CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Jan 1912, p. 5

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DAt J&NUARY <1 912. 1 vori good bonsokeeper agiPralats a good. rillable Grm. Tbaiv. abat we bs. We glve Mait Beot-and Fresheut luthe ai prèece tbat mte Ibe "oster tel- Ioas" open tbudr Pe.. J. LITRIGGS Phone 25 Phone 3 tohbe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ w i t b mim W . eumg for a lntâtii. a f ew kw V.Mf dS i brkÀMUne stm PPmdi" -4,. r.duedh.. A I.. fait boots a&Bd feit ovems.W . fia. am aise off Ming overcoats and liid soet cats ws at voduceti Primsto d»ou. ttAbout 100 ft bS 1km simas m ansotieticollaisregular 1Se "se"ller. et 10cehchr 3 for 25 We thY s It wili Co pyy uto oeil andi investîgate. Nobutton V bv ma*i sweaters anti V neck sweater coats at work EVERYTHING FOR MEN J. B. MORSE & CO. Libertyville, - - inois - IlEYEG~LASSE We uu», no Drugi to Emake an exai»tiofl our 8PECACLES A"~I E YEGL *8 W RK GR DATE O.A. Beswick, "D LIBERTY VILLE, - ILLINOIS WE'LL HELP YOU THROUGH - your tire trouble@, se wo keep a full Une of tires. We de ait kinds of ap-to date repairing of cars in a manner thât siway givem perfect satiofactiom. Our prk«p.rolow, our worwmam@hip tirst- clam. wiù. Laycock co. Agents For MOUNE MOTOR CARS Ubertyville, 111. PHONFS-Residence 126L Shop 4324 JMJ6YVILLÉ GroSn"es THE WEEK SOME ONE ASKED MARK W "OF ALL YOUR BOOKS WHICH DO YOU CONSIDER THE WMr TO WHICH HE REPI PROMPUY. "MY BANK BOOK" il- Insur apübiimtioniWtholn"P*n- MMQ visited ber effl muet bc in the OMC4 no 181ar @'»t@r' Vre- B*T" Fry, bers recutly- Tuesdajofenchwook. Adver- Ui»)Wge Bescett @peut saturday a. aupecially. are aoked te, toits and âmdoW with ber parent& et leular notice tu, this fflet. HOQ17 Voeili« 01 Lake Zurich, visited si; Mle boine of Mr, sud Mrs. Bormen torwy B. B. Miller. transacted debulta in " tity. iau lis Cblesao Monday. Bit " Donald bas been given the ,iman Mejere vkdted relstiv- In Position et Priatfr et the Sheldon ochool, Wo Wonday. wbIch was vacated by Howard %. 9. F. Hubbard from Richmond, la MeLàmgblià faut week. 1 1 ing relativen in our city. Thé Meredith Flower and Vegetable se Blanche Ely visited frijBdo in Uo. bars pérehmed the John Alk property age suaday. adjolhing thoir pregent plant on the rI D.)rtier from Ivanboe, wa-1 a, eant and ft la theïr intention to build ýrtyv Ille caller Mônday. 1 thereon lu the early opring. The con- m. Nagel le visiting bis oncle In oideration in reported at $2,0(x).(X). sgo thi» week. Lest "turdoy ovenint a troupe, con. binting ul twouty nwoee' gave au )os. Ro@eiter bon accepted a position entertainment . In the town hall. The Vairond'a grocery and market. audience wea emali and appareutjy isp Elizabeth Nagel spent Sonday in iütàppreelative sud the affair appeared ago., tu be %pytbing but a aucoesa. ru. W. 8. McClain bon base, -DfiDed The Rev. T. K. 0ale wili give au ber home for the pont two weeke eveniug of rcadicg in the Id. E. clin reh Il a severe *ttack 01 ill"". Friday eveaisill, Jan. 26. He wili he las Bort" Macon , wbo ,Tes in a"ted by local talent and the proSeds mille, during the winter monthe @pont wili boa binefit to the M. E. 8undai ýd@j st ber home bere. sebool. [go. Wm. Walrçmd and Mis. 0. A. Illev. il. B. àl«Gutbu cordialiy invites viom visited friande in Wachega» &il members -I tW M. B. cburch, old and ý day the latttr pan 01 leut week. Young, &M tbm wbo>» Dot membom, [ru. John Rodue &M daughter gotber, to &9110041 110111làMOBY MoUting at the m Diamo" tÀdx, @peut lut pfflay chombsuadu moraing et 10 D'elock. à frigods in Shi@ etty., Ulm Monde Battertiold hm reàIgned ,m ber ý0à" 00 ébiel -P-rat-or of the iilbut Luce loft Wedsouday morning j,"a CôVsq Tebphooe Co.. hure. Ni« ýb a car Io" of stock. --blnm and BItterffl bela worked for thatcompony âJi toole for bis govomment elaim tu abmtet*týeiý »d &il are aorry cc ,blanc. bear of W reewbation. brIett & Fredsrboke &m this week bUuNl»15pàfford wm taken to the ving the Interior ot tbéir store re- Rave»wucd boopital, Chseago Isât -orated. A. L. Staord in doins the Fridey wbm allie underwent a aurions Sk. ' oporation for an abepu of the ear. The &r. and Mr@. C. E. MeDoi4d Iom OPe-tiOUP-'F-d tu be very 8ucOmdui tigo, Win , are vl@ltiug st the bome of and the patient la reported as recovering '. and Mr@. The4ore Van der Werff nicelY. 5t of tbie eil-y- Mice Elisabetb Pbelpo died Wednoadai gr@. Ray. L. Rubbard was calied to morning et &bout 3 o'clock a& the home jSgo Monday by the auddien desth of of ber sinzer, Mrs. Silas %N'riffut, en r sont, Mr@. Id. P. Andrews, of beart Brainard Court. Alter a long and pain- NUM. fui ilium allie wu@ calli'd to the grest beyond, leaving a large ýircIe of blonds mise M. Ailes Davie returned to ber to mourn ber departure. On 3&n»ry ,ma et Geaos. N., l»S Pridai baving 11j 1908, eh@ was tranéferýd from the . r 'hurch to the Liberty- eut the past montb with ber Blute Gagas Lake là. E. r M. A. Protine, ber@. ville Id. E. eburch where abc was a Vý&M PitrvATE HOUEM otrim Umba-ry Nabe Pour in larly Xorning Raid Bunday About 2:30 o'clock scaday morniux Deputy sberil! Limberry was summoud tri a privait recidence, Mid by noms in lie a boum of queutiocablit eb"«ter, iùtuated oear the 1,&ke Coeusy Omild Co'@ pib luit met 01 the Liberbyvoe eisil limite, to quiet a dieturbam la the shape of a drunkec brawl and rný ,boum wbieli bail been going on derin the entire night and in wbieb one party, a Young wom", oustained quite a serions iDjury by baving a deep gash inflicted la the back of ber bead ne a reinsit 01 comins in violent eontew-t witb the @"rp corner of a window sili. We blush with @haine in chroniellog thishtWr but W it our duty to the publie in generai tu inform them of the condition@ né %bey exi@t. Tbia i@ net the ami murrence of the kind at thia partictilar place mentioned whieh lieu been brought to our attention, but heretofore we bave beld our courimel regarding thom. Howev"r, lie Iffli that the time ta now rite toexpreea ouruives, .hence the $tory. Bev" Young men Gf our tity (we reir" from mentAoning their Deu« ont of comiiiieration for tbeir fainilim) whettier by invitation or otberwise, gatbafflattbebome aboie mentiocied to Cuit ripou some Young wofflui kaown to lie tbors and it la Mid took %% ith %hem en ample supply of liquid retrmhmmtâ wh" weri; treely ladulgeil in'by SU pargueunurmd entiitbey Vrere much the worw for tboir «P"DS. Tbey bimme ou boisterous au to difflrb the élumbers 01 the P»Wld renidmte of the communitY Who ôublfY reported the maitter tu Mr. Uniberry. whavaupos the boye. bmoming avraire of the [aet and boinu frighU" si the iDjury recelved by the girl. lie& When Mar" lAmberry arriveil on the marie lie loand condition@ aveu woru than were reported and immediatoiS sought to obwu the arrest of thow guilty with the rmult that complainte were swora ou% for the arrest of four ci the Young men. Thpy were arraigned befo'e juatice Beswick Who fiued thora #8.00 and cogte each, the fin" beiut R paid. 11ý 1 lit la deplorable to rwalize that this . condition of affaire should lie allowed to t exist in our littie city and it la with m deep regret we are foreed to chroulae V the @tory. 0 We bail hoped thst eaeh Previoue . occurrence would be the Ja6t, t»Miging 16 the ehagrin whieh thon@ diraCUY cou- 0 cerned munt nfflds feel becatae 01 th@ e. pablicity given the affaire, but we are m now convinced thât nothing but the n atrong arm of th4law eau overcome the nuiemfte and Wl thst the @nouer It le sdministerBd the better for all concerned. IL R ChuirCh SerViCe& .oo a. m. Claeu meeting. Roi. J. B. 0 liaeGumu. lo..80 a. m. Preaebing. Rev. W. L. whip Subimt, "The Optimistie Chrbrtýý. or 12 in. Bible schoot. * 6:45 p. m. Epvrorth lAffle. h 1:80 P. M. Prembing, Rer. W. Whipple. gabW.t. "@aleguerds of ith.'s monday,7-.80,Tembe«TraJnin:aClaea, Wedneaday, 7:30 Prayer service. 'y Ir. servJees et the Epiwopal Chum-b every te Sunday a@ 10110- Chureh servime ai P, 2:40 p * ni. and Sunday school aly 3.40.1 g. Rev. A. C. Richarde. Wetor. ir Repairingfurniturefilingwawnaha .11ing idiatps and shearo-; and in tact old in jolie of &Il kiDd- in .0od and ii-on. lu A. P. RAUGHT, Firnt âtreet, Liberty- le ville. p-15-4 1 ý ILLNESS 18 NO RBSPF40TER OF P Millionaires and mecihanicmý engineeis, lawyem and are liable to be attacked by any diseam tbat fiesb îs b4k AU PWXD ppxyrw4lnm ý 111nSme Insurancell is Brmd and Butter Ins reaches everybody. Think- of baving a proscW tu pay sielcý indem nity, un ýguaM= for biiidné" ot pu,,%IjW% 1 operations, oomp«W lu *0 W«I& «WW o» la m«. CONTZNENTAL- C.&SUALrY Co, ineme. Luce DUOCUR9 quoi Big Vibdorwoar 711, "Ml W@ bave another lôt of that l"06, "I underwear which we advertimed last week-.ý ý Its, beet ever for the money nicelyý turulWàee.,Po ample sizee. Speeially priced per garpWnt 21W.A Special on pillow casea--well made mWa ems 42 or 45'inch'uize,,sp«W this week for 191 New Spring Pabries now in stock include- Egypti« Tissues, ToU-du Nord Ifiaxons, New Dress Pemake NEXT WEEK We win have some very spécial Bargatu 1 offer in several lines, Watch for our AdL,- W. W. CARROLL & SONS TWO STORICS 1 liq MI Ê L113 1 E Rt'îýa WILL MME YOUI "AL ÏA E ES -TE j R Wftff E 0 it CALL »' D y M () M-D a A U 5. T 8 N THE ORAL CSTATE MEN -For Information Coimmùm-i LOT Nouses qui LOA if -loi Wbat CLASSIFICATION of the want ad lnteresto vou eeperAallyTO- DAY? Ypu can turu tO lt ln abOut&B q DEPEN ENCE por wý&ny a mm /bu itarted with One Dollar in a Savine inst One Dollar a week for five yesrs saiod in ont bahk at s per ceýt. retitrue oyer Pouibly T'fa. tsvp, $2 $ii's- week ae qiaylM more. . 4 'E HAVE PLENTY OF &ithlui member until tranoferred te the ebureb l'riumph« % on the above - date. joaw Waters, for tbe past six Yearl a resident of tbie aity, formerly of Salon Mille -n àgegenry couuty, died at the boune of hie daughter, Mr@. Geor" Frey, Tseo"y afbmoon at the mm of «% ýnt1F- livu leffl, pneumonia being tbe eau- Tiwtuwral wae held at Solon Mille jecterday (Tbureday) alternoon at 1:00 wcbSk with interment in the Solon Milli enneury. , Tbé Tiria Chapter of the Westminster lau4d' gave au invitation sSw in the bMment of the Presbyteriau eburch lest eriday evening. Progreuivegamu jKere in order, each table being different #M the young ladies bad an opportunitY tu show their É4k iii at a abooting gallery. Relr«bmenta wore sOrved et a I&te hour, alter whieh the party broke up, &U baving had a moot pleafflut eveDillg. lu the high jK-jýffll, this entire week la being devoted to the examination for &ho tiret setijegter. Thooo bàving un sverage of W),. in deportwent and in > 1 cy titudy, carried, were exempt. The tâbowing are the number@ juesch study: in piano Geomptry; toço in 8ulid uoometry; tour in Amerkan history; nue in Modera bist'Irv; @il tu Algebra; efveu in àueieiit himtory, four in Germau 1; six la Latin 1 ' eight in PhY8icai Geograph); Jui in Englieh 1; tive in Englith 11; thr- in PbY'siee; twO in Engligh IV and fl'Ur in GOrMâD Il- F Lat Friday ý-veumg the Rebekat Lodg, N- amm, held tLeir iiistallation ai officera, the event bavingboen Pu»tPOneý 1 one meeting - ýjut of the severt cold. Severai ou kegan visibor@ wen preftnt and et 1 P. in. a hot chicker pie @npper was @erýPd. The followinm olikers wero ii,.talied: Mrg. R p &.bnaebele, nok)lp grand; Mr@'. F. Over @on, vice grand, Mr@. E. MeDouald mwretarN; IL p, Schnaebole, tmamurer Mr». E. welig. Ili'n ; Mi@. E Wheeler wardon; Fave Nýê1î@, conduct«Or. Besoi- MeBride, guardian and W. C Sanborn, out8ide gardian. Lake - County National B"-' st&ft the New -Y« :» By sitin m au mdw fS, bRATS AM G R Q MIN YCR k»,W yéu cm am abmlçî* *0 hem in " une m and FredcIrIcAý,q, HOW TO GET ONE. SAVE SOME, SPEND LESS AND DF, POSIT THE BALANCE WITH THE id even ià dr to. id W ed ým 1 ýrs en nor P. er- Id, er; or, mie C. i_- .Mr Md Mr§, A. Baldwin Md littie daugbter Je"ett@, 01 Chic"O- vWt'd over Bunday with 9- 111. Corlett and famlly. charks huotin and Eruest MCDOU&ld write front San Demardino, CaliforoLot. tbat they arrivm thora anly tour bouta iste and tound the mercury »voutY diKrm above zero. victý,r A. Rombaek of Evans". formerly a resident of Woukegal&Jland quite widitlY kBOIWIÉ thTOU00ut tAàta, bed announeed bis madidacy for the fhS of county Commimioner of (;Cok connty. . The Prenbyterian Ladi-' Aid win Pterve a hot chieueu pie 8upper in the ebureh parlors Titurodej eveniniz, Feb. Ipt, front 5 outil &Il are Perved. Supper 25 oeute. P-18-1 1 nom Mie@ mary Melloy bas acSpted a poeitiàn st the sheldon mchool at 1t.ckefe fer having reeigned her positipu a@ amistant book keeper for the Lake Co. Taiephone ComPaBY Iftot w@@k. La.t gaturdai Mi"« Mande , ffli lit-id, EfRe BetterfWd, Mary Mélloy Flors Staplop -ere (bieilizo visitorIll. They enjoyed "The Spring'.Nlai(i" M the Colonial tbeatre in the attern(IOD. Life Insurance Premiums are, or ought te beý aà much a plait of hm»-hold etpenee au a barrel QI fimr. Th. 0" m appmee the hunier of the praemt, the odur of the future. E E BUS y ,SAN ORN Diatria "net Old Colony Comm»rdai Life Il... BROKEN RING, BROKEN . WATCHES, la fact we fix «v«7dd« la wm thejewary boduera, - 1 eaueu«»Bt& we momm rmmm" te de *M. wft et om of Mr mq»rb ,- boa Wmu ýe! En meh aa «UNW*F. st 1 Our New Proc«à of d"ma ** khwis e iewoby mk« it m sbow YOU whù A4 . HIU- SS FINAN plio» 30 UBF.RTYVUJ.F. lUI

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