CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Dec 1909, p. 15

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n WIW Are mate rially enhànced by the wonderfu'l ,âsortmént ut býeautiul ti at our store. We hâve m dea except4 effort to moke 4*thts cf tion a worthy rival- to the great stores -in ONicago in poinit-of 4 ýarIelI the same time glving., our patros te bnfto tegetstChL sale, prices in 'the, hlstorVý, of 'Lake County ONLY ONË EKMR Do your Christmas shopping ai once,~ me where -you kpolw, you get the Greatest Variety, the Newest.S*s, and the Lowest,,Prices. Notice!1 GENTLEMEN VISITORS HFI B LADY ('LERKS IN MAKINC SELEMUONS 010 (VflFS. aéuv 4llpaying a vei-y qp"l~aa 1 l'Wof tuIIsfo gala hide of h4olgh.gaispanamas, satin liff, Worth 1.00,ýfor ........ ................... Grea sample in. of high-grmdle suits made of %lsids, brosieloths and p'1nellas. 'thn. am. le" wtl, skianer's ati n sairwwlh up tu 13.00 tpwsp * Çrtmas $e l )u moi ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . AJII»w 5"te15 ncludlag orne Wooltex Maiis utisof beau. .150fU.lamaibroad- cMeMX-Owftu best SkIMW ém'sêin, WorthhUp l.8lk ,for..... .. . . . . . .. 42 s uggestions Aiiy of 'these >gfts wotild be 1w any I~bIstasWaist Speciais franioMe lot of new taffeta Great, lot of beautlful svmning mIle Wlmt, l stipe an ao.d Walsts, made of best 611km and W* Aitl i *rips ndsoid Nets, both elegantly 'eiri 00M, wurfil ered, ail colora, for ....0................. BoutY SIuiris FlI& Wormmd aiChicon Pana- Speclal loet fPrenb, Voile and Ma llltrta lIn aw pl«ed sd atin flnlshed prunella skîrta, affects, Worth ~ ay Wooltex *6.00,modela 'Worth AWIELCOME AUDTPON TO ANY WARI). Pî'ÙBE WOULD BE ONE OP OUR 'NEW Gram lot of1113M10Ceats, ma( le in AIl our fine glk satin and beau- as# bft *Vry lmagInable style tîful brosdcloth, dresses that = néagny new mU itary afeta. These corne in b road. have soid as oUh, kersys ad hani orne high as 3);00, digonaaî,ailcol 12, r 7fo9 An ctir. aample line, of fine broi dlot * Dogabert" <restda bouffit At 40C on the Il Thame cornein i Il colora and-9 one ar. haads.omel.y embroideru;d, Worth' Uap ItO 16.00, for ...........95.. Xmasmini nery Great I-i t of &ample pattera bats, n man 0 styles, Worth up to $70). for . .. . . z"1% Beautil %il d csadmre astlna Great Qsortment of fine fur hals a, mly kinds. cf fur apprepriately triai ied, W rtl up 9 Ex tuisitec xclumîvemodelstrimm.d wfth S wl th plumes, fancy featherstIo se 0 ia anewest rnovelties, iC4 Wrtf uap te ;~. L U.00, for ........ ... Xiuîas shoppers who ae iteetd i these two iiiilpotaiit garnients w'ill b( glad to learn that we have just received a special voiisigmnuent of 'post - seasoii styles purchlased by lis at-lis-"than the <ost of the mnaterial. B'utlful iVèis' Fer Chriatmalb 'Our Great Lino of 'Voilescentaine &Il the Newent N«olv.tis Swell new face veillng ln many beautiful new new dealgas, these corne in ail colora, regular 25c kind per yard............................. 16c, par yardu washable Chiffon Voillng25 la ali colora, worth 50c, Women's fancy spangled lace @carfs, *Worth 3.50....................... adpoultively 1 9 ", sbeautiful Xrnaa gft Stylish Fur Set, square Muffand 'long throw, mIaie of choèce blackc or brow Coney u laed wîth good aatin, I .Ih $6.00, for ..«'«' *... . , 9 Fine set of Brown Siberian LynrxIa lapplffow ,hoth lined wth ilnners' satin; 209 worth 18.00,for . ... ............. French Lynx Fur Set, only the cholceat ina are used; large rug mufi mand hand cmregellerine, liaed with ahlrred satin, m worth $12.00, for............4 9 Beautiful et of Brown French Coney; large rug muff and a-handserne *hawl, worth *60, 5.75 for.'... . ............. Fins e t éf Disait<Lynx, large rug n)uff and a hilndeomne snawl, 9 Worth .415.00, for.I......47.......... 'C'tot set cf bemotlifI iMtrous Black Asltlc r"Ilarge r rti #f i di h»wL .d g th .shifr memlla. amI worti,. Notice! CAU-FAIZE WIIiliHFIMFUNDEI> T? A ii,(>uT 0Frjoy«N 41UNTOXMERS ON PUTROIASE AMOUTINfI. TO JW.5.OO'OR OVER. Great lot of ladite,' serviceable full lengtli consa-made of Mn mixture maeterlal90 and corne ln Many 7 $Clore, worth uap to 1050, for ............ ................. A special lot of 350 conasmade linalm oey Imaginable style Includlng nany =nellltar;y effecta. T*,ese are made of broadclothe, -50 kerscys and handsPme diagonas and cornein al colore, andsorne are worth uap to 120.00 ......--............... Just received a big aaaortment cf fine Wooltex Coatsi made of à dooa dîfferent materiale, la fifty of the beat Wooltex styles, worth uap ta $3.00. apeclal.......................... Appropriate Xnias Gtfts Fine Heatherblooms Xm»a Pursq The partîcutar lady will appreclate ont of aur new.heatherblobsqs, they corne ln black, 17i1nlch leather hani aq ohr li, I whiite and mnany colora, worth $3, for ......1.79......wtl, change pursIe animome jet 1Rubberlzed Kain Coats SwellI lot of new tbberi2ed Rain Cotte, ma" of fine ccllin, these corne In pretty combina.. tiens of stripea, positlvely 3 9 worth 3.00 ........................... Special Xmsas UmaberUas Ladies' umbreilas mad.e cf taped Arnerican t:ffeta, with beat assortment of handies ever thown, including the popular mission handîsa,4 this ile.lndeed a great lot and makea a beautiful gift, worth uap te 2.50, apecial Xmas prices . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . Chjldren'sDept.- Girls haadmome )wooien mixture Cote, auicel trlirned, szes up to 14 yeare, worth $4.00, for.......................... 9 Fiac lot of Girls Coata made of fins dilctons and broaccloths, . 2 l98 worth uap to 16.00, for........... Girls Coats of beautIluk'sUit, plush coricules and choyons, worth up to 810.W0, for.. .................. Chld's serviceable pretty dres% of Z odhtv atralworth 1 2 1.00, for ,...................... Pretty Ile' Pé ur sets, white angors or erminqe, w'rth $2.50, par cet.- 1919 W~r~ei Xma.s peîcia1s 8.auttfssl bleck Mortose psti- Li« ll I c cm. eftme are worth hO~rdlaIse 49 tsd~es'Ibbdfi.esg7c Cuesfleece lîned wo rwh u , â...,' c iaek ho.. Worth .-o« 1fo ..."9é or...... - 2c et iR», Y7c haidkerchiefs LrI..' chamoils rqoIVee Worth Brfft lot of 60 Mit *4.00, IllatcSe, mah,> Flannelette Dresalng msacques Persîma dsga, worti75e 29k for .............. CFM1LDREFN'8 BONNETS AIli$1.00 kind for.--,.49o AIll 1.75 kînd for .... .no StclgCaps ....... . il Roglar25c Ruch. - Slng,, ml j clors ............. AliWool Nuns VelflIg Waiati worth up te *3sa, 1 w for..... . f s 'i -k, v',i' .:A 71' fittod fg beadied baie %woKrtao.9, for..... ... .... eux 1Petticoats Genuine oit-bolsi black tuffeteaillk e fttcoata o9 sold ail, over the country et *6.00, speclal for.......... Lounging Pobes Heavy Bath and louaglag robes, many stylas put uap la faney Xrnas boxes Worth 16", for............-. ......... 2.95 -Swell Juliets Large assortment of ladies fine foit Julieta, hand..turned leather so(se, 1h55. corne laI.2 ail colora aad worth $2.M ,for.......... Xmas Glov.o Genuine French kId gloves,md e iected sklnoand guarantee te Weasr, *Il sires and colora, Worth 1.50, la fancy Xrnas boxes, Hloua. Dresses Pretty stripsi housse dresses, ver» asatly madc, Worth 1.50j for ......................................... 79C Pi'etty Mufflers Phoenix Muffiers iaan agi tsqe iI Mfkra I the new ahades, orth OII 35o kiai .28 .i 8 fer .. . . . . . .for . . . . . . . -Boya' and tiria& Sehool Shoes, made of mod. leather, mther btton or face, worth S.M -for ..................... ...............9 c Boysand, i Grls beautîful Oreme Suces in 05W 9 hlgh beot eft mny atyls,ai wortlu e.5%, for ......................1.... Ldles' patent and duait leather shoot,k dfor ý.....1........................... Or., Rilchs famous pu a>'wlklng cushien, ffexIbe»le ol s ý., lnaitmI athers, wort lhi .00, for .......... .......... ............ 1lA tmosa

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