bu nti iin tlt lie tief la tbe fS " Rame le WiloMg own à-. bewoe.s 11lesUu a vu htutyig lotro- Md le S eut bu la nie d téir or the &W mo mUs. b l-is4t te aai t aty..Iib gi i m o rà "éli «s&d. blf$t..,vemet.ut.as. s wahin ai thes wmtê, %Iwo K - pwnogdilbqa s y. Thfey 'aléa" pmgowa* ïh~t thie summer r.-., sot i tbe dW'tltheIadiorda oboIvmst firbil lae - fteu. b7 esmàOdweek b b.d.pet- Sgalets tbet tii. couple we $ftomhloawb e A'mb *lb'-mm tbt a augemu tenad UIs co lm tbhli. )mcti atbrent- iuimte uns aclub tu boit givodls.1 U>ivm . ve ehe * o a n:% 1 Il kVi hILTherefore tuaswee à sJob dey wb., Ill me d a b M"alIét. take a band ta. Tbmr wu* &a<oe. ta the hum Vuaa ad sadou». MtieulSons vers d*bàe potion. î 1*.tvo a fsiy houw&! Mud 000W osip mogwI f a ovlmg grtta., sud Aold Il' camsers util in hour aftfr Iit 511 tii ngi.s . ers; oepied the double 0"M ecoin htotaplay. '1'Aey vere dlvidod '1>7a @U» voit. but tAey ver. lnteuded lb c.aiuy goud lueed of d.sdenlng IL Ux>tis Certain evminir, vbe te' maloies »roahéM &d. fU ud v"bhi l ad _" tbe lhtibWbauid wax wwhb a wk.love lua tiier benzol euera agoietalaule n4-! ta ediaing ra.m And bsd ta i*ts buWei a double pata. TAie t ~ir ldé v»l4e<jet oc<upl.d sda" ds atioire ceu b. spaba.luabiOer. Thé eÀgsb.dallgt op ta &MSebea th*. .t ftS.d.i h bouse vas Occupw Il i -aman sud a wouau. lu a rerA' bmbunlhvolap the.. Mau trted a9 byh"Dug: l u ear mmirsr.tAi.e.n. pirf 1 h. r.ust b. mltaken." repiled tbs imm&u "Tou MWv tiens At AU&tàtec Ity lu 1And thon et a bot ew NYok?" 1 t i 704.yansd I know thaït tiey ltuq"e hir bord bil lu bth places M.Um .W t w or tre guete t the 1«14« tbfluai npld. 1 bave the! àiWt m pkâ" toim bat tho girl hls dtf*eM vi&A sudlabalflgued as A etouligm ta Plch mch foots As 1t e wba Je sveon beraw. Tb* anéeot laDo te tamine.. and là" ~ugft I eard ber ,mying aometblnt 80tet akmug main. au for a thbon- doam Mem mutbave roi.rred &1. T. 'Mmue tAi.y ire a cou- ~AMa vnt abou;thtAi feio-A" ?., m 1Wbs I hwov1 g«tfroat Betty. &bd *1 t It h anothor ladys mal&. Z oll* ipslouai t t thnt hlaiels- ~~ti.c5ntj aitan once Ansd Mw buudred dollars ta bit In pittiog op the blg- f~I4o ront.', coNWSmt auraffair." sMid th J$z ltue-" wa. M"eh deadbeath 4ugit ta Ais expa.e& The omren wIl É6"i bard bil hem" Ii t'3ji67 The landiord 4aoutier *mmm'f. *Ad l'd be IWiI t mynalà gta tier guests. tabieami. beuW'Uia~ an.'au m vasuaat ail 00l4d ~goeed houm"nbel ne Mt willée . Itisy' btetbed. bat bey n'l -men dbmt4 erlad hold of 'te, tAi, worid..Thé o«bAr .,I*~ au~s ia oi atou 141. 1W hbr6ol. és dl the. Aip te doh. 1ego e tt isK p be r I t bé t et f41 ThlgýUIg Ci Our, Shoe Depa rflW Many Useff A pair of high tOP shocs f*", ý f bis father, Issur4 1-04 We show a 0eat big sele*oi%. Opéra, Everett 14J~~ at. 1.00 toé2 no you Men's Sweater Jackets The best -pure wersted Jackets ln the market for 3.0 Alilcolore. A ver>f hcavy Jacket In pure worsted yarn at 4.2-5 Sztore is Brim E ull of Ul% tw hat wlll please him bo one of our VE"'FD GIF ETCERTIFIC-#Sbu of fers even for rs ln the 1 get !JIVe Great Lines off Neckwea r We pride ourselves on showing' about everythIfig that can be thought of ln the way of men's and boys' Neckwear. PrIces range from 25c to 1.50 A fine Chrlstmas box given wilh every tie at 50c or over. Mufflers Ail the kinds that you can think of ..the long folded silk shapet, the Phoenix, the Way and the shawl -styles. Bath Robes 5,00 to 7.00 Made af good heam bisauket MMoerWs. ha.dsamely patteratod end cut long and full For the Suspeftders A ~lde* tmêdt of colors and, deswia uIt #a v « of attractive 21 '.50 id #tinéy holiday boxies. Fdrlcy,'Vests Men's f" uts. s* Wf We show a Great Big Line of Gloves of ail klnds. If you give hlm a pair of Dent drus Obve he capant criticise your judament, for 4Hi welI dmressed mien wear a Dent. Auto (iloves and Mittens utill pieue. ESihîfied OtG ,are appreclatedgits. Boys' GauntietG (lore=~ with the boys. Prices range from 25c to 5100' by visiting a maR's.store? its Our Iustàëss to stu4dy you the benefit of Our experlence. 'i I Or suggestions ès !to whêt âiyou ahiflà bthis store. Hândkerc4w ù of ai M 5c to1tJ Sýuspdèrsâ and Garters. Fani'y Vests.6 Cuff 04tn Ii etc. Suit psq Meits and.Cogi, Shoes aèW4Up er Boys' SUt1 4M b«4A Men's Suits and .Overcoats. ilouse Coats or Smoing Jackets,$-4.00 to 10&00 Boy's Sw eater Coëts An ail woot Jacket for 1.00 A fine, pure worsted wool Jacket it 2.00 A very heavy ovrsted-Jacket at 2.'25 F. Ce. ýSZ IEk ' mGo* i10 North 'Çoieésee St., W&ýuXég&ft, Il 1 . z MoLno brand Shirts. 1 .0u,.6-Ô2.50 Miso a strong unbe of Shirts et 50e Thé liardes< tI f coNais «« shown ine ~ Ml ' r -o realize what good suggestiouI)y$. men s wants---t l Convenience of Ail Our Customers We WiII Ibid Packages and Deliverl Same on ChristmasMoriling Extra Specdal---Boys SUitS that sold MIl the sçason. from 6.56 to' 7.50, priced specially for Çhfftffiàs