INDEPENDENT WAUK<EGAN WEEKLY SUN . 7TWELVU POP LIBERTYVILLB LA"E COUNTY, 1LL1N(3I?~RIDAY, JÀNUARtY 19, )J2 ON)R TO EIGHT SI.50 PER YEA1R iN ADVANGL. up<g o~LAM i~g. A MIr#Il ta 1~9 ymsur,. Wii- wildmin lu glOfl go Splnau uthri troq< 0%.*7 vIe ilbb ouseb«cam **q ,âi" m cru r gi erly a Mou', ca* gbt8ei Iimi b.- >0 imbmrugt to a stop> lut Mrt lq < o ies. su d bo vnm A leu ditrnucc about a - -I 'r "i w. Mx,# coaitIo ia ummîlcu lbe db.u%%afor h vs- bal- M' tbo tihe oa" nibody vu5 <t ie eer laItlhc WWt esone Iint helng rt oimSaungi lps- i- %W - t ut t ai- amhlm ïiqle o Ie mchbe. ski 'lia"cmeolmemt cale al *».d itbe adîg plii- urp or f eobm Md *wu due .nla l ft a dclbo aucoxe -Mmt. «",W« ve. 004 la to tbenmobemt. c»"amellc- ou lm bru i"lela Lke Zariet msaty bWli tc ml Ituoneliere ! ,e r*%Xbl mý. etsuta 0epubel t bga.~ #Me t bbc w c -,WO*x eOBarringlen, bla tqem 0islebl. bau"e f eg Mal lrs. Mry Wilson Of Bur- MXr. 1es Inbeenpum'ltealu th. *idutr et Lake Zurich ftor thc S pantsir or r Sty yemnmiivanuon. ~À ~k: ~jbJrgai- mm.rneH wuIa Mo 114de OuER JUOGK.,Pqmme NOLDB THREE SONS muer? PAY FOIMOTH- EWB MOIAT POOR FPARM. 'TÇOIIOW TO N"I ZION Ci t7 VOTING C A4'IB, -i~ hsmU faConti court miel tiat ~*lus upcf M. Caterne Bovele. o f te its Conty Pcor~ #%MatLbutyvUte munet provide for ~cs~m~trt. itebasbeoit car"elfor 't~si auberof eamaIttie ex. ihflbei i clrea living, tire. ioutla g <lie dasutes-s. '71f.court rleusil0 <fl ue gtors fram lia- iUity ô lte grouni ltai <bey bai Sbeau alopiteiby other fammlie a nu.- beiur etS vtzit,Tic tre. sBous Who M  Kl TTIC ilaujelBroua. 48 i-cars li. vas Iffiai haegago a relier lu te attie etrlma Iares hliee t cari-y. m ai-r XeI Dlug*sat At.30 oclock'Thurn. momu lng . Ilsosieri-bena uMOM bhails-. ter W1h ututte a esch cor hlm Who# hoe iIIMott hw Up for break- fIte.- lm boiT vu et dlovat 0200 but mInvetigation abovel bt ho: vi a ýUdn Bm. ha blmot heau emPIOîei for ilS. 10 m i m a" iafaut n»ver 121 im of maudhg.Dot poeessins a ufgu "" He .Uc vul tu cien, mimseue MmaMr- FgOit DMRofor sore tAn. put e. o lai bot complaee cf mur gretetlk- h" ho t alb.seaeel W h des- pondet or norose. but thora bal beeu a sort of muhenine or quletume&bout hi, meunor ltat onume l hieminer on. WOMI. On Monda of tiI. vek bobal er- yod on a pstit jury et Waodmrtock. but on TUeeiay b.oceMPISInel 0fsickaenn a vas epq@el mal aloed to r.. tort home, Me retirei about the tonal tin» laut eveula.g a boss va fOthlS uon- noua about hie condition to am e snufpicion. This mou'ing hlmsîniters hor hlm arise about six o'clock. Tbey hourd hlm wsik around a Ufttie whle, mud thon from ie uicodig footatolpetbey decidel that b. bal vaihol ta tVie rectIon of the. attic. 111e di tôt amouse thior suspcons »md te7 econ*nued thor tuait of gel- tluug breakfast. Thi doncstoey vaîted for hlm to put linam appearanco, but when ho did ont arrive ai 7:30 oclock thore Was a vague, snnauel fear lu teir samis bat prhapsa aH va. Mot un Il shonl b.., Witia emiiorablc ea.r tbeg start- ed et on a serel for uom vwnute Sm plce bley viatel. neaw«mt *bltmaSth.eeannb » ifeectel <o the allie. --- WU fl amidtrmbtng the tee"e t 1< e or mai ochaI late tIc la uttiles-ou. A ilghtgl madis lad beàeto t b. 00or andul h is11* li« Mn rystber adtiulli a liai»1«mbanaing fro, tbe ratiers aylmg ehlbUlî si If move about by lte Iraft ef air cmail by theo oemng cetlt e ur. Ticevollie msaibeea h tbro uni ceffl hbif crie.A miOMea laser th.y ecel thelr monrege h a supr4a Me d mblosue maian. fi tilm libe thslr «« ne b emeousai to thea mil-daibandmItbsy reeg- nisel a i tefar-t the body et thelr hrator. Hos-rr-siricken, ther hatlly smon- moned. neîgbbors anl ha! tho boiy cut dovut. it van touaI hoveer that tirfe van oxlnct. Brvwn ahowel that hoh al coal- ered bis deoui ey earcfnly an be bal bon obllged ta tor a Toe.est ef %trips 0f bihe b.d bianket. With biùs inprovlsed rope be pîcked up bis lit- tle tallow condile and made hie vay ta the garret. The. candisevas placed o« the floor and a acarby chair was lrava up until it stoold rectly unler one of the saters. The aorne van thea placci about his acclo and kaotted carefullY sa <bal lb vauld Dot slip. The. otier ond van thrown over the rater and tastenel in place. It van necesnary thon anly ta, kick te spportiag chair avur unid doath by sftrangulation resnîte a fev moientdleslluv.tefolvn Themeuhaler. stefolwn brobers and @Iter@: Wrght Broya or Cary; Melville Broyn of Waucnda, Darwin of Wanconla. Sue and Mar- garet of Cary and Mms. Ben Raitc o! Crystal I..ake. The coroners laquest vaa ta, ho bell this afternoon. DIED AT ORAVJAKE. Suutday nigt aut hehome cf ber parents, Mr. mnd Mns. George Stranýg -lf Graylake, acorrol tho death of 1Miss, Flossle trang, ated Iveali-, elglit. Sho bal becn alck for @Oo j1eurs, la tact bal &àmont been an lu- ver. ell â»le me Ncoîn. oen valîd l mdb Of that lime. Oq voi and john and Peter Bovors mine s tang Ilivola n Oayslube vi- Hoort ':'ou1ny. cinity &Uairl -iII. ene bal a vile t zonflop Temos-sow. circle of friends. Fuasial ed« Tomofl-tev lrXnlng .udge Persona a fenu omteCgeto Win esnpenel tua.jury uimüy he" ai clurci, 1ev. Moan taocicmite. "Mno bout caesewqna the.IQrenocn. In hpafternoon Jue Beckhov 0f Uxpress Thanks Vockkh 4 ulîlb ho'. tao heur tue Zbon CapI. and Mrs. Coak, of tho VluaL- \ç lgb le ga *v otn case..teOu of Axuilca.witltu ank lb* '4dg&ft j love. lla te atoitoon people cfNa.lkogunand surrounii4g for w0* h5(vre le. *0ii < ftr thelu'inO eupport lis la t. ehi-~.~ft gie Rclt bunaesp. tia» la t îcir réeif uorl to p ~¶4,~ htlr.b loi tbe deanda of t4,,Vowuand *e4e -v hlei the wuhiIe1Ua YOUNG Wl BÂBE BAS GREAT- , RCAT-GRANDMOTHER Dtscovery of -Comty'is Only [I.' E amflyof InveGea ,erations Mmu Howard Flood of ,*arrenton, -Shoots Self Wîth Revolver Sati*y Evening at About 7:ÏÎY'clock LIRET THEENNO TO UBBÂND, 0»~ TO IT,1*BIAND ONE TO SISTUR Vie"î of This, the Moet Pathetic Sujckl Couaty Ha& Known, Leeves Little Babe Four .Monthe 01<1. NI; Roma For Act Knowu. Coroner Taylor tfildM lquest Sunday one of the Mont pic sulios ro ad te l1,cre. lThe Younger Flood'8 coud not understand ber rash act. Ho that Lake couety lue ever m~. Ot home Iai to the ierthvest of the main toid of! living ber tbe revolver la pInce Sturday .wcning nt 7:15 o'cIocb tariu n& i, ontailg but tvo 5.511 êctober wben th.y Moved to tbo farm, whee Mine. Howard pIe"d al*he . Tornela. pr$ibU a mont dolefal op. ln order t0 protect berseif on thte farni sif <htiuuh <the temple, uin e- hoene pearance wiua' hen the lautient fromIn inruders. fitva. explainel that w~qo Warreutou, os-e, the shot be. vas heMd. Hoever, the eider Flood the. gun bad a fullI bal vben be gave Ing admlnlstss-d by a s-volvss- whielu and the gil' tatker expiained <th"it to ber, but that recmntly, ho, Mr. hem fathes-, . . Fa» ,o.2Weulcegn Mr. 71004 bal planned bulding lisa lagg himself, bad ebot five chamberss township hel gven bhien et Octobes amtani bsagUtera new home la the ut rabbits. leavin,: butonue abeli lui te ho ubel In protactIno ies-sef afte, Sprng Md " theoh knew or is plans. tbe veapoit. It vas Ibis one aoli ahi lad gos t.eIW In he coeuntry. . h. and ber tuoband had planned on wblcb proved fatal. Mr. Pagg said ho Ano*.s fuaturs .of<ltee sude Won tbeir mev bomne, tbrefore. It le bard could flot recaIt ubether she anked hit tle young woman, who von but for rl*ativea fi gure ont boy sghe hlm for the revolver or wbetber ho of- tunetycue ynni, ohd, hod pîana herc oold bave become deepoudent ho. tered It <o ber. as-si on leh«eb edes hasider, »Matcause of ber austudimn. lHowever,ts-ange Co-Incident. as th.o frsi the @bet whWheis ed hor itlu possible the. tact Ibat ber iD- oa fGre uc on lite, hie bhock hein@, toriel < te s t buaband left leaerly oach mornnng car.elYounghefacene eatd of s riber tlie tlam afBlttlgilnsthe osly .ther for hls voskM iL Ad flot return until ciuto the ta k nd ho lardrah reonu of theil itUhouse otuebhec cew.late each eveuiugdausel ber ta fool cd hlm. Hîf vif e van talking on bit sle, Arthur Pmnuke, wko wos heldflg a910» aAndet0fed asite cold veatb- ephimno b lir ws aPied. uobcrtu Mem.Ped'l itti. lobe, beôsc«s11Seg. eor ettii Ov *sr homo. A phne poe ftb r. eBrryFlvd.n TamîIs MIs IML .Thef , In 1thele dnoyboe b ad rCIh'h~ luitallel la tou lue l o the mlime ai calol ul nslek wus *0 have ho« mresenuL lt. bu" wo u 1e t .8"cold caUIt Im Flood b. 1104 lai bamsIftmi th *0e q gpigngP16400. fatàs«, wle fw ttg 1oo'gvbnever uSe vlshed uem 1.i.Yungbsa <ae n"c bulIding théeu a nov houes, thse oeoytlng wom doms to maie thfl5 brelttebombuII tou»od e plpae si. e ad uà"uit, cofortbbe as possible until tbi eli b.ff o the boé but * gir reflatI of the Ihti~r vere ahocîmi te fnîw bome abl hbco recbd la the tiffl e' lyluuon <b.loorHebc idh the etece.thie ftherothe II.yOU55 Spring. bolmg ner Ic tfsonfter rigb teOa wmms 4141110410011Y bcbg heart4relcem flover, If the yooag voman wvan s, pited ti oyard ber fest. Dr. ove leae nd sg of lbis clerithid fullî cg 111e m"denjyel nlvn& tblft ciYoang »ail»hbelieda aas apjsearei imob. e. spoil, Mblnl tli theasurue ndingu bappy te hlm except tIM. ke ain» - Lues 1mee tNtes. . lah.o ot or lte ay home miglitont of tonncases ot ciillbth, vhon Duriug th. ufimmoon previcus ta ber1 baI. Vros-ei an her- novesuntil nhe ber baboe-vwonbora abs oxprosoçél a destit, lMr. laidba vuitten tre. hlus deeondent beyond rennon. b101>tient e eonld i. l. atriie* Dotes whick ves Ier founi iber fala he bu ly solution for. accord- id ne o niSur e <0 ut utetsu father addreeod tu lier busbaad, na, tir to the.buubad. ucegring te ber sise An*«. to ber îwo s.te e 04 dth iril ttere m adaccordlag to relatives, tbes he yadJuAb e U w bier faiter. 'lThs tetter ta ber ahe iesoM vers perfeMcy happy. vbou One0f tlu ib O s un 5<lva van < l auoue produced before the The lnflL ai tisu vas enutel a tert-rouniu coi'oos'sJury whblobard ite evi- Coroner Taylor bond the laquent sonne, au th. amui father fell on hi doc. Sumday atosnoon, Coroner Tay- BSNILaY ut 3:00 p. m. Thii t vt- dangbtersnomcb and vept lonily. bur Prnlduag. Outo f nYmPatby to ber nise. va the husbad vho toli of The jury brouhît la a veridct of relven, the coroner di6 not lasînt COMIMIg boue t 7:00 oclock, of meet' suicide, these men sittlng: Chaules on the other two lettons belng rosd. lg lin vifo la the doarway. cf vsik- Gram, W. H. Siloson. Dan lryai Up ta the UreDO f lbe Iaquaet, nether lbg Into bis bedroom ta reutove bis West Gray, Clifford Metc&if. Fs-e of the othetr tva notes ha*I been opent- 1bot.e and Of the uhoobiutg. Me Msli lîlîngs. Constable Gray arrivei! s el. ani ap to thtat lime even the hus- au la itood vîtb hlu back to the bol- the bouse sbortdy alter the suicide band iI ot know vint farevoîl mens- sage i dospanlont vif. had ieftto hlm. lt.soetd qulto Improbable Ibat ho planaed reaiing lb for It vus given tu bis father, Harry Flood, vbo declar- ed b. vouli nat open it unlese hbe coronerlnited. Whub lihe Note Coqtainod. The note la the father vas as pa- thetis a lettor san vanoves- peaned by a person contemplathng sicie. lb staxted out vith "My Deur. lDarling t' Imm oom, bis vîfe onterol, placei ber rim on bis shoulieraid, reaching over te the dresser, plcked up lhe re- volver contalalug but one cartrldge. Bforo he knev viat se. as iaing, the bal fired the shot mbt ber tem- ple. " Wben 1 feit ber arm n amry ehoul- der. 1 thought tee as luet placing Il tbore la a lovabie vas," said Flood. «But lnubaaty 155a aflash, and the felI o t he floor.' Ls or et e0 igit. Longcd For City? It lu barely possiblo that the reai cause of Mns. Pio'a sad endIng van due to ber loatging for city lite aver a .a liel a little tvo-rooia cottage on the farin. eseclally la face of tis coli weather. Her buaband stated that he and hie Wl!.. ver. very happy and ho sel- dom hourd ber complaa athough a Chicago papera bave been maklng unite au ado over the disoovery of a faxnily viere the. unother lIved t10 se. her-great-gret., grand child, the. particuhai cale being that of Muse. Abba M. Abbott, aiflOtY- eeven years od. wbo lied rcoSntlY &fier living ju long enouakt tb eee ber great-great-grandion, bora te Mr*t L T. Woodcock. 429 North Kenil- wortb avenue, Oak Part. Waukegan cornes forw4rd witb a counter cdaim, ID whibb ve goners- dlons are repreuentei and, wltb thé excepition of tbe second. ail areliv- Ing. The trth to %Ir. and eMm. Marl simpeon eight veeks &go at Sualay of a lusty som marked the. arrival cf the fiftb goncrution in the Emerson Tbayer famllY. !%Ira. Emerson Thay- er, aged 92 years. lives wth ber daugliter, Min. George Webb, at-Antf- 1 Who They Ame flore ame tao nombeon or tac rs*- iiy congttttng the Ove saer«atloaa: Mus. IMerson Thayer. Aatioelu n0W deceniid. Mn. ruaId WbWaunu laugluter of Us. AdAuna1 Mrsi. Mari Smpson. danghter of Mns. Webb. Manter Kosuaehb Simpson,. su of lors. Simpsoa. Master teathbuhanent yet sien hIl s great-great-gradmotber. Mia. Thayer. but Ise parente plan takiig, hlm tu Antlocb Iii. rut goal day and havlng.picturen taken of tbe Ove @on- erationu. the plan Seing te bave Mn$. of Mns. Adams, ne uepreonting the second genertion. go fr as biiova.ttus la the cmli esse la tue couaty .1er.*0 wtSf bbge- g rauiest amihert c m t mUçae t e e o g pi . @ " e t , w e f < bt a v e liosue oa" rqeeuepi% w lu the Weukega liaO..uee -Nov thoai i-cave atfl 10 b, Çaia WLeuegnla repbIu te C»l ces geserflom wu&t-110a, rd be oel Dmrim ci-hvel taii7 .4 atail la YeuêerarsM114 npwm* iM- i tinte, <cUba ket laWtohmiibudw,4 lu V" A"Ove ome.b»ý topei imed. WM bit - lai ~ne hdA8 D, Sinces <luie <devekopo làla fis 240o blason -hate Waukegu bas a fsndb of Oive generationi, Vîlt anc or nefl reposetaues0f escb atIlI mlve. Fol. lovlng are the membors constitutlnu the Ove gouerations: Mns. EMlen Jeaklnnlon, of Ibis place. Mr$. WIIhIIP'euon. her iaugbtnb. of Spencer, la. Mns. William Madon. daugbber of Mn*. Fulton, and reaidlag Ila CaasaPO- lie, Micb. Mus. J. Broyas, misa of Cassapolis, a daugliter of Mro. 'Hm.Ye.. Mns.liai-don aima bas a married mon Joseph. remlding la Cassapotis, and bath Mr. Haylen and bis siotor r$. Bravite, bave tva cltlldrea. se <bat theme arc four chilîdren repreiontIi th. flfth geueration. IAN! 1lu oeil SIX MUNDRED MEN ARE NOW OUT; AND COMPANIES SAY NEW MEN ARE HIRED. ASK FOR 20C PEiRRoui > O0ME 0F THEM HAVE LOB? BNDt- 0F FINGEAS; SAY DEMANDS. WERE SIMPLE. - t developu mat t2ue atrike la bueý roittai lu the SUN Ie cvealng. bau takou on eyr OO*UW ,poportions. lasteegI of thrce bun*ed moun boius out, tbo aumber tu, de5O&. as ail t.e tee éuttte e n Loug MM ]MW 1 iaksn are n»w out, having maie t» I saine demande the. Ice 0ute18 RoundI luismode. }iloi*ii xK2 liu-ateued yeseslay gnon I man uni ou. of the stuike2n *e d s voivers. Thet were boix apart >y 1 Intervention of friendu. The strlbesm uses-b bat tkdeti manduamarenot ursoab b~ thet uP 10 lthe plemnt tinW» lueen unel t os-ok fo i S bour and ont et Ibis ere Zay $4 avweek for te h4-ý vos. thaun othlnt.. A11 tlg thev saY. la that <beY rtiotRe.c an 3tour. Tic..»1Wh ave »«men anwi stiikers 5.8.1< <Ont evwty aie h«beu alloit ;b- tb tbte o 1t4l4 wm i Sa s bt »p o le e t" t. te 'tW bgau me m nttlrnu. GURNt TEAM RiJNS AWA TKM ROKE NiTCH BRAi RAN PULL LËNOTH OP COU TV STRE. Papa," and lh iet part urged i=hl As ho enlerod the bouse, bis vîfe fov differet tImý e .hos%-d ber r. Long Fiant Century Mas- ntte lbame ber husband for bh et Wcl. v sut gttlng suppor uni ase niemark bbat sbc viehed se.couli go Mns.]ieon Jenblitoncelobratei btc - AQJON POLI REBTINO AMU adding <th e oc Ia.b toe tebdondintayataChicago. Whelier sieomoant Ibat 1lOr& annivensary a! hem birth. o N MIm ACCW4 ber heurt, tub ber tteart van ail vraie- von 10e blmof ber Intentions. see isbed e lolvo there, b. di nat Christmne lai. Thomas Jnino, TIM WAB CAIJOI4T. poil up la hlm but, "My Iloal bas tei Cousin Heid the Baby. explaia but the dismal aurrouadingo Of RockIand, la the aIdeet of ber oiglut ka xciting rnany'Cal"s lea.' ani she feoithat Il vas beetthlaI Arthur branke, of Cambria, Wls., a of tli ttehome vore snch taItuhel. 5lildTen and 14 80 rearu of uge, muni reidonta on Nort Coqe sie end her lfe. Ohe alded that sho cousin of bMn. Fload, vbo reacied conclusion la that Ia whut sne r..llî Mns. WlIHIâau PoiFu bas t'edddi itna«rî Sun. evening. vben a upi bope ber lttie non, bora li Septem-4 their homo Fliay on a viait, bai meant. Waukeoaaountil rocently. wh" ab* leaunorf drIving hamnan41 ber. vouli soon folo. her because: roaCiod the bouse siortly betoreA o l. i-mv oOpaea. r.alM..Fai.fGuebaeloe It mnut be awful for a cbillite go Flood and noticed that Mrs. Flood sp- Fulton celebrated thieir golden vol-.i aath tc throngh itse vîhhaul a *mother and con- mrdijctd oakd ber at No more denlate surrouadiagu for ding annlversamy four ruiy«, o <e m. F1001tbalâtre À 1S fi-ont the triais that besot on. on ail vas the mater und sie sali &ho îîî a trugedy of the kInd Ibat vas enact- Fonrtb of July, ut ubîcht ime <liere fev minutebefore, anul M"1114 aide." Oie prayol Coi ho vouli for, net fee1 veut. He ol the baby ln .1 Satnriay algit coli b. Imaghned vas a famli reunion bore la Wauke- toam at the corner et W di give ber for lheie Bt ulcb, sie foit, bis armne uni beld it viien the fatber Iban those whicb exstait authIbmFlood gan. Durung tbe day a Isbotographer and Counîy streets.- Maie tel van bot for ber" for vitalt 1am golng returneî uni entered lie beiroom. cottage. The extrenle veablier, the wu engageul 10 take a picture of lie lie cold, tbeybre aevs lao tonight." 'rie latter sentence Pases The. Oby. enov and rough ruais, ail combined group vic cntainol 70,cousnsuhia fw mI hiek»» te mk hnsse e wreta e miutes. Fred zoebe m showed liat aschk bd wvitlieithle lot- lu pussing brunke. Mnr. Food a 1 nne hng sea vn oreliabai corne tram ail pgrtu af the counry down County st-cet Wb** thll tors iurlng the afternoan ami b84a l ait look ut the baby hilci ba beti tbey Ivere. te b. present utt he nserrymaking. rced by hlm. H.eiuumcllatcl bi i c 'enlylaid ber plana for klling ber- but maden ign or expreosed a Tectaebomre bu l fln ~ian.eglaîie.u e i nuaO a g.t Bolf. Word ai uho paesed to thie bedroom. 12 aidabout 8xl2, fiiraislud mont seven have ivel <Ote, ethe famlly Rldgelaud avenuqbe, am ipm , No easn uow. allr l Hss--m-okn. scantlli. vltb tar paPer as the caver- chain of Oive genterations inlub in sl'rl)vee,, holdin thé- %M No Reason ,nown. Fater la HurtBroken. lg for the celling. bbe bouse set rhm a rbal Thun, ville ber note ta ber fatior The tather, M. Fagg, via bas lIv-1 back far frorn the roui, vibi s rougi - *URIED IN LAKE COUNTY. The ns contalaed sentences wbich mghl ne- gslnlaWankegan townsbip about <iree iroaî îeaîîng lava te Iane tothe H. M. 'rlleston. aged 55 years,. dieýd froi the. vagon longue and Wa e Voat 10 relatives soms motive for th yente, vas a most pathebla vitiiess.u se.ihso-ak nteltl rCiao h oan eetknli nteopst üfo 4' crime, ther. vas itcéhiug loCMlte. Co007lHe vept an ho taîked, eiplalniugt laI buev>isnv busonieutul. tI o.'termnertae ing onle lithe W g et < illîs suroundilaglieth e . vlth a fro xnt zena funemai chapel at 810 nage, Wlel. u ntnge closions of Jurer a, a t h . heyonng bis daugîter vas always choerful, iap- tpcl tilyooedbr ars ortht Clark nîreet, Bush temple, ta' vas restlg acrosn tie laci 'e vomanu ai gi-c.a iepOdtîe and apparetlîy mast, contented :aypicall r.aine,, irdh a leacoss flamond Laite forhuril. olor bone.. bily throusgitbelng alone likbe suta l 11>b er'lot, a tact vitiqitsurpluss fapra tte dckean the___bouse_ r>ogth*e. Ihemon maegm <sg cttage 1vwich raetanlaa Ibus aroff I th.o ouI a, ,accorslhag <obis te cf a parhal te tin.lad o! tooed eDelines Bequest thIngs traigtnoa t al suSct the malm rodhto. I elleem"Yu. lhoîlimdee bobis vonder at ber -lhal.teoIbuicn io 0 Miss Mkilîle Hultlnborg of Rockfok-d ensile <hem te irivp *$* a Gvrpee rond, aust rho boWgblgatbmelvitullIvng l lbthetini mute thiage lok parlcularly diemailderlined la accept property vos-lb owanidout the Wuap1 thq naWrït wevu.ta n-. u ba 'xg,î *>< that bIttbeer con- heyong $1,000 bequeatbor ber iv Emil Ben- vbc, bail m*ull sfis thé " me Q*the Wt t#4"fttýaow" a* andb»ï,bband lilely Just couli flot vithstami the n, wocnmte ucd hn1H nlymge«t. rom dim" fs urom 1tiie gMr est il o eoS oalitear ual v*y itM»' gonlinuel on Page Four) <ho refusod taernurry un. <laebaymej nd i i il I b, Pif Il ti