CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Dec 1909, p. 5

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ai5LLS If), [VUV TE.ASAND COFFEES In order to give everyhody a chance to try our Teas and (3offees, we wilI make a iipecial price for a week commnîcing Dec. il to Dec. 20 TEAS 25e Japau Tes ... ..... ..............................22c 80e Japau Tes..... ............................ ...... 26C 85e Ja ffn Te&... .................................. 3 C 40e Japsn Te&... .............. .................3 c 45e Je ffl Tes ........ ... .........................40c 50e lapa i Te&................................O..... ... 5 55e Japon Te..................................................... -... ic 60e Ooflon Tes ........... .. ......................................... SSC 50e Olomg TVOS. ......................................... 60e 010 OL Te .... .......s.............. ............ oec 70e UolSag Tes .................-........................... sic 60e Oqloug sud 1ldia Tes................................B.......c.. s COMBEE 1ie ols......... ............................l.... ....... 3c .............. .....C o...... .. .. ..e........... ..... e 2M eChokceMàixed. ......... ...... ...................... 8e 23e Extrà Cboice Iixed ................................................. 20c 25e Devis Siemieti............ ......................................... 22C 25e Davis Choies Med ..,..................................22C M2e vis Cholm sdMlxed ................ ................................ 26C 311e Machs sud Java .................... ...................27c 83e Bet Mocha aind Javas............................... ... ....... o Tea and Coffee Leader LIBIERTYVILLE, ILL. in everything, but 1n nothlng more so than in MEN'S FURNISHINGS. We stand squarely on QUALITY; and in buying your wanta lu this line of us, you get QUALITY and MOL)ERATE PRICES combined. Our Furnishings are Dot, in any case, the cheap, ulnreliable kind, but ,the real, good, inexpenslive kind. OUJR PLATFORM IS QUALITY AND MODERATE PRICES, Quality Counts Assuredly. J. B. MORSE & CO. .I*rythlng lt*I'en LIBERTY VILLE. ILL. l3etter Than Ever Trlggp' Special Blend Coffee Price 18 to 40c J. ELI TRIGOS Grocer ti a c ti ti t Il fi CI ti "I put $10 lumY baik accuun evu'ymunti. How much do Yeu Pot lu your account"Tiis la ow liaI account bau gnewn: Wa year, $12210 3rd year. $377,40 2nd year. $247,80 4th year, $510,80 Provide for tit fuure b1r a Savinge Account with oui Bank. $1,00 villi Cpm au ac=out.--SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. The. First National Bank of Libertyville Next Dooi le Postoffic. Open Satucday Evmnings ILIBERTYVILLE BRIEFSI LOOAL AND PERSO>NAL. MENTION John Exon moved Ibis week frointhe, Fred Hill. of CIîumtla, Mowaa tii Le@ tari tu thait of Lyuch IBrothers. gue« OfaIN@issahie Elli. and other Lib- UseBd CroisCrsîmaa étampe on ertivllle relative@ last Thuraday. yoUrirstma. jettera and packages. The W.C. T. U. will moee with IMrs* Harr Daie ws te wnnerof he arah Morse, Tueeday, Dec. 14 St 2:80 ih mre. ntarié vas te wlnr lai i. p. .Subjee: 'Thi.Boy Problem." lugt scor.asti ..trBMig lea tr. and lMre. Paul WilsIon, of tienomo- Théréglersevics wll e oldet h Die, WIU., ipoul several days at the Tii runir srviaiwil b.hed a 0 Gratton Stock Faim. the gueule of tir. Epiacopal Mission next Bunday aller. and tirs. F. E. Marsi. Doo et2,3. ,Francei B. Trlip and aife returned Thé. lÀb.rtyvllle Llvery nov bave tbfir last Thurida>édlter speudlug seversi eflke. ln"ent a1 th. George monthe vlth rlatJves in Kent, Iowa, Lmnch residence. and ather western towau.. Vive hlo wWodneedsy mornng. Cou- The Tirfi Chapter of Westminster tiled couder with a Plighît undency (mildwailmetTuedayevening at the tovard chillities. home ofirMm. Rose Trgp. Ail members Misn Ellen Woodcock, of Chicago, wse a-re rqn.sted tu b. preuent. a viiitor Sonday AIt the borne of Mr. sud Bit for your Xmaaphoto@ ot Besvlck's Mnre Harrison Brown. hfare Dec. lôtbà sud g t six teen cabinet The. finit cotter of the sessaon put in Phiotoi for tii. prieof a dozan. Open an appearauce Tueeda> bnt tii. snow in every day lincluding unudays. too thin in @pot@ to maire good leigblng. Tii@ publie meeting et lietown hall C. G. Claytiu, of Xew Orles Lm, aller a lait Saturday night vas poorly attend- brief visit viti f rlends hems 1.11 for his ed sud front appearances there are nol hoine in the. south Wednesdayinmornlng. man> hoem lntereeted in social, political Mr. and idra. Darwin Outman, of Ath_ or religions topies.. ene, Micb., bave beep ulsîîîng lie çat Before buying jour Xmae gifteecaui et aeek vlîh Mis. Outman's i @intr, irs. Bewlck's nov 5 sud 10e mltore and@sea Spring. nu, line of fine chinas, doile, tiivs, Xma@ nIe.pboograb mke.a fie Xai redecrations, holly rlbbon sud every. A iepoozahmkeafnXma tbing for Chrsmas.. guif. Beicie gives sixteen cabinets for a dozen until Dec. l6tb. W. sîso iramne Mr. and Mms. G. El. Srlianck lait pltumie Wednad, momaino for Springfield but witb Soutbern Caifornia a@ an objective 0. E. Newsorn va. calied 10 Knlghte- point. Tney vii stop ait Yarii u8 bans LOan, Ind., iaot Friday to attend the tbrough lb. vest enroule. funerai of an auct. He returued home &onday. Austin Schnlaebeie, wbo igeeînîliyed Ai Mn ad M. Pul acOifi su Mnthe Corn Producti Refllng <'îPany in idrandMr8 Pal Mý-Offi an -3r.Wankeuan. vas in the buildirlg at the spd Mre. 0. A. Wrî.zht formed a theatre lime of the duol exploion laeî Tbureday a thatre party whîch @peut Saturd'y andi aamoanîîg several ivho bail vary eveuîng in Ubiecago. nerrow eeeap'ý.. Mr. auid Mrs J. S Gridiey, Mr. and The tiiih .chool and eizliîtl grade Mre. G, A. Wriiilî and Mr. and Mm .l"en tjîurned Wpdaemday îîîarniniz n, attend Miller alteude tte bhrnes ehow in Chi- the m-eeting of the Farmene lî,aiîrute cazo Tue8day eveng. but the m...ting va. flot cal1-'jWto rîler1 Mr. andi Mr. Alfredleason, wbu bave until afternoe rn. A numbërnt tut î,lcerls been vîaîtîng the pant veel auticte being unable tu gel ber. from G(urue Fulle.rbhome leit Tue#day for their iomie n Ilockwell Oity. lova. B-n Sim.n and R. H: Pritc'hard bave1 heen "batching il" the point week andE .lud Moore bas purebaed edIn acres of abat thev baven't acqnired in the colin-V lud from lbe J. Lathrop far.n n0rani av art i*' t in tb. coat booklien je eait of the village vbens he expactg tii abla ta furnipb a table di*.ote dinner on build s bouse and moye bis faniily Ibis shortnice tbal vould maire an epi. spring. cure'. mouti vater. China, oyeaiofal kluds, candiee, 1'Wbat tiine wiii ths clock?" je an Ira handlercblefe snd bunderdo of tbings utable for Christimas prmeeta are on portant question Ait the Id. B. Colby Mer- ai t Beei's 5 sud 10c @tore in the cantile Company'estor.eb veek. Tick- e.are given viii @Tory purebase of fifty Buikiey blocks. cents or over mte à elàn.holding thé. Tii. sannai élection of fair officiais ticket Déeiretbtuh etopplng tInte le won attendsd b> s a, nber froint avrdedtiresdollars.. Waukegau, Fox Lakke raysilake, Long Loke »d a nitiner 0P otiier lovns vere Thé, WounausOM of thé. Epsaopal we eli r.premnted. Mission ga. a meut eueouful ier Dit tUn own hall laWi Yiue»siffler- Tii. noit damesof thse Amici club viii tenon and ersohge, Tb.booth e wl blé ren à%thtlva hallon chie FrMay patrosissi a d o"W danceds deup- insnDa. 10. lTh. emberersbip of Per ln thé e mig wasolmjoy b the club las besu lt»d naid afl tose nomber of théeyongsl 10&. I d~tjl i on.nksfrmi Mrà. IL H. Prtchard retos.ed frontl Bkii- llwood, Wl, .. Mof j'bolt W"s Saud>ngt Ue r nrsalied Tisdl b>1. QIh m iotiier a.o diie. Un = 6 ofa *W&Iclmvas Chimas t 11.30 permit. etole0f i)Saral5. hé. valaco-1 t~pr ons tte> he tmso .d by W rhoebon.. *M" and 04 home th Ome nlght. aI10k PlaitaiW-atiguo<s n, i - MehmiLIm.rrylé ienenngniei>. C. C. Copland write. fnou Ptt1ebnrgp 1111rola d imbrlennesasi about .1 ifIV bs eiUi *f t ose lsonttime i Amnov fuàlu'frh.mU fileb lkmamm- wt ,to l'e a ppto.g IR Ron tUn c" E. ho cil won Dotaégi ss O *mdoI, ee*«m 0 a csatla At -t .M- maiýetc., = y. ou .oi Der-21,'0.uib slie. B. och. Ltu 00iIWtov qa806.1up- ~ l mission Io L saistvlk>oebl., Mm. r. Ha. é~ts vieAlle q *"am, roie MPJ, , Tii. Fsrnere nstitut. ai btii ova Bochmae. aréadi iéd J. . 0u WI lunae faii> vwon attsnded Wsdu nesidli. sesbia; tmrm.Sva. ouilidaeme-. "gy aftenoon but Milluy vere topS tànal; ise. John Witsmmgranud :vaW by the cold Nêmhher. On moeonuên Dr. J.' L. Taylor, Phina.. Me. IIIDEPtNDNT sgoligte priseonL irh aymorning e l Mllouable ta À veili usd hall n.ti UnperforilB ive a "f l contofthé enseonoutil lsues of Mien litanie Ilatior, hbsUnpmiab net veek. prima donna. latTiurwes.m.g e va& & by Mie.n o-D Tiiomas Drelen @pont lait veet n l wie itit Edvard Joues ASt Un piano.9 Mevland, Ohio, vier, b. vislted a nui- Tii. prorsm conasld of the. oh hIinf-li- br of local institutions of note. HRex. si- i songe dear 10 the heste ci ever> Pete to leave about thé middle of thé Soterman and revesanceod hv .verv lover J santi for Pitt4ield. Mais., viiere h. or good mui.c71- iiiniiz imiae sf11 b. librarian of lb. Caxton 8ocletv. were given by Mise Fletcerein full scotchb 1%. Caxton Magazine contains, as a costume. The nezxil concert giren by thé A nontisplisce, an excellent photogravure band yuli-be on Dec. 23.H fI the. sniling vagabond editor. 8 Bev. Benjamin M. Brown, pactor ofM James Bowder, i( leuvlaw, farentan lhe Onvard Preebytersan Chnrciio % afa stelgang on the. main lino of tha C. and Leavitt Si@., Chicago, OUed Un eptal- d. & St..P. railload, wae struek by a pit At tb. Preshyterlan ciinvch font Sun. fat train at Bondfiat lat Monda> cran- day evenlnir lu tb. absence of BRý. Vau sg about fiet o'clock. Hooaavtii.train de Erve. He in ai sanst Chrkshln ri inlime to mate on. mai leap freintiie vorter and le very deqirous of bodng t but wse jusi one second ton late. seri.. of revirai meetings ber. Ul. lu-P Sveral inbe ver. broken and ttousmp- ter. Tii. meetings au plannai vill b. il le.f of hieiide badly skinned s»d mnulaaffus anès, easccixct holding le vas brougbl 10 LIbertyville At once meetings in thein own houes of worshlplf nd Dr. Taylor dresoed bis vounds alter aI th. sai n ie. Ber. Brown hma o elh b. s itliken lte the railroad boa serie@ aievaugical sermons dlvlded munderA ilai in Chicago. Ha viii recorer. seveu topita wit Ibm. sermnsn under The boys luthie grammar @Choof bave enchbhead. a yfootbhall tonal; tbe boys of liseiiigb The. reaular annuai meeting of!ftle ichool ditto. Tii. bigi sehool Lake Conuty Agricultural Board vas oye are sald le bhave ciiall.ngsd the. held lu tia tovu hall on Wedneeday lower grsde tu play a gamelait é Satur- aiternoon, Dec. S. The. report.ecof tb. sy stternoon but viien the critical seretary sud treacurer vere rendad d junte arrlved reiused tb pil aynl tisaIacceptcd. The iolloviug officers wve r be grounds were wet sud the day 100 ,eléeced for the coming year- W. E. t fggy. Cam. spirit r'au hlgii sudsa noiey Miller, président; J. L. livayer. liant vice iunh ci youngoen errced throug tovn presidaut; F. fL. Carr, second vice b, mailing the announcemeont that thé. higi preildeut; J. B. Morse; W. C. Trlggé, I school êiiowed s "yellov sgtresk" aud Iresaurer; W. F. Clow. Hermau Bock. ad -cold fee." »Tii, igh scinool again L. B.« Han by, Wm. Vickel, , eo. Pl challeuged tb. eigth grade Mondsy but Quentin, directors. The totalnuhberil iiey r.! used to play on account of belng of votes cait vas 72. ail belng for the a bort of men andi the foot hall sesson stralgbt ticket with one exception, L. B.L îaving closeti. Hanhy neceiving oua vote for president.w Doils caris oeil Carniages Do:: Cradles Doî Purnitune Mec haulcai Toys Inon Trains Englue s Wagons Sieds Wheel.Barrows Chairs Oeil., Rocking Horses Shoo Plys Neckwear Handkerchiefs Umnbrelias Belts KnitWear Gioves and Mittens Mufflsrs Suspenders Sweater Goals Shirts Fancy Vests Hosiery Hand Baga Excellent Assortment of Japanese and ChIna Dishes. Very appropriate for'Christnias. Oift&. Corne I3arIy. More Cornfortable now than ln the Iate Rush Board Me.trg. Th egulan mStine of the village board vas bld Decinuber 6. Prusideal v4w vas la Unthair&& Tb$ 0Cjb> »MtFaulkmurvac Oite IMor1embsgme"g viii reai md. apOO"& l'h. tirres mmd era 7.oi sud vernd. mouepii mm Tie egu1 hseà veron ai ptdmid mTion qruVaSe mmd eherameil oug ailovai- asimmi vswrrate ordisel dm»vuon tiselaepective kw Wa 3 ...O.. asolu...S818.80 ~ jsrnting 1000< .n.. 14927 Geo. IL Ptn, park wo ...... 200> 0. L Imstr, ......1440 G.Has, " "400 J.KBo., " " 1140 AI Ellnisan,21 25 AI luian, street vont..... 750 Oeo. Trkipset voit........1800 eoi. Trie. part vont........120 B. LBroywn,'Il . ........ 0I Z. Ji Brown, 'treaI voit.......108 0 0. & Léa.r, .........2025 M. Lyon Il - ..... 25 Honte Lunter Co., inde ...... 1684 Lihsgiylll Lumbe Co., misee 40 81 DrM B res, sneut vont.23 98 M c. B. " kuhh aii inl .....g 5 0Q g. C. Ye uu ............. 6500 Denola Limierr bslar ........85 <> catie Plit, vali eate......28 74 lire. Achen, ...... .14 40 A.N Nal,600 J. LTYl" or, 16 38 J. W. Butler, . ...... lu 56 A. Pinkerton ...........2091 1. B.ý E .....m........... ..... 84 24 i 1. Dneitrauiug ............. 75 lire. Walter, rosais ................ 50 W. H. Pester, boxand repaireon boise sud latider wagon.......42 00 Tbe dent cama in and bot hiesemat. Atty. MaeGnltfn va. present sa ihe requeil of the preeltieut 10 advie e board a. toi the proper action tu tate ln putting lu a er ou tie norlb sude of the villae Au ordnanee naiîning a boartio oa!li impravemen tevite reati sud on motion of Caritt sud Faulkner wa. peceed. III voliug aye. Move,) hy Conleît sud Faulknerrtu, adjauru. Carrieti. E. H. Coi.ETr, Village Clark. Ordinauce No. 201. Au ardinanca uaming lie rmainbar. of the board of local improvemente and repealing aIl ordinancas colulcting viii biu artiuance. le il ordainad by the preeieut sud boaardif tiIrustee@ of lie villaga of Libentyviile, Lake county, Illinoi. SFÀrio.\ 1. lu accordaucee iti the proivisions o!flirtiuance -No. 1681,the board of trusteas o!fsiti village design- ate anti appoint Edigar Walls sud George Lynch as the Ivo membars of said boarti abît witi Henry B. Eger, the uîresîdent ofl said board, @hall conetituta lb.e board ofi lavai iniprovrments for saiti villa"e until fardlier otbenvise provîdeti ion by ordinance. Smii2. Ail artiuance. on parte tbereof iontictiug aiti titi, ontluance heand the saine are nepesieti. Passeti, Dec. (,, 1909. Approvad, Dec. 6, 190. Pi blished, lac. 10, 1901). HrNaRy B. &Eii, Village Prasident. Fii.H. CaRLETr, Village Clint. Advertlelug pays-aud paves te aay to baller hhîngs. Try oui vaut I M... Lmn not upon others; rely upon youir owu "Dungt; em your own dollar; seve and depôuit us maiay of these dollars as you can; depouit thom wlth tht, bank 8 per cent paid on savingu acmoots, f. £o~uW flaflouul lui capital $501000.00 Surplus and Profits 80,000.00 Stockholder's Liability 50,000.00 Total *I30,000.Oo J7and-Painted Picturest soc Nothing more sulable iorna Chtnltmai Pr.e.t liai on. of oui band painteti pictures. W. secoreti about 125 osf lten at thse Baukrupt sale of the Cicago Noreity Co. lait sommuer. Tbey ver. matie in Antria ud importsd 1 ei I. for $2.50. Thay are large sise, about 20 b> 27 luchés moti> laud&cape @ubjecte viti birds m"d. ontut hes oc About a dozen different subisets at tise nldiculoualy loy price of...i...................-............................... Big aaîuile hua Of lhe FancY Boxes sud SilverP'latA Novelties, Havilanti sud Japsuese Chinua, Battenhu. ud AL Linen places, Ituge, etc at........................... PRICE THÉ Liber FAIR rtyville, 111. HIOLIDAY SALE of Toys and Dry Goods Specialties 1 column. c

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