CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Dec 1909, p. 11

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"à. Snki ire r Cam-, lun waukegan wll Ietra h "of utfrlendm in a ami bitta ew weeks a os York dHoftwahasmbn#t peasant way. r U ii L IRl3 D iUI L Pl ~ The ulaegsrteIn tse Fcgh Th i'e annolicenîerlt wicMxcoCty c eaIspeniplthlm'ybin ndaa os Pregis ha*i rnpread throffgi tbe state more than sIxty bodies of anc Cnt ____________n______inieit a iliat thoe(Chicago Tubereulosti si- îlecshave b'een unpatbed b>' or'k Yur'k IHouse echool on W pedcu'ý(ay cv ute wlli rnupply stamipa and advisîamen near the nid caihedral In Ihis cl Fu lu î ands P cyoling, Dec. 15. Proce'cclccgoc loCýall r . ic n *ce i bIc matr free of costte oalilwho Itta l eleved tisaI[the bodies are th ose PFay antor9a1 for [lie achool. AU *l cl .11)(1 Mr.lGeorge. ikný ofIdin o igli caste whcc ccrc' 15 j og Miets Characteristic ai he mo0 lS e d mo saleofai- a r. Shoop 61Racine Said to be terredIn the royal burying groundsls :1i eauiuy . cijoy utrs,2elan;ch'1 il . gcccî WakeanAf1-,I t ail~~~ [lemîe asd uai fCi olning the oid Attec lenîrclc', cponj England cage xiii be used In carrying onc the Aiter Va'an l anson Plant iwliose site thie pres'ent catidcîaî wncc cnts tc work octlde of Chcago wtli aic at- lempt to leieflt each communit) Ic proportion io the amount lnvPsted lnc 8ramps and cards dunlng [lie ,ram- palgai, bas 1usd ite resuits. Ic a nom- "samp aitis Sym. lier of etit3 local Institutes and antI- mËwt "jGret White: tuberculosi» socltes ahi undertake - de of Stcker Sale to manage thoîr owcc camîcaîgn.4, re- g4ht next Year-Waiu- taluilig ail but 2o pecr cent of [the of It Now.. face value of tlie stampe tisat %re > ___ sold. for wnglng local hattles against led n «dys un tuîierculosis. The Lake- Count>' Bu) Tuberculois Institute, Waukegann ,tnauberculoosle ranks are f~ast a[lite Jac-kaonville Society for tie S'flUsd for the grpat Red1 Praveiction of Tuberculosis. are banil' lyitmag Biamp crusade oi llng [lie campaigna ln their tarritor- I#Mdy ordara are ling fili les as sol-agents under [base terme. 1' ekitities of stampe. the' The Qulney Vlting Nurse Associaý 10 te tabContrîtmte fonds ion la contemplting linndlilig lice of edttoic aginst cnduct of the campalga for tlie tu iqulies are bei ce-' For distritution l1. Peoria. ttc Ci oty and tban lic the Jeanette C. Walace. 50c7 Elservacory Ie llrpresfen4d ic [lie Building, lian orderoi Sc.iccstamp.ce anotiser week In addhliatit thcs. 2.5.00c have tc'on 'YOÙ. enlis-i for liii- great sent [n Waurkegan and 20,41M) I o tac- »Ute?"" sonville -for ch.- lucc ai canpaigii. lui hb ei Cross (builn[uuia R,0vI., l u *you maie arrantgemntsucct > tbe Red Coym Chrisialîa epunecllon iti yocr regu- 15-tno ou.renprofit tente of aîding thmc- nufirîc tbe goid alli of your felcua' *» 11e questions ahicluimor fila helnig [o aak an., d tisosa wli<îhave not eeu of tic Tulflie cauucp.slgurn visas! [a write Immediatl. olio %WeCount>' Tuli'rcîiloms1 i c- Gese slnt, Wackecaui, r, o anda colintslniit of 9" WVeapon lni the Figlt-The Red Cross Chrismas Potl Cari. S [ha Crisîn"IasStamîu ahir -ls I0"e cent, there Lac adied lle ear >,Ried Cross Cliéniai.mLs t-icard 0"b salis for lils cents.arnd If the lipi> Io "a bullt lc lnihe gihiagacni brMerubosth le laeti>' souvenir cri not only ait attractivce bursi of F(*ey coior, finui osery onwe iilt vçoi1l the mials la a "bt o f cschraîc E 'ta t"é van on uth, Dreai White Tii, ese cands ai lbe seni Wïï èser lpastc-amils anacarrict li Mk, ad aiE ice usetlatlgIî.b> D» skho arescnsâtomnei [o ren'.cm- Xclônomwr ,'t 1 I Bpringfield uih- Johncîc ressmor Dryc Godis Cc. laicceîcýaring ucu iaicciic-hem. Tic lyncaic lac> Depr-inenl Store liii Kewancelias senucitic an order: and Couok & Vioxcl. tDr% Gonds Mcrcbaumi cf Gecccsee an- ciad>' 10 take cre of t lbé' sali- ln ireu wbau Ic Pontiac t ait ofler han co n fromntltce Man-h ager ni the local îoIegrajui office aud t v1iific' ae-cep[ed. In Linicln, 'Arm. I jerme Dlfnderfî'r iii hanche theb alampî im ier tlie .iausicedzs of lie lncoln MWoman'.s Clcub. I nsi-cai othccr cc-vus lthelocal ues[aper viii cîîdoc'thuic campâIgn. Tic Rock-, fcrd Daii> Roîmcîtclc xiii dc- [is and i atatEmn. "We hlievi e rouai tine qui le 8 a voile> of lccliei.." Elîber iowsr.a_ pers are' uic Sentine]oIÀ1-aer of War- I neulth e tepti)lc ali, of J rseyi-y'1e8 and lhi' Harrisbmurg faiiv Reg'Fter 1 si c wli tako charge' c-itubi. lispo-I sillonî c-ithe stamIwsc ic Ihour commncl- Tie fisc' perccent irst otXageý bonds rf the C'ilcagoc & Nilliatnkeo. elc'lic cailIay> ccmpian>ti), I. uc-s r dixialon. Yes[-rday -,rc t 0a111Y O rl> a sociail lot %as icucived, The finat norragas f uic' coiilant 's WlscOn- sun division are cuoti-il tomînl>' ai araund 15lINo receuit sales bave beeni reicorted at an> icrîre. ng Fronomy in buitc g auao consitsin ting the best instrumen t iaI Can Ibesol(I 1t thé prce ýrnî i wîslsto pay . VIon havé,tli .e opportunniy rght hene un yeatr hc-me tovn for cbt#ntàêl, ust thî*'*kin(l cf a piano yOtîvartit a ri e tvhich ret' ntn cnly ils artuisi worth. -Yoît can prou\c- thip cqyqcjruel.. by calling atI Lymeh Brothers LIJeilyvIfle t,lorc, wherne e are aiowîng Che rhoic- est inýtrumn senscver offeccd in this county. Ilic-se are instruments vuîth cstablished repulation *mc-ng musicàI experts,. andi thosrceho boy Ihem hav e the satisac- tion df )nowing thýt thev have Whe best pianos that can he purrhlied fon th' money. Tiaey X-re guaran[eed for tro scana by the stritro wr. ranîy oÎthte manu faclurrr'c, andi rveryc c-ie of thr?'i si ClaelI,' nspccted beforc it cft the factory.. The bes t cconomy that aonc- cao prarlice is to bcuv creecf these pianos, for it vili gise a dollar'-.s aluîr fanr evçrydollar invegted in il. Càble $360, th $425 ýi1iiin t Conover $400 to $800 Kiu,îzttury $300. t. $350 t~utz e r si&50 t$200 Remember that we seil on easy termns. COU EPALM, COMNV CHICAGO mm; spWt l eSiti 1 ptèenwtaîîvi or sCou1U7y RETURNS TO ALASM#JNA Husband of fleatrice*dOce Dickinsonl of Waukegan Cornus Iise ;rom Alaska where art Suite 44.asd Physilcikn fpr_. Miffin&, ý ng ôJ5l d Then Proceeda t o gnaind toý &te Mother-BacliNow But Stili 45W Miles from Home. c l-ronc Wednesday'ý Dally, Sun,) Pcr. Geoûrge E. DIclinso' retglrne4 lncîccy Waukegao frein Earope wicere he vialteil reintivei atler mnAy cÇa'.He leaves Sunday tQr Boiser, .%Iaka. wîth Nlrs. DIlkngon nec, Beioariee Pearcc who bas béent stop- pi'cg wllh relativs alic Waukegan. The iuhysiclan wlli bave traveled gl00U mnlfo-icby thee [me ho retorne [<1 Oul- zer where heo in ysicien ln c#rarge for the Alisha lIndustriel Company in cehieh ('ongresaman gulzer le inter- Ili' hmn 4500 miles asUli [o travel tn c'caech hi borne andi comnplete cycle 'It *1 ccc ccmilesl. \ ilo bore lhe purchgaed cardîde l'or a lamp that hée wIll take wlth hlm. to A'laskca. HIbe purcliaae waa nmade ccl the Higinbolbam sgiop. fi wili ce ccaed foe mine tripe at nîglit, Dr. Dinsoa made [he [rip in, E:cglaicd I o eishiemother and his t ip of 2 10010 mil6â lu believed tW have si Y t . ý FI ln Zion City bulit. Thi, aies'cilccId menct il laicge bcd _____________As It Iskiown [lat no cOntvry s~LOVED 1THE SECTION MEN corccetlo lccho Lcckc' iiift'W F ev er establlslced b>' [le c hric"clane______~l phancg.c'daý. chichlc'l' May1111 Vner [lie present caîbedrai. ieiuncî of 1.f - Dsrc e aeOethankfully recoived. la U ' facture Patent M ed i h, re alans j s excavated sa A z1/l' 1taess cines [n q'uiIdings of or the rare precedlng tilleulc .c'rc'îîed' i atNgtRfsdt ae a'. esashled. . Hlm Lads itNht-RsOnefut à MSe-'--- Oowie's lime When workmon sîrrliktn i.' lenswtsAy ebtaSc OFFERED $480 FOR HORSE _______________siccîlis wlh [beir pick's and lthe hon-c. tion Hands and Guarded their Toole __ were brou<lit ltiste surfac'e one bv i and Hand Cars wth a Vengeful James Hacold Lahe y a Precoccoub Shade of Prophet 'Turne Pale at thse one, great exctenleni was nccnirfeecd Lttle Snari for Vears. Vugtr Thougbt of Patent Medcne# Belng PrlesUa of the cathédral acre cait. Made on Graund H-e Trod i Life Out te vlew the remains *riid aILiticce and May Raise Ruction-"~antime gave It as thelr opinion tisai lîc'y acre (Fr9m Wednesday's [al) >Sccî.) 'c c-ii VeiicxSI N Iý Or Shoop ia Unable to Got Neces- of Ateeg abe h.od bien Iiclerrc'd r101 [o Cor Odr oT[liln. ate comlng of Cortez lnIi 1q.1 There lea aBad mess Ioda> aoioicg TtiIn corilicg onCor.,f ccc ccc'ccc'a sar> Cout Orer 0 Tae Plnt. Despîte [lie tact that 400 >cars halliitallant i ofise yard section. Fu Ju o. îcngsîor cof four' 11c'i1cd c cc - ~elapcced, nrany of thie resurrec'îcd akiclIi the blaà. mongrel dog, waa iclleil b>' Dr. \V.c"1'Boutîon. *'sac, dcccccr, wcccict îFrciî edesdy. SNJ were stîi l1 good condition. .choitlu a way freiglit at 2 ociock yesterday. you HILL, t grilsou ici horsp?> (FrntM'dnsdy> Sli te altier Iboues boad slmoc'îoncliy Tisougli Fu Jo vas moncirel. lie bal The îhyslciaîc clareci ai t l ic. î:a- A patent iedice factors b li elred1do. anvrebîî'm 'isait of tlie factor>' dstrict of Zlnn broke lapon belng baardled. uite hcindaelbu[- ie ur DcvIHriiacu ccocc' .it li apropet aîci rsîent 0 people fron suilny Itaiy. For every![urne Ilo1w rnuchei xiii ycîi gise?- he town wbere doctors and dcrugs are RACE VICTIi ÀAS $0,000 one except tho.g viré spoke [lie Ital-. "$ 4.8cc. inder the ban, wiii int rellsh when Ilan tangue lie hail s strong dislike.! The physîclan couil hardIlN kec'ic lie facts becomne public. Spectalor Injred lnIi ndanapoiliaanth~ le yard aicd swîtchin tried [ol from ccouing In laughli' tL le a fact tbat medîcateul soalce Speedway Crash Files Suit. mcakle frlézldo altI bini but te no pvail. "sc that toonirh 10 gui' for a hav len Idianapolis, Dec. l.-1'enrv Tant.- He recognIzed no o ne as a frieîîd (Ill-:borse like [hie one?- hc' accicc' ,a, îcnmade ln the i-ansccn '.îfg. ig a cabinet maker, iWbç agasnjccrdcl1 legs lie vas an lîsîlari. audilorkedi oni "No. l'il give ihatinuîili cli' Iccc "o.'s mucaic factor>' at that tc-wn and aI h ninpiamtrsoac[0sclî.r'crcc li ocn'ui hai a large cîantilîtof [heoct c['ug. 21, by an automobilie ahIrli Nol orI>lb.the afc'ccicalc'dis-, Diit lbhe iargain ii cu. ccc îc'r cccli whic'h was nmale was for Dr. Shouîc. of broice ihroiigb the fence andi vaspoiction ofb' hi aek unongrcol c-ai'ciidc anci lainces tlaicîlci l.clcov l Racine, ia wc'i kiownaii tîîi edlc'cîe wrecked among the mectaiere.shin er1 i erscfteeccicîcli tccii i ci' c'1r 'c'clc maniufactuircr, and le 110W tcîî d icu brouglit suit against the speeduxaý,Illn u h atta eloe fr 'poltcld[ lithe o>'cman'fof2.00daae 'cme.bu ie at btli oocc ctc- ccoiccc"' 'iicilc'i-foric ccC. Dr. Shoulc hansiî'cn cablo [o oh Aiother juil of a sîmhlar natcure san thpîr toola as if IL was a rboic'c Icccic' caicncîîcb. files by Tanphlng agàlpst Carl G. Ilehr hîiwbcb bey liad givn hlm. ale [ho ain hIe occler owing to the tact [bat and ollier owners of the speedwa,. ýdog many friends. the lanicornicomîcan>' bas lie'ra nm liceaiso for $25,000 damas...1Wleever Fn Ju saw [lie men gct csc'v thitigî.lcc'acl handcs of a recelver for morne ime and Tise plaintif! allegr e h a itiIied a out tisenhasccfcarhb.' vouldîcurk uIcahi LO plIant bas flot been olerated in ice broken nose and interceil nîurî,s nc- tehad arh wu' l'ci[)hi as[ernc Ralîrosil Comîan> l, celorloi tho. Anericaîi Trust ancd Savlngs accout ai is e accides4t. He sîleges cars, and as goon as IL vas on the ranci better thIs moulli than last. 1 bank of <'hicago was, appointed as re-Ithe accident vas due ta thie extra. track lis voulil he rend>' for clie race,, celver and icaceil a enstodlan ln ordinary rate of apeed allowed b>' the, and thie car neyer went go fast and - -- charge sonce months ago, management. détective trackiq, and [lie weatlier wass never sic storni> but A peitin fr te sle f te pantthat the manageaient 41lowed zper'tcabat Fu Jo [lie section dog was"oic [lie A ptitni fo Ie sleof heicintlors te stand in iront of the blearliors ijob. IL vaz net oni>' the ciss(lis- lias bc'en filed and Dfr Sbouîc licicen- near illec fente. rilc tioneil as a probable îurclsser. The _________t[ictIon and allectIoicate dîncsition sal ws epe!edteLak'p'celnhicb made hMIdear [o the section Chgai tsas xfecdInci asete piare licSON GIVES èLÔ861IO AQTHER mon, but aise the fart [bat ho guarled l Cbicu<o oil>'. n rse [ie Ide or heir proicert>' tlie salsi factorv are not coîîgic'ýrc-ci aves Life of Hi. Parent, Who Reen' wonc ato wncffc h sufficiently large lcy [ierteh e i h ers fraetatin ihicansth lic iciained te sei[li e plant at aîctloîc MntnlClair, N. ., - fteir. l ari)lfrouncl ane [u the mana wbo look IL li Zion City lictliheccar fuie, Sciaer been dischtraed front the illecîs ho bleonged 10 the gang of sec- ________________iîntainsîdo bosptai aifer bac îng bit lion men, aicd If such vas tho rase the lite saced by tho transfusionm of bloc.d person was a priviiegeil character andl Fisa MARKET? SERE from h mio er sop,,Co.r.d, 10 ouid do what lie pleaseil. berownveia. lm 3.çiee, w i l Last ucglt at Water street the illeiii (Cotnue froin nue 1.) Ùftfy four yearq nod, residet lu Bion'. bers of [lie section lieli a vake ocer' _________________________ liu. cal î,'ec 1 li hait fo ju 'ai chebody>'of [beir deail mascot. H.e tlie food value of trsh catili lake years. and te faraîiy physlctaic de wa a tramup dog; [bey lîlcei hic- ho 1ilsb becaticoIle flsb [lihe) gel are ail cause lie blns their frieîîcl.ce refrgertedIL m caimd, nd iai ILessr> [o ase lierIlite. Il._ause _____________end li aîgeacctei for a tceaomaativebi t cre. Schec'r bas benvered heî la al. rgoîtafo th rniartîe eaihandl the son i& apDarantly uocco THESE MAY WEO. unpoplnlrity offish lictlihese rommucunt Me aluns.'for bis loge or blood. Cles. W"~ - 1ilianm IL HutrhInsonC.'hicagoc...41 Wtb the nos' electric ruaniîg es- WILSON IS ABIE TO SIT UP 1f[osaiie Olilannon ............... 36 ery Waukegan cacîght iai rould ble in- The roupie were disnrcod frontîc cad sureil an perfecti>' fresb and a market.ldeMidpman WiII, Vertlhrae 01, Neck other un I8c6ý createil for oser>' iai caugbt- Brokenu Steadliy ImprovIng._________ The ceocio ho oc cus a aeail Anncapilis. 1Mýd..Dec. .-For tile lîrsi ami fvr fcrain cm in ic e w îth[le accident on Oct. 16' YORK HOUSE. à are ic avo c- cratlg aconti ia-aen a vortebrae of is nack waip, c-c eîcslyaS ' [io oftlserîceî bro ii aui'egn.broken during a football garneis Md Plcachig s[ il o'clort a ii. Sun- or If [bey xiii nt conmbineu of creatiîîg shipinan Eau D. Wilaon was able tic Y cia' docl ai 12 o'clîr.c'kElwiccib a conibnaîlon of mciddientic ebu>' ift Op.eaci ail lie fiahibcat are cauglit beîe onc Hiageneral ccndtiop, remains gond 1Lageai 7,tp)tpc îic R. T.libolialci [the baiis ni coltracts for a nuccîber aid bigspauiris excelent. 1, pastel*. of years for the eltiro catchs of oaci . c--i (chus Leach of tccicc c, lairk yis- filheratanda) b> day, anud uarket FÀII~f.i~I*ted hi4smiliter, Mca . J.(G.Nelota' [he renirte uobabi>' gettIicg [it R J~U A~i few laya last. wcct stan on tic tiade b> holding a big Omar Carmeaui accd faînil>' sîent 1cR IH l ib hwin Waukrgan anîd ihic ilnr ~ IN m ~5I Thamksgiving day i hcg ihhsF R T E L oicuaue c itîcu. affectc-cI [o attend andl. EN IN MII Ebrcother, 0oIu'".They drove îhîoccgb sanii ethe l s. ý -- ---- al ;aks ad pin(W e especially As I i il ccxcthflcii'way Lak e a i1aa. o, 10i n icîinof bhe amuseen c uat- ruicaicb ni aiuogcui gea fn .8111 iIjIJ Dm811~J~fJ * ressud ueiiirtiecl Saitirdpy 'fcellîcg icoiliti, utsid of Wukega get ftheienoout fiMats myÉ It ai thiirougi coic' Itirieîant pl 1 - .ý 1that tho>' bacihllaciavery onJoyable 1 te o"jne i dieu truuîuuWaukegan. or Ilircîghip. c 100] ti' 5 Hfl'FluJL . 1j tintne Unsm, loarvcrcoats, with or .t ffioul theia ilcutgranisai.. tcustrior.1e [the Booth ishiels conciany. R. j ut <erý f hicago.Liirelative.s lure cve r witfout. Fisheruceî ailli the orgaîiizatioîicf lioli.f'e. 1.- (By Wireeis !Le1Tbanksg iet'Lng, aflsh miarkec'i bre acîcutubclie uîîeui('nlon-After fixe bours etAg Omth1g Mca liMai> ilawkiis, Elnîén. and W~e ha've a grei dhent ni the trust[. the' reociuilnary forces cornmsflded Slaode ' aoc',' imitucîs cu-eday [lis The ireporti c at suar[c'd aieculatlonb, tu',peoral ilatu[y drfeste'd 1,0001) il, t 1 eas lav ant roolis at ,L as aias. Bvosàiè alc-ng che elilues i.. as folwii ow - tdrLsLaboxu.iit o rmlân Jonîc ail i.siho bas imen spendîuîg latest snades. r ln tienespirofits [bat Wauke amîcuccniion telliinto [lie bandaso oren I_________ Iluaic.i îcccfleug[a aus The ýeIayaists losi elgît> killild a[imCrutCur fLk of caches heru' in a sinîge year vîlI niant Nsoundeil. Tie lossial ithUre rov-i' h CrutCur fLk be at ieast $60c,000 naill [1.: oluilnary forces. çabu tcu5bht 4hIhitti oued B y O ero Prelilmnary figures on the oiceratiouc buudrs aic i l u sd tliemmeix'et oi Water Frazor vs. Caeb A. Busick, & sO eca f tho Booth Fiahorios coîupaiiy front auor>' protct-ion, C'a'ctweicty 4iled. John J. Pago. Trustée, Elmer E. A.ê.a tit>' 2 [ Ne' shw arnngsni GeneÎal llatt[y lic3, Perl4vaIo9lHci.r , Wlhelina E. Hanks, William eU t LULSJ llafi4 Ma t 3 i e 8. C îclca 10 dhowdeanisot b. of lelGerieral Fora" DIPI bn'abry amci ftseH. Falir>' Gen. No. "a s A ltet $118,r19 aplicab e ' nd nthi0s noxc incapicltalci ihrou&ia iilnis. 4342 Yas Hten nîccl. i tîs oti fgues Geîerai Chaunorro, Iwfioîiî cernn P.îaud Ortcîler i, are ac-[ual. Thoe arangs is Imoiegitug Grevic.wn, hesa rrived I Pbi oic i1srbygvn[a tcoî )ctcchr iartîall>' estimatecI, ara here.le reporte [bat t[11<1 itoation ti ihy virtue 0f an order amui dccree $ .0 t ,caic'cl au$5î.000Occ. The total of $118,- Gr.ctowlt rencaîna undlieigeil. rTa enlored in the abose enttied cause .ifoc the ive înonlbs perlod wasZelayan torc.c there bas midina a imald Circcuit Court t 'thse Octoberjt Me s allr îbeal deîucIos fr aitelcpt taic îsa the sîege. Terni A, . ElI1tit9[breof, the under'-Young M e n' ricits and t[le in[erest and Inkn This stcaniel'Saivknger arr'ive4 fropa lsignei Soc-c-liMaster lic Chancer>' of fieccd reiuilreuieits ou $1,500,000 Nov York wlLh amn'asnd anMmut4ýlQ.' sai Court. vîi, on 'Puegay tis h e 4l lw, £aacy fixt iuuiîuic, These. harnengs5m'500'000fr0in,.clpy day of Janua>'>A. D. 1910, at tt2heas. P Ions,ýThee. arnngsare at the plac'es. andi their aacEýion 'bas. ma- o2 ar. P rate- of about $284500 a year. Itl'eial'sregbieits oir of cne 6'lockin tile aftérinodin sta[od [bat lIhe 010 Boothi compnny nl-' tata, The Impression 'f 3alla .ani &totheali aIMain Entrancerý wasoe at i ales i l eteýte eOunr ii h:> o::rltie, ta he[ tethe Court RoiadètAke coluty 1. j$8.w0 t 0f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o anj ou[.Bc itrouille cpctlcc n[nalonger,' tho Cil>' of Wnuabin.Couity of ge t for [ho nev concpany. aiter ftle Inter.' iletlable Information blsiasail rf-.1 ilci auctlon tu lie ýiîhest budder for estsudsikin fud édutios. calueil [c- [le -efficct Iliat Zelaya las cash [lie tollowlng dascrfthed Isoil and r Y = , estauc slukng onddeuctona 'legs tban 1,000 trooipa [o at[ack md Tr' remi estate situated, li lie ('ount>'0f I A compliets report ni [lie comp'any's! gain [ho Atanici coast. teofIlnit-w: ean ncgatronc organtzîzaton May 23 te' Mata>'proncînent fiberais fugitives Lake and Saeo iiost-t Uec'. I la beîng preicareil for lresenta- tromn Managua bave arri4ad uifimd' Lot Eleven (cutin lcBock One (Il' l icn t the stock excbiauge b>' l.,C.bthe arum>' oiGereraI Chamorro. iot Tvo (2) lic Èlock Tiares <tic atl Lette [le rsideit; F. . Wetnuore Geierai cialutl>expectis snotisr n-[ bol Pive linlicBloc-k Three (ti3) of [lie Firati National Bank andAl Aex-' gageaient today,, .leinforçamefli$ hsseý Parker's 49ilcivislop ec-fR part oif~ aicd'r Robertsoic of the ('oitiliaîtal. 1be ot[ l.Ts ps'eifv f~ . , tB .i e-in 1 ie1whcc rooi4fl ot agrne ln the f56l< owîngf1 on4 t 2 .cf[i r IThe nmanagemeunt la havlng ne* ý tr lcak of. munitions, araliber wel1.Tw 4.N.f.2.Bofte3d pralsals madle On il[the CrMomnys'eqtiipicciwitli srnait armeanmd iiîacîne PM-0heC[yo1akgaa.Cui j varloos propertles. The tit-t ffgureas gLins. The revelutlouary pbe.* ss- tv of L.akeq and State of Ilinois. overstaleul the values of somte of tha paigoit i .nov challge, Provisinna Daîed Deceinler 3rd A. U. 909 propertles,-anil vre cousiienabi> be-i Ptesidet'i[Esrsiaascsitming the. sg- ['LARENCE W. IVER, llow actuai ralvies of others. gressîve. '__ Specil Master ic Cbacey 4F1%-- rarè - reèàdy b fit n Top C 5d àl~dt Auto Collars or càt line of'&f pes Thé né tA1hd >rices range from its, with id ftb- 0$1500()-' iic-es SIoe' Stock têâdy Pl noàý tô $100ý

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