CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Dec 1909, p. 3

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KYBXHEE S, 1901 1 have at My hoffl everal,stylee6 of the Baldwin Pîano..1 invite you w caii and se. Prices within the reauh of ail. GjEORGE E- STR4NG. Iindertaker and Licensed Embalmer GRAYSI.ÉE ,Il - -10- - IWNOIS Sôme Things You Ought to Know Tht we bave the agency for the Bulington Laundry, N st service in town. Basketo leave Thuraday aud returu tiaturday. Al work guaranteed. Thot we carry a fulilfina ni new and up-to-date niagazines. There will ha anme exceptionally fiue holiday numbers. Come in and look Ibem over. Thot we carry commutation railrnad tickets onubntb roads. That Rat Snap wiil kîli your rats. 15 cents a box. Thot we tili have a iewv bars ni that pure Catile Soap lat. Two 10 cent bars for 15 cents. Tbot we wli have [ce Cream for next Sunday alsn until ater Tbanksglving;. Thot Parka D"vi' Bfle[mIn and Wne la the hst ynu cau buy. 75e par plut bttis. Tht we carry ouiy titi purs importeti Itailan Olive 01. Original caua nt $110. Tht Wbite Plu anA Tar Cougb Syrup bas@n eqnai as a eougb remedy. Tht our -Bat Tt" colti tabits wili cuva yonr colti. DRUCE DRUGbCO. #G ylke, hos. Thomson, R. Ph. Thrae Stores 1 R=fIellr, Ml. A. Watson, R. Ph. tRound Lake If Sîcli D.a'trU& - dekp moulur arc RiJsseL Lilifber Yard, My priesarer4jblt gadesd wood. Viathor ye bey or uol gel f Suras PREPARED WH1ýTWA8H: IF. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURER 0F MarbleimWd Granite Cemetery Work of Every Description Correspondence oIlcted 126 Genesee St Waukegan W. H-. APPLEY Auctioneer PFARtI SALES ONR PER CENT Libertyvle, 111. PHONE 1431. ROUND LAKE TONSORIAL PARLOR Shave 15c Neck Shave fret FIRST CLASS WORK GIJARANTEED MASON & PLARY, Proprietors ROUND LAKL III. AIIKy SdsrlvuLaundîy MIeFrsacsRosh« "t alTbureday witis reltive. la Round Laeka. Geourge Lusk, of Sauh Dakota, taflla on relatives hmave aday "lestwsk. li r ieberd Compua.s mtwaln.ibar datear, KMseOMrM ecoanil, of hala, imn o.Weday twauriaY of alt Wsek. iseCateine sDoweli, of WSel Fr.. mont, mai Miess Hse" Ryoiders la Chicago N.tdsy of at est OW JO o bea 01aiChicao waa a vIsior eit the bornes ri hWsparveaa barslbsl Mesdames Jo#a Watson andi W.. Dil-il lm. won i aaBari aos "yleut week Mmts BS Caaùm a ndi dansitter, nlumf, allouai Lee, aé.Tbaaksgv. lo diseat athe Krwaa boms. Miss Raa Docker, o Eai Evnsl tehelit gUm o bihsr i,,Kmv.Cha.Parker, for Ob leday.. Wc. DOl»ua Umemsésibeinsessia Chicago a hw dae" tb. latter pané ofte Kissmary la th. O UbRlyTW.Vie, ia fini rellvemaifrisaismbaver swdais Word bas bau recirai br of lh. hitit of & ia.bber te Mr. mai Mn. " Jq»on, of North Adame,Kmss. uas hrmsrwlyo otMWsemoss Huao»5Oi thie Pues. Kmno.C. S&"s»daMr i. and Mm r.8S1 a. ter Wffl orentteelqiParvey obla liéusa en aie r=nqvblg Day. Ur. anm is.AmbromeeMugto.lUber- tyrWeI, areaspedlpahfw day& vitt»lir. andi iMm.Chas. Rbeuglaiant i La itly .f wtre aetahePaddock basae lie. s0" MmsJobh Wallon s aivE adUr. èé m ueW. X)fon mi smll ~tTbgokqgiving Dy at thse Geur w ygus atthe mo 1oc»wm Ur.andi M& ef Luek aidfons m MiCaherine Dow- eul, of Waa ett amoi, aid Lusk andi Chas. K 1%plofaiGraylke. liiss Lida Rtussell casas out trom Wau- glving anti tha wsa endi wth bar par. et bors. masos. Adam Seia, [ak. tiletboru and Lawrence Ttus atiaudeti thalouner- ai ni their uncle at Mlwaukee Tueeday. blr. anti MmrE. V. Orvls, of Waukei sa, peut Thankslvlng w lb tba lat- tr parents, lin, anti liraJohn Aart. M.anti Mnm. Os. Hartl and tiaughter opn(Thanksglving lu Wnkagan. Adam Bebm atlendedt he funeral oi is fathar t Milwaukee. Quite a few 'from bers atteçudeti the dance at Round Lake Tbankwrlving Eve. and an anjoYahie lima was bad by aI. There will ha a basket social at the ([lImer Scbool Friday, Dec. 10. Every- onue cordlaliy iuvited tu attend. j WARR.RNr Mms A. Neely bas returuedt 9Chicago, siterasvWst witb liMm J. Neey. %ira. J. Sheridan is vlitlng lu Chicago. Jas. Rysu, Jr-, l a ttendiug the Stock Show. Miss Senzs.pent Sunday wilh bar par- ents. . Miss Lulu Flood Io on th slck liet, I (RAYSLAKE DEPARTMENTI 1. II ' .J DRI'C. Editor Phone No. Il j Orders Taken for Job Work Advertlalng Rate* On Application Tuere wUi ho a basket hall game Obltuary. Saturday evpnlng htween the ( ryplakeadebi ai ihwshma h team sud the Meenry rosai. Every- dletDv ltwabonath body comeanad cheer fur the home teace. nid homeetead near Graymlake, Juiy 17, 1846, and died let the nouýe oi bis F. H. Kuebker and wiie and J- J daughter, Ui. John Mor»e, Tueeday Longabaugb and wifeattended the Land vligNo.2,1)9ateaninm show at Chicago Saturday. ofmengN ov. 8 90ai era iin Aton Christeneen wae arrested here Ail his 11e with the eeIo i0n01uet Monday for fact drivinr, abuse nf hi§ vear was @lent in ibis Viinity. On brîrse and indecent lanauage uPed on the Nov. 15, 18t5 . ha waa4 uni ted inrmarri- street. He waa fined $10 and coeto. age t90 Miss Mary Wise and foîr nany Î E 0 Sa% le, nf Fox Lake, transacted yaetbey lUved on a farmui t Haines. business bere Monday. ville. [n 1898 ha retired from iarming. About four pears ago hiesliealthbhegan Mr. and Mro. Jacob Lire bave rentedi to fai snd oon ater lie eold ie home the Heuidtc farm next to F. E. Heudee @anidcama to GraYelake trivIe. Jannaryi tain. 12, 1909 be undewent an opration Born, Tlianks5giving, a liabygiri touMr. which proved to haf a coniplete failure1 an r.Fred ijejardine. and @e@c that tima he was contiled tu andMrsbis lied, a moat patient sufferer. Ail Mna. W m. Brandatetter and Milse Edith chat ioving bande could do> w ministert Miler viited at Chicago Monday. to is comiort was douc but to, no avail. W. A. Gardinier trauaacted business lu Haiesaves 90 mourn i lues hie widow, Chicago Monday. daugbter. eonlu.Law aud lttle grand- son, aiv@siolters and two brothers: Mies@Zta Maesety loi entertalnlng ber lire. H D. Pottar, Deorfleld, Mo.; Mr@. slise. tirs. Ted Longfellow, of Chicago. Ira. Ferrand, Sumner, Io wa; Peter Rieli, Mr. and Mr@. A. E. Rich andeson, ElînriTennase; lire. L. C. Manzer. Lake Simerrke Villa; Uri- I. A. Fanion, (Irayelake, tire.« epat Fida atA. L 1 ndea, Waukeganand Chas. Riti, Hrbert Wright, commerical ertiet for eia.aa the Lyonu@tore st Waukpgan spon t He W&&*a membar nf the M. W. A. Thankmglving wth is sintor, Mire. W. a@Ine 1890 andi of RiinK Sun Lodge,à Scott, He waa accom panied hy hie A. F'. & A. m. ane 1894. He wasaa mother.. man oi a quiet unaeauming disposition, Miss Aida Loitus relurned rrnesuay every ready to hsip those iu digtresa, froma to weko isitat aukean. devoted to bis famiiy and poeessed nf a iroma tO weka iaitat aukean. keen seaea oijustice and iglit. Louis (iarwood, of Chicago, ppent Tb@ uerai waa beld et tic. Congrega- Sunday wtb bit; parents, tionai locbrch, Fiday afternoîîn. 1ev. tire Lewis, abo lias heen @pendlng Garrison olfilcatlng. intrrment wa sat the batthrýý ue wtb ordugherAvon (enter vpmetery urbere the Miaeonic Mrs@ W Springer returned tu ber1 re achgeote@rvem horme at North Whales, Penn., làs Fridav. An Opportunty. tir. and 'Ars.M. B Ativell let Wednes uj. Atweil, business manager ni the day for Jacksonville, Florida, whe-re, Chicago Auditorium Concerte and son they wîll @Pend the winter. They wlll of M. B. AtwoIi of this citY ia doing bis spend severai days with their sona in beet tu, give the. people 'of Chicago and Chii'ago before their tnîp. ueigbboriug towue the npportunity of Bille are ont for the furuîture sae beannoe gond mnsic st popular prices. Satrda, Dc. lthat trax'sstoe. Last Suuday the. concerto were excep- Satrda, Dc. Itbat trag'estoe. tionlly fine. NazI Sunday Miss Myrtle [Geo. Vogrel, ni Solon Milla, waa ln Elvyn,' a Chicago gil wiil aupear at the towu Tuesday. pianoOb@hmbasbatisix yeare nf Concert Mim ucySouk aler aendng te wrk i Euope ud âtepiayed with Miss Lucy Soniestaeerhopending the I Davidti Bapham entmer at the adns botel bas a notati herilone osinger who bas ang returned 90 ber home st Wanconds. the rleaof"Waurom" lu thseRya Frank Fritch anti brothar. Wlinired, Engliih opera and been eonatantly waeebars bat Friday tu, attend thbe fnn- belore tha public inet 1891 wHiie lnbo " alofA. D. Rlcb. prenat. s ~ LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE JEWELER M.mmlt IL L. Séin¶hlésiMme auesga paes aI iat To lay. Mr. anmi ir.W. &. Uésavl atteniei lbe Leai Show et Chiseo Frida. IL A. Mailla iamem*s Ur. a&iM a. Norum Aiamanti ber dater. MaA ?éBecn. Kr. .»d mm.!A. M bA . nTrotter Bai Durolby apamé'l e ing aI Fred esdle, of Souine,,Wl.., lh buoy la "bhvliWy dilng carpester Wurk. lira Sane.Poilaek M-WdnniaYulo Waakega lu eéy wtb ber iaegbtsr, ms.j,'I. Fllou. Va. Thtom vialésd ieh parents aI Uha"rviln Seurday. M. » mai lra. aJjb teton andi eau, of Vitealu, Ill., relurneila ltaiïr home Frliay. Mr. anti ire H. B. Tower aidlirs. E. B. Tovar opa u uday wlIh M.aid lir. Neihani. Mir. ati lire. W. I.LMiler ant idlre. MillWrs mothar have Watiu..ay for thir borns la higiiatiPark. mi vahLdlns caflsion Mmd. aI lochéiar, Tuseds. Mvr. sdamiM 1 Toao eavslad Wls., over Tbakegivia .L14» lovflu,cd l.abe V218a4 Irou- Melyir lubai, et lk"a, vas J. J. Lonnabs wva aLke Villa ce buinessWedeIB y. I. B. buan. aofcagof. conlai on lie.M. souflvmin e.lsésaubaber datertrain Chmag G.. Svan U'aaaréabuues lau chisega W.desdap. Oisyelak e mCreasa Factory mmuffc. lovai lu crum e. snssay. SOu. lemeb sa mano&Set aithe.Nev beMavie I. IL, balvmes Gvalmke &Ri WMakega warInlu sen Wed ay Uylng ta intiret 1h tawn'a papo.. "b Dot "rh havd lu brak the. éoder cond, Wbsa love bath bouni ltb mt 'T@ bard, an bard tlu y lt. worae, W. muns lbraer part. Nul now, but in thé comlg emi, Il am7 bainu a baer NnIm, We'il ruai Iba meeung ai our tsar, Itemembar tseusuel chu-rbsrie g....,ast 11 am. Rubise l"Tis Mese. af 01the Propbeato lta PreseU Bl e loin Saford returnai lu Wbeaal Genartlon."1 Ev.alqg service aI 7:30 on Collage, Wheatoss, IIL, lioikdey, bav- pm. auhjetl. aine 1, 14. Important lng @pont ber vacation vllh lite home hurch matter. 90 ha tilmnse. W. L. folk@. Surtt, pactor. lire. J. L. Hlolmes @peut Monday la Um ise ce Moore hs home irom the Chcago. Nortbwaeteru l jnvOnehly ick with j. A. Strang ebîppati sevaral undreti appentilcltls. ebeep from Wadsworlh to- Chicago this Mn.. John Croken la atsrtalning ber wesk. brother, tir. ([rover anti sou !rom New Win. Tbom @vent severaniticys this York. week st the International Stock Show. M. Carmlcbael la eulartalulug hie lire. Mary Yufe anti daugbter, tirs. brother from Worcatr, Ohio. Dietmoer, visiteilira. Smth of Evans- Ben finyder anti Arhur Tucker bi a ton, and Mrns. Yufs wlll;&~t several birtbday surprise pqrty Satnrdey ulgbt. days witb ber daugbter, Mmn. iGerry, nf Mfr. aud Mme Fred Croker, of Llberty. Wuegn vile, spent Thankoglivlg' day a t tae Lite Leesons for me from liret John 1, John ('oker home. John 4:7-21. Gauscration meetings Mr. nd Us. Mrtonentetaind aMabel Bonuer, Leader. 1 number oi relatives anti friands over Ms-(liayds Stewart, oi Gurnea, spent Tbankofflviug. Tbauksgiviug wltb Mise Ethol Amen. A numben rom boe, are attendlug the Intercational live stock exposition lin vuic-hé ati 'i u Chîcago.Tablet-wilI safly anti qulckly lieck Âtivertlslug paye-uani paves thealal colda and île [rip. 'Puy then, iisý way ta botter things. Try our vaut sndd eeg 48-26c. Sol ti hy clumu. ALL DEALER&. it re GURNEE Mire. Andrew Bonediet aud tre. Grlgg, ni Wankegau, epent tast Fniday with Mr@. 0. .J. Ormshby. Mr, anti Mr@. Earie Dalciel, onIolwa, vlslted rplativee bers laet wesk. Mir@. DalieIl and daugbtfr entertained a large compauy of relatives Tlîanksgir. mng day. Mis Floy Hlawkins spent ber vacation ln Hartfiord, Wiscouisin. Mir. and Mro. Warren Chittenden. of Lincoin. Rab., are vlitîng bis brother, "aph, andi other relatives. Mise liahel Hughese entertained ber cousin, biesn [ra Gerry, ni Waukegan, a 1gw days lest wesk. A son was horu ti r. snd tirs. Robt. straug, Nov. 28. Mm. Laura Wakefield îspent tionday in Chicago. The Ladies' Aid Society meete this waek Tburaday wth tirs. Saggie Thorn. Clifford Crttendeu, nif[Russell, spent Tneeday wlth frieudo. Mn. and idre. Harry Flood , attended the fat stock show in Chicago this weak. RUSSELL lir. Fowler was entertained at E. A. Reevea over Anday. There wa n ser- vice ln the mbnning on accorant oi the raiu. - The Bazaar wao very well atteuded. The ladies nettedabo..tforty.iva dollar. Thanksglvng wu@ a crot beautiuil day. Famlly gatherlurte vas the ondar ni tba day. ClaudeNRelia antiMyrtie Corna s@pont Thaukegivlug st thair respective homes. R. G. hurrle sud tamiiy, David Ilurnie, and Mr@. Sonner sud A. orrls and tam- ili ste turkey witb thair einter, Mre. Banner, onihlîburu. tirs. G. A. Siver was a Milwankee vie- Itor Satnrday. She brougbt ber grand- *on home wltb ber. Sire. [.eo Lui @pent Friday with Sire. I. L. Biter aud attendrai the Bazaar. 1 PALATINE liarrled et ber home witb Mr@. Emma Wood, Suuday aiternoon, Nov. 21,1909. Miss Anus Rudolpb 90 Fred Wildbaglen. both of Palatine, wbare tbay bava many fiande tu wish tbamn a long aud happy Ille antiare glad tu bave tbam pasa It wlth tbam In Paitine. Mrs Krans, ne@, Carrne Harmeulng, ni Arlugton Bslghts, diet I louday lnaa ooeptal la Chlago, th remtofamaop- eration. Irjelal Seésriey aemlag aI ltbe mehool tangbl hy UMIssDaisy Paddock, moulu of &nilnglon lisgts overPOwam eléarsi ia, lest wsed. Tieti lresolpts aaount liatmA. G. 8.11h enésutaast br sané moum Bell. Plain lova, recsally. lin, a"mL .Convereslil atunday ier liliOUin BeMeh. lno. mv. 0a m u.W.Osé ae Rosteofo Uneir sims, Us r. admi ir.B. L Smith aw mi .ly àai pret BouraelUrMvami linM, liedKuoaa dw4ews. ruusaly. Ooagva*ue*iue. Mr. a&iM iss Prellitsrg .aééias lbM«eg r0" ahlqotm a. imbi ous, brotua"aa OIe.oe Tb.éslviqday. rnk Kam heAmahéanl omeier at mms b"ah Mm MauloTorgie, ar Bautn, vas homme over Sai*ay. Mv. anmi ir.P. HEML thomae m talalsg bar bro*he, Oru. Ballma, ci wibaemlias., a essI TrAYLR ObOVE Quavésiy usetés i asRaa vwu Dot lav.ey a i4on Aconcs of the MLrE, . atbpgsaffemtl éattelr paré of t. e ek la Woubegm voanunwié Mmaicie opent vhtdw w elatives bat., 'fia Bamron balà e ialble bouse S. lvi m aeaéà mi. SyCi Mise Ellmabstlà Biter spené Wedyes a Tihos ou lbe mic iet m1av:m. e Ihill. mmiandea. Lubhie. Mie,8. A. Sit e gaining nlcely. Dr. ,Yamssoala é 111 laltiS ber. Waukeganvisitons Ibis vssk ver. limesB"el niMi.5 a nti Bm udEOea, Lewin aidfasnily. Rey. Desehlr spent l»bi vacation anîong 1150 people born. Fred anti Eddie Lahbia pent lest vsek witi tbIhir olater, lire. C. Chas. mors, working ou bar usw bouea. rA good choir prao" cewas hald aI Miss Brswer's Batnrtay eveuing. .11l Who wW bslp vlth a Xmas programn will b. greatly appreciatati. 0 Leagua Tople for Dec. 6, (The Rulu of Idianees.) Mat. 25:1.18. Ethel nLewin, Leader. Would Ulke a large at- tendance. The Guruge W. C. T.* 1. will ha balti witb tire. Charles Lamb, Waduesday moruing, Dec. 8. Mn. and tire. Fred Phelps sud family have returned to their home lu Dakota. tirs. Cors Sherman Whoadon, ofUtab, le visitiug relatives hart. Mn. sud tirs. Cow entertaiued a party nifientis on Tbankaeviug. Sire Holloway is epnding aometlie wlth ber dangbter, M n. Widdicomha. tir. and tir@. Eliedge @pent Suudey lu Libentyville. Pains of vomen. besd paine, or aoy p aine etoppet inl 20 minute suere, witb Dr. Slionp'e Piuk Pain Tablete. See fl formula on 25c. box. Sold by ALI DEALERS Until science discovered a way 10 consmtructhe A Smokeless Device, and make ht commletl dependabie, ait e heaters bad one common great f ault-smokc. Wich the advent of the Automatic Smokelesa Dtvice, and i- practical application to the bPERFECTI-ON,ý, <EquIpped with Smokk..s flwl4 the smoke problem wai succeýuurl solved. The Perfection 011 Hiester la <ho only heater equipped wlth ii Automatic Smokeless Devic whch inures a steady, fuILl1 w mng b=aI wit he Uicîck turned up as bagh sas k go, withnut a abred ni smoke. Reverse Us. motion, turn the wc dnwn--tberc's noe .. The snolcless dcvice automaticafly loch and prevrnts the upward moveunent of tibm wîick heynnd the proper exposure. Tht. la the secret. This splendid resuit gis leadership to the Perfection. Ynui may now bave anl the heat you want-when you wvant it.-an wberc ynu want it-without the annoyance ni emnoke or odon. Brass fout hoids 4 quarts of oil, whicb permits a giowing heat for 9 bourg. Bnass wick tube-damper top-cool bandit. Cicaned in a minute. The Perfection is beautiuliy finshed inl Nickcel or Japan. ERY Dealer Everywhrca If Not At Yonwdte fSr Descriptive Cfresb ta tha N«sesetA= ofyaithe STAZIDA 9OIT. COXPAX --A ROOM MAKING SAIE Prices. vilii h rednced to the lowest'PosableiiU gin lu order to move oui Immense stock of gooda ait once to make room for tfle largeet stock of Hondo, (ioods we have ever been able to show *hIch areaO' arrlvinq and we lnd vo are crwded fer room. SHOES W. offer about 1000 pair r of Ladies', Men'a, Bb7s'ýý ,Mies' md Chiidren'a oddea desod. ilgfrut o1 lu mako and style. Sm&bmakos as Sels, IL»W W"U & Co., W. L. Douglas, IL P. Red à h. W@oofer the et OFFI'of regular priais vlais î1h far below coat. GROC0RIS Washbum rnCobi's liMdlFov.......... ... .. le, lbo ran l Ma .......i..s.i ............... .. .. .... 1 ban a àwluamâmer Bsup ....... . .................. 7 bm wsim B o.. ..................... 7 boie Amueim a UyD@«P.............. . 8 Ibo odlai . ................ 10 Mleta Duswhs* iur..... - -.--- ------ 10 lbo Jep Style W" oI ..... ......... .... ~lb Saker. Prualusa.C.....aéM ] b BaMM..Germmea ws et l s. . .......... 4 pkg MBWl e ...........s...... a........ ... 4 husllmje lis..........-........... ... ......... ..... 4 pkm ms i J Id&................. ................. Knlwt com n a ..... ................................... 2 PkpgsCreaofsa a t ... , ......................... .........-. 2 -k SaeWsla's Food . ... ............................. oes Nus ................................................... i Powid oRam, lb . ... .............--........................ i10 Ibo CounmeaÉl...................................................... ~ 00 Swesl Orr & Cc. CordMy Pamés ......................... Iv. Hoey orduroy Cuaît aMdVeut ...........................*** Mjbap Lis Dock Costa......-......................................... Sap.Lstbar oa sud (Bves, Pair ........................- 7 utatf. M dIons mi ..... . ............................... 50e Exra Hevy Iisood 14Wat fldsvr..................... lisde Work Shirte, minci and ibte @Stripe ...................-.- flubher Boots hava anti wil ativane by j anuary lot Irons 25 tloS5 pa=et. W. stiihave e gond stock on band of The a BDMi, Mimos 2 ueim .rtl...... .50.71 Chilt'. SiEd tor Ton Bbrs........ . 4 pair Rockford Bocks .......* ..................... DRY GOODS Apron Check Giughami, yd . .............1............................ standard Printa, yd ............................. .....r.............. Ontlng Flanuel, yd................................................. ...********-« 6 aponie Tbread, ail numbars except 0....................................... 2 2 pPpers Harper'@ or Mlward' o esie................................... - $100 American Bauty Corstes......1.................... î)dde aud Ends n lu0.00Corsetsa........... .. ......................... Odde and Euds in 50e Crset& ..................................I..,........ 24 Sheets Note Pa perand 24 Envlopag...................................... We ar e iosing onut ose n t liue of Cloaks atsd Milliuery at 50 par cent oA regu-ar Prims. igbt Day Kîtchan Golden Oak Finish Comet, 25 luchesglig, at. . Tattou Alarm CiockO aI.................... .................S.t..... .....e EtOXLAKEHerbent Nelson sttended thé FOX LAKEstock Show et Chic4ago Mondai. Simonu (aliger, of H.a.uesvilè, vi ci d o. Walis sud lirothen bava hello relatives bers Thursday. bs nteln eetypsb Mir@. 011e Tweed was quite sc i ait S. Culver. Wedueeday atiTbursday. Dr. Warrrn- FrakNelSason, ni Claveleni. er, oi Antoci, vas called. vieitiung bis cousins bare s *046, týs MA 1 W~ wffl

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