CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Nov 1909, p. 8

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LAKE OOUNTY INDEPBNDENT, FRIDAY, NOVEIIBJR 19, 1909 rWaukegan News à *AIJKEGAN WANTS ",,t>- members and alUiOugh Wauke' 'NMXT OW!ER SHOW few membera bt-rd. We fe0l Uat iis - ls a L.akecocunt>- soclety aud we ame UiTffleIllnger's Suggestion Thal If golog to hold a show lu Waulîcgan aus Waukegan Would Invite Heade of soon as a-e eau do so ont- oftise Lakte Counnt> Horticultural Soclet>- tiings tisac has prevented Uic soclctY -te Hold Annuel Show Here They (omn holding a show here le the seni- COaid Have It-Bensfits and ^c'i-noi lacit of interest wtilelibas been vantage Are To&. ahown by tise pt-ople of Waukcgau." Mr. Bollînger a-as the founder o! I hope tisaI Uic Haîloulturai Si> thse Ohio Horticultural Sotci>-Y and tiety of Lake Foreet will lis able tOe t present bas charge ef Uic stret-ta hoXi tieir next floa-er show lu Wauko- sud parka o! tise town or *it-eF'orest. ,go& This cit> le la our charter sud The Banquet the sooety laIscsscntlally a Lakte <ou- Te thirt>- five guesta sa( doa-n te tr organizatlon. We bave heen hao tables decoratt-d wiih chrysanthe- Ing a aumber o! flowcr shows lun(0'on- us and a-ite carnations. An iglit action *tb Uic couat>- fair et Lib- course supper was a-cIi served, and ,etyfflllcand t think t tht thesecounIt> tht- eveuint- madie cjoyabie by songs et le tic praper place te isld cxlJýiin tslcmish. Grnan sud Freochs and ltionsof! lis kind. Sînce Waukegae short good uatured speeches a-ee giv- in la our chartcr, soute effort sisould en bv tisose present. b. Madie te arouse ltereat lu aur Menu. worklt ere." Radishes Celer> Olives Tbesee ords of Hon. f?. Holiliser. yster Cocktail p'u.idest o! thse Horticltural Society., Bouillon in CuPe Vese spolten t an informai gatheriug ialibut tcak, Tartare Sauce etf the agodet>- at a banquet at Hotel Sweet Breadi Pattles WYlddd Saturda>- evcnlng. Rossi Sprlng Dock. Cranberry Sauce The aocielj' noa has one bundred Rossit Leg oft 'csl i eixaity inembers and a maJoril>- of >asht-d Potatoes Gree n Peas the are mmi aho havre charge of the Andiv e Salad esates 0oruealtisv residenta o! Lake lt-e Cream Cake Fost Roquefort Cheese Toast m aninteriie w atis President BO-em aos ls th~se tCts a-et-e breugisi onti _______1 - u t ib nrg Utheflouet' Show t- ~ u~ IUS A ( iL ii- Hoerneutersi -ces fi tIAS MUCII TROUBLE Lh»Fo'am vtald be ses-ry nd tei blua iUeuw sibeetM Wask'gam t1' Arsted After Cuttîng Hotel Regie- __t « èmem -eoè se 3md bes e sera Calm aAction of Police Outrage, mdgàuù_.thweaM et aesusiUse and la F4natl>-Saved b>- Internaes- m aue" eublie ntt-"esmt esc..ofi oet Keeper Who Wrabed Imem emm %tit' e sky tisa tet Saur Hm Digàacaof Seing Kept se%.e b.i Ue &oe s &sa- 'L' Wais- ,,csrge_ am do a- x"M-fc zbc- k qmm mSiu s ?a.lfs %$ a sus I eac ansd Yucaour s usband aglEmeu ee l , nMcme te Wakeesr frcn Cbucgo -Sat- ais-besar he3lte Wauks'. eda>- v-a m aatitpreai an En- IM m epreus a-saCd tb is W -uie flnflT anc-ceeding la ge'ttng - ths&Ma& usuber cd tb, em, - - u- hxsMstetd -b7oelythse letîi ImwMb ghd %0 c e t.o Wam-! ofa.'cenknown )Detaiotel Maus kerr bau giw - t.un bar'tloltate hit=lu-osabeng Iocked up il tise Po- m cke, w eauieat2y url db>-ts c the r., on.dGa .W <sf speQraoeit- PW eD viW e in a- Ge ý mag am offcer and for mat.idsa MI&- bu 1» toua lsutia lb>- tlcigaSt 1chwt à*Woee amdml.g. iTht- mans f t-'-t-six mt tthseCoe 0*Or s'Lae&U*Ina. a-bers leie tformeit lM-m.Girvi 2. l the ou&gS r Le-n e mU th-t be -a-as in Falea-aidetectre, e » m Mt oç uanalimnce or be- aarctiing for a mani aho hait rue Ot mm aflated a-Rh thse Houicultural Boedsiy inpm'oeet la Waake »W's parik s"stem -ceu b. e 'oreit. lb. Octldoor Leagne met but a tea- tirnes a Ynr anth ie meetings have not'reanled ln as mucli beneft as «u7e>- houIit, as not eisougis membere « lise organsationi have horticulural experiemoe, a-hidhis g o mmcli neetdd b>- an organisation o! that eharacter. Il tise ta-o bodie ucre in snme was to become uited In a fewa->ers after thea iot'tcullurai sprit lias isceome de- Vfelopeit,' Wanltt-an aould have Uic Prettlest att-cel and parka o! an>- towualnth ie country-. What Combination Means. If the Outdoor League and tise Mac a-lU s lita-fe-Heaked a" a-as givec permission ta rt fiouetise botu register thse name of C. S. Williwam and a-ie. of Buffalo, N. TY - ho a-cie gueest lre Frits>- nighi The'lises- leged dieteedlee saidt hat tise ma, IMW5 liantsa-as ateit un a charge e! fore er>- and tomake hie dlaim goeown - pareithtie hotel regitratimi aith some signatures on chseck he a-bt-e t-hait wltis bit Muilated Reffister. Bettaen 9 and 10 'clok tise gant man a-cnt te another bot- a-bers be a-as a once recogized b>- tht- pro- prîtWr.sud a-heu tisere a-as no onue ln Uic office gave an eiterly lady, b. a-as soon observcd la, be etting parts of tie-ultura 1 iýpciety a-cte tu bt-corne several pages tromthei register. The unIteit mati> things would follose tan, a-heu ht- eaw tisaiise hail beesi a-hidi a-ould hea e btutfit 10 Uie cot- oisscxved, Ptae'ed thle parts o!fise rt-g- muritb>. A unitorm. system 0f parking istet- ln bis poc!sct and hastil>- lefi thse Vonlit teeone o! Uic resuitsa-Ih .botel. Whenthe icpropriettr reunit little educatmon sog hie hune tise he at once notificd lise police o! tise People a-ouid becorne Interested and strange conduet o! Uic mas. Officer tam-m theniselves Into clubs, tise abject Davis soon located hlm. shadoaing bis Of ahidi a-onid teetise specile idesa-wi!e.a-ho la employe " a aclerk in of ltceplng Uic streeta cican andl aonc ufthtie large stores on Geneece unifarni tethod o! gatdcuing for tue Street. parka bn front O! their homes wouîd Tise tan waa broug7it bai-kta th, b6tei result. B>- combined efforts hotel and compelleil au gve issek Uie and a a ver>- anl costtise parts Parls o! tise regiter a-Isch be lisa Mna be decorat-d ln a vr> attractive etoleu lie clatmt-d Uiat becisail te- vaanner. rnorcd thse parts o! pages a- a laite Senefl of Show le Waukegan. and ciairnei that bis erreet a-as an Fb"Lrtu ta e I-an Intactst lntht- outrage He a-asrt-r>- augry htcause ImPrOyemleM o! public higiways and t- asst-ited tisa tise Police a-ecrt-- parka sPonsible tor bis eislng big train Second, to mate Wankegan knoa-n bat-t te Chicago. as tise cil> On tise nortiu shore a-bers Tise reeeou a-b>-thse tan waa not tings at-t-doing. taten te the station sud bel for trial Third, k a-ould aselt in makug a-asbtcause Uitheotleltman a-anted 10 Wsiikegan knoa-n as a tl> for con- gave lits tamll- Uic diagrace o! tise vetIons sud shows. A tea- sutcegs- art-et sud becanse ise tok pit>- upon ftl Shlisa-e sd conventions a-aul tisa ta-o stai ehililcen o!ft-e couple. dr-av tan>- others. ise claitis. Fourtis, holding Shows sud talte on The couple formerl>- liveil ai 8>ca- hOrtc'ulture a-ould be o! mut-h beneflt nmoreIIM. btfort- comlng te Waukegan tb bise cil>educationailly. ta rt-ide. Tht- ai!e a-as compellei tot Fiower Shows ln Lakte Foeet. lt-ave ber bushanil sone tinte ago ami T'h. flouer shows ln Laite Fortet litl'tthtiseetparation lic has bt-en rt-- are combincd -itis t-e publie sei sta iding lu Chiscago and e blas bt-en exas'isea, sud gol, silver sud bt-nit eupporting tht-lt-ta-o ernal ebdren b>- esite andt diplomas arc given fo or l r-tkig in a local stere. Bsheltok ber aUtasoset -cr uta -xn-l i-tilt.îo,---n - How te Secure t. Iflih. ofials o! Uic tet colon>- e» tu aslthUicsocet>- te give L *aeet show for tht- benef t o! Uic cal- oay'jt la ver>- liltel>- tiaI sncb a show aé.J b.' secureit. Tise objett o! tht- soelety la to prounote frlendl>- rela- tiom iseeth ie memberesud ta Poemt iteret la bortlculture along tise mrohmr. Tise nazI sisc-en far au la plsnned la to behield Le the Prmenst Bollinger »aIt: "Our isor- ttnoll oety hau o» ehundrefi lad RrQUIRE NO BONDS FOR IMPROVEMENT Elgin News Gels Opinion from Had- quartera ln Regard te Vexing Quel' lien Here-Ma>- Issue Improvement Bonde without Eiecion-Bei vide re Cula Off Electric Ligts-No Funds -Wood stock Has Bond Election Toda>-. BOND ELECTION NEWS. Atorney Generai Stead de- clares privateiy according te the Elgin News tisai speciai assess- ment bonds are nol liabie te the referendum iaws and are not te be conidered municipal bonds ai ail. Woodstock has a $25000 bond eieclion today "te complets an eiectric lighl plant" and pay cit>- debts. There je as hard a fight there as here but noisier. Belvidere because o! the despe- raie state of ils finances resemb- ing Waukegan, cut off ail elec- tric ighls excepi eleven down town. Beividere is dry. The wets wise have been keeping blind Pige have ail cornein tor plead gulty and quit however follOw- kng vgerous work by State's At- terne>- O'Donneii. weii known heme. ordinance and amsssment roll, snd pue thse aamibe 0cr when collccted ta thse bolders of such boude. "Wbat 1 bave sald should flot be oostructed lunmn>- sence officiaI. and ahould mlot influence you ln Uis ques- tion ln the least but It lis merely iay opinion as a la'wyer withoul investi- gating thse Matter, given out of cour- tes>- W >-OU. Ver>- reepectfully, W. H. Stead. attorney- general." Referendum Mght Provo Hopeles. MeMbers of Uic board o! local lmi- PrOvements o! Uic city of Elgin bave been uodcclded for thse lest few a-ee as 10 the exact construction of the ncw la-e. Tise> feared that tt, pro- ceed with a publie Improvernent and Issue specl assecsment bonds wlth- Out a referendum would malte the bonds iuv-ald; and cxpressed opinion that to atternpt public improverntuts b>- referendumn woîild be bopelesa. tîselese tskl. TRACIKS REMOVED BY TI E. J. & E. Lake Front Tracks Laid Veara ago to Get Right of Way and Olsputed by City Firemen ai Time are Peacably Rem.ved by Contractor who Il ls said wli Replace l'hem-City May Order Them out. What dld Uic riait of Superîniendent NIrManus aud Vice President Rogers of tie EJ. & E. Frlday have to do witb the rernoving 0frt-e E. j. E. iracks an te lalte front 10 make root for the new seîtliug wet-l whicb is iuder construction by Contractor Chas. Payue. iThc figut of several years ago. when Wiliam Itl tead. aitorneN zcet-rithe Uictyi>-under SMayor Pearce stapped o! Illinois .ini an unofficîsl opinion the- Company> front Iaylng rails on tis reudered ai tht- requcat o! au Elgin i street b>- thc aid o! the tire dcpart- pi-tpe,--t- os-uer. gres bi rl at- ment. la a-cIl rcmembered as leaea udgnet ihat t-,lenea- state tatute [tUic act that onte eveuiug Uic cont- a-bith requirca a referendum ou ail- pan> stole a march ou Uic cii>- snd municipal tonds ta uot applicable 1to laid railIe a-ile evers one waas slect-i bonds issueti for a local improvement lu Mayor Flues adminisltration p-, the Elgin Oeil>- Neas mission waas iven tht- Company- ta Ict Refuses an Officiai Opinion. Uic tracke rernain on tat street. 'This loMhile thet',at>rny> general refuse't permission le salidta h ave bt-en vold tband doa-n au ofl3ciat opinion on as the road has flot made au>- use Uic lau-btcause o!ft-e tact that il had o! ihe Iracs kaa-atgoevcr. alread>- been betore the- coures in e,- iWleu Cotractor Charle Payne era] ConnUes, is persoual judgmenl siarted ta a-r on the nea- aettliug on thse tMute uill have mues a-eightWelat-Ili lertportail ibat ha removcd POPULAR MAN IS COMPELLED TO ELOPE Modest and Umaaaumlng Pacta are thet Wauksganlte Juat Reoentl>- Married Was Magnello te Ladies and when Time .ta Gel Mimled le Girl of Choice Came !loped ta Distant Cit>- as OnI>- WaY Out, Because It le a ad there were se, man>- girls after hlm a Wan' iceganite Just recent>- eioped wlth the girl of hie cholce and w». married up in Wisconsin. Unwiiiing to hurt feelinge and leave a trail ef bi'oken hearts voiuntariiy thse Waukeganile packed bag and baggage and led to the scene of hie marriage. And when nt leaut one girl ln thia city ieamned of hi* goInq ahe is said ta, have broken mb t ars of regret although frienda sean at- sured her that grief wu* a mis- Cake. The tan rcfcrred tole flot a heart breaker frot choIe. Strlltlngly baud- seine. gît ted mentat>- aud lu otiser a-ays, an aocomplislicd musicien aud a man of many attractions, bis rnag- nelle pereoauallty la sald to have onu thrallcd more t-han one despite hlm- sel! sud finally te break the clsaln of "«roses" ho sirnply had to hecome a-cd to tise girl of hie choit-e lu secret. One girl and nl>- ont- heard of his approaching mArriage and to ber hse sent word ibat he would wriie. The tan lu Uic case Il elcl kuown sud tht-rt-la no anc who a-ould speak au Injurions word agaluet bit. >Iod- est sud îîuassumlng he te tht- last ers vib i1 clop)e ta benediets soft Impes eai oitn bareat nie apia'ared. iey, as adS Aralzeman Abbott, Fi Larsen, E William S. 5Company, LOUIS J. YEOMANNo432 by virtue sd Ciren THE UI>TUCIAN ermA 11 in Elginand other municipaiities the track wlthout the company's per- 'wbere the exact intention of the iaw mission snd that the visft of the E. is a matter of dispute- J .F officiais was tb sec that this M'heu the subjct of a-hetber or permission a-as obtained not the City or Elgin miglit issue local The report la made that the offi- improvement bonds in the future wltb !claie returned satiosled a-heu Mr. out a referendum, came up for discuts- Payne promlsed tu put the track back sion mt the city hall, an îoterested as he bat! foun.d it. Properti- oune, a-rote tu the attorney The trth of this report could ejot general's office for an opinion. he vertilled as Mr. Payne coutd flot "You ask for my opinion." the a-Ibho seen. ftorney generai a-rites. as10Inter l an interview Agent Culver sald, or flot bonds lssued by a City to pay 'Chas- Payne recetved perission te for a local Improvement. payable by remove our traek several days ago special aissessinent on the property and the viait of tic roni officiais a-as benefftcd bi sncb imrorovement, must lu no way connected a-lUi our track 11ret be aubmitted aw ihe ato'rs ofth hee Uicte front-" cii>- for approo-al Now thai part of tic traek [a up r Nueeus Inquiries Rceseved. theCcity- It la thought a-tII take plans *R Ieplylng tbereto. permît me tu te expell the compan>- fron thei street e tate tbat 1 bave flot had thc subject as 5ooÏn as ticea-cl l I cornpleted. matter of your communication under Now that part of the track ta up, a onEîderation ojfficialît, sud do flot precedent ls thought ta bave beeu ese boa- the sare could corne hfore established. b4 lu an officialI any, Howecver permit me to state that. unoflIially, I have e epressed rny vît-as upon tic question State of Illinois, Couuty of Lake, se; Suggested lu your letter, lu the Circuit Court of Lake County 'Mam inItÉres ave eenreceved Mary A. Gallagher vs. Peter J. Nced- 'Mt>Iiure havebco eeie in, Austin F. Ncedham, Northern at thiz office sIne theUi act belcame ef- Trust Company, a corporation, trustee fective on July 3,I 1h09 but 1 bave uni- under the a-lu of Hiram B. PcabodY, formi>- declined au express an>- opin- dcceased. William C. Upton, truseeO ,Ion upon the rosto for the rea ai Austin F. Necdbam, liolder and propoitionow fcr o!nte for ta-o hundrcd dol- son that fitla a matiter local tu the' tar serd b>- trust deed to, William 0munilipaiity flot In any wa conneet-IC. Upton, trustee, recorded In tihe Rn- c d a-lU isiadeparment, official>- orIcorder's of9ce of Lake county. Illinois, othln Book 16 6 of Mortgs.gces, 462 'lu sotse instances I have been re- quce"to agive an opInion a-litret-hie proceedinga a-ere pending la tise courts sud aobjections haitSet-n matie b>- t-eProperti' oanerz for tise rt- son that tiseat-dînant-e provldlag tor- tes ing of0<tUibonds hai t alh.D subismtteil to the ipeople and >Yeucan r ec aber. It a-ould be bots Impre per rand Una-le'fer me ta attenîpt to givt- rerreuîY and tise diacovt-ty o! ht-r ion lu an>- aa> under eteilis 4rcu-' namne UPon tise reglter les aid te ihave stances. bten te cause o! ber buebanits t- "I have expreýs*el Il au My' privais tt-mPt ta rt-re Ppiges o! tise t-clter. oiInion. hou-tver. that sut-h act a-cuIt hiave ni, application ta local Imrp'v Tut-rt- a it to-ast' un record t-f a etingliment bonde. Snc b hosileare net, I Or etlil re8ulîlcur hinnuimoîinie,-,, .,,_!thlnk,-muniipal bonds*mundtrete una 8umptian al t-t- izolym iîuney sud Tar liatlhlît> against the mnniclpalt>- bas b-ii etat-nait willtep,îunrriîejgh "Tht-'onu>- ollgti>n incurred b>- sud break UP >aur ("Idi mt-I, iek t-fuse tb isert>-oret-tier munnclpallty ln con- an>- but tht- genuine FoIe>-'s Hune>- and nutt-ion aith sut- bhond% ln, o le"> Tarin amyelîna - kage. Contains 10 laud clleettise tax b>- spetial Uset- oplates sud is sat- and gur. imentagant tihuproperi>- b'uit-flg FRANK IB. LOrsLL. b>-tise Improvemeel, putsuant tu tis tional e--i .! Grant. IllinoieS. From Arctic to Tro-pics - . iTen Minutes No oil beater bas a blgher efficiency or greater heating power tban the ERFECTION 0OU Heater (EqulPPed wlth Smoksless Devica) SWlth it you can go from the cold of the Arctic to the warmth of the Tropics in 10 m inutes. The new Automatic Smokeless Devioe prevents smoking. There is no possible question about it. T his, iilCdfs greater lieat-power, a more rdpid diffusion of heat and a sure conversion of ail the lîeat-energy in the oul. In a colruant, light the heater and in 10 minutes youIll have a glowîng licat that carnies fulîl content. Turn the wick up as high as it will go,-no smoke-no odor. Ini cvcrxthing that appcals to the provident anti the fastidjous, the Perfection Oil Ilcater, with ifs new automatic smokeless device, de- cisîvel 'v lcads. l'inished in Nickel or Japan in varions styles. E-cy D-4, ~Evcryhe,, If Not At Voun, Wrîîcte s Dean-tise Circoier io the Nearcai Agency ofth1e STANDA »OIL COXPARY the ladies. but lbe had to get sa-a>- and become a anid Wis frieude admît tht-,~ aciment. 'unt be le said te be daa-nutoo b naraebs S T O V E S î las honeyrnoon. Ouly the 1 _______Are Wliat You WantNo * Iliois, Cout>-o! Lakes r-i ourt o! Lake Conu- Dot-. Mariy LnE We Have the Weld sud John W. Rauetead 0 1hL Stanley,. Margaret A. otitie G. Etceli. Arthsur Et l II mer V. Stanley,. trace Stan- T W A R J W E imintetrater o!fUiceetait- ai Base Burners, Hot Blasts, Oaks. * .Staley-, deccascil, J. C. Steel Rtanges, Cast Ranîges, Cooks* Florence R. Stanley-, George» Edaard Conrad,. J. C. FoIe>- *K S. BeUloa-. Norths Short- Os 7 ,Archle Gibeon sud Christ>-0 ans. 1B111 10 Forclose., Gen. 0 IF IT'S Over 50 to Select From totice la hcreby given Chat FROM iNI Or o! an order and decee- C" attiii andl Ialk i vr tise above entitlcit cause lu O Ol Py o Court at thc Octoher SCII4NCK'S i illa it D.10,thereot, tise under- master ln cissucer- o! said [1,an Tuceda-, Uic tourteenlis ITS icember. A. D. 1909. aittht- O (N C K C .t the easîtmain door of tise 0 BROS. use o! Laite count>-. ln tise O Naukegan. lu Uic count>- 0i e taît- o! Illinois. selI St pub ý )ni te tise higet sud bt-st or. oais, tise ollowing de- ud andl real estale. to--lt; t-t o! the norîba-est quarter tisaest tractional quarter o! in toa-ushlp 45, norts. range tise third principal meridian count>-. Illinois, dteecribed as t-a-bt: Beglnnîng at tise I O R Q1 0 . K tcorner o! a lot formerl>- eIre o! Mre. Robert tanley, * andl otiescre on tiese li is igisaay: tisence uorth Q te t-at lUe o!fUieislgha-ay, QWe eaui meet your reqttsremelnts 1no fcct ta tis euth hune of the b>- Oscar Cous; tht-ne tast, matter how large or srnall tlîey may be. ec south Une o! thse Cobis lot ;teet te tht- aest lit- 0f tise The Prepared Roofing we seil to tonlan club propert>- tht-ne thse a-est Une o! seid club 0 our Customers by the rolliîs the best ahout 152 feet ta tht- nons * he se-calît-i WiIIey lot sud 0oni the market, and cornes co>îplete ast ancsalid uorth lot- about 0 ote t- ast Une o! the bîgs 0 witlj nails and cernt ready te, lay, at plat-t- o! beginulug, meaning J> iug te describe ail tise rt-aI the righit priees. ned b>-tise seid grautor on .0 a-tet quarter of the sauts ter o! tise atoresalii frac 0 tion 3, situated lu tise towu n Lake count>- and claie e 0 o elI %o i goQp n Poe! Rofngoman ELAM L. CLARKE, Master bu Chan-t-ty. rDateil Nov. 12, A. D. 1909. 7-4 jRed Cross Stamps ta Fight Con- n aumption. "Gouil morning. have >-ou haught your Rt-I Cross iltamps?" This will 2gnon lithie pi-cper fartn of saa tation Inl Userof. en. o. 401. -t -i-v ii- -Ana uae n Ifîauî,, Public notice le hercis> given that plane of the American Rt-d Crasse Society b>- vrtii5 af an order sud decret-n- ai- c art-led ouI. The Red Cross bas ad- tert-d le the above entilleit cause bua pteil the@e littie stit-kers - sometîie %eMi Circuit Court ai Uic Octoiser tfrrn, callel "a square inchsof clear conscience A. D. 1909, thereofthUe' undet-slÉned, fot- a penny-" - as ils peace rneastii-t Mater luncliancer>- o! Raid court, a-lll, againet thse ravages ai Tise Great W hit- on Tnt-ada>'. Uictoutteenth day af Plague, a-blch daims 8000 petsons Deceenter, A D. 1909, at thc bout- of ancually lnIlîlinois. Pet-sons tailiuig ta 1 'eloekln l tht- atternoon of Railday, use tht-se lbItte messages ai Christmas ar Uicetast iloor of ithe court hanse ln t-htet- on aHIl ltt-is, gitos. packages. etc., th-e ci>- o! Waultegan, lu Uic cont> o!f- si-t oui dniing lte holiday seasan a-ill L*tke andI state o! Illinos sei, at pois-' b guilt>- of a serions hi-ch of etiquette. lic anctian, ta Ue ic hst sud hot blddt-r for cash, the !olloa-lng de acried landl sud real estate. to-a-t: Tîrce Expositions et Chicago in Tht- tast isal! o! thse sothease quai- November and December- ter o!ft-e nortiesgt quarter a! section ta-eut>-(20), lu towuship !arty-fivc (45) norili, o! range ta-cive (12) tast Chicago, Milwaukoee & St. Paul Ry. o! tise thiril principal meridian. Thse Naional Fat-m Laud Congrece ELAM L. CLARKE. ciilelit- lid et Chicago, Noeniber 16i to Mater lu Chant-tr>' i20> thse United States iLand cndIIrrigza- Dated Nov, 12, A. D. 1909. 74 tii xposition November 20 ta De- -'-tuier 4, and tise Internationaiil Lire St-t-k Exposition Novembher 27 IQOr- Tht- littlt-Candy ColCureTablete t-ail b- r 0 lyucapettto attend iht-se est Prevt-ntles,,a-lllnlue feu houre sait-lt '-',îosi1-ions. sait lot-ai agent Chit-agio, \id,îvuke & St PaulI Ruilwaafor cam- etckal Collhor Latirippe. Try'tht-n - --itiWriat ionuregardi,,girrailrond Intrc 48-25e. Soit b>-...i train service. F. A.MILLERC, OHt-i ALL- DEALEIS.-i-et-gt-r Agent, Ciicago. 7-2 197S- Oeneaee St.- A KE A TelcPhone 377 Morses for Sale,, Mountain Measdow Stock Farm, one and one-lialf mile norîli of Wauconda,Illinoiés. bas constant>- on baud and for s-ale, at lawcpt market prit-e, a stock of aill lasses of hors-s, suitable for tb, raad and aIl farti wnrk: express and draft, ueful and servifeabie. trnrn 1100 to 1600 pounde. Prie $H0 10 $20 0. No plulge. Corne to Mountain Meadow and sec the horses work onUic fart. Aillacclliuiated aud aroidripk ai giekejess. AIl guaranteed on dclivery a@ represented. 441W.e.a COL. . . IBERRY Adjudication Notice. Pu.blieNùtice It e betbs eieeîîtîsithe Sub- atrI-t- eaExct-soteselas a-Ci and Testaetî afIliim Seîouel t-aces. tecesec il] aittensd tht- CtunixCourt of Laite Cauiity. i-ltsimreihere al to lie haiden ut tht- Courit ioiie lu Waukeee.n. la sait L'ast>anithe fintsiMonder col Januvy ut-t. 19t0, dit-ndittst-e &Ilcessons hevI- clirîe s eastisait t-ast t-e enotifit-iand1 t-qutteitit psetRtnithet-etu esaitt-tuttfori- aditcadt-ion. "ARY 0. t-gARC"E WiIA1, a-. tgARCEExt-cubai-s W INNIFISED PEARCE t Wausktega, Norsînher 4. te"t 7-i Bt-N l. MILLER,. Atte>. Adjudication Notice. Publie Notice is hesehy ait-ciithai tht- Sbh- seribet-Eeutor ai tht-lestW anitTetameîît ai Mtathilde Pt-pt-.dececeit. iii sattndte Coust CouritaoftLake ttaasty. ai a tt-rnethtesto to be bodatt tihe Coasts H ...e la-a-ukea. la eaid C-unt-, an thetint iMondatilY 1Juors nexi. 1t10.weut-nd whtt-eeal] perutun. iiasng i ttaneinet seit esito .are ntiied anit lesâuteted Wte t-ent tht- saie ta sit Court loy djatios. ALFED C. BORN. Execui, Wauktean, Ill.. Nart-sber 8.fl. ti. 7 -t 1

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