CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Feb 1912, p. 5

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[LIBUETYVILLE BRIEFSI . LocAL A» ogg»USOAL MENTI BI10 JOFLOU R F'ÂMOU5VO Q1LT J, ELI tIGGS W. are off erng for a Iimited tdm a f ew pan ofsbo.m inbrokenlânes at au apprecWabe r reduetion. Alo foit boots and fait orna. W. ~-a.aIo-ffnmgovecoatsmwmd ndmot coats at r.duoed. pries to dlose out. About 100 brokummuem nu oed colars, regular 1Iseikusn at l0c éch or 3for 25C wllth" lust h Itwli psy you to caH and inv.stigate. No-button V neck 'sweaters andi V neck sweater coata at reduceti prie.. EVERYTHING FOR MEN J. B. MORSE & CO. Liibertyville, - - Illi.nois ---------- -------- --- Are Corr.cly Fitte by I t « Wo use noDug to niake an eram4nation and weqrae.alo our SPeACÂlAD CYGLAB8 WGRK * C. A. Beswick, "'1 LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS WE'LL HELP YOU TI4ROUGH yonr tire troubles-, as we keep a fuliline of tires. We do aIl kindsof i p-todate repalring ni tara lu s mannes' tbs away givea perfet satisfactIon. Our prices are low. aur wtormmauship irai' cnas. Wm. Laycock Co. Agents For MOLINE MOTOR CARS Libertyville, 111. PHONES-Reaidence 126L 9hop 4324 IWE HAVE PLENTY 0F COAL 16 Inities publlcatloatla the tludpon- dont. opflmuet h. ln the ellice nolInter thmn Tuecday of .ach w.ak. Adver- «o"ev. *pclalIy. m*. asked t.take prtlolar nétle. tao thise.ffect. ô - tlwluTrigilsof MRilu.spent Monda>' Wlth rltueansd Manda lu this ly. Mmr red liordhorst apsu: a lew deys luta w.ak lu Highland Park. 0 Albert Llcbtisld vas a Chicago buai- am viitor Wednaday. Mir@. F. R. Trlpp was a Chicago céopper Tuesday. Wbite lassa snd alk walsts on sale ai Pamz*.s. -l,-tl Idia Olive Bnrridge la coDfiued to ber home b>' a severe attack 0f lagrippe. lira. lDaniel Leeda aufferlng irorn an attack ni aclBtie rbeumaiar. John NMcFadden of Chcago, epent Mdonda>' vith Honda lu ibis city. Mire. E. E. Ellswortht vas a Chicago viator Tueida>'. M. andunir. C. k. Avertîl spent Tues- daY ln Chitago. Mir. and aUn. P. G. iIs. i fChicago, vlalird over Sunoda> atthie bomne ,)f ther daugbter. lir@. Ray Lflubbsrd. Davild C. Trlpp froin, la la epeudlng ivo veeka vlitinir bis brother, F. B. Ttlpp oi ibla cipj. lilasBosa Crosby fromz Evanaton, vlstod lai;Frida>' ltb lira. Wm. Wairond. liea. BStea nTYung rot» ELlimdale, &.1D. là vIistigber parents.,lMr. and i PUTHE WEEK Puéra W'aUS spent Baturday sud 800d1W wlah bis parents south of ta wn. and 25= O os tPaorixp's. C-19-tf Réaa ibe Jae aWrate Concert Company st the town hall Thurbday nlght, Feb. eth. Ail mililer, plush cap@, cbldrsn'a cOsa, etC., Ibaby et et PRoT'S'o'. c-19-ts Wm. Halfmman, ni White FiahB ay, Win., trtusaciad business bers several day@pilit vsk. F. IL. Trlpp leat week sai hie tarin ni 1111 acres.gtnatsd twoumies soutb nf Haill Dayon Mlwaukee avenue. to Millard & Monroe of Highland Park. The Vaadrblt Automobile Races ai Savannaht, s&, at the Lypric Saiurdaj uii, t'Feb. lird. 'orne out and bow > ourseli. R. W. Orummitt arrivedi Monday from Tyvan. Saab, Cana-:a, coming bore to conanît pbp.lclaus iii regard tu bis heatl eb Whh sben pour lor su».. turne. lils Blanche Triggs and Mrs. F. J. Wrght att.uded a lunchoon at the home onilia rmesHoward ai Edge. watar ou Tnasday. Tite Ladies' Aid societ>' nf the M. E. churcit vili meet ai the home ni Mr@. Frank Rttier on Milwaukee avenue Tussday shaooon. Feh. 6. The Adro Club vill give one nf their dances lb the tovu hall Saiurday oves- log, Fait. 8, Imm 8:30 to 12-00 o'elock. linulu blEHapb'eorchestrs. Admission 50e a coupla. lira BIas Wlgb, luibi cli'. ircitaImit, Who for ths Pasi mentit bas basa vlahing is oncle, Heury' lila Geiruk Qulitî tlliedlilSmBttit <p IJjnoln A ve., bas returnad ta Msa Jachbeiniai Ura>'lake Wsdneg- bis hom u lu iie, lud. day. The baud boy@ gîte another of ibels' Mr. and lIr@. C. W. Eaotrot ot populan masquersu"len lth-i tow haill Wlmette, vlslted friands lib is ci iast on Frida>' nigbt, Feb. I6 A cordial rlday. Invitation ls extended to you. lira. Wm. Ed wards ni Wankegan. "Tt," Roabertson pro ni Ses an excellent ti«lted Sunda>' ai the home cf lMt. and ehow ai the Lyrie Saturday nigbi. lire. Fred Croker. Feb. lird, the Vanderbilt Automobile Mr. A. Kirchofunuderweut a succese- Rtaces at Savannah, (la 1I iai prices ni fnl operation ut the licAliter bospital, admnission. Waukegan, tiis eek. Dr. J. L. Taylor was i-eIld to Stacey- Wni. cibltz sud lamily ofi Rockefeller, ville, la., lait Friday Peneiiig b> the epeni Tuemday evening viih relative@ s e ofniis aleter. He rtctirmmed Wed. livre, neaday tmnrang statîmir ihat ni the ,,ud" lellere froru Shelon._Iud., is urnfe be lvii StaceYville is mî-ter"'s healili visaîîng .'haiivee aud friendainlu iis was sornewlia imprOved citv Word received lroîîî Gimlbert Luce, Miss Dora Cron, teacher lu the local curante to, Miles City, Mon:t , ctaies he echoel. le entertaîsîug ber iter Cora., arrived ai Minneapolis un el1iedule tirne fotMchgan. uitb everyitigentact aud expects ta ho 'reach litsdetination b>' Wî'dnesday oI lire. james 0Or»>' loftiTuendsy ibis veek. Bis farim la Ioceted about for Mlwaukee ta vîit ber dangbter. lourteen utlesitrrin Miles City'. lire Clanence Flagg. C. F. Wllo r.turued iait week froru a lizWells aud George Lawrence !reementhe' ujouru in eaoieru iorida, atiended the automobile show lu Chica- min ip ,e îh h nntv go Tueaday. Whle ibere lie purcbssod a tan acre Riay Fuller, wbo bas been spendiug tib m t oftnI]and near Tîtuevulle sud experté wintar whbrelatives here ieft .Saturdu>' hOreinru soon»aud @et out iheroon su for bis home in Alicei, Ore. orang orchard. Mr. sud lMre. George Civeiaud frein lr. aud tIre. L. iB. fanby left Wed.nes- U;bicago. risîted' a few days the lattas' day for Sau Antonio, Texas, wbere ilie> part titest veesi wiih their parents will join lir. aud lir. F. P. Dymond be. wbo wil accompan>' ibon on an lire. Peter Uawerm lbit Iamt Wednesdsy *ztended tour of Caliloruia, vîsiing evering for Flarida ta jîin ber daugtr ".oAngelee.s, ii Francisco sud other Gertrude, wbo weut ibere @uemtime intaeoiing points minUalornia, teturniag agri for ber beaibh. atter a couple oifujonthe by waa> J. A. Bradley' bas returnemd fronia Deuver, Colo. Chicago bot4pits.i wbere bc uednrrvst anu "qt Frîday oeoing the Epwo.îh operatian for a1ipendicitis, rnucb loi. League beld a socil ai the hiome ni proved in heath. Alice Fuller, about thiri>' beîng prtenet. Mieaee Margaret sud licabella Nicholson Tue ovening wma epent in playiug garnes, of Chicago, viited 8aturday and Sunda>' sitar wiib rerenumeuts were served. wiili lra. Hart>' Meade aud lMrm C. IL Ail report bmîcmug epeut a pleasant Dn... eveuiug. "Gos, intaentions" will fot buy the nal-holea ia your toffin, much sas protids f ood and reisent for your wdow. S EE EBUSY AN IlRNI District Manage OlU Colon>' Coiusarclal Ufs lua..Ce The Trin limalter met witb lirs. Munule VM ileon ondu(a> uîgbt anild ha ver>' pleant tlîîîe The>' decided to bave a sleîgb ride wth au oyser cupper ai h ibme oeif Belon Wrght the lirai eiabie eveîing. It as alen decided ta gire a play' ut the inua hall about the middle oi Februry. Setural uew mem- hrs were taken n. Tbe mon are aiso invitad ta îoilî th, leigb ride. Services aitlh- Episcopai cliur.lmemery Suuday as fimîlows: Churcb servimeiqsta 2:40 p. mn. and Sunda>' sebool nt 3:40. Ber. A. C. Richards. Rector. IIAKE VERY' CENT SECURE jr>~From Iloss, from tbeft. fromn errors in counting and from double payments by A CHECK BOOK LIBERkTY VILLE LUMBER CO., PHONE 47 ,DOWN. S Y TIM OLD DEPOT, ~1, ; ,ý. - . I" u to pay your bille. It saves dollars and doesnt cost a .e cent. Cali foi one today. TU FMI' NATmÀIL Of 0F UITILE UNIRO .T&'W. OSO Oj~tOUTL SRVnuFUNOS Mé lisaPoya Churchili wlll raturn ioda>' (Frîda>') froin Lawrence College. Appleton, Wls, wbich Inetution ebe l," bemauattending during the promeut tortu, tao accept a lucrative situation St the William H. Studer, prornineut young man of thile ct>, spruug quite. a surpris. on hie irlends laut Frilay wben ho waa, qulily mîarrled to liasm i' Jfautes 01 Bînadale, l11. Ibo man>'Monde of Me. Studer or* bus>' exteadlag oougfrBtnla tlous and wlaes for B long anid happy' ourne>' tbrough lie.. Througb a telegrai recived b> Paul liaOufftn froin Frank H. Juat, forme adîtor of tbis paper, who wlt bbis fasuly la sp.udlng the winier at "oiAtigelea, Ual.. vo bar» that ho la sullerlng trow blood poiooning lu i lotft band as the s'ouIt of a uigbt lesb wauud lu the pal of the hand. DIe underwent an opera- tion at a Loo Angeles hoopital and at lent reportte lairprnviug nicely. The Epworth Leagu. ofthte M. E. chnrch alîl open tiieir illutrated le-ture îcourse with a lecture on The New Rebrides Islande to, ho g1 ve» ibis Frida>' ivng St eight oclock. A unique topic card hua been isued and the î'ourue tickets are ou sale. The fnurth nuxuber of the high chool lecture, Thé Jane Wrate Concert Com-. pany', will be giveu ai, the town hall Thureday'evenluz. Feb8. Thispromiuls ta he the ver> boeat number of the tourse aol pou ohould maire speelal plana ta attend. Ticket@ will b. placed on sale at Docker & Bond's drugs@tore Saturda>', Feb. Srd. 0f the lecil'cken lanciers wbo hat bids Bt the Racine, Win., poultr>' show lai week, on Rome Camb Rhode Island Rada,@8. C. Kimbail won irai prison pellet% . luth ou ceckse], second ou peu aud a Ipoeial i.11k ribiton on pin » IL 9. Triggu ou Roma Comb Rhode Island Rada won first prisouncockerel, titird on putiets sud ount and fitb on heu. Skating on Butler lats la of the beat rlgbt nov and the young folk$ are eninylug the sport tu, the fullent extsut. 8. J. Dellelu volutesrad bis servie. and with the road grader acraped tbe snow aud lusi e off ihesurfacs leaving thq ial.e perfecti>' srooth for wblcb lover» of this patilcular diversion are irul>' thankfui and wlsb in extend to Mir. Deinlein a vote of sincere thanks. Wednesday moruiog Misa Lelait Web, teactier in the priruar>' departinent ni th(, local echool, sufere-d' a painful accident v.beu a toy hoai lvii Iroin a shelfinl the sebool roorl. the sharp camuer oi the bmat pîvreing ber eye lid. It was neceesar>' for her ti, lose lier room for the hall day asnd have the wound dreseed by a physacian. Athougb ver>' painini, it is thouglit uo serins@reaulte wi 1 lallow the acc:idenit. The seventh aninuai meeting ni tbe Illinois Live Stock Breeders' Association will bc held ai Bioomlngtou, i1ebruary iSîli, l4ii sud l5th. At that umeeting a aunaber' ni Illinois mosi proinnmn lectitreroansd innet prornînent aud abls lite stock breedere and teners vIl aàddreas tbe sesion at the Colisourn. R. Il. Swift ni the Dodue>' b'rm voist t t ibis ciy, Io nsmed as Ones tajoin lu the discussionuof the snbject, "The Dam>' Situation as it Conrants the Fariner," ou Wednesday alternon, Feb. 14, Ail farmers snd lits stock breeders shnnld plan to attend ibis meeting. Man's religion@ nature le an important factor iu the ruake op oi hie cliaracter. Rie canant negleet it witbout gettiug Inta trouble witb hinseif. ' Where arn 1, sud etiat arn I religiougly?" are important questions ihai un perBon can pusb aside. They wili corne np. The plu&e wbere thoe questions are the mont satiolactorily snmwered le the cascs or tetîrnony meeting wbere religions thougbtc are eacred and cotildentialý Sncb metings are hoid ai the M. E clinrel eeery Stinday rnorniug ai 10 a'cloc in hibarze oi Rat. J. 8. MwOuffin tn whicb Von are cordially invlted. Ai n meeting cf the board of directors or the Lake Cnnty Aricîltural Societ>' held in the offie oi Paul Maclinlin lait Satiirday aiteriuon, it was declded to hold the 1912 lait the iret week of Septeiuler, hegîrîuiug Tuneday, Sept. 8. As a ineane of msvmtemiatizing the work oi the board. the vai ions classes of esabhits were gronped imta thret groupe, each rrup belîg plamm'd underttlesupervision or onue 01 tueditectote, am lollowa: Drecior Baters8hali-nîaiu ihall, dames. tic manufactnre&, ornarntal needWe wor.i, ý oung foIks, works niart, natural histolay, ricceSllaneons, arts sud craits. l)irector Vickery-agricnltural producta, carniages, buggies, machiner>', duirY, truite, cmliary, llowers. presurved fruits. ponltr>', vegetaliles;, lants'y etorrs, mechanical art. tirector Clnw--bnregm, mules, cattîs. sbeep and evine. Direcior Austin %vas rmade superintendeni nf grnunde sud Drecior Clarke superin- tendentofispeed. The advlasbIJItY sud practicabili t>'of holding a lire day even t ibis year, among nihar questions, ivas dtacnsmad d he-mattar laid upon tbe table ta be onusldersdfurtitor ai a future làeeting o! tbe bo1 Start With$ "Them as has, gets" DAVID HAIRAM Thome who have accounte wtth our 8avluq Depsrtument receive Three Per Cent Inteea their savinge oompounded twice a year. Ânyone with $1 can have a Savilu Âccount here. Lake County National Ban Leave gour orders for Grou Green. Bone. Ground fresh eve dag. Corlett and lrederick Phone 30 Sohnaeb SLuce LIBERTYVILLE, I1L-fU AN INBURANCE Pota Je a protection agailu eu" accîdautoas'td.atsas yenu ap 4ai Thbere are s gresies' nuimber ef Level Heeded 19- titan there uaad to and sud a bsomlnng more populas' svoiVp à canas people novw malse 'b * ,iould net ho vîthonu t.LàLoi . pou gmme figurés. W. nrogees g.od rellable cosapanla. Stoves Cheap WE HAVE A FEW COAL HtAITJe THAT WE WILL CLOSE OUTiuA1r A NICE PRICE They are Stewarts IF IT s FR031 SCIIANCK'S IT'S OOOD SCHANC BROS rINVr-STMENTS IN LiBrERTYV1gL REAL STATEWILL MMCE YOU no REA ET EWIfITf OR CALL I DYVMOND &,AustIN THE REAL ESTATE MEN ---For information Concrn .g- LOT HOUSES AORES FAMS LOANS INSURANCE REt «i Ne Job- .~ .1v ' s ~ -1' t mý ---------- "F' ý

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