omty or T40, se CIfMiGrt of Lake Comt. ' sj Lubryvle Trottlg As- i ii otioe la bereby given that $tiiÀre 0ofmauorder aiddecree en- ',ato &1» above entitled cause ln <'* Creigt Court at the Ocober torm Zd»thereot thie imieralgnei, >wertuChaiicery of aid Court, vil!, ýý»*aa r "the lsth day ô! Decem- ýL 1). 1999At the hour ot eleven la the lm ore»ion of sali day at nioet main Ohtranceof thte court ~Uela the Ct of Waukegan, lai Owa¶ y Cone f 9!Lake and State o 17MoIi.sel! at public vendue ta the. '*tgb.stanId bot bldder or bidders le' ffla the <Soiwng described land and* rosi estte to-wit:. .d« that pant of sections Twenty f»(3) ai Tweoty-one (21) Township 'Y.orIV-.ur (44) North, Range Eleven ('fi), Bast ot the Thîrd Principal )Icis.described au tollows, ta-wt: 0Oýkacia apoint ln the. West lige of sali section ?wenty-one (21), Tweot"-le ai Viftty-three bundrethu (SM <353 caîns north of the soth weat cerner o'suld section twenty-one (21), thouce south eighty-two (82) degrees sui one forth (%~th) minute eaet, * wgt hundr sud Ntnety-two (892) lest to the vest lne of Garfield Ave- nuin sP. H. Kuepkera' subdivision *itQoo south; theace north igtt (8) MIiates west ta the Intersection of the sotbhUe of the rght-ot-way of the Chcago & Miwaukee Electric Railrond Company witi the west Une of Garfield Avenue; thence westerly slang the soutli Une o! sald right- i't-vsa-to a point eight bundreil and Otty and tweaty-seven hnndredths 4U9.27) tee! west of the east line of oai section twenty (20): tience south alosg aàlUne paraliel to and« elgit buiroi andIi lfty and twenty-seven buadredths (850.27) feet west o! the eut Une of saîd section Twenty (20), twe thousani, five hundred an thirty six (U53) <et ta the north lineofo thei»« son0e undred and nine (109) ravof0 sai séction twenty (20); thoee eaut along a lino ,p&alAlel ta the sou&h lime ofsald section twenty (20) eigbt hurod and i fty and îrnty-seven hunreths fot ta the eest ili»iof0<maltsection twonty (20>; thommo uosang sthe.east luneoro sai setion Twety (20) onle huadrai am&iOf*yandi ive tonthe (150.6) te< tq the plans ef beplnninh. Contatu- lug one 11U4A51 and fiveand nas -acres Ma055 rs or lms; Ïàxi s iiadsingular the bulli )s;%>xAbl., fumé. , tande. paddoSks, et s o! M eaosements o! vhat- *sýr description mai viirever situ- =toaMber vith ailthe. conracta, r*tprvilOUS., ai franchises o! aof iUb styillo Trotting Association hietouhie PiSt-io osstrred upo a 'týbY lthe laa o the. tateo <flhNIVMs, Vb ubI a s> le ar.aftergranta Offlierri, togotha wth aillieitlei. tMa"i profts Inolnding amy sMi ali etearne drlysi by the.sald Uber- tpill, TttingAssoiation, train a"y siarue whasoevor, mand aillits om- t4wets sudi mmments o tute ta rosi 4à pesui al siate. .ituâte ln the. digat>' o Lke. aniStato o! Illnois. ïTb edeisme oiul aom eliatthe plce ip e 40»0ipe tefoflovhng persanel property o! sald Iubertyrtllo Trotting Association: 1, ffltnker, Çapacity 600 Gallons, 1 qbltunula, Track Harrow; 1 trac êamii; i lump, capaclty 50 galions *t-Minte; 1 eloctric dynamo or liotor; 5 are extngulshers; 1 houe cart; 1 steel rangc; 1 cool tove; 1 horne. Limer; 3 dos. dinlng rooin tab- lés; 3 dos. chairs; about 800 ft. of 2 loch homo; &bout M00 t. of one inch IMM,; 2 copper coffee urns; 3 uncoct- 41» ras Dated N<vember MUh A. D. 1909. ELAM L CLAItKE 9-1 Master ln Chancery. State otf Ilîiils, Oouaty o!Iiie. es; lun the Circuit Court of L.ake coiiaty. Walter YFraser vs. Caleb &A BusIck, John J. Pauo. Trustee. Elmor S. lbmaka, WuelminaE. lHanka Wiliam H. l!abrY sanditie H. fabry G.i'. No. 4342. Public notice la berehy given that bY virtue of an order and -doe" entri la the above entitled cause la sali Circuit Court at the October TerM A. D. 191 thereof. the unier- igni Speciai Master in Chancer>' of *ali Court, viii. on T-ueday the 4th day of Jmary A. D. 1910, t the heour e olo'Ci l Uincheatternoon 0! epliday t thie Mst Main Entrance te *0i Court H~of o Lake County la tb. Clty et Wauksgs, Connty o l4ke and Stat of!Illinos sel! at pub- lieacio te thehiglist bider for e** tteo !olowtlugdescrIbei laid dnd rosi estali. situâtud ln the Couiy or Iommi"aSteeor Illinois to-vit: IBOÉ am (1b) n Block One (1). I.. c,) c-> 'e c fqd Q zoo 79- o v (v i ce <il se u ~- ~- 'J o-.- - - o - la. o "t' Cf S o. o. [ o. i. - F o. e. a, - o. 4: j- g: i. - o- <3 c~i5 ~ - o - 'D <.> - IHi tn 0t le o !"' U~ I. - - t