UTV INDEPIENDIENT gpp)OUiL PAPER. 0F LAKE COU NTY For gentlemen,. a sol ?I&U01 N.II.-aitor'o Rqdie TeisphoasNo. 1141t. se CNISNMS oPreseii.ht tWll hb.&l *utoe et the pectouce at uberty.'iIlt n .s second<tci. attaLen oiI i1) W~T AVKtiTiNGa T ADN r.iown ON APLICAYION, Miss Effie dcreedy, SOITO RICE $1.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE 1SSWM18 ise~iuui o. tuisCeh. P'or ladies' andc il..Jusr.. ... ... 10........ ........... .... ................ ...Editor le i re ,aî gotv uW 1 ýj W KELLEY ...... .... ................................. City Editor I1,,flUr#. M . .'.Prutine. 1iitest culate FRIDAY, DECEMBE1R 17, 1. Chritinas buits Irot h..I. LoYELL drug et THE H14050QUESTION. 7M14 itu Cole, C 0. fias the suet ftlà 4..ftad How, thec mlIioeilre socllit, who laint work in the atume of New I'î'huat,i lait wet *4t%. geawrg tht the.ato ehsl o .complld ta 9ve work to sv.ry man. Bu> your Xuasa m 'V. aadWe& a.The. nexi thlog lo to think up nmre plan, compellinq oery ô ai -10e akre. tre ,-'sM » w w len a job la provdad for hlm. The. great trouble wth th butte a irbbou, c» \~*ta.pWti'Sh. isIoMicng for an excusfnt ta wortc. Ho a i.1k. théetramp Thei. Amc amp ofj à#àt e dovel .nw, "roland ho wn gven àa breikfat M.ega9 d.wn wili give 46 masquuu. * df tland devemured aerything In alght, and thon, taking the shêvel ltaote "blwf - rking » iattitude oni th kthen fflar, Mid: "Bnim ~yq reuesw Bmid painted chi 1 tbel (à,( M dR aîCuIipetd: "Mu ai 1-11 nihvel It.» Ho didnt proolise by ay iniY nsta 1goeand hunt amte suimieetMd -* v> W. have hfd sayrgi ciau oftitis kPOdh«&e.Mon ibsolutoly teagi BLJ thoy * uild ha psevdeé f«s'et the. expavle ~tiiheet. m ad tii.>y . ( Uocge 4bUU, i Fi Il w hon thoy gri re"lndd, cof,11, t a .ad<Sfl" ofl, , eUfl e se glq WMa "eqAti netac.'Ail oinmfistie acte brgik down btmagb 04F d N. KL. DjtBol lmtliei.fa&' The. mendberefeil Oth usheul osa m'b. ar e,, m tb> .oise . e ýb.>'am IMte e ulew h* M»eivatad fer a p4eowhr hi. woik and Chrst. Omlbp*on «:b .avrme&a@ a.sld be coead an eqesvaent for hi be4rd a"d clotiiqe. ~ ~ ~ 514*-0out.n arrala 1 It W' aprcae.F. B.: ofi 0w a, W« thie cd Uu 1oc'ueeda> cliîdrsui's weai' u t Ilinr store erealusia in ancy ,n l95 otuls Up st tii 01 Hlfléhad Park, lias Ile& W niglt *k. adrie ai il. yk'w tu ecoralluiîa, hbls. badine, oic. 4Modem. WuQ.dme.D a" bâti intbeufwu hila Mid eut gloa 1aptuiV" egifle etc4orado atain te týbniartu'T 11* Y'J BÛ IT O A. HUSS THE JEWLER Libertyville, IEl. ITS ALL A MATTER 0F CONFIDENCE lt eail-lu bnyiug jwlr- mter o!confidence in the min you anc buywg lhi jewciy from. What d~yuknow about jewelryr? It ail look& good but a yto.u ltht locks gon-avery bad. That is my busilucs-to mes tht you get xnting but the good. YOU ARE SURE 0F A SQUARE DEAL HERZE bemua. 1 buy nou, but gned jewelry. I kuow "bat 1 b.y-M r ua x>'a"ig from win that doca fDotgive atdeonbwslg it bock sud get your moueTl you tike ne chancie bre--mud my pricer arcasan ow as geod jewelry eau be ald for. IT WILL PAY YOU TO INSPECT MY- STOCK DIAMOND AIIIJSeT lINGS-WATCHMS-FOBS -CHAXNS-BRACMETS--- ROOCH ES - LOC K- ETs-SCARF--PINW--eU" BP rToNS-CLOCKS--- SLVRARE-N4OVBLTLB-»TC. .FriikP. Ohrlalel 8 et Mo ta-;" ni' BA CIfBUSUPRZQR1 T NN Ew Mexico DIE WITIIIN MONTB ir.îlbu.ulloadi.adilH~t «~ N iuve hi.la flomitali w .eA.. * j.is -. - ~Yun & Lynch 8mot liar oBfenîg Aàgu ba.Smlth, of Liberty,.iie. Gîva Brother and Nephew et Mr%.R. M.snie attractive bargaina lu tiieful I isIltio sl'rM ri ri £xp.'anci an inidmns efTnp Beckituh boh Tîkon Away. Father tLii itiluspreseuts lu a pa&> adverti&qs-Ani" weinu LI; .î~.r;u.' to ew 4Mexico. Strîset with Apoplexy. W. Weil-"lent whiî,'Iiwiilib. tonnaufu page 6i of 1~b./ , . Knuwn in LikeCounîy ii5îdry lsuad1i .L=, r7.- 'STEEL WOOL SOLES - - f y~ r-waaled for tour 'ualeoukj- bocausels tley'c ."A i b ave juàt reluried fronti a erv et,îi.' No'iii kre or soot and very byskow r jtuiS.. tr. i ttP Vw Las Vega M. Ne w Ml-1il V 0i R.l. .reis "une. 'i tii,'ll k ,îloti' .îi e Uerî'oul on Alîe [artldssun ,'.u ' . . ' , Men's and Boys' Leggins ~ arvedtIbert e dVdeday.'seuiug 'itliiy.. ot IfiXii 1) I . "< l . lit ilics.,~~, i'io î'KRoiPNeoi m'setr' a&bot furhouri. Ite mi ourîh itute boule.. Indaî IlD-. 7 l i.îk. ier L.tî ile. [IL 5. uni&o 'iwa i ...'SheeF!ined Coats aico nîd ruid weather 'A heil . ,tf trk itîîc'ŽSuî,.. ~gated lu dirive otnton the iiesa, Tii iii îîîîrticti aîilil V. as. fo i, 'l I t .,r' li ralg. forucrly for,1iu Iii fi thce m2hio c . u 4ay morniug it o'alsa eaititil i.was Du, b"lu1rt,îlie r-, ,., h.r i 'NE coniposiil ruol.i. iinu%- The o: s.i "ý ' 1 idue un wfflabiuîog brigit and [tir igit enrviu,'d b Ya oMi. lit- 811,1 ,lu i ..'.,rthle proilrietirs of t1ue , cranît f" N. ue ,*wcoat whidioiwîre slon eirsa Mr. Lewis cise i.urn u iul u IiiIlleluuiilruit at NlUsr., ~a Win. ri ians" i an.Ap. Z' -:I bode u- 1 .dIwali uLuîgr-d t îl lrl~iliB ,iottiixnsb ,u.r neted andpuL'hd i .. h hicle il, lunroc,'i .i,. 4t etf and 1 ditiDot lKei îî agaiu Outil i elia ' ,lulug li.a[) andu Deriî l i i ',î .î A Clt'îiij atîis a i. lt lokiîg. 8s ugivniaaî'wluisuyt=-' " ,r Its lu tic afterrîî,uli "iîrre abl» ,i 4ruif.itlu uvllug t,111111119 u.x I il P117 lu1-' aid up ii i ti ,îuî pact.îi'r, ilire. w:1m ,r lose a-Y c :.,J. ii1 liflgt Eau i o % Wo ohi'h ind ail alîîld Aide o ,uulits, faltuil tir-r, Lii , uu, l c..... aeélinsbad3 places and tie Menea wau nived iy laBsters. kir I.aura (tuIlyvd. nnil" that iî l uttue ade'aiiie n ,.d 66t i. i-,,.lu. 1 troua same, just emugi w top tin, of Mineapolis and Nlr's Rie Br-kvith, tiue whole1aie pi ire .itu.i.i. tha. on.a. dorethot w utlse ildota in. T b@ ody wa@feilci. III. aze.la .thi ler lee.' i;, lue foliuwiig prit.." wîl CATALOG c da. i. mathud ee otom orTic home. ws t e eeite ' le chargeri: Quarts, 7i-uta, pinte. 4 (Ourtetoep waa auticC iokfrerhm.weele>wr uerd ent.. î'reali ini hall pinte, 10 ceuts and i i- BW 6 lm16 el": ranch wbere tbey wcre tbrealiiug millet LieCuhdetnWrk.-s. 1 linuhala te hie acre aud oillet tiecut>w ~iedreai n a laitpinte, 12> m'etes . 1. ï: e *M* o nsnov inielnd aout talisn .,wk~7 e~, hnsiwss teieeladl mile about Marion E. Lewis, son of Winslow R.' 0. E. Churchiland son, Dr. A. H. à. à- Ï h6.1. i at9O.ntoerbubeladatvery Low is,, eon to many in Lake i'ouity Churcnijl, drore to UrB!eur> Mondav enitl.ate th~e trar wien preseed wîîî watt instantly tîlled Noe. 12. 1909. in a wiere tic> attended tic fumerai of R. H. is~i.le agfl fer $12 to $15 per a ocar riv train wreck Dearx(Great Falls, Nlontana& Sienburne, Mns, Curcill'laitier Who He had heen for main> vearsea codutor died lier. Saturday fnt theag a saedva.sea Irida uaouîug e ~ n the Madisonudivision ni lie North- of 78 yvom,. M'.Cureiil ad beeut at s la 6w, i6. ' ? up tho acei:highWAY whic inaMre c bastfuidrveliasceer beng ran' ealeru witbhiîe home at Baraboo. but tie bedeide of lier fathrfriept west topped at tie bot spriugs and t lie ime of bie det ati W aitMwork Iweek previonu, w ies desti, Sie ha. the MdMyh i. bed adrnssofetbol water weh ic for tie Great Norliern. The train oni sYmpalli> o! many friends. fwats pinaan nlto ee ie>wbeb lbe Ivasridiug truck abaud Mop ielno!Rciflew on" S6»y . Wmotowng prig werethewat.r ealoaded wti steel rails and ewae dlhShulig f okfleWoCM M wapoln opld. Auber tiue was buried under lie wreck, liadi, manogied Di advertigiug an uction sale for limtedwe di Dot drive ti e tpOfsd ntatv i e Tic. Order onTei y Dr.21, expeceteaveina tb%àWuttsGr:Reaila anud trboo wie e s brte rte N wbicib l an soins . W a k u s -Lgv«TuYder ot A rbur, IliI, a ieêlIto- memier took charge ufthle service@set Moutaua were lie bas purcba.ed a "if , et Pa",wh I vniaand 40acres at lbogt for intermnut. yu tarin. He limaseinerured la lease Art". Il. with ie a 891 stfro te ewinwaaut OestFall itbberon aSecion f acoollandwhiScadoinscch Blk loc "M tp pr scr, non o or mhusband sud they were plauning t iil rpet n iialopti ne Y :1. ha, b made il mbus money nutl maite fisir home tlie. cuival toioiitiso LBRYILEII fiéo oklng for gond cieap State Out Ilîlola.COni> of Lake, s; Ioefg e RdP.Briteeie pref eC.r. Zu D ooao.aSoth mIlte Circuit Court of Lake Kaiser. monitor; Mrs ia. d ctonald, and eAera, Caada, Tanas,@acre%&"a;Geto. W. igner, lianker- ~ hy. np wlhushoor le Walten Frazer ve. Calb AX Buick. varder (IT. Luce, @ot"ne; Edvard 0* bdWlsS etion,utpon Wb" ho John 3. Page. Trustee,. Elmer . Boye. aupervisor Dr.. Taylor. Gallo.-0* bost aab s oamnd»6 malil box». Faa on ~1tip b. aîgsda cotaicHants. Wiiielmina E. Hanta. William waan Chueil,>sieauns.Fatin . C R E T & FR D R C S oo aiinis he neH. Fabry and Rue H. Fabry Ge.N. 00= d]hatOOk hein.00 4342. ai Minfuicavai bc lb iiQv ael, a&d planted nuse odn e'. ubiehe l ii0anomue lime lu June E. i8ffl ue t-im latnng oil blic oUie le hereby give.n Unît Wel il va. .Ieted alterate.-an Fa &jj &...Ta,.»sd plogiting nmie b vircue ut an order and decree, - -a d anY= - e ziïbd of aeds nit lule H» Mldentered la the aboie entitied cause Band Concert.__- B bWul« lo, wgly ronvinoed tuaIt theli salit Circuit Court et the October Following le lhe prograin wlihci wlI ! j)l.~ <I -Now, g"& " vas juil as godâ Ten A. D. 1909 thereor.t.hUecunder- b renderet! ait h concert given b> tie GOE R E mi"-ok iltizen@' baud at tht min hall onu N. Kasfli, ,ubo ha. a slgned SPecWla ater la Chancery of Tinreda> evenlng, Dne. 28: a frtheaIr Arthur, 111., 81011 n sal Court, viii. ou Tuesday the 4th PART 1i,0 M E A T M A R K ET »M 0 tUn risat fariner nM lt" section daY of January A. D. 1910.,aet.oLits W.o' in- f coc b', ' *" ad zdo ai a teFs ain SZI Z trance W les. .a E AND W, 1,10ouxPROMPT OELIVERV TELEPHONE No. 30 bod ehibe expetod t eadi oteCutHueo aeCut n..... U5BUral, >Mattertotesl im h 7* . ¶shoance nof thepeopl bbwgtrom 80s' l to a hallt ees-i'sin Lak.eeand!Stuc tl fIliînoni etaIpub. PA Hi' if elat. Mn. ',d.'r snd Mrn Kanfiaui 'lie auctiou l.i z.;el. . ii.î i : dder for \-Il('l ,u idi P tfhi lil boalls tubte Dutri Amisllniarni vbinicansn the îoliuing icriiîeu laid andMi! iii'W ueOi 4aii iuL iu Wner >machnlite tie Peuial.syv8lia s) PoiLs Swethesrte . H C. Sueoa DMM bQuael . Tihe I'nited Land rest!estate. mtuaedInhe icCount> utft1î Âtî'e Wiem rA'hu J. Ache, 1910 Brush Autom bile $485 Coemy havenold througbtbi eanerai Lake andButae ofIllinois to-wil PI lOSDU itOl O" à mnýË. Bfihuah Arthnur, Iil, over ILot Eleren (Ili inta BiortOek . 0.,niitiuiiiiiun.tiitC55 1> f. eienn ...inauAiils,,. ildeiieii 8jM facresland to .te cAmih people Lott Two (2) in Bluet Three(3) ads'Ssta pnted Stnr oIlinois and Indiana, nowe wiat isA goW fer'those turdy nId Penusylvania Lot Fivc 15, in Bîet Thirce(:Ilt~ mti.oiut brothers fia guod for you aud il wili Parkers Subdivision (of n part of S. iulj mie jon moue> il Vou will uni> W.i/4uof S.W. ,ý uf S.E. l/. Section Stop and Ressont. ln OWoand boy, but if yon wili not 17, Town 45. N. R f2 E.uf the 3rd Dot torget wchie 'on arc cnîîyîng g onand! S@ o orevsec h Jmu n xitne fCrg csrltivy canuot do you any gond, P. . in tic Ciy out autegan. Court-iiuyiug, liat ixoney well iuve8tlcd wili Mir. land lire. Ward and! Mr. asdd lre t> of Lake and State or Illoils. hring mutre happinies and serriceable ne- DeVoe, o! Kendaflville, lad.. viii teut Dated Decemier f rd A. D. 109. turema. lmif looliphi> @peut on prejet " o Lom Vgam wîîli us trre weets ago tiat are gicen lodav and forgnîten wo- and bave been iinz tieesisice, ar'e CLARENCE W. tiIVER, niîîrrc'ss. Yr'u are familiar witli our muh lmprovedl in healti, 1Mr@. Ward. Siieciai Naseer la Char.eery. stock. Welhandle ercrythiug zthal gres thiwek r eVe oud bovît n1l-e lu mati' 'your homne more romfotahler't bavhngaine 104 and .iior beaullini. Furniture. noga. m»d Mr. Ward signed a outract for a Adjudication Notice, description We havesa large stock and! q&r aresetionuon lie trip vien lie vent Publie'borie (n heeeby glen tat te ut>-!Sali areat vaniety tw Select from. Welbaaadle Now jis tîme to place'your order fora Bruscar if you wish bo gel one next cov, bualter living tiere thies weeks, Wibfeol'>e'Utiieothe q8tWill aitd'f'entnmenillail unes frouoly thebesl manufacturers; spring. s ant ldiag nut ail ber-oui! about the Heney Pevilie. dresAd. wllateid iiCinea!cag fair living prine. ALBERT W. LICIITFELD, Agent country, lie iecided that lie wantedhils Cout et Lke t.outniy, if a iea the lieeeih .ILiSmC h oidenataithe Court Houer iaWaule an. t ..UC1&CO ae tu mois dowa tiere tue, and asîcîl ouotr on lue filem Monday oIf eti reyIn _t Firiture, Barnmnese, Paints and fille, LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. lthe company il tisev WOnUI trade witi 1910. chou sndeheme &Ilieroo..iolneclails Lîl.rtyriilIi. hlm, and glte bili n-i all ar-iion autr-v ag5inst san at e otitled *nd reolleteifc_____ta______ log togehher an tislre wa.. nt noire land e-ei HYNIRY PEPPEIlixcit, To the Investorsofu Libertyvitle and J* Jj raves for @&l viere lho bouglit ftie tiretlqu(art- Waci.ea. Noninter 22. 11>4 4 SrroJd.g M .nsip er setion. urudnTonhpTh zyC ne ()ara lsvmilýgotiliri ad oic.If ycuthave ai> surplustnions> and ýA U CT ON E E tiid Tuesuiays ut eai'i filonthî an!dor iwf ea atinesuE B TeCzjCre Ourcar leaves Cliii'agofflice uetPnuih NotIi 10 tuîillert waflt tint moue> twort for voita M in- Mku ou ae ID U~~1 t tith"wiU cecIyou $3000 Youmrrliiiigentlv and continuonel>. eauDan! SOt thca. Oi'teuihtad eaoa isessoIente for fie MiIbura l 1tra ve a'~an'interview witli . W. Caldwell. Satisfaction (luerntced eFlgPortr Yol ar lui(autaimeyoroti iîuuîî Ciiny aou Saturdays, 1eeniler iIl niîio ilgiadily ihow yti aproposition R.'îuiiti O' I . e uaNleoee , s Fagt.pieu id*yeu l yu isi an! we wviii furatoiluan! 18, 1iffI Ail asesseniants e uît le tiat ciii rate rare o! you asloua asn yon 'oic4' fonîoi.5li' ît irriuîid tUic'ortner on Spniigue vila~ f'e ! lire.ad reIrit ln-ie an! roui' family ater youn (leati. Pu, rR..14i" treet, x othfilti tiehmn fîîiid- witg te r o f reo f es rg.faiuidîtlifeuCrsnis ;"flb V~arpsolt lanidail o! votir . BAî t I.AItlil, Clll'toi'. Mnr. Caldwvell rau ieeen and lteriente! WALKEGAN, ILL. îfg and lippusite fis Pester fi~Y il le lit)wed on the pu reiaei any day Ion lie next len daiseutthfe ____________________lfack'sniîii ehop. =of thelanda Oui' uît trip wiii be.IlcIOinD& AUSTIN(tOffic. Miwaukee Ave,I LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS osana.>4 110.Con asBg itiNotice. .Literfyville, 111. vuIad va vili show yon a mao>iai teîu'i, u Iziuli u trs tiCT.HVICEASO.Aty5s'Esr. USO.tioi.For furtier inform.a-uaI'lilinhl I, cafru'uifrpitte! i eh M .CuehSmie dudrio oi iZalI on or ddres@. seni i litut,. Ci. . hu'hSevie.udjdiatonNoic. i Cigars and Tobacco Cau, EL duiq'u. Libertyvillf.ilI, P. f0. il2 tiiedav Serviles il) B.iii .ilas icet- tPublice'itiuu c>liero l cliuhat the' hotu Laundry Agency Razors t-oaed Box 152.i iig 1( 100 a in. I)reaIi'lln in lis,' th e rie, 1'Xel,i,' (ilIte ast witt and 'reniement1 1 -u, W 1. ,. i. C inlur.. qnhi-ct, I[' i lfuily), ue u L lea edir, et a tem tho Job wart of aIl tinds handied vlb gmm#tafflsanS dlspatceL .Telophano t%-, Li Imwuysile and gave dela> in imeta" or ar. Tiie' li'ierent luuutîulîîîîîof reai Coffee ailes and BiH iacle "11:45 a. mi- te te hoidotini he Cour H.." 1.sWsnhokgs ni erer yet mîade jelir. Siu Hesiath Cotfle. Sonda> sehool; 145 p. nu,îpWorti esld Counîtv. onth 1e tlnpt Monîay of Fehinani A tirtimg or dry rougis rau Le quickly Il is fine l la fiîrîrutd iomade la just LaueS.3 .mpeaiig nbjeet: 01claOiatS. diresd nrereafesa One minute. 'N-tiii,îi20 or 30 min,- "Amn I My Brotlier'o'Keeper. , îlms egslina-M eluI nfe t are Curt or;INloum, nocdwil D r. rp'eouhig tlmey nIes boiiiug. ifadp rîîîîîpure îarî'hed Tic Epanrîli Lengue Mision Slnd> y ete i icCni5, foe erI Cuttr i uîiîîuolifrlonnoiobus maltotie, tc.Satplefro Clns Iii meet aI tie M. E. parson& a DWARD O 5050K Fniutor oflthic Ct WinIrrlneu od grains.atnup t.8pefe. milw dTetament et meciamet Mo.-n.e'esned: CORLETT & FREDERICKS. Frida> eveningufof tilsweek. Wsotegm,î ;ooeber 22. jq n e' s9ALL DEALERS. The Unrîvalleci UNI VERBA*=iL Stoves and -Rangeýs Art Handled Exclualveiy by H. Bgo EGER, 'HARDWARE A14D PARIWIbPLEMENTS Lbertyviti, DL Wh= in naeed 01 àa ooMa orte aigs Ioue lowai lia i me fo e ilacM aomue*à & m be m a b. to 7- home. They me LiuERTY VILLELUMBER £0.u DOWN DY THE OLI> DEPOT THE PLACE TO BUY C Scranton Mard, ail sizes, 0 Bostonia Cannel, Pocahon= A tas, Carterville Washed !Egg *Coke, Mlocking Valleyp,Etc. L...IG OO F Pioneer Cow, Excelsior Morse, Buffalo E Gluten, Grano Gluten. Doisy Dais1, E Flour Miktrngs, Bron. Shorts, Oats, D Corn Red Comb Poultry food Phone 47 Libertyjville, c 0 A Quality Clotiies are the klnd yçmu buy from the talior. They are of good quality because they are well made; put to- gether for service and wear. They are the most oeonoîîîical because they wil Wear twice as long as the ordinary made-to-measure sait. Workmanship *10 haif the battie. We have samples to suit and prices that will please. Croker The Tailot'< LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS ICeaning, Dyeing a nd Repairing Buy Them Something Useful, Something They'II, Remember Mens Fancy Border Slk Bandkerthiefs lu mîany colora and patterns, each ............ ........................ .... ....... ........... 50c Mens Extra Fine White Silt Haudke rchiefe wjth embroidpred initai many in thio lot are worth $1.00 each, bunt we price tlism ail at .60c men@ Japane se Silk Handkerchiefm witiî initial, a fine prepent for only........................................................................... 25c I.adie' fine Ui'nbrellaà witli St»rlngiiveraxid gold piated Fiandle'i inlaid with pearl, thefe are ail strictly new shaves, excellent 0overe, $2 75',on State St., b)ut here at........ .... -............. 82.50 Men@ Umbrellas, fine pilk and linen cover on strong tramne, handies in horn or fine wood, ec ...... .......................... ...........82.50 Ladies' fine black Kid loves, Gerînan maire, 1 rlasp style, pair . 81.60 Ladies' fine biaî'k Kid Gioves, Ameriean make, 2 rilisp, at ........1.00 Mensa Kid Gioves 'Cadets", an excellent glove for gneral wear ...801.60 Mens Tan Kid Gloves or undressed "Sprinigbucks", pair ..........100 M enq Sweater Cona..........s. ................. ..... 10 Boys Sweater i'oats ........... ..... ..... ...........75c "Handy" Knit Mufiers, ail colîîrfg.. .........................25c Ladies' fine Sutk Scarfs 50ü and ...... ............... ......95C Handsom'ely Deorated Japaneme N oee, 12 in eh îgh ...........50c Dressed Dolis from ............ .............. ... lc to $1.853 Biliy Possuins............. ........... ............ 25c and 35c Christmas Tree TriMmings! sW. W. CARROLL & SON