fàeot etTidey à&Isbvev li~çe ,,il%, S ecieyb i ve lav ou M stth euaiutnl býeuolk. elai apvi lila4c -Jamieo M au Ils.Somer, 8put bon eced ic om tio the emm 2 yen . O. Ur Pbomam spet i..veek Bn> Ur. <aIt e d UrII..1 »0 #Sb scsemaI l onday un ta o flmilgm.ei.melgvli1 <>~~o~awa sd Autia avage *ttind.p* poutry eilow at Wsnke- TAM Mntk. mdi.te ton Like CMdy lai.., Mnlemnluthé baudlug ai kileins. ve beleve vs have gteneme vith amy lleaedy eb geî qadmitaction to aur do Busl Orderlie. l'us os le*s my allier laxative 14 conaa al tbe gaod Itn lxatives, bat noms ai ba cebohnu t a u iti sev en o a ti »W unu»6 a e Win * irdouvta ripe,1 Mglt contemiai Store. idîne. or lto aI l perag Xli uip.~ge byeam lat tht éit. * celLe' Stie ig t l th un ll ,,inv, e afg IIdo'rl t O -q 4 e. onhtchaate lt-t the saievt it. doit MM uq a I lst 4 eli WoIe1i laGunes. Sundaguti Mamiail ANt e'>"wbissd *11e rturued to Mu.e. ,BDoll .etrauaa M »Abri» la CbébabGudy. conwt. foue C00UQMnIL.Fta Ptof Uabot 2l%114imde he regulsar :Chas. Kapole and lisfore a1 lm D1> *110)5857,onti bave oeueplotte i lllng of the et Id éoba U#rbvm la Il et théis vnltlng. local tle houssa.ache Tbt4iAld eoclty viii t..su_ Thé.codenlug factury expeets taO r Bo UýbliSis tbtt tbey aurm sdy ta do -env. op thia e ela latlent hemboilers. laitarai, .q1* sayml tte. o-t fil ta eait wien espèttd Div liaI the fsctr viii bo WE inafmld tg wok. ntirely complttdsad la ruaing onder busf av. *asdrta Plain, lltd he Iareh lo. Mr lioa 10e audtfamailt rmctî'. 'A good crowd attended tht Bachelr'a ltre Ramiey ardiner hea rentedbils pr. dam eet M heelock's hlli Tntday ir.lu Tie Volo GosaClub hélti e ehoot Sun- irs. Henry, Knebker and son Vent and1 d&Y sud, altiougb t vas a taruly andirttiriied boui fom Wankegam Turiday wttl dkwgismbe day, thirteen voetont. mornnng. Wedi They aIllookh foravat4)t Thaum Vallty 1Ira. John [Longabaugh vlited ber son p,. tu bu one of tht bet cabts in tecoumîny Chas. Longshaugh aud vils la Chicago etu, Ow hé mised the BOt twenty.flve iirde tâta wtek. posjl l'thonbrokesenven out ni teu. Tengete lBroken B. *tsdted ............. 150 102 Wm. Fit .............. 105 45 .........d............7 fil 57 Papfaiti ...............1Id);, Oven Paddock ........... 150 93 Io" Bnveli ............ 15 0 72 Ed. Ileenu................. 150 72 Joh a msy ....... 12t) 57 Tomue Vae .... ....... .. 150 83 Wallir WJs.e......150 *75 Dem Roing ............. .. 75 57 Juba Eaffer, . .... 45 18 Wm Ruion............... 45 38 ObituarY. Idre. Barry Nihofledied at ber home ueW Volo, jsunry 9. 1912, ai soemia end etomaeb trouble. Dseesd vu bora lunEaslMvold, Eng- faald.onu thé teti ai Jatiusry, 1858, day, ai the dînie ai ber "ath. Oie vitemarried ta Barry Nichla oun Jsunar 22, 1877, nt ELsenvobd, Eng- fond. vhtre obe reided ntif 'thé iprlng 09 1888. vite they came ta America, mrrivlng in Vola April 29, beving livtd bore the remajuder oi ber file. Te. châltien, tbnee ai vbom vent born in Englaud. bîeened this union. AI: are living sud, wiîh the exception ai two sans, Fi'ant. Who Was lu s bosplal la Chicugo, sud RImr, wvho vas lu Lonlela- fns, voe. vth eber t the lest* Obe bes ta mourn ber lou, ber hus- boud. live sons, five deuglitena, eltien griud chldren. tiret brothene, Fred anti William oi Vola, sud HarryofiCicago, snd tva elsters who stili renide lu Eug. aud. Wi. vase pautIntualerer for aix yeera. eveyluhng ISeing doms ion ber ual medî- mal &id eculdo-aler. h. w»a smemier ai lhe Mystie Wark. ere 09 Wauaoada and the Royal Noigb- bore ofi lcHeury. Fumerai sennvlve héhld ntbernhome ou Feulai 10 A. M., Jan. 12. lateruuent vu made et Woodand cemiaery,' Aie lienrî, Ill., 1ev. J. B. KircherotChbcego, V'M"4114iu. leaoei ameter toahailt .s. And ta louve deepîr feel. " t'le6o4ai lb e te ant us. B* «U .an ou serevu eau. le*aeeln we boue 10 aB"nth«e. vbatMei.day of MeIo n"fai Unie lu heaven W" i le, t rel laine. WhureDo areveliteara are sh.. Crd 01 Thanks We wiah, lu Ibis manner, ta thaul the many f<tends fon thte @,mpathî sud estiestanceo extended taue during our deep sarraU. EspeclUy 4r. àand Mns. Waieb, w ho reudeneti tht beantituil sang., aiua tor tht heautiful floral offernugs. Mat NicaoLLS AND FàaauY. Cultvate a persona pride lu yoar abilty ta write vaut ada THÂT AOý COD4P146H THIG -I Akjbofô Lbertyville - CAIITLIZ»»FR $60,M SIJARES si* EAC1I A hlonivestment in a home industrg, 14~t wiII net luvestors front 8 to 10 per ~~4 ~ pet an.im. Whg go eut otftowo seek- lm1UeBhent wbmheu "ý k gu 1mneg eo 9W adv.itfgeriobt',et home, in aowmerallve eowepr1m.enamialwas have tut ~geon it? lii ,spe ~ msi, a. ~e' IdmtmuifdMeg plant 4. i~4~1n wl voftIm m e o ftlopets ~-B fi*dbu holancers of .lsà,e AUW r.Sées [or gowr Ie&Wheeler ý.- - IWNIOIS Lster shanka. Who le ettendlng the Lewis Inetitute, bue.betu piaced on thet Lewis inutitnte rtlby teansand i viitake part lu the big nie et tChleaoSetur- day. IL4ter rtcently Ion 9s hedsomt ailier cup lusaue aille rae ai the Chiego stock show, die Elle Hail le vonkiug fon tht Rose.wild ProsesCo. In, aud lire. P. C. Warren are the proud parent ai a tupaund baby girl, bora lut Saturday. Wm. ilianka of LaCrome, luit, la apendixig thes vend îi huais alien, 9. F. lhanks sud fainlly. «Jaha hauhs of Sprngfield. vsitehla brother, L. Y. Sditslut veed. Chas. Shuitz, Who bas ben hsvleg the. Isarippe, le oul ttending la insines lir@. Wmn. Smith on Wuetrield Place loa svletini 01 lagrlppe. There ver. ao'enài "boom"i"nlu lav Tuoedy aflernone as reuit of the big itrike et Armaur le houne.. The Libertyvill ie .dtpartmenl glve s dance lu thebLbertyvile towu hell Thureday nlght, Jeu. 25. Makeerneuge- ments ta attend. A goodti ime le affeured. Tha7r viii be no sehool Fi'rday ou mc- caunt of thetoucheers' meeting et Wauke- gan. ROUND LK Thet Ubertyvllle tire departusent nive a daime la the Ljbertyvilio town bal Tliuwsay ulht. jaa. 25. Make aivuge- mente to attend. A gond lioe 1k sesured. Mmr. Ed. Bro.wn and Rima White wire Chicugo vmlan eTbursday. Wil Riroulmu anad vite atfiended the fanerai dl the. late lira. Barry Nichais of Volo 1rday. Lillien Filfngr vaa a guest of Georgi- ana Walte et Fort Rh SnnBday. -. BaSiag & Converse sbpped Ove car loade of stock ta Chicago BandaY even- Ion. Carrie Vogt spet Suaduy vith ber niother et stflela Lake. Mmr. Rd. aendee is vleting et Roundi Lake tliis wtek. Tiare. hndred men, who had been work;ng for Armaur & Co. in filhliang tha campany'e tee houBe.bere, returntd tu Chicagl ondey evouîug, folIo winu tht refusai of the company tu rejet their pay from 17)j ta 20 cents an hou r. The jet houst, whieh la said ta be the lerge@t ln tbe world, wae only about onetbtird mIn wben vorn vas halted. Severi l ram bore attended tht Bacbe- ]or Club dance et (Irayalake Tueeday tlvenind. gara MClintock le on the gain alter a eteke tîbots. lire Ed. Haine. oi Chcago, iormerly Mille Rasedeuscher tisîtet fi ne ehr. recto tly. lirs. Ed. Hebbard la tisîtlng ber tolk$ lD Missouri. Johe Roeing, M"s. Wi1i Roaing sud Mrs. Peler Flary attendatl théetuerai ai Mni. Pter Smith et Kenosha, Thuniday Everyhody attend the masque ball aI the Wootiman hall, Bsaurday nigt l3». 20 th. Gardner sud litrba Faulkner vere home aven Bunday. Ciarîta Levîn bas bangilt tht Menso Webb fatai otan Mlliaru. Tieen vas a salittendance et charcli an Sinda>. lm. Bd Dooliltle luet Thnrsdal sud dey'la oalem. .o. white iýut9dhbisdauglter Altbia ledison, «ls., whére eb@ela attendlng OI. oru, to Mv. sud lire. Lau Batk, a ve powid boy Tbursday. Jan. llth. Fm. 8prieger vas lu Chicago on dui Rond"y, Ira. IL I. 5lurman ot Park Rjdge, and s.Wm. Rfgey of Chicago, vîsiteti u&ehors Ibis vatk. %e ofllataa afitera ot M. W. A. R . N. A. vhleb vas to tuke place laut k vas poilpoutti uetjl tbje week dnepday eenaig. an1 Dykea cffevll Kan., rted ber. e @a$wftk and ateepteti e slion et Arigrice boue. On Sunday eveulng occurred th- déath of Mis Ffoeleting et ber home on Lake etneet IMls Strng dw-t ut the veny yotun Sage 0f twtnty.eiglhî. ,le vee bore lie Ibis iciniti-anti was wel kuovu ber. iearlilg a boit of reatives 'md fiende wba viii mise lier. libe but been sdiot lbre.voral yeare but bort bier cufleluge cbeuttully and eiwaye afpeened hapuy lu .pitt oftlber greet1 iutk-iuge. The funtral wtt beid Wtei- nettiai- sterant t 2 o'ciock et the Conurfgtio"al hureb, lIer. Moue oftlcatlng. Shernm Davis oi Round Lake. tran. aacted businaesbort Wedneedey. lira. 6, M. Fiftel viiteti relatives lu Chicago tliIs vio. àdiji.Udil Dan- e@peut Wedneeay n.ghbt et thé homeeaiflin. end lire. Orlando Bonk'& et llin,,. bire. Fraul Fendereon bai tht mie- tortune ta slip sud hurt benseit qulte bediy recai,: Fotunateiy Do boue. vêetbraken.1 MIre. Moly Ujeveand returneti home Tuesday allersa moutha vice eat Lake Villa. Win. raatsden istithe urnfriutuue lu barn is band an a gaaoline'@wetoie t Tuendsy. ,*itfe.t Vt" cold tablets are oelinu rap. itiiv the» days. If ion byav aid înyi a box. 25cst Mie Itexeil Vtmg store. TAYLoe GROVE. Chas. Lewin bas purehaseti the lienso Webb farm. Bisua friend@ wjebhlm aueeci uhi ev hwome. H. C. Ameeagat frit preminre on hie BKarred Plymouth Rocks et weuktgsu Poultry show. Lavyen Weleb ci Chicago, vas boe ou business thé firet of lie vend. MdiseCotneis bae Se ntertaiuiug ber comics trousMlbwaukee. Deoate Young viii soon bave a sale sud yl l eave for bis new home ;n Dakota. Fred 11e> vili tale possession of lihe homneseee. Gain Brtettll iii tutbullUoun hi, n»w homne hère taly thilt priug. E, 8. Faulkner sud vit e e.Zion Cily> caber. Monde>.e M. Robinson vilted fieude ber. Frlday sud gaturday.1 Oies. Bre end Wlnfred Diakenicre1 vwe, lu Chicago, on buines Tneeday. Fred Doolitt matie a busines trip through bere Setu r day. .A number tram uber.. attended the pamltry ehiuw et W ultegan fait week. Oinu Hawkins was le Citago anJ basesi Thuroday. PROPOSED MILK REFORM CAUS- ING MUCH UNEASINESa AMONG FARMERS AND DAIRYMEN. Corporation Counsel Bulkley tated that whlle be bas rtcently recels'ed a aumber ai documente fraxu Chicago and elesewbere, trealing an the miik ordiaanceB lnefecet at thasepalets. It viii Irenetcessary for hlm te ha turnlshed wlth somethieg muré cou- crabe as ta loal requlremenbs and endesaught before an, ordinance eau lie tramed lntelligently. Thile mattei- bas been upder ducal.- sien vîth the Chicago Milk Inspecter, via vas ta have palti another tîsît ta -Waukegan receetiy. Be bas been unable te gel hore, hovever. Daîryman Qufts. One daîrymae sl reparted ta hava sold out hils ntire establshettasd lat tao other fiels, as aan a he he-rd ai lia prapaseti refare. Rd Smith sud ismlyepeul Sunday ah Ote armner anud dalymen sup- chas. )MeCures@. plylng Wankegae wti nl4 vwhila ua John Straban wu *b Atioci ounujate so hadly scas-ed, ame, neterthue- imeinmte t lnt cf th. eelS. lots, on te xous seat, su evldaac- ed by the msny Indgnationa cmmlt- -)bee vwhlch liave réaentlY valled uo Foîey's Honey sud. Tai Oompound Corporation Couneel BallaIt>. Tht '«Cures n Iverv Ose.." najonlly et! hem are sougir lu ta- Mr. Jes. IMcCaNfry, Mgr. 61 ia. e hlls ver of a meeting ni lhe lutermled on«a Bulil. Omaha, Neb., Weou.eaa' ho tqgelher vlthlutlb. City cenucil. liouy sud Tan Conai, becosa.Il cvlam erycase. irhave saab toy. SWIl ge aven thé malter thhoeoghuy, smgfasd I bave r.commsudei 1110 nsay vlth a nv ta frauilug.raiesud re- Ollains vO bave eucs lI0.,usetflit Blaions vhlch shall seoure deslred ~~oalIv.owerm deeue ai itsrallas, &d aI the msn m e u's ot bl colditis4eeJleffih1taFoTileb7 0 bsh sa ta vork uflneomaarv lbard- .8 Dr~le.shipasenprodners. Mr. »'ld Unlg .a Muris af CBfoks lIeu veil, who t.e tleu4g glche collageet Crass. Autr W l Jaule Barmr roved a$ 10 prbnilim afféem by 8. BSUbermama & Uous n Chicago, for the limnt racooon abli. Mmra Cora Waltuley and son Gmoe.5, are stopping st Joe Dorfien'a et 0~ ville, for a short tIre. Mr.insd li@. D. V. Walt viajt..d thela son Charles sud lamîly et Cbemung, Saturds>ad Auday. lin. and lins. William Vaudboom art vleltlng relatives and f riends et Mlt. w ankee. A folo w paosîg himemit offas a tax calirctor ba@ boeen cillo on2 a fev in tbis neiithboriood. Be bei aledt t eny money. AcliGOOL volit Townitud Smith vas absent Mlondey becasen ut ilinees. Grecs Beumanu, Ruth Dehîtlly, Raymond Lusk, Racheil 8mti'ead George Thomson recejved perfect attendi- suc@eslIpe fur lie ionrth moath ai M lanol. Gien Loogmere bas been' &baut$the puât wenk becanoen ofthe cold veather. Report carda vere given Fid&y,. Grec Baumanu recelytti 100 lunlti. seilîng test lat Weduesday. 1, liai-moud Lusi necelred three stars la reeding lest veed. Our hisciboarde and deeka are mauch impra nid. Tiare viii b. no sebool on Frlday, lb. annuel mld year teecher'a meeting heng held jn Wsukegsu ou 1hs1 day. MOX LAKE The Liberty ville Ore depa!lment give a dence lu thé Libertyvîlle lavu bal Thunsday nigt,Jan. 25. llsefirrange- meute toauttend. A iood time la J. B. Bno wn losaI e tk torIlMobile, AI&., vhtre lie experte tg remeuà e 1ev moütl.à. j[eury Buertlng va iChicegapas- songer Monday. Oea. Koth. gr., lassnfferegfram au aI- tsck af poumomie. Mn@.Ii. Bunting and ebildren @pont Tueeday sud Wednesday viii lMr%. Baemtiug's parents in Chicago. Wm. Adamsansd Jas. Mrles ai. *6 Henry Ca., vere tallers hors Taeedsk Thsre lannio " i t4 week on se,çl ai ilnumnifthe tasciir. 9 lire. J. Balpin irailaated boWleW it LlherI>vfII. Monday. Fred Omerrten 'la snlfeng vwtb a uer. erît trossa bamd. LA UVLLA Mm .Thayer llppd-dip a n lb. leyl pavemueatlest Tuesde*, bnssklg ber l1mb uf me ésea. Biat baiuger iailit baud quis bedly hurt laet Mondal. R. aaigbt Il ue tvma Ivo pnlleys se thé e soll.en- gin@, breaking Ivo fongeresud injuriaI t thîrd nue. Be vas pottlug on tht beit vhlle the umachine vas nunnlug sud hie mitten gai tagbt, draviix lu ils tIngera. George Eams ie tilI eick. îboughlmi- proving a little. J. 8. Gliger Ie vonking on the ie at I ugiteide. Mien Floai.. Straag of Grayalake, *ho bas been e petj.'t suiteren for inauy veare, died ou Monde> moaing. Mn. anti lre. Chus. Rame@ are the. hap'py perent@sofaebaby gji. lims M. L. lialiger in epeudlug a few dae with tieude in Waulegan. BEST VET CIALLENIE CO., Batavia, 111 Stave Silôs wdte » phea. O. B. HOEM Pb... 14-LGtylkIL PASSINGEAS ARE TRANSFERRW.O WIIeN TRAIN 111 UNABLE TO MAKE DESTINATION MOST UNUSUAL CONDITION DE- VELOPS IN CONNECTION WITH £tTEECOLO WEATH-ER. "Met the Chieago and Miwaukee 1lihtre rar&Taed company hae it ail #11I'the.NonthWt.ter in the matter IW5*gpU U4iU Its achedule, ls apper- eUt« tronacs of bath ruade durlng It1 9 vel e. A déeclsveilîlustratian curied this morulng at Glencoe when aslNorthvÈttrn conductor ped the tares of aine pemsuers enroute to Hlghlaud 'Park, lriii.ferrlng them ta thet éleCcl uetita mthe teiam care et tipI Ppoint Nad l'o 1S1top Train. 4%le Noithveoer*u traie vas very late reachlng GleooeM iundestination belug Highland Park. PÀesolu le Gta cns, the train vas thon due to leava for Chicago on the ratum rip tnpd the. conductor recelved ordeti ta turn around and go back ta tire city. Ife ai- se buoi oders ta psy thi easug oet i ve cents. whlch vauldpsj Iluir fore ta Hlglland Parr, ad he dId eq, tiare belng Il u al ine pariona vho ba" ta leste the stemme cars and baud the eiectnlç, tinsglisting tht stemsa rbdt pay their fers tu theh' home elty. -Tula a aminet u'usual thing, Whieu a staMu rond han ta condescend le re- tand money to patrons ta get lite pas- ongers ta thei destinuton anid gom ta shov the. bad condition otftth. systemo vhlciuolievat.by stemm,. ,The trouble t.e ly due to englues iulch are sffected grestly by, tht cold westher. Prtlcsll&y no trains are an lime on au of the. steqia ronde. TraMe la very 111tt h. Ib day. bath on tht stemmi a"delgetn inous. GOD KIMM Xsny Lb.rt<vIàl» Roadmr Have Heq$IU sud Pro- .o"Gon meq Ievdielet." suad the thousande noflied lie ou&-er n Libertyvîlle are IàI o learn %bat U appt- rouet le vitbla théir fonch. imi e4m,. vet sd sInbft ila bëd *ô mar*, thuike ta Dosâaa.Kley rabl. 'Tliosatds upea thousas ofn valîluS tii.gond mqe ofaithe* with Ilie014 Qfaker lleuudy. Sexfi hWorth rend . &4e.Soid=u baaisr400 &SOaket 6Wuké«@s.. I *ayS "About tht. mbatho m. 11 WouC 0m u es, Wsbd aeiulsI 111» MIr sivneffl lu My 11 71 E o a 4 1 lnôse. Learmmlug oWb Iglomy Fl , 1beiçu th*eir uic sdt ~noureairhhf'Uppl7. 951ev.1 "Y tml$bw w s *ely einaoff traisMy jsyssu sud 1 vas lunu-Wb botten bmIati. 1 mdvii. othe, u01* idlle s trIal." for* ý ILVICe Ne«1Yor titi T te Vo thiuthe >'~' r 'm ST >'lgtiis fgave i tevsle tacorne a eteddettee NE» cjst7u5ee15tiis. àet ta lie Rom D.lle teglat tbie mpoeoSansd I weaveWU* aeùr" auulvirm edi 0Wtalaioft ourtsommyaq5 I emed as *tté Cmmi eau i âi& stenu, as vea mCiakwuiumm ofe iemSaofa Rsv. 'Mr quaid mme l Mderv » 'eeeet dipenos ci li n d *s0e lali ~lth" ssCh ffbhlepll lus.le ofamit boi à" sud se'ted te W"d 1.vi isapeai1wovoe Co silalue tUecie or t#*$dmvI *0 hu.bqrnoarty. ao it vllibfyM 'FI**elnet. -eme i . ub* 6. vssiee i.amn e $sudUu5Ice Iruts ~ lGRmeA"l les Opp. l18t» .ElalleSt DPhane 848 Soi PIliq N03TH OBICAGO. ILduxt tmli.Tel. 26k142 W*hy 3rabbe "& La«!hs me SMo& am h Fa1 RfEERENCff CO! OMT AXII rRADIVARIUS VIOLt41, e Md i a. Esum».«tr laBe"W.bn OW oeflAN UYoTmSS nwtet7 '~ j- -, An verogt la alu Joum bhek stur blewt The aet oatMrlume be- - et U A. M. I." of .11Ofl«r A nomber of yo*' poglê sanford atnnIs ~~s lt blug hIbis tdeybi O"psut la ge-m., Dnm e Lunch, vblcb tii. yo-u and or&Mge. eandy &Mdeu yomw Z geu eaerried , waU a late hour, alter vhuch thé up, ail viahing santonrd ou happy birthdayie. Out@aof110 features of thteeolug Wvu s ehower. élira. Lincoln Egbiert, wbo vimiting ber mother t V«lIr Wl.., retururd homeMods. b porte tht thermometer 22 ta 80 zero eil tht time @et vu there. Tht party whieb waq ta have held et Alfred Day'@. lest We4 tvening wtt posîponeti untul aSi eveliug. Linroîn Egbert je quite sek iN pltuniav. Mr@. Ira Boldnldge lea n the. @làklW M 0. F. EuTTrFJp.DI aaeuuv nas uuu~ DL ICUMÇL Boi re iSa % 1 6 'i.I*0lkP% J. Eller nom wihDr . JI. U.O aw , 05H11OTUELOYUUL'# *00 7 M u& o n i sd1!l -e» U sc M