S lýAKF, COUNTT rNDEPEWNDENT, FRIDÀY, DECIsCMBEiR 10, 19019 - "Ou.t 0f tise 8h Smith and lies at Lakte Bluff, ta Itu te 86.71 per cent for lait f>le average. aleraI.dollars hie receives he sends tour hun-1 WITII IEARI TROUBLE heart tellure antd teflot expected to pany wilI have ta earn an extra $100o de l.dreoit tousand dollars but or town and Ilve. Mrs. WIemeras aiflie wa 000 a month for the lad3 six monthe hag Now and then she gets for your profit ln the business hl ie ge Formner Master In chancery and Late teo 11] te be moved lie w.oývuld go te of the fiscal year; or ln ather words, iut a igh plce nd ou hlty liosaa dolar. Gnt e- Defendant in Alleged Case Of ArslOn the hospital ta ses hlm. t wlll have to earu mare tlta, $400 or iio atgtpaead rey .kh.ticmInheold Now Principal mn briakly Exclting _________ 000 a month frram Auguat 3.1 , o 109e ' iieeds helping Out. town on condition that ho give you a Divorce Action Found ta Be ChronicteFb2,190lnoitesw prfi ' hebuies, u -urra- Sufferer fram Leakage of One Valve REPORT Of CORN LiFl.2,11, re 0co ttle tfilngslannoy us--tht. inyu a-profits equai te those of last year. curl off amoke filal, If loft, Thns e sate n paoitoyoin tunestodtal of Heart. PRODUCTS COMPANY Aulliorlty was granted 1te eCorn thewrng irctin. are net fighting the mnan wbo drink s, Products Reinlng eompany )mn We'd- mand make woik for the hi buthre fgbtng forrliteionan ho At.ornoy W. F~. Weiners of Lake Low Price of Corn andi Own Reduction nesday te lIaI lq total ,,uthorlzt-d lm- 'Tee r o a ylng j bu arefighing or te ma i llt failnted Sunday eveuing about 7 in Rates 8aid 'te Have Cililtateti sue of $10.000.000 firs n-ortgage 25 hr aeno fi Something ee o drinks.Laoin anPy frIt tiock, wihle an lita way from the car Agnat Profits-New Cam Plante year 5 per cent slnklng fund bonds. hgslte chcck dis a nad start l1. the days before the war a pvrteBl ufefnlot He waa car- Give Local Company Capaclty for 0 f this Issue $5.000.000 are now out- - th yse n h igtjson could purcliase a gallon of whisky t ied lltto the Owl Cafe aud Dr. Oeo. Taklng Cire of la Productsa-Stacks standing, belng issued for the building P E R FE 1I'I thecst n wr ~th fr25cns.Nwwhsyseî orXCaitt ,msor Los Angeles, Cal., wlio Are Liate I n Entirety. of the Argo plant. 0f the reat$.8,-ja dieto o ar elh 2a alnadfr 1 alnwhen la a guest of tise Wasburn, sumi- 000 are bsuralle only In exeliange for l mr il la sold over the caunter. A bushel ntnned. Dr. Caimua at once declded Thttepoiso h CrIr-teimays usadn eer-r S tts E uso ofof corn wlll malte four gallons ut tha.t Attorney Wiemera was sufferlng ducts Refinlng contpany have been bonds at par and tlie remaînder for (Equipped. with Smokele-9 O.vice>) Co Lve O wthhyo-whlskey, and corn la 110w worth 50 framr a leakage of one of the valves materially affected by te bîgl prîce acquisitions sud lmprovemestts. Copites i caithd o cns uhe.Boteat1mle f the heart. 8He found ganme medi- of cornsand by tsereductlon il lias Bealdes tise new plant at Argo, ln fouht aebebn iel e d a wliar popie a do just easy figurtug, let us gay that it costs «cIne in the attorney'q overcoat pocket, made from lime te timte ln the prIces whieh the firat unit of 20,000 'bu. daily stead there are lilîle thim hi.$1 a bushel. This would malte whisky whlch lie always carrled for slmilar of ita own produ-'ts Ilit order ta rncet capacity waa put lu operation a few please-that mnake for eomforton ths.coat 25 cents a gallon, and cohen You entergencles. This was admlnistered tompettlon la evideni f t.,m the repart weeks ago, tise campa,*ny bas rccently satisfaction. The liat seIf-Ioc It strengthens the realîze titat on every gallon or whisky and Dr. J. H. Foley summoned. of theto cmpany n1itl le !IcNelv erected cau plants at Davenport, la., ~ ~ ~- the goverrumeut gets $1.10 you begîn Dr. Foley gave a liypodermie înJec-* York atoî-'c excliauge :n itî apIîîîýtiîon and Granite City, Ili. Aui,.,.mIa'cSimkeII.,a>Sv.m neres, fedsaam1shed t is- te appreciate liow amaîl a profit your tien and sent for the Larsen sud Con- Io îîst $tf ifrst ii.u,; -the i--l________d~LVAAAA.% ittle ock o theinside-Ç sues, and makes, rich frleud the saloottkeeper gets Out of rad ambulance, whlch urried the un- luga of $295,805 for the year endlng John Arno of Park avenue dled an that actually prevents smoke-h iteIc neiste of the tube~ suesansaandn consclous lawyer te the MeAltter lias- cent stnktng tuni bontds. Tuesday mornlug at 1 0f pueumonla et that holds the wick in check-keeps it below thee emoke zone, $cI e-: blood. "The average persani drinks Iwo PitîSI. Profits fromr operatians for the six the family resîdence, He leaves a -wife curately adjusted that il cannot go wrtnig-these are sorne oft1e »a 8lsYAm ET RUnIan«sx gallons of whisky a year. With the Atorney Wiemiers la tedefendant monthe up 10 August 31, 1909, show sud tliree ciiltiren. The late Mr. Arno lijtle îhings thal please-that have contritîtpîl ta flice narne and fam -number of saloons you have bere the In a suit for separate maintaînance average manthly net earnlngs of $187,- la a former merchant andi business of the 'Perfection Oit Heater. ~aa.t.e.s~ MW ~ average muet lbc mucli greater, sud lnstiiuted hy bis wlfe. who realdes 21tR. as campared ' ith avierage earn- man lie who leaves relattves snd The most satisfyîng heater yoiî can buus-always- reatsd a'% =Besh.= o,2ko.. eey esni orct boi rn ihn ark le is aise defend- li, af $29580-5 'or the yetr etl, g frienda to regret bite taklng away. manage---always dependale-uicklt ccanc dOI OWIIE.409 Pewl S-. New '<5kon an average of Iliregallons a year. sot inmany judgmuents fiied wlthin IF0. 27, 1909; .t'6,4»5fo: 1908, and . Brass font holds 4 quarts-haros <r)Itottrit. \ttractivclh îisvhed. __________________________This means that Waukegaîî senda lcentaat fuei d asefand l egen te -,902 tor 'lie ttritt 3-9., aftlte r otlic Joli a0faknd l audi Teeti its nc Nckl r yJaani vr.Ifu tlsad~t. .4over $80.000 10 the federai gos ern- cita iueu aeo lee 1campanys incorporation. The decease No iLibrtvile adsae dîa l meut everyya i lewyo ae tempted arson at Lake Bluff. H4e came for the six montha its t the rate of placlng yaur order, oit COMPANY "l antwhat yau gel. but what fromt Lake Bluff onu a car, arrlving at n you îîay for It. If a hauker told you jabout 7 o'clock. He was accomîîanied- --- isuetd tha le ad $0.00luth Iatierby a genlemen at Lake Bluff. Attor- and thon tlid You that It cast bînti fly .John D. Pope, who lias charge If Vour tMone Is 'Wireci For__________________________________ E- A$600.000 to get il. what would Yeu o! »ilr. Wlemers iuîerestII lu theE L E C T R IC L G H T ~tA8O N WRGIIT biink of il' Would l seero thal court liroceedinga was surnmoued last OPfNS CAMPAIGYN l ie 1 remarka lie asked If the cîty rerovs.l 1te ehospital. TeimmediateI Iae apie i1 - lid reached tise lirmit of taxation. A Sorrowing for lier dyiug husisand Th0hl a iyI faeHpirO Wviêh Reewse rllant Impression reply tromnts audience waa that Il and releullng from lier action lu se- Eieetricity lunlte home ie a wliole family camion, lbt provides the mnoat 0E ~ u m Me lnidsosn Visit ln Last Campalgn had curing an injunction restrabulng hlm lirilliaul and lteulthfiii liglit for everyhody-and moët econontiically 100. * and Talkes te People Reaaonlngly onf Can't Be Worao ie Oftront euteritg lber home. Mra. William If pi-.,vides il,. pîlver ti, aperate a SEWING MACHINE MOTOR, a __ O W ES ,A.U t tIl Baloons Were Voted 'Then you (,u'tt lieany worse off r. XVtners or'Highland Park oulIon- 'ACITIAICLENlýi1. ,or aWASHINII MACHINE, It bu-ans tbe-PILAT-A e ' h t Y u W n O 0«On Cty Would Net Sufer Mucli thait rau are now," was the repîy. day called up tise court autharitlles taON, CURl.lSii IlION, SRAVINIi MUG, BABY'S BOTTLE. If caae * r Vh t Yo V nt N " Pi.anolally. ~~"I have noyer hoard of tise t" be e- and ietween sgise aald, If God would lise food williojtfItanîs or tire, witisout dirt sud se 'ot, heate lise room; _____________________________ - ing iscreaied ane-tenthtoa!onue per spare hlm. se wauld bo only ton gla.d doimg ail or auy ai tisese wltb tis imple tare of a switeh. - 0wIa« te the blizzard Sund"y alter- cent atter tise saloon went ont oa! ia- ta sois hlm isastitai hie home agaisi. W1IAT BETTER CHIRISTMAS GIFT 0 «0 olcamr oin e he usdatne"i. I have nover iseard o! it lu a William F. Weimers, the huaand, la coutld jon make than ans of these niefui convaniencea.* elav t o,.ig opaii f0 tis ~ single instance. When vs hast aur an atorney and a former muiter in, U m «» BSday' attasoonaitihe fight la Rome, G@,. thse people aad cisancery marier former Judge A bner North Sh r ElectricCo p n TWRZN JEL fIra- n vas î- recided ev-r ly set hava tise moey ta run O ur cte.Phone No. 258 OBa rrss o las aa vxomLo ae Forent Md 0. sald thse people tramntishe nortis cae h 23o N. OENESEE ST. WAUKEGAN, ILL. Steel Ranges, Caut Ranges, Cooke W"k"ltér ibasa s *od atsaga îtevn hmasedBMteoivery single tlslng r a _____________________________ »e*Set fbJ'man - iandrce(vsd freva isaeansdt e can't ho any vroff.oa SNw "tce Rome hua gSse dry thse r -I-------S---- ,,o.GeresConter 0f te tise -estate of-tse ctty han Increaied overIF T' Over 50 toSelect From biLalguatrom Ok"als. olid o e (2illonsugrhs dC«S 1I IêS wt51 t e c amC5pigfla lue15 «'~If vers texnare an 10dletnaj3t I --------Wm. LAYCOCK Co. FROM Ciss n aki vr i#A m I Dmy stmped Maine for aai« hebuinssmon teîay 1Cm i n aki vr 900#LiL lfesid oer175 oulît sa, They lok for IimmeA skyu oto bu maom t. Libe tîlo t1e, e tW1 a - 1,» dmM a A fauksa euli dn Iietetaai o udoctoreabosa <eu e DR. !DW. V.SMITHI .1" S CHANCK'S tvIPyYa *&>lm 9MOMu M wiover tvffity4lght of .i hiuk in titaviseu, teia A ticklne la the :hro Gsrl rcio _________ IO làI i' 4~ la-ou nto i "Egypt oring manS ores te tare ot bis pn meana aerious trouble aiead office over[Luce & Company's Store(M CAK 00"tebav the salncsapet ot of cliand tpapier and figure wvisain a Rtter expiain your cmecare- P.A TETONM c ie SIDBROS. :AXWr», Join Pope Mila tish e ttIn- g osutet tlitaliquor huinesa tisey fuIIy <o your doctor, Gmmd makPIR OR yul iOebr rgh "te wctgeltear and vtpe i t he isa hm about your taklng Ayer'svGVNTeRPRWR ~~eln cfpopleehoolre OWr Igthet altahOr-DISBASES 0F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h ob4a mora tsaasWouve au . epevs v 0ts el Cherry Pemtral. proftw stadtalle and yul 't' TUEEETE «M-M c.,asîtld «et tSgrevlis for tise pordevila te coin. e l o.W UMh5 a5 *OOO @O*O OO* OOO*.~.OOOO O. Me enrftet fr -he boltio ofYeu Webas b@"l LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS AUTOM OB ILE % TakaswitâmWight tUre 1 comme te titais. nIf 1 doI r 1R:CDN WORK ASPECIALTYIS Y U RF O. K Taken vi» right Irihs te have tise opportsrnity lta apeak RitCDN ilbltad talleWaigh fo mtc, Ga- onthe treet visere 1 eu tatlk ta Who mahea the bout lver pilla? rTheENTSTEnglues Overhauled. A Ful 09MUi hi bùk ai tour oclSk, a d them-J. C. Ayer Compay,eof LoveR M au. H oure8 te 2 .m -1 te 5 P m . i e o u d i e c..amhSra" B a hat! tise audience -Do You know tbat tise auiy vealtis Thry have boirn maktug Ayer's lîills fo J. Eli Triggs Buildiug Ln f udis i ee Vais beid aelhnî.ad tsn ont- hicis you have tat amoonts te oser sixty years. If Ycu have th eslgizi. vith Dr. J. L. Taylor-Plions 19 paired. W be n u Tro ble W e can meet your re ui em t no bars et app181155 vere fut re- ""e't doulif about using these pilla, ask Peu. Plions 10912 rqiee lotThippwl wretake it t Us1g ln the re-crels eaitli. and ,,tir dicnr. Do uns lic aya, alvays. Lliertv-viiie. Iîlloia TE(E PIONE Mdq ee t Thed.ape ereake's mtn- that your bankis ansd yur homes l -.. . uat .1. .. o.IX.. _____________ inUbertyvilie Exchange matter how large or small they may be. md ot ecisre. isespekera mn-themselvei do nal brlng lu a cent of________________ am as uchtha h wo th adir inome DR ELFLýN 61 r 162The Prepared Rooflng we sçII to suo fth r eolad tise pro- "Lord blesa Yeu, wlien you go home, DEN'PIBT. our customers by the rolli it the best IIIIIund rspect of uoise wOofaSoL theCOU1TYT IOÂiNAL 5BE go te the boy tthe Yerkst, andtCornes complete »Wbou tnafftc. Hlu tille wu mot rhet- andi aai yourself If yau vaut ta have I*gla.i od- 112 a. m. and i1 t 5 P. M.__o__themarket,_and_____________ mie;fIl vai comman sense; and lbIfim brouglit up under tise presceut DI! with nails and cernent ready to lay, at va s haam 1 itahiaddreas ta mlx in condItions 1If you don't, put tu- sa- D *i i1"eio ieryi O lirt vils Use peaple, inateasi of tae tir themt lions out for im. 8He ylâ do Il hlm-u « o at e r gh r e s IIII. One moment ho vazs altlng down ef o nwta fI snetkauji yor chich.. D.J AL balkita tis te hearere ln a conversa- come in 5jis generation that If wili alw.ys he.itiîy asD,.ed mYL' Maltmanth etminute wisscole-thee. th. aInUg OFFiCZ OVER J. £LI. -TRIGGOSBLDG - IOO S e M facias[ expressions of Ia born ~o il the nae ou earîli the oa l y souas:-7 te100 a. m. 2 tW 4 sud 6 tae v rc ID p, i C i u~~ t05', bc vas pnlting liea remarks ite ans homelqorpolitician l te .lîmîL esSehaS aid hi 4wy, ppsle Prk CeaS por pino m 4o a > v s faim of a personal narrative. HeYo wilfid hawaefrayu oilj<j- e ck.hat ad GachZEai. RWdence on Broi~aopst ak (ha por insw eahn 7 Okedholas sai va tOr y oefardothave soute trouble, but afler Yeu get lac! d. **m"TEADk BurIf abyciK RW isrytilîloe . eee t.4A Kc Ce«d Clslrdcckltsset e b hce, -ntst, ealt w ..it S b h aiategayln. btoy hard hea ed business men luthseocicesasPM C I S7.â Arch fo Sreto.Igh MARTI1N C. DECKER hade 'm but wa do 'elO Whowillldo "ee - .-.. your petîr l =ez s ale h Hie salîtin pn: Ilgramnyou wll mornîta yur tyHOME LIUMBER COMPANY Office Oiui. lfiîî 8t. Electrlc Station mch cheaper hutesm 'Brthe, emebertite nstng lhlrtytossanît dollars a year." NORTIHCHIICAGO1 LLINOIS grades hveever beeni- s'olsi 0à 06 00 00 60 *S,ê*0 ****"***,,,SS,# -visan Yeustarttîis campaigo. tarI "Yeu boys tramUrtce nort in lu1861 ________________No.___46 lit rigist.If Y011go fer it in te riglit came down sentir andttôok aur slaves in t.hTUeR IE S FROME OC H IMLbotvil aprtYuare bound te10wln, If you do because we sald tem trom tise block, Fe BAIRSTOW HS DEPRC FO INuclya vlI loasAndt remember andt 1 amngladi tat Yeu dîit.ILNev SUR VEVOR____SPCA ATE IO 11a11M au are net figting min;u; ate souili te wtout saoons and le MANUFACTURER OF Subdividing, Farm Work SPCILATET INBA E a"e fglng a Systu- If you attsck cnenngtepoleosuini rad 'Drainage 0 ______0____ and CONFECTIONIER .0110saloos sYeu vili net anly have Il coeuîng eule ol. e t lls ar p - ette ooa agl h aono uterthat yau earn $10.000 a year fr m the_____and___Granite________instrumenta taken as Teout of TownIe aaauuw an is otovh l l bam ~ are voir paynlg' M onumenls 1 DR. O, F. BUTTERFPH.>, part payment on (irands, Up- ________ are fltah ne for ts siani.oonsVETERINÂBY TJRGEON. rlghtsu and Player Pianoîi. -b&ve put yaarselves bte business atd e eeyW rço vr ASITN TTC" UNB" rtfrinrm in.ndhpiKTae ffl bava tirovn open Use gales of PEIRV L. PitR5Ouu. Amer.y. Cemtery Wor of vere, O IllinoTUisA.N.Wiefrifrain.AdSipnHrdOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIED ~ oeldtowlavinsd aald, "Boys, crne Adjudication Notici. Descriptio)nUbtyhlIîoa_________ EDLVETOAJCN TWN te* Brother. tlisaaoonkesper 1la nat t.î,N,tiýe iiihemh ieu tiyh astthi .t # %E PAUL MAC ADACENTFI te binais., You are the anc vhis te ttiti Aîltîor tee ks ateaiftiens-e PULMC--qq Iui.i..î.e.-d wnuftt5-d h( sso-ny0un CorrespondenceboIlicitei ATTORNEY &T îI&w.t The__R._C___Fulton_ ----__-------------------- _ beàee "rIl St , t etît i t-mthereofto be- Isdu-at 1 -- -*Wu thlie people et Rom& conutîy tir iý1. tIii io f Fiuuary nazi. 1910 ahi.. Ubertylill los, -lt"' t~--auo, îshevint g zusaoaliii PHoNs88 M4usicC O *ë*te vota ontise iquer questiou --il t.Ottie r,as td t50Ge ese t R<rR.GM.tY ÉNeese---W---- II .flr e t 47% et" &,-y nid boyhood trienda visont ~eit1 0.tli*u iimttdcto.pesI ~