CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 31 Dec 1909, p. 8

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r- f - sire i. Of ef .0.0 = 'st u Wa Ilewr ou.........1700 tu-esfor BnIdfln..... 21,574.84 Tho Enes Co., Contra- *BS.Od PUie Revetmnent... ........ 23,000.00 b y ~15 10 T'4Ise Standard Construe- Ue I4evt Pro- tion 0., Contractara. 001 GOMMm'(3dCmmandants House and «x toses for Oflicers' Q~-a-...............108,00000 » and more Jame Corse, Contractor. esmkeran Who Sevage DisposaI Plant... 29,830.00 W,,"in theGeorge R. Kaechie, Con- a xpgii* atr i meifice i. sWtabe thassilti W t ts detalitof ~*.4emille 2 bcurr* sswnand 11by,,une ot,.r e urtisor vsue" for con- on, *0 i eVagutly-hi*ed 'Mýil bl aM ton *iOe s à askeq»n dur- WOtt hymean any. ie,ý ýkxîçîék eervQd to prove the oàW popularlty of Supèrintendent *a.Wpdeck than no man ever in %e gt tise Wsukegan milîs coin- àe* greter love andt respect. The 'itsetly started-and on Use after-1 I ft thq banquet sDts-ng on thse &I auiserlutedent "e Order of go"ofsa Ctber W4teck,' and1 vWore a bad" wn hich be- 'nalospi, tise d-er vere ap- ins8uu Of iFod f elliW- 1 e sw u4e"tnding. There vere t I i tW lod for Itz tobalia emplioyé«e by thse Uqit- makll e applications for ~~e lnt taot bd& 040 pè- et oàln shows tisat i~Islocl. QI5rseer got thoir ~u"~tleoç~ftrOe bene$Ïd by by mec [,C$ tan a1b*ms tpfflt thi~r vages bore for s>- he nature e1 the fisishng wenrk t tlue during tise yr -1910, vos-k «Ml ho oxtesslve, la lu tself a rtée tb#s Waskegan contractors ýkYe tiseir eet rear aithUe sta- )IOW Statiou, anelita Trade. ft, bèstion la once opaned' ,t swM 1 h obtained by con- It, i ýisiCMp vI ibenefit but OFo4o vlione tstaraby$snd 9lWéf tasaithe e s0lo ail of tlieir qtPanti this branci of trade vli ,- y ýaitheugis Use very nature am *012Sool vsb Ilato train Young ~O tbb 'sy ýand do away vitis ~~~tlcs jngr and tralnlng l0 for adnglre u- ~~~eqsAesl~ iisix anenths .r.rCio sd Waukegan maysace C41n!Uqg ts serfs« tise SUN repro- oflal tabulation of the n t lthe stStiba durlng the - Mgt4er wtvila s ketch of' nii o an 110sd wbat ha obtained abouti lim Rtom'Lettes-. Decesnbar 22, 19m. ~tyour ltter of De- b, rèqqelittng Informa- i'th4.rogroas of vork A»Jukg tIe pasat year. 1- la deas-eO as- «IunalNew Tear nmie Us«SUN", yod Xfilova:1 Amount. Contract. I IVater Filtration Plant.-.. James Corse, Contracter. Barber Entrane Fiers.. P, W. Galiovay, Con- ractor. Roadways.............. jamses Cape & Cons, C on- tractors. Sidewalks............ Warren Bros. Co., Con- tractors. tuner Basin Sea Wat .... tlreat IAkes Dredge & Dock Co., Coutractors. Hospital Building .... %Nopl Construction Co Contractors. Htospital Launuery and th ree Reatutences for Medical Officers. ... Noel Construction Co., Contractors. Soee, Drains, sud Water Mains on Hcospital Plateau .............. T. H. IgIlarst, Costractor. Hesting and Blactrical Dlstributlng Mainz and Coucrete Conduits on HtnPitalPtteau. lYOIe Rdèsgineering Co., Amount. 71,312.N0 57."0.00 26,500.00 43,900.00 131,400.00 79,000.00 9,12200 30,780.00 2. it viipossibir be of Itersat to you tu kssow tisat ve expeot to lut durs-ng the coemng rosi' coutracu fer oSl liandllnc oqulpment, ail isaudllng equtpSeat, dredglng, grest- 4,quipuenits, comfta"for furatta*,, slselving. caas, and ti ber rs.tiuhsg liseilor building equlpmsont. 3. Itla lu o oetitheNaval or Oc- 4. It as regrettodti iat tise otiser Informationresluesteti canant hag Iven ount ai ibs Urne. Repfttlli, A. RO.0. Rear Aditral, U. S. 'N&Yr, Commandant. UNEARTUIS AIJCTION - BILL OrLONG AG In 1878 Edward Donnia, Running for 4eglMtur0, Was to Stand ln Win- dow and se. Pereonal Note Moction- e d Off 4 did Frlend-Gets Political Pitsm Just thesame, but Leaves the àtate Soon After. C. T. i-eydeqker 'ohite look- ing tbÏ,otsei bis old papers Use otber (day, came acpSoesu onction bill wicb throwa llgbt on local conditions in 187$ sud which viii1 prove of tutereet te Usee eld settiers, as it vil recal nitacli luterest In tisa polîtoal csispaign o! thatYsear. In tise fait of 1878, Edward M. Don- nis, a justice of Use peace. vas a can- didate for thse state tegisîsture. Some of bis fs-fends, haaded hy William. M Case. tolut hlm Uat If lbe would net Juin Ueir crowd of .good felevas ho would suction off a note, 'ohicis be held againat him, on the public square for $300. Mr. Dennis refused ta listen tu It, so Case auctoned the note off lu front of tise Odd Fellowa' building sud madSe as mucis capital of It as possible s0 Usat the man coutd lhe bumilisteti. Tisere vas-e sev oral other artlcleq Bat- ed. but hie opponents made as mucis mass 'holhad lest ail ef bis vealtis, stood bu bis office vibh te8ro lu lite eyes, wviie bis note for $300 was bi- ing auctioned off babyw bis vludov.. 'How nnîeh wiii you give for the, $300 note?7 One bundred dollars-le pad down on ItL Boy much illiiyèù give?" Mr. Dennis f riends managed te kpeap, bis courage up untit the note vas 50o16 and needteiss to efty le vas electid toi the tegiBtature. Hie feelings vers ih",,- sa snuch 1',. the public sale o bis note,~ that le uuuved to Nlinneapohbs aft'o the state teizistature adourued. - Thse palier viti ha pseetedto lie-ý cotinty historical society. .After expfosure. tMd vien Yeu ei a cold eonsing on, take Foley>%, Hosfey aud Tai', thse greeý throat sud lung remedy4.ý t th ie cmgbtwgi, 04 the eongeÀýý w ,c«from yossr sà Uv.. 'iRÂNK' B. LoYE4 W. Pearsoen ijuffl by »10 Gie t1 Marion ÇVrM- and browning AveeàmReakide aClaUmdto Havei Banded Together to nef t on Re-. duotion of Speed oft Crs-Liai t o Accidenta Oves- Chrstmas. E HARVEOT OF DEATH AND AC- CIDENÀ OVER CHRISTMAS. 1-John Mller faill dead of issart fallure whIie etIlng turkey n Victoria Street Saloon. 2-N. Pearson injured by treat car at Marion street and Brown- Ing avenue. 3--Inquest over Charles Meyer reslte tn verdict of accidentai deatis by burning. Angered by thse accident to Nets Pearson of 106 Mott avenue and mak- Ing thse charge that cars operate up and down Maron treet at the rate of 30 mites an hour, restdents &long the streat ted tsy James F'raher have banded together and say tisat there ta a hot -Lime coming for the eiectric road wben it asks for a new franchise 7he ieetde roM blas tour yoesi- more of Ila franeliliwork out but vil probably coon take Up thse mat- ter of a nov ordlaaisco as the tilue aliortens. Mie* LattsloTurkey. if teen minutes ater lie hast dashed a glass af lirom s eltzer and many botes aftes- ho hast hatone glass of Johsn Mlter of thé Cliago lieuse on Market atreet tell deed of Ieeart fait nie in the saloonw OC Audrew Kaiko on Victoria atreet beween 13th and 14th while he vas eating a free turkey lunch. The accident took place Chrlatma.s nlght near seven. ,Miller vas single and twenty-five and worked for Corn Productg. He had been here eleven years and bas relatives ln the nid country. Moyir Deati Accidentai. The Inquest over tse remains of the' late Charles Meyers of Constsan- tine resnlted ln a verdict of acciden- tai deatis by burnl.ig. None of the LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE PIANO MAN atong Use street. relatives oh heurs of Meyers have Pearson was "knocked" by a street been fouud yet. It la belleyed that car near Browning avenue when it a aearch orf Neyer-s residence WilI ta ssld he got out of the way of one net brlug te lgit any hoardings of car only te ha etruck by anothar. He cash or securltles sud that thse oniy la badly hurt about the head and after property ise left la a visole yard of the accident Fs-lday vas taken to chilokens and docks st thse raislng If the hospItai by the Larsen and Conrad vlslch lie made a living. ambulanqe near seven. Realdenta charge titat Use alleq Thé Red Crois Stamp. exceasive speed cf ties treet cars. ou Mauion li a-eulted l n any sm4 Where thse Red Cross Christmas booboenta ita a year. stamps vunt this year so far: WiUU Demand Rigsta. Âtob 00 "We are golug te take "ii matter Grayalake, 600. et a nov frauthîse lu aur own bands. Highland Pas-k, 23,500. visOn Imen up again'" san .Mr. Eighwoo4, 500. 'wur~Ite cars nov run at th rt 40e & Iveuisoeý 600. anheur or no. We wiii dend lIùgl"sde,, 300 anti 50 carda. ,tb4t they ru neveua mulesan, bous. LAxe Bluff, 2,090. tisaitiser stop si al S ~ outh avenue L1"e Foreet,7e' for tIi - or klumen. hast tiseypave LOIiYtlls ,000. thse tset luted of wrlgsUg ogut.oC North It or fightlng tisa city and tiat tliey ilundout5 100. keep the. treets sprlukled. &uona 2(». -M »lsevY It ia nov Use tracka are WlinthropHfiror, W0. air incises lever tisan tise reat ofthtie ZMou db 700. ets-eet and thts aboulti ho fixed too." I o aesmtigt etl Ms. raiser asserba that thse angry tra ba hoveti a g tasedl resîdeuta of Use vicinity ofet sene people about It. ehv caafe vant col",n for liis particules- pur- of thse accident are oeterinud toaDs- poee. - - ~'AV IMBLL Pret Moase Chargées Bolor, tise City CUnLU f Morth Cioisgo end Tison Ha, tpT:ake ison Rack, tise Report --Dbalibn Opposition to SnsaUl Pox Fuml.atlon and Qturan. tine Bill PublcIy ln Meeting. Supervisor Henry Deacon Monday al bis own request sppeared before the city council of North Chicago to explain wisy ho was fightlug the psy- mient by the caunty of haif thse city's rumigating and quarantine buil Before he got through he le repos-ted to have found that he was ail wrong and te have "backed clown" on ail his statementa, even offering to support the bill isrough Use board. Deacon bas been fighting Heatth "oisine ottey's bill for payinent b, the cn..nt, of hsall Use expensa of the srnatl pox cases. îHe was aaked tu appear before the counicit and explain. He exptalued by charging that.rnall pox victims or familles had not been even asked to pay for fumlgattng and that quarantine was tuefficient even charging that the North Chicago police were tazy aud Inattentive to duty, it sa atteged. He i atso ailugo t io li e snid thiU the county ius uow $50, 000 in debt, Itetore lie guItht ougih t ti etauii cd that ho admi tte I the Not tii t hiielco tbottro had broui doiuug il-i r dîut3 iand )rose rvIig the iuuaraîicitic usbiuîi. ixatt liox rases wshile turoof was stîowi tiiiu ornait Pox famitles had refuse{ t pav, for the fumigatirig or wcre utuabto. The retsutt was It is ctaimned thai flealth Commisstoner Jottey 'sas up- held In every respect as an officer who doAs his duty te the tetter wbite North Chicagoana are so "sore" that ttsey may try, relying on an opinion of State's Attorney Dady, to make the Ecounty pay the entire ornai! pox bill. [Xed from Burns. "Chioken Charle.' Chasles Moyers, or Constantine, tise lattes- sald te be hie rosi namse dled 1rday nlght near 7 at tise Jaue EcÂliater Isspital of burea reesalvod vhs.. lietried tu lghtj a ire vwth gazoline ansd nov his rela- tives canaetlie ioca.ted. Dyla& e.o gave thse sdds-peaof a Mi'..i Mary Moyers at Fluphlus mand Bs-ai- way New York, but tise telegram been returned viti tise Inlormati tisaitisere la no aucis person ai thi drees. Tilel claimed that Meyera may have relatives lu Germaur. Unlike anotiser tallow, renderer and chclien farmer, viso died over a year ago, Meyer loti notilg, It le asserted. CHIICAGO LiCENSE TO WED. Irving Schumann, Park Ridge, Ill..19 frleda Levine, Barringtoss, 11.....21 Clea ring Out Ouir Linies, of Holiday Goods We neyer have enjoyed such a great holiday trade as we have had this season. We have a fine assortment of Bath Robes, and House Coats Ieft, and *01l make after holiday prices that wil l nterest you. Bath Robes go at. 3.49, 3.98, and 4.98 Smoking Jackets go at 2.98, 3.98, and 4.98 Leattier Novelties i&'-oIIar Boxes, Necktie Cases Olo0ve Cases & H-aflk*rchief Cases go at j value Collar Oags,S$1 grade et 69é,$1.5M grade et $1, $2 grade at $1.50 Necktle Case*, 51.50'- ad« et $1, $1,grade go at 69c Handkerchief Cses, $1 g rade go et 69c Leatbhé,iSets. Co mplete Coller Bag, MandkerchWI,,Casceoên4 Necktle Case, $5 sets go et 3.95 $4M50sets go at $3,65 Mufflers ..A Grea£ Sae of 'Silk Mufflers $3.50 grades for $2,50, $240 grades for $ 1.75, $2 grades for e1.50 $ 1.50 grades Moi $1, $1 grades for 79c 75c grades and ail tlie odds and ends go at 39c Anything you' may wish 4n,,Holiday Gifts at Sale Prices.I p - prucikal <g(F4tpped wlth s elw Vfq the smoke problim wan a solved. only hester qquI Smoikeleu IIDevice whsich insures a steady, f ufl-igoi't% wih ise ck turned u mes blh lkt lI go. withonst a slsred of smnoke. Itycrme thse motion, turn the wick down--tbeWe' no odor,- Thse mokeless device automatirally loeci and prevents the upward miovemnn of thse ?wick beyond the proper espsure. That is thse secret . Tis splendid resait gives leadeship to the Perfection. You mnay now have all thse heat you waus-when you want it-and where you want it-wthonxt the annoyance of smoke or odor. Brass font hotdq 4 quarts of oil, whieh permits a glowing heat for 9 boni', l3raýs wick tul)e-darnpcr top-cool hardie. Cieancd ini a minute. TIhe Perfection is bcautifully inished in Nickel or japan, Every Dealer Everywh,,e. SI Not At Your., Write for Descriptive Circola 0 1ù. N.areât Agency oft he STANDARD OIL COMPANY Thnkngo( a->fins o h liea arng f h er0s u an o<gthtte0w erwl Thaing ou vrymany frity nd o he " pleae we remain, just i o o o o o 0<0< SC1IANK I3ROTIiERS HIardware and Par iii-mplements P. S. Satiaflid customers have givon usE a prosperoni year. We atm bo pleas. Oui îtoeik la good and the primesright. ooo~o*oooosssss:ssssu is ISOUR R04 0 We eau mneet yourre m0ratter how large or smal <0 The Prepared ROOfIni <0 our custoîners by the rc on1 the market, and cc <0 with nails and cernent r <0 the riglit prices. Powell Rofofing <0117 S.aGefesea St. WAUKE<3/ OF 0. K? equirements no ll they uay be. ng we r"l to, rll is the best irnes complete ready to, Iay, tt eCompany . Telopisone 377 - - - - - - - - - - -Te-lepli-on-e - -o.- - --- .e.... *.p*** **----------- go ----------.~ep.s rRED JOCHIIM SPECIAL ATTE7NTION Ta oui of Town Orders And Shipping Trade LibertyvileExitne and CONIECTIONtR Libert!jvile lI o1 HOTELS AND RETAI LERS SUPPIE6 WE DELIVER TO ADJACENT TOWPe ~ee.p..s.ssss..s.o*:*esem~:o êê~as*I*e*p*;~*g .1 Mlorses, For 'S@I ~ M6.dntau .tlow StoekFai's, one ai Inigeôrtls of WtsConan, lllipoi, bssco Zz rp)w, tratt, %pulnud a4ed OU4 'P'i l1 0lto Uowi Kotalu Im "00 ot e*, il leék isues.M "nstsd c AN -ffl

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