x News off'.Wau :es:i ren Appear as From The Dead itrand Son of Fred Jonnson Cosfront Hlm ÂAfter ~~so Aus tTwlvq Yosr.WUfe and Ohfdreu Dgerte4 Hlm Twelve YomArÂgo. ,= . effl a tgw d*a@i an~d4 4»1 0 usmS, pape-I amn your ttfie la your Utie boy,i 411M dob SeaMe d oppe éMe ag istue ibm w.>'. tue par. l*lr4i liWbe es ' Éf~tte. Me »M Ouambe- fer tIssî YRréss-O Lý1OWosM«ai tIsagos asd eýaumget-e lsie«Ou latrge lim iIabo 1 00 farpeen ithemn.ln Mer Iwo tou aéler iote mamuage Àwwd wi' it tt ffl , true-the somaa-ho t'bbs ihm holdng tb. bandl a! Mi J»Y. ,VUa aneIY hia danghter. -payou v'deusmnoas, via. héb lu sas ber, sa but a lit- "i just gettiiig mb long tireaus- Ir* el w.-on oea-hem hebail at L twor vIe oug y.ara. aha. the ie bseas rutet on hlm, sou 0f wô yes'. litéertad b>' Famnly. bel.o fle la 1e aone tram a navol 9110 SUN odai poin e tal ela hé~ apO&O tab. thO m porp ,ïgt of tlocurnc !hi. eia hue erurV bappouetilahi hi wlstance, fhee ter>'bas as Its ta r 111e rouamof a aather 'asti s vrM tia-lYO >eaw ru u pston. Wb rslw ls l» athor iomarbod t 5MAt 00« a divorce; bad igven up bel iqgkat ulgu>ay ofbis overe t- mopviaa, Johnaga-ho la a a MW. w-su odu om lie Patrt> ke l um *ozb4ifueot loi ta j la VU* MOd tg aI 101 f bi . j ooiy*1 -Mdebiatho Etar flo p aitai long. ho te f *MRlabsbilu ft .- bat Mdove oboet-W. th W *olelfop - bla ta -oee hoagaput Whp.baourho tuphei hb-~.. i tamll>' gene Matin a e ore lothibi Mý«w epwrIurebut arioveil over h aft. allr a >es.ho imarrie ia MA o!fbis osu natIoncll>' antib 1 am ve ietappil>'. Tbey> bave ~trt, a I 'i s n il ji b 1,. Il s a. 21 su u Il bu bu S S 'J i tovo but hurrieti bockte Cbie»4ma. oxplalning fiaI ah. sollrefui» agatc, te oseober tatior an rettthar. T'h. ftber vwu unable late «isal e.tiaaclio trom ber m- othe.MTO- Monte ar hie famul> atoer aunghere exceptiag tht thoir motter bat talon tios ta Ita.achuntts a-bore lb.> 11<04 for ame yus 1*1er ah. unit at back o O0~o~. Others Saettoed. She exlalnodt liai he til t 11nol shars otiier moinbera o! lb. famili now a-en..ayng tha-r.scttered aIl ovor theo cousIn. The boy altoala unable ta 1tellrnuch àabout thOIumae ments anti tde"aunt 0<11 n a- viith or hWe relave. are aurv.. The yaungter saite.that be ha hemen la £oa4ihmlas orketi an vuil onata nean m iCge antda-hIle h butd bord that the ho bati a !s.±br la thla part *o!the counti>'.nover kiioi sho ho sus or Jmal a-hon.hé liveti. c00. te school. Maler George Wlsard nov attends .0 Contrai achool, la In the 71h grade id tieclarea ho voudn'h beave his fa- oar for anything nov thut ho h.s anti hum. Mr. Johnso. wahon se.» b>' the SUN atd tbat theniai» reoon for hie if.é teserting hlm anti takng ME kbole famnl> voo bocause the>' ha dal*M Iu religion, she beiug O! ame slo!t asti bo o! asothor. lHe aaya hi elistousa atiiser set the chiltirc ialnat him because of hie tilLerantq In religion andti ttIhe a-boofsmi 'au, ratier coud betore the>' vere ta sun usai. 1i%. naies o! the chiltiren i hi fmly>, troni citeat dca-n.are li *ere> Wllhebis, 1411e May'. Johana Jouie, George. Johnson ateo liaI Che bayinle happy as if ho bail foucti a homeL apalace andisora ble neyer wul leso itu aio asuin. Met laenetlut Wb" sanr'of bic aIstro or brothor are, biut ausbei.lie hiçungoatle artil' upectedto te 1>0bt »otw ébout thbx- 1,uSd DaamoiNoms. TIiM tugite. a-ho caMe hersa-it thé bai, .aftert ibbyfafberIls minlet a lftus xase, e "]y, an eut U«,l butBI tiSti as. tif Il ýee. - tiçe-ovu«,« »Va-mo mals U lY. tfieboy bt Ome hé ~ ~ a u . a.atowho beau I laloam*etIKelly. , Chaplus Woadrnen Poila>'. AUl thons >'0oi.mniltilut nomme Johnsto maintaineti bis Woodatri surunce tu taror of the boi. Georg but, lat summer, aller conciutilng wuc eltie ond «ator walut noyer1 hourd ro be hoanget tic pole>'1 mua tuhW blu ooma sile. 1 boy S"yu MotIon Died. lu as Inherview 5111th theSUN f boy tld a-bat b. caulti o! bis lité.i ai the evente, leailing Up ta hla rouit a-tIi bis faîhor. Young Johnson a& th.aihin14.,.,ear f m nd w op. oie roe a zeiaItus houa EmP m U~S N tok roat:;om 0. ou ous.9AISFWIN ILtMau toIt me-se a-og sing 4)ôS"d ,I..L DE~Ai) My' fathiir.andt liaIprobaibi> I aoutl OORR*ovAreiTON Uive wth bilus.1I»A "aver, houa able WIDOW QSIA P$41RrRI COhSAO*ABSAT ýfflEit £Y 'f0PROU. INtO »À'tH te fad ot mWuai ahOul- fathot- frot îWikiO...t 141 ' 'OPMR&, ZIt ANPALL. My> mther,-Md i a1sW" cia>'. taescEp~&AA. humt. go o l cu. hm t o Vujougan.___ anti buatitbiM lb, p~ ltaoeufe4 W ta-Ig wq4lIf19YMNOO ElON- ny e l is le-a lon i lr totiall*d lWrjVÉe î owv-Q*U III0FSAI 1 viallti W a 14M« - U mBi*w. Lg MdN. l ff,.ET 0F PHYsICIAN. tiost oebool. - MWis.qo<e Wil v a% e he boit Ijoldueteoft Mon City a-ho lI< Wb . d t s t. *ugber Ie a40 an t!ê e a e O AMoeStrripi mn MO b5*Usdn1a-o tiéd ag b à0te 0 or@ salu tal isct0500 0 ot- t bar monNe~ iedan toat jUBmUn- .f>-A'Èdo»uUB fiea me&o 1b airept ila le bt olet nonhq i i nIâ014 1gB ta>. U g a i 91be it.&despte theO hAi iou I m mrert rna soo »«W ntiu t 14& bl o&4IoI< ts 0' lm 1*ýr a Ut#* iasCity duaieàe o. JMbetore bis uuler brougtirshlmbore <atout aP.. q4< gono-al 4d0Ip lie *M u iatu mag»ont a car- B0 ~te #Wbth.>'. M.-a4tOP b> a1gMe -ad iiOO* Ifl t, ut 450<1 er t.ath occured, I '1 tdont blliov. ha-auw»maidn MW»héêP 11ct09117 bOUl01 m 4 41WWVMS 1M lub». enovob mogay tIare la <bcàso ta, aup. fOr <Soirs 7011. i14 lattilm aubienbrouaht ta lii Pqrt bth of n, bha leuot 'Wos (~ W 74 issu l .Au ~ae fDosaI> Oooer, Couvai mât elt -ltJt,.a4N ao. !? i*ad as7 7Llt l a m emas t !aorltihe Wl. woold i ti W srk la îe countyi 'stlrw 1001 1 r ohi'151'. lem*ab mth- le Ocamtior oCet-met W uring the sugomeme>sd Iid î -eao. *W qOê 09*bat loti 1>001 89091la< oho -bua faced o«e-M M Y ah. gt me a ob and 1 a-ute wo sL oulsho-attboîr Igolden vetdin as - fv»o telbfa hoappod tuiMa« ilLambe lrd Lite. versa> on 1<0<. 151h, 110 At q-di5'ta aubve«unwoon ileasile. Ho lat s Umrvretbfrs si ie hUt"bat heur olgt pblUimM ntas the moter up with tatols At- > 1' neer orkd bfbr, ad I vint tiibomandi cleubrated, lie fitti* turne>Ralph Bail>'toaa> andt tii.t evr want te&gain,!ili i al like tiat anuiVeBrsarOf t tiir marris"O la a otbsomsili taie & atrip te Zian City job. Tou aoo.. I blul 1 k. the colus- quiet a-a>'. ecure te ti s Inhite cab&. trta doil fais bouthe olo1.inbti Mrs. Wallsa-au.orunCounli Ma- Zau reaidents via are salins the meovring taot 5 o'cknh e&bas, Ilnt ni, a-heu 18 >'erea od. rmplaint about the. proeothige n- LemrIst t9ocoke ih s came ta Amerléa. Hor marrioalpteamuOt at a petitian lu bolng cirouiateil M7 wn asi Trot, tu a ltert fat 1 M. Wal. ho bati tome bore tie _al aukingthat an officialIinvestigation WdId't ltielt.it vbere I _ua, tho came reo f001 irplacei Wuukesgandstbc conducteil. and gaI me, andi vo camne ight outthl.,' move tho th taris lu BmtoI4Mra. Itudalilao h. vite of Zeb bere." iveut of!Zion. City, s.ar 33rd tre.-t. andail, an ageotioitimail aha Ili- 11aplae hicb val hheir borne dulS ai tu Waukegan maay yesuni vbo letheir MasY'îoaru resitenae uat on. lime val a member of!the.la- MA~~DRIIE P llFortune liront DowIe. mus James Baya' gang of train ro: Thon a-ion BOa-le came aouS. the benra nd bandits. Ho tied about tvo arnalhhtIAUhfl Q fl allfaim voa one of tbc.e selecluil iouasugo ant &Incae titt lne his ýN riUNRUJJII W u allpart of h lto sitndlie pa i sio. aho nome. daim la a vbite wvi JetM. Wl 3,00frthe.206 acre tarom- mon, bau beau living i ion City. --Mr. waln thonro tiet. purcbaaeilthe Go for a as ahb ernai there lI a adREPORTED TUAT WIRE CO. CON- taautlful bomp an Sheridan rondtandntioubInt ltai Mrs. Randali a-ai mur, le SIDERS PRICE ON OLD RE- movetittbeéImmisutel>' aller giving drai but tiero are aome vIa a-ouId er FINERY TOO HIGH1. up th faim. Bath iver. mombera of 1lue o m a serions charge preferred en the Ciurcb 91 the Immaculate Cou- against a >'oung man a-bn. It la ciel» ce RUMOR STEEL CORPORATION 18 cptIon, Waukegan, andi bth soet- ., but beon living siti ber. Ofl8ciali Ily SRIOULY CNSIDRING loyal vantera turing tdieaoel>'Illte. believe thut any effort te attaci the ta- ACTION; LL CONSIDIINS HavlngIliveti lu thia localît>' for 62 biais. on hlm vwoulti ho a hopolee a- ATIO; WLL OT OWN years, tiI Wall fumil>'naturiglyinlanlak althougb the. Investigution vil 10 Rmarsamong the. beat k lonb. aildo. Ils Rmoraviii 110h dos» liai 4310U. B. Theae ciltiren aurvivo. ail living In -BD. Bilîmoyer In apeabing of the or~~~~~~~ ~~ Selcrotiniral>neala- akegas. oxcepting Jo. anti Jobs, mater doela inil isbl opinion Mr& "4 ]nt for the pureoba he o .ad, or lbS- at Chicago: Iuntali iiet tramsbueof bloat cr or Plant, Of the Corn PrOatlacom- I Jasepi, John, Mar,' ia-. H. J. accuiiofaithe. footthlaI houe a-i aupan>' ltis ii.ty. vti tu Ide n viewSBur», Ambisiral. M. W. X. liasa. calct hlm up te attend tê the. canq aIn uslng Il for anuiniulatet vire plant Brean,.I»ubJ., toit hlm that It sua a Mis. jaclnt 've lu cannectIon siti h t Iro alla Of Leu WaliJia amoinb. of lIe Uo: 'a- "iacit>. It la sit the price platoil cor r>'trs 0ofitrtion anti Wall. " on tie plant b>' thage ho as» il, anti, FutenraMonda>' It 10 o'aiack tlm____________ bc tiiere 4 laligatian ponting. a10 o he chuft tci hoeiMninacu........o.- %d a:IYOw il. l9 cancilreoc,100tiigception. hurilInliiSt. Mari'scre hi la th hed b>' t, hbe hUe. ile lêsait, by s anla-ho daIms ta knov a-at ho la Ialltug aIt.t nover amasthlilmulut.ti vire plant pMct wu aasup a ev yro are ag. 51h Waulegaaas tii. prospective edite, bua the plan jeenabastocot for b- aiesg1hmbore -n le time Camtes for oruffuifl. The Plan ont-maIl> Ullt <fbr»ulXdlii l acel nud tho Caten. apy' ows on the.illi jtst above antiW4 a-of th e main plant o! the vire Compa»>'- liasever. il vus caneludodt fat tie e0,1of ralsingthtii. ater anti vire ft-onibeobs the bill, voulti b. sncb liatI ilvsu.almont tac greal la mulxe il praoticai. But, a-hon il becane lnown 1hs thie aIt religer>' a! the Cor» Protucta coni- puni s u 11101>' la baniloneti. 1h la eu he fiea-re people startoti diciterina for the prapert>'. Atgunontta For t. m a-cao on and Jahnson nau Motne la14 Y m O ie sewu a hiin hie a=foni>'was deatihbucannot, rçcul the iai. a-out hia It lis argeilb>'me» vorking aet fie aith At ahout vouit neverrbher sotier took hlm But aI th ber, be plant fiat eventuaflythéie nsulatat ies &gan fornent a bne b ailys fiat befaro aie tieti, ah. toli huai vire plant a-lU aurai>'11beocaftedae le hlm tram as>a! ofhuafamul>'. h.osvu 4 y"oar ad tlthe lime o! 1.5v- Wauulegan, beae ai lif te tact thal couglfer At-t-ives Moro. ing Wauulga. Hiet arlislt ecalleo- the cappor sure useti la insubting la 1u6 is aatonlsirent cauoa onl b tonc are ofaiUving lu Wanaclel, np. 4il mte lutt hoWaukegàa plant. ed a-he, a fus dais ugo. a I. ilhisiiimotier andtitlres, itm, 'luberftre ieco4çoso a tlhe e.msoe Yotng MuM aPProached l Lllian, Jouephine anti Sarah. The camPen> erOtulsai oirent the il' Ob hf -ue 11ewua uttklng on tb. olb.y, up t hle ise o! ber detih ,5IMaeIM plant asofleur Q& possible ta S. ide anti gakoti bxit ho vas "Ohut ta- ouleaaga, lept bouse for lhe plant a-i* hturm Out lie copper ,johnosandast.a-hontoIt ho aas thechîltiron. th. hreegirls barint- -v'iet"la floiatlOg. 1l 'ou1ti be butormet i hm that aie vas bis faunt employaient In a rubber tainlin MM-61 fa do thua, iton h»eexpeuse kté andt laI lie boy a-ib ber WoaSocet. aouithobu mnalias liai f- thi bs- vos bisamao."My mothon," sauil ho, "w«si aidlatIat- Plant a-on. lotoietinl aoflter sui beoant expression. Johnson onl>' about s seel. gm 1 recal it, atd cît>'andthle napper vire matie in thie ah w suiclinct tathink aho val directl>' after ber teati, ho girls tbld Mile s !.asu hippeti ta <bot slle at- lmn,but ah. appeureil nia- me 1 a-au ta go ta Wtcutgr at& ta b.o Inaulaeo. asdte hoboy aisa bu!ail aor ln is ith an aunî o! mine tie».. Weili,i Nalurally affloala of lie tva plante W ho 1001041et thc man -oil.hievent thora, but ouly ceti da1ou, ai are ver>' eoôM aboutithle mtlen rbat PoIntet out aus i!tbei-, a manti. a-bon Lillan came And gaI me anti nthia oMtW cmorn hoblaine.i ve lie boy bail noverlnoa-n be- andt 10k me ta Kenosha. SupeMntnonttSella ai tho vire 8stor sticks B>' Him a-crics la Cretltti b> some ofthoeism- uit Irew dosa is hammer "B>' Ibat ime my otier ta- t ateras lis ib gIg iopelreai esitutftonexplanation. The Young bat dritetiaa-ay, anti se tilt iot i hici causeil -hm tu tonclute tint su thon ttil hlm Ilit site vwu a-bre they vere..Tho>' idt ut a the bo ire miliipeopee -eor. ely diek- M.ay biu. ienet dauglter, nos botber ta take care o! me, ant i titn'I crins for thie oit rainer>'. 01 iaurue 0361 Tomn oIt Site saidthtitber Inow abal1i houbd have dons,.If It justirabat tlb. snperineMt lihMai Wo balt been sonttah lr n Chi- hadn't beeai for LAIibîas. Whou a-e gaI have alt la nt l»own, becanseofo eau aendmai h. bal kept hlm ta Kenosaba.ae lboket arount,intilln is la poaltla etal o al ta nessita- 111U *haieU cau"ut thougit may- a couple or dayas seureti a position l» par mou. "oir uilghl a-i ta take care nome sort or a mîiluni etablieb- Sthe efarO e h atbrougt hlim ment. I bail beeun gat1 holeoyl, Mm. I.CoUighhl nDead Il -year until my motion dieti, ast Iialln OUl th alin talethi. boy?~ Ho sas about gettlng me atarteil ugaif in Cotigblin. Bridiget caugilin, ndce èuf flbout bsahloa -lia giKenosia. .-btlhn.aleo1 ielt eic W soulIta»o hlm matiin a Thencu ta Chcago. Cougblln. tiloilet ber rotience la le%* the t%» velu clan"ciliu cbi"As near as 1 cau tell, w a-e d latInlaite Forest. Ml, ýsn. 24. 1912. pu- r"*,, l a . Tbe4ugbt«., abomi litan tectiedt té ttte Cblogo. W* e nta aiJ0toir45iJe. 27, -10 4-',u.. Ut. pot 'p Nc. msa-a j vut Ben.SuecouMltti'i gI -rk, go Mary'$ chb4i ChléflO, intetoSt glouha. a-it saie ! li so.>' hoht svot alvl>'oemotéry. Mrx, eatis Lar"e ,ts-a SWing h.'~ Not nsh a "xys.rr hfrundni DtuMtPpSMe" of M&. 'Wés*m who DelarsT&Ik là NMMmbI whito e «rltprsne Ihg"'~* I t.-throw su air « ma gt- reimé the dL" Ute r . Wdek5ggu eRt ia yeune po~nter @Bd deoo«i>r et MoitI iod iduS S'j0aOO Whéir Ipemlu. q hr oe-0-lngfoi ot atrdoparns-oi h emplluth@ 04, -bui"mySaris" quett ram atypody atelp entauglt du. loft b»ot ai Mr ofipi bu», My resuste hoUer. he« Tuaaue 'l o ie br ousftl4sema il> tflse.m ils sot "taeasunuijthelaoeit*> mm-to.unuéta" 'lb. UNI 1 àet a&ndti t t ter. tu really f- 'uÇyO- 'g*t' a»tia= b. l Btory"at 111, là eevtl4t$tfraisthe. <A- to b4La ii ve fI? Otek.laek,. 2 )ceipItte" irti -tNof' a lotter 4NIIvU& opect tu retur0.1 Ob malieti by a frienti af lire a. wk;té ýnovult*hm.rmuet bu i the SUN offic e G l n turn. a# t4e tlWm ci g hO letter intilcate.ba<t recsiveil the01- l&ýver isat trne baoar151W& but Lcloanro te, the.SUN ln a loUter alloti it ue e show-dow», 1ant id iiad 1tu ber by 3Mia. LAmaen. *lhe latter t 1 I as p "0 te SUN sas m fleti tram W aonkuga. - " ut, trul>' di but Mns. Laruen's letter ln ual datel. .4RS. fAUIS LARSIV4. >O tbat la as tu shere It came tram. 1oiday. Ian. 28, luit. Likely sbe pursueil the course af matil- NI r. Lurseti *as sqsn, the 0original 13 Ing the SUN letter tu a fiend bere In botter written liy, bis vue anti r- oriier that the. SUN woulil not notice admitted t w va ber handwrltlng." He tl by tbe po.tinark a-bere uho ila1105. atilil latia'od tbat ho hues sntblag ei Doniea n >' My*Ury. af ber wheregibouts or Otiy soleft'R in Mra. Lara.»'e- bettef ta ber trient bini. W ho ws a ick le tid nfot recog izejon'of Damle sai t l ae eunle r11 ln tbis name the vaman lie hail beenj tram ll.4&ct liat Jacksnabut.ie e attenilng and thInking tbaî h.he a aslb.heyoulig me»nvbWh b sta>'- be vas flot vo,-> urgent be attende oti ig ai thé. Radaîl homo, Iiitiuti> a&. tbree or fouir other caiba Ibat bail as a bourder for sou. tIti on camme inlietore tub 0one. Il asua - - %a until ta-o or tbree bouru allerti le Ithe i5bttnt t l501b~1n gproperty seel ii 0 nn ,o home of Mns. Rardalli. The conf* emgaul" ofvef~g 1~ - 'v 4 a £ I - ~LICE SEE~IN< AIuffW FanIs SAY TU-AT COUPLÉ WHO CLAIM, TO HAVE c0t4l>M'?ot4 ARIE RAN KIMPO"0TORS. TWO YOUNG MEN AitRSSTEO AND. FINEÙ FOR SWEARINO IN- $IDE 5 CENT THIATER. The Waukegan police toilai lesueti a warnlns ta local pffle, k sonlng tin t beb.onsthe .»p~e,.for an a*ud cauple Whoa are se th 10 100e. Ym- pathby b> teclaring liai tbieY are aui- férlag ot tubeIlOl The police a»y Ibat 1h. aget a" mIl a-oMMasare frada andi have nôl toien Qat a Il congehem- in cou. tiiese people <lait acybati> 111 the city, tihepolicae ualthat lb.>' b. calleti Up immediateby o0 thatt he> cmn place them under aris. "W. do flot purpoie to se. tliat peupleog aisu nature -impome apon Wankean 00- pe W-ho are charttabiy InlI el"Aà- Matant Chie! TyI sel ad thia MOrI Tva young men voie orrestet by tbe police laut nigbt on the. aharge ethat uth" ver. ung foui luagage 51 bthé Blijou thoater. ÀA cemplan w«g preferroti agotinat tbem iii Mia. Mai- rward of the. theat or. h.cbarrsd Iat ; ic young mon uset protane andi yul- g ar lunlguage 1»in thheater anti that tii.>' oul.flot le&ve sin tierfeil to do uo. 'Thon a-bon lie> lmt he place lb.> eontinueti their fouil b»$igUM lt front of ber. Bacb-'yong Stansua given f iie of $10 au, coetu. Witt every diozoo Cabinet Fhotaa - GOLD'S BTUDIÔ 122 S. Suites.. St",PhonO 7M8 Tii. bout- opportunlty.,ever ofeéred. and ilti ll Ituay ýt Oubluetphotos GuatodIVeiqut In&u lê ~~3M 4@v om "'a. 2 N.ow or-2 elwm Tht Seonof annuel home beauotifgiug la approachiug andileht1 .Wags uneausrequlgsdrvrihlg Our. 1 91 2stock of wall paper bas ariewWdd inlclades oee touaudtl rëlls reodg 1er immawgtu délverg and two cowuo<!te sets of somple bnoks frouai whkb to chse. We gusrau te ,hmv paper. ordered tro semauple book%, ou band withie two dalje afler the order is placed. We can show usu some tasty desigas of exclusive design. Our paot and varolsh fines include ail of the staudard makes, each, soted. - forits quality. SW#ruia, & Wlliams toutous S. 6 W. paots and ivaruiss. Aiston & Utocqs péaot and Murpbg's vaishes We a%0sebhave a 1.1 linéis of Jo jus<u~ stual oodstaouidea avarled stock of-alabastioe, caiines, etc. Calload Jet t' WWowgu ur stock. Thne Ray Fumnitme So UBERTY VIII!, -u -z - g tLNI l. 1