CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Dec 1909, p. 9

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. AKE COU NTY INDEPENDENT AND WAUKECAN WEEKLY SUN PRT WO w L'BEwRY VILLE, ILL., FRIDXV, DECEKBER 3, 1909. FOUR PAGES 5u1 PVI? VIT~ PC A1~IX~,V\Wl~ IIOSPICElIHOM E DEAL IS NEARLY CONCLUDED TODÀY ,'ýý CW alo r ffce oeare lteliiTiixiiri) oitaiîî an increase of <a1 kioda, nails and fenco. ail ; cents au boer la wa es, wlth double $92,000 is Price That Voliva' e4rp8 caned and ln barri-fr <xiltimte fur os-rtime, Sudoya and hou ut a iGt oi Il , a.a nd ail analogoîja lpro- daya, aad other concessions, wbiloe e Ms I t e oi of the two 9'eàt Industries s railread officiais aaaert thai the situa- Home and Hotel bransa gonds, wble incomlng tien will adJuat Itbelf ia a few days. -le effecteci as far aa railroad de8lpiîc the' 'aiboul Altbough a (0w icies and sait are conî-rned. uew aiea bave bee'a emîloyed at pas-a Deal Includes Series of Lots two xreat Industries that aroeSeligor stations.,51) for as cotili hoe South of the Administra- 'dare the Anerican Steel and iesrîîod no attempît bas heen made 10 conpany and the Corn Prodocta bring lu strike breabers. il la said tion Building Ibat there are enuîgb old mn left._________ tbe trike Sinflot oxtendaci lartber aith thors who can ho uresed Imb èllct vili flot ho etIto any gr051 serv ice. Round Mahogany at which Dowie Sat .*$ett, and It la not feared Ibt the One Train fromn Minneapolis. withM Mis Councilîcra, the Tweive ;91btwll corne 10 the local yards. No freigbr lefi St. Paul (ast nigbt' Aposties, Will Go to Succesaor Vol- Affete Every Raliroad Mer., or Ibis morning, and oaîy one train iva--Also Ail of Dowie's Public Of- The. strîke affecta every ralcosîl lit loftI Minneapolis. Rallroad officiais, fice and Private Home Trappings cosnnty sud many Industries, nt- trai disatchleers anid frelght crews Are Voliva8.. ýbW Un te stock ralslng indosîry at did the switching lu the twla cils ',y*t»points la the coonty and the yarda. Freight hadlers et the Ilinnie- Imacaroni and fonce industries at ib- Kota troater the freigbî gatewa) of (<r'or Wedmesday-a un. iý'ttvilebte aorthwsest, did uoî rep)ort for work Th dal foi the sali' ot the Zion ltoadi affected ln 1Laboe oîîty anc. today. <itl> otel sud the Administration Citgo and Northwetern; At Duluth and Suîîerior tret. ier , buildinîg 1, Vsiihur Glenn Volîva by CWcago and Northern. whicb la the vice la at a standailîl. Itlila aid t t'Receisem Thomas is about coneluded. M o t relgbt lUne of the North- If the striko continues bu îthouaandA nfrceirgadtthtrm menA confbceaco lu regard worhoatethe mon lîlho bron ou ofwor attheof the sale was held yeslorday atter- Chiago, lls-aiikee and Puget head of the lobes an a tow days. & nooni ad contiued today. This aflor- nd, which Is le oid St.Patiuline. The strîke order 's-s obeyed gener-aoon,. Attorney Poppxoabison, of the 41%e SoonIUe. ahich lm the olî isloal> aîîd abers'traffir 'sas aît t<dirai of Gregory, Popponhoson and monin Central.îu'x t 'sas dlai cd, isi places MNh.aî-ov o h oeiver, Btii sidpmsn hoe oîîrovoms> - -freight (raina woro sidouraciiod. as aI came 10 Zin ('ils for the lilroso of ,twen the ral oado of the northwest issoura. Great Fals. Li.i'ingstou. golng 05cr sorte of the dctailsofe the «dthe Switcbmea s (Unions of North (Grand Forka, Fargo. Maundan, James- transaion. < cttrca, ahicb ied le a waibout of town anadlire, pud agcnts refused Niiet3-ico thoîîaand dollars ta the DOWIE'S LIBRARY Cicago Bock Fucmn Gela Entire Collec- tion oft 10,000 Odd Voumes but Soi- id Mahogany Bock Cases Are Not witl- Purchae-Sale Rate About 50 Conta on Dollar cf Oiginal Price Paid by Original Ownec, (From Wedriestays taily Soun.I comuiony will oell lui somnewealtby îîîaa a-ho aili ho glaul 10 secore ouîrb a sîlî'ndid collection. U. S. MARSHAL HERE Macshall Cuccie Meesbut Vei. Vîit un Seccesy. (Prom Wednekdoy's Bun.> Unitîed States Mamîhal T.uI l ui rlo if 'hicago waa bere s' Ixi ighloii an î'raîud wbîch ta 501, ail lu uu<o and wh It' wI l flot l,- di vii ted lu tIl the propen inie. Dr. John Alex, I)owîo's lrivato I-. The nature of bis crmaad io kiiown brary bas been soici o-A C. Mec'iuirg lîîîi is nolstated la deterev co thie and Co. ot Chicago ton $7,000.0 A court wiabes îof the officiaI who enjoinîs -cOrer wos îjntered Ibis morniîng autb s.cnesy uuî foar ihat hie work oîoy oriing and cou(lnnng the sale ho conie to aaugbl - ýJudge Landia ia the toerai court at Chilcago. There are about six thousand volumes In this collection, whiu-h bas NO CARS FOR SKOKIE DREOGE been eonsidered one ofthIe boot s80 Wiced librories In the middle west. This is Cause cf Delay in Startingr The sale does not Incinde the solid Excavation Worlc. mahogany book cases whlch Dr. Dow- îFrom Wedneaday'a SUN.), le hod but to order and whlch weme speciaiiy deàlgned for bis use. Being 'T'h e pnurable seareity ouf cars due short In stature, ho wos onoble to le erolu lîovoments and exteoding te reach the top abelvea of is elaborate' Indiauis bas mode it Impossible ton bools cases, s0 he had a base con- Yodem and Schwartz the Sbokie drain- strucn.ed, which held a serlea of steps, age dîîtcb contractons To get cars3 for wich wben pulled out into positioni thoin big drecige a'hleh wllI do the xrii,,'agi cru uiîoiiandio ideOs (lic hos- uie and administration building. the Ille price m IIlinieiuie itho vacant lots soutb ot the «Aid building, oxtending le Twont> sixîli atreet, with the ex- celitioli of one lotini the corner, whieh hbas heeîî aoîd.As at-ateci hefore in lbh' SIX, \olisa ai ho gi'.en the large îîîîîîîd, moboganv coonicil table wbici (Sec e had sîuecially designed i anîd huli for the use et the twelvc aliootlen., of whleh hc clslmed to hi' the (irsI. the balance of wbirb nom- ber he aîîîointed. Voltsa wlll aise gel ail of the office huilîîlng and hotel furnItîîre, encelt the haud marieband- eaux cd selîd oîabogaîîc furaitore con- ioined laIb te lrixato liihary and of- flesanatîon,'d b> Dr.t)owie and the îîenihers of its lanily. The fîîruiîîre nos- used hy the re- ceiver for hia office's, and that et the Zion Lasnd anîd lnxestnîent Associa- Lion. white aeld To Volixo, bas been re- acu scd a( Cordiug to the tevnis of an agirement, for the use 0f the recelver as. lon g asthe necelxershlx lasta. The lîîrniture con he momoveci Oc the llasoreo0f the neeeivor, but must ho ToTTrned te Voliva when the meociver- ahili ternuinates. The reociver con continu(-e to have bis offices wbore lhey are at limonent locatod for a nominal rcnî on con nemoxe eîaewhere os bho The auditorium room ta the admîn-, istration buildigug, basheen leosed toý Oxenseer Bnyont's counecil for a perlod HA4VEA k GIESS ON i'PRINCETON COMINGiF i AKTHR THTLAND BUYINfiý TO NAVAL STATINiFS MAKTHR WITII WYNN ROAU? me'sWallt Out Affects r,,y Road in Laite County rly Ties up Wkgn. Products- huT ORBEYOND ELROY EJE CTED BY NORTIIW'N ROADI toc ano neterred to~ passiîîg thîoîîgbtho <anodiari canali a lb alî oîlIhiatbihc Is It Swift? gays Not. is g s wil ho lie imouicd to con- athesOh marto asso ie thabheda Wlhen tbe SUN called UP l.ouii' F forni te the Provisions of the trea ty luegani, Roettord sud Elgin lino wouldt Swaift hoe atated personaliy bot iîhroîîgh 1wlth Great Brilaiiî and sblpîîed over- ta,) a lorrîitor> btl îîaqîiîe bis seeretsry that he la net lulerosîed laid. wt h îosoîth nIs 0f frinesb Ini aîy Lake coqilnty land plrchases IAftî-r arrivai aSt he traliigstatioi lbo thiexancendtiîeîgb i l lîof rest beyd tathno a s o.t o tA hePrinîceton will ho oood by thefia- Lotke Mxiigan and the ilh markets. 18 ItAutoTrac? Guss. sal reservos. The navy doparîmon t la, s enib iauto rat uesCub. graduaily ropflaeing the nid, worn -ou t Ail Fish Go tb Chicago Now, inteviewd bYthe UN, hrouh ls a, trainuing vesselsonou the Freat As RIL Isini ordlnary caises the nine iureed yC.tHe Sn, bthroîîgb ilslalies with those of a more îmodern o-el oil"a 0oE Waîîkegan caogbr (ahh the c-bonus of denlale by statiug Iliat snd hsirold or sinoked lier day, al bis club la not seeking a site fer the gfui(hca9ý proposedl motor track and aviation Buldinîgs of îbc Rallroad en Sorne tîm nes, due to a quacrel or to field near Waukegan. 1Home ati Highland Park are exîîeReda nix îîi, Xaukegan fishermen senti,- John Griffith, the Lakea Porest real toehoie ompletod acon. their liroduet to Milwautkee, but these etmat- muBe w MRIIIIIIIIIIIII ti kflown, ta sileat stilI an aainquiries to- day mot with the sonne stiQnce on the objeet of the purchases as they dld s esterday. Swift Purchate Recalied. The aloemptw about a year andia hait or ('se Years ago on the port of Louis F. Swift 10 buy the F'ive Pointa laud arc reealled. He had the doal for the t'pton place almoat completcd shon i telol tbroîîgh hecaose ho would ni boy catîle bhat bad flot met the! tîîhereolin test. Thos it may ho ho alter aIl and '111 olie of the denial. Fcr Stock Farmn? The tsar report aond wbat soonîs te be the UMost cehable la 10 the effc bhat a weolthy Labo Forester-prob- aixI Sw-ift or ('roue la seekiug theý site ton a stock faim snd that this to the rcason for the land purchases. '(hoti' is somn e u(latlon oss1<, waT John Griffith, the agent for- Swift, 'silI do witb the proporty puon ibascd <roin Thomas t)wyer noar Fise Pois (Onc olîlii o that It is te be îînîd us a stock farni. It la sald tliat sî'x ral yearn ago Mr. Griffith1 had a deal eîoocd for the porchase of1 the farîn and stoc-k beloaging to W. t' flToî. It la reported that os part of thecaitîle woold uoî posa the tubercn lia test thesalie w's-onalled off. Mr. Griffithh s said 10 gis-e os o reason wby souiîî h lanîd Ibto ho porchased la ibati tta ste ho used for a stock tarm. ASSESS ELECIRIC HEAVILY $180000 Bais fcr Aaaesamnent cf the Chicago-Milwaukee Lina. lFmom Wedaesday'a SUN.) The Wisconsin stato toi commis- sion on Mionsday anaooneed the pro- linîinary aasesmeat 0f the property î o street railwoy eompanies and iight, býeat and power î-onuîanies for 191. The final asssameat wilt be made af- enabled hlm to reach with esse any' excavaing. ii riiuciauO~iii 10 o the commission bas beard any desireci volue. T'(he drainage comnitacionera have Septiuiiiior. The Bryant conigegation - omîlaiats that nîoy be mode to the Thesal prce hih Rceler Usappealeil to the St. Poolrad aud l -sull ho able To use thein liresent valuation lxed ini the trelimmnary os- Theaal pru'ewhih Rceier osla expecteul tiit the cars wil ho forth- church auditorium b>' the terma of sset. The final assasient ef Thomas bas obtained, is cousidered ti es ni h e hurhtaisse Tohoa od ne moutng1 narycoming ln o hunry, hslae nî hi ne rb last year wa$3.1932,000 as againat to b a ondone amontig t nerlybutlt. The post office oceuples o large $40,00,470,01). the total ot that Juat an- 50 cents on the dollar of the original room in the building under a bease, OS flooncod. reli ft he ibrary, which containsPOTC EOL W OW lKicdes the ('hicago Telephone company' ToCucg n slwue ic sonne verPOPLE naneAK ande Chiago ad oditions Elas sorew aelIandmo ost wheieh sasareno1-sd severol other tenants. Vlilva wil - trie Raillaay anud Fidelit>' Trust Co. WaYeomansStore tooBumld Woodenare net carry Qut the conditions of the varionsaos roceiver thereot, $180,000. te be fouîd i any other Iihrary in the1 lasses and thoso flow oceopying the! United Stores, The efforts made hy ng for Benefit cf People. administration building willI ho able1 ~-e ciîzens of Zion City to preservo i (Prom WednesdaY's Boc.) te continue to have their offices there NEWi COURT DOCKET OUT ýý"ii, lasplendid lilituin> for a publie hl- To protect passera b>' tromben orcneuixtm ssbnIfhy brary base buen tiusîîcceeafui and ne-! bit lun the hesd witb a brick or two se dosîro The 110w circuit court docket la out. V't will ho <li when it becomes i fcom o loose cornice on the Porter , There are 33 peoples cases. Incioding OkOwn thot it as talIon lato the! building the Jewoîm>- flmmof L. J. the AmannBurgeas and Bouc tnnrder "lbnde of the weilI îoan fil-ni of pulYeoman toda>' sianiMe lo iîtliiiaHeUmeHoe.cases. There are 141 common law Ilshers aid bookse los1 om wo wooden owning that wIllihe s sate He-My dear. If I'o e Dt home nt10celles including 22 now orles and 22 m3ollitof. thie vlume were purchaaed. guard. It wili bie made as oruamen- do't wait for nie. chancer>' cases, lncluding seventeen la eaXeýc4 t C. MeClntrg agd Wt@APsossible. sbe-N0; l' go for yo.-Judg.. divorces. There are 39 new eauea. ls just the lowns atong the Une lt- self, witbout couniting communitlea atong the linos that il wlll cross-are the following: GrayBla<e, aud towuo Up and down the St. Paul andt Wisconsin Central. llcHeury. Marengo. Woodstock and other towns ini lIcilnry county. Heu idere, Rock ford, Elgin and Kanoe eouffly towns. The value of getting freah lake fligh to theBe cities la, seen at a glance, atpeculators say. None ot the pîlaces mentloned know (Coninued on page 8.) Our Watch Supremacy 1 If vou can find such watLhes as these, aI such prices, in any other store we shall not expect you jto gîve preference tous. But it %would he vain to try to flnd equally reliable Watches at our prices. This s flot boasting, but sober fact. \Ve guarantee everv watch. Our standing is your aecurity. We do flot adx ertise one thing and show you another. We would appreciate a cal!. NeW .jji'y..Continually $12-0 God Filkd N.. 1506 F'ngoeTr, -1Case I î.cly Jeedc od =e.nt ïiaîysn lC M .. 1017 12AO4K Sld Gld No.546 S 14K Solid Gold No. 514 Finel J-I M.ýýýA decorsiion ih.t bisay. *itas r ais Finish 'oP.e STANDARD WATCHES FROM LEADING MAKERS Ev.ry Watch Mas Our Perional (jurat.. Ou u ra te Every Watch that w eli hrugl xm dadregslated by experienc.d WE BIJY DIRECT FRON IIEADQLIARTERS AND SAVE YOU T1HE MIDOLEMANS PROIFIT As the succeas and reputation of a Retail .iewelry flouse depende, to a great extent, on their Watch iiopart- ment, you are assured that this establiisment bandIes only retiable standard gOods. the products of the ieoding makers. whose came atone ia a guarantee of retiability. MAIL ORDERS pnomnptly filLed. Anything pictureci forwardcd imme- dîately, postage prepaid, on neceipt of pice and de- lixery guaranteed. Make Your Selection Farly. We wiII put it away until wanted. OUR LARGE NEW lllustrated Catalog FREE Call or Write For lt-To-day Itw i Il be of considerable ser- vico to you in àauggesiing suit- able articles for gifts. NO.'ZJ. ifr'iIiiiri ,d1s<i3 sfl . îîîucondiionxsaie cxx' and fatr netween- aloi hîg tsenuail ,'nd ilîcir pro- IS Il FOR STOCK FARM? THEN WILL COME HERE Tliv , <aubaiTiiIBoth ilieo ,diit o 11w itv I~o the xooîh. i011ia of (*Iiii goýi, i O il \V~auk' SUN Interviews and Gets Dentale gan reiiiiii.,nia ii iii,i i shîl, 1he,, Would Change Trade Trend. from Louis F. Swift, Chc. Motor iFroin Wodîîesdaýs ~S LXI iodux t, lia. ini ihrx-e iiionîhs carnî-d \îiw a tihie lîiiiied wcatward Club. Richard T. Crane and Oh-3 ti x$li,,, i o' îipaid off tridli li1 ollîxui lir affling freight and plart- -Belief l, That Name 0f Bayer New York. lIce .I Aîioihei adili rionl to bo made TOte car fieet dctii- lias set ishernien aud ottiers aiolceiig ilplivery the trenîd of the flsh Will Se Shielded Untii Ail of Land te at hnigaedaottnyaslttaeýudpsil i hne n la Undor Purchase. of] tho gréat lakes. The littie gunboat Tonntin ug s aîl aiîoîîtO yaro lu ta bete market ibl lic aged nd Princeton, îîow on the Pacifie coast. la*cncto vt a Waego ahabir iktIsu(hag fud 10 start eonu on a remiarkoble trip market aud a plan of distribution for' for Waulu'gau esoght lob. lFrom Wednesday'HS I\N i id aeFoiit h avltanlocal lake lîrodieta over the Wauke- AH it i laiiaie niai keted accord- Tue nani of R. . ('rau, 0f ii,, lixgalatioaondthlgrnatTractioenring te quotatiouxnmade by the big Thenam ofR. . Caiwof he ng taton n te geatlakt econnîarlire îîîevided that It 15 built dealers nitîl of ('((ise at ,heir own Ciane compaay. tron mauster, if ('111-1Wauikcgs acerding te adviceH co Fr rce epi oeseabi ae fago and reidenîs of Lai,, Foi 'til i-cicd bore toiay front the fircnieîton fs hwltwe h Iý Wt h orti rn eet ilay Pntered the delal for tliii îg tli, f\%ash. iv ar- 1uail (iiiipsow u 'au andle frte iht lih Hie lîriioad i oi beoreslta or land belweeîi North i hi,ago ,andîl Thie s ,saol will îîroeîd firsi '(n hiîiadeîipdThnderehtRlfîrlîeidaIaliilcey o LakoefBluff ln the vicinîti utoix lai ns ti aIAmnirlca tl e cready for servile' Bootlhie îîshcietlîi 0fihe (ossible. otthe llioli rfrlî' nasto h o ndI known as the F'lve Points, ti ihc \learaguou troubleî. If iceco ýt le Hi i-h o îîla îis I ftcfo ro rî b b n Il i seot forth (bat the I roîTi.i caji Aftc i the trojule passes 't he' The fact of signîficance in ce- uîîîlfrigeraied or aged, a new market whome son la Richard T line-11- Pruîîîotou i clI huoeeed doan the acal gard to the new scheme la hal it woold hi- ccoatcd sud the old tîma law rccalod ambassador te China, ola 0k .,)as( ofîtSouth Amprca b> casny te ruth Ihal ev e n owns as lear <if oîîppîîx'amidiemanîl without aileged inîg joiutly witb is son te piiihaixo stages, round th,,'(loin and procee'd, as Lîbe clyville rareiy sec or have fis ob Irlilnkering would mile., The a large acreage and foîînd aut estae To thi, port. on their tables flsh other than the resoli mlgbt be btter prices. ln Ibis coonty.! Afior a short atl) boro hi'sîlI cout refrigerated producl, the age cf Towns that Would Bc Supplied. 'Mrn Cane could flot ho roace'd ibis tiiiiO 10 t the moîîlh of the which ne ane knows, or than fcom Aogtwsta oi esp îlîornîag, bot bis secretary at.-sied biati icleii and le the groaî lakea via that tomeg twna that w ildb)te e ouadld beau9t ho id sot bolieve that ho la xeehiî]g rcer sud the Wellanid canal. Befone lilc h ie iea riii ndf-, la Name of Richard T. Crane of Ltte Vessel WiII Stant for Ni- Lake Forest Last to En- caragua ai Once and Then ter Lists Around Horn I inrnluig following uoit the Pacific cosi (laMîîîght, clainîod ili - o! 2300 swltcelna hyoîid El- have thoesituîationîî aîll lit band tîlay. ài 'on ine u t's ontf St. Paul and Passouger Ilafiie 'ax îîainîtainedîiln NWolis, the Northwesîorn re- snd out orfhtinit î lipn, hoîîgh wiîh e5aIl freigbt shilmhnt,, for ho c.nmlduvalelodeibu i but 1111h' troight Urgy and for the (irat tîru,'liîîwaxo haiiîill-, l î-uen (lie great lalis ,Iqsre a big istrike directly bits and theii, adîle r oai .p.n Tii, switî bîiieî are (ii n their do mvý 1 1-50 PER ý'EAR EN ADVANCE. fF,ýfiu, ,Tlli ý

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