIEROUNI M aemunt of the following expi Jaoni orticutuîral Ccci CO111110li fluI1a, Novpm ber 15 to 2h - '«M 0 sa0a Noaenaber 18. 15 and1 ý> 1I lisait November 22. ita Xtionel Cor'n Exposition at1 1 I fleba6tol18. Ticket@ on ý,Y ' ýomeeew Dsnember 6. listurn in: i1ý FIthea' Information froua bei ' 4%damu, Mllwakee & St Paul B Y'. &. Milier, Gainerai Passengei , amo. s u~~~~PRAM RIE iW RSSf R~ I IM)EEMA, m petand Ag entI' t :' Islttatausanltn Caught Talking 'lhrough Bernons on 1 m. MeQuade, ofCbIeagý ii dmt Jolil Wndow mnt County Joli 1and --- th@ bom@s ef ber dan giter. ùmr.Hermona Whon Ortisred Away Put» Up Flght 9 * Mm. J. F. tloney retunaed home Satur- Tbe Firancis Greene Tbeatrltai Co., Albecht blai wesk W edneaday. wth Chlot Tyrel and Officar Tryon I day ater a wo meeko' viit witblfriends ieft for Libertyville Snday aflter a Mm.JnlKedroBgbadak, -uS aWtnee by ac' and relatives in Chicago. wesks' engagement in our village at the M.Jui ndeo ihadPr, -I188 8Wtoe yMr it Mr. and Mrm E. J. Msyere and Russe11 Lakeslde pavillon. a Ths play& were fine u"Dent the wesk sud cuth ber parente, Fîglit StaYa wih Hlm In Joli. 1 I eure homd sad aler eveNeinng and eheoiglt brcugbt a large Mir. snd Mm. îd. E. Ka. dier.1 reuredhoe rlayalera ees'attendante and if ws are fortunata te Mm. Harvey Cocu sttended the fauerai John OConueli, ruentiy releasmed1 ip, viil citlî riend8 at Watertown, Wig. bave theun here again ut soins future of Mmr. Torrents aihrayslake Friday, 'S Mines Vintis Pratt, of Drus Lake, titua tbey will ha e.sstred of a large interment bing ut Fort BillI rmetevy. frn the cnunty Jli,. and. the sailli spent Satumday and 8uoday at bel' home attendantseacbh evenug. Mrs. Torrezuce was a cousin of Mr. Coon. in who severOiy kînkeul another pris. bers. Carde are out anuounciag Sunda.y, November 21. Ras. Koeueke suer thers. ilonday returneul te Mrm. Ida Theien wae ualled hîome froun cf Luo E Maman and Mies Myrtîs . will change plpita wlîb Rler. John the joli fcr the purposeocf tbreaten- .Xringoaiiegbs, aedayonaccun Murray cia Novr.25. [luiner, of Joliet. Ae LomgOovs isthe lug seme of tue prlsotiers. Ho haul cfteliue f e tlier. Tlieh8, 0m14 Fenlltîwet'ocf WaLuconda iodge cd home cf 1ev. Liuner, a greal muni ofth llem f ermenr.Ptela iue , mîw,,u's itarigoa.friende may wisb tc hear bfim. He wîlt bloon bhiseoye andlvas fightlng h ur.CLPrteanuhom Fidv Plliaya moLiliertyie oieapreach botb morniuug andl evu'ing. drunk. When Assistant Chlef Thomas tîavcg eenl fewneek wiîli ber aIit ucclr lee of a new candli- Mir. and lMre. Seldemi Mitchell aitd suasl Trelarvu oara l.h n îld daaghter, tire. Jos. Tomnuky. dtle, Hiiiiier T.Cuok, at F'riday ecem-ilmi situ'd wmîh their parents, Mc amîd clted and attompieul to kick theo oH. werItg, thuu'uu-rset'tî'uuiiouithte ltarriuiglcil Mci. F. h. MitcbIhe."luvettay and Friday cer In the tcmach It la charged.ufl. 1 od ir. and Mrs H. J. S-baller huteî'iniuitiih e work after whilcitof lad tweek. Mica@ Malîle cons a rer Frank Tryon bcd receIved an or Waiionda tallea tonday eveing. n, o ter capluer ira se.urveiî utthlie Liertyville taller 8taurdcy urt ara temainlarve'l C-p tir. and fura. Henry Herbuse, o h)ukiivasl hume1 03Mc G. WCrilte Mat ereibherger retarce l ast Wieefinîie to ceehat Tyrrelilunputtlug the t'hiaguu, viliteiI at tîteEL. Mainian homuee" hîontuletu'uc. cti co roîuiuuiuc Ped Ale runi Necîwulxiu'iuahere Ilie.îueu 10 aduf nh :Ut îloîuday and Taesday. ilileer iileA c r3 î , fuciuit arsIl evean.HnlaPvr% aduso ie Mm.1) H Mrph rttrtýilhoe itilgslmaraiiýdfo te wtierfýIIvrabie cf New M,ivuiand titsfuturu, Put Up Vicions Flaht. il r )H Mrue eirii ueuieiuciu ruîic mrtea iter iite.'iAfttr bcbng andeuffcd OConneli ieir saurdav aller a neul i eit at Siraimi ootihe cre licee oloi îtges aoeit oebuiis Lake a tb lier ssterN. ,lun. Carey. joîyiiiitearae ai ipalud. tir.andl tir. Wiii Ray cîent Suiidliie aill fouglit the olticrs and attempteul M',at Staiman. of Highland IPark. spent t.oiicHulitard iîcaiteuingtiic uînuîal Knduier.m ikIeu.Tecmlc foto Stiday and tiuiculy eth ie wile anîd 1(J001F tate eiucaciîpmuieilcit ut spiuuî- teofcr a oesr esb baby n-ho are vîcîtucg alih H. Mamran fliutluis -k as a delegateof u the Musc Mary Rilzecthlunur lias aeuui)ted a the pricotuer wh rotînueul 10 fit and l amly. Wancoiida lodge. postionc as bousekeeirrerl'huas.uiîio a utiîlioîlged in a ceii. Ater bcbng Frank' Mitchell visiîed i %ih hie miiter, îccked ut) there vas stîli c geod dca! tira larvey Mattein. of Hamupshîire, ftgu etl it o i otn ....... ' ~ " Suîaday ucho laiii a Cti agia hueçitl igh eti ltfrh otn York tirs. MattesOn nulnemîeit ta'îîpaîîîlai le make a grent deai cf dîsturbance N operatiense witbin a ehoîrt tinmte.fier and rcîceated efforts wcre necessamy te mnaay frienda hope furhi-r ultimate quiet hlm. LO IS J.Y E M A Oer. ' Ccnneli while Ii jai cent a chai. miig NSieLenuPiolet n-uc a Waukegun longe te ('blet Tyrrel mo meet hlm la j m jy i I 'm ch 1r 8aturday. *'alonte" aîmd lie noud "elian bhle up." I Il T H E S E V Y I Il IT hi 'Ladies' Ai Sieic c f i'ramriele mtnethe hreat te other pirsoiuorc Xîcc have det-ided l t-i ciailthie mîlîl codlte cnenepaper reporter. Who tbld A gail appers and uias ilieiiuii -nw i l iwr the chile o t.I * ~ ~ ~ *~~oe ~oreeseuun c tit lmenutSi)a ifl. O CecielileN rgarldea a bailone. -- -- iAH I E MN aliers tir magazines ciei if e littettcpot liii) c ougli iglit with tht' clîef, ___________________________________________..~~..~.~~~~~~.~ tI liilit the lia-tii s r e ,iv if:li , ltoiecie n ortc-d iin a ligiec aller hble 8p ltpeciten c.. M ra. Kmien ii'. thuer 1n ii bI- o n n mi hode. calir 1,crThreatened Baîz. erty- I DIA.MOND LAKE JIVA.NI-OE The M-qea Cors uand 'uaitti i oiliI l IisrlciiîeuiTuecday that t- axilh L.... J________________________entertaitied fsecentive it uciiiucfriemulu day 'Connieii c leitim us ctice Rabz' ,gO'm. tire. John Bartitt îraiîeatcd blices M uiss ida Ridorli, utf Chicago. ila tue ut a party at Iliir liii' Sitî cuIit% Ir or n hraec ii v hIcn in Chicago one day ]dst uceek. gut I isEtt iabcibe. ciniîiii lotîîr if ,t iir iîîce gui-et.;rouic coaî hra ndh i u P- Mises(uîdalmy. mofLaîjimîmiige aiid Mec jrngthaît litsiras an keogarorouit" 0 .Nr M , utPouiton and rclmidror. rre ernterimnt ut the WomimeWatson. tif hiiigmi. ami mu %eru' tiecnditi and ce forci. borne Friday aller ependicg a neek cill Rail lust I"iity evuuiumiveautuetîdelthie weck ecd euthbetdzîîkins filialeii- t mae ltiat,-(lif îîîShunt! Grîtin Saic reîd andl reativeseaut Lake Vila. lîy a large crituil and theiday -. î.4heu a 'i'heueing na 1iieit-iic y1. etit mi uMg trelrle]b-il nlti, ulinMai is,3itige" wias uinjoyed hîy ail. galops. vctandist -rcîmi l tu'ilc anti hie e non' eamuit othe 'char- mc. Michel, c Liieryvtie, îsmeulMus Arhur Rity bas sulit IÀ8 uiness lt, alter ahicli a ditiity iiimiiS.aS setmeil cýr eut Oi'onneli befoce lie truck uabie Fred Toircer, Jr., oua day la-t week lits efficient lieper, Tony tioclier. t lthatdt uuîi meim ie b l tbamîiiug tieir hli- u.ulo'ca" evencume Miss H3azçl iarby vicitd withu rulî- tir. Luara Dcter. wlîo oriorly re- pleasantiy epeot imlemic iciieremlv Ht aoe dced ont cf the clty Tues- j son, lises ut Orsysiake Saturday andl Sun- sided t I tamice. paseultiethe. licite tir varics ordîuîme viig ie Misses (di inorniig a nîîîrh tanietimmcli ledl lay eyorod, Sueuîay aI th home of ber Cumn, Hodgkics deighllci enb-rtainece__________ eson, da.tartia, in North Ciigo. Site'lave so, tr. and Mtra. Wcu. Einern nptSao iccou andi four daughteme. Thefun. A uipaicaary Thachusgiuiig prîugraum Oaacfda anl iodsywibelaivs u Ci-eu1oral a eid ait the Ivabute churu'li iil be renulereul cna 11e eveiicg iof THE STUPID OT cage. 'ruesuay allercon. 1Ber. Stevens. cf Niîvemtîee 25 ut Prairie Vuie iermeGl famiIy tire Barry Kuhi und son, Harris, Northi Chicago, officiting. Evangelicai chuîrch Sîcecuai musmceWyHl itr a prcne i turut spettSatnmday andl Sunday witb ber The C. . wl ae Go Tm"rendereul by Prairie Vîew Band. Uood Wh h og e PctuusWa Apecitd sitr r.(e eMthl.Socilal Tbamcligiing Lys., Nos. 24, a pa Bad §ui) *t'sîe mre fui)î liii i mu circu.' simd tir. and Mr. Wilttay spenli Siula>' tue home of Chas.Bekwitb. Every. Short Sketch of Frank Galster. thebecu'vîrer, "lu ta0. ut c cruîud of wtith wilb thIr parente, tMr. andl tir. Kned- body wleome. Corne sud have a gooti Frank (aliter wasi hum ut 1lîaaboc. coilege boys. btu 'itiitii cîenv nw o i r, aI Prairie View. tre. Refresirnta 25c. Lako conitv, 111 , April 21), 1871 aui koovw lui've the fîunmmilmdro i flîrveu ini ed- Mm. George Mitchell returneul home. tira. Wiiiard Beacihu ec returneul froin lied of beart diseage at Ss.le,n, i@ , leture i, o'i'r. uiti' umigimi iî'riî"u ern1c-. lirday, aller epeuding a feir daye mill B eoviaiit witli hem sous, Howurd Nov. 7. 19>09, age ihirty-oiglît yenre alectutîe th11e slilmîmr m lis'. "t i Ni'. a'nerlaie ia Ciago. aund Fred. six inontba andl ion daya. utterltvHiuseariy îile ceas spent Enrimîlad iiiiiue'[,'fim.i-.utî t of i)m Mme.Os t, Sr , mturneul te Chicago fasu. It is rurnoreti that Martin Wvagner parente on the burta. At the age cf talk vas %viid -'tillemu, aloi t iilusiitt W c 'mida.v ater epeuding a few dayo witb bas percbaefd the Denker borne. twenty-one ho tcok a position s cierk cd il m iv i ii' re niumber ofhlemiira sek Co relatives at thi ace. Eari Ritty cebratad Ie fcurtsenth in a grccory store ut W aakegan. a yeurerslie.Ome cf Ilmî'e cu lioamilc I.C. T. tir. andl Mm. Fred Tcwnsr, Jr. speut birihuluisSstnrday aveing liy entu'main-latar lie accepteti a position celi tute pliotigc:ph of a u:imciy uimimiimii I;t hfnday wilb their parants, tir. and tirs icjg qite a nuaber cf hie youcg fInonda. Chicago Bock andl Piurr Co., au travel W'hemitli.i' geimiiimImsjîîu m,Iti t.i.u; ubun. Fed Tomnr. Moudy evsning, a foie o!cuir ycung ug calmeaen.t ruyDlurs Nuseryhobue lîcî..a îir hlgime eccacît I 'umid iicm I . . Watch for the eiectric liglites m the peuopleousrprmaed Berlue Chamberlin, re- i Luring thai tutie lie sas tjarried te cm.'Ieciuiim cv llllmo Ze trd polos are beiug set nom. Darnud Lake mind IIîîgbimtehat suother miniistousMuses Alice Carkue, cf Sallenti, Wjs., Augum,t mai.' wil accun bave to ha incorporateil. was ait baud. 12, 1895. The iuiîaugDcember they "'tniitlauiiiy ItcîrmliuuieIy valii '"'~'1 -.-- moveul tt ilwaukee cehere lie accepte(] chrîi.', cmd 3 lil' fjii\'t itiiilialti'i. VOLO PALATIN5~E a positionu as stieut car coaluctor ahtch checre. ciapiilig, cmuimming --felu'is 1__________________________le beid cr eight3eavs andthobn reigüel. gruîinng mt îcimuthr il i 1iiîîimnu, egîr Mise Genevievo Effinger cesa the gueset Itu ltl3 lieqmît cd te Salem wiere hlieascb tier ioniitheIim mmc k amu ýImuIcci i ra Ofo frenda ait Wancomdu aiat mek. Mura Jonathanu Wison is on tîhe irk bouglit a uitile home,.i esamn'ht i. uu('c'i'cmuictt rumber Wili Frost &peut Sunda>itb rieuda liofcIail Irades. honeet, indutricus and 1pNil oIl ý i n 1)1Il 'Ote Utinl Ciago. Georga Vehluia ick nitb cariet lever ambitions, Licîcîandti tougbllui lits impn sos l fo rmcci igmîoui. uîThciq ue as me are sorry vo aay. faluiiy; ie iras a genice bonie man, P oeir im 0rcm u îmuv'lî it are A. Bremer, of West Fremont, was ia wbemulho ma8 otalt aork hoe cas alaia ey ilnmlhy senît-ceutul mmiulclicuît 8 Voe Saturda>' aiternoon. Mm. Grigggmetumned very machiphea8ed ul u tbrewt isfml.H al eto rigt kaotIl yea Ms.Cha. Rugtwa aWauegu wthber viil in Chicago. a godtidîî attuer aseul o ving utiec- goal 1lilinintuimrtic e lecise igmulia * oler Wednesdsày o! ibis mesk. Roay Born andl Lydis Baker were gueste ticuate biicoacî lieer planning te make aod agaui c . f ber elatere n Antioelu Souday the butine irileiimomre happy. lu the "0f u-tiun-1e Iullîl lot kmmîmw %%,boce ay on Mm. ELsdTownEenu andi son, Of 1 G.yeor 189f; alie son iras bord but tbe fmîti mmoIs.1 il iii hllilIfrI1lummî v.25. Rcandl Lake, wsre in town Sunday. tiraFrey bai bp ber guesta tis . (ei- dtIle o a ioiithia later. Site Ibea 4 tir JhnRoln aul anierlan.bu-handi Misa Rose Poppinoouse, cuf is- tre ietael gi tdntehmcIid aOinumg ie, I minI or malle s eîiu Trap gbr. d ercnlymû'irue ,almir l a 'lea ae hore., ooc m îîmd'v crImirtie Id huartuutomne froin Goahlien. lad. thi lfod aaui n i i l a uet.Ed ward Iteeeasd Arhur Ness en ter- tbree andt trc enrs rspecîuîeiy. abecu liiihit I frm1ililruralli Pd te Coummuercialh duriae n the high Thoae laI sort cetlimiare. [lis Wif,. cn3'hiiug thmut 1I lucdci uîce c oimg. cmI t Abrt Stubbics, e! Wamacnda, nas a chool durung the mccli. tirmA tle latur; irce lîttie sona. routi outy grîn eu'tthY ad am i mt eccli ""1Vole coller Suday attcoca. fuvier, îuumu vîer amud tw u stera, Mstira ldîîe ilîi im ie professere imati mbtiilmmeu Mruad Mtira Bnson anti daughiersanfa. an o ou l o rm be D emi e lierso.,j. Huiceher. ci Long hrove, 111 ; tiraqulet incd îlîu'îgoa en citli icy ulk. Dellsuandt ntthruiasî, tirarDeailnMl ecuJ B Ti ueGnîa3ylake, Ill.; tireebrctthena, As .scounîa-sthe' iccuore wcso vrI lu Ch hssudra oev eral e. rtur n eMomîît.uu ai3 ton. of Rockefeller, tue puit ceek. Ju (itîheter, cf Klaumiti laile, hiegoi; askKeth le hîcicdemt niers thue full Mirs Emna Wood, tir. andi tra. Johun Gaieter, i"reinouit heiter. fil. aind Misses Kove nud frances Roiug. cf Kmnt-hiliofamniMimssAllines Trgier viii Nick Gulicten, mill'ainie Vîew, 111. ii.tie sucled Je3eucly as lieex- bicago. Chiago,. meaet tîiere prenîs houle senct the n-iiter ta Cahloris. 'The fuerai tm)ik place Nov, h1, 11909 plaiiOd: au ati bore Sanday andd tiy. ait Saisem, Wie. tcterneut in Slemn ""Tie freelime in lIbs colege art Robiert Ctting, ouhy sou ob Jatige Moutcnpeyweetermiswmcle ot.Ta' i. Mm. Cbarity lhaugbt, ceho bas% pent Chavues S. Cuttîig anti MiesMary Bartel- auinpnteiier3 beelIme y reatie nd r ahu em 1lc' i. d;,me.the last feue montha with relativesit ile,,cere n.arrmed len Austin 'Wedeeuay acienpaniTedfloyraoen reivsantinAatmcl odr Cashmere, Washington, le agani t ber eremîîsug. Tue groom is tuowu te rny andlvery îatfieeliute i eti liyraett ccra home aI the Itauglit Farte. Palatine people huviug 8est is boy-tender a îacyatituepcknuîofce Acranhcfyrsetd (nro ihlatices Mise Lovina Nmicolua mira ln Mcelury. flodti ulys boe. mntrende coul hy ndg on. ne fman makeg oîany queer blhuiters of Saturday. Joe Converse mue operated lapon re- ayFinsndeghom speechi. A contituenit, c ilthng hlm me- tir. L. V. Luek aun isons, o! West Fr . etly ut the West ide Hospital sud is crntiy. cenpiaiceti cf lis shaioibooc S TO mont, calleul on relatives bora Suiudny. dohag uîceiy. Tihs Coibunee. 'of caItair cf Iuak saîieu crash Irouisor MAHA Dont forget the basket social i the tir. 1B. L. Peck returueul Satamdav Cai'buictu's. te whicb the anciente ai- Ilint ho hald ou. MBRVoashool Frida>' avouieza, Nos. 19 frein hem vialt saist sud feela muchlm i- trlhuted fauiastlc propetiles. were In ."A man cf your position." salul the Everyone tordially leviteul te atte.nd. ' proved lu beaalh therefroun. reallty ules. Tbey serveal. 1h -as osluc ersbni."ultl salal. te gîve lght te large serpenta or wear bandeemer touacre I*ban those.' k ST. 111M8iselbie Miller, Of ticffieu, la epecti- DEEFIELLI, dragons mhose elgilht ad been su- 'Ths rougmessmca, offeudeul, answer- ig tbis wuket lthe home of ber parents, MIse Katis HIolsia vistingmrelativseIn feebleal by age. Tbey bore tiasua con- ed repronrbtuUY: tir. andl Mm. Mat Mdilier. Jeffoeon Cty, Misouri. tanlly belwesn thoîr teta anal laid "My froncerasua>' be ehbbhy, but WEST FREMONT. A serlea of Union meeting@ of tbe tiastu down oniY for eathng and drink- tbey cover a marin andl honest heurt" i ticket* Augupt Meyer andl daugher, Aub, I'eebytrian andl Unitedl Evangelical lXl. I ma evsn claînasaltbat lias car- Novesu- tranateul business la Chcago tionday. cerche@ are nove ln progrès@. Muic by boucle esutted lîgiat In darknes anal ThesIgnou'ances tf outie. D ONE- Jo A lofernusoWI taatu the Mouds BbIstitute quartette aud fnthIe Ilckest closhlng coubd netl Abs-Tou salul that i mas necesst businseoA lu uieele t Su@- nd il a>' lMcCoruaîck Seminary quartette. Ail are stoplits raya. Wltiout ail the exag- to your bappîness.HEs-I mas young isiie: ctordiallylinviteul. geratbon of sncb egende lveau ho- tieansd very ignorant I had no con- 0 re - ut EH Meyer wa a Chicago bueinesa, John W' odman bas gens ou a weeks' lieveal for a long timte tbat rubese con- ception of relative values. She-What 18TPick tller cne day let wesk. huating trip. taineil Inus raye. The trutb la do yne menu? Ho-I men that1 Till Tekampe le womkung luLierty- Mme t. P. Tqdd la putung in bard thut they bave double refractilon analdMin'htkaaow a necesslly troua au ai- sab cilo. Woodlfluons. senal ontthla e utraye vetia une<ualed flletlon-Cieveland Plein Denier. uit ec- he ud nms f th defli f tr Lee tra.R. E L.Home ba metmne lblbiancy. Traversed Inlu a vcuum by nit EuropT e drewofheul bis sofers Lme m .da. RcnauEtLnde lestslu bascoeuln an electrir currenrtiaey are. Iluminat- Worse Thon Waiticg. in uroe rachd is on oreModoy frnt n xtededvimt;in isonan. ed veIlb aemd tire of extreme Inten- "Are you wmsing for me, er?' @ha RI Bagent Mra Fronik lletzisla emy ick at pru - M'as Jenke allendeul tb@ fanerai of a t>. 'Thse sîe etds o sll oigdwst8r imt ii trAglseu t e titlis meek. Miae Vat tllhing hem change hhcim fortearcm Isr color. bem 1-t. 72 FBarry Diete ceag liceu quite badlh lace in the sebool roumin. _________theIpatien A LIERI~ FFAB1 estroys S>' ARTH'UR D. *KRWICK. Q'ai 1Ž,... [copyright, 19». by Amarlilan Prer Au clation i A U It wau a pretty tnu. but luordinate. ly d uillThe branchea of the tre Recentdscoverles have Shown fornaed au arcb nier the etreets-tbîy that felling bair in causcd by weeraîher rnadn-glving lIn aummer a germs St the roots cf the bair. deliclous lidle. But few people walk. Tbîerefore, eo stop falling hair, ed ou them ' wbere Ibers wau a you muet first completely de- footatep It aounded loud . In wInteu uîroy ehese germs. Ayer's Hair there wauD un nd at al], for anuw frua covered. the ground, sud even whu'els Vigor, new lmproyed frua could nt be beard.. wIlI certainly do this., Then H e we nt there luinîdiunumer. e Icave the rest to nature. didu't go froua t'blce. He waa obllged Do u mi o ge the celer of the hair. to go. There "'as a deuuln. and it p o U& it h h *UÀ muet tornage Il froua is quiet apot show 1' t0 your Bis evork n'as prlîicpaiiy wcltlng for d-tu, people 10 make up their unlndtu iu1 ul A Jers Akhm~stO wbcltlihey owned and for lustructuîius. h The town posmesued n dclnty litie Eccent diIscoverica havc also proved that lbriiry. tie wcit ihere foîr uutiiettling dandruff is causcd by germe on thc scalp. to renid. 'Ihere was a clicerful ai)- Theretore, to cure dandrufftie firstthing pearance lucIde. iloge lu iziiîg In a tbdo is b compietciy dcaîroy these dan broîdti bedi tireplace. 'rhe îiîirurlan. duFi germu. Hcrc, thc same Aver's Hait a girlcf twtity. ti'tuîed 10ttc dci.. iwli çivc i;ie saîic',picndid recuits a girlcios i. O. A-,ar Ce., ttuithe. Maao 'It would Ilceanbock of moine iîd." he sald. "l'in t'ooîed ni)u he iiib Jît- le to uio and lnauru'riby lIiiredl." Tbu're were boks un thedeuuk whlcb be fookuir laii cnnedl iileatulv. "WXhat book wouid ynu lîke?" asked W4'n . AYCOCK Co. the llt)rurliin. 111 haven't the sligblestlIdea." Oposite st. Pau!l rel5 hl Dupot "VYoui'Il find tbe card rack ri LbrerllBlni "CoulIin't sou cuggeat aometbing?" _______________ "Fiction?7" "Tyes. wlipti a boy. Why ahboidi a hi e S rend that i110w?" REPAIR W'ORK "Well. <'riie>e was clone ou ls la. I ________________ ]and; yoii cre clone here. Vonu niglrit gzet corne csuggesltinfroru hlm cas te how to oecupy y ourtliu"A T M B L 'Tlî:îîîl ýîiiî.l'il rallier renait ilN AU O OB L 'The îiî'nrt'si tîlglîývay.' t eoiiudtid- WORK A .SPECIALTY belles'in rre,-Irienullig îbookI,'to you." "W'hal it yl i 1i ouii 'iiigzu'cl 7" V 'I'lt t Y ci rouif I n lI i~ ' Eiîoeh>vriai i îI "Ttiji iitîImpssile. Voit tire aclain. Lille of Siiîdriues. 'liresiRe- i n îiîi Ver r,îîarc t ranger; initu aired . W ie n ti Trouibilet et borne lîîre." "1 un11il a andti. uîll ci. Ilire-'lE L.E P IION~4E a unie cru iiiiiliLîbertyville Exchange - IlowwoldWhn aMan's Single' 66 or 2 2 '11 tlîiîk Icliouid lice It liciter Ilian 'Robinson hriue'W'oîld itlilelti me?' "Possît>l v. len yiiiIlivce t iilied it yon inlghl takre np ibis one: 'Il le_____________________ Neyer Tocni.ate t10 Mend . " 51 clsl ed s sit alitIl. "The uile appëara In Lwic aturcil G..eorg e Er vert au a litoce, leShe?' " "W are not gelllng eou 1 wlsb lu ra n, Coal nve! to wtule neocy the lime, suiand Fee fdont ldone. a d F e "aV-on are righl Tis conversation Icama doi on no gond, and It mlght pro- Rod tIin s duce"- oduIlni 'Bitter Fruit,"' bc interrnpted. reading tie titis of a volume ahe EUYS BALED HAY banded hlm. She turued uiway. and be, goluz tie Fcr carl6ad shipmnents the carul rack, fingercd the carda for awhle Ilu silence. lnoklng aimide oca' sionciiy aitIire girl. wbo st by tbe tire rendlng. Preaently he aciectel a book. She labbed Il witb na tamp uand, glanre- log at the 4ltie. gave lier liecd a sllght toms. it wan "A l'asslng F'aircY. shlm "A Bit outin Rogue."_____ __________ t ie caime the ccxl day ccii the nezi, tnklng nuit bocks and kceplngz Cheap (poor) pianos we (Io ui) the came sort of "Chatilt 11 the not seil, becatlïàe we wil itot enturnnr rluved. Then tic llnlstued bIc 9work and iefîire ieaving wcnt le ibe handie thom, but wtt(do sei èllbrnry to reinru selît books renialocti reliable, s t a ilda rd niakpem wltbhlmtr. "I go, tomorrow," bhe sld, '*Thanks aecl cheaper than the saine for the books. This une," layicg "The Wolig Ot" on the desk,."i have etii grades have ever been sold Joyeti îery iîîi'l." tie tooked ti ber in the cotinty. wltb ailr nmisiakable glint I1, bis ce.(' -l tlioo:ht yî,n would lîreler 'A Nlidi RICES FROM immer NMadness -'lwari ou itint Yoli 1118Y catt di cae 1 M eeigs-$200 tik fIoîi na me "iafv re )ii consldt'red wliat 1 sait to Old instrumients takeil al; you lite ihj,îîîe sw'îbere?" lie part Iîaylîîent on Grande, Up- "Vyez. ccd t regard it"-tlie sanmp) rights and Player Pianoe. came dowiî on-"A. Flîrtation Wlth Write for informationi. Trutlb" "1mow cati 3011day tinet? 1i bld YOn 1 loveil yen and cvlshed yon to e hoMY T e ., a- Ife, glcclng 3011 lIme for conielui- T e R.CIF lo ",Anul my aneiver lii that 1 prefer Ibis 89retr ni cnd Independence tc the City M usic Co. rH ndesicvcry I0nau artificiel tifs." tic stood regardlng ber lugubriotialy. 132-N. Geneste Si. Waukegan, il. 3epresently bis eye. falllug to the deeik. (IJPSTAiRS.. ligbted ou a bock. elook It UP and PHONES 1282 and 1148 banded 1110o ber. it waa "A Wnuaau'a -NO." Tlu afur the deait hadt beau between H S AYWi (hem. Lifting the latcb 10 lias gale TEEMYWD that @but hlm off troua tliaslterior, Frank Barlu. North Chîrago. 24. lie went luside. She was leanuag on Anis Hanzei. North Chicago, 18. the deak. HIe alole bis amn aronnd ber Erulce Beuteen, M.ilwaukee, 22; Hat- -ywalst ccd spolie low ln ber ear: tde Poiler, 23. 1. "Il came into Ibis iibruiry a l'Sw Loonard Guerlu, tivanaton. 27; Lit- " moniiaeago to neek enlace troa loneti- lian Diamond. 19. 'n unse. 1toumad It. butot lunlias books acbMskNotChag....2 1 b ave tuiken out, for I bave not renid Jcl soNrhCîao ne oftireur. Neverîheleffa i epprec- Jennte Troha, Waukegan....... 2 aite s beccusetbey bave afforded F'rank Barin. North Chicago...24 un a language of love. Tbey bave Annîsie azel, came............. 18 Ser'et]as lieldis Io that diffidencu Gustav A. Bradner, Fox Lake ...39 be whicbhebdges a newbern affection. But Annie Duif, saute ................0 gs tbey arc no longer needeul. Let ne uow Harold G. Sharten ............... 28 taîk pîniulv. Tell me. do you love tu. Eu auebi......... 1

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