CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Nov 1909, p. 6

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6 LAKE OOUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDÂY? NOVBU11CflER1909QO A ringing announcement of importance to every one. Always a large assortment of merchandise at the right tirne and prices the Iowýest when merchan- dise needed the most. That's the Col- umbia's policy, a satisfactory policy for the buying public. Bargains at all times in reliable and up to date merchandise. You will find plenty of proof when you visit our store. Supply the wants of al flot only for this winter but for the next one as well-- -It positively means a great deal of money to you. Corne Early!1 Corne Earlyt! J. H. SINYKIN, Mgr. WAUKLGAN, ILL. Sale Commences SATURDAY, Novemtber 2Oth, at 9 a.,m. Overcoats Nen's Overcoats at almost + price 5for a lot of goed w arm ovceoats in 4.9 black, browu and gray, ail sizes. frîlly 4 .9 3 worth up te $10., sale price $4.95. frachoiees ieletion of mens Iigh- 8 1e4 5 grade evercoats lu plain and new pro- teclor style Standard kerseys and tancy materwas, never sold for lesal than $13.50, sale pnoe 8&45- -q 9 S for a splendid line of men's overcoats 9.9 made of fine ail wool vicunas, faney cheviets, meltons and kerseys, strietiy haad tailored garintn t&. This sm eason t Auto modeds, worth $16.50, choice $9.95. j 5 9 foryour choice of a] l our very best 1595 ait - tailored overcoats, worth from $21.50 te $25, madle of the voey beat imported materials, serge and satin linel, lamt Auto Models. Ose of the best bargains ever offeed. Speal $15.95. ,Yaumi Men's Overcoats -meses overcoatâ, ail sizes, fully worth trom $10 te $12, sale price $5.751. 5for a splendid linsetfYoung mcn-'s Auto 8.7overcoats, gray and fancy materials, tîvely worth $1500. Children's Overcoats 2.48' for childrens aoûmt Auto overcoats, navy blus wool cheviots and faney grays, positively worth $4.00, sale priee $248. 8for your choice of aIl our very best ehildrens overceats imade in double 148breasted Auto Model, strictly ail wool cheviot, olive brom-u with faint stripes, fancy trimmed cuf s, this overcoat neyer sold for lesm than $6.00, male price $348. %Shoes of Quality A single trial will eonvince vou that our shos are juat a little betUer than the average shoes and our prices are eonsiderably lower than von lay elsewheme Just note the following: 1.39 a pair of înen's goodl work shoes or fine dress shoc-,, buher eut, regular $2.00 valnes. 193 our ehoive of 'nens fine<risa sboeg, 1.9 made of gua metal caîf and storm caîf in lace or blm-ber cut. this seaffona -moet popular late, $3.25 values for$1. 4Sa pair ef men's fiue dresag shoes in gun- 2 e4 5 etalpatent kid aud Russian patent 2.frgua custoen muade, newest fal! aud winterla8ts worth up te $400. 1.39 a pair for Misses or bo" ' sv,; for dressl or sehool wear, ail SZefnlv Worth $2.00. a pair for a large line of ladies, fiue ohees, ail new styles worth up to Underwear Men's Winter Underwear 39c for necas ;extra lreavv fleýee iied 1'nder- weai-, shirts or dram-4-rs in gray, bon idlue andl pink, ail si7As, fullY -worth î. 9cfor mîe's heav-v all vool, 8brom-î and gray shIirts or draiwers, fuIl 89 sizes;,poiieywrh$ 0 Men's Overshirts, Sweaters and Sweater Coats 95C values. for naen*s lleavy blue over shirts4,douenN and single brsasted, double front and haek, large pearl buttons, regular $1.7Î5 Scfor mneifs heavy gray sweater coûlts, 148 pain reji or blue de Worth $100. 1.25 2.o45 1.45 for very heavy gray ivool sweater coats, f ul izesý, worth $2.251. for men'a fine ail wo0< sweater coate in silver gray, brown aid navy blu<p, regular $3.50 vaines. for your- choireset a large hune of mens sweaters Worth $250. Men's Dress Shirts 9c for men's fine negligee shirts, white and 3l aieolors, allt sizeo, regular M5e 5for a very large selection of uîe's flne 8 C %hirý, plain and pleated patterns, 8,5c all ew styleu worth up to $1".50. Men's Working Ciothes 93C for men's heaxy blanket lined dnek coatp, black or brown, al sizes worth $1.75. for men's heavy corduroy eoats, reversi- 2e75 Ie or blanket lined, higfk corduroy col,- lar, double breazted styles, fully worth $3.751. for men's sheep lined bron dnick eontg, 2e95extra weil rmade, 111gb. eorduroy colizr, %verth $4.00. 39C 39C pruce 39C. 39È for me-n'oç heavy overaIlsansd jumnpers, bine, black or rdriped, &Pai uepstrl worth 71w. for a Large lise cf extra goodl woçking shirta, hlark sateen, bIne, gray, Rtrlped ée., ail osizes, regular 77x- valuesl, sale ~hc for men's extra heavy overails. juimperansd overshirt§s, peitivei worth 77weeh, 6c Specials Men's liose Spectais a pair of nîens liîeav.i wortîng sox, gra.y mix- turcs, regular 10v Values. a pair for îîîen's extra ieavv w ool in l * < gray, ï-tl or bne nmixtures 1 C worth 25e. Nenas Haadkerchlef Specials 3c cad for vour choiee of înen's faRt eclor turkey rcd, indigo bIne or white liaiker- e3 hiefs, good large sizes Worth 10c. Mea's Sespeaders, Speclal 9 a pair for men's fine- suspenderw, a sîlendid assortmtnt ef heavy or llght 19C weîghts Worth up te 50C. Netâwear Special '19C lOc 95( 45( for your choice of a ha.ndseme line of meu's four --aud tiffs, ail this seaom patterus worth 35e eaeh. esch for linen collars, regular 15e quality. beys' Sweater Coats, Speclal eh for a large lins ot. boys swenteT coas, plain gray or coloreda bordera SWorth np to $2.00. MeWs Ovrskirts, Spetlal each for men 's heavy jerSey Soverahirts worth -75c. Miens Sweaters, Special s porlemeh for men's geod lheavy mrseat- 3 en worth 43.c 95C Speclals in Cap> eaeh for men's heuvy winter caps, fur lined bauds, regular 75C values~. Beys' Caps asel for boy's heai-y linecl worth' 50C. winter eaps, fur1 Me's Hats for yonr choies cf nm sxoeptiomally large lins of men's fine hués, stiff orsoft shapes, blaek and colors, ail new styles worth from $200 te $2.50. 19c, 39c boys' Race Pons, Speclal eaeh for boy's drese pante worth 50C. eaeh for boy's kuse pauta that are positively worth 75e. Childrens Suits Sceach for cblîdrensf suite, sizem 3 te 6 9 5 e only, worthvp to Gleve ansd Pitteas a pair for mniu' heavy leather glovea or 2 5 mittens,4 heavy fleece E'very article will be found just as represented. If not satlsfied we wiIl cheerfully- exchange the article or-refund the price therefor. Corne ea-r(y. Suits Men's Suits at Hlai Price 3e95 3093 worth1 $1200 for un-en's gmxl sKtiii black and ifanruy elîev 1 t s. 111.1416-Is nl. fui q wort froîil$8.00> lu $1000. for a large sÀ-ertion ut meuis weImade euit.s iii lblackand d>ltîk mixture%, spi'ndùl Nvool materiais, positivel.y for iiitei's iîandsoinely tailori,41 fu!! and w inter suits umade up) of fine wool Suit- 7.uigs, ini new- poîorlar pxitterns -woritli $13.50, sale price $7.953. go 9 3 for rnen's up-to <lIatu' winter suifs made 995 ~up of <Il wool inattrials in neat i4tylWWh patttrns, perfect in fit and w-orkman- ship worth up te $1600. A ~ for a splendid fine of men's fine 12 . 5 suita made np of alî wool worsteds 'in this seaseus latest entg, blackfi, blues and fauey pattenf worth up te $2000, sale price only $12.45. Afor your ehoice of a nuat lhue ef men's exclusiveiv tailored suite, in neat popular patterns, strietly al11 wool materials, very beat of workmanship, suits that usually seil at $23 00, speetal for this sale $14.45. Young Men's Suits Sfor younig nen's good serviceable suits, a good selection of patterns, ages Up 3 e9 5 to 20 years-, fully worth f rom $800 to for vour choice of our best otq 8 *9-3 suite, ages 14 to -" years, blaek wormt- eds, blue serges and faucy patterns, strictly first elass garnments, genuine bargains Worth $1200. to f$15.00. Boys» and Children's Saits at L-ss Than Coit for boys nie suits made in double le98breaslted two p.iee styles,in blue, grays 1.9 and fancy mixtures, sizes 8 to 16 Worth $3.50. 8o your ehoice selection of boys high- Agrade suits, ages 7 te 17 years, hand- 2e48somely taiictred of fancy cassimers and cheviots, double breasted coats, bloomer trousers,4 Worth $4,00, sale price f2.48. Sfor boys tailored suits of the finest pure 3*45J wool eassaimers, worsteds and blue 0E serges, top bloomer trousers, double breasted coats, pogitively Worth $5.510. Men's Trousers at almost + price An extra pair of trousers will always make your suit last twice as long and at the following priées you ought to get two or three pairs at lenat. 8 9 for men's strong cottonade 89C trousers Worth 1 3 9 for men's fine trousers, black, blue and I. fancy patterns, pesitively Worth $2.510, 109 a pair of men's good worsted trousers, * ~3)neat patterns, good well fitting gar- * ments Worth $3.110. 8a pair for a good selection of men's 2 e4 fine worsted trousers, ail new stylish patterna yorth up to ffl.0 This big sale begins Satur- Nov. 2Oth and closes in ten clays, so corne early and se- cure the best bargains. Wc cut prices so low that prudent people can not afford to pass our inducements, and are therefore forccd to buy. Now is the golden opportunityl The tinte that every main and boy ini the family should be clothed to the limit of his wants. Just note these cut prices, and then stay away firom this sale if you cari. Car Fare refunded to out of town cus- toiners upon purchames of $5 or over 1 r, 'r't.

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