ta ho, le nie atm ro sd PrombosI s-q marks et M sd Maimi "la make.. e o *O1bfL. lova5' ope UA ibh@y-a 25 Phone3 4 4 a WE RAVE JUST REcEIWD A fTE5pot iNm W EAR lN DLACIC AMID'TAM -AT $300, -8*0400 IN é m m 0 LAM ii1eVAREii)jùW I NA UFRYUSL.W 'AUJO CARRY A FULL LMN IN EVERYTHIG FOR MEN PilNE No. 14 hnt.i.pytisuebt ho o ffs im e boNi Oïon uY .drf OM avuk. Adves- ikw'i, tegeiiV, ara askid to teks Nielsiaa"os ta tthilè offeoc. Ohitha Tre el ouflleg a OSM eitaek of lageippo. Vu.;hm Joliascu ma aes 0.141misa art, 1. a. coîb i vmt a Chicago W.. NAgi buaoiugswdbis pooilon && Warope'atoimi7 asudmarket. jea aymlMondai for un indefllite ,elit wl$b frmio st a"SueEgao, Tes- Aitood ibm fnmm'ig d"-st *e ii ,iDva baon Thoaf nIgI. Jes, 25. Thyprumise a gmlum.. MMo C. f4- Draod î, opotmd V-11 ai ber homoeau l#uukiO eveuo itb isgipro. A û is hlha tiodance Tb$O W. C. T. U. mIsi muet i tb I s gadtb Roewbs& Tusodai aigonon Jus. 23, as 2»B. 1 ma irgi Lavence visltmd over Souda itblitoniss loUsjo"aD mît Tt. . Wu'Bud «mi» v bir toma hall J'Uyeveelqg, Vb. 16. . Ns. E. à. cram e mboiluodtINoAlphaj eb aM W hbum Ou a 0 PU* &msm. VOdmodai ft.snOS-. "DIII" Att.,voteras prineaand om- papof nias, a i Va, as a bidsse' Frank R. joetnaud fanly lei Sasday eabt for LoeAegeia. C&L.. mbers thoy expect ta vemadodmg thm balam Ofa the Iîfier. Ur. sud lMme.Chari"s P. Henulox a LaINe Forest, vlited at tihe homeofa Ur. &Bddlira. R. F. neneàiag sud iemily aven Snaday. l 'Th vainsmice bons« leneOur cît Mii54.~4~ qu oi; à1mw d"i but w idné bthv.sla Cul. J. Bla *Bld.os.1fWaoeda, oponi Ux4w( vIdii lamothos r. m&IeL &»Olo sud chldemutou cII BoI pauilMr.end lise. Heruon Uoeyr.' P.D Utd tohe iii Oat e b @OUd teOW fooorger bis wagon maherm hop u pemgo tr"t. Jeoimbai Ut, cbuhb*1UO le ot keame, but ramo- Day 1 hW 09o!Albel, ore..,-Wbo'bu heum = kk ofpMeea, lad., returueal Materdaybfr àa bort visit ber@ beloe reterulag'"to blé homo. Gilbersi14aWls sma on Our tmre v.anl« 11*m lotanasaille. Il* retrme Is~okFriduy and expoti fialewwqii ebodais-wi th a e a1 stocig zî;îdpment -or bis daim. A ve@W e boM ai elghtee alees sang si the eiIo~ t. Lavrene eEpiscopal cbrhlamKIijy 'hii e Oni t veted choirt bwtitb ~mbos sier buJ ed the. mm ai Do Î youg chr.mp-»Wuly tlio**WuuuaObild. ave to b.e egraiu- Iaimi'gli"Iur aebev.mst. Alil ae cordly iato aatimnd ithe ervie. Ousa% oveatordai for Nov, Yok ReeiWf ou thoethe 98nd on the -*evo Vashlugton" ta Cheboasa, à li Ata eek'a ty la paris ha w và 'le.foks lu Souubere GvOasyW. Wo'tetds ta bu homm sian aboi Ai'ils,14Dnnlng bi.s ome@, Unu.#ultmu Usumitts viii asM Isa Ire W, very tortunte, tiirongh ithe effuteorW éBI%"bers ai St. Lavroee Ephoopl ureb. le securiax the récura touh'bu dule of the. L. & M. emeocile road aofI 1w;40 Car an Seaday atter. noon. Thloecables tiie church ta hold their Srrîm eeartier end thpy mish ta epmna iber apprecintion for the enrtosy .teadedon behel of tiie manageaimmi oi the rond. werse od lvt weel t vtheti.beet ice Tendru, Igit an nggreg atian of J. . OR E & CO *procnrs'i ber e nYeats. It vas eveiiteefl tweny.thr.Smembere froiu Excelsiar0 Je e ORS & O.inch.@o tick sud cary c" an sd ilrmn. Camp No. 887. attended a n ,etinicoi tie Dr. aned Ia. F. p.-DIiynid lut Lake Foret Camp ut tint itY. the WedusdnY for 88B AetaIO, Texafi and Oaccaian ilgtheiesatalatiîa i niofofllers. libertyvle, - - 11111018 point% ile Onîfarnia. T'niai ett eluvit e@44 rom O al cties aloe gare about tiréea mane. epe the North Siore ver. also pré'sent snd --________________________ Aibnt1eians- u hoe 1am &bose whu atteded trom ie.re report a i iapavd cry Pleasant, nveulng. -"r !lAllter booPital mI nP. ein1 - eait ater Iandergoïgau ait otOf fthe local poultry anciats vbal ------ or appendicitls. exibited àtock at the WUnkean - *1 14 01Panltry show et lWankean et week0 J A. hradlei vw" takaen 1 tiu h'th@e oaiax vers vlnners: Charles bosptal1ma Tieday wvian hauneder- Potr eodpleo igecm ent se op ertion for appendiritie. At Bp rt gtu c p e onRu s ii g sle e tb 1 ES preeat vntiti ei# torportd ol n "tom adiRhode lsaed ied heu aedo * ti. ny a rcotry.third on Rose iomb Rhode Isiaed lRed t A" eCOrrOCtlY Ffttd bY g. w. Follette rstuned gaturdai eW . W.j. -seund on Whls, A B s' 'ic * nigt tracs b thrme Wek' trp uith )Plgtone ncck, -. bath on Wbite tihesontb, vlsltegnceverai poiate of< gon'Iegîackerel, forti ae Whiito riz -interest in Texan, wti a ev toi 0*10t n lien and fourti a n White Dmaie au examJnation lc * heo iI70 ults and WOgliiOntee ail of *'ni M. E. Epw..rth LangUe wil bat# 'tie R v. T K. (J.1. of Chicgo, vili our SPEcTACLEcs AND.> 'e r r.eglr tbusteeemeetiLUS au,1 sciaI gIva a beanit entettumeùt in. the M E E~'EGA8 W'ORK. an ThuîIfm-t* eveaing, Jan.-2,enitihe ncFidn evaning. Jan. 26 at elgbi A h'uî ~~~orn 14'iof rM. Ftliar oaN- W- acak.MrGis awrlqualited ne a GRADUATE b,iv A 's. * ,~ remet'. ta>vilig Iapsutroidrl C A *s i PTC N i î' 1qî. p SrI tii' < wtlt'l mle ilret ewl . L NN'44 <4' i - e c 5ii ive jI I.rïh-t l, ILL N O I y roci.s t 1111k ki al i Tii j tlîttii WE'L. t-IL.P OU !1u'lO GH r '-î"l.. ).. A'l'. lt il<'t ii' WTn.Lacck o. ~YOi ~lbcgo'c 10flTtet'.. iw-nn il ,t i A'eu-', ""r ' o M's , ldt1h e *Tai-<. t' wîll , -' 'i.. 1' t. WEOLNEMLL CJ -î .. 1e ir thrir mua ' i i ,, L, i e rt yvI, le,pa full li'), vÀ'.t . tiark4t4 IL"I: CT d gauw ii l 1ji. , in i ihiintd a i i~i s> d Cul b Ccrne lL, ~la" jCe R4. t iii.I t 1-:d u W m- c c km,, ýý -y WE HAVE PLENTY 0F COAL TYVILLE I~ ~iaeMt 4~ IMBER4 câ- î» hP* Your Business and Account with th]; bankc is with an ably and conservatively managed institution, regulated ti every department in accordarice xith the Most approvedBanking Practices. lntereut paid on 'Savings -and Certificates. Checking à"tcois nvited. LIDERTYVILLE~ ~ 4#~W U$naIags Joeç of ib MeCoruIck Theo. Sein- P¶e m 1" ualW.deda.yv, 7;M bM emm t for Wodaomay 24, psI& 1 aa wliu th, ép*s- 0" d roqasmii$0 avemim i< bsh Wat* ibis .pm efôro sdl uoa usai of wmhAh Imbod elawhom Tonte la U ihmlfot rvi»olo. A. Van der Mms ILEa Ohuroh Service. 10:00 a. M. CIajomeeting. Boyv. J. S 10:80a.w.Prebin, a.. W. L. Wblpple. SubWst, "Brotborlleo." 12 nm. Bible Sehool. 1«1%e Birth al 6.45'p.m'Ep*orth Loagno. Suijeet, "ýThe Hroýlof aiDevtion ta Nativo 1:»0 p. m. Preechlni. Bei W. L. Whlpple. Subjoot.-The IToriddea Mobdoy. 7:80. Tocer.TrabilgtCam. W@dneoday. 7.80 Frayor mrviso. Noice' AUl miockholdmrms ad tuheir Moudso&m lavite o a otend o neopecos aiofU plut mSaturdey *ftsmoon hoivos 1NUd5 P. m eai gruen bob. Boy* îoï o"Womm ht? WV OU shoonoebr admimoqabui Yon ome volwoas.D.a fos"it.e aimego iho OU Feoo lul* Uareray lMnon ie béer M# goo noeoforpogrmm. hiliinlteo là«. 0-17-1 TimU »mnuFwwm &VmzÙa'rÂsL0 The mmeoulalm uoai aietUbotyvI. SooculAmomomont Wgraai NO. 8a eonnoetod oewe evamule mcm duemd. payable on or beote Psbroui 10, 19M1 Austin SCSNAme5Ls, Vdauge onelctor. The i.xtiinlstamlment of Ubertyville Special As.m en«t Warrant No. 2 tor eonnected semer syoem lauow due ane payable oe ar before F'ireery 10. 1912. AuoTiif deuNArEBLE, Village CoDotor. lt.are unture, fiingsaws, ob4rp- «iie mktessudohers;sud la tact odc? .11s aial iis wood and iron. A. P. RA ir at stret, Liberty- ville. P-1"- Natice is bereby given ta &U Perote Interaoted thnt a n ie.Int ofteu Der tet oi au .o.eemmeet iin Dw due for, dnaepurpofe for tii. yesir A. D. 11,liipl 01 a lyieg vlnte iWo k pkl.bau istric e ti theOounty a1it "kend State 0i1llinuoe, and tii. mre muetbp a.. id to thwd«unesrsgne rakîlie . Kprn, treenrer tA r.uid DisdlS bim'office ln the Lako CoOni Natitaluask, Lib.rtyvIIo. ltinoio, or' boore the lOti day of mreh. A. D. 1912, and in defanît of sncb payaient. iii. ui.vral tracils af land upon wbioih mai4 iestalmet romain. uepald mlil be sold accarding to lev la'p"y tbe. siommet afs"eh Intitaftment and caste. Dated his 2d #y o Jqanary,. 4. FiRi ilcUI ziil. egiscr. tW.S.Ire. 1FOR SALE-IOLSTEIN DULLS $Z5 anud Up of -J4.! 1,1,1Ili_,Il 11 c la m e s. 4H 4 'ai t ."uu'~Reuicir111 t I~J A \ t r i.t l'{1l euiFXr tl hui l a "41 I. 404 \ '<.sARM BROKEN RING, BROKEN WATCHES, ln fat e ,fix everythint in cennection With thejeweiry builuess, except broken engagements. We ,.naaot guaranaie lu do tint, bui a gif t of on.e ofaur supeb dininands would bel preat help to y U la surIs an emegea4'. Ilie oth arthe trial. Our New Procena ef ceiaig %U Mah of JeweIry ,nnkes t 4oota liii. nom. Lot ne show yen wbat we eau de. AHUSS Jeweler SOME ONE ASKID Mt "0F MLL YOUR80OO00SwMSCI DO YOU CONSIDMER 11E *5V'* TO WHICH HE 1'E PROMPTLY. "'MY BANK BOOK" 1*0W TO GET QNÉ SAVE SOM1E SPEND LESS'AND DE. PONIT THE BALANCE wITH TUE Lake Gohty' National yI* Stàrt t~e ~Y~r By ~iWingus o*M*~foe MEATS AND (~Q0 Yoqi know yoii oewg~ 4êokm~d~ boetinlhatlbat ICorlett and. Fr«èr phone w0LBRYVLE ILLNESS IS NO RBSýPÊG«iTlLOF' PEU# miuloiaaireos Md iabuOegmes aye uPu are Iite ta he tUeud by say dim *ttob aher to,, reuches evmarody. Tbutk aiIkS.4jm a petsloaelt0 I -ue &'iaý LADIE'S UNI We have just recelved a new lot of 1,444 fleececi underweai, a very weII made zWtiý extra sof t fleeced,such as you usually pay,$ for, wi Il rîow be offered very specl at c Handsome New Light Pr*osN t littie pat1w lit 'ii. .514(1 w hite, *.good '4 t 1at 0101- . J: .d itchel wiiâ 12 1-'20 a Yard. Naw Sk-irt-Ëlounoing EmrbroderieE4 27 in's. wi i.h1.,LUI S '>I1 l i w t" F i 1111 itù,isi a I ale f0' 25 L W'ool Plaid Diigos-'et.nw dîrk 4tvlain lil(>tto oile1 U N:r3 "andEgJ ~ .W.- CARROLL & SONS C( FIrVESTMÊNTS IN LBiktiV-ý RE .AL ESTATE ACYQ1 DYMOND & AUSTim THVE REAL ESTA^TE MEN n ---or Information 60ncutul LOTS MOU;RES LOANS INÉURACE, udJLIBERYVILE, -ILL.I1 -i -4 i-I a %ru 1 Et