CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Jan 1912, p. 10

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te onservttie eleinent., ýidwp e n o rb ~~PLANTO outvote et te 0'ton he publie ee~ee-do~te h rs iR~AKaI*>OT~RStWbattAle ~ ~ 4e4eday montgffngM a rhe ft 'bc ll,4tu*Ply do 1 -I sa Z ta- mcit otitbu&tr a'bd get log-r f the.late Yo 0 Tle .John three or four 'Weeks stthtAe H ai he auMaeer lue b 0F BII R RIEsubttutez till thle grabbeîs Éi bt ey r or aun etsopa a ::mngrei cni'Ti, m!sl ____________ made ln defense Of the high Prices tg The ngîllnery abop la lne lt 1bfflpfrp¶eýer*I SuId hm 'bt si that the cold weather hurle the pro.- soe anidthe tailor salop ln tbIe ëhw "# -P8t iIgtbé"' ia one t 't SUGGESTIONS MIADE THAT CON- dution. store. They ipoyed fl-om thle èvt lglaim or ýM o- hr h~dne OUMERO U$Sq"sÔME SUBST«I. The co urse of"uaines doev blinlg. @ad 9QJ> L >1a6I t , s~t9-Poon. TuTE PFet A WEEI<. not jusftliy that excuse. >14k produc. John Wojton has retureed tram San Bae -Mr. and Mrs. AI' Mohr o' tion and butter mekiug go on. Butter, Antonin, where b. ha beau sta±ioua Uflole strWe a tee pound i daut4r. moreover, ta net a commodity whlch * le harred front ahlpmen1 by below zero- MG GRAffl RS TO lIME weather. It la note ruieed lîke po tatoes. A few traîns may be be- lateil but the supply gnous on. Lot SUGGESTION 10 PERTINENT ONE butter alone. Iot ItpilIa up in the *HL W111Ppil!O!F BUTTER 18 ,arngoues of the mec Who boyit At , STILL RISING. igh prices and s"e what happona ta ____________- the vmrket. In ihree weekis butter w The Egn butter board was cap- will drop twice as much as It bas rig- tuWetls oen lotonb acai- I tl pbiedsente "e l> tint, on.elemelt cf which waa made fast as il cornes to market t wiil rulg Up t a ertin onttteny aongmore or legs of the traders and fant Sbocaie w* .- t nsd Mlause 4 Hf tbi ! it upon-the corner Cf a at-l^s-eM. gsn n uItA Vreakeg a rlb. I li coor at ite maothead. Mn.,Mio11 - - - 'pi140soasys that he viii likeiyrein - - Lihe pub4cton of the Philospli M.AMusL ý1or several years paut untilh. p~çpz~u$ ~ua ~j4"s rgr. itWs naa i"yP wan~t taf n'ten> t 1 ,Paul r D<t.oary are ratie ~~ctiO aPsai toula i s"w ne sigbt of, ibis.- bisa Magguie-. tlecreamery Men, wbo lu àltained dow on the grabuers. Let cuem taso* - --- -. - .~their own ein. seat priceswers net advanced as uzgh as the market conditions wouid per- mt, says the Rockford Register-Ga-1 »tie. This elemeut being le payer It V04 naturel tbit its menubera should Ïake *dvljntege et that power tg work tAir thowy cf je market, whlch was j» tee every" In g eslght, regardiesa t thle permapostt prosperlty of the 4lu ndustry1, the latter conidera- ba. tvieg p1ýIled A ewcrk of tModern Science. 1 The late Samuel Wllka, Queee Vie- Storilaphsicieoln. was opposed to di- etsry fade.le once aa": "If a N&4 diat tells you to take an nence -otfas- bumen, an ounce of starch anddse, muc% water, and ail that sort of thing, just go ani get a nice chop. 4 If T mftehiwltuâgbout pite s 17' e--' EmIlie stoekwM U i ho p éd a onsélefer-15 dey..ud 15 13- a umrti dcay. .of the Sa is~- t berl t ue cueIIrs, s1Msher f 94-9,Mp erc4iandÏâ. f or i.n 0"" î ï ,TU AY n.ýeQJ*freP tUF oie as nover b.Ior.ýbên te s.iav27, e 81 . S QKE 18 . W sh .h10~ 5 STua. Ï48, Ë. trofa Watee 3tr, * t ttd*4 JnUswy27. at 148 . Wahlngoo " 9 ýM*.*Loolt for the &m*. Mm7Stox;e,le2t . Washington St. $ ~~ ~ ~ orth of Hi#h Grade Depondabi. CIothing, Dry Goode, 8h. atB Cas spaw£rxomu 9 VifVe.Dean4Chi fWbttri*ItnumrcYr tebe p~ ~~~~tlWunm norftg11y sleiughtered for the asxtÏ à~s uy .~u~$ S~iwuJm~try27*atW 9.00 a. M.' " To Reimburse tble Credltoes tho or jiiorn f hérfne-THIS GKEAT ISAMKRLJT SALIL This great bankrupt sale wîil, e the event of the Twentieth Century. A coIM losa fest tbargaine that la tunparalolled ln the history of modern msrohandisn. gThe. opportu- nity cf a lîfetime now stares yau ln tii. face. Can.yau.dare you do Injustice ta Yeu Mof and temlly i>y overieoklng mi opportufllty te clothé yourslves-5d faMIWlii t'peles thet ifIue caver the cost of raw material, lettin h ao~etcI.ete h usin u niesokme fiwl slldItcash -ln a hmry, as thwe radlors muet have th.r mees' TeMay Store's entire M2,5 stock, copolaitnq of hghgrade talr-made Clothlng, Ory Goodi, Sho. s e nd Furnishinge. wUI ha oloeqI eut et 20 psbet 19e,$epa ta manufatture, tausatWsy the dlaims qf their ci-editors. Thapepple of Wauhagmn aits lleylc(nity msalit b_çneI1t b i toe nsorues t meetIng t4i. bli ge.. y oi, tc wili be ait the public's Mercy for the rnext 15 daysà, as thi grent bankrupt sale poaitlvely hegina Saturdey, tanuary 27, et 9.00 a.'im. la the i N Sa, 3 . aidsa4WU l 1 - IIl This will bc h otmgt vlfc tmjetchran o eWmpsdChildren ln Clethlng, Dry' Goodé, Sbo« e st, Cape and PAU0% wge Ies Sefiéught tegather b>' any firmli the 8tulteoft Illnois..Owffl #tte i.act that the,May Store hase bee.Wi=auels nli,oea year and ai they opnd up with a e.w up-tedatelift ofClothlsi, Dry 69"'"91114 l Cape, Shoes and Yw-nlabings, the peegie of Waukegan and its-vicinity cao -iSI essor"d that the. merchandite bought et mach a seerificewiif Se thi e at tIIt mmoy cm buy, as U»li* tora muet have their menay, and remqonber thisGreat ienkrupt Sale begln& Satordoy, Jgnudry 27th, at 9:00 a. m., et the May Store, 128 Wi .ehlngton Street. Na4apoWli The Stpee is CIo d to Iavoice, Re.=, ark, a"d Jen o~qç, an We hereby gusrantee tasali percisely as we adveatlse and éve-y price.quoed la a triçtly bonidce, andevery quotatlon aboolutely correct. as the. entIre stock- muet ho s»;d te bure. the creditora. It may be han d beleve that a'big coecet-fi weuld sécril juth m immense stock, but it la the Gospel ttutth, and ail st Iokleàavleiisi ~W" Iconviwlce mot ekeptîcal eoftth. sensatienal l0w prises thêt prevsl&.during titi. Great Banklt ea.. Selew w. quota a few oftthe Wonderful, Marvelous. £xtraordl1 nary 1 drgdili Wst are putting forth, and remttmber thare are thousanda ste could mot ,pention hare. Moti T." Price $1350 TheItchil L iàt. P$&iet Here $a a part of the Mitchell Family for 1912, two mate tce:Iaerand a few of the reasons wby yau should buy a 1lst. They arte manufactured right at your door, and If ai cart e *lp you or the agent. cap, call pcrsQally, gçt, the id ore ne 6 h'ouri, an-d you do not have tà -*â a Iett, te»phone or telegram ta reach a forign factory,ý ve It t4heMs> tlwo of, tbree weeku, atxd Iay yo5ur c ar o food içads, for waiting for an automobile in good rôaýI rlikUIMgmedfene--nttt pktasant. 2nd. Each car is backed by ten million dollars and the ýctory takes great pains in taking care of their customners. 3rd. It's the only car at the price putting in a full float. axle. Ohly the more expensive cars are using them'anid know thqr, is çwhere the power is developed, an-d wcar d tecorns Thé* extras, such as self starters, demôunt- oe rhgs, etc., can bc added later. E aine aur cars, compare them wsth othen makes, then C~<a Iive a friendly tàlk blr uig Lffi PCQUNTT AÇFENTS: I-4rtb eau o el AMI>': 5. OICEAntioch fEOO. QUENTIM,,.Vhati#vi'e Aoy Wore» kswill be chcçt-fuUy gtven by etther ofthe t~tosttiêih l~h&teriory: A fin, suit of Mensa cl*thea, ail to match ................29 This suit la poeilveiy worth $1000. A fine suit of Menea clothes, ail to match. This suit la poatlvely worth 439O $12.60------------........ Mena fine Chevlots and Scotch Plaids, wDth49 $ , .............. .. . . . . Mens. plendid suite lu velour fitnlbed -casluteres, ail izew, O iioetérely weith *11.o11........ -At $998 each Yeu are free tw cboosf a suit lots of as finil>' ma"e and aà elegamsly eSu-ý *'csd suit and overcoatr as t te nto* ALa- à l1s dresser could desire, fine home and ,foIüign autin"g and overcoatiuga of toc. and style and le a great variety ýo! effect- Alaise>', nelton and whpeorlt overcoute. bleds. hIe. brown and drab, dlkUonal, chev- lot%. vicuna, tweed and cetilmere suite, single and double breasted .................. Mens extra fine dresr suite le ail t]ýe lateest style and shapes. eaqual to the IO il- fineEt $30 miade to order suit.--Aa7 Mena fine trousers for Buniïey Wear, le woses n ancy 23 stipes .................... Postively worth $5, $6, $7 Menas fine dress pants, worth $200, for I................ 98 C Fixtures for, Sa-' Swoe foer Neuf Te Bdis aturop 1912', st 41pos Çivma ws7 Fer Mon, Women, Boys and Chidren Mens i fie and double solietbals and lace shoes, London Cap, extension soles, every pair guaracteed for good wear. Many le thîs lot voe sold for $3.00O- noce wortb leas than $2.50o, sale price ... 8 One lot of cblldrens slioes and oxfords, sold for ;1.50 tb ý250. Your f cMue whlle th0y last .....3-) ftylbberb for men, coinen and children at less than coat. ltubber boots foruerly old for li3.50 tu ý5-iù. Your .êholIce wlile-4 they last for . .... ... ..2 Ladies' sip9es, al leatier, new ihapea, posi- tively saI for $250 now ......................u Ladies' .5hoema ailthe best values user offer- ed Warkegan, sold as 14 higheu $3.50, now .........-4 Nlenas 0e in new styles, patent colt, gun mutIf, chrone cal! and ail other popula leatlibre, worth $6.00, wà whllil they fast .........S One lot Menas Oxfords, the balance of Our stock, worth $4, $5 and $6. Youn unreetrlct. ed cholce for...;................... le« Thousands of other articles we cannot men- -tlon bere. Demestics Ibo dosn a sai teti Handkerchteft, »w ......... One lot calicoes, 7ca values ................ C 110 d... )&M '-s gaod25 Socle. S beauy, aow ........................ One lot calîcos, 9!c valls ....................3C W dozue Me.'. IlWerk2 One lot Amoegeag Ginghama M W value......................5 One lot drees ginghams, I1'tc values .......................7 Hoûpe and lestdale 7 inuslon.. ........ ..-...... ý7 9-4 iîleaebed sheetlng, '0.value, yard .......... 13C 10-4 bleached sheeting. :l5c value, yard . Staple Ileenieta cloth, le ail shadea, cannot be matched for lesa than -çiL 50c, sale îprie ......9 36 by 42 Inch audttilgs, Ln al colOrs. cala Worth -d5e. salé price..C De.nluh clatIt, in ail the lateat sbiades, Worth up to 50c, per yard .. ............. i f 44 by 42 inch Mohairs and Panamas le dîfferent colors, $1.50 -vaines ... 64-Ineh suitings, Just the thing fOrisl' talilretisuitt wort tb !P.a ayard ... 27-inob tricota, go at . . . .. .5... . . .. . . . =Watch.W& $ove this Docum ent. Let NotI1Ia Keep You Aw.y S~U~p~,January 27th 4t 9 a i 116 dozen Mee'a good 75c wor Shirts, bealiy now ........... 400 dozen Mena' 501- ShirtlA. and drawers, heavy, now .... . 00dozen Menas $100 Dresas hirts. no ........ . 40 dozen ?4en's 50cek. I>rff Ilowà now ..............1 8 125 dozen Men**a Il Neek wear. now . ...... 910 dozen Boys' good 25c, spendM-e, nov 350 doben Menso good 25e SuiPendurs. nov ........ 300 d9ben good 50C Suspendes now ......... id i arn Bi" Mens Top Overcoate, postl tI*ely Worth $10.00 ..... leu'à F%11 and Wlater Overcoata oatv, , oiIined in$KaseI......... Od Coas eand TstdatIM C lI, yourwmveprîce sd1, 00othr1'Iès~ flimerous ta menIo n ot9g hetb Oa>'uw -M.~--45aiC- The lfay Stb*,. -~~tO~t~Tei 'eaoasw nient t"te't' -, v0 Wao&efao, III. t"., -, t ~9~iÇ tpr ~çi$ PIx19~ ~Ir î-tnMe b ~ ;r-~-0 - 1~ %à - .5..' v Àv Àff 11%

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