--j Try Old Time Buckwheat and Atlas Flour SoId by W. E. DAVIS Oroceries and General Merchandi se L[BFRTYVILLE, ILL.-.j The Naitty Dresser is just as particular about the set of bis lineit and tunder- wear as about the fit ol his stuit. Ni mani cati say his prayers right if his collar is sawing bis tlîroat and bis bosorn bulging. That's wby aur stock of (ient's Furnishings L3 everlastingly bumy. We affer well-fittîng articlem ouly, .in every line. Up-to-date in style and reasonable in prie ~a1ways._________ J. B. MORSE & CO. PM"v 4mu liý TRU DAflON TtI!IR WATCIIWORD LIBERTYVILLE BRIEFSI Mr' and Mns. Sheidon.and.Family I Are Welconed in Larg Ciui a. r LOCA1L ANID PERSONAL MENTIONI A Happy and Prosperouis New Year te My customers and friends la the greeting of J. ELI TRIGOS GROCER Ht-ltenScores A Pont 'it outtci"f Mr 81it-fui"rit siimUtsiît-tic wiib h te isuil- ittil>z surefuI-lrîuu H..ui-u. ulifil,lfiS, uuutktIitiutire lici-,tr rîtutu t - ieltr fithitrSfie dut1 rut kiow ttt fe w as lus>' fi-tturing 'uýs suie nt,-rcd the- 'r Nflr St.,îîîwus jusabout tnt t- fufaiiut th- auti- lu ws tif heafîlu iJuich us a flasbhli- taffedt ier utt "Ht-fin. i-tii,-ni) utr,. anti teflîlus wiat are tht-balicurla. ilof beaitb "Perf,,,tfy pois-d and suîuîfutg. ll-eu fât-t-ithe audit-uts and iii a ifear stroug tout-e sali '*Think rugbt, breathe rigbt, drink right, ext-t-ise rugbt. t-ltanse rigbit, et-a right. relax rigbit, rt-Iret-ue rigbt. setep rigbt." And a tht- audi-uce wbispered âaioug ite-f, ob@ fouîked tht- part ta perfection. Th-offine huiding uit Sheldouburst le helng raptdfy rompjtîed. The aIl led Sheldon entet-primes Tht- Shueudon Sithoof ut Chicasgo, and Th-tSheldon fUniv'ersity Press of Libertvu ie wfilimuse th-t-t ut-lt Mari-hIt us a epfetudd structhure. buit to loik right, at-ar rtgbt and stu>' t-irhbv-a fit pulace iihbottse the great Sut-u Idea. World Wide int-sf. World widu intsurestis iieing shou 11u titis grcat cdnu-utiouuafii t te.Af- readv peuopfle lufat- away tuttraia and Engfitui favet' art ttett tOiat t hît- aifliti uit tht- sîUtuturer sî-fuîuufnext JulY Amu Eliiersiut au - If a mn a luuld a beterbi ututstrau thirat auc ue, cîse, tluuug l lfit-.-initf, Wr uds, iii,. aorful wilf muSe afîtat-tu futith toiithe rior.« And suutiuswitti tlr tian dean ttwn- tiiongu Wt-are au ay frou the great connit-ialittuers tettht- uorfd wfff t-oms tous tu lt-arntuf tht- ucaew fu- tittuaf uttemeut thît le houmet in furt roide. Christmas Enterlanment. 'lit- lofowint- pri-grauti sas gît cilut tht- Aiethîîdu-ýt thître, Fnriday etvenuug. fier 24: PIAtNO StLi i..Miss Efizabeth tleC(rystie ItRAYEH .....................ev. XX'ip~plt- -Chitmttas iireevung ..... . Ltt ihip1le IEMI'ATIOiN .................r lin Selehi Aicrr-v, Met-ty Chiristmtas"........ .... ...-..nduy SchcurifSithitrs EX IRISE .......-Jatttt Taflu- Mar', Sciteli, X -tue WXVbt-t-fu-r 'Christmuas .'... .... Eu a tilliatms ... ........ i.. lfura Churchvi ill i.\ ~ D W.{iEt fi. lfi Xilliatms, Gladys Egi-r, lnt- ('tafrîtuuiMargitret i grr, li>' Coirtners, i tritht-a, Rin. sun, fitrtt iv XXire, 1f ioitiry tristlfuNief I îiuug A tIT ETT tir. ttr ifrat-o Crut-r, i'arroff Gridut>ley -t'e. tthîtrîf Outil s........fisrjoiry Taylfor ".Nic W'ant aihut Tret-'...* ...(- .... ...fadymE'fger 51f Lii... . ... . ............ AdieMAiller E XE RCIS8ES......... ..Ethtr Steble, Ritblutîtîfppe, Matrion Huetin "Tiuats lChrtistmias - .. Aingry Xbeeuer 'Tattfug tu ua' . .... iionîthy (ire REGITAT1ION ... ..... Armifia lIt-ome "l 'er the Fief i. ..' ...... .... ...........snnday Suthiol Srhoîri REfITATIuN ............... Marion Wire DUET......Justine Wire, Ht-feu Kobule "Welcome, Welt-ouuc, Sauta Clatis".. ........ [.....ioothy AirLsughiin Job work af ail kinds bandied wlth Pramptuets and dlspatcb. Telsphano Na. . i LbetYvlla and Bave delay lu tulutclng 7our nrd-r. Mr. and Mr@. Sit-udoit and familv- Rac-helI.Helen und Freilet-i- are viiting @oneo soteuot-principalf lttesin the- cause of True Educutioù. Tht-y lett hume te firtstfutSeptember, uni su) fat- bat-e hteu to Milwaukee, St. l.îuus. Kausam Cty, Toronto aud Bostîîuî. That tht- wor)did e aet wakinu p tii the neted of True l.îlîuatîuîîlem Nr. Rht- dons oPlnlin. Atitiiti pruved by the -c-utdia! wtlioiit- ai-eot-ded hlm in ont- arire titlêes. antd the eucr-tes witb whit-h bt-lo iroit..ttndtng biseit-as. AMr. Shel- tdon save tuent pt-tsent day edutators bave dtitted awsY tromt the original idea; ot eductufou. Trait-i bat-t ta Its Latin dervatîve tht- tori tduation" cornes tram two words "E" and "dut-o", whlcb mean to draw oîut.Pt-est-ut day t-duta- Mion dot-s the- exact opposte-lt sfekt-t al, ln, which toi) otten le rerely a Case 01 tram, cran, tram thes childa bsad iwlth tacts. -Wbat in tht- use ai fillilng a chldahtad with fact-gays ir. lihel- don unise ion develop bis abillty ta use thsuc'. And lu thie opinion h., la backsd up by sonseot the greateSt educators ot tspreutday. Hs Hoide Conventiouns. ln est-b City be t-lits be ialie a Conven- tion ot Sheidon Studeuta et ans o! thes principal hotels. A member of Mrt. Shel- dont@ staff who ai-tom pauled hlm on thia trip gaye thut thbe enthusfasut. carnest,- uanad iuyaltysexprsaed at theseuttet- lun" ls remet-table. But why eshouldu't a man show sut-b appreciation when Olten times fis mont-y-mutin g power bas lit-tn driubf-d b>' applying tht- Sheldon Sdea. MunyvIiautthat tir. gheudon le 'div- iuely tnsp)irei" But flu it- teli ht- mulies ni, suilu i laimnu.%liv ld.us at-e juet tht- retsIt il baril stuin' u ni a Steu aunafv-sis ili tht- eduuîtiuiual pritlitt, ct 1ied f a iiiei-uoalh I 1have lgaiuu-i un if, :. gr'ut ii et, f iffuie utis Ar. Sliifliii, Mrs. Shefduu Lt-cftres t i.îi uui i i fne ,fiîî i iu-ft- fit. a i f'iuld-fl, iî,-, iu1î.., lu] Jjzli., J, St Li f. , - 'if.. ,r i-lied,, i i , . eh., AIi(imi iiitfi- ,is- rît nlt-.ft, . i t r-if,..trt îutut- i t,tf,îît Irinafi. v..uinrt i- f- i.'. f it ,ff,uief..i- Atri itir tf-tt-.h.,fi"Iv r 1 isi i i tu t.f il r,, nul î nt i' il r.t t huV i i-iL ' , iitl b f 1 il ut, ii t, u itî i,, i su f tv tui- ( tirs ,Si- , tii,, tn-f% as fi atuia f-f-- %o r-ru, if tt-t1,>àIi-uf-it s i ,i . Wiii a Iiauifuil iitt t frrîii "I Put,$10 un MnY batik account evuy muuib. l-lw mucb do Yeu put in ynnr accuutl> Thîs ut bnw that accouai basruwn: 1sf year, S12 2.10 3rd ycar, S377,40 2nd ycar, $247,80 4th ycar, $510,80 Pt-avide lor tihe future hy a Savin* Acc=tmlwiîb nur Bank. $1.00 willopen an accOmuu.-SAVIGSo DPARTME.NT. The First National Bank of Libertyville Next Duos lu Postofce Open Salu-day Evansngs ) What did Santa Claus bring you' Oood dry baled sbavlngs for sale a He-ad Mai Kobuers heurat to ht-art the- LiiiEuryvi.î.E Lt Mut-FR 0oîtat tait to hi@ ristomerh )on thim page. 11-2 Good dry baled hat inge fr salt- ut Mr. and Mr@. Cha" Proî,îor and mou the LiItERTYVILLIE LîejuI îtî-1î 'ipeut sevet-al da3s Of tht- [ast witlutheir j3 grand parents ut Oakwood, Vîe Tht- Grldley faruily mI»tftt-l rpem ai t Mr S. S reenwald, if St. f Jes th.- home of NMr. aud Airm J 1).\arshal speuding the- holidays with lier rt er lu Etaneton. and ister, Max and Roma Kobn.- Misa Mary Brown. of lhIi gi, leas the The Ladies' Aid Socîety of ilt-m. P guefit of Miss Rula StaîAt-s utt-iraf dal church will meet at the-Ironie.-f Mrg the papt week. Fuller, Tuenfday afteruoon, Jan.î-III mis@elEutn Woodcock. of Civiago, was George Blkley, wbo bas li-en attend- ailes ut the home of Harrison Browu ing achoolet Evs.nstou, i. ept.ding hie several days this week. Christmas vacation with bis parente. Mir. and Mir@. Clayton Staples, of Miss Beth Cllngman, o! Oak Park, and Wbeaton, @pent Christmas wjthi relatives ROY Ciigman, ot Evanston, are guests and friende ln Libertyville. 'lt the boume of J. W. Miller on Park ô avenue. The Modern Woodmen wl gve a dance and euchre party ln the lodge ball GUY Lawrence, who le attendinir the aln Tuseday eveuing, Jan. 4, Univesity o! f liluoit Mt Urbana, la Thes employees ofut h. fbeldon @iIvr pouding the holiday vac-ation with bi@ id Unver-parent@ ber@. Il Prses are enioylng a vu, ation o u oa wssk durlng the holiday season. Dr. E. H. Smith and wlle vlli l..avs Dr. . H Matinand lfearrvedTuesday for a trip lastlng about two oD. F H. Mlauee and vlliarrpondlweeks. Tbey wlll vîsit Richmxond. Va, a wsskl bens witb relatives and friends. ade nint.0 Mrs lille Cobin ofElgn, &§ Remember that the genuune Cros Urs Blle(lrbi, f Egi, W51 Creek Lehlgh Valley Cou)l willlgo fart ber net St the horne of Air. utîd AI Ed thtanleany bard cel you but-n. For sale utefedsevrerai daya tht-[)ast week. b! the HoNiE LrssnEy Cofeipl.sLiberty- MIsses Gertrudeand Ruth Evifeizor ut-t ville, fil. 13-tf Sunday for Evaneton where tIt-ywlillArs. S. L. Tripp. ut Rocktefeller, and @pend a week witb relative@- and treinds. ber uit-ce, Mis Myrtle Richards. of Plenty of Baled Shavlngs, for pueking Prairie View, spent Tuesdu.y aftternoon hie and to use us hsdding ai thte Hom,, witb Ar@.1R. E.(Idiorne and lier LteuR NDcti4ýia.uî.Lib-rityvi, 11. iii if tdangliter, Blanchei, The- utw veut- îat- oi- . , ut-ti)i('itiiiare nit-el]fi, attenîd tfl. atiýh but; en ded a t h rnoiuglu ofi. ke i.look îiurtvandti îli, a hi, fi uticltgi t ..i ly hile tliî.i-aiitfiZatiî,)iiof tSi siicar ielt-baud lii siiitiifthp a >%i luiffl him truMt. i riia%. u.Iiiîg , il %%,ti , tl' lil M r. . , Ut.tiiii fal, ,t-eeîi -u ut-,, lt ov uit ua d ft,, Iu .%îî nr il fi~~~~ unI.fo iijat ou u.,Sut i thI tîluit-..fie.rr.f- pey sa fif us . i,,. u t iitig i L i, iii,î ir. fiuiu h- , ,îî huall, 'l(f unil- A imeu.ig i i.,s~ifi.î ii M, andM Wei,,-on rfif,., nr- ti.îuf i ...... ri,. tif :Ii-itii tav f 1 g i.- i'leu f tr, * Wii1ii f.. Itdî-s 'ni S lui, t' ~. i i..-, if I l. ,tt i , u'î I l i i'tie fi dagh x;frut lae thi,.ti -., ij,'1S 'îiufî fui. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ >- i. li , îoff, ltrd..,~ istg t il d,fi . t 1,. ir,,îi iafuuîi fi v,,. 'i , nf i- euu.tî i t ut.Il l t -111,tf ut,... ,ioi Sur îî so, iL j ,. . rî ii 1f, iu >l'u t-r, s , iiiu iii li hurcla af I r li liî,f, re- 'fit , r-nit' ittl' a i oI. i i çr .îu ii, i - ff % t ii itfr f'î' t r ts ivertsagi iia >iiie iii bvithuiL, Ni] lhi'iin n- i ttrsui . ,tlien aditii oau l it te i fn if,. l.iti-riu i ai ilefi-gtiiiiî ci uîîîîîpailier. utiiiiiii. Mr.^e t i n ( i ue nf i ' 'unie vtraî , ts siii u i i.. luirme if dIi iiai ir.tr r-sto'au-i n , i hi c'. tuilitr, Ni)t u Maiiitoe , M tb Affîufu-rfii- N i t t iuîî p ie nt t 1, t iil, lienrruagc of l Pirv-y irýtide o Iss Th -ysenti foîr tiletI f XiiiENuiENT uni fi- uiaui.-Nesoîn was olenrinized. Thes regards vW rtuaufrit-du fridai pîarty a ili tart ut onc-e for lire Frank. 1-lîlke huam.fîtet, very tir, Jaiksout-ille, Flîtridu. tht-ni-e tiHavana. for the fiat-t fea te,Se but ut fatît rfuîrt f tlla for an exteuded trip. Mn. Grfdley usas ré@tngeasify Nrs .Jîîbu toui, tgc, t t-efI1aud favîîrably kuowru bere and whiu bus bttu ery luit for the paet ti.- oitpieblas tht tet wi8fuee of tljeir tht-te weeks, a regret te) stailtje lot iuaîî s friemnde sbowuug muurb improvemeut. A.ii8euead b ail wîi be given b>' A iar load of muterffa-bwit-b le tii go A-tue Camp, 'sodern Woodmn of lnto the construct ion (if tht- big dredgt- Amerlia, ou Fridu>' evening, Jan. 14 ut wiicb will digz the tlkokiedraluage ianal thet own bal, Libertyville. Pt-lues wlll arnlved uat Rondont Tue8duy. Four bt-gît-en tft- the best gentleman's t-os more cars are ou the wuy and sxpected tumne, bt-st lady's ,.stume, most t-omît- ll arrive shortly. The work tif starviug gentleman's Costutmet, moet cumic ladys@ a iamp and building the dredgî.hlias i-ttstunt- ht-t gentleman waltzer, htst alreudy begun. lady altuer. Mat-tntrade costumes uîay he secured uett he bail. Supper The Chrstmas hiliday mat-ted a boulîtiesrt-td in tht-hast-ment. Musi,. hy nîîmfng day lot- memberm of the tamify of Hapues orchiestra. Fl-oot- rummittee: Mn. and Ars. C. F. Wright. The- folfîîw-Tîiny King, Art-a. Jot- Dot-fier, lvauhoe; lng beiug preseut tront a distant-e Wirt Thos. floffriian, Libertyvulle, Wm. Wrght and fauufyV, tif East St. Louis,;fianuion. Lirtyv ilt-, Frank J. Wintle, Rtoy Wright and wîft-. tf Etgexton, Wis , lita3s sake, Wlill Ray, liiamoud Lakeu. (eorge Wright, (iif Vrfîaîa and Wilf Tiiketé,75c,, pet-vtatire25c. (t wilI be Wright. if Clu-ugo. one of tht- biggeist dautes uf the- year. The chief fuittion of a bank îm to receive deposits and ta bans money. Theme thinge ve are pre- Pared ta, do in a manner accept- able to aur patrons. cake IZO#gtv flatoual Dak Surplus and Profits 80,000.». Stacekholder's Liability 50,OOtUOW Total $130,000.00 ALitie Heart-to-Heart Talk Wt yCsoes e At the close of the old year-the best in a business way, 1 ever had-l would feel ungrateful if Idîd fot express to you rny sincerest thnks for the liberal patronage bestowed on me; and0 1 hope ta deserve a continuance of it in the caming year. My ocly regret lis that during the0 great rush of the past few weeks I have been uriable ta give you a8 prompt service and as0 much attention as 1 would like ta have dane. My two able assistants and 1, worked at top0 speed fr ornrorning tili night; but at times we were sîmply swamped. Under these circum- stances it would lie more than human if some errors or causes for dissatisfactjon dicl fot occur. i>Wont you give me a chance ta rectify themî, by rnaking a complaint the first tirne you corne in D the store?= Did you getyour Christmnas present? 1 have tried ta remember everyone of you with ai small token, ta show my appreciation of your patronage. If'you have been overlooked, 1 ask your indulgence for this unintentional slight and would consider it a favor if you would cal1 my 0 attention ta it. q, 0 ~About January 3rd 1 wilI start a big CLEARING SALE and we hope you will taire 0 advantage of the tremendous price reductions 1 will make. Wishing yott a Happy and Prosperous New Year, I arn. Yours truîy, 0THE FAIR, Libertyville, Ill. MAX KOHNER. We wish to thank aur frienda for their liberal Christmas pat- ronage and extend t.o thein the Season 's (Greetings. We are now taking an invoice of stock and will have sorne attractive offers ta make at a latter date. Capital $50,000." LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. 1 verything for rIen