CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Feb 1912, p. 12

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11U T ruiw uvail N1E INCUNDJARISM! ter Foley of Wadsworth Church lions Defi at Those Who Insinuate; Ttiat 'Ils Old Church Was Purposely Set on'Flre-Asks Insurance Com-a pany to Work WIth Hlm and Prove, 'Orlsprove Rumors Tenu. 1A.t..Isis Fme Iaor .Mt*i3alie MIi, Baah falrMy SaciCOWle 1 Charle N. CowleY, Cerrne KoeIOW$kl, Joseph Kociovaki, Jomeph is W. tes'4. Georgeis . talford. Minie Stuafl, etairorfi..Willim M. Sfaiord, ue 11510e B. Stafford, Ewia G. etafecd, Aine Stafford,. AU» . ~.St%Oed. George T. Sfaffoid. Mrpurt B. Staff- ord, Cy'rus 1B. St»lffl. 1uai . Sta- ford. Fred L .Sta0cor. Lui. Statord. John WIll lin Tratt, - Trat. M wife. cosBeon Burton, lasaaeH. WiU- le, Execuur ocf the laut viii sMd testa- meut of Cerri.e.Tratt, Sceeseni.Ar- thur lanchard, Exeeuten Of théislet wilI and testament of .Joseph J. Staf- Ng by In 09 In 5 __________________ ru, asceaucoà, ---oe5 u0an *~e . fMargaret J. Joncs, -Mlari. PeStef Poley of St. Pâtrtick's church, oid building was te le vacated whseu uabanfi et Eliza'oet A. Monarl. Ciii- wm¶eret towniship, today ,nade publie thse uew oue wa.v doue but sînce the caoe and Nortiiwesteru Rîluay mIl Io thon vi3t d~ireetiy snd ire, tihe parisis has had no place te Company "Unknown lrs or devise«e icty lnalnuafed thrt the old St. w.orsbip ln because the new building of Fred . Stafod, debaffd." 'Un- bWutfo fteIte guéound in Dcember, which unkiud peopfle would be expeet- 1 te Original Town of LUttle Fort (Dow *aeWrk cof s. lncondiary, ed to start lu face of thie progresse Cty of Wsulcegass) lu Lake County, la tact, ho today, through those col- made on the new building. îluî, onR arue .Cas -Ummade 4p"blie requeut te officeurc ast Sunday thse newe cburch was Peter Vînder Vers, WlUlam W. the MhhIII511 Mtuél Insursuce Com. put Into uise for thse irst lime. its ln- Chambherlan. and Jennie A. Van DYke. etotaluo tha insistent rýpof compltenese preventlng lt belng dedi- Satisractory affiudavt havlng beau lnveslbte thea t t the imi, cated at thls dîne. Work bas beenfllied lu the. office of thse Clerk of iie Van promline, fief h. would 004p0r. rushed f0 permit use of part of If la, Court, thaf the. defndût MatINs Mu- wft ~ ~ ~~.Sunday aud it wlli now 'ho usef i rgit len, la concealed vithia tuas Stato go ced them fit t15 tto an d a a . The dedîcation wil net taireth poeacutb.sre spm $»rk with thom. ti 1 niholeo ll ele lwl er sud that the defondants, Jloseph ",Them, have been mauy would ae ~aldu.Ts dfc at otW. Stafford. George H. Stafford, Mia.- ,4tblice and, some protestants in tis raot $15,000> snd wll be one of ths nie Stafford, Edwin G. Stafford, Aime seçty ah have bcd thse atidaclty inclit country churches lu thse state. Stafford,. Alice M. Stafford, George T. >IiLinuate that the old church ~TIhe stained wndows, of Munlsh glass, Stafford. Margaret B. Staffotrd, Cy- wasre sald ta be among the fiest foundru pets a5ire ln order te get the Iunurance'ru B. Stafford. Leurs Y. Stafford, Ah. Fdl1sam tIred of, hearlug tiiese re-li lu any ciiureb ln thla section. bavlug hie 1tsffoid. CoreBell Burton, , ha,î noue m'ai dlreOl@y ta me, but Icueiuuc omn u dia Joues, liueband of Margaret Jones- ýI»alg te me ln an Indirect way. Tbey tien when people saw tbem Sunday __- Yuolanl, buibeni of Elizabeth A. hors uuoyd me reaty sudI feliast for thse fisst tîme. Tise pîcturesMourrsd tofteSa.< 'lbveacnyedme realy nd felshown are of tise Saluts and other onreadouOfteSt 0 la le Ite tocala hait.IIllioi, go tuat proes cMusot Ili 'Ilft 'woold Ie moit happy If the Mii- ciaracters ioved by Cat.holics. ierved upon themn or any of tbem, sud Jl,~ikonurauce compauy, whiich car Plans for Benefit. that the defenants. "Unkuovu bl"e $1.800 PIIYou the churchi Thse Parlais la ta conduct a series ofordvs« f e .BU r,ý& Ilityktigte te the limit aud Icard parties, for th(,be bneit of th.e eeasnd," FrEd IL. Stîaiord, étid, "Un. viii aid th= a cl 1 can," saildi the huet- cisurcil, tise dates beng: lieb. 7, Fois. ln our fLt8 aEOk JU rit wiio hsa done a great ,<r< 14, lieh. 19. Nluse sud refreshmeuts koi n t erls ouotfS.lttie F4r 'gvottuai.fscnsne:wIll aso be features of tise parties. l h rgn ono itePr 'Wi tseiperecevasflt uffclnt ADJUDICATION NOTICE. (0 iyc akgn u Li ýWb UBLC NTIC la ebey gvenCosnty Ilîlinois" on due lnuoioy can- 't hýleluunlshimp, of the church PULCNTCnhbbr i et b, foud ou tt procl sconut tg 0as ê« cg f the. bujiding itself. that the Subeerhber Executor of the b evduo hi rayO bw TeIsu about last sil sud testament of Mary P. b evduo hO rsy0 in tis.loi .~abot SKarp, deceased. wll attend tise Cono- Notice la tiserefore herebY gv*n Defese Thonm. ty Court of Laike County, et a terus te Il et said aboye defemd9nti 'let the motter b. taken up sud thereof te be holden at tise (Cour st rtrise ie bnll f opinisnt lifpl peuple uho have started sucis liuse lu Waulcegan, lu eaid Couuty. hne«Itofortfondhe Mi 0fcomp ideu émadêous, reorts bot Xven a chance ou the 'firstt ouday of Aptii, uext, lu self d Ceurta oumiseCiieaer sid 2 tt1e6 e ier asflrti@iaud Insinuai- 1912, visen ansd whoeo&Il persona hav- leef u ita unin hrii t ilds or have then dlepioved. 1 ssii lng dlaims againat saad Estâte are no-liasued out of salli Court saaust th@. mm ftxlons thans anybody ll ise te de- tiied and requested te piseent eveumua efnate .yrc t~Wue iseiie Itte ossbletha ou mm tosai Cort or duulion. on thse. frst day cf thse tenu Of tise eam»te !beher ttla ossile hatoursaie t sai Cort or djuica circuit Court of Laie County, te ha va st nfie iYa lcc-MATTHEW LANGE, bl tts or iuel aiea d4ý7 ~~~~~~~Executor. bl tteCutBn nWufl ~ ttf hav, ne reaSon te belleve i, Wcîlkegan, Jauuary 29th. 1912. lu saifi Laike Couati'. on the. frat 1 wj~o- I lI cc.operate te my best - Wity. 1teb. 2-916-23 Moudsy of Mrh. A. D. 1912, sa la 4, leliotlunIelplug tise offIcers Investi- by lau requirefi and wI ici suit la tili ý ' ý h umatter sud heleve. 1n face ________-pending. îîýtis detemrnefi effort of nome te zq oBR KWY 4pea the report. that Il ahould ho NOTICE. Clerk. -dume forthvitt." Watiksgan. Ilinoi A. D. 1912. - New Churoh Used. To the tax payera of Warren. 1 vill EL&M L, CLARKER haTi reamia sncb a report mlglt te ut Bracheras store ou Weduesday Cemplalnanri' Souictor. - .ý àt .. lit ,.. .v due t.ethe fact tin flrme.and Hula sstore. Waukegan, Wkly. Feb. 29-16-23. ft P'atb.r poley and hie Peoplee o aur acollect taxes. Jbh.tompleting a uev Church te take E. F'. RAY, t» -Vhae of the, old landmarit sud the IClet .w iflale lmStt Iislled. The st wSly. Thse Helul' Girls ull give c hall s' tise Pcrish Houle oni Tuesday eveuini Feb. 20. CIrcitCoptot cf Lae oumtymàr*lltt l To"rmCircuit Court 'of lai. coudy te be Xe , .D. 1912. a e t î awWkSff Outaie.,' Ihms va. OM U Mar. la "a seat iCoiMtY, on th -Vint lie, 24.111. UcCiuin. out Plliie Mond*Y ef March A. D. 1912, as la 1Ualtnown owuers of lot lB lBOck 7;by la, Mreid. sud whleh moit là 41» » *trio 3 fleds ide OUf the natir.still ndng io"ieaterlylMd etf Lot 10, la Bloek1L. 0., BIOCKWAY, 7la j. B&W»s second addiltion te the Clar. Town of WattCoda, Llu Li*,iiat7 wlukegau. inois, JanuarY 8lst, A. inuit, &Ril eordlng tte iPlat mde. 11 by Joltu 1M . 0 LU." iLeI0C. BROCKWAT. lu Cbuelc. No. '688- ComplaiatWs icl. S&tiafatoqy fidavit binig beeu WkIlr 1.5. 2-9-1423. tiad la tic OSE. or theOClerk Of MaI Cbuut tiret j ý4né iuquiry thedla-. _________ eante, O*âers of Lt 4 , n bIbl 7 v;ýà, a $trip 2 rode vide POe Pia o@e..fer Cash. enfi0f Lt 10 An sstoumdlug Incident: lppmeas t *I tlyedo Y ePortlad fBng. lately, vil e sChef In Bic',14Bauge second Afidi- of a bigclubi eut tute aa sheepa car- ilon t0 the tqvu of Wauconda. la Lake a ssand £ 130 la curreucy coins rail Couity, -1Uljâ tI t1i. crding toe to f tie ffot. A telephone cciilte fthe '1lae 1*'~LI&uB. S. L.e,,cacet market frou wbIich the mutton bcd b. foesd, & at procesa canot be beaun recsived revecIed the tact filEt a served upon tJhepior any of thein. cierk bal piAeed the monny Inside til# ?4stjqe aslu. eor beceby given to "C&"as for at e epiug sfter hanit- the " ïld eb o" eldefeudants thut lghui tb. shOit-t si Complatnant hereto- o0r, M1d hIem Éi of Coo>laliuJ,,luWANTIEO-TO hîîy amali farm of aId (Ifrt on tie ChianuceryXde fier.- trom 3ô to 50 acres. wili pay ono-haif qf, and ' t a psomimons thereupon cash. Iduet bÇ gond soi]. Addreus -C. asen u f <4 id Court agcamnt tbe A. M. ludepeudent office. 'It hW "swee proyer wlvriei u. p<# ý@r'q, k . Pm," laeaisaui ML' som.e ptieI Pa ta' W de culLefi bruiron, 1 = daliver Que 01 tke ImpOrtnt idl* dat w'eagbber I pvay de Il'd 0 «fl' b~ft'e th. NAMI Oel B"S oa~ oxo o, Muse, Pertons fat tnnkyplf0 vention,>to ha e fIdat Né*OnoNi »ii dion» oidorfe.wu D o ntldêBoS.u Ia,. Thie 1 the eyontlofl WWdt. eh' de Partition; but Wen 1 pW&Y dottu lu .t 74aisbu1104 oois ttcîwoi ho vali inn' de old Minu fO' de fan- ky, de ting wu"tended uf0< t ue e.isbotte'c udoi' euilup nm.'moral' deef ad RtIn." nuai Pr AIR ne.01P, thorlur on gsd oié iqnof bis W1oo Whr. th* Broo!ft peem. tostodalvt e7&tlibefore tMe ul- Thé Uuted States ter tise hoet -Parttint manufacturés th, lireade b'pqm5 enal Ors4s -of th*e wosld. Tie.ntZaMe tfordoin etinlll 4 ý O Ae& tic mse. tisough smmenéare èipoffe Mn. Fov ie àaio pase of t"se uges uofeisly the luterior grades. £Uri> m er t the içiatwnii l ""dROoda oe- pesai g.iersly cuDg to thie ldietyle nto t b CÏD iuo la th,@ brom ef twigs sud do nt o 0u wth b to 0 foyor upon the -modemeru >d«' AudlltiU 1e4114p1d"Y. a oemy-I brcem. iliolurnisbo he ui so in wbich le Iaitt If g vide aettimlc broci. ad tO wwôclmany promnenat Mois __________ f1001 aloul parts of the COMatr If TK:nf'leers... havs efl.. seitW ome end giv* Te Koop ipiliw. attipped of tboir butS for au t:cb or maore trou th. end of fthe stem. fthe The MalrtheUoc80t10V f thse SEIVIi q w i lli romain freeiiIouler the esplhiatoubelg t~UIC abefiLatheran ciwrch, mecte at the borne the. voler more f reeiy. of MnI. O. 4G. Guitaficeat 2:30 T1auSi le 0l e -,w- -. - -~ -~ I - - w.-. - Ssturday'is Special Br In Buleti n, ---111 - mu ~Tr~YY ttu s -, - e t 4.95 Buys Any Boy's Over- coet Inistock Bring your boy to the Globe to- morrow and buy hini a warm nobby overcoat at this sale. Take your pick of amy garaient in our entire stowk, including values as high as $10.00, and pay us only $.95. An exten- sive range of handeome styles to choose from, in auto coats, regulation coate and reefers, carefully tailored of noveltiep, cehevoite, 195- kerseys adcaffli- I *meres, ages to 14 4 years, choice ....... P'or ilion. womeu sud children, whte,* blaj,.band Colora, bighlY mererisd. hlsh Collai < ft 2 clamp>, 50e oellers, et ...3 CMPROIOCRV TROMMEO BRSA. eIIRS-Madn c f fine cambie, Weil boned. Irluamed i wtli 2 embraidery, &Haisse... c Chicago MarKiet 133 NORTH GENESE STZT, W&UEGAI<, ILLINOIS. Rockloa'd, Ill. Raclhi, Wls. BRANCHES: Weukegen. 1MI CIlloago, Ill. IWe Are StURiBaning- Away atthe Price Questione 8fllb $past.......... 10e and 8c l aive Pot Roast ... cand 6c tow..,. ................. 5c e SIrIini toak ............ 11c ,0 Potbr'use Steak........ 12%c % Reàd Steak............. lic mrger ....................c oms u.çor*hf.....9c Touque.................... 140o y Breakfait Bacon ........ ..i14ec iater Veal.......... ..... IOc iuartor Vl1i............... 7 .. ... .. . ....12c b Hitn............lOc Stew........ ..........5c Pork Roat ................... m Pork Sheuldsr ..................Sa. Sparsrlbs, Short Cut............. 40 sait Pork....................0- Pigs Foot ...... ............... 4 Frosh 81dm Pork...............1W0 Regular Sparoriba .............. le Soe m e s ........... . 110- Park Sausage .................Ab Frafukfurts ..................9 Pouib ac ue............,.....9" Bologma Sgausage ...............Sa Liver Saa e:::.....4. Leu mb ...... Forquarter Lamb..... .. SPEGIALS- 'a Select Poadock Hams ... 1 %c 31b Pait Reodered Lard ......... et -Nom................ S 51b: Pail Rhadered Lqrd ......... ý U................. 010. I tOliIRuqd*M Lard ........1 i cofpunod ............ 90o jRendered tard.................1 wk»gtim4 a2 1bp.......3Me Country BoitlButerse, 2lb .... .. Noteworthy Price Reductions m" A#pareIl 'Suitsand.Coats $10. 95 Suits and Coats -$6,98 -;hIs 'lotila compose of wome' suite and Most Of the Rgrmeiuts :pluded lz this coAts4 thbat formerly sold et 20.00.- The . lot were Our 15.00 values; wblle s few suits,oome in serges, lu al oolon, and formerly sold at 12 50 aud 10.00. The eînbrace the seamons most attractive suite are wefl made of black, -ruasd modela. The coats are of broadcloths brown sergeg, &acs novelties. T ho coata aud eoveltles, plain tailored aud Bmre core ne lu*lack and bIne kerasyu and fan- withiside effect. cy mixtures, your choice, .$1ou95 Alil Wool Serge Dresses JWomen'a and misses' serge dresses ln i everm.l nwly designed models, high Iwaised effeot with the set in sleeve, jtan,- blue snd gray, pipeà dqft* A Sale of Ilouse Dresses That Is Worth Your Whfle Every lad y hould take advantage of this %SI* of house dresaes for they are 1 PO, 2.50 and 8.00 garinents cut in price f r a clesaace, made of fancy and nure stziped glnghams, low and h# Obà Deck ityles..................I & Speclal Waist'Offer WOMSN' W4TE LINON WITS--Trm- etesmi)a r hhcmar ca Wlthffe âWeA mde r imimadu. itame soft cllr a& uff ............... ChldrWsWoolSee Dresses' A numer etlau alwool eergum, edI. , kge ami blà, lpdluc Timel sais Tour choicescf a»Y trou- meul bat lu Itok,L( values f 85 ut ..teW1 Splendid Dress Skirt 0Otor Bkirta that sold as high am %A0 )are ineluded in this lot, made of panams and ser=esin navy ana brown, dome hlgh 'waiaelefft, re- 3 duced for a elearance to Matchless values in flair (loods 20 INCH .6WITemeêsi OS.0-Thee are fine large switchuman~d ie6. excellent guÉlity beir. soft tand Wtvl: ail shades and Colorai except Ii gray, wrl- ver peoal et ,.-.408.7 PS'YCHE BitCUlT-'1uIs naw: and very poular hl? drees Is madowltii s triple svit-ch, naci' strai 7vrhl mir made et MIOct quaity hein; Save thnUp ansd lkt u .mke tbem up for YPu Into pulls. swltoiie. curle. or ,rmtomtle. Our Charme le very rommoi d '. 1. - t , 7. r Women's Oloves3c kWOMENWS CASHMÉRE GOE --5M1k or mocha lined. black or gray, regular l50c values at pjr . .. .. .. . .. .. c WOMEN'8 VESTS AND PANTS- Extra heavy soU cotton fleeee, usuel price 50c, special. Sarment .........39c Saturday Sale of Sho.s- Hoa's 'hl gb Cet etormy winter we^ther; mode of heavy tan waterproof leatiier witlr doublé oak soles, 12 inch top«;, thesle amr rglar 58.0 W g values at,pi...'..61 7 Wouen 8 Shot, $.95 Iu gun-metal. ptmit sud vi-kid lathers, buttan and blucher,_ short vamp, hib -tocee.ffect. formerly prie"d t $250 and $-0 clearance sais, par-19 WOMEN'S S$HO£$ - ee C4LRMBSO-hi- 11usd or f tktojP wlt WB enren's hlgh eut ahOM, 'SU tbor tons or wltb tii>. low & without paent collai cufi'tas- diuni heels, aboolutely SOU&, sel; the $2.00 kMmd p ses forrneriy $1.75 8% to 2, 1.8 uow ........................epair ......... 3 IL .5, au .-- 1 --- à âmalmmmL&â6rjý 44t. IL

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