CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Nov 1909, p. 5

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDÂY, NOVEMBER l26, 1909I I -- il o o o o o o o o o * Vo o o i o o o I a a a a as o in everything, but in nothing 'more so than in MEN'S FUR.NISHINGS. We stand squarely on QUALITY; and in buying your wants la this line of us, you get QUALITY and MOUERATE PRICES combined. Our Furnishings are not, in any case, the cheap, unreliable kind, but the real, good, inexpensive kind. OUJR PLATFORM IS QUALITY AND MODERATE PRICES, Quality Counts Assuredly. J, B. MORSE &Co. evorthln fortienLIBERTYVILLE, ILL.'1 Pure Home Rendered Lard and Home Made Sausage u know the quality we han iil J. EL! TRIGGS Grocer Band Boys Surprlsad Thse firmman beiti a benefit dance Wile the bandi was praetielng lu hir Wedueeday evenlng. bal Tussday ovenlng, six ladiesestormati Arthsur W. Newnomb viiseti relatives tb. quarter. andi laid )a&-W quantities ofinl Chicago over Thankegtivlng. pie, esamd-i-he. colles and alter uilaci- JmsCat aaSna o e clos at the ist ut the band boys. Tha sur- JmsCak otSna o e prise mas complets and -bue Who matis dayo visit lu Cincnnati, Ohio. up thse stormlug party were: Mm. The Lyîic theabre wil rive B benafit McDonad, Mî@Safhapter. Mrs. Eger, Mmre performance fer the victime of the Cherry Protina, Misa Keru anti Mr. Kaleer, mine diefflter Sundar alternoon. The Woman's (Juili the saEplesopal M Ission wli meet at the reuldne of Mre. The Mies club Itold a dance FridaY Ellsworth Friday aftsrcoon, Nov. 26 night. A fo11 attendan te ledeaireti. Mr. and Mms. W. E. Leee ut Wankan- The Chcago Milwaukee Eleclrlcbhas sha. WiPecuuin, are viiting Mrs. R. Bi. change th tisime ut ail o! lbier trains on Prichard.t the Lihertyvîlle division. Tise change wemnt luto eflet Novembar tise 181h. New goude of att kindsisnl freeh lasC week at esmicits ueo 5 anti 10e etore. ¶Call andi sie at me hans. Mies Blancit Triggz anti Edmard Dreler sate Eleanor Itobsotsitu"The Dawu of Tomorrow Bat Chicago Thursday. Thomas Dreler is vliting lun Clevelandi anti other points on an stitorlal trip for1 The Business Philosopher hia ni-et. 1 fiee the Dow tops at Bsslwlcts unew 5i anti 10e store in Butkley bluek aiso candi-s ni aIl tînti fin 10e aitb. up. Mr@. Harrison Brown bas returneti froto a twon eeks vist in Lawrence, Mi-itîgan, mitit her fatiter mito r-csntty celebrateti bis ninty-fifti birtis- day. The Sheltion University Pres l offer- ing aonme mighty fine commissions to peuple wo secure suhacriptlons. Thay mantagod local representatîve. Wrte tu Edmarti Drelar or i-ail attise office for partiefllars. Tht- Womnan' Guilitiou the Episcopal Mihasion wili hoiti a iazaar Dec, 8. attar- noon anti evening. Aprotis andi Iauty articles suitable for Christmas it@ wili lie onsali-. A program mwiii ha gîven in the evening foliowmat by a social bop. Tite Citizen@ Baudwmlii have a concert1 lu te tomu hall Thnrstiay evsulng,1 Decsmber 2nd. Tisa money tierivati tom te sali- ut the llckfits mil go for thei support ut the baud.1 A meeting ut the Lihartyville Choral Society iii ha hel Inlutise MYPtie Workamà hall on Tuesday eveiug, Nov. 30. Ail members anti ail wbo wisis la bectsme members are aarnetly reqoaseto, taha uîisent.Ni-w ant initerssting work wili >at tateniup untier tae leaderesip of a horougbly competi-ft direcior. Mtartin Melody, ut Lake Fumeet, wo le thought ta haotae oldest » an luthe tonnty baving settied hoem slxtîy-slgit yaars ago near Deerfielti bas tisa follom- lng toi say ut Mr. Ogtian Armour ant i@i n-marks m ili hrom soma ligit on tise varions mays ut lookhng at thinga. 1 Mr. Armour is builting hi@i palasin tae tenter ut my 323 acre larm andimhau ihs gets tbrough witit it, ha will bave une oi te prettiefit homes lu tise country. For ovar forty-thrseyears 1 hava almaye dons tise beet 1 couldt t drain my landi. Mr. Armour la uam mating faites lu it. f tidthie heet t cault tu cii-ar my place uf brnsb, nomwhoIolelaying the landi duIt lu drives ant I@i plaltlng the lande witht many kinds ut abrnhbery.' 1* put $ 10 ln my hank account every month. How mucis do you put in your accouni?" Tis is iow ha t acouni bas grownz lt year, $122.10 3rd year, $37740 2nd year $247,80 4th year, $51080 Prnvid.e for tise future by a Savnp Accouni with oui Bank. $j .00 ii open an acont.-SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. The First National Banik of Libertyville Nexi Dace ta Postoffice Open Salut" -da Eenpg ILIBERTYVILLE BRIEFSI LOOA&L ANID PERSONAL- MENTION Entertained Alpha Club. No Scarlet Fever Haes Mis. B. F. Woolrldge, Mr@ Frank Just Who le the pèrson that la spreadlng jand Mre. Paul Mlaffluifin entertained ln the report thstt hars le scearlet lever ln ja very doligbtful mannar the ladies of Lihartyvl? Dr. A. E. Crawford of the the Alpha Club withthtata buandetsâ bard of bealth wu@ ln Lihertyvîlle j ta AphaClb wth hei hsehndeatWi-dnesmday tw nopect the iiiwn for th hoeo i r. and Mre J. B. MfacOuffln. contaious diseases The doctî,r doe jThe dt.evenîng. November 1Seh. flot know why ha wattsent hi-rp but warr Th iibthtng on the programn waA re e eeý "iýr ae aa jan illiutrated pantomine of the weiî orerethem hy piborden ath , eportgs known phrase Dun)t put t man'Y irons t ha ée teoaiftal to th ert am in the tire," The aeting waa excellen t hadretaee ite. cp ittter e waa b land war ne of the many fi-aturesotif1au 1 arlNEt i-ENDN rhe Wentati-n tiredeby i jtreiigritr rgram Tht,,- teho tiîokciadPED Trpre-ttt in-dtr p art in the t- n, i-o acre: Mes.M. A. ibavetd le na o h i- r Poii.D .% rriine.Mrm. I uhpe atd i am nfot abl i) t,, Bolanc jMatt,,eks. Mr A C.'MS ri , tDr. A H. trace iîf whatsoever (if a î,itagloe Chlurchill anîd MirCarrolîl G(idu-t dîease Miéi.iAtlltdi 1w .lr sang Ra 1iutifui aol<î 1 Dr .1. L Taylor eaid. I-I ci,, ntkno)w j o T ,,- wa li ltre tingmîd il, to t hoe wbyvthi- stae health d.-pnrvtin h I j aho like thirigm quaint and îny sterltumseil D tr Cran ford heri-, th.-, .utca j and ri, t huai-ah., I te tht oga i iti-reatit)z i ili-gît- mp o f icarlet fevér i iert v Sill-. nia, i-iil a ai. bcnofil, the maine rei-ni as lthe quaratîtîne wag rmeei -ti the last ot Mtrs Clara (<dhy a m wi wortby oftceofutm. anet fi-ver fasI t é-l, jmenii on. j The st.'ry of tir- ri-ading was it fal The state bloard -if h4-0111 l-1 vol jmagie tutrrr whtch bant pe-olî..r p,,cr 1sendl ta tifficerm. aronnd tt,î tînt. un-et, gations. uni-em @orne- oni- matp i-,repoîrt of the thiatu;ami terius. And atnoz How did the etory start. *the pîîwers which the mirror poisso-d Iwag une whlcn pormitted those who lool'ed in it to ses their future help mara Id lr. Carroll Gridlvy took tite part of the Thieves Frightened. tachelor duriîîg. th., reading While the If Mr Will Rially had r.-turnedi-iru, pesnmsgxn ttsgass h-tn-wor a few minutas Iater Wpdneadai-, teon types of womanhuod pass.erd!hi-fore there le nlot tIte last dîtult but what *hlm and trioe batchi-lor, looking Into it hie houewîînld baie hi-en rolibeti n waa to choosa htie lite partner. Titere ae o en nvrnicid ll, was the har roonm taid. the maid wathtb Stfifii.ii othe oe rausaei tl te sharp and hitter toegne, thecoquefti-togthatethiebam-rgh- loih mald, Chae omb.-r quaker maid aid en-ti and laIt thair hootv irben tht-y Cha artns oureentyps o woan-thought tha owner was about t,, return. thood analo m oentpes ofasOtan- Tha thiavs ebaril ransack-t the ot-tui etoiig.nda-rmasune mhom a wthethoroughlv and they hadieutiglaaiiand stron isaterniisculaine ora tiee, ilverware aIlldoua up on the dinnirig se tn.iasen hritngb nue ltass while'room tabla ready to lie put in a eac,i sit, topapedthrng th ila8 itieh a ond ni-arbi. uit-n tiiv in eeach (if a humiland. manteeh-t itrren ut o fioa n Misa LIilai %IeC,)rtick tavorcd the mpete bu th aemext Nr uelt-rv gut-ste iti a benotiful sl.peeubuhhttrmte ohe..l Retr-huncts wrc are.- an th tlought tir be the wîîrk nfi huai partit-a, ty-llve guets @left the- MeGuttin home' as t iaflottik encehata sraig araluid Ialter ttatng rapent a vert pica@ant eve tnoo! iiiasnedn.i natr ing.non Tbe ladii-s utthi- Preaiytcrian i'hnrch L J.Antiemmoved Saturday luo, is wiii et- a einrirnthi)-btueh TIîni- i- 'w huOuseî on Miwaukee avenue. day e cing, l)eecmbcr 2ud fromttirIle to Clarke and Will Wright. of (hicagi), etghtute. sptet Tha)kgiving at the home o C. F. %I r Lari M. Kellevy, city editor for tht- Wrtght. lNtiE5NtiiNT cvatcall.-d tofhattanooga, James Swan and famity, of Antioeh, Tert, l-uîiav îuytht- si-rions lines if, senft Thaiksgiving at tthe Imorne -of hi. mortier andtiJlite pçh W. Brigim softtIej Georize A. Wriigbt. Sit istaff ut taking hi. jlaiti-îîtporarily. The ort 8hre aëlCorpan hae wMisa Mable Cole pi Milton Junction Tht Nitthi)hve(ja Cuupay hve ho basl bei-n vlsiting Mr. andi Mrs.R. put il, a i- tîtaîien on tht- ireetishurg H Cule bas ýretorgeti. niait mut-b conntecta miti, ailiti- ettiesl along tIte north short- oIl remuit in a T. H. Kero who recently purchaseti gri-at hi-utit ter tite conemrs ut o gart in ths Ida Hardy prnpsrty ou Orehard this sietioîn. lu tite past when a main stru-et gays that the proepects are gond broire te gas wastat once turned off for the opoung 0utChe blind @tract. ,mileh) was a great htar t slip on the peuple tn this vicîntty. Tht- extra main Pyrolite waslned for jour coat eOOk will mean a ateady supply of gas for al stove. No chutkera or sont anti vary tise peuple on thuitiirth abore and the littie amoLe . Bst coal on thae uarket. gMa miilot lie turned off wl-h the For sale hv the HosslE Lu*ERCOMPANY, [reskage ut the main. Libertyville. 111. tt LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE PIANO MAN BAND TO HAVE A VÉRY NOTED SINGER At the Band Bo,1a Beit Concert ta ha Held Thursday Evening, Dec. 2nd et the Town Hall, Liberlyville People wlll Have the Opportunîty ta Hear Mise Jeanie Fletcher, the Famaus Scottlsh Singer. On Tbursday evening, Deci-nber 2nd the bandi boi s miii gi -e a rime-ert ln tht- Comm hall. The moaet, dertnt-d trotn ti e sait- of the tickets will lie uv-il for tihe .Upp Irt ut the baud Tbt e., it o way t4 ieconnueed wîth the- uîorttlv con- cert.ctChat la gît-rn bit i i nitut for tise muppurtîfthlleb.rtyvile band Boilletu Jeau, le Fleîîbe r. titi-fu titis Sc ttis h Prittea dottia oi1le- lie-, atn. ieltr eîn(is otlh t,f ithe t anlt% i-li lit-, titaî fautous. Tht-.c -riadl ,,il tfur te ,' i-t- t h îirti tic -e, tRititiRA M H b:Alto, Bil - tî 1, Otry tAtitiV t iti,,-l la ti 0it,-ttl te toite rb Xcre a- it tttt ing IfitiAfir-at triahi.1kotte Tooti- t, 'C) Hiel-t chMe ta tti - t Fi-JEn et, rnti DUgT-*A.nhe Laone, Ht-van N co5MCii AinDrIrviieR 8S1ELIrtN- Faei-taiite .ou SctitAira> a vi- Bankst Ai ret-' 1Burns .7.ft- Bocks O Li-b Lmo A-îiteu 1..Cat. Se b y Ai-le Jiht- Id AuJ Lace St-ie But (te tcli ScobcitCotoie) A FULL LINE. COME IN. What time wiII the clock stop Inquire of Report of the Condition of thse [1fikECONI NfiTIONA BllK At Ll5c.et7.151e In. tetate n Bof 008.allthe close of husinem .November 16 'il» REBOURoES Loans and Dlscounla....N. . e 526 Ovsndrafta. secured asd unescured ... 811657 U3. a. Bon tu.da 0 ec Uuc ulaAn-.....080 80 Promtma oni l. B. Bonds......... ..1080 00 Bond&.. mexWes. st--------------..77ffl Ban b léenfrnie ansd Oxcures.- 10.5w0 =kbse ftmBa"samnd piaSe BankaNid Baki. Tenet Compasane.nid savlng Baah---------- adeent....... .... «.......50 lAes-tender notes... 40 80 1 519 50 Redemislion fond wlts 3.B.Tressuter (ô pet cent of circulatio).l ... It 00 Total ........ ......ý @ô8 LiIBILIIES Capital.tockt-ald ln....... ..8 58.08800 Suto.-pi tnd.. -------....0.0800 Undlvlded Profita. Ileu exstenses sud taxes -. ................88 16l National Bank notesnout@tandins. ..40:080Op Dividanda onWad .... ....... .........7800 todIviduai deposits .oblect toecbeck.. 225,4U 9N Deman t rtillcate. of detteait ... 0. 018 73 Total - -- .8wai.285sM State etfmloot toity of Lake, as. 1, O. Y. Wnlght. CeaSsisfni 1e sbavensemd ltank. do so»msnly ovea- that tihe aboya stte ment lIntrus 8go eheabst Of MY knowiedgre and à hall-t. 0. Y. WRIGHT, Cahier. Correct--Atteat: PAUL MÀCOtFFIN. o.O A. WRIGHT, H. C: . MEYER, lebr flubecrtbed snd steorn co hi-ton- me U)JOl lOtit day of Loyember 19M8. LOAA. STAPLIS. Nota-v Public. Ging ham Aprons 20 Cents They would bave beau cheap for 25C. aven bafore (lingisam advancedi %e lu tisa wiolesale market, sas itbas lunC t pat weet. Gooti, full sizes, mads from stripati and ebectedti iinham ~20c anti Indigo Bine Calico. Oniy about 4 dosen ufthtem Tata your pick at ........................................... .................J A big lot ut @ample Dresoing Sacques, madie frum beavy weight 35c Flanneiette .................. .......................................560C Atii wool Eiderdowu Sacques,.wortb $100. ....................... 50C Long Kimouas In ieavy Flanueisîte .................................-75c Eitiardown Bath Robes, worth $2 30 at ......................... S100 TH E The Thing to do FAI R Libertyville, fI. BONN IE JEANI E FLETCHER Lite the horus ut Elliand, belle at sun- eset, the enice ot an nid frienti irom ont ut tha past, dean soiet, fleible anti full, pose.eiug the rare quaiity ut perfect sy mpath., with the songe Ôe sung. cama tise mouderful voice ot Jasais Fletchser at tise Grand f.sat night. And fimeutest of &Il rân tise uselody of WCi>l Thro' the Rie., And again-this time lu Highlandi plaid and kilt& and more hewitcbng tisa la Empire gowmu-Sha sang 'Anît Liang ine-sang lit tsth close of tisa prcgrana as thse audience grathereti np hats and wraps. But hats aud wrapswere forgottan nlutise ovàtion hat îoloweti untîl tise Bcotthsh song bird reappearet anti sang-iber aong once more, lits notes hauntitsg tisa pillows of many a Peoriau l tCnight-Peorla Journal.Feb. 20, 1909. ELECTRIC SCiIEDULE DISPLEASE MANY Clalmn that Bchedule, whlch Ha@ Many ObvIis. Advantagtes t That, Was Changed Without An Instant'. Na. tics andi Posteti for Fit Tîme $un- day When t Went Into Effet- Rail Connections Passible Naw. Lihertyllle peuple anti patrons ut the electrie roas! generaiiy are an- geres! at what they erm a change of achedule wîthout a single minutes no- tie yesterday. The change in sehedule affecta the Llhertyvllia division of te ruait anti la saiti en Ca affect the tîme tabla hat patrons canuot ln a single mIn stance conneet mitis the carasCisey aeek tu labo to tise meet but are compelled to make long walts. Change Il Maltes. Changea It calle for are saa.d to ho about as foilowa: The train ieavlng LaIke Bluff at 6 In the evenlng iii beciteld Èfve min- utes ta conneet wlCh the Narthwefit- eru train due at Lake Bluff at 6 and it case titis train la laCer, It la CD mait fine minutes. Other cars hrougit the scbedulo are sald to ha affecten thCiesame as her t ai-hock evening car. mnch to tite al-egentdlaesomfort of patrons ut the rond wlth the exception ofrailt rond patrons. Convenu-nt for Trains. Thua hy the axplanation given Dy thte sehedule the objeet tes to connect the cars su hat patron.. may maba steam trains et Rondout on te St. Paul for Fox Lake, Janesville and Madison, or at Rockefeller utn the Sou Lino Waconsin Central for Graye- labo. Antiocit anti Waukesba SEE THE EXHIBIT CAR 0F THE Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Wliic n timahia for tht- National Corn Sho, cati any time betwcen December 8 anti 18 at tht- Echilit tar ufthtti CHICA- lit). MII.WAiJKE & ST. PAIJL RAI L- W AY (l3thî anti Joues St., Omaha) anti see the sattîpies of farut produtt etc.. trom tti- Dakotas, Montana, Idaho and Wasbngwtn atong titi new Chicago, Miwaukee & Puget Soundi Raiiway. F. A. MILLoIR, eneral Passauger Agent. C. M. & St. P. Ry., Chicago. 9-2 Right Now idie 99999999091 «-q Is to prepare for bad weather by coming to us for jour SIIOES AND RUBBIERS5 Children's, Misses' and Ladies' Duil Caif Shoes lor bard nervice. Kid and Patent Leather forbest. Everything for Ilen

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