JOPPICIAL PAPER 0F LAKE COUNTV. Me Telephone No. 1. City Editors Remdence Telephone No. 145-1,. Libertyville Exchiange. aed at the Poatoffice at Lbertyvîlle, Ill, Second Case 'Mail Mater. Advertising Rates Mode Known on Application. P' SIJESCRIPTION PRICE, $150 PER VEAR sTrRICTL'14 IN ADVANCÉE. *R. T ..8II................................................... Editor Ilt e.MITft................................................. Manager L. i.. I4I ........................................ ... City Editor FRIDAY, -FEBRUARY 9, 1912. 440O A CONVENTION IN CHICAGO ýAT WMIOM 1111* OEOANIl WAS MADE IV THEM. )Iii producers af Illinols, Wlcon- da sOd ladîsua met lu anncel session l,ùii.l a heran, Chicago Man- s1~~~ ~ii aubdscaupalan by Sth" e e th lndtace dealeaWho taihie uu ntl Chicago te grant ý0Iwnàtlal acresae lu tue pnlce of ïao* uds. li k ment n that the Imiik mnpply wifl be socrcei during the Summer, beCaUae theY declare they cannot Beil milk for the pric4 they are recelvIng and mako a profit, "Borne of the dealers realizo the position of the. prodbeers and sympa- thize wlththezu,' aid tMr. Grier todày. "Next Summer oltblir the. producers wIil ho givon a mubtantlal Increae ln the pria. of taliti or they wIli not iceas. ChIcago production. The. deal- ers m»U milkithe. year rounld for 8 conts a quart. What we want to do at thus meeting la to roues publie opinion )to a ena, et Justice et our stand. For t tat purpose the resolutions are to be paaped and the. association la to ~o u Wg Il" : h0 deiaui f or, a botter prie. W tOe.atKe. Xýil VO elPeced that ~ragy In additifkA ta a restutlon demani- «M m *,lmuna ou aie psfed es Io e mes be hopatd moce fr tWg tstop ountispart 0fd.the bIn produt etrinir tii.Smmer a. - umUtiitheconventico uicpted -t'es.- ma çffCs aelected for tii. year fol- lettonS u*g te".tCeugreslteepoé ta -tko *to tas ô tihé aotasvr pou"n J, PYlIpwt, K. Claries, preeient. O04 uctri oklleonarer . P. aTei. UZva5iO.m eortay. V. .a. Lttiiey au.catorne>' trou, e dÉriétOrS frmIn Labo couuty: Woodatocii. George"M. Ilord, attorney k oli*ti.. B Ka>ol. Jhnforithebplego Mliit Dealers' asso- is litiaet prie sof smuer milii at lio, sud <George B. Young, cou- se gd Sweeglgtscents a quart ta misslanen oft bealth, a9oke turing tue produmerand atboost o! 3-4 cent affernoan. Mr,. LueYM ade 8en att&ck ,,bo 4ought. Tihe Wbx u te Ila1 upon the 'mlk trust" sud urged the c ents anui t la deesned 5attk, fermera aito nroduced mi la stand ",. agording ta James P. (ier, together andti'get whatsa couIng te wM7'>' thfelb:Association. unieSa aSulesa, of tiho proers are b tbem àecnsin Silo 1 Tnkmpany's ave SiIo's t ý On The Market S. H'AWHIORNE ý=A G E N T= ý bertyville, . Illinois itaPýne 'ryviie 1,5 R 2. rmraPonGraygieke. Reoive. FVint 1911 Taxes Couty Treasunen Carl etùed ahbO- leex-officio County collecter, te- Iday received the firet 1911 tax money sien the Western Union telognepit conopany palti Its taxes, aMonntlng ta $792.20. Tiis la about the camie aunt titat wns paît lest Yser. AUl the railroad c<,mpanes in the county together wtit telegraph anti telephone coujiaibea are cotýpoatlu 1 hich pay, their taxes direct 1taete counuty treanren. iIt le net belleveti that the Waulte- pan. Rocicôrd sud Elgin traction Comn- paunyvii bo caii8d upon tg pay e tai mXCepý' as n&vndviual propent>' owners in-a-much se the rond ln etatmoI- pieted. Mapsofo!La-ke Couniy Wr buse a limiteti cupply of Lakte cointy lunip, abbatutely tl.i, legt ilupu oi the ,aultty eler publisied. îvliit ailffe,r ut$1 0)eatil. Atnapo aý coutty id eomeothiiig every ett til eotli bats iin ue ibonne antiOtt tie pre ld witi inthde rensbo tli. Remnber, tie stîisly it litnted. If y un want o ne- sprat iil The INDEPENDENT han-mors suit. mriers and te the hasnt advertiming medium ln Lake counzy. ANY CRPENTERj C Al xjîl tll au tint yon can't do .taod Y% or witb pnor matia. ti you cattemplate buildng or doink any rel)air surit. dot Our Lumbor andi Building M&teèîi Itpave ta iitîestgatp, sud as court investigation. IfJlon ~qsodL4 Lumbr, Lati.sorehingless to idoor or outdoor pur- pose, bere'o the plae rta buy every time. I~imeLuber-Co. j~bet~vieL ZEROI IN JANUÀIY Jl C. JAMÉS REPORTS THAT THE MONTII HLS THE RECORD FOR AVERAGE TEMPERATURE BUTi ONE MALF INCH 0F RAtN- FALL AS C0MPAM1O TO 4 IN. FOR SONIE VEARS. . Janieny of thi. year bas broken the record for averaào teinperatp4re, se. condlng ta the. authe ntle report Jut forwarded ta the fIliN klii'J C. Jampes offiai weethen prognastîcator sud re- corder of the caunt!. The. averase tem erature of the. moud. stands Wîhii out an equal la thferecarde ttiat Mr. James bas compled durlnt the laitj heu years. Darlnkg fhe uonth thers acre di consecutlve d5ya' ta whieb1 lte tomperature dd net get aliove the zero mark and twenty-twa deys ahen the lowest temlperatur. vas zera or lower. The coldes a isys ero record- ed ou the. 6 and ltb abon the.mereury, uair ta Il detrees blqa zero. Thora havaen Jituatyo wbOn tue tenoperatune sank lover fer an. or two daym hlt did 410 dig ltestmon, l th, but for continuik zero weather, asat îuontb estabiisIed'a new record. Au a' reecîtthe'b,pOor*peuple 'o! the clty suffred conaldeabl.y and lu man>' cases the. couty wva. ablged ho cou- der asistae. Mr. Jampes' report shows thaï the preelptatlon Surins tbe motb vau ver>'notait. but bal! ai Inch, alle lu abcmpaat yeara tue prectitatOo lu Januer>' bas beau nearl>"four luahos. Tust thera was s0 tle ainatoll -tut monti la acccunted for' 1»'the con- tlaued cli vesuher. la ashlung bim report Mr. Jinses mm'T «ours for lots et snev lunW!b- rcr, 191L" rellowlng in M. James' report fon, the. weatber let month, sud for lia? U. 51'>'foc the. lait tl eys:a. "Warueat day-Si ou 2d. Coldet day-18 bldow on 7 sud 8. Average tempeiraure-?.le. Ran fal-ouetasIn chi. 1911 Wîxsueat day-46 On 2tu. Coidest day-O belvw ou tth. Average temperature-23.62. Total rata fal -.80 Inchi. 1910 Warmest day-40 an Sîth Coideit day-19 belov on 7h. Average temnpertunpý-19.96. Rain !ali-2.20 Inches. 1909. Wermest day-65 on 1rd. Coldeat day-16 helnw on 6tit. Average temîerture-24.83. Rain fal-2.20 loches. 19018. Wermest day--45 on 6 andi 21. Coldest day-12 below an .lth. Average temperature-25.04. Rein ill-2.55 incites. 1907. Wenmest day-49 on 7th. Coldest de-9 below on 26th. Average Temperature--22.iO. Rab ifall-3.70. 1906. Warmet day-lt on 20th. Coidet day-I on Sth. - .%ierage temp~eratue-39.77. Raim fait-2.20 Incites. 1905. Warmest day-ut3 on lot. Coldest dsy-12 beiaw on 14tn. Average têmDeature-13.38. Rein la-1Inchi. 1904. Warmest day-'.37 on Sth. Coldest day-26 below an 25th. Averege temperature-8. Raim fal- 75. 1903. Warmest day-46 on 29th. Coldest day-lt below on 12h Average teniperature-1 5.46. Rain al-uehIn chi. 1902. Warudoat day--48 on '26th. Coldiet day-t beiow on ti,. Average Rain !ai-1.40 inchez. (Included In the rein fait la tbe s00w fait reduced to waten). For Sale 1 etanliape, Rond condition, $10. 1 doublelitarnesa. fair, $8.0()> A ingle haruacs. nearly new, $5.00. 1.22ineihansfee calar, 50e. ilu y or mole coUlar, 50c. 1 pair 08.00 sweat patio, $1.00. 2 enslage torts,01 . 00. 4 barnfri ots.50c. 1 j 2) loet &if .irteh gooti (ande. helting. $2. 1 douttir brae miliiiwagon tangue, $1. 1 gond grain blinder tonune, 81.00. 1 Alot n!t hickory wagon longues, 500 0A lot of ickory and tek -stock for aIes and bolatpret al itprice. 100 graln f«e. 7cesech. 100 guuny Pcek@, 2e euhb. S.pitKo quart@1sd oak beiroon met,. goud 1uýs n a. 15.00. 1 :1 2l-p100e Oak bedroam set, plate RI"a 1horau, $10 00. 10 galon porki ar, $1.25i. l ipa . antot&eO5iaet. i ht *do[ W? UO i*ve56vP. etée nt et u, o bils. t»m"siôtm mm " tbMsa &aey i -oo 7eti. Sud w. keoa te muot Our vea"t. W.& mon rt msoure Ihe bim" e eioa 08: HAns b e s âuias t he e t oh Md Ti» Yute obme Ia ashe and l tt came hmre l An tataou imiml lst aui. fortma abw s cidoua on thesoud llt HeO ,1 boedO oriWOm II emi ln BROKEN RING, BROKEN > WATCHES, l atw in connection w~it thejeveir>' business, except brolsen engaglements. We cannaI guaretee ta te tuat, but a gifo oof ueo! aur superb dismàotlds would h. a greal help tu cou ln uc aol u eroeoncy. It is Word.hlihe trial. Our New Procesa of ceànins &UIl ndi ci Jewelry cuakes it laois Hâte new. Let ne show yau whaî wc cân na. A. HUSS Jeweler LIBERTYVILLE,, ILL.1 Ph4oopjàz w4u Zonai, snative èf C diumb 'la tu s land 01ai (ypru., ,'bel :eyý lb.giqbw ot ciail tue pomg*- SOedM arocs êAurellît, vWho". '4 tattoosl" hvd heen tii deilit, et b boaiok n, hie Matory and teathmgs. tbis reucwnied mehool la Zeiier's ~ les, flpluce snd Siiepttcs.-' i6es e ;.Cemlc eythino unsali tue sublent. droS BDf11B a radift w» s anOpý's iri id ta cOol, T hnas oWâWu 1serel, lors For tbpss uhâ800dM5etI fimvens ddoc. Immospalb*sf.stnm lii nlht hand. Adtb M tiqp lamuse la daubt Jnom555 sel, wa604essens il out? . sae gffl; 4 «t#t eto te s lteta 1050 Tbm aetiusbiadaanlorboth mau ao u" e X mode a miMaiS witme 1pus un thi e eMbeu rotoin oras and cynianes. toruadats Med NO ara Cken ubigaud gitle, 1Iamtu lid. 'Ti& to cae, buewesiward 1i .1mBgo Vas t0e nd a he fes and orngses o rne' ForhbaleIl Io M uabesutillu& i BUtilin hersa te mlots , ediIst as in AU «M5e.U hé,oialatere £111.s tbey a8 OsaI46 I bu lbeand and ltse fus sd lhe 4.55. 4W tai obairou ,assSsranch of acue Ohm Ue theledsa aIs. ber bis capital pli»;. A" oapffta&ude bis bauntllni haud nIe diaeeud 13 bles ail 01OsOrtheir ten. Su uoelose ttece blessiugs cf ip Tetà mouteisnlUs10e mr'ttmonuafflmoqi Asd minhs. mantdelhhtîui. toarfld hy the That comés gosmini Searas, mot.. oser th 8491. âAu IW mOead$&tuOaur Oaa wen' seio" No« ber lanmd monefte nofaIdies more ft@l. Su 0 gro. n o seferm i* Axe hlaitpomch muaiytây larstse e piI Oas - I. lu Plain muetin corset aovers, ecdh 12 1-20 Handsimona lace sud eiubroideny trimmned corset caver,, euh - 250 and 50c Corset.,coven sud 1)raers oubinetion - 500 and $1.00 Corset caver sud Skirt canibination - - - 85C Corset covîr asid Dravers combinations inade af crepe olt, nveued roning eà6h -$ S1.50 crepe Nigkiloaa - - - 1.00 Weill uàdý Asasierea euch - - 25o sud50oc Mulin N4h<00?*no, baudsome stylas speciai - at - ,-, . ' - .1-. &Ou, 75c, $100 ead $1.75 Pull leugbh ate Skirt meuh . - - 950 Feu IengthlkinEmbroidery tnimme t t-50c, S .00, $1.40) Mulins Drapons - - 200,, 250, 500 taie ir"ar Drivers, ,tuloiderysud Ihm titmnda - 500 . L.L. ê etieu,. ~o eubov' is ..T. . *1d renoark BlI"beause ho wffli t, te prouldem ,receh Dqot eheriab ae--ad placeevon Wit4b bw xeu Mr. Taft. on. n.chig-meat Mn. Tait.letumwbeoffled brallte hrder- -renau express ceti9 fdMeLesn. whoi l Duo Btih birce" Y 0 à WattID4*0 lam-eo-l a& r n, ffce culga>t. '(w bey .who asWei ven to telling lu cUler -e ta" oeesm neordetr1 0110m abat happeued lu- that 0f i, f5J9I1 lut cia aroup lu alddl chier. The lawyer touadi if eceaa7Beriit lIé u shi tdairrgelomhu dEntugto ,iiep er Iite iqu.ofIais31. -1 bld oîltl i.ftre. 11, idSereotary IÀII., ai be couunele theti.boy wlcdIy eu hls de_ g&fieeml a# Iiulbscaude or a~# perture. "Wlllis, Fou must never liest 5seamaUifiUMt mOteblin~toI~P anYthhig that 1la salinlutii. oMfce," ho ut>'degetient. lt's ymn,' - sait- "Do abat YOU are taid! te do, bgt Major Buii. qul08y, an4 ",idtii. * tu"U a 0.1 st, te Conrvermation etItai Uclu Mr. 1W..¶ hua. If slo doa not mldi.Fou.- & h&ppy mmlii-thei. puymat of ncehs-UaU rationi H. b. mIgIn ,o& tomCor«Po>fdenco N* Ton lRaU replir learue th te same lqmaon l _______ Paaaing, »- turlun; b ber. h. said- -MISBroanR, di yFou ksar wbut 1 Id 4 WbsttCLASITICAMIN eta to Wille?" "No, sir." amhg retrned asat aid Atgrt," « cou 5SiI1&* lromptir. ,1 ruca t'01t U~ f-oýrtUIfourth Annual Statemfent OF »M 01M Mihig1.-an 1tlut-UalLi Insurance Company OF DETROIT9, OR YEAR EINDING,'11 A ssets Cash ou deposit m As-----------------S14859 Pli motBn 108,lOtu 'rcai estate ,39#7 Rami E. e ldng Home Offios building 14718 lo4W$o pelloy holderg securod by resurvos-----------,0,1.1 Inflavmsuad4rente due and aerued.. ............1,408 Net otst.ndlng and de(erred preminiensoured by remeres . . îsss.s Pr"ervo ffond (ooanputed by the Michigan lomrance Dept.) -$10,582,705.89 Prmiume, interest and renta paid'ivi advienoe - - 807.0 Instoîlment poliay daims not yet due -5,09O Ail other poliey edaim,, - - . - - 7821 Reierved f or taxea sud other items payable in 191~2 27,906.02 Other liabilit a - - -- 493.63 Surplus fond - 8$2,103.21 S1L65L439).40 Ai,n c'a>f 1 ýinz-n !r.zeDri-,'ubtr 31, 1911 - - $48.769,900.00 lu couueer.uu wàtil.'i ,itorioi nttept , thten,.guernent uft4othrui ligan Mutuai Lite Invites the attention oftbth diserminatitur publie to the tlluwiug record of paymesite to poiicy halders during lthe fient ye*r; Paid deeth elaimeq durinié.1911 amnouritiag to . - S 00079 Paid t.. living policy hoiderâ in 1i l I184Mi.27 Total amouint paid to policy holders in one year 514.865 Total umount paiti to poliîcy ollerm mince th", ongauization rif . the Company - .$ 20.386.125.27 Total amontit paid to policw bolIers -noce organizatioit plus the aunut now Iteldfor ihoir boenefit $ 30,968.831.16 Arecord of actuel reaulte whieh speaks fer iteelf. SpBi.aat N ,leai«.in lth , ,. ligh character of the &am$etofutthe MichiganoMutual, wb.làif-e wuaosp" y Many Insurance Comspany in the Unted Stato. A44te o pîtle, tmwtten h teitctiar it-Mua~i are approved by the ommnisslonor c1i ueance of 1l L Vlo itvcie entalin ht Stayndard,,e r..qnred bv rh., lawe uf Statea in wljtzb ,t ap.'ats.. P. m ~dblgîo i itspolles ,v mitraet* are a.cur.d by corofuly ,nvoatod ast. of over $i00000 încWdh*aarphs fna of oser $M8,000.00. Ih eiîepolies entraetd imsued bs tinI ComDna ppeal to mil nmen who are lolung for abeolute protaètlon aànd iniveotinent in I& tocuraner at the owee t ate pnatted by the. standard aud legalized table. e! mortaity. The Miciigan Mutuel Hia.Sonne Luative 91.14 Position» Open for Mon of ln*ogrity aud AhuIie 0. I. LOOKER. Fronident C. A. KENT, Firse Vsce-Pmidant HOYT PST. Second A. F. MOOBE. S.cretery T. F. GIDDINGS, Supt. Aient@ G. W. SANDERS, Acur T. E. McDONOIJGH. Aaat. Secreiary J. P. DAWSON. C(=le W. G. HUTCHINSON. M. D., Medical Director VA B. MARSHULTZ, Supervisrof 1Associes for Kâclalga INLIIUDISTRICT MANAGER JOHN HODGEY ~INFORMATION GAL UNSE PrineeaI4~- . - - $1.00 sud $1.25' Ladies Hpýe Presses each - - s1.00 Childep,~mes - .500, 150, 51.00 Childrocï'd lýtxpers eaoc...............25e ladies Feei4 IUndervear, per garment - - - 280 Print Apronos, light or dnrk, oaqb - - Well madie Gingham Aprons, each . . .250 Clildrbn'oWaol,,Hooo,o sud 135e values reduoed ho - 2580 Ladies Eleeeed Hose, Ibo 10 35o gooa.s for -100, 18e0,Iso- Box llosiery, Big Four, four pair for - - 48 Burson six pair tor...............18 Endurance ix paifO]' . - 5.0 Pure Silk Boot Hose six pair for - - - 5.0 Flaunelotte N!ght Qaus m rduoed w - cou, ued Wekly. ifl Spécial lebruary Sale-Ladies Undçrmuslins Commenciog Thursdayj, februffl 1. 1912, a verq, special oferilg of new Musilo Underwear and greatlp reduced prices on mang other items.' ~ 4xevoin»yTit tclub w6t, Iliyauihl be at. etternoon, i t49,*M Utla luheicocueil cbanbgg Uu~i1. 8. V914 lHighland Park, I* sioesmr foc the Taft movement, aei tos0klnt Tait to :unn d MZ" i.cabdidcY- bave bosen eh- c41a8e4. In Waukegan asud the. meeting, attendei by about twenty.five moul, Oeeked to aigiiorige petîtiona cîrcu- lotai la eveiy township in the. couuty, aiioluný«t,etbitnXtaken to Feb.17, hof.mlyorganize. 'Cut out Teddy.- 9Roosavelt. wil Ukly feel bad ahen b< hearstuat the pronioters et the iîew oiub have ilgt.d hlm-4iiey dia énaeed the niatter of givlng himmaet, ced tpluso on the Taft ticket, but di, é"0.4tg ke, hlm out T fit euttrely, the. deelion botte te miii it à 'lait Il. Am