CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Dec 1909, p. 4

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LAXECUfT 1W1 1. NTY INDEPENDENT[ M I OFFICiAkL PAPER OF LAKE COUNTY Aa iladfml aeM lie I 5 . 1 ltora Reelidence, Telephone No. 1141 Libersyv[ule EIOchO<.e Cbecagu wbere tbey will reulde.1 ý 1 &Wmdait ke PswOc st bertvili. M.« Seend 1ý Ntterl . een engager!iry tira114 z AMOMM lr% po-omMo. BIIN RTW yvOI. ni.. as9SAPPICAION.10ev stor GO., and aiihave Chari ii-,w dpavi ment for thre manulai IOWPTION PRICE $1.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE! w.iibrueierob«eaandtfur». . l'ho ea lever-roefinit4i on of ra '_M. .U ST ............................................ ............. i eer yet made le Dr. sb<qop'e - foo 'tL'fi-inflavor-and1 Ir ILLEY .... ......................................................... City Edior ii ot In iROt.N aiu 'MBE 3. »9.minte boiliîîg. Made freinipu FRIDAY, DEC EMBi 8.129.ced graines, nait, note,e@te. Sam, _____________________ CORLETT & FREDEftICI le"------- crner ot said section twenty-one (21),1 The lilinoig Odd Felloweingrau thene suthefgty-to, 82)degeesvoted $1.04W0 te tiRe Cerry a ~ y i Z thece suth igiry-tw (82 degees d rmade Iiberal appropriation, Traniers and ome ourth (yth> minute east. varions ciaritiee under thre y ~eigbt irundred and Ninetytwo (892) juviedictiort.. h Vas voted teo raàýI. bount.y Titie & Trust Co. teM tut the west fine of Garfield Ave- Si'Oýes te thre Orphane' Hoine ai I Thisa wiicrier $16.000 and $25,01 of a T"ll. Titie.UtIn.atPed nue In F. H. Ruepkers' subdivision @etasaide for maintenance. iaeele Bldg. Wakegan,. w. troduced south; thence north eIght (8) Mm E.A.f'dobdaaml Lents J. GUREE, Se<y. minutes west to thre Intersection of at lier borne on Park Ave., Tiraoh thre soutir une of tihe rght-of-way of D&y entertaiuing abont twenty tire tdiego & Mlwaulcet Electrie i-,,m@dlate ruemniere of thre famulj _IL Parsons and wte te iJ C * Ralroad Comnpany wth thre wes line chirldrnand grandt-bidren. Pht ~ )~e 1 2 ad 3 blek 4 Der o Gerfeld Avenue; tirence westerly and lMr. C. W. Galirresti and lan 1 u;W. d., $200. along the mentit Une of sald rlght- Chiicago; Mia B. W. Tufat.. of *s.. culvar to Aille H. Walstra, of-wsr te a point igbt irnndred and chufftte; àirs. C. W. (ialrsaî Mms la sections 5 andi 8, Avon s fts.nd twenty-aeven hundredtbs Louis and A. W. Waldo and fan olis. W. d., $5600.(802)fe eto«heasUnf FWlIihngton andi wfe te E. H. (85057) s et wety c>0);the e st aorLibrtyîill. eoleexpreflea ot airgrond, Wukeau;w.along a fine parale) t and elghtirutiroir uguaigen-rousway. hir.ý hundred and fifty and twenty-seven cirtulaied a eut*c-riptlon piperi 9ft hundredths (850.27) feet west of thet tievillioge aud vary esally oe A. Raifcieît, Jr., and alfa to Ed- eatfn fsl eto wny 0,Tira Lyrie tireatre gave $15 thre pi o oelweir, lot In 'Village of Deer- etlieosdscinTeny(0,otan evr.ninge entrtamnrenti two bousnd, ve hiundred and thirly bail previoueiy ciîutribuied tud aix (M536) feet te lthe north fineoeo! $O<C!tlfo andl orders. Boy' d li. Bleimeh.I and alfo, et ai te tire soutir one irundred and nîne (109) as, -oitvibur..d iv E. W. Pai Bwnhllot1, lelehls sb-rods of sald section twenty (20); if'lltngt$2.ô tu their Village of Deertield; The n.gularly meeting of ti -; tirence east along a lino parallel te Hiapteroîi Wetministev (iuild wu iL T.ylr su ie luHeln btire sontLi lineofutsaid section twenti r,tihe hîniaetfMis. Van de 1E bW ato lt31 ak oet (20) eight husîdred and fifty an c ed 2îrislî.îeneing. Adidtional , ar f ot31,LaeFoe t tenty-seven hundretirs feet tei the 1tafu cere added toe irem $U7. iit fneofsad sctontwety(2);tii, vrnîgin ironor of lMr. A.B W$"e Gesekus tu Alexander Os-es ieorsi etontet it ti.i w.-k for c7iic8go. SI 13 nd 4, loc 4,Lad &titence nortlr &long tire east ine out lîieeît(.i aitir a beautilul bilver bOa 3 ad 14 blck 4 Lad &saIi section 'rwenty (20) one huodred biy mainibers of tire guild ai a tu $W* aMUitcu te Waukegan; w. ci., andi ftfty and fBye tentis (150-5) reet tireir appreciatien andaisteani. E te te pace f bginung.Contin-been a diligent worker in tir asoch W. Malter and aife bave t iepaee einn. Cnanu o onexpresed #louer@re rgrea gh#ed f Er ficrboro l ag one irnndred snd fiveeand on u oaparure. "Y 'g" lo tentr (105.1) acres more or lois;' We epect inaà short time to Uk'ihes Sbf lnir 9 And aiso ai and sing-tilar tire bild- new dertient calied ',NeIgib 11bloek 34, Highland lak;ugs, stables, fiancée, stands, paddocks, Goisp.' Thia columia to b.d 4buand wite to B. W. rigite of way sand ésemants of wirat, 10 aubscrlbers aloine sud le te eox tirIrcontrlbuhions ouldy. Alilces ~ ~ ~ever description snd abarever situ' est<>un muet b. ued and ii p1ot'al fl4,. 'a 3, e<%together wftt ail tire contracte, ou one aide ai the paper. Tre cm t~ CsBlbo 0.B. Hoem.ansu smtd potoh orf» sui tasecion~ sid Ubertyrille -Trotting hItis opoanl fo lrs imb insecion19,speech. Afly arels sisMm*i iii' ~ $1 heretofore granted or coeferreduon j.a< Ui, uiereis sup0ýfl ad wviete lit by tire Ian of tire tate oft Diluais, perso" lblops.irls n, ha , .blok 2 , WI01% usa>rbe ireafter prated girs, viii be frulbad r he tir. ~ 4~.,,. ~ . 09, OçpguPi, tagether vith il mIits in. ~ Mat.»' fi evenue 6erved by thse Raid ]Liber-OfCh5fa*$ tagm eep W. . viiiis ass~tonfau y ridl>a yi-nasl su ill. >Imc" , kuAtk Wi. au aru mmd p aba, tia. r.a Mdp a ttir ,Olpsu %ý toa Mms e là, the'al W*;odmipusM11118 ip &vi Md LUsa.L V Tep.IM WNY thiseiA. , . ls . o Nth . ONU.IM IL oràaw n>« a" éatbUd«tir bu" * e ortfttla mtier11- 11la 'Puz iffl oqrbme; bu,1, M w oav at Im _M Lle.tu C. H.Pirelpe.lot .ta - théa Ilbst ma heet Made wo 1 WLe aLÀ--* Md lot 2. Ne6aai «4CB w lnoe UIbWI u" M l4dd rial nIeaat umed b Amo .oautaio I. 't* Uwtlaia Woods. HIgbIad La"dM " et ai uaeis *vIt ___ __ _ner of the , sOquar t er t he samouet lgan ter 0< ___ e aifltuots, Couty of Lake. ia. tom. (19). lu Towudalp Yfty-ve (46> tails circuit Court of Lake CountY. Nthe. 1ffl . T-cal-vs < u =Sta WWtat.Trust sud Savingi Bak, tiraSe sutii tweat' (20>chasega re tq" va. bertyville Trotting As- or lms, tu thea suDa e« corner of en. anNo 4176. sali section; Semas vonoutir a oth' Uneofme id 1section. flic 1(5) cats S1 irereiry ivou tirat &M ~savon (Il lhre ta t et, euce o$ f u <an order and decrea an- nortir su paraliel ta tire esat lUn. lthe aboe entitiesi ause ln Of tire sectiu ninaO.,(19) debsins t Court aItire Oclober terni an ltirt-Ionna(W2) llkaeo a esake 510tirreof. tire nndereigned, thence norts eiuity-five (85) devrce aCiiancery of s»Id Court, wili, eosa. alont sais! conter of blairai,t tire lti day of Decan-i- ve (à) chaînsansd leus (10) Unira 5. 110&(atihe ur of lever tire place of ieflnnn,. containing tes (10) acres. *e foremoou of saisi day ati,&Jv,. cxmmenilg at tira Nrent MM* Butrance of tire Court corner ufthtr entir West quarter of -tise City of Wsnkegan, In tire seut)i west quarter 09 seodasl Lake &M Stat Oftaenty (2», Township sud Eao afor--%aId rbiee e ntiron té etire Me a publie vendue to tie ineo, ighny <(îî roda to, the saol" ,- lait bisider or bidders wet ouviër r(,fsaisi quarter quar ;,Uw tuàbwtug descril>ad land section (i irCi. ',ain e«kmatieU» 'qtm twf:elgirt 10> ris iii.-îîcnorrir par*"ie pUof isections Traut>' a 24)lb, wI.,Ilrtai achg Tus.ty-oee (21) TovnziPteny(%vlri-< w. fr (4) ,Norh. Range Eleven (4) rode; thii-ii..srtr ,rali sa «&«4etire *flld principal aforesaad. alxty 4(m, imr od r*for Ussahai , tlIon., t-rit: le»- tute ranoriA,111W . l salquart" 0 aI a poMin th ie veot quater section. thiOli, t 1oi 4p .-~Masoio. wst~~a (1>,roda te tire place ut l"-innirgî t~re irndreira Dted Novemu.r lM>I, A 1,iuo » d V M r kIhm m h B I . A M I . ( L J J î K , 'Ch 5AbiSortit aOftthe lste~bvst 8-4Master lIn<iraîery Bryant ----- %iew d aLois. ,d toc Caà%IW C dl-s-.uin C" ~ ovasiy 6 Yh E. l Ai 1i. le * i... ae -. Ne P~ h- ..àm. '.du#à 8~ýt-à-kj-d.1-A 90~ YawdLdeh. 10 J7)&. eaia . . Other Grades From $3.00 to $4.50 1 bve fot -a1e wlndmM iwth a AI bw l:làd out ým ha bee us ) I---------------------------- J. m'. Gae WAJKRUM, ILL. I ci. vnaoea a sos. AUr. he U.tsi.. Tuears and cm 5vaa dclAcmbu ryeuhebt ufl NoOim MrTYVII4., IL.L.Nun" or harsir. Bld by. ALU, DWALUSU The Unr ivafled Stovres, and Ranwges Arm Handled Exclusively by H. B. EGER HARDWARE, AND FARM IMPLEMENTS I When in aeed of acooklnx or henting ine, fo you WW Isecur»e somthlgt"atWi to your home. They n-e the hast--me1 Cstove !aspect ti a lbcau aion better. DOWN BY THE OLI) DEPOTr THE PLACE TO BUV C Scranton lird, ail sies, Ç 0 Bostonia Cannçi, Pocahon. 0' A tasq CartervilIe' Wasbed gA L KUNDuI'mG w L J~Piom"erCow. !~E"Mo, Ilorsp%oui E. Glme, Gram o Gbt% 5Dabgi%,Pfr EFlOW M"@10.UU, 36m*4Otes.. DCors .R" d«* ,mbeê~f'oj Phone 47 tJberIsq~~ hL - - - - - - - - - - QëtyC',- th~, areUiéI1 b"o buyMts the taIIs. ?by *Téi B"dqmautF bu»» ussthy are *88ilmde Pét»t UMh ordlfa" made io-Ume a ,suit. worIksu1t ClokerThe Tailor UftRTYVILLE, ILLINOIS SCen n yfgandearg - -o- 77777 Fôr ext ýW.eek'a Sp&Tàl CL~ANO SL to make room for HolidayQ(oods Seimrulara f« tulier lBat of B&tga.ns. M'AL SEASONABLE 000E A 15 4 1î.00Crilb Ei..bteao* .................. ................@ c 84-50 Wool Double Blaukota nov ...........................8-0 i ngib Bisuketc, Wool. norti 08.50, for .-................. "50 I 114 Cotton Blacketo et .................................... e i SWEATER COATS à len'., Boys@, Ladies' sud Cirldren's Coatea ata great sacrifice ta close tirem out. MIAR OOODS Ail tire lat«sI thingi in Hair Gooda, you'Ill fnsi irre or@ al tut tuopla.Sme.tlhéenew TURBANETTES. 4 4 and tire priea 41 GROCERIËS Eveeythimg for T"snksgiving or &ni otirer day. Hava yen -ltied ont Ta mud CaStes? W. W. CARROLL &SONI MU@dS AND RECORDS HSs WATCHMAKER A0141Jand JEWELER libertyvie, IDI. ou he ag" WAT<lS E Mh9r) - Oiee~iw* y- Ose~,ni~U - le il 1 mec"" nmië ru

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