OPATES OLD MAP t' q.sty Suprlntendent of Bchoola àiwune nd Directr of Wilmott MS-i at Deerfleld Proesat aid Ma), tb Lake County 1-itorîcal Society %or Pr...rvatlon-Old Settiers Are Stadylsgi If ttSUN Office. £iver hoar of the town ai' Good- £ver heur of thse village of Port Clinton, f 'Plain Bridge village, of Ota.go, of Newport, or Forks- ville. They are ail to be found on a mop of Lake county dating from 1861 which County Supernten. dont of Scisools T. A. Simpson and Wllmott cbaool Drectars, W. Hufil, Fred Seig and Streyber have presented ta the Lake County Historical Saciety. Port Canton was jut north of High imd Park. OPlain Bridge was where Ifs naMe suggests. Olsego ts nat yet Ioeated. Newprt was ln the preseni tawn of thea same naine. And Forkg vile la the present day town oft Vola, thse aid narne arising tram th, tact that the sttiement was on thi, faris of thse Waukegan and i cap' roaef where a thin Une of bouses et early sttiers straggied. 'Gootidale township 15, the oltinain'f for Grant townsbhip. Map a Study. Thse maplai a reai study of ante, ballumt geagraphy and bas Ileen hun- la thea SUN office wlndow bhat ail who wish may study it over. Old set fiera wfii ha interesteti particularly. Thea map ls the work of1i M. Trues tel, tather af A. Truestieli of Wauke lien, and George Hale. May Be Vauabie Evidence. Because the map presenta a detaileai, uiasu of Waukagan as wii&as plans a »Mofat he tawns that have now dis iaPPeared or mereiy vanisheti nndeîi aew.names, It may have vainabie evi- deuoc for the city of Waukegan, 9,e i*owfng whethar or flot streets rua t" the. lake or marely ta the land andl lot lUnas o early case. This la the natter at issue fn the case ai Stone & Webster vs. Waukagan, in whfch FE P. De Wolf andi others are ftghtfng 10r Possession of the stul antis ai Illatar, Madison anti Claytan treets, Wéashngton street end havlng bean droppeti yem sago. What Map Shows.. The Mal) shows that the norti side Of Watar treet at ieast ran fn th, lake and thse water ina, as the street 111- Fana along the aid tulrfng. WIth Madison treet the narth ide ls &IBO ahown to r cn ta the waters ad"g. ClaYton treet fa unindicateti. This may ha of vaine ta the citys fflt tin ta case. Bven at fbis eaaly date there weie no other streats ta the laite aortb au nantiso! Oie four mentioneti. Tht clty boandarles were suhstantially, as r3t çuzdi atreets only, as folloe-s: Fourtn "n Oie nortis, Sandi on thte est, South Qu flue soutis anti Jackson on thteest Lake Fornt la shae-n lnlits mil Iionsireleaa 'sdays, anti eheu It e-as beautifstiiy plannet i efthIsta univer aty. acatieny anti other private achols, but nasettleti by tht liiur' cas. Tise streets aven lu those daye tied. thrntselves ln knotz. Tise tiiappaaredti wen ai Olsego vas seven miles iront Waukagan. "«Fîrets" In County Hisfory. Fera are sonte "irts" la Lait, caunty iistory as given lu a talle ai thse bottant o! the map: Cauaty firt sttieti, 1834, tadian land Uttles axtinguisbtd, 1835, Lke a part o! Mcffenry caunt 1886. Fiart elactian, Hal! Day, June 5 1887. Votes at fiat election, 138. County seat piaetd i a Mcffenny, 1U87. Tiret meeting of supervisons Mc. maory doanty, aumman o! 1837. 71ret irduit court sessfion, McHenry~ ccwty, 1838.8 L1"e omaty createti anti eparateti fou Mr-Hm" ycounty. Marais 1, 1839. LibertyvrlUe madie Oie couaty set, 1U. Votes at first Lakte dounty eitctio't, au5. Lake cotty aupervlsors fret mat. Un Iret session o! Laite county ircuit ~.to 188. WwnkeMa madie couaty seat hy vote, Âprfl 5, 1841. Vote at Ouas election, about 436 te 1l Polation 1840, 2,634. Whist sw mlii, Hiramt Kennlcott aI Teno»n ant irgit grlst mili, Jacobs Mfle at Ne-port, 1835. Pinra shool. L*nra Sprague, 1836. Mhit store, Hiram Kaaaicott at ,vemo, us,12. hirst pogtofInca, t Hait Day, fnAÂug Wrt nevipapar, "Uttia Fart Pordit lmN lýAKB (NUNTY INDDPSN1T ,FRlAY, NOVNIMBER 26, ~O -14 a tatâ o! callafa. tram woak- ne.. and neuttorfng sînlntellgi hie thinga, In an exnpty shed near the shat hou»o. Tender bande lifted the boy and a physiclan waa auinmoned. He was placed lu a cot ln the lmprovfsed hoa pitl, here nurse. tendet i hm. W" raved and screamed t.he namas of hie brothers. "Open the mine'" ha walled. "Aný tonlo and Altredo are alîve. You wlii find that. I know thay want feava me, Consul Sabetta took persoeial charge of the case and deciared that ha would senti the boy ta an Itallan Institution ln Chicago when he recavereti suffi clently ta ha maved. and keep him Ater a Urne they were able ta tell tlspir .tcury. Attaaked by Flond. They dlaim thât whlle tbey were waing along the road a man .tc>pPed them. Ha grabbed ona of them bY the halr they dlaim and curalng, awore that ha would kkfil them If they raigad a disturbanca. One had been screamlng, but the thraat sllaaced her. Wbat the man lntendad to do no ona knows, as mast as ha hadf made the threat ta shoot the girls If theY screamed again Rf tta'a wagon waw heard approachlag and the mscreant darted away into the waods. Ritta toat the girls ta their home, whlch Is the dirst hanse narth af the liera pending word fram is moth, a. s sHilroaa, andabaout a naît mile1 ln îtaîy. 1ramn the Cralitrea dairy farm north 'It le the sadtiest case that bas of Lake Bluff. Effaata ialcate theý ome ta my nati ce hart," sali the girls iaday met wltb failinr and there onsul, aven sadder than the stoîy ai ara na police reports an the matta.r itie Jan Stocait and of Monleca Bas The aiçiar of the two girls was oniy fourtuiav, o CITIZENS' BAND BENE3FIT CONCERT o TOWN HALL jTI-URSDAY, 'DEC. 2 The Jean le Fletcher Th famous Scotilsh Prima Donna ha. * been secured for that event. 35e Admission 35e The Burlington Hawkeye of February 19, 1909, sari, Miss Jmarie Fletcher gave a atost enioyabife pr'ogram at the Grand laë i eveuîuug, andi gave It iii a maiuner that delighted the S audionc. o Site is by far the hea3t citugor (f Scocch songs that ha@ ever hoa board here, and perhapit onethel't aesthat ro'et earw bave brouught tu iriigforn. Sit aite the biah noites like a bird, O and her low notori are axquuiiu'ly boaul iul, and kshe stin airasif the BUR S S OREByreaanafthe characfaristic gan 1it BURNS STOrEsfty ofa au kagan 'woman, a littie' l fOR INSURANCE boy vlcttm oftae Cherry, I., mIe'], disaster, wich le now the center of te Confesse s Crime ta Chief of Police. the enlîre warld's attention, le ta e ti Heitiin $15,000 Bonds Said ia ha brought la Waukegan at once, pro i1 Tampocarily insane. vitiet that Guido Sabatta, Itaian con t s sui ai (Chicago, la wflling Ha willi hapi An attenîpi eas madie Moitday ngbt piaceti in tae public schooie hara, tu humn the store of Hahaîn & Drake probably the North echoni, and tapIt at Zian lity lty orwa af tha partners in until next eprng. i the irm, John Hahein. il ta allageti. Than the Waukagan womnai wil I liel was arresteti by ('hief af Poil""ý tata thelittia lad ahraad with bar ta ti John F. Jaap, and whiia ha at iret deý Itaiy, whera she wiii restore hinto ta niad the charge, later admitteti it and the arme of bis 'wldawed mother. S matie a full confession. Ha was balti The Wautegan waman whose char hy Justice C. K. Stanlay tatae grand Italie Impulsa e Is aiseaworthy le C Jury on bonds for $1.500 and e-as lira Leon H. Prentilca d' tha boy ti broughl tot hecounty jai l it the ar- is 'iilliy" Francisceo!fCherry. a tarnoon. 1 Loneliust Little Boys Story. I Workmen Sec Pure. Cherry, . I, Nov. 18.-Thie is tht'e Tîte store ls lecateti ttti (t otb ai story or the lonellest lutile boy ilah, lb the d'ty Iittiit anditd atesiotaîlt ie world- et itlle Bflllî Francisco.w pîtiful tary. ARTIIUR'RIlTA SAVES TWO GIRLS IFrîta Wednesday's Sun.) Drivlnq Along Sheridan Road tram Waukegan ta Lake Bluff Arthsur Ritta of Rackefeller la topped by Two Girls Who Beg Ride frmm Spot They Dread-T.l tory cf How Vllain Molet.d and Threatu. oned Themn-lnterraptlon of Ritta Timely. Attactati hy an uaknoe-n mis- creant, ana o! them grabbed by t4e hair anti haldinla pite of acreants, anti bathtreatened weith deatis by sboot' Ing If they madie a diturbance, this e-as tht ativature o! two Lake Bluff girls last nlgist at duat near Oie Gad'a Hill road, Albert Ritta( a fartere-ha bail Juat soiti butter anti egga at tha Mller store In Late Bluff aad was drlvng lack ater a tripbc, Waukegan betore proceetilng ta bis home at Rockefeller, e-as at 6:30 at tht Gad's Hill roati wehn suîdîeniy te-o girls ran out anti baggad hlm for belp tu get ae-ay front tht disetrict. Bath Hysterical. Bath were bystericai anti saalng that aaaîeîhlag e-as the matter. Rtta aietithent inta is wagon anti lasheti the horsts ta get tsent away iron ttis sPot thay îeentedtut dreati. tiati dNa'. 12, A. D. 1909. 7-4 State o!Ililinois, Couaty of Lakte, s, In the Circuit Court a! Laite County, Mary A. Qalagbar vs. Peter J. Netti- bant, Austin F. Needbsm, Notheru Trust Contpany, a corporation, trustee under the e-ila! Hiramt B. Peabotiy, daceaseti, William C. Uitou, trustes, anti Austin F. Neetibamnt.oltier anti awnen a! note for te-o hundreti dol- lars, secuneti ly trust titetaWilliam C. Uptan, trustee, racortet InlutOe Re- corderas office o! Lake county, Illilnois, ln Book 166 of Matgages. an page 462 thaneof. Gen. No. 4401. Public notice la isenehy given that by virtue a! an arder anti decrea an- taee la tise abtuva entîtieti causa ln salti Circuit Court at tbe Octoher term, A. D. 1909, tisereof, the undersîgneti, master la chancary o! sai court, viii, on Tuestay, tise tweanty-eigislb day of Dacember, A D. 1909, aithtie heur ai 1 o'chack la Oie afteraoon o! saad day, at tisa east doar a! the court hanse -la Oie clty o! Waukegan, fa Oie county o! Laite anti state o! Illinoisosali, at pub- lic auction, to tisa hlghast anti lest bitider tan cash, the ioloing de acniboti and anti neai estats, to-e-t: The enat bal! of the soutb-e-est quar- ter a! tisa northaast quarter a! section twenty (20), lu tow-nship torty-tiva (45) nantis, of range tweave (12) east o! tht thirti principal nterldlan. ELAM L. CLARKE, Master In Chancery. Datet Nouv. 24, A. fi. 1909t. 9-4 Pains o!fe-amen, hast pains, oîr aity pain stopped la 201 minutes smu'e eith Dr. Sisop's Plat Pain Tabluts. Ses ful formula on 25r. Par. Roei ly ALL DEALER&. Morses For Sale. Mlountain Muadow Stock Farin, one and otue-half mile north of M'auconda, llinois, ha@ ioflstantly on liant and for @ale, at lowe@t nmarket price, a stock of ail classes of horses. suitable for the road and ail farm work: express and draft, uaeful and serviceable. from 1100 to 1600 pountis. Price $80 to $200 00. No Pl',go. Conte to IMountain Meadow and oeethehborses .ork on the farm. Alil acclimateti and avol i neto! slcknese. Alil guaraniteed on deiivery as represented. T"Ietluconue COL. F.J.BERRY State of Ilinois, county of Lake, sa. Circuit Court o! Laite Cauaty, De- camber tant, A. D. 1909. Emma R. Battiaier anti Charles Batidakar vs. Joal Ellils, "unknoe-a bains or tievisees of Jaeh Blles, de- ceaseti," City ai Waukegan. Wlliiam E. Sundenlin, Henrietta Bueil, Henry A. Bueil, Wallis S. Bueil anti Charles A. Bueli. lu Cisanceny. Na. 4487. Satfsfactory afidiavit havlng heen filet Inl this office that Oie defentiant Henry A. Bueil resides ont O! the State of Illinois, s0 that pracase can aat ha serveti upan hlm anti that tht tiafentiants, Joal EHuis, anti "unknoe-n bains oan tivsees o! Joal Elle, de- ceaseti," on due lnquiry cannot la founti so that procees canat ha serveti upon thant or any o! tbem. Notice le therafare hrtly gîven ta tht saiti daientiauts. Jati Ellia, "un- knae-a bains on devisets Of Jati $fliIs. tiaceaseti" anti Henry A. Bath that the above nameti Complainants heratofora tuidtieir Bill af Complafut In sali Court, an tise Chancery side theneof, s- anti that a sommoas tiseneupon Issueti ont o! saiti caurt againat thbe aboya nameti daiendants. raturnahie on Oie tinst day a! Oie serm o! Oie Circuit Court of Lake county, ta le helti Rt the Court Housa la Wautegan ln sati Lake caunty, on Oie first Monday a! December, A. D. 1909, as fa by ise- ne- quI retiant i ch suis is stilI pandlng. Wautegan, Mi., Nov. 3, A. D. 1909. LEWIS 0. BROCKWAY, Clark. ELAM L. CLARÏKE, 6i4 Compiainauts Salctaor. aEN iM. MILLER. AttevvY. Adjudication Notice. PubieitNotice ileiteretis gîeta ssitac cub- serlber lisacutar et theetait Wtti aott TetaMeet of Matildte Poe. dvessed i t itetnd thee C.ouety Cot of iLake Casîtti. et aetem5tupeas to tue toldan at the Court Hstselu Waitittesît. i saldut jnty.on the tiret MtittisionIJanrY i itIi, heu asti wtere .aIl tteSSft utsvle etalma agalntt said estate .re, o.tlIt, i aotu rettiueste t ta treent Uic.eantte t" aidIt C1'nla .dct..ALFREtD C. BtORtN. Exe-tut e-aukexalt. fît.. Naventhat8. lutS. t-t Name o! Lttie Fart changedti te WAUKEGAN WOMAN Wankagaa. 1849. Township organization of cauntY, 1849. First tawn meetings, April 21, 1850 First board of supervisors' meeting Chicaga & Miliwaukee (now North western) campietedt t Waukegan Jan uary 1, 1855. AIDS LONIII-11BOY Mrs. Leon Prentice ta Put Smîll talian Boy wha Loaf I-ia Relatives in the Cherry Mine Disaster in the esuksgan Schoois and When She goes la Europe Next Spring will fake Him ta his Mother ln ifaly. tan. wil o ve3tbngInmy 10 ~"i~ etjoyed every secuutd ofl. $tte Cav,' seveit tr iglit iiuuiue)rs and îower ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Pun taadte îterîîe eraI erîtores ,anti the, sienuor uaugiter of AjîltiSentia, tîat miset(f Poe lde lie fe.- Too Close Acquaintance with Pmp thase su.ugs bas cause fuor regrets. Huntiretis of relief worke'rs uthoLadtaPnly heard the patbetlc tary or the chîlul IFruintW'.'înenlav'm Stite ti fromt the lips of C'onsuil Sabeffe and Jerry T. MeNanîara, was thls monti ha Red Crase nurses puedged tiallu ng flned $15.00) and caste tY Jutilce elves ta aid the lad wehn ha lis re Mutrrle for violating tae pure fouod sloredt tahealth. iawe Mce Namara resides ln Wlscoîî O 0 O O OO-O @ ' Sevarai kind hearteti citîzens de sin, huit shipemilît front Russe]], Illilt* ciare that thay wouid aid the boy teol"Is. lîtto Chilcago. A state Insîtecior0 gt the education ha desires eh utucl fotînti etr fiithu',nîllk anti the 1 anti for whîch ha bas alreatiy shoe-r. proeocttilott fttllawu't This la thice hitîteelf wel ittet. ieMdîcal mati Who irait presecutun ftor selllutg aluittra-Il ýxamitti the boy stateti that he a stt it bc ts tuutit ir littetutttltin f eriota cl a j.~-.Tha dafendant appearatiîoiuttarlly lans.1. eý atnuittitttfg îpracticallY t dcneni.loit urttslîld 'ivoitehg 1 1 10 1 'ai '0Nu' O pitbably wouid resoe tr aIfellittg atîttîtertiu nilt Il, r .t,îî Reluctantly Taîks. tI l iht ratit e-as rass î lIe foI't;ltiti Whet at tîtersiu'wa ts cotch r ,sencetif t1w wai er, assertingltg <h ta n itiait iteti uelt l tulit Xe lhave t he 'tontlav niorntte. ti rs pretntre, tg it, týýItrtttjttojot ii, ItutetSs wltose atnuîal bouidas chartty lesa trutu" u ans S'S T E AA R 1 -N-DJE W E * as steel featîre of th e a tar wtbout % I estentatton, grantedtinlfornmation wttBshirierIotBatI greas rluciance. St.utu' orf flitItits,. (Sttof t iatt 'Iss, atlRae,riC'i' rHit RBlanttu, (>aks She rai ai the he3 and the imci lun it thett!ittrotf Lak, lui'tt;YtelRîgt. 'tI1aiiu,'x dent i bat moveti luet Inttlaitelitel)iap oI t ~ lWlIattîl Jothnt\V. Raittt'.Xlsn lit'.ilut itttlri _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ anti tiacîie ta bring c i e urpban s'.ai t ,,t. til 1_i. Statki. lu t i tguru t A cicar back t tallvStanIts , Dliii ti'G .tthli, Athu tîtrli canotimgie cjwth rpotçrs he].ilinl Itait ý, ilrarv t sîi;IF I 'sOver 50 to Select Froni I ana ltaît'hitth eio lur ly, ired fiSttnIa . fit tiiL. Stit ___________________j:_____ ey se adtinlctrtîr tif ta istate o0! Co1 tnte ttiii ind .lk it lar, AralzeiitaitStanit , teteasecti.1i C Ahbott. Florettce R Stantley, Gf orge CtWl a-o Larseau, Etitiaid IConrad, . . J t I- tulav Pay Williant S. -llkw s. \Nortb Shtore , as, ~ C i Ni ' i ~~~ ~ Comptany, ArusltleGtbset ti, Id hî î'ty r J.rîstilait',l3titta Furet Iosea (ett ,V Y~IVNo ~.a(431î SCIIANCK j Public ntiîce le hareliy given that GOQOD 1 by vîrtua of an ortier anti tecreu' eit BROS., t eatinluthe aboya entitiel causa lu sali Crcuit Coaurtlat the Octohar )IClAN sg day astOr in @hancery CO*O@ da fDecamber, A. D, 1909, at the __ 0o f 1 ocloat lu the afternoon o! sadday at the eaast main door ai 1Iha court bouse of Laite caunty, la the > O O O O O O O* O 4O O O @ O O learnati of e-bat i am galng ta do. 1 clty of Waukegan. fa the caunty ai, WO bad ratner nothfng were sait of lit Lake anti stata a! Illinoisa, sali at pub- '1 want ta tatae the 12-year-old Frn lic auctian ta the hlghest anti hast cisc bo bak t Itay ad pacehimbititer for cash, the foliee-ing de- I O R 13 f F 0 ? * fa the arme of hie widowed mther That part of the northwaest quarter R O . K Iwant go abroaui until sprlng, but Of the sauthweast fractional quarter of O will put the littia iellow ln achool section 3, in township et1i, north, range here uutili ea are ready ta sail. 9, east af the thîrd principal meridian We can meet your requirernents no Thelîtie elle- 5 dscnbet ashaln Lake county,Ilîlinoie. dascribetiase , "Th litl felo Isdecriedas e-follows, ta wlt: Beginniug lit thet '. o areo malteyI e fng unueuaiiy brlgbt and a favorite northwest corner o! a lot tormerly mte o ag rsnl byra e e-tb ail ai the minars Ha titi tht owned by Albert Wilaey. e-ow ed~ The Prepared Roofing we seli to bouse e-ont for ies twa brothers. e-ha by tht hare a! Mrsohert Stfie thO were iast in tht mine tilsaster. Ha e sof tbe public hlghe-sy; thence north u estmrby he oli he et nas. la tht hospital aîmost Insane eriy, on tise east line a! the blghw ay. on the market, and cornes complete front grier anti axpasure. about 52feet ta 'ha uoutb ina ai thte i "Ihv elpoe n hIa i ot awneti ly Oscar Cebb, thanca aaet. with nails and cernt ready to, lay, at i bva elahonti a tt Iailn elyloon the .Outhl, ineo! thte'obelot. consul un Chicago, astlng is co-oper a.aou 15eet t h -s ln !ttthe'riglit Jrilces. tlon lu mahuîîg the nacessary arrange. Elgin Waltanlan cl proîîerty, thance mante.outh on the wast-lina of sali club0 "Itwold e he retes peasfr 1,0rprty about 152 feat fa tht, north 0 'Ite-olulha ht rtaesttilas 'efina of the so-called i Wliey lot anti aiMY lita to put tht littie feliae- Into thencae-est on saiti north filot about AL is niother's arma. Yucn elze 125 itet ta the east fin of tht high-4 Pow ell " o n o p n bae- eorry i relie for the chili, e-base e-way anti place o! beglnnlug, mearilng two lrothers have penîshati Theyandy eni to descrIla ail tht real 117 S. OJeneseei St. WAUKEGAN Telephone 377 estte wne bytht saiti grantor on waTt, iorking ta tarrit monay la sendtiheb nortbwest quarter of the sotîtit for the mother.e-est quarter of. tht aforesalti frac I titi nat vant Ibis ta bu',ntalle tional sectl'tu 3, situatat i lithet faut O! Grant, Laske county anti statol public, ait tact flot untîl f1ltnaw as taIlîlinois. webthu'r i coultiget permission ta cane 1 LANI1, t'LARKE, ______________________________________ for anti tata tht chilti boute. It la a,'Nlaster flt hancery' bîuildinttglit! cotttaltueti svet aI îtt, tret dollars îîtîrth et stock TttI bu fore 6tW oackMthidai eenlg lttboriuc tentett'ilotvetl it t'al.R. Il. Aitet lait fatherleis, brothanleat, anti UtteriY abat atfter the Cint tisaster. dtint ai niati hi horror anti grief, antti ottat starvintg, detîtenteti antt uttnccltîuq tliti to thteiial'itnîttidlDrake clora fls faîhertiledt Inayears age lits --o s aittheir chets anti ptrcbase gria aitîher t,, ti taiî lists wo tidrar t-trtes.Theýt ittî he loor locteel brother, ,e-it e-ttnî ha cama ta i but cuil -t' atitre btîn titg uithi.Amarica, are deat ant inluaches in tht Noble 13. j utc, the' (ther îartner. smoultiering difits of the'St.itPaul e-as at otice telethoed ttit anti rau ta uine-anti ail the w iglit of etrree-d the clore iti tite te extinguish th& sufficient ta crueh tht sîrongesi atarin fittîtts ueb ie it ba adttte nitutI heast tas pitleti on tht shotitiars of a 12. %t us Tht' tire 'sas btîrnlîtg slowIy it te-ar ali cbtlti eith a suiply ai aIl Thare tis aa eufficlant quaîtity ai il counecteti e-th thteituse ta bave set the entirý building intHarnies In case the burnlng fuse hati nt bean discoverati lafore If bati reachati the il. Charge Hahein with Crime. Jobn Halain. e-ha is chargati eith the crime, le thaught ta have lacome daspondent andt t have attempteti the act e-hile temporariy insane. Wben arrastati hy Chie! Jaap, ha denieti bav- ing huid anytblng fa do e-tb piacing __________________ Oie fusa or llgbting It, but afier Chie! Jaap biaif "preacheti the Word o! Gcld" Aifrada anti Antonio Franciscoa ta hlm hae gralually braite doe-n anti bnought "Litte Billy" or Guglialmo, asi lnally matie a full confession. Tht ho aB-s aptizeti ta Anerica a year chie! eorteti on tht case ntast o! ega. Tht mother e-as left in Italy Manday night ant isleta la cammendadt'Il thi Oe sriy sons shoulti aara for is succees.i enaugh ta bring bier aver ta thte-aon Tht trial e-as iseit Tuestiay morno- drful ]and of promise. Tise aider fag bafare Justice Stanley andtihte brathar weet ta e-rt la the St. Paul stary of the attempteti bnrniug a! is ina. Inteati o!ftrea lira, or sixty oe-n store le tht îîggast sensation fai cents a day. as they tacotti In Cata ZMon C'ity e-hidi bas arcurret Inl a long hanla, thaîr honte, they founti thora. tîme. t selves earning, ta thair Woander, five The triumîh oai bef a! Police Jaap1 tintas that soint. Woaderfuî Amer- lu getting a full confession iront Ha Ica! ta ibeir dreama they saw e- isn hein e-thout resontîog ta ortiînary slves already rlcb. Police mthotis, le graatîy commenleti' Prove, a Worker. by the gooti People ai Zion City. ThteiLittle Gugleimo bacante "Little Praachitg oa!"thte-antid ai oti" tea Billy' Ha adaptathilti aAmer- auspecteti prîsaner, bat at lasi bae an waeays anti Americji lfe eitb triedti hIbgreas!suc"ea, inarvelous, quictues He picteti up _______________tht language. slang anti ail, anti eas Baggage Car For Hat. able ta intarpret for bIs brothere la "Highlandi Par!'" shautadthe .fore they bati itarnadt eenly e-onde bratentan on s suburban train ta Chi Oi tht strange tangua. cago recaatly anti tht trst to mouat "Wt mut senti tht boy tae shool' the platforni e-se a pieasant iactd, saiti Antonio ta Aifretoin lais oe-n wee attîreti lady, eIth an Immense tangue.'HlaI a hnlght lad. Lot hM round bat box, about ibree tintes the~ learii ta reati anti erita tVa are tarn ize of ait ortiloary choeas box. She ing rub. pusheti the box througb the door awl Lot It ha se: agreeti Afreto, anti rigbt, but wehn it came ta goiag ui, tht lad e-se sent ta the publie schooi the car iliethe box refusedti t go lu Cherry. bete-een th e sts andti -ibthe crae-d Tht teabars scion fauntitht boy Pusbing iront bahinti box refuslng ta ba a tetît mid, an Inttllilgence as go abeadth Oe scene for a tee- moments hight as bIs epartllng eyas. Wbera e-as very amuslng. Hoe-ever, tht thars piotideti, hoadatvancedi rapItly, Passeugers finally got ilteiaiter a Wbera others reaaned eoely. is la tînti beanteti gentleman l! ted Ote box telleat ieiledta the conclusion. avar Oie heatis a! tht croe-t anti de Moreover, haoe-as a lavable lad, e-Il positat It near Oie ratilator at iront ing, obllglng anti !rlentily. Hae-was anti of car, only luocking a fee- bats lmoe-n ant ikI ed by evary mnier In ae-rYe-ornt hOe ottier f nneO-Cherry. dupants. Ail e-as taitan gaod natrel Houseteeper. ly. but e-bat are the haggage cars for? Ail Oie tinta "Little Bily" faunti tinte ta lbe bousekeepar for tisa Fran Gray Elactrie Plant t Highland Part cisca famlly. Ha cooket i ht brot- la Detmoyed. loar' meals anti tendeci Oie hanse, Pire causet eorkn tStpping la in sncb a fashion as a boy of te-elve the aId Elfeba Gray Electrlc cont ih o Ts ,tes aaia panY plant a bal! mile south a! Hlgh. ih o'Te rtesi n landi Park to fiee for tbelr lîves at bankat their mney. Already thare 3 o'cloat Tuestiay moralag anti laci o!fe-as almoat anougis ta slenti for the -tar caused the buildifng e-blch la ageti mothar la Italy. atue in procese a! demoivitln to ntal Thon came SatundaY-the day o! e-ay for a subdilvision, ta hurm ta ho a He the rgtflaearchi grounti A syntilcate oe-as Oie prop, ae o h rghflnw e.e 'erty. . "LtteeflhlIy," e-bat hie tid, e-hat ha The lire cauglit at 3 oclocit Tueeday sit, na ont knowa. Wban more than mornlag anti eas sîil raglng In tha e-O huntretianti iftyIlîvas are w epd four stany brick anti stoat structureata out lu a llast o!fiantee-ha bas tInta 11inleThen thte- aile faîl anti the builtinag le a tota lots as a resuILta mind the grief o! a chlti' Fon four The building Ile n l landi mark tisys no anae-the chilt an shaught ,anti lare Elleha Grey, the e-anti f an- o! hlm. Flnallye-han onder bagua te Ous lavantor, e-orketi out anti pro, conte out of chaos, anti the railet ducetiny ai is davîces, sote o -n -s rsttdauasse e-hlcistumati thte-anti upedtoe(-n kws rsctdonassea e-lithchanras tbey matie, anti creatadti tzed pan It e-as learneti that "Lit new husiness, ý nit,," wsmsiz Job vork of al kîntis handieti eitis Iduide Stata cf sulas Ci-. pramptneas andi dispatch. Telepisone latta. Ited alleancanfouth- at No. 1 Uàbertyrille anti Bave dlay l ......o...re3. a eaIfor']h la piacing your order. anti hae-as founti, crazet, bai! itarveti Waukegan News LOUIS J. THE 0F