LAKS COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, NOVUBER 26, 1909 t lfCOUNTrY INDEPE-NDENT OFFICIAIL PAPER 0F LAKE COUNTY TSîqgbm No.tbi. FLilois Rcsdsee Xelephone No. 1141. UÀberlyvWe Exelo.sge louersd sIa&he PG.tofice sI Ubertyrllle. DI., au Second Clam Matter IPTION PRiCE $1.60 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE H.1 & ........... .. .................... ........... .................... Editor M. KELLEY ............ ........... ... .................................. City Editor FRIDAY, NOVEMBR 26. D0O9. MARRIED LIFE CHEAP. Rtuth Cameron, the eastern newspaper w'-ier, belleves that in rarrlage, leve cun take the place cf money. One wculd thlnk she sa a theorist, but this, a portion of lier experiences sa worth readlng anyway. 'Fuurteen dollars a week la enough to marry on," a man said the other "Impossible," i answered, for 1 knew that both he and the girl had been 1,usd te comfort, If nlt luxury. "But my girl knows hcw te màke al l er clothes and hats and how to buy tet and everything like Iliat," he explained. "That makes a big difference," 1 conceded. Anid lastly it depends on how mnucli you care for each other. Unfeeling, iuknowting people, have doubtiess told you that that makes no difference. That la absurd. 1 know two Young people who marrlcd on haîf the income thry had hith- trée Minty carned. They are very happy. "'How do You do lt?" 1 asked. "Wu have enough for the necessîties," the firl answered, "antd we make QM*ei ther aur luxurles." «DBe would rather have me than clubs and fine cigars and such thinga, and 1 wouid rather have Bob than pretty gowns. "And for entertainmerst, bath cf us are satlsfied to take an afternoon transi togther or sperid and evenlng reading aloud, whereas before we had *Mh, ther, wu had ta go to the theater and things like that." 'Thut's ail riglit for the firet few menths," 1 cean hear my cynicil reader ,urmer. But they have been married fiee ycars, my friend. VENTILATE THE SLEEPING ROOM The ventilation cf the sleeping room lu commonly neglected, espectaily In cold weatler. A mîstake ton often madle when building is to take aniy spacc net o*iurwice used for a sleeping room wthout any thought for the light and ventlaton and then te locate the bcd In any place large enougli for il. Sorne fflOI roma hiave no outside windows. The bedroom windows should be open whenever the roem s occupied. In 'hdes rning the beddlng should be aired. People should not forget te open In the day time, nor te run up the shades and let in ail the sun- Wola possible. Ton, many people manifest more lnterest in prescrving the 4ex" of their carpets' than in keeping the healthy celer in the faces of the himid,'sof their familles. A physician rccently made the statement that in the clty siums where the houe. were lly ventllated, and big fires werc kept up, mostly in cook stoves, *mil whetc windows were seidom opened, nine-tenths cf the z-hildren are vic- ,tlim of throat or lung trouble. One visit te sucli homes would convince us etthe truth of this statemnent, and of the importance of fresh air te botli aieep. laq and living mrnem. CHILDREN VICTIMS 0F MONOPOLY'S GREED. to be asked to Invetigate local trade conditions in Washing. ton. The peoplu there complain that ttiey are in the grip of umaîl tradesmen's tracte.. 8 high art the prices of the necessaries of life that 10,000 chiîdren go breruIfadUests chool evury mornlng. The establishment cf public lunch- ea-s uphermism for coup kitchens-is urged as one remedy; the prosecu- tila. fthe u*msl trusts lu snother. la satInp.otasliged prosperlty when fiattering statistics are beîng unload- convince a crodulous people of their weaith, no more humillat- ~uq U' ienof the ruality couid_ bu *Wurud. Mungry littis childrun au ~ saply's greud, malcu an unususlly psthutic and vigorous appeal. IM preuouudinge againat the puny trsdeuns' trusts wouid bu like sawing 8fa tr#«auh a meas of hoaiing s dissiau.d trsnk. Thuir combinations and ueaîus«I art petty imitations of thasu of the gisnts who proy on &Il alliku. « 0894n« Ue uet ail It shauid striku et the mot. But le a Congrus. guiity of âfé t Mea.c u possIblu ta producu thu conditions ta bu trustsd ta corruct 8at@0fteUIis.Obý omty of twenty-sevee hundretha feet to thse -J&lh. CircAdt Court or Lakse Coun ty. mat lneu of said section twenty (20); t9@P True and .5S *~ avings Bnkthencu nortis siong thse esat Une of 1%,ie.. v&u. Ubertyrîfle Trotting Au- sec ution, Twesty (20) one hundred O0(PISqoS. (jea. No. 4176. and fffty and five tendis (150.5) feet to thse place et beglnieg. Gotaie- PuMe o tice la hereby glven that lng one. hundreti and five aud one bYý2.ul»u of an order and ducree un- (1.)ace moe r os t" ui lis e shovu entitied cause lu teetis(0.)ars oeo ee OM4Iroqlt Courut te Ctober tem And aise ail and singular the build- A. 00 M tisernot, thse undersigned,' legs, stables, tances, stands, paddocks, NMID heecry et said C<ort, wV11,riglits ot way a-nd easements oft visai ,*,Alprds' tis 18tii dayo! Decum- uver description and wlterever afit- ý1W A. t). 19M at thse heur et eluven atad togetiser vus ailtise contracta, 4tu0l th e torenoon of sald day ait rîglts, plvileges, and franchises et ebO Hut Maie Entrance erthte Court slaîiLIbertyvllle Trotting Association !01109 iutise CtY oft Wukega-n, lenieretotore grantad or conferreti upon the OOwt±Y Of Lake and State et il by the lava er the State of Illinois, MW111, »Hel t Putblic vendue te thse Or viicis May be hereatter granteti blàu»t &u" best blddur or bidders or conterreti, togetiser with ail (ta lu- fOr «s thse fndOvîeg describeti land cornes andi Profita inciuding ant' andi 4~ ruai state to-vît: ail revenue derIveti hy the said Liber- AI tist Part of sections Twenty tYville Trotting association frorn any (20) We Twenty-one (21) Township source whataeever, andi il11 5t con- WObM-g-r (44) North, Range Eteven tracts and munimenta et titie f0 real (11), at of tise Third Principal and ierseeal estatse, situatet lu thse KqrWMUe. descrîbed asa retiove, to-wit County of La-ke andi StateoetIlîlinois. CanMMCIung at a Point le tta west Tise undersigned wiilaise seil at tise #M O f Maid section Twenty-one (21), above tIme andi place t tihe iigist Tweatg-ulne and Fitty tisree huntireths and hast bidder or bidders for cash Mât#) chi" nort ofethtie sentis West tise folowieg personal property et OPM fto sa-id section twenty-oee (21), sali Ubertyvilie Trotting Associatien:i tàmoeS outis eightY-two (82) degrees 1 Sprinkler, Capacity 604> Gallons, 1 ul «me fourtis (%(th) minuta east, California Trtack Harrow; 1 track .eIOt bunldruti and Ntnety-twe (892) grader; 1 Pump), capaclty 50 gallons1 9*tO thse WestIlin O0f Garfletti Ave- per minute; 1 electrîc dynamo or ..U« ia- F. H. Kuepkers' subdivision moter; 5 fire extinguisisere; 1 ise ePiiseS usouth; tisence nertis elgisi (8) cari, 1 sfteel range; 1 coal steve; 1 'MMAÉt v eut toe inttersectioni of horse, Ljier; : dez. dining ro0m tab- t' tu BriW lnoetftise rgt-o-way ofi les; :1 dez. chairs; about 500 Il. et 2 1 194>Caa & MIiwaukee Electrie loch bose. about 200o ft. et eue Inch ý*wkàiM .iCompany viti tishe et.lifte, hese, 2 soînirer celtee rus, 32tin cet- 'ýî flUteld Avenue; thence vestertv tee urus, 4" the soroti Une of said riglit- Dated Noveuster 26th A. D. 1909, Îf,4W ta a point eigist suedred and KA .C.RE ý OtY and tventy-seven isundredtiss Master it Cbstscery. {(t87) feet vest of tise eazt lhue ef ~M Aedtt enty (20) ; thencaeeuth uAu« & Une paraileltô oanti eight I ei and fffty andti tenty-seven C. T. NEYDECKER A SO'4. Att'. for .t.t.. ~ (B ) fet vet ettiseAdjudication Notice. . OW4se o said section Twenfy 120), t"touOJ4ile hndedand thirty PubliC N-tie-e berftr ien 11-th-t thlb. 4h ~u*Ipgsad fie hindrai sciber Execaier ni the 1-atViias-d Teeta-ent «J '(MW) teet te tise nortis line of -ot Mraeset Miseen derea,,rI. nîli &ttessi the 00tfnY (Cout nf Lake ctnit aia nereathet-t *0 ea0at oee iundred a-nd nne (109) t e boideotbte Court iiOuselsWuwanaan ;ýJ'& f Ki ecio teny(20) ; &*id Ceunt', nt.. reth. fiut siot Februsey ~ sa-OSsectIontwnty ea-t. 19t0, seben asd sbie .1&irerug bsvinc 4hu usat along a Une para-lel te rlim actsair 8&1f Et&te -ler steeid sai ".à» Ouat1 l"e of said section twen>' EOWÂdi SORN.Eeete.i eeS OWh)eiit bundred andi ifty an and TestameOnof MOrnSC 'rS2 nen, tecaseit. Wau«a. 1vebe 2 . . 9A Report of thse Condition of thse FIRSI NATIONAL BANK< of Libertyville. At the close o! business Tuesday, Nîineni4r 16, 19019 Resources. Leaand Disounta ...... . .. U. r3. Bonds t0 aeureimrul&tJoit p'eeslun U . . Bonda.- Bonda, eertîrs. etc........ Furnltureasoit ixtures Othe, rai et.te ounedt D- f,lr,. Sîas risBan.. [t>e rom sisiroved reserve agents Chîeck.ansoit oher cashStemns...- Fractionai vaser cerreeser. nickels andt cents . .. ... r, awtul Sonet' leserve l a Bnk. vie Siro-cl - -- - - i 81,' 7 40 l.ltende, r..tes ..... ......'500 CO Ri,1îîîî itiofond I~th 13 S.tesir (5 iver Ciiiit of eui5ftit I Toia, .. 1 i . $ L ia bilitile s $152.672 20 6 sW 0 $1500e 13.0500t 8,b"4 12 28.5M0 79 6 74 824 86 10.847 40 1500 $218.,646A1 Ca tit.l ,toc , ali n i . Il25000 Soilir l .itf1,5w 100 taons_,01 205 9 Nation' i al sar ot'o ntltaî,d*ýIIîg ii; )00 lenl'- uC r'iin ie ofribOi-.b0959 10 Total1 ...71504. .. 8,Ko l llor,. Uuiîy "Ila"," t , '.8 Cu, _01j'r0f le tone ,aine tank , io".rus e a taiîe to snd belîil J. S. GtI. KY, Cahier, tJ. L.TA) M > H, BEN Il N1 I[ R SER!tilii5 tutltEt2(tîK. tr Su3,bseel r-ud t -rwrnt,, minore eu.,thi, nd dsy.' ' eoo.1090 Il tilA A, 8TAPLES, Notars Public. SiateofetIllinois, Cotity of Lake,sa Iu the C(ircuit Court of Lake Ceunty Mary A. Gallagher s. Dauniel A. Grady. Anna M. Grady, Garrett Grady and Rloît A . Grait'. ten. No. 4308. P u bio notice la .lereby given that t:1w .1fiio an order andi decree ft'i iiiruthe above entîtieti cause i C l'.iircuit Court of Lake County, ni t t'lfe October Term A- D. 1909. Zl 11,d(srstgned, Maefer lu Cbancery otf 151sf Court wlli, on Tuesday the 2.,i t la of December A, D. 1909, et flie. tour uV onoe ole,'k ln 10011Of &W lidday aitishe Eset dýoor cf the Coturt House lu the City of Wau- 5,egni, iruthte County of Lai-e sud Gtat, Crs Illinols, seli at public vendue le the lilghesi sud beet bitider for cash. the fotlos4flg described land aud roal entate. sltuated le the Couîîty of Lake andi State of Illiuois to-wlt: Commenclng at the Norfth est cor- uer of tho south est quarter et the south eost quarter of section Nine- teen (19). lu Township F'orty-live (451 North, of Range Twelve (12) Est of the Third Principal Merîdian; runnlng thence soufis twenty (20) chaîne, more or lesk. te the outh eaet corner of sali section, thence west on tise south Une of sald section, Oive (5) chaîne andi seven (7) links te a etake; thence nertt and parsîlel te the est lino of the section nineteen (19) chaîna andtibrty-niue (39) links to a stake lu the center ofrlte Public H.ghway; fihenles north eighty-fOve (85) degrees est, slong 8aid center et highway, ilve (5) chaîna asud tan (10) links te the place et hegînnlng, containing tee (10) acres. Alie, comnsenclng at the North west cerner efthtie south weat quatter of the souts veut quarter of section twen(y (20), Township and Rtange aforesaldth ience sents on tise section Une, elgbty (80) rods e tiste south west corner of quarter quarter section tisence est on section lUne eight (8) roda; tience norts parailel wits the west line of said section, twenty (20) roda; thence west four (4) rode;, thence north paraBei as aforesaid. sixty (60) rodas, more or loe: to tise eorth Une et sa-id quarter quarter section; tisence west four (4) roda bt te place of beginle Dated November 19ts A- D. 1909. ÈLAX L. CLARKE, 9-4 Master le Chancery. BEINH.MitÂER. saiIttr. 5 T FILLIN0181 s 8oueevvOp LAKE i5 01lmuIt(fourt of Late Connty. t>eesbe, Terna A. D. 1»0. John E. Barrett va. PhSlv Rocteb"eb.J. Sacît' Gridier. trustee. unown Sein. or da lisse ofRut"sBoules. deeaed,"'*onknnw c:ies ordevisee. ofdbares L. Gmer. tleesaed.' 'unkov hciesor devise«s. 0f Charles L. Osolse. dsceaed,"' 'nknown hein or devisee, nf lurrviaBarber. deceafed." 'snknown Scies or devîsees oi William Kimer. deeeased." "un- tomeshein er devims.cietCharles <Ganser. deceser." aknonIMM 5or deviseet niKui Gamuer. iiceased- and -unkiovo noinera of os persons intercsted ln tthe mai estate diebed la the Bill ef Conaint. Su Chaneery No. 402. Ssiisfse6ory Sifiduit thst the defendansthelb snknO, en sor devIseegl oI RutuaSBosles. decuaed'. " Unknownhein or dembseueet0 Charles L.UGaner. decessed," nnbtno" n .r or deriscen of OhsSles L. Gader, deeeaftd,' snknewn Scien ne devises, of Jarh sBarber. dfeesed.' -unknonahein or devisées 01 WUllam Rimer. decasd," Unknnw Sces"or devisees of Calesainer. deeaeed." 'On- nomes Scies er derfisees ef KurI<Gamner. d«etesd.' and 'ustowoowncers of oepartosu teresteit la the mal esiate descrfbetu lth1e BlD of Onoisiot" 0.0006 5 e ount and that 5000 due end dluigent inqulrY iSeir plucesOf reàl- denne cannot ite aseetalned goe 1581 proess canot be scrveti pon t15cm or ecuber oetll.. Ssvinx been ÉSe!ln the Officr th5e Cierk of ssld court. Neuvce là terefore Screby rives to the 5sad steve sanie! an,!unknorn defenduofs iSsi the store 050004 Cosoplainset Serebefore Ilted i bs Bla of seisolt lu osiot court, Os thse ibauceet' aide thereoi un, %bat a stuiernoOs ibersoupof issue, ont eofsa»M Court affsînst the above saniet defendants. etornable on the tint day of the, terra of the OSruit Court ef Lake Ceun, lo be Sel,! at the Court Bous ns. aWukega ln sait Lake Ceunt' on 1th esfiitMondat' ef Oecenber. A, OD. 19r. u a sby taw requled and0 sihsuit 1 tgsiti pendilit. LEWIS 0. SROCKWAY. Clerk. Wa.kegau. IHL Nov. lst. A. D. 19W. 6-11 BEN Il. MILLER. ljoumlaimnnînSolicitor. A Religous Auihor's Sisiement. Rev. J1 opeph H. Fesperman, Salisbury,À N. C., Whi.tise autborofmeveraibcoke intes: "For several years i wasaflîicted with kldnev trouble anti]lest vinter 1 vas sndciy tricken vitis asevere pain ln ttîy kidneys andi vas confinedti tebed eight days unable te get up vithont assistance. My urine contained a tbick vwhite sediment anti 1 pased same Ire- qtîeetiy day ant i nglt. 1 cornoenceti làakieg Floey's Kliney Remedv, andtihie pain gratiually abated anti finaily ceas- cd anti ny nrinphearnenoimal. Iebseer- tully recommnçend iFoley's Kidney Item edy . A tickling or dry cough eau ho quickiy looseneol vith lDr. Sioope Cougi Be me- dy. No opium, no chloroform, netising unsafe or isarsis. Solti hy ALL DEALERS --- --- --- --- - --- - - - - - - - - - - - AND RECORDS TTTT~C'WATCHMAKER HUSand JE W ELE R Libertyville, 111. If e" ye ~ossseff e your boy need evceyday wi.ter shoS. sisdi me Calel.g C illiisùmg ini noieraoyez lSity tyles Ail«; t 1mur-6 ta h- D.aori ad I ai ,h- ,.Thc- siupi-4it,nrei Y.spena. se'6 l t l -,h... nyN sr -C. toti- Ynsu.,Nrli n v',lenoi-r. ueeCose S-cssleii-,eexîto ,zai a-trlF,obres.,ir--u n Y- lin tabe, N rtrbosnai su. , si es ~ ~ ~~~~k, -disut a.,t ataastl ir 5n.1-p'l i mli ~ ~ ~ ~ L- ..dualniirtas Other Grades From $3.00 to $4.50 ti e il M f t , a e a J. M. Graves' AUCTIONEERý Soe Me Before Makiut Yoor Date Satisfaction OUar&nteed Offce 208 N. tieneeee St, Reeldence Phene 4=3 Re,. 144 Ebnwend Ave. WAUKEGAN, ILL. PAUJL MACOIJFFIN, Attornsey. Notice of Assussmcnt. Notice ls brrety eleen te .11 versons lteresteti tbat au Insialiaent nf ton ver cent et thse asseasmeut us 00w due foe drainage porpeses tee the sese A. D-f9M. upn and.c l ying mtin the West Sbokle iDrainagee tistrict ln the Ceunt' e' Lak nid State tof Illiaois. sud th. samont tepid te FranklinuS. Keen.tresurer et said district et bis office at the Lake Couni, National Bank. Libertyvile, Illinois. on or belote thee 1th Sdat' of MareS. A. D. 1910. anti thut ln tetuli o1 sucS tPâmnent iteheersal trat fland opon .hSihSsakit intafiosent hi aseurnent romains unpa.ld iltitbe. Id "no rdinffttu ai te ta th ie ainount et sucS lustaiSmenta and cests. tiate t iis 0565 dey I Octeber. A. D. 1555. .rANELIN S. KERtN. Tresurer efth6e West Stokie Drainage Olstrlct. 7-8 The Con QCrne BARBER S[IOP Lew Fiagg, Proprietor Joustaroon d the corner on 8iprag Stret, next to tbe Boehmn build-e ing and opposite thse Pester biacksmith @hop. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Cigars and Tobacco Lsundry Aguncy Razor& Honed It ie the weak nerVeS that are crYiog eut for heip. Then help tbem, don't drug. thse Stornacs or stixuulate the Heart or That le wreng. Vltalize the«e weak Iidsde nerves with Dr. Sboop's Re- storative and @e ow faut good heaith will corne te you. Test It and mse. Soldby ALL DEALERS. 9** .»tmLu3 The Unrivallkd UNI VE RSAL Stoves and Ranges Are handk4 xcl"svely by H. B. EGER HARDWARE AND FARM IMPLEMENTS Libertyville, lM. 4, rthen in need of a cookîig or heating stove inspect this lone, for yau wilI secure somethang that will bc an addition to youf home They arc the best--nonc hetter, DOWN DiY TUEO OLD 1)EPOT THIE PLACE TO BUY Ç Scranton liard, ail sizes, Ç Q Bostonia Cannel, Pocahonz Q Atas, Carterville Washed F-99 A * Coke, llocking Valley, Etc. L KINDLIPdG WOOD L F Pioneer Cow, Excelsior Morse,.-BuffaloF E Gluten, Grano Gluten, Daisy Dairg, E E !lour Middings, Bran, Shorts, Oats, E D Corn . Red Comb Poultry food D Phone 47 Libertyville, 111. I s Quality Clothes are the klnd you buy froni the tailor. They are of good quallty becanse they are well made; put to- gether for service and wear. They are the moot ecouiomlcal becaume they wlll wear twlce as long as the ordlnary made-to-measure suit. Workmanship la hatif the battie. We have sampleo to suit and pï'lces that will please. Croker The Tailor LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS ICleaning, Dyeing and Repairingt @*6OW For Next Week a Special r' CLE3ARING SALE to make room for Holiday Goods See circulars for tuiler list of Bargains. ALL SEASONABLE (IOODS i $1.00 Crib Blankets now ...................................866C $450 Wooi Double Biankets flow ........... ............. . 3.50 Single Blankets, Wooi. worth $3.50, for 8................... 2.50 11-4 Cotton Blanketea L ...... ................t....I...... 90C SWEATER COATS IMens@, Bos. Ladies' and Chtîdrens Coats at a great sacrifice to *close them out. IIAIR (I10DS Ail the lateet things in Flair Goode, you'Il find lere anul the prives are all cut to pieces. Ses, tbe new TURBANETTES. (IROCERIES Everything for Tbanksgiving or any other day. Have you tried our Te"a nd Coffees? W. W. CARRO,XLL & SON 1 1. * E. W. Parkhurst NQ Schanck Block LIBERTYVILLE ILL ICORLEI & FREDERICKS: I hSave a nd br f and e ondhad Firans-Mr;e GBoin *nie hc ilcoeota at.a eutinipie 1 aefrgl id ilwt o PROPT DLIERY VI ELL.OE o3