CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Dec 1909, p. 3

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LAKE COUINTY [NDJfJ>INDEN'I' FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, two-o 1 have at my home several styles of the Baldwin Piano@.s invite yoa to callsund see. Prî wthin the reach of al GEORtGE E. STRANG, Undertaker and Liccnstd Embalmer GRAYSI.AKE - - - - WNOLS l4EADQUARTIERS FOR XMAS GOODS 0F GOOO TASTE AND QUALITY At aur stores you wiIl find POPUÙLAR PRESENTS at POPULAR PRICES. Came la aud ane the lateet lu M..oium eSts@, Tolait Sets, Mlltary Bas, Amoier Bots, Potsry, Pltures, l'ountain Peau, Arts and Crafts J.wulry, Souvenirs, Parfume., Fancy Box Candy, Cgre, BandBSge. Music Rolle, Ganses, Boak@ aud Mlxed Candiee for tba Lttls Polka. W. have abelutaly Ut. largit aud bat sêlecon lu lbooka (many of thse a.w copyrights) Xmaa Carda, Baokles, Post Carda and New'a Post Carde la the city. We bave pleuty ni the BE8T waltlug for Jour luprtion. COME IN A^NU ERE us A Mrry Xmmda dsSquareDeal 50 a&l. DRUCE DRUG CO. RCarayslake, Chas. Thomson, R. Ph. Thrae Stores Rockefoller, H. A. Watson, R. Ph. Round Lake ROUND LAKE cal1ad .boi 'tvville Trotting Associationi TONSORIAL PARLORI tbýe ?î.,s f tlî2rtaîc ofIlios r- orwidmlch 1(-(ie iaflîr grantiî shave 15C Neck Shavte Frte FIRSI CLASS WORK GUARANTEED MASN & FLARY, Proprietorsý ROUND LAKE, IL Aguscy Schrver Laundry W. Ml. APPLEY Auctioneer FARIl SALES ONE PER CENT Libertyville, 111. PHOIeE 1431. Stste Of Illinois. Couni> Of Laske,.'oi. hliaseircuit Court Of Laite Couuty. Wetern Trust asud Savinigs Banîk, Tratee, xc Lîhertyvlille Trotting A s Peeâation Iten.u. o4171; Puablc notice I.,Lî ereby glîcu tiai bY vîrtue 01 an order sud decrecens- 10ftd lu the above euttled cause lai »al Circuit Court at the Octoher terni A-tD. 1900 tisereof. the îaderslgned. Mater ta C2sncary ort»ShidCourt, wll, «. &tmda.r the..ISt day of Deceni- bar A. D. 11>00ait te bouc ut eleven .dObw llnte forassoon of eald day ai "ea liat ain 9Etra.uceutftise Court ]HÉDuse lu ibm Cty of Waukegan. lu lthe Couaty ot Lako and State ut »"Oadei. sall ai public veudue tu tîje bbet and be.iîthldder or bidderis tir nas the tolowing desccîiîud land &Md roesetat,- towi AMl tiat part of section, Twenty -M an sd Tweniy-oue (21) Townshipi FMrt.Yfour I 441 Noms ýRanîg,, Eleven 11). Eaet ot the Thirît Principal %eldiauiî.diicc rlI)eî as totînixi, to.wlt: ttemmeirlung ,al apoint in the cr51 vlent> nnîîe und Fi l-iictii, el- hulti iethi, 029.) chalut noriti of ih, -outi weut carner ut Sait eetilon týe-luone (21). ienre, soîîîb eigbiy-iwo (82) degrees au n 1e tourtb f 4tb 1 iiliiite sast, eMtt îbîndced andl Yiiiiy tw.îc(,S92) leet ta thm weci lins- ot Garfil-d Ave. une lu F. H. Kuepleer-, subdivision Pfflaced South; tisenca îiortis elgbît x MIMutes ve8t to the ii -r-tilîii (it the noulis lins ot thei-Iiiî fc Ise Chîcago & Mllwuî rî,, -11,ciw Resirond Compauy wltilîil, ii-sr ii i. if Garfield Avenue,:lrîî, cu abOesg the South lineot lii iigl oet vag ta a point eiglg-in,îdî e,! suii âftf sud tweuty-sevs-îîlîîîîîîlî i h lu f8l.27) ftestwest utfth,. isuliiI,,. of «Ms.l eClIoiîtweuty 120> tht-uc,. ,îiîIli aioasg a Ine pacable Ioi anît -gl)t ikwbdred and ftty anî d e-c ii bandredtiss 1860.27) te,ti vest orthtI, issîliue ot saîd section I weîtî , 1 evo thousand, tive bundit d and th ti wix (2626) test tu tise îoth lineot sise atsouî oe bunîtred sud ulue 109)1 rada of saldt section fIwenty (20) ; *oence eset aloîug a llîîe maralel to 8lîs soutis lue of saîît sectioo tweoty 420) elght lîuîdrmd and ilty and #wenty-seven ui udrets c eet tcc tise st luenot said section iweiity (20>, shencu îîoriùb alîcig bus- ast lhue ut »eId section Twpîîty (20) une hunîtred *ad fitty aîîd ire tpîîtbs 11-15) teet be the- place utfiegiiiiiigCotitain- ha.g îîî,hiîîîrriîland ltti eaili one leistit 11071) I t crPs Molre 01lIem; --nd sd aitansd sîrîgular itîe buîld-é M9gt, stables. felices. stands, paddocks, 14g1hta ut way and eseOists ut what- OvOr description aud wherever Situ- atid together wltb ail tise contracte, Irkhte, PrIvîleges, sud franchises of 'Wcif-rî -,gei her aith aIl it- lit- rruiesansd îîî ils iiclîiilng lilixandî lui!, lri~iî ir î.~r. fîîîî ii slirî- v. ttOei i. i]t aIll is (,on tracts alliifhliltoft tll ti rîl Rîîlilîerîonai Istate, iltuated inili I ouiîî> îof Lak, anud Suite ou lîlinît. Triitea li,' cci ied .i iI a]."- ccii at tb, aboi ît iii' .and îplace to the blgbesi ait,]lienî t îd dur 1cr lidd,-ri. foi- cas i ilî, tîulloa ilg imii oaIllroli<rtx îor Raid Lî iertfile .Trottling Associationi I Spirikle,-i ajiaclity cul)(;allons, t Cifîomuia 'I'racle Harrow; 1 ira, k gradî,i, 1I uîîîp, ipacil . 50i gallons Per inuteîil,- 1els-cirlic d3ainuoor1 îîîoîur., itec cxtluguîsherc. 1 boss- c.ari . 1 sIi-il railge: i ruaI stove, l'ortie 1-1111,1:.3îlvz îiilîîg rooni taI,- les; :;doz. chai rs;about 500iil. fIt2 liieh bose, ahout Silo fi of cite Inch bus 2 e oljer ioltee urus. ? titi cor tee uns. U.,RAYSLAKE DEPARTNUENT F. J. DRI'CE, Editor PoeN.1 Ordera Taken for Job Wark Advertising Raies On Application MIr. and Ari, John Ysckt; are vissltng Ma,, J >hu Wop.lîharn cçîent several this wesk with relatives at Aurora. da.ys wltb relativem iin Onkt l'rt recstly. John Kretcismer wasa Chicago vistor Tbo Woman's Club hcld a social aveu- lMonday. ilug Tbus,asy Peuînut aithe borne ut lire. P. C. Sullivan and daughtere, Mna. Loui Lbdell. *Mary snd Veronîca, have returued alter Dr Plamer ie autîertîîiniag hie sister of aa wrsts vîsit wîtlî relatives at Water- Milton Jonction. tuwn3, wis. Prof. Frît, oft the Nîrttîer Ilîlinois ,Gibert Boersma liserented thse Dofour Collette, spent two dais nt thse tiravs. trin. He was receutly loreman uftheb lats Pbarmacy tittirig glnse-s Dr. Felt kFowier ltin. wil has t tho druig etîre fuîr two days Miss@'/*la Mapaeey spent Saturday and euce îubr ted oa~srswr 1Sunday wîtb ber parents lu Chicago. thtyu ayalutdf 1 W M. Myers, ut Chicago, Apeut Suuday ruDrcwsat,îîîdcooia 0wlîb lMr. and Mrs. Wni. Jahus snd over tse Pasaka place nt Il ages Lake la-t 0sek.-Thse priaporty was taksn and tami!y. :71d for reut by tbe lady wbho o wunetbe Mir@ Garrîson, wlfe of Roy. (Jarriaon far. 0wan takan slck Tnsaday aud t or&@ bd ejyd od ieStts uecsery for ber ta go to thse Iostîtal . j anc 4tdue day asiîgo i h dLouis (Jsrwood, of Cicago,@pnt Son.' r the M E. churcis Xmsuq Eva., tisera day wltb bis parents. will b. uXmM es rc adatéroas iv Saumta Mro. Paul Avey, of Lake Villa. vlsiad Claus. A prsugram ban beau srrauged ber parents, lMa. npd lra. Rd Kapple, aud s real gondl timea fil&uu..d for evry. Saturdsy sud Suuday. bodye eeiaelaiy the ttIs folka. Came Dont forge: the 80 daiys Purure sd avell the crowd Sud bavens good Sale a&t tie Graystake Furuiltura Stars. tinte. The infant chlld af lie, sud lira. Weu- At Amsun'. Hall at Round L.ake But. delkau died lest Saturday evenlug. urds>. Naw Yea ight, Amaman Brno.. wlll give s New Test houf, Everyh.sdy Chas. Soyder bas reutéd thésE d Druce laIn ited ta coue asdud tart the New fsrua, tormerly owued by Mr. Griffuo, Yesr nilght rlgbt by bavlng s grand sud vili soya bis lasllylinbe .prng. gon t» . Jue Sbulteaud wifs, ut Cicago, bava rented thse ire. Boyce boueaud moved luto sume. 30 Days Furuibure Sale. Joe Riiese. of Chiagri, visîted friends For tise neît tbirty days we will -ji bers T uesday aud Weduesday. tbe tolisswing Items at and below coci: 1 Wooden had La Mont Allen trancacted business in 3 itprlnnw lýror ucîd ted Chisiigo Tu.sday. I Priugor ir.. ie,1 Wrnn Shankm, of L.a Porte, Imd . opeut Bdco tg be-rai dace lit bis fartanear Haines 4 ay anae îîîe reentlv 1 Sied 2 Wagon-lîoyso Lincol In Sriip, of H ain-r ilIle tîîî,, i f;K i tbeu chairs tuem iîilî.-r to an eý-c is-ilSlt atL.a liîniîîg room chairs lîîî , 1 n d flte ixeet ivî cii Il 1ile boîx liiol I ,îî Ii hp.i lîlîri r1IExteîîiou tables Il ~ tr-i .1 1 5Morricsrîîîher ]ni I aIFi dai --,00 Roiîllswu[[ Ilarer l, -Liix '. tirs. îîtîî,Johnlîson vî,Iîteîl trienîls. in i On le-ut the lirlAiI'S Att iFI NITI 1RE I1az liiasnt Frîîay BSroui- TAYLOR; GROVE. Dait Nviiii 2ttlA. I Vciuc Tiiose clu the elet lisI are Mue SMelville, EI,ANt b. CLîARKE, Stella libea aud Mnr. W. Scott. -4 ,........ in ........ lins.Richard Shea sud Mnr. John luDu.tIIuncan vinted relatives au Wauksgan rTussîlac. ROUND LA.KE, Rev. Dascisler was sutertainsît St tIse Word reachaît bers lest vaek of Ibm fi. D. mes borne over Suuday. destis ut Eider Josephs Owau, lormsrlyutflMr. sud Mrm. 0. 1.Osborne are enterý ti lacss. Hesaionue tise owued and taining relatives trom Wiscouein sud couducted tise farm nov owned by Ed Gurnee Reusissu aud vas fotrnsny yesr tise We are gîsd w se lMr. Juhbnu:back pastar ut the Cbristianuchurcis kuov as tise Pt. Hill churcis. He muvsd to K&ns- agsiu bavîng juei returuedi..trom as about ihtean yasra agi>ta lesnear ermaiiy. Lis daugistar. HesW&@ su oncle otf Mr. Vietir Gillinge visited hie brother, Sam Lllwiler, ut tîîia pace. ILouis, Saturday sud Sund"y. Tise new haut s dîîing s tlourasbing J. A. Hoffînsu was boes on business business sud s gettlng large deposits Mondav. daîly, Mire t. A.lOis-a iosta valuable bonîse The Surprise 'mb Igave' s lance Satuir huIat wîek. day eveuing at Amans Hall. Ma8n fllî orchestra urhulecitise mmiesMass cl libe bsid at St. Paîranke It iuso, wo Jm lýeo n (hares h ureh Crîtm" iîîornîng aI eigbt, rne i I Ileîî. wîu iaslirs ntlirle Ianl tei. Tise lest hiug blgb îîlass. City , cewa. the pantsix ilîîîîtbc. isîleit onî irîeîîdlîcrs rec,-ntîy There wîllli e w ce iars bail given iii the Irocre & Lux hall at Wadsworth, ScieraI oi tlie I lîcbris cl.-iiîuola aiIl juri given luy the young people oft tisechnrch. t'- -,-. il u % ;rp\rima tr.eaitlîrlr Ii, i.-îu , ri. I,,.uýr-dk, bn,-i 1-vO s î . %Ii. uitnd rs )i n lIaîvkin iialiil Chiruiises.reî e rîîel rîli,,a lhune3 îîîîîcu to Chilcago r iiiding bhîir new boni,- cery haautifuily \iac,, aud 1-lary tue luoçilirbai bers decorated. an, doiig a inselîîîînes f - Joîhn VIiliameîî sud Mmr. Tîom Mnr. A. W. SaBord sud Mies V,,,u i îs-i.dwcarde are ou tise ick int. Dr. Jamol- tsd Omo. SaBford anîd did tileirCliridtiîac Csoniii 5ttending tieni, shoppiing lu Chicago ast Friday. M. A. Hîcgan cm on tlîe jury in Wauke- Mr. sud lirm Nihaus gave as aid gai' paiti Saturday ,esniiiir w a huii lir wsnopeahogoflau thur Iieue. lhu.-tim s epotai servile at thIe î-iureh on 'Sunday. Our F -ai an! ~d atisd Mies Ethel Ames ulminister speut Suuday ilst James e ii iiiîay at Éliuer Iloot's, or Loon Welch. 1-,îi, We bave hune sleigbîug nov sud tbk, I Bo tuitMNr. and,îMSr. Peter Dun ai,, Y ong îeople are happy. lî,l iiirl t Illuiiv a îlaighter u4it CtT. Northropî, oh Chicago, visited bis weet lrîthlienrsla8t weet. 1tis r îîîîîîrmîl tlîiîîWarren Hook lis a hnem Weicb i@lui Wautegan wîîh the -iai hte K. L. t,iith tarm. boîard of supervisorg. lui sconutoh tI.- ba lcre tha cer trin Hawkiussud Miss Ethel Lewin .uîiuiui tte Siîdî Sboo wilnoba e ivre uarrisd Dec. $t1h at the home of kt ('iri ltiius eltei tiiinment on Chrisîmasiltise lrideme parents. They left immedi- Ei . lut on Suiidav. Dec. 26. There w 11ateîy ou hi edn tu.W l bo pp or-at ý, rime a te orin jininwislîing teiabright sud hsppy E. tMartinî transavteit business5lri, WEST FREMONT. ChiagoTuedal. I H. Moyern trausaeied tbusiness lu Mrcc ý.W. Siforil aîd Mies Cara Ci'-ago one day last wesk. Foute rvtrîrnu-il rouu Chicagoî Tuesday. Cli og lerwsab8ns rle Mrs..ýlr-- Ma(h wa a 1wao vsit rux River one day lest cres. or Te4d.ý.Tise yîung peuple oflthis nighborbooît Wiîîn>IlGiriî adun, ii. a, traiîiait- eiiîîiîed i sisigli ride Tuesiday nîgisi. ed business iii Grayclats. Frîday. Trhe Rolle l tiîreni were abîsent trcim i J. S. llîîuauiîited friende in ion t4e îlîuld suiool a cîluple ut dayc laet Cty ihix s elu ýciiion ii li-ount out cknese. .. Tocii , I11 iii tiii-t NIui hr. îaîd M rs J. itcrimeewerm Vaecîîuda Gits Natt 2 1b1il >tirgareî Whiiie, iuî,Tueeday. Leader.Dil. rîbadJohn Cusselcrac akt iiicl-rcallern schools wlitave ibrlstmae ire-s sud X mas excerc-em li n Frîday. lIer. 24, Ater expocure, andl criei rou feel a cold cîîniug on, taire Fol.ys Houey sud r t'evnîcsîliie anîly Coid (ure Tar. tise great tbhroat sud long remedy. Tabiets will safly sud quictiy check Il etape tbs cougis, relieves tise rongeâ- ail cuIdeanad the Grlp. Try theîîî linsehou, sud expeis the colît front ynur sys- sud se-! 48-25c. Sold by tom. la mildly laxative. ALL DEALERS. FRANK. B. LovELI,. George Daîzisi rsturued trom a trip to jlo wa tbe tir8t of laot week. Mi@s Floy Hawkius was a Chicago vie- itor 8aturday. The achool childrau are to give au en- tertaiumeuî l u the churcb Tbursday svening. D)ec. 231. Mrs. Tom McCullougb apeut Tuesday in Ch icago. Misesf Hazal Vincent and Basais Harr won thse ladies' Primsaratthe Masqurade. dance lent Friday avenlug sud Wrren Odett sud Ian. Jeukin@on wou tse gentis- mneus prie. The Royal Neighsor r of America aleet- ed thea followlug officars lst Saturday atteruon, oracle, Ulara Johnsan; vice oracle, Anus Braiher; pasî oracle, Dall Bld well; chanosîlor. Cynthia Ullenr-,- corder. Mary Cbitteuden; recaiver, Lottie Stearus: marshal, Margaret Thorn;inu uer sentinel, Sarah McCaun; noter son- tinal. Jennim Ilook, manager, Nettie Sueby musician, Elie Brown; phyé;i- clan, Dr. Young. Lae.t Saturdav 5Viiicrth,- M-]ern oiiec Ciurnel, Jaiîms Campbel] d visor, L.ei Fenlon, banker, H. c3. LHaes clerk, W. W. Applsyard, escori uo Mstcal; watcbmau, Julius Braý; sen- try, Sestîugton Widdecome; ribvsician, Dr H. Young; manager, W. Waashburn. Remember the nîsasuring party ar the Cburcb Friday. Nlr.aad Mr@. Waltertteakare reîeîiceing Lîver the arrivai ot a baby boy bonE.. 12. Evan Lawrencs- anîl Jas, Duffy were ini Chicago ast week. Chauuîeoy Date was home Ironi tlie cty Suuday. ttalph SpaBford îoî Artiocb le tneînq, ianos iu in thîs viuity. Mr. Carinicliael is laaviug bihca lreated iu Chicago. Thers will be a Cýlirieýtmas programaî the cburch on Chrisinias Eve. Will O'Neil arrivsd Wedneaday witlî a carload ot iows trîîm Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. ueo. Hawkius, j Lilirtyvilie, are lisýting re:ertives heme. Mrs. Pd lîrnîs utfGrayelake, spent lduday with Mrm. WiII O'Nel EAST FOX LAKE Herbî,rt Nelain attended tise fuserai ,uf a reltivesin CîuivaguîTuesday. Yans Si,-rennsu s ccpairinghie liones,. Tlîe (?eiiie.tei-y Socrîety iliet wils tirs. Mas lialsel Imat rbursaay, nul i.- ruîany nuiciuftl wer- bresent. ()Iilg tii tise lu lIn jiîeuithlu Rar niuyulî-r ssii o îunîd Late vîsît- or Tuecday. Win. 8lues sud dauglîter, Allie 'oh McHetiry, visit-d relatives bora receutiy. M. L. Galiger was a Grayelate t-aller Wednenday, G Chrisrtm Hints For ISauta IClÏaus' He/p- F rs-An Ernbroidered T' Sachet and Other S PresentsEasilyMade. Auy of thse gifts plctured lu tiIs columu may eaaliy h made lu au evenlng. Tise pînunshlon sisowu le worked out lu scrlm aud decoratad wltb empire wraatha I shsded green ribboma. The sachet sowu can aasbly ha madeI out of a ammli dolly. whlch may h. ousbroldered ln any appropriate fiower, 'u ahtpde aeui luoplace y baby rlbbons barmonlzluig wlth the emhbroldery thita. A party bal; that la decldedly unique reseihies la shape a ChIurese lautera. Three yards of pompadour rlbbon rive Inches wlde wsra usedIn lumalng ILt The rilîinascrut Imb six piçcceri of eq ual tengi h. jp ioint a t ciicend, Tthe puuiedlenuds, were sewed iii- gether. foring the full bottom of the bag. A caslng of wh ite satin ribbon au Ioch wtde was sewed around the bag eigbt loches from the top. Into the casing thus formed was run fentherbone, then covered wlth fancy stitche, of pleukad green rope sîlle matchIug lu shade the 13gures of thse rlbboo. The bag ixas drawu ln the nouai wray, havlng a fr11 two Inches deep at the top which was faced wlth white stît. The featherbone ring keeps the bal; lu shape, no that when It la openad aU lIa contenta are visible, whlch ln lisaIt la a hoon te any oue whbe s seardaed lu an ordlnary workhag for nme clu- sive article that cannt hafournd untf the hag bas bea u tned upulde down aud Inside out. This fagiore makes it au excellent model to ha carrled out lu black rib. hon for a couveulaut shopping bag. The tes strainar plucushion ta a nos. foi article thât nc-do uo partlcular skfl Lu lta development. You buy the airatuer aud peiut A Simple icswer upon Ilw AeiIS= la. If iss 1 th Iorsahair aud secure IbIs by a inrdboard disk, covered wltb n hl it ii aipl iît sîli:, etc, conceril ribbou froni 00e lu two I lces wlde aud ie a bw liitebiandie, lîy whlcb the cusilon bang.. Gifts Fer Voung Girl@. Set ut coltar îine. u:resrent tîroocli. set e iii pearîs. Golît bar tIs pin. Rand embriîidere tubrnoversansd coifs. Ail dalniy useckîear CoId sud sît ver pencils. Overnight bags Ileatiser). Silver garler claspe. Morocco ivorthux, fStist. tvory or penni maulcure set Gond standard boots. Set of the AmerIran poese Engravei InitialI or scisool siatlcuery. Blîxer totiet utenlls. Cologne sud ttulmt waber. Sofa piilows. Bureau cushluuasd roier. Dowu quit. Shirt watst box. S11k for dresa or bulouse- Hanît emlcroeeeuîliaudkmretllfo. Bows ton tise heur. Sîlver alîpper buckîes, Carbon prînts or photographe. Gond tranîcul Iuieturce Plain gotît tracelets. An Artistic Pillaw. Au natîu-tuelokiîig sofa pllow may be made frorn roarse crash, lu cou- strectlng It use two pleres about sigisi. eeîi luches aquire-tise front and the baek. Tise foirmîer-eau be decoraisît wlîth lrelirgi- îenventlonaî tullip.i ptiîred aide by side andt runnlng te tise tuoi ut tise i îîlluîîu Tiese are rut tron teatbier, paluitedin ii iatur:il stiades anti tiseu gtijeetri th- rover. Tise deep rada and eott greons are unrit effective on the neutrat backgrouod of crash. suud tiIs pillow yull ha decldedly band- goule. SANTA CLAUS S u p p ' u S t ti o n i 's a BATTERSHALUS Grayslake, 1110 Largert, More Attractive and Bette Than Ever Belore Jewelry, Silverware, Jap, German and French China wares, liolis, Toys, Toy Engines, Toy Furniture and a Thouqauîd other Toys, Gaines, Etc., and of the more Use! ni articles we are most heavlly stocked. Barly Buyers wiIl not be dis- appointed. CANDYS NUIS, !mCi Bro en ixe Ca dylb..................... ................ F il er F u g e , lb . . ............... . . . . . ... . . . . . 6 NavaOran es, czlb...... .......... -.. - .1 Heny eore igaqlbox......... ... 17 Geo W .Chidâ iga s, ox . . ... .............. ...*1.73 Pio ee L ga sbox of 50 ....................... 17 Fany Tee andem,12 to ucaudjes to t, ýrox 1).(x . .......os Pitjars of Olives ................ .... ....àf 4 Quarts Cran berrnes............................................................5e j BOKSPECIAL AlIger Books, Miels bound ...................... 9 Mleade Boots for girls ......... GROCERIES Rlcbifieu Seeded Raisins- ...... . - - .................07c Thauksgiviug Currants, lb .. ........... ...._............. Ofe 3 Packages Corn Starcli...........- .......................t 4 Packages Jell-O ... ............ .._.._......... f 4 Cane Sweet Corn ............................ ......... i 3 Large Cauo Tomatoee ...... 3 Canas Early June Peam ................................ 19 Iba. Granunlted Sugar .............................. .. ...$i.0O 2 Large Package@ Jobuson'm Waeli Powder ......................... 2 Large Packages Oranduia's Wash Powder ........... 4 Cm"a Lewis Lye-.....-............ VILozeu Clothea Plus .................O 4 bars Palm Olive Soap................. .... Caudied Citron, lb ..... . . . ... ................. Grouud Black Pepper, lb.......>................_................... 8 Ibe HuIt Roastad CotIee .. ......... 1.00 Sweat Biscuit Baklng Powder . ............................... f Chapman'a Bakiug Powder ..... 6i Iba W hite Beau,................>........ g FAMOUS TREES SAVED IMAD! MANAGER Or' Bill Creatlng the Calaveras National 14 M T Furesîs Has Beau Sîgued. Washingtun, Feb.2 Preeldeut Graduat of Local Mlgh ichool aad Roosevelt hiuignlug ibm bibi creatînig Rush Medicsi Collae and FslUm te Cataver,caîîiîînal fuiset, Califor- Worker wîth Or. Fremgn: C. l<nlht ai,,. hia. il]" 1li!1r>lI r Iegi is Appointed lu Take Charge oni len. vu iiibsi e. i(oi iiitii us itle iniusi.ta. Portant I ustîtul ienuin Leading West. mucus grole ior Iresîîinthe world eru City. NIx tieusoîru , 1; ri liatton Il ejîedet tu carr '-v lii the proviclulnietritîeai-t, Roubert B i.W îtte e 0f orfIîIitith, 'ilsn.: Il ioliii t Russell Boynon, torus- orner of thi cg trel' gruý s,s rerelvlng ir a-soirate Oui Dr. Fremont C. KnUigt ln excliliicltli eri-tor xiiiiage Of Of \.alikegsii sud later a practiclng cquai c alu, oi ii tir fîri-st lsud con h vi cian at Denver, Deluradcý ba& sît by bbegc ui îmont li,-iî appoiited tu take charge of thse Keeer hnstitte St Denver and laft RIJNS INTO -OPEN SWITCH î,alaî tote aie charge of tise tuport- Wouiau Morlally Hurt lu Smash of't nepi lthws aerap- mrn Mountalu Traies. (ilI coturse ut training lit varions east- Little Roct.. Ark., ï5.-'..!- A Alocal e iccrhools. fîasseuîgeî tu iii n the lin Mounitaîn Dr.Iiuynîou la a Wankegan man, raI iroad rii .u îu inîîî oupî>enî .îîItiiun tise thlescuuofet ire. George P. Bayaxuu Argenta mut,lsand roltuilcîtdis sa cf Grand avenus, sud a graduats of frvigbî traîi. Vîaikegail Higis Sclsool ciasaiof 19, ,,Ic.. George- Raton ot NîseCalmontjtit, wîte, who le lu Denver, ls a Wau- c'h., ces munuulît njured sud sivr, kegan girl whoee malden uame vas I urt hadly. NItes Eva Price. Dr. Boyaton la a tîurs- iuiia e îîî guraduate ot Ruash Medîcal Coliege ln in. cul1 uinauîrry Nlrý Leftt Chicago sud a brilliaot medîcai glu- river I ii Nuî îili regret h , dent whose aurle aIls Dr. Igit of SVlî rîi It, hc,-liceI-i a Waukegan stlracied ilabterng coin- Nol- It le ci 111 11tillîke The centIrailus! ltittion oethîie Kee- a Eeryudykno ey people ls iorated lat Dwigbt, Mi., Evertioy knNV4but tîe Denier sauitirium for tb.e sbiulng iiioîtci for ailthtie other hua- cure ufthbie drîîuk sud drug habita Ie baril; lii îuivi, lie neyer draut. amok- couclîlîreil a leadlng une lu tise roua sît or stii,; lie [lever stayed out late at git w!.î lievcer îtauced rieth any cule buic îr le iria slmply perfect." Iqrîî eiy ebilît. And b want tii tel!])ruii tii! ail u uîîwhu has besu belît îtsuii ii iit la) iuring bis flrst niar. chigoi î 2l .iiuuîv oxeto doîtgevus-b relia lile s-iuiid timne."-Llte. The Friand. "Eierr mnin my tiseary.wilîl get .lust wtîat lue deserves in tise long rus. 1 HEeaven plty yon, old utlap»- Cleveland Leader. Pjore Danvilbs Proof .1w. un Shcalt, 48 '-'SoutiSt., Dauville, Mi, wxrîtes - Fuir luxer igiteen mon"S i iras a sufferer iris kiduey sud bladdes. îcuuble. Iiuring thue a-iola lianeW*a treat,îl li, everchiioctors sud trled 0.y- sraI diîffereut tillie ' ypilla. Seven owo** 4wr, 1 i-ciînlmsnced iatiug PoieY'@ xldne Pille. sud am feeliug botter .vV W»- andt wul te glaî t tellat syousq rît mekt wlîat Foeys K=d~ m.' MiAy5 LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE PIANO MAN U 1 .. . -- .. . - - --- - - --

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