TO IÎSAREK 9 caie for the. paper-bag_________ oe*r 4ilt I e a bopaeinte t«atý a$sce Inq Calied eor Saturday Night-De. ~ cW~ flcRois**" y*eCaOrlkd to Su- e4è6urt mnC$etlad Camp In- 41dlsêh ReM*itâtéhnt f ates tbe 4retieala piss qie ai e4- Itretrtive anf F o foa fit 'ifs" i9.4f fi a , place ii.mara 0f villeho n s et fla lm iton wltha clip tungt«its purea. ta old fi..d cosners ftyi bu Ocay mp ven ut latt «»k a tea t@bo bag9 Cook.? et tu aOuf. tadow 40b* As t& rnowa la thle officiai Douce Somo aensaUional charges are like- puifl" edb*IW, lýae county Wood. ]y tob. ftired] nt the head ofikerf3 Sat- men are to voe a Ioud protest nrday niglit, one ofthie speakers to againat the proposed Increase of rate% b.heC. T. I-ieydecker, whe, as one of lu fia erder ad a marna meeting là the original drectors of the national beDn eeUed ta formally ppeteat agalatrior. rkuows More about the rates th. plan, thei meeting beiag called for àed the Mebtode of doing busines-5 by @*"dehy eenter, Ja". 20. . tue bead offecerg flan any allier man The. plan lo to get as many Wood-! ln the country as a reauît of hie ex- mon from aIl over thle country ta corne IPerience ln ithe order mnany yeara ago. to Lats Camp hall. Waukeran, and The notice ta Woodmen follows: obewtbelr concera in the proposc Jncrease whicli. local Woodmen feel, WOODMEN 0F LAKE COUNTY:- le Dot liecepesry, le grossly ainjuat and ATTENTION. lable ta work harm le the order. Witb 1 eigbt milons lu the ireasury, It le, The coflmte aîuîonted by L.akc argueil fiat the îwîge la on a Or i e N. 74to consider thepropos-~ iaaim and needs no readlnetaient ie idlereonaan fadloumrat mestngbo bond omlcis are seekng.vtda ta dJuameigo May Asic Lelishstion. the bond camp tôo'b heid a! Chicago Jnay23, 1912, have lsad s meet- An oficerof Lake Camp taday Rad I:" anabmitted a partial report te Miat l. andttr Iif b.ougyL«tto e Lake Camp. The committee on frtiier Ilmi ai tit. f ncccsary Lae, onaderatlon have concluded tint il COURt, Woodime ayaf aite on a can, wouîd be vise tn have a largor meet- dbidatsfor îtive eig hllbtnrvo ait .ng ofail o! the members of Lake eblt otie a gin, sahho a skCamp. and of mombers from allier shite legIsIation agalnst the proposed cmp nLk ony iner» l raes.a pln wich he Therefore. notice ia given that en states, la plausible and passible, for, SatuI-day evcnlng, January 20, 1912, at fiedéw ofemi Ilb.nlhad camp doe 8:00 o'clock an open meeting Wlll bc ot necaassrily seutle matters one wiy bled et Waodmen bal, Waukegan, Ilii- or he the. Te cse au e tkennoie, and members or delegates frram tq thc Suprenle court If necessary. ahI camps le the connty arc urged tu Cute ot O moHers. attend. At the time stated the mat- ter of' Instructions to the delegetes The readlustmenl plan PrecticallY front Lakeecounty ta the bead camp. elimînates f rom the Insurance order. wblch meets ie Chicago an January ail mon over sevanty.ars of âge., 12, wi yl ha coasidercd. fDo atter boy long tbeY iaY ]have1 This la, a matter ln vhlch every been membera. Itlale id that there 1Waodnlan laIn ak e cnnty should bc are about iece ln Waukefan whO interesîed. would thusgbelcut out hy thle prahi- WtILLIAM HOBAN, bitive rate. mýin wlio bave paid Into t. T. HIYDECKER, 1the order ever %Ince It vas esabîish- Il. J. REYNOLDS, Tha question l9, ha It tresilazg them risit ta anal them after they bave proved loyal ail these yeari? SICKNSS AND oniu s cAUSU IN MT1 P0*8AIE îas. of colbeated stoe id sielyesea vire broler!TwoTir#IRIY1%INONE IMO b. noed. - This abauld b.el is the abolif vithb lb.bag con-1 &. food. t la nec.ssary ta SOUTH IDE LOWER RtOOM Es- *s th. tact tiat. ezoept la TABLsIES 880080 WH"N et le, n dchsholdbe MEASLES KEEP MANY AWAY Know when fthe Foodla' - Cookee 1 Neyer liefora lbas Waskegau boe tlme.table la adherad to. t e liard bit la the tmater'fat alen- b. taloa ot of the aven in d<ance In te lower grades as dnrlng » fiat thecfood lu vel ti ts receil raid spli for, durint ti" But if frorn any ounsa the past week or two. thse attandancO in dsas. It le v* ert aY ta finit the §rot and second grades wropped OUMt tii food 1i Properît' doive 10 sncb a Perceitage tht rln- Exoet i he i cage af vege- ciliaia were amazed. litti. baie cm , b. made tla Thetusual rue f absenties ia dueP bt' wbielà tiiefood can bc i jadied asata vliatler îî la 1. Cold veather." sr not. Tt"a vilI nt militte I2. uul pre#iaenCa Of celiirn!t i.é wolaog of the food la the discases, such as diphheri, messies, , lai many articles, lioever, etr-i tonch of Ibtibg vii ladicata The exact attendance reiorl la Dot hU»art' cocA v.tiier thea bag known by City Superintendent Th omp- ta b.e erved. À prck vltli son, bel i. admitted tadaY that b. s Inanotiier aetiidtuat May erai stbdecdsmy e Red. But a pecullarîr favor- fasalpn a ead a i eure of paper-a9eg okier S. brakan by the rect l howiag. duoi Uicê fond la loft Ove. or ton to these thîngi: luz the bag In the aveu longer Large Percenfege Out. ê" apeIIed ime on ail fable. As su example o! boy tic atten- vi»e of overSie Te.~ dance lbusdropped. the South scio fa Se Avoided. fref grade, vth su alteadance ai ~ ~ i~ ~2 pupl. #ad about fourfeea. pffeent qtuptin . Ut l'or sose dais- TIea.ieaata hi ~ ~ ~~ .. ~ oam er. ot liccanse of sîcknossi edeito-a ala àîjc%.e;Qe more tli oïdoeIn.hfe West sabl require :vary nov and then a room wliere lhe enrolemtat la or t endoor '10 Se. o hw dinarily hirfytwo, Ihore vere cigli ta, getting o-" The aven teen pupls for aeveral days. Tip un- wotia bas îbayu pnth,%nolsuuaelntbier of +_ýslees aPMl to ~ ~ Oplseland -eon 'teielt, laî rares a 19q es aboya 1i én ,v "ou pei* tpao*a, d grade *ii4 llu Be buouf of fthe cran. -_____AL_ 1 vd brplaS geitl, 3adr ýfbout a donple ofl Ciics, saS .usf About. i9rw piMs1y on fe tii. la.ESr-"-Then isaI do y" oith tW tF" m . 1%6 Ticbêt 1Chiai te -h matai' w». i b a vols JOHN E. REARDON. - - o CONRAD HOLLSTEJN. Committee, 14-1 t-wkly IL Geod Nînt. Tiiose vbo esp C» a reglar carre- spode« ylhhgaverai fri«adsyl lad fta gondl plal» ta beep anvelopes sd«d 4to çich oftliem ia aome co0avoilelt place, and Into thoca ta à4lIp neaspper cuttiagis ad notes or' Sthi,.a.. h-ill 11Intevast c«ehipar ! KING4 IF ou f«4tl reâtlted bow che",,we 6rt SiitOvercrnftS, SNfrts andl muId -iit 4eamwk to fiush your 0'w You would be J$I on tWe pu There ~~~ som~hmgemtis l1m Ock that Yeu can bImw at a big profit to yeurseItu!It ay sund t00r~ lm tmue that »e sealIy9il 25O Sit oe*sfor $14"O5but Its a tct neyer the eism We are actuly seBing for iess,than it CkS nainufadw-e them. ,The...mI WM the one stainds the loss.- We -onfy '§M oua uoney balk- You make aUl-the profit. ln Undro>.cn buya UOarinfr 73c, the 50C omes « fur 89 , 2c ,WèMhs ISC, 25c silk liste hi,9e for 18e mmd Oon. aJus corne to fhis big store and see for ybuoeeiveS-s We wantyour fu ture trade.WesecIIwfl 0r now willI you-cOmoe F, Ce Seidel Coh1gC- SWEDISII WOMEN TO §iET TUE BALLOT IN NATIVE LAND GUSTAVE SAYS TI4EY ARE BE EQUALS POLITICALLY 0F THE MEN . UITERATURE IS A FACTOR SPREAD 0F EDUCATION COINCI- DENT WITI4 VIGOROUS FIGHT FOR VOTE. tiffIu correspondent Whau tse lime Bcueo h ag wds ou ioeai fut f, 1* hpracicshy e- lation le Wankegan, becauso many eern~IIfie. «fthse citys best South aide familles' -- - pans U e liere from their native land. IaolAgehoay cfql %snIt Swaden. tie telegram below la very4 osnbap p5ltd -. ad If the hie rlcii istorestinz, showing as il dase, tflic arte an offense. tha e e cllar tea'6fact that these women. if they sliould1 stili greter offenseI pturu tau er country and have ual loat citlseaalp, are to, be antiled ta istainba eut*mr tho ballot: Inioietotivone7o«he" bs e Stockholm, Jan. 18.-Women are ta beca lu maib.d conIait telb.Me s lie placed on tlic cme footing politi- ditîon prevaling la NSeya. là Ys& cally as men ln Uv.dea, acording t andIead hetewmtb* é an announcemont made bY Klug Gus- au.Thr fl vus A tave la a speech lromn the thraou at eal suffrage vlfi u te IMe n a'lt U the oîienlng o! the nikidag loday. land vomon ait la Parliamant. As the law now stands, ovary male The Swediah vomen b.d a gret oté i Swede aver twenty-fonr, who tu imder agitation for full entrig two 7a' no legal disabillty lias thc riglit votea g< A, namber «f the nevspqpm1 for membera o! the riksdag, or second vere converted to tilr cana.M chamber.. thse pulie Dt.êttis vwilelitb.Y bMWd The king, la his speech taday. alat- were largely atteaded. Tbh lever, cd that a bill wonld b. Intraduced hanse pae»d a bill «Mung thosa " eoa glvelng womoen the rîglit ta vote eqnal atifrage, lut th iy ug^r oua and making tliem eligible for eWecion aver vhlch tbey voe suppoa 40,1 t Othe rlkadag On tii, came conditions have seaéligl dtdb»frat ;oo- ai men, IraI. refusal fi> pcs ftesu«ra. Il ta tic opinion o! thc king thatItI The developSint of autragelautb la rigit and ln lthe hast Iheenets of conatry bh« came quît. aa mach gro tlie state ta place vamen on thse lme <the inddon easpans et i fb'e1A Ut-, footing as mca. erature as from obanm .lu IUieiWal Nov Have Mamiclii Veto. conaditions. At preeant tlea vomMeRnjOy Mmi- _ U 5V .ý teU~utW aIiM ffiieMd bava, fie * Il1ke- Irictai a ld~ Wiae, of a a ibetl.vo efor Mambawb leSIbI b« l * et-the bug-f oea Ultheir ef- tu101. tif a forts ta ga el s viliet& ry uàf- full or le'iàM uiIi f rage have boretofms beau unavail- Europe broe. *6 b.ou Ut. L~J Zio the Ladife cf L,e Cu Do flot miss SaturcI4y ansd-the -crnaing M&o~ of 'Heins' Big ,anzal CIkariqig Sale-Coats, Suits, Skiei, Ie p , EV<Êy6iz>tg must go for 'las than csh Of acg~lr ~ie.The comimg wek, wi e ±he £ J"l ind up. ~ -: .~ j1~WIIet Less tlia ¶bf rIe4 * 1911. b> Nicolas Soyas.) j c' ~ s-,e-O*,t- ne; m'eaonu e seustu s us .ý m beww' ý - L-ý !i