CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Feb 1912, p. 12

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o' None Too Kind Words Sald of Shurtleff-Vlck.Ti 'er5Considered a Rather Inactive M1eber- Declare Oison and Anderson Made Good Record& Being Very Progressive cul, - ~ con The requit is Sit sOre rlîne s re nlt. FORE ORD unusuaily careful to keep'iheir voting seti record night, thougis their cperations in Of the - it n nce h la oving ttic poe of Ilinisis cmitc adi ttrcases wlcreth gp on Ba outgomg mutember o 10adequate record i-kept aiten proves thein insincetity. Most of the cvii mark T litip V7bGuti suh çmtsec Lu of a session la now.,acompîihedleî et a snp~as fncicacommîttees and, in md 'Wavs as ta ff *9 of .1'%ssd&g te Public to Save no offiiai recod by rhich public *hb Lattaa corect cerassl statementis May be aupportý. In sucii fol e von lSd ,çaracer oafnibera cf a report as tlis it ii therefore impur-.Of0t1 iels ga1 sible to disclose certain matters beau' mbua j uo s »m tier. hass moeu ng on the filntese o! îegsa rs, se-e nthig t dobutto riely ndwfien those pattera are quitrS faliarmoi Bal sthngta o uttabrefiy*d deà blmud dem a iegilMarse ss abopt, the Stace la other a es mmb sgiv e v oueryubi$cf I1irflc5i 'fi*i -a uniLormly gond account of hima- shossld blia a ptt f o 'f i recor .1e - ai.:tbMa afew commenndatoéy *orde hul raies 1 hthhý a. i ccU at iai tt"d10ta e Ecm . f raned mi*i dis endi VIY'i&: Th i Eut in mut case.aInt liaohced . . *rne 1 bicfy et orh tt aîînîday bas pt&W dwben the' ptojle waulmdwi W*4* ltht Sy eiitifoe heord 0f toierate thetuansaioii of public husi. 50 pqp4 intheIcgilatvt ecor ofthene" , inda* ecorners. $AiBa or «Representative so tht eht Hold-over jSators 1(trot te odd- Agi votifMay bave a basis for maldng nuanbered districts) 'are tot iuciuded IL %W ,oten estinate of the vaue of Ihat in hisreport.19. 40li referring to the vote of aaly men- EMES 21.EOCOl bor of the Legisiature on any specific COUXTY. .221 propasition it la flot intended ta corn- EIGHTN DIg1 RCT. 23. rapd or copiemn sncb vote, but ta (Counties of Boone, L.ake and 24. suboti the record.,'There are two pro-nr.)2 pillon. owever, te mhach tIhs 2 J4qaen irsi csnite, , ht Aibert J. Oison. asenator (Rep.), 27 aboiuon' of tie cumulative voting sys dairy farmer, Woodstock. Ending first 9 tm of maiiarlty representation, and the term in the Senate. Served two terme 29 euinof the menit aystemln e tisel the House. Has.s goo4 record ta is go qvjprviee. The advaavesacnt of thes rdliittSiI.I h 6hGi-~ twit eforms ta so vital ta reform in1le. eral Assemhiy he voted aginstL ri 22 IsI*itan d la the public service that the mer and for direct 'prifmsries. In the 3 r~ecrd cf a legisiator ini relation tu,47th heb did &orne good work for cvili34 *Ç* sisould bave exceptional weight 5i'JlG Itfiilation, voti agaiflst tei35 taeMiuiuuwa -linos0. McKenzie ainendanent 10 tise State menit 1u if»n M ,tten d ofamrera- bil, aitifr the bill. Voted for suis- 37 ~ h h egrd 5 adisevic rfor ~mission of mnority rlrauaiO3 é ,op 4ieuit, t be exact. owing t a ameasdmnnt. te abolieh cumulative vot- 39 *~ussfq fo n ls vich the issue ing Suppoted the Progresaive pro, 40 ~~ grams generaily. 4 ~ ~ oai ttSaecvl Edward ED. Shurtief. syjreentatrvt42 0$ltt bât ta WuncgêneraUly usas 4<Re»., iawyer, Marengo. - Endlng sixth 4 0' gindrd btt But th enemies of terra- Lesi hainful ince he retired 44 îýe ft.,sfom at .tackoi .*abig bin lnu. fxem itihe speakerahip. b»t gavc nfi va 45 meums wyS and 0f tanpoposed dg. d-nceofibetter aspirations. Consistent. Ptouia a~adm~itsm~ac thuy nsitedly opposedl civil service iegiiation. but , jrsediéAy, o. dit irutal inends of ddfo ak t6gfiglt againat ik 1 easun1m ore aéecsnay migled. Was very energctic le his opposition ta A iUMot iustabdolrhistile the Initiative and tRefeýeiidum eslu- 4 wus tiatpropoeed by Se-t.. on,. 4 au dkomed enemny of th James H. V'cktrs;', representative 4E mW">,aocgt ta excc(t irons (Rep), merchantIlarvard. Endlg r..~t.lfe) ~ ~ ai Su. first tcrm. Not a very conspicuom la Ïî ibtheSate offices et Sprng- nimber. Acted mitit the republican pro- lieog auuil w-l ec -6* thesaendmont.(Pro.,mercbassZ Laic Lsvst . n- is liefolioming day lhneertsof-'g firs at .Atflihated wltittht e- _b r,1w biUiunted it support o an red publicans and joined thé prpgressive Or- af 1 atW offered by Senator McKenzie. ganization.- Young man of fair abiiity n laicis suPersedeit the Ptter amend- and cansiderabie aptitude for legislatlve la @Mq an d vas only alghtlty les swetp- wonk. 0 Mu iri its exemptions. Tisat ameadmnent _________ _ ti *pas aalopted on a rol cai. l S A silar amendmaeasl ad previousiy  l 1imN( P been tabied in the Houait on a rol aIlia, O IE C N R 4.1ros aiinga record on thisproposl- jy nwsn8yl tiço iiibotis branches. A L, KEAUI T JE u Enonlies of this reform mwent active T ln tryint ta def eat legislation hy dts- s tory tactie aid otherwise up to the last O À D IC P moment. mhn maatY of them finaily "i vote) for tht bis for the purpose of mskiog favorble record&. The committe mhlch la sollctlns i Tic questio of suhmittiatg a consti- the sale af stock for the Nortitern b stltutlostal amtndntut ta abolisis the Illinois Industrlal association, mas t cunalAtive ratlng s"stems of rraority îe hcnr h 2. reprietatian did not each a vote in iefrscoagtdiw na$2 lie Houa.. ý 200 anhacilltlon o! stock mas i'elv. Tise use of th mord "Progressive" in ed over the teiephone. It came pnao. t icfes'iace te proPosed legielation, dot ticaliy ithotut any sotlcitation. Han. Me carry mth it the apprtsval or disap- wood 'rost, la head ofi the Bnownt provlof suadi legisiaton by Vuts Prai lvtr samsc t s -1Liset. Tht terra s smply ouse) ota beEvao mpn whcti j 4esot a -bnier of Prpstions, asoc i moation îocated ln Nrth ÇMoegl né tie Initative snd Referendum., the askod that be bu lilowed ta purchaso Cw.t p< P9tiffl bistise short bat $200 morth nf stock sud aald tbUs bis lot ides, WSç.néainl tht intenest of gaod fathet', George H. Front foaraser O'Wii4 »gMveraot b subject ta hontt dif- un of the Engneerigé Nems, of Nowm LaaOgini0as as toaspccific fust- York anted $2.000 worth of stock. u~a~ oi 'opsi est opo.s. Mombers of the cotm ut lt , isW t bplasns howeven. conusthe two stsbscriptions of stock amethe Faq~eIor *&diei gencrat sup' lest endauseient tseir effota coolil MI t it uindication of goed r«eeve. St mas --oeailedt4day aise, tiat asi 006da 111iUM Imp ~ oratant roSi »noni&As tii, sucsY la raised for the Viters League Davis MIII Macinery comanay, that1 "ad asalutary aties'dqub'atue conSrnu stands ome w0 u« soi4eulglaa.usdy teansia acouttuo I al *Iiomt a early lsAlfere lie edistrict. TIhe cgnorn .uaple <,~ h oesl ourni. .3~0msnamt te soit 40 b. o"eetti, L '7-1 *5 psdbl ossibiS, havlng s IlS BASIC T-r aESNE 0 MAY COUNT UPON. BiTWfAIYTo OLD sEMIEUS «V WILL UE CIAUOPROVIS-1 NO rHEYH#4VE SHOW44 NO The tbeme of itacuscO Mad tb. atOn of latse0t &Meng Wqodnsenl Stinue ta le the new ratinga to go to effect ln the order~ioming the. tIon or the Chicago meeting. Sans. the intereutlng facts nelating to ehatgçare~ivoubeiow. Tabieof New Rates. The foliaw5ng Modem Woodmen Woie ifeinudermee table wH! go tata et on ,Maî i. 1912. oid îéembers ho expr'es« prefoence for other iSa or llxenao before Jan. i. 191$,, that date mili le r.s'ated under thie Mie. 'A no«mmmaSer18 years aId &Yobln$0 protection by tho nt+ i ý iof- a!40 cents unlp mlii  mnby payment af 76 5ts ili give $1.000 protection; ani 25u.usonth viii give hlm a $300 ertil5dts. If h. tales ont a. paI«ý tisaj or f23. ihW itontily payMt ,le 50'b conts o9 $500. At 30 b I11 becomlro)lsd ta puy 69 cents, sMd on, aus gban lu the table: Cemtified Amounts -8 .500 $1.000 $2.000 $8.00 ...... .40 $ .76 $1.50 $ 2i 9 . .... .40 .80 1.60 2.40 .... .. 46 .6 1.70 '2.65 .....'.45 Do0 1.80 2.70 2 .. ... .90 1.60 2.79 .1.... . 0 .95 1.90 S.85 4 ...... .0 .96 1.90 3.95 5..« .... 50 1.00 2.00 3.00 6 .....(150 1.00 2.00 3.00 7 .... 65 1.05 2.10 2.15 S.6 1.05 2.10 3.15 ...... .5 1.10 2.20 3.30 ...... .0 1.15 2.30 3.46 ...... 69 1.20 2.40 3.60 "" .60 1.20 2.50 3.75 ..... ,6 1.25 2.60 3.75 ....... 65 1.30 2.60 3.90 3. ... 70 1.55 2.70 4.061 ..... 70 1.40 2.80 4.20 ........ .76 1.45 2.90 4.35 la..... 80 1.56 3.10 4.66 19........80 1.60 3.20 4-U0 ...... .96 1.65 3.30 4.96i .... 85 1.70 3.40 510, i......... .90 1.80 3.60 5.-46 13..... 95 1.85 3.70 5.5 1.......... .96 1»9 3.80 5.70 15......... .. 100 2.00 4.00 6.0 1n>olmnlg are theirtes for aIl mens- )rs aged 4e and aven: ' Cortlied Anosante go. $500 $1.000 $2,00 $1.00 6......... $106$240 $4.20 $6830 ......... 1.101 2.20 4.40 6.60 t.......... 1.16 2.40 4.60 6.90 4..... .... 1.20 2.40 4.80 7.20 5......... 1.25 2.50 6.00 7.50 51..._t 1.30 2,60 5.20 7.80 2........., .'A40 2.75 5.50 8.25 Sa..... . 1.45 2.90 6.90, 8.70 4 te, 90 ... 1.50 3.00 6.00 9'-00 eflief Fanr Memben Over 4S. la ondsr ta glve th.elarget Posai- ble protd&ioa mtiath ag maliest *» ssuiot hoion oelae!t.made te mbusUmretita&46 year old. TiI la a çoicosia Of aiomtLng a Cash PSY. moet- f $2 a mantit for $1.000 protli. ton 'g thle nlgit tewcharge the ru mmamunti ors moue a manth (aoCalU. ig ta age> igatuat theicertificatol te be deduct0t mils 4 per cent compasind lterest at death. This la purely op tonal. Ritelstatement tabie. @ne Madg ehomiug rodasced protecton cm lish piu'ostt rate pald unden thte aid va ing. or lucreaaed paymonts tandem tit, noir matingta netain 15e,014 Pratec tien. Attimantes reckoned the aid mate te be lut 63 per Cent adeuluate. 00 tb$4 the new matios n tlueb. giteate il mien n nUhof 47 pur cent Tenmmules(fperlis of 10 50. 6 ",e 70 yeers(o! âge -and cadbag a thesé atoel, are a &POClal feature Of tit' revision. 0ou members mihUfe me tàlleates vho do mot misS to Incasea thelu »osaements miy eiset boÇor Jannary 1. 1918.,tao CaOffltom lue. Ance tuauneoro!thi. lisse ges. 01 inembeusblp up ta 90 ym'efflf «0 a b. neratei 't thitetattained mgo conatimg hem thé bitubay neasa the date of the tiamufor. For Instance a member 55 years 01 cmonstam$500 iProtection for moatbiy paymnut aof 5 8 1005Dim teetiom for $3 a mout «" Io an 1 te $8.000 protection for $9. on tIi $3,W 0 oestIfýratê ho vould 4le cila ta puy osmly $4 a month If ho mw"i lteremudr boing subtracted. mil 4 puot ut Ioet. f bààhi.Certlomia et lie tinse et big émaIl Now, mmbm Moe asetaW. beotffli*e s 09,10UMtl M. ýY eanerotJk ber«g 85 rom 18 aidtwetyMves remat 4. tl ifat' etee t.tim li»««« agif Op f atimb .ages. "M se 0yoar tom rate ah P,001 teoio, i 108out At 16 yeau jbNla b - 40 ouste a mottu.1 a ee-% o nmothiy psyment 0 coaftalea Ols" ýt whon 2i, ta 50 ci at1,t 5ent At si, ta 60 efft 3.'t t6 ciiW t a 41 and up ta 45. où t"rî 4 Son $1,000 artsa mmstbl pe7untof 50 ets t t Ogt At 18 Mad inereamest a a"a ýpâyment et el.$., The 70 yeant begino et te cont»anad Increases t saoboi Dive c«>p DftO* Iiii b -te ISI ar] sets n"8 T e Vmnt domn fot rdtlt ffPrudonoe tel and rmomid at that depth le ut«. Peei50Looingfor Home. Turne ~egà a mman ras ln W""e4a pany t ber scos, leees $ oc. Iventy-ivs milesa betivoga Risudditan and Rbyl. pois? ha.Las'the third tins. foui map- iebW910 IIIMformer home, ibn lng ta luaipiteistvo gales lu 10 4040 1,ouà t, mouillasJ W M Dr Ir 1~ P ro- and 1 hobr front wbatWVOSMid tlii air u This th"t thaeCity comla, aiI nw&4t aeuamn ' bul S ' trying to compol Yeu te do mrne 451 la380 ieu li cents yhlck 709 should flot bave t d . I -Ton IIII&IIII da et objote e m eadlug thMin mtto, The iAve ciTY te STRiviNe-To .ADoPT isapeet wbtck 1 di tend. 1 aUWff ou à0-a 11011 et EVRUETMà40PO-tb.t watitn Md yute boat anJt ID'. ilso UZ, to jaupeot youïr darls et &Il Ui"ssth£ t ip4g tu e)r lta mirmusl 1 Oirn t1 eauksennd. -M. turm At iPreofnt Bot bave a£ lWiéi (mol y suid b., u$WlbOto MI ta $2 dairy In»etor. but umaliti ey-hhhP ~edA(I 4'NSIECTION MOT PERFIECTED r fott big«i bo5451yoi^ha pp n k' oieOU _____________ wbolip la faYerot 1having YottUmma 'a !0ca'105 acosmmiltie. et reprseetativO iaenjo ufthe Cityil *di;~fl -. 0 n cf SKS I4ATMILI<PRODCERS tt thteCity omelcais io ls*o this thau piledt l ovto:@ t10-' miros AIN TH CIIY UN ODVINO inatter ln d'alis (Yeu lot thO Ume) ÂWaIUt-M Ma y 0*11 lmol7 . O& JI I CT INSLIG and agio. upon sons. comPo«tBBt mL. i e, r 144 THE OROBLEM. Tho goner you do this the btter I1OL Ar*u~ @and. min,_____ will be pleased. et V4411W M1¶Ost (tanwhoioeffrort lu this morklaM15 y In au open letter. Commissioner being &pont ta bring about only ance Cari Atterbery replies to the critU- resnit, nameiy: ta give thety eltHave- iiiii, Ap cdam that bas becis made by miit wauicogan the cleanest snd Purest :::; M ut &0 wba~rduerswlh rgad ~.C~ ~miii pasible. Mr. Cadinore mado the11t statemlent 7esterday that tbit mss & , ; Z awsy attitude an the milk situation, Air. a4at the dairymen wanted te do aise. Rd le Atterbery's letter folows: We te togethor on Utei questio but or a. sihây M-80 lansp Waukffan, ]IL, .Jan. 31, 191.1. - etesâdig néiw hV aal m Idr. John Cadosore, braugint about. Wo tan do tà;a V61W À ud a&HOtier Dainymen Who Sbip nlcoly If Vweli1i egt 4,hfl , ýk, Jus Tink of It Madami1 A $20.00 Coae for $10Ô.00 We're ping on sale a large collection of $20 black chiffon broadeioth coats at hall price. They are made ln the sînarteet models of the season, superb- ly tailored of exceptionally fine inateriai, 54 luches long, lined withguar- Ndyed satin, sale price. Wewe1 Dresses etas$498 Women'o al woÔl serge drewmescharxing in.odeis, ~~. bigh waisted offect, large tirming, latest style s evecomne inil1.9 deairabie colora A "Claae. et Waists Flannelette and poplin waias. iu dark andlilght colora, values to $1.5, sale price. .. Q Ckilivemes Sweaters-Gray, red and white wool sweaters, sizes 26 to 82, values t up to $2.25, special at 98C If s a Wise it.zWho. A Suit or Ov.rim t They say women are bettbr e. bargain seekers than Mon. P Maybe they are, but nover- theleas we belleve many a man will take advantage of this chance to-morrow and leave our store togged ont ln a new suit or coat bought at this clearauce male. $13-15 ia 'ail we Aak for any of onr nobby 018 and $20 suits or overcoate. yeo, we baid any of them, for you are at liberty tç takQ your uurestrlcted cholco et garments formerly selllng at the*~ prices. Beautiful merchandise, richly tailored of high grade matériaim, servie giving and shape retaining, choice 135 300House Dresses.on SpeclalSale There lis not one of these dresses but' what is made ful and comfortable in dimension s and of a serviceable quallty of materlal. They are 2.00, 2 50, and 3.00 gannents in low and high necksatylos, short or long aleeves, corne iu fancy and nurse strlped ging- hams , your choice 1.29 ÇAMIR9~ PIl'T8COATR - Women'c.ri ~~po~imod s±bpt. WOM~'S APROiaê-Ia lighl and dan toi- ~iEI lit-varions style., olmeci epeolal at 25e I ~70ffis, pubs............. ors, gingitains sald perutuice. mails r' J - -- SACK COMI-- cuula a gl ir He.vffloeêdtfed, excellent .l-eWametits, 1.0089 and, draworo,'heavY, soft cot- 'to* filooe, a szea 24 toAI 34,. a 500 garment at -&a WOUCN'S CASHMEREE aLvSt84-I blSaI and graY. 4" b cbidren's leeced îîd t. 1e.m 50C Valu« .aira........19C Aut ~ yars long, m~de~j~;Anndfancy sIlks, ,7ç ii "'p selùollera ..'45c PqerSa.-Yar4 wide Man- Ohosèv ý esg, big varlety ofa« ançIuh&d coloro, i 15e grode at, yuc WWs 5h.. 4*i . A clearalicelt of. ndpatent l1 Me, o goodmdlsyor, 3.00 & 0.6au0,p11p MENS* WORK P 00.én boav" showsmaie -raus ber skia leather. double salisfor% t %k mý- IP-W 1

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