Vour Christmas Dinner? Whcrc are you going ta get it? If you are wise you will see TRIGGS. He ha. everything needed. And he wanted us ta teWU you that he has ordered a ail kindla of Chrismas meats. Turkeys, geese, ducks. chicken8? Well 1 shouîd wil mveeyour mouth water just ta, look at 'em. Better cal1 'round at the rmarketi show them ta you. NUTS and SWEETMEATSI Why, bles. my soul, Triggs ha. everything ailt J Oc a pound up ta dthe real high grade utufi. And ail the fizina for the table-he's got'em aIL. And then, tao, he hma al tl stuff for the mrnem and so on. Tsbus a regular Departinent Store when it cornes ta Chriatmas stufi. And soevice. bics me, he can get you everything you want and Iret it for you dune, bive ta wait when you trade at Trias. If only for curioitj's sake let L whet Le hm.. ILL 1 nê.ê.oee.ê o..u 1' >4 This is the place ta buy Presents for bath old and young. Below we mention a few articles which wiIJ make sutitable gift8: Comb Sets, Toilet Cases, Dolis, Blocks, Gomnes, Umbrellas, Ilaokerdiiels, Ties and Muifers and maing aricles tue numerous te mention. Special Price on Candy i lb1 Lh eijlate Cre WUn .....-..... 1. .......- -...... O 1 C 1 lb Frenc h ixed Ion Bonis.................. ....... -.... ...... ... 10e 1 lh Caramel» ....................... ...... . .. .... . .. -..... .... eo Pesitivelj onlg two peunds te a famiIlj at that prkce. Wu Eu DAVIS Groceries and General Merchand ise The Natty Dresser is just as particular about the set of his linen and under- wear as about the fit af his suit .N o man Caii say his prayers right if his collar is sawiîîg lbi tiroat atnd bis bosom bulging. That's why our stock of (Jent's Furnlishings is everlastiîigly busy. We offer well-fitting articlesn ouly, in every line. Up-to-date ini style and reasonable in price always. -J. B.MORSE &CO. ILIBERTYVILLE BRIEFSI LOCAL AND PERSODNAL MIENTrION] Rainenow and ie-but ohyou lush,1The l.ighlng la fine. Have yon trled Band concert ait the tonb all] ) bse&Co, t hepalen n Tbnrsday eveninjz, [fe,, .l0i.Lni&C.in h 1 et u Aek to mee be h. etent girl i t w- yuUrfurniture for Christumas posy Girl at b'on i ' lrnng 5r. ('a. Pierce han eecured a pnnitinn The Ie on ut1ýrlakein farny insod and in working tiner et fthe pre. okatingz. but a 1ittil.. rnnnngfnnon nwnnoint " n t i e the' snow Higli grade perfumes in far, Ymues l'i.s in~'frnnîiî25n viii. In $2 ;0 Thbe torni bizib n , n. aeumincaihlnnnnilii> . Li1 air and mtotheiiuno. av e tieïr Christtmas goods un dîeplav A. F. Sh e d on eipent Satu rday a nd S 1un- The reglar Ifeeiber meeting of the Lake Counny Board oft Supervlsors wati held in t ankegan thîs week. Mrs. Wm. Blerman who bas ieen seriouely ili te sliiwing lmprovîng. She ln under the rare ot a traineil nure roun Chicago. Have you risited Bewick'à - and lOc @tore lu do your Xiuas ashopping? China, boye. candiles and eerything for gilt.4 are shnîwn. E. W. Prrctor receiveil a narl(iad ut mllch cowe f romt Wisconsini labt week. De also eippeil a car tri the city Wednesday. Thoînas îrsier leaves lnriday for Dur- and, Wln., andl will go from tbere Lo Pitteflelil, Mass., where he wil Le per- manently locateil. Ladies' and rbildren s coats. eeason.1 able good@, in ail sizes andl winter weghte. Mufle and boas. Mr@. M. A. Protine, Libertyvils, 111. Will Lannon, of Sharon, Wie., Las been seding the last week witb bis @inter, ;r. J. & N ark. andl taking in the at stock show lu Chiefig. W. E. Miller entertaneil the uembere 01 the Citizen@' Band at a banquet lu the New Castls hatel on Tnesday evening. '*A lovely time was bail." A meeting ai the American Stars of Equity will lie held in the Woodrneu hall an Wedns.dy evenlng, Dec. 22. It will be a ocial and business meeting rom- blueil. F. B. LoVELL le rarrung a large suler. 'tion 0t the latent copyright books at 81.20. Popular Copyrights, 49 cents. Boys, girls' andl ju veulle booke of every description. Miqses Elizabeth MceCrystleandJoseph- tue Dusenberry @pent Wednesday and Thursday with trienda in Highland Park. Mies MeCrystie being fuviteil ta play at a reieption given Liy t he Woman's Club in that City. Th- l li'nnll itîner nul nn n 1 ,în ehutting dînan o et l akeCounty (Gravet Companyso pif whicb will not Le r.'- openeil until warnnnr and monre setiled weafber comeas Clarence Collo returtted last Friday ovening trontn Colorado and will spenil the holidays with bis parente bers. Be le assieting in tfne store duirng the Chritînae ru@ll WLien lu searcli of a surable Chrietmnas present remember the INDEI-ENDENT, $1 50 per year. Foreign Subgriptions $2 00. Frienls tir relatives living in t ber towne or mats will appreciate flie honmienws. Bfeu H. Miller lias given fo the Liberty- ville public sebool a làrge and rompre- hensive ginerument map ufthte United States. The map le one I8seed nef WasLi ingtoîl andi lecorrect aid reliable un every detail, day at libeldonhurot leavnng-Snnday eventng for Omaha.i A square Inch of clear conscience for a ne'nt-the Rted Cross Christmas itamp. t'ee tbem on your Chritmnas packages. Chan. Smith reburued lastSunday even- lng from a trip ta New Mexico, where be iniok a part, of prospective purchaserm ut sioutbweetern land. Eantmau Kodaks. alil ezee to suit everybody. Give orders early. Prises from $1 00 Up. A ful lfins of photo- graphers eouppliel. F. B. bon Eyii Pharmacy. Mies Amy Holabird, of FIL. Sheridan, sudl Miss ,LillIy Bell, ai Highland Park, were guesoft iss Josephine Dusen- berry the latte.z part oflesat week. If von Bit withjn the Dit few days for cabinet photos at Beewlck's Studio, yuu eau get tbsm before Christinas and alo greL sixteen for theie of a do zen. Thlis offer la good until DeC21 only. C. H. Smith bas moven iebis cgar lac- tory trom the W. W. Carraolstore to the room over the H. B. Eger hardware store. The "Elk" cigar la one ofthe best to be ond on the nsarket and finde a ready sale witb nmuet of the Libertyville emokers. Tlnsotby Gibbons, aofLibertyville, wha owne the building accuplsd byv the MdYrtle Priuting Plant, la thlnklng @or- ionsly ai building a brick stors and flet building where the prlnting office now stands. This wonld p rave an excellent investunent, aud would be a gaad thing for the neigbborood.-,North Chcago Times. Gi. M. Euls, ot Arthur, la., was the guest of ies Hable Euts and other Lib- erty ville relatives Mionday. Hie fatiher. George Ellis, of Ida Grave, la., who tnrmerly resided tbers and ln weli-known to many, bas neyer fu7 yrecavereil tram a troke nil paralysie. whlch be suffersil severai îîonths ago and alînostall hope of hie recovery bas been abandoneil. IL ILiseTi 'p rcpn 'lt.nni t'l v- lad n, troîn Lbertyile were robbeni by pick- pockets un Chicago this week. One of tlîem nef s$90U, one $20 andl the other ý1f 9_ ne 20 ride andl a 9 ride raiiroad ticket aiso ftgured among the misoing valuabies. One nI them, iL le eaid, bail Ler Iurse attacbed to her wrist by a chain but the purse was remoaved bLy clipping the chmin on both gidles. In 110 case were the thieves diecovereil. The flliowing'officers were electeil at the mieeting of the Masonic loilge hast Saturdav evening: Thos. Corett, master, Il. H. like, senior warden; Julius Treptow, junior wardenz John Austin, treasurer and C. F. Smale, secretary. 5. number ut the regular appointive offices wili lie fileil at the installation whln-h will Le held on nexf Saturday evening, aspecial uleeting havlng been raIl-ilat that timie, nîwîng to the tact that the regular iiteeting tailleti Tlîat this alnwnen a prîleperous year------------ ne fît reidents of Lake County, le made1 Grace Cross. the eleven-months-olnI very évident by the @ales that have been daughfer of Mr. and Mrs. HeUry Cross, miade Liv the O. i. Luce lurniture eto re nias fouttd dead in bed by the mother fthe paet week. Tlîey have been vFrv early Saturday tnorning, The chld had fusy and businees continues gond. died duriiig the nîght witb convulsions. The little one bail heen ailing for several Fred Parkhurst ie said to Le rogres.- days Lut nothiîîg serions was thouglît lnz very prnemisingly at the liompitalin1 and the motherwae eîîocked toflndinfhe Waukegan and was able to Rit uP lamt earlv morning that the baby wag dsad. Suînday for the tIret fîme. Dennis Lfîîî Coroner J. L. 'l'Ylor waO ralleil and it bnnrry bas sufficiently recnvered troun- we;did, n that an inquet Lie Leld. injuries to Lie able to move about wilh Tne jury rendir-ei a verdict of death the aid of crutches at his room in the froin convulsioins. Interment was ruanie Newcastle hotel. [in Lakeside nýemete-ry Snnday afternooti. 1 ' put $10 in my bank account every monnî. How mach do you put inu yur account?" This la how tha I accountl asgrown: Is year, $122.10 2nd year, S$247,80 3rd vemr, $377.40 4th vear. $ 51080 Provide ftfu eture by a Savîn'iA cut with our Bank. $1.00 Winl Open an accouu.-SAVIGS DEPARTMENT. The First National Bank of Libertyville Next Door to Postottice Open Saturday Evenimgs LIBERTYVILLE,1 , ý - Il HOLIDAY SALE of Toys and Dry Goods Specialties DoOls Dolîs Carts Doîl Carrnages Doîl Crailles Doll Furnîture Mechanical Toys Iron Trains Engines Wagons Sleds Wheel- Ba r r ois Chair s Rocking Horses Shoo Flys Nec k-ea r Handkerchiefs U mbrel la s Knit Wear Gloves and Mittens Mufflers Suspenders Sweater Goals Shirts Fancy Ves Hosisry Hand Bags Excellent Assortment of Japanese and China Dishes. Ver>' appropriate for Christmas Glfts. corne Early. More Comfortable n0w than in the late Rush E. [). Branding, Lakre Zurich, w&â a visîfor bers Wednesdav.n Care that Christmâ cough witb Loi- ell'OWhite Pins and T.i, Congh Syrup. Harrv Bradley expecte ta leave short- ly atter the fifrst of January f or Denver, Colo., wbere Lie will make bis home. Mr&. W. F. Zigler, ut Antioch, @pent Wednesday andl 'hursday of this woek, the guesi of Mr. and Mr@. 4. C. Higglne. ILj L. Hows and tamily leh Tbhuruday -A this wesk for Miesuri where tbey ex- pecfta s, pend the winter wltb relatives. Ladies' neckwear. muffiers and tre-a new and varieil lne of thes goode willl ho found at the millllnery store of Mrs. M. A. Protine. The Cititens4 Baud wlll give a dance et the tawn hall on Christnmas Eire, Fr1- day evoeng, Dec. 24, Bille for wbicbi were posteil this week. On aeeount of the bail weatber ut the past two weeks, we wiIl continue ta, give sixteen cabinet photos for the price ot a doten until Dec. 23 only at Beewick'@ Studio. Chas. Morris andl wlfe, ut Cintor, Wis., have been vieffing their aunt, Nirs. J. R. Mark. %Ir. Morris in a Lreeder of the nofad Holstein cows andl @pont the gMater uart of hie ime taking lu the fat Stock Show, They aleni visifeni rela- tives inuElgin. i ng ut tiie'honneinonIM r. and M rm. W.n Wbigbutmn.She was unforfuinate in being caugbf lu the quarantine aut the Tain'otfLonne in Waukegan for several weeks and nias recmntit releaeed. W. C. Manney, of Michigan ('ify. md.,lenalo epending a lew weeks wltb lite sister, Mrsi. Whigbatnn. Tlie foliowing cnuntri., refnuse tnn ad- mit f0 their mils, articles bearing non- postage-Christmnas"' efalupeor other anibesive n.larity stampne nr labels- Great Ifritaîn, Orange Rtivetr Colon"Y' Sontheru Rboleeia and Transvaal. fierinany admnit@ articles learing "ehL efamîne if aftfxeil fin the blak, lut not a-fn nattarI i-nI tnnthi, lae.Ex fri BuI- letin f9074. Fnur weill knoonoinbnrtyvilt.-' yoîîng nno.poînular andl esteeiejil ellnnw cltvcmnnn m'nlecftnn leave the nnn'ing Sunda %lnnr L.osAngeles, Calen ýre tliey gnn t eearch offatane aindl ' Tînt parfy innîndes. Chas. Ausfi a Whitiney. lrnemt andl George iclî Ttiiy will noininne fbusiness wîfb Ileasîn.ý arnd if firy ctin gît iiatilnctriallj lncafn.nlsoute nIflihetn i. uf ronlably rtnaîî ini iiInitfora ftinc .1 t hn- regnlar iiieefi ng if itlh' ViLie f aunt> otf Mndern IVmoduten last Tiurs- day evn nnng the fnllowing nii-er8 enere n-bn ted ftnnhîe nnnlîtng term: H. B Eger, 'n. C' Ja8eMark, W. A., Harry icru lfankn-r. E H. W'elln Clerk. Wm. Gain- non-Prt, Jas. Kenri, éseretary, H. A. lînye, w aftniiai, He'nry Lawrence, itianiLgerlirit.(ialloenen-.Taylonr and Churciltl, pîiysictanii. The installation nsl If ai- fplane uatheLinfinit tmeeting in J1atni arr, "he saIn nIifinhe L.nertyiilln- tulle frark %iiicît takes place at the court linuse lu Waukegan next Sattnrlay monning, s8 attracfing ,ng3isdëietbLlf- atteîntnion and niiatiyarn' trinuif0knour wfnat18 tii bncoliîie IftiieilIl Oted ni ,ijenf. if me runmored tinat ýcoîte ut the Ieaviest stonck holders may bld if n in-an effort fu proteu t teuevis Otber interesteil partie@seav finaLt tey are willin)g touLiny the landl witLi a part ofthLb.'tutîrovemenfe if the priee dois nof go f00 bigLi. i tand-Pzainted Pictures soc n iing mnore simitable for a Chriotmae Present thau nof n d . i painted picturs. We secured about 125 1 tDemj n'.Bankrupt Salo ofthe Chicago Novelty Ca. luti e .. TLey were madie in Auetria and importsd ta eeU iîn 2. , n.TLey are large size, about 20 1;y 27 inchee,>50 itiomtîn .%ie1cape sulilects with birde made out oIf eathere. Abonîf1n.dozen different subjeetB ai the rldieulously low prine ol .............. ........................... -...... . lieannl-line of the :b'ancyj Boxes and S'Iver Platel HALF p Nnnveltei, Haviland and Japanese China, Bat ten iurg anl PRC L.inin pueces, linge, @e at .....................................1PRC ITH-E FAIRI Libertyville, Ill. t fne uh of 0 smile.They and hae Jimo 0 0 0 the WY fro the deoratio i quik Yo him shw you 0 - - - - -- -- - - -- -- -- - - - ~~~sssss uuu-e-u- - - - - - - - - -oeps -- 'M Watch for Santa Claus M LIhIERTYVILLE, ILL11 1' Lean flot upon others; rely upon your own strength; earn your own dollars; save and depoeit as mauy of these dollars as yon can; deposit them with titis bank. ~per cent paid an savings accounto, Capital $.50,000.00 Surplus and Profits 80,000.00 Stockholder's Liability 50,000.00 Total $130,000.00 tverything forIen 1