CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Dec 1909, p. 2

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, EEIDAY, DECEMBR , 1909go 8 11118111 wAUCONDA DE PA RTM ENT , e,,T,, oC., hn,,n ccokMICk REAPER? I AKOO isthe original-has beenn.. A AcrrpndnadAen As ther. i.nDo aigu of the fa.cina Cr.H oomc fCi- Zino City mince' its founding has a .-g game of bridge losing Its at$ra- cage or AlIvaro S. Graham of Walu- been a gireat center for organized the standard for thirty-five " """"""" """" """ "" """ tien. for .mart .ociety, the brid.. k""'"f missionary effort, the repre.enatives C. E. Jenks in a Wauikegan visitor Moving pictures Saturday night at prese nteliutainwl e which slhall be honored as the of the churchi having been ment to e k n thswe.Iaeiepvlo.Amsin5 0an acceptable gift for the girl Who Inventor of the reaper that har- many foreign lands for the purpose of yrsCeyPctaleà Mrs. D. H. Murphy visited friends in"' kstomieerg emrexcig veste the grain cropes of the world coverting the heathen hile the yr 1¢ry -COrIi There are thousands of the city sunday and Monday. Mr. Neville, whin has been on thescklkstmaeerg emoeecin and haitbeen the means@ of build- h rgeew e e igul#r COUgh mCdiCint, a MisiLeâ.alnc, hotpchm chullist for thre past two weeks is reportord by playing a penny or no a point. To hom'fe ld has been much neglected. so-caled .lljSt as good a \tsLaeVla Glyn, homace Tuschoolon the gain. makte the purse commence with 85 ing up commercial empires? Thereis saidtoube room for a great, strong medicne, a8 oct0 e SO-Ca J K at Lake Tiladreturdd homf uesday ,Chain, miss 1 chain, 1 double tino CrsHl como a oG deal of mi'ssIonary effort In the city meCn.God or as Emulsions, but they are H. . aima rana ected business in reý1lëtte tireofier f téIie. every stitch, 1 chain turna. been dust, but todlay ut Springfield devoted to the upbuilding of the Coughs, hard Coughs, desper- ••the city Tuesday. ervanthrer termi at the meeting . Second row-1 double Inter 70 stitch. his namre la honored as the 1nvent- world along Choistian and moral lines. ae coughe. If your doct0F not-they are simply imi- Wedniesday eveing.jz They will have a es (takitig up In this and every row tor of the "1McCormick" reaper, It ls charged by a retaldent of ZMon en0o0ses lit for your Ctte, take tain hich aenvrat te hmofne m a erna nditer. ban sueta h a r etn. the two top threads), 2 chnain, mise 2 and hie portrait ha@ been placed who ls in a Position to know that there it. If not, don't take Ill. Never tain C aenvr Mrs. Chamberlain, of Breedlsville, Thre villago board mot on Monday double, then 12 double into the next In the Illinois Hall of Fame as the are more erring girls In the White go contrery to bia adviCC. as gOod as the original. Mich., and daughter, Beien, Who have eve,"ing-'oith r Cak.represeting th 12 double. 1 Chain turn. 'One to whom honior la properly oove City than are to be found in ef-~ w been the guests Of Mise Eloise Jenks or hal oreiscusteCquesttion of laig Third row-12 double, 2 Into the 2 due. hrWakgnorKnWh* w a lse They re lie thihmolk durn h a.we rtee t h' a franchise in our village. Mr. Lake Chain Of last row, 70 more double, 1 But Graham la still living and Theassrtin i mae i god fit home Mnday.outlined the plan of hie company and Chain turn; repeat these last two vorwe a ecle uo fh ae Thaserr tionlastaoe of such Aewueroé SCO T Sisthik lkea nn-tfogetthedace t te aklndthen asked anyone to ski him any until you have worked 20 rows alto- at all about II tt recite hie own th hall Fridy nightDec. 24.e ne hyis da aose rgd tritegether -that i, 13 stripes --then 1 claims to the honore that the late "town lapod ithefactriswAhohave The dose of Ay«eE Pilla leasmali, only heavyaream. . sW. Hghes nd J E Ginr er paarent satisfaction of ailland lpre- double Into end of stripe, 4 treble into Cyrus Hall McCormick ls "reap- n rn r eY onmreo'one tbedtime. As arule,laxtive dose .f Chicagotvisitor, dMnday. ,>Itd apeition which he asked to be next stripe * obeit et ,gn rn r eyyug oeo r etrhnahridss ocn IfyuNati hid drD awson efatSundafor Chic tneagof o irc laeong tlthprbopertyt ow ,ners striapen*,t1 double into next,l5mtreble fthemrbeing less han 16 years of age- stipkation, ebilousnessidiyspepia, sick- underg an oeratio for all stnes, of ou villge urgng th boar to grnt inoonexg*,mrpeatftreeetmes, 1youngmen o the nighboing tons hedaches theycannotbe exelled it yourself-With water- complaint which han been troubling bima the franchise. C.,E. Jenksq was sle(cted double lnto next, 4 treille into next, Thur; while Cyrus Hall MIcCormick have long sought victime. In Zion CityAsyordcrabuth, for the past year. Hlis many friends Lto circulate thre petition and have it 1 double Intor next (the last strIpe, is the first mani to have his portrait and decar that1.there are0..more girls. byut dont buy it thmn. p h prto ilbsucsladrayfrpesentatitin at their next1 and fasten ofr-this Io the right'side-- placed In the Hall of Fameas one of of og oalcaatr hr ia thaet he will soon be able to return homte. regular meeting of the board in January. theh fold together and sew up on theé anin's ben~efactors and aie oemrlcaatrteeta FORsBALE BY ALLDUGoIM rnTBd. akdadIn any other town In Lake county. wrn 'son of Illinois . It is believed that AI- The lacrw ofYugils laérid rld. ,,, ,e, ~~~~~Then for the Chain loops: vr rhmierWllsek lI h ae inao wd f o unst h gegirls 10,nm'fppr an ti r or ourCut off a lengthi of sik about Øvoellvao ra hat Bfaheuwillasp eak, wfil8h104venotgotentacttheageod heaiu aIngs Bank-.l and. cl- kethBo.yards and with It crochet 1 double on tl tOyta aya es rsl nshort dresses, who flock to W'aukegan âàà SCOTT & BOWNIE, 409 P'ear St., New Yrk . to the Insidei of thre puirse on the right tea r ng of onore.-! and Kcnosha al very opportunity. Ln h hand ride 25 chain, draw through the Graham resided In Wauikegan many Thy are a disgrace to anhy city. andou rl"tadntr first loop of 2 chain, 2 double onto the year's ago. was a business manl here, bcuetetom rmZo itir oateo ring, 25 chain. draw thread througlianCi pobbl kowrtete olfe s-t h -11that ,rill MYSTERY Of THE the iiext loop. 2 chair, on purse, maid ,iers, one and a he""3e' o mrehny" 'aaend- PFVE POINTS DEAL repeateuntil an theloops rrenled tp i d ellieulere lna E WE L T H E E(this recluires a little rare so as not to Invented Reaper Voliva iliat lr scniean 1get the thread entiangled, btit s ares In 1857i, while a resillettofr a spaigadwrig o h av x i Report ls that Gigantic Plow Making breaking off and] threading In the ends 'kegan, Graham, it is clalimed, Invented tion and redemuption (if Zion city no ckeb w Plant of Kankakee is Dissatisfied every timie); then d(o double crochet a new motion for the world It If, There are those who think ,thrat, he hasDCIN NSTAEMR BlNS with Present Location and will Re- . . . yb seioil1oe th lnty (of work eut out for himi. Many ! Ciktte 1,r hi b b ikn move to Land Now Under Option peopeu n hi grst inCi imeen" Poniryk.ath- fo oi, N e a r F iv e P o in t - D e t a ils a n d In - a c u t s t e0ik e b r o f t e M C r b e c a u s e, th e y t h in k it fi a i d e al] l b teviwsCano e btind.-DIA&MOND LAKE PRAIRIE VIEW e ointa a for them to live and work. Thec¢ ME LUMBER COMPAN-6 1 - - 1 t ws te frst ew otin flethadtrary ls quite the case in the opinio Mr.and Mrs. Wm.Leýmpker, of Liberty- Merry Xmas. been discovereid on earth since the of the well informied, nless thery are LibertyvilleIli, Tt le hinted that the secret of the ville *spent Bunday with their parents' Mrs. F. G. Mitchell wvas a Libertyville Swiss rotary motion was dis- kept off the streets nd are mur- MyePont dalswil ea ot i rs.WmLeptr.caller Tuesday. covered somewhere sbout 1500- rounded with the best ('hrisliani home tefe days or less and there are Mr. and Mr. 8. Keller and children Mr.A .MehradltlduheIt was the motion that madeinuec.f. B RS O tlIteg chances thaet the purpose of a nt Sunday with Mir. and M rs. Henry Florence. spent Mond ay with her sister. the reaper possible and that has since Horrorse-Clgars and Pork! purchase nof ther a1000. acresoops ane' hid en irs. M. A. Wagner, at Grayslake. leveled the grain fields of the uni- When the deacons on Overseer Vol- MANUFACTURgR OF visie e an r W ooer ndchldrN ir. and Mrs. E. Il. Mason and son, verse. Iva's staff took the Inventory at the lt la reported thtat the David Ted, spent Sunday with the latter's Invented Reaper, Too? North Shore Inn fitIs claimed that IWMley Manufcuring Company Ch. i o Ray transacted busmness in brother, Frank Tully and family at It is asserted that afterwards Gra- they fournd a quantity of cigare and afKankakee'la getting ready to heg aura.Eeet ham invented a reaper for grain, and porl4 They were greatly shorcked. fitM r l n r nt mneme and that the gigantic plow Ernest Schroeder transacted business Rev. and Mrm. Koenke entertained Rev. that this was all the time his central Woki lsitinknw te ord in Chicago and Elgin a few days lst Wm. Shuttle overBSunday. lm remported that the pork was borned]M nu e i wilk ctha teknwn ea e wek aGre stSnathehn worhld idûFodDuLa, oea. rstotythsmy bu t inihinted that the cigare were erill oelatonWauean to Mime LydiaGre pntSna tWin.,w ee oe x pa oork for Hwvetrutothehi aybPut In gold storage for use during the Cemetery Work of Every bulta e pan o helad t home. Soor Line. l Graham la claimed toi have obtained a coming spring political campaign. The IM yrir aoth avd rile The ladies wish to thank allthoase Mie@ Till Mitebell, who has hbenspend- Ri m wh. aent onbisietionus tadofhe-saseron was made at the time ofSC tO Scae eas gotheDaidBrdly Who heped makre the supper a sueccess ing the last thtree months at the home of wheeehsWifestoy but tat of Mc-C0 the lant election that a quantity of #Ommmeowght &r site in this vicini- and for the donations for the Cherry vic- her naunt at Hampshire, Ill., returned " Cormick.' gaswrpucae atWnro O C Od@C NO Ct© tr>y btAmilly settled on Kankakee. tims and special thanks to Mr. Knigge last week Fiday. Old He Get De urhgmageshopCOr« onene olCie No ltlawû ha teplnti dsfor the uns of hi@ houm, alsortor Mr. King Oeyr and qurtr i wmoweGe Dtag Harbor and used to curry favor with t4Wo ti ad tat he p lfraft a ds-and Mr. Hapke for the muic. Total Ms.D. hffrannis arofn, M &It ls claimed that afiter this McCor- the Gentiles by Voliva 's political lead- Ants8d ad s peprin t afec adonationi, $58.50, expenses, 45c, net, Downere Grove, were the gueste of Oe snveryu ig mick devised his reaper machine and er. 11Tas.nt Waukegan' conveniences $58.05. Sbason ovea8endeMr. and Mr. J. A. A fewsee crochet 9 Graham oued im for damages for Wne ozafrHre 3 i4 dvantages appeal to the compa lire. Ernest Schroeder and son, Harry, ":!: infringement as the history making A bu 'lc:Stra ih af Ilonst forcibly itils said hence the visited at Elgin Saturday.' Wallace Lockhead, of Knox College, A PRSn=m n WFURsM'oscillatory movement that Graham in- AtOtwo g 6 meoloc Stu redawnih to«on«mt crn irr.arrived home Saturday to spend histotnglshensad t rsid a detrnintin t cmehee.Fred Towner, Sr., and Fred Towner, Xmas holidays with his mother. to nicely cover and fEH up the ring, vented was, it is claimed, in the Mie- If the, theory ls correct and the Jr., transactedf business at FortSheridatn fasten off and neatly run In the endsComc mahn Zion City, drove their sleigh upon thé radeyOnpnyisto localte near one day last week. There are few men who would have ofslk ol herbbnan ewomtaidclkihfotifthnoteRoh »"Oy comlluhematene ndcouagitntke four it is asserted thatd Grahamta m thaewakI rn fteIo oh thenpatienleanbe.harled withite . o.rthe top of the ring. I aasre htGaantiteThey thought their horse was a thir- Wagýeflfitwil o hi Pd en ladies on a ehopping expedition, yet this courts was awarded $575,000 damages Don't Risk even a peny-Ud healt rtuns arms a» the Industry Isone of the.AA IEdsinto eog o Gs"Whe-for the alleged NMcCormicek infringe ty ae they were and sought to have ind 1mean Just exrcuythat. luargestin the state. The theory that berg, who, on Monday, took Mesdames GIFTS EASY TO MAKE. the animal sierved with a drink. They 1 A. the one phraician who s yto, the sick, "t the ldinsan bought to divide Married in Chicago, Wednesday, Dec. Wehrenberg, Harvey Coon, Dan Ritzen- mient.i were both well "soqued" and requIred wiu, out of My own Pocket, pay for your MUdW an beg uge15, 1909, Mi@@ Gertie Meyer to, Ed Bar- thaler, and S8. CKoedler in his bigéleigh fie o hita n edec. Still Lives, Money fi al obigyuhl aimng foutr rich men has been ahat- baron@. They will bieat home to their to do Xmas shopping in Libertyville, daFoChitCr OuNeew. IarGaam enonhebrdf much effort ont the pari of a police- And for 20 years Dr. Bhoop's medicines have teorée. friendsg on the Barbarou' farmne and and later deposited each lady -and her man Ca ur u.LtrGaaiwn ntpbado uato Persuade themn that the animal t developes that besidles John one-baff mile@ west of Long Grove in the numerous parels at their respective Among the new fancy articles that trade and In a -squeels vr etdid not need a drink and that the side- OdtUth of Liakie Forest there are .Wau- future. Congratulations. bomnes, well pleased with their sleigh are being made for Christmas la a of is money. is still living, re- walk was not a publice highway, for t et , EiThraiserosyill witti ride. folding hatrack whIch very much re- siding at 87? Diverseyi boulevard (ri armenbeen used and recmmended in every city and ffnmen In on the deal but none Ei ra n@ro@ysembles a candlestick shade. A semti- goorserlaiess bedt .arreria-rhey a m pilýy su ot them could be reached to get a typhoid lever at proeuet. There w il be a Christmas entertain~ circle las drst cut out of buckram orcaowthrltvs While the police officer waS engag ard in evrery commuity-and everywher. s atement. B. L. Smith and family and Mrs. W. G. at Cr«0m Vcurha tailor's canvas, the outer edge being Jutrcnyheboeheslnet ed in getting the horse removed1 franom her r o erd Gtarrived in Palatine from Des Moines, - g tCty-ttnchsd he eght iveyears to tell the story to a locl stuid- Tosa'lpo hosns aeinl s la., Tuesdav.progi amme has been prepared. All cr_ wen wo es an l iicrpýýf hthe sidewalk a drunken mna scessfuly ..d fe l Dr.s paResitora te dially welcome. inches. It can be covered with denim, entofhsrywowlinrpatth thrown out of a nearby saloon. He W hn l,æst- rnhnee, State of Illinges.County of Lake, ss. Miime Eleanor Andermann is fill with .ZcloreClien or fdowered cretonne and facts in the rnew history tof Lake k hisforibleejetmen toboarrfst t ln the Circuit Court of Lake County. osi, .L C ZJl IIn bound with gold braid, which Io wiceh is soon to appear. an ai hanow t ien ai lh owe sinuik l D Otto H. Mldenhauer vs. Henrietta A burnt wood piece, the latest desgn,. glued on, or with silk braid to match McCormicks' Don't Knov. adsi ta eha pn allhssmakoelhgi o 9. Moldenhauer, Albert Moldenhauer earved and net with jewels, for @ale by AMryXast l.the cover. Three clamps or books r h hcgoEa0ehs onn oe n h lc n rsne hysitbtivhe taomnrikhateverof&B 'Miss Knigge, mst at ewed ont the ends, and when these Th hcg xmnriisn;r iniglg thrown out in the coid. He took Thykow tatwhen health fIls toreturn Dr. R. MoLldenhauer,, enaLena rCMeyer, Choicend tntandies andre nutsed oatt Emil wbontervmeewedrvl differentnt mmembersf tof ththe Ues'shoop anw lih e noud gladlyil payir thedruhe ggrgstitfoo W. A.Putnam fhaiechanged his place Frank,"ratne.oehrth hl omsteolcesnmedndsi ew u tat, t ot.Aforthatertesit afull &) <ir tret BerhaMeste, ndHatieLae-of residence and willlbe at home toi heir aàs acone on which the hat can rest on comc aiywihtersl htprosecuite the salooinkeepter, met is freelyit gr and. achulte. Gen. No. 448?· friends in the Barbarous' place in the Wm. Bicknase took a âleigh ride to the table or the hatbor. none of themi seemed tol know miuch nTswitue eirtfoan[sorde Publie notice ls hereby given thrat future. Wheeling Tuesdaiy. Another acceptable giftIn a band- about the reaper machine that built ThidswilsaveDaypanddisapoien by vIrtue of an order and decree en- E. H. Batterman is visiting with The Knickerbocker lee Company 18 Made medicine case, which would be their grandfather's millions andl their Inspectors fromi the postofflee de- sl r SopsR h maie tered ln the above entitled cause in friends in Minnetsota. commencing to cut ice this week. todms sflwe rvln.I w ndnn fte ofse oprmn r akigatour of the b al reno in vmade of plain linen bound with redlioutry inspecting thre teirritory cor- .uhe3 the Circuit Court of Lake County, Ilt., Mrs.J. H.8Sehierding ripent Thursday Henry F. Berghorn has sold a $200.00brd.Ctapeeothlnn14y having known Cyrus Hall McCormlclk e redt by the various rural routes aind 1 s av n at the December Termi A. D. 1909. the ln Chicago on a shopping expedition. horsetoi Hermant Helfer. There are hundreds of the M eonc nmn lcsaoct n u ei.e an honesFt and responile druggist lunalmost 12 tnches and fashion It so that fit everrenornmunly.everywhere.toissuemy "no ve unesindMstrinCaney fFrank Carr, of WauconGa, was acall- forms four well shaped flas. Bind relationship. living, but nonre if them 1erv oni routes where the roads are not help. no pay."meudicinestonthe rick. said Court will, on. Wednesday the IVANHOE or in our village last Thnrsday. these with the brald. Then take seemt willing to give the faits In re- etingocndtnataltms Tel1ime also which book you ned. 26th day of January A. D. 1910, at about ten tnches of red silk garter elas- gard to the reaper. 'M bok "o wllunel oenu"nw o the hour of one o'clock in the after- u ht otlCrsfrhita rDoi u a h tic and stitch fitat the center of the Many representatives of the family Adjudication Notice. notwell.Beie yourle Perie noon of salid day at the North frontgregeoF.MSi.Iane Il g-lnen In six different places. In the reside In Lake Bluff. Public Notice ii hereby iven that the s8.h. rould your hmdetirh booe door of Charles Stempel-s store at . verybody is invited to attend the elastic put five two ounce bottle. Ao a rp. llat the out( anMydvcand the book Vur lon Grve inth Ton o vrno Prof. John Van Pl w , (of BL4ol t High A maar troe and exercises ait the church of Lake counity. ait a termi theref to be holden aet below are yoursad wlthout cot. Lon GrveIntheTow (f Vr 'oBehlool. is spending this wek with his here Friday night. A subscription paid In adivance is the couirt House in waikegzan. In, said county Perhaps aword or two from me will char tup Lake Count y, Illinois, soli at pu blicparents. lke the glance of a pretty irl. It on the'farsm onday of March next. 191o. when s-m serions ailment. 1 have heïped thousnas - -r ad where all Persons hanving claimes against upnthousands by my Pivate prescri tion or auc on> to the highest and( best bidder Roy Chamberlain ie in t be cIty helping H L A costs no more and mnakes 4téhe )el said1 Estate are notified and requested to pre.sent personal advice Plan. M.r best effort làurely for cash the following desceribed land E. G. Payne with his Caristmas-greens ood Try It once-the subscripto h aesa ort addatoaest. and real estate tivt hr ll e oile heb . I h rflyeineue o ihadI rvance- Waukegian. Ill.. December 18.1909l. 12-4 The East half of thj% et atlfof HenrPy e n y n PaTe Pesb ria b H lan the north east quar r (of secýtio)n 135.Dec. 29. A cordi9l invitation ia extend- mxent in the Hall Day church Monday worhae thurIn Inrquest.o.rtorhwwh»Te ln Township 4?, North. R ange çý te o l.Rfreshmets 15 enrts. Dec. 27th at8 o'clock p. m. Mr. Everett, ône Dr. Shoop B- :Baine. is. of the ThIrd Principal Midiçianl,ronl- Elmer Bekwith, who in tedn rsdeto iostate ndaySchoolA tten tion P ian o B uy elrs No ,r ytala No.a4 or --t iminig fory (4) acrs moe 'or 1ss igh schboot at Minneapoh.-mis htroefor Assoiatioin wili speak. AI] are iviterd N.0Dsesa N.Fro talaigbe holidayaç attend. lýNo. 2 On the Heart No. 5 For Men Aso another piece or paricel of land tebld oatn.txNo. 3On the Kfdneys No.80 n Rhenmtis. described as follows: Comn Thore was ni, a hool Thurtay and' ROCKFPT T F >t the' south west corner of iIlw south iFrirlay of last week as the .hlboa1,frd -O M I R0clhyr 1Tems prpit hita rsn o l h ;hadt tire-at, rarranz..I t, -t tuo r..- -Oew . m..Tems prpit hita rsn o l h tant quarter of the sourth east uater qureensofth;lwHaving been appointed! local agent for O-iMydddn of sectiil 26, Township and Ratng, Kimbiiall Piano Co., 1 respectfully solicit CM su c &.«,t famnily is a KIMBALL PIANO. L. P. King, local agent, rrird;teenorth 4 echain: Mr.ana.xet ,.. Ja itrV>-wawith allWho May lbe OSoidMdaig ne Ieace West 5 chains; thence nof'tr ,n- inir l in purchaming rreting a 0 o i ."e" has a very attractive proposition and au exceptional offer 16 C nîneand 74 links; thence w w irtcailruet sditruments HL yan- aynaRUSSELL tanan 5 lnk; heceso a t t urita!a4tarken am part payu e n an li purce . Dn1ocTTNKLE. to submit to intendinig purchasers. Call, phone or Write '1)ea»and 74 links; thence eabt tiPhone1 uct riitvý-f!ýghrfiob 0) at tockefeller- These can easily bie oi>tained from ansiufrfrterrtelr ns and50 liks; tence suth Ur newstoreformu '"' "druggit. Th two ross1faps ae fin

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