CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Feb 1912, p. 9

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5t'N,-Y' INI)PENDENT, WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN XX.-NO. 19. TV. LJBBRTYVMLLE, ILL., FRIDAY, FE1BRUARY 9, 19J2. roux PÂ&GE8 $1,50 PER YEAR IN DAÇ STEMI3NTS UP BA-NKS SlOWTuÂT COUNTY IS NMEPRUS? I3OUSTHOA EV.E IN ITS IIISTORY ~~~sI~.wt Every nkln Lake County opst W leI.Shdwn to b. <imwUm Cosstii*y d s Taken as Positive Proof of prosperity, hk'M.OIIflK wto ttenients made ta try show that the cofmuaity in one itb beadouarters la New Yok, '1'h la especally true wtt regard GarSe et pTeet lisse 290"0 batiks to the Waukcçsn baux$s whtch bave BD kilde In Actusi operation over S:so,oo.Ooo. on depOsit. imlar oi'imouthe iau"imite ates. Thon. coadtous are reportai, only qa a emo MbOt vilag« or scareiymmrethan diffielisasts lu &l the batiks ln the 101>14plation have thae M own ti- c-nftY. .9 lçtutntiufMd at lu avoierfui The prosperous tenition of the te tiig ho, u@e»M. te tact, kow in. baka in the connty, together with the «Ssauc)% a dk m M«beu ea ln Wdld ucrease maie by the Wau- MMI of « eve t emaîlet coauntry henpostofie. as £nnouced Tues- blie ave o»n. Ti. eni«ems luet'. day la the $UN, show tiat witiout elopeila ives a report of &Il tisse laite couuty waa never In a bamb% t«~ esVihith M«ieet the %Dreprpesperous condition than t d*teriasudogSceand a"soticir thc pmient tlme. SusasI a iodttua eowtng loas, de Atbough the encyclopedia dose nfot Pub@aMd OMMasud atiher tems fa show the growth cf th Institutions, alai a baux sgatemmunt. but re it le a ftat that local banis bave beau ' -~ la na.Quie publication. growlng constaintly. Tuken as a wiole MW edepedla dshostiat Wauke it la fut tiat conditions are omt - au bu sUs uma of bania. file nom- prasperc"a. ber balng »unis langer, tiathe ,cr- The folowt a telasc show the a" o intige Ti0 reportae ftte vart- condition of Waukegan and Lake cetin- ou ns Intsitautinsla thi comn lty bais: ................----- a".U-bausaet Autioci----------... moi j 1 Park auoeBank ........ ,a I1M.U&b hCe.. Iiabllni Park. - MahOflTrust Co., Hlglalaud Pk. - rant National Uai, Lakeie --.... Omo 8 m uI aiePrst ...... Haut Nationali Usai bestyville.. lu"ko C. National Bank LUbertyvtllie.- Nosti ChIMM aatle tank .......... ilse'.a ts Batk. Rockeeller .... liu etRound lai.e............. WeeoaUBak................. VU'Js'NUMM aakDiiWaukca. .. -~ au, Wauiegsn......... Usoetty SavMnes Uai. Waukegn ... rim MmBiasUsai Zion Cty........ RE IEDY TO NOVE TUClo PS UN EXPSTANCV OVER ODIR TUAI THEY MAY pfOR bfo MEXICO. 30,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 50,000 25,000 91000 5.00m 60,000 6i000 60000 26000 Surpua & Profits 14,000 17.S0 30000 13000 23,000 30,000 234,000 48,000 40000 6,000 Deposlts 21S.00 232000 379,000 50.000 600000 11,000 969,090 176,000 IORTQA4iE lR5 MILLION DOLLRS IS FILED IERE' CAS C0O4PANY CIVES ALL ITS HOLDINGS UN LAKtE COUN1'Y As-'SECURUTY ON LOAN. OUISON 18 ALL ASTIR IEXTENOS OVES 25 YEAR8I SMERAL BELIEF TIdAT PRSI TtOOPS COuaRBo TO 5CR- DER WK'LL OR LAItE .M Ferf Oheridan, PS!. 7ti, SPectai 10 thie SUN-Ail ta atir lu Part Sicrt- dma m a resull af the word belug V&eissi taordue havi beun recevet issu ta theefet fiat Il troope ahepil be icld in readines for ondes, ho rooesi M once 1taie lMeXIlOa k ltea gerally toit fiat the maxtesa wou* d e sucithat troope vili be neodimai fiat For-f Sheridan troOP- ers.VIII lacti' fret sent tien le fie grisbeief of tic meïd1burs of tic graUy here. Onflers ame getting lhotr mmn lu sesf for a iaaty order viich, Ittta kqaàà- may come asih oun nov. Te four cildron. fancboyasua girlt . . Jcunitc Miss tor c.WDy vu utodsy doclqd depms43àlUi or- drdcommnnitted te the <panugeAt IA»u »Mt by Judms Pe"»&.Tb* Ovum« e bcowed tfiat S plaldnu -prulivfpg vihthelrt? uet* eiwe la la4* luitiS y sot'ia v u tomm s miue o, 80 vu mad BELIEVED TU4AT A PART OPTHTUE PMONCV WILL 39 UBSO MOR BUILDING MERE. One of the vury largest morijageo ever fileti ta Waukegaa vas iflué for record in tic recorder's olleetodaYl visu thc North Shore Gai OomPsuy recosdidth fe tratiafar oa s 5,000,000 mortaaatu he icConfUcental sud Cou. merdaiTrust ant.fiavinga baci,s truste.Tic big trust oompany bui its prtucipaioffim sIla OIcago. As sccurlty fthe gSoornpey givus al Its holdings. Inlndlag buMlings andthte eaulpment In lAkeoSuty. The ucrtgage situais ovar a pur- loti of tveuy-fivc yearu. Byo'e r cout being tie Intereatagroeid upon. Tic mortgc expires ou FPebrosry1, 1937. Jugt viat thc vast amout cf uoney la ta bu usuti for la nt inovu. but il la builevedt fat a part of il vIli tue usai la erectitugthecà»ine aevplau tiabkb.MOU iUp an the flasJusf uoiti 0<e Wafisgqn. Dccct1y tic cafl stéot ti oompny vas Incruese trus 2,000000 le838,000.000. WANTRO-&t thé Peoples' Markt. WOkein nrkuys, cilcenSs 4 doks POc 80 andi 82, Wauksgoil PATIENTS FMON W15 UFA.TETME EXPLI TO SE TAIEN IN BiY FE LOCAL- INSTITUTE1 aitcl: os LON:hs IF LAKE COUNT YTUDERCULM4S UN-i STITUTE WILL TAICE WUSCON- SIN PATIENTS. WILL SE QUICKLY FILLED T18 USBAUD THAT LAIKE COUNTY ,ITBELF WILI. SOON HAVE WAIT- INC LIST. The January edition of the "CrusS- der," s montbly magazine, publahed by and ln tic lterust of the Wlscoo- pin Ant-Tueculosla association, ha tie folowlug te say relative te an-an- gesnenta whlcli have been made ru- eutly. whereby Wisconsin patienta W411 te reeived lu the LAke county tubcrculesls lustitute: -Arrangements have jaet been cen- cluded by the WWIsclan Anti-Tuber- culcels association, wth the Lake County Tubercuiocia Institut@ of Illi- nois, wberby white piague victima may bu admtted tiere. lan efféct, th. lis practlcally au tiough anether saut- torlum had been opened la the state. and Wisconsin tuberculocla patient-- wio are formiug long watlng listeaia walecs tate Bsntoium, andi ather1 crovded institutions for the cure ot tuberculosis andthose who are barreti by lucit of rusidence qualifications, viii velcome the opportunlty for treat- ment. 'Tic Lakte Ceunty instituts, which la lu direct charge of -Dr. W. H. Watten- mou,, who may bu ruachedat 135 North Geassue street. Wauicgsa, hse- reeut- ly enlanged listapacity by the addIt- Ion cf a nsw nfirmary and several, uuw cottages. Patienta are taken, not ,ouly la the Ineipient but lu futher adi- vanced stnges as weili aud the charges are $10 sud 812.60 per veuit. 'Situateti about titremiles veat et Waukegan, aud forty mles soulli ef Milvaukue, on Lakte Michigan, the colony le lu a position to bu of great valne 10 Wsconsin. affording some of the valting patients immediate cale.ý under the hat supervtsion, aud near home, thoiigh outalde the state. "The arrangement vilI, vithout a IdoMst, Vive the Illinois tnuattution a wating list of Ita ovu lu the nuit month or tvo, in spite of Its increued capacity. And lu doiug so, It viii af- ford another illustration ofthtie almost dihartening laci of accomodattons that bus bsmperud thte 5ork of pre- v9ation sud cure since thic beginunng jof the fight Uaatst the white plague." .! CONVICTED BY SCIENCE Tranemlitter Telces Murderte's Con- tessein fs-cm CelU ta Ofilcrs. Atlanta ,Ca.. .i.i.-One of lia bassatteru use t ah le Atata Bap- titt tshcrnaeie ta carry sermons to [tic ma of et isici M lthe tibernacle houpia*bas beau lie meaus of cou- v9Itlng anem o f murde,. i t sasmittsn vas borroved ftrou tI4 ekurcis"d sent taO atala. N., C. Tiare lu Vaput la the cli ot three àwaiusWuUl, Jahn sud bEtik Rosa. »ho vsrec cbmgd vti murdur, Not kuolnatiat aneaur vas strained. for every word tiey spots, 00 thftsedtscsed the rime and the teanaiitter told te afleure the stary tiat John Rosa vas ticénitrurer. Due fox tie use 0f the transmtteral]sutires iegrass.wold. bave been beénged. MARRiAGE LCENSES. Jahmu M. Dcci, Chicagoa......... 47 Harriet W. Hufriman. saine-....40 Charles Hannephil, Wbtiag-...2211 'Jianie Muichsy, Hugevsci-.....19 Seberr'A. Matson, Laite Pncst-..28 EdttiEvurett, same-------------..22 Tbec. C. Bunîz. Wtnntka......... 24 h»saHichcock, Higland Park .... 22 Levi Wood, Chicagoa.............. 63 Thorea, au, same------------...6 Jamses M. Dovd. Chicago-.....47 Ileiet W. Hinriman. aime-....40 Ciao. Hancuahin. 'Whlutiuglu.,.,...22 Jmnue Muocey. Heguisci. Il., ... 19 SMe0 ,wsuisgsn . 44 LAINS DO0W IT [5 TO BE LOST F TUE ATLANTICý GEORGE LUND WAS ON BATTLE- SHIP WHUCH WAB STORM TOSS- ED FOR TWO DAYO. IN CUBA AT PRESENT TIMEI TAKES DAILV BWIM ON THE CUB3A COAST AND ENJOYB U4MbELF GREATLV.1 Atten belug togised about on tic Cee- an for two days aithte mercy of the isterm, bast and wlth te wlrelussp-: paratus eut ef enter. George Lund, a well known Wsnkegau youug Man wbo reCently untered the nary. lias wrtten to a frlend In Waukegan telling of i expeiences. H-e la tn Cuba, at thel iresent time. Aften leavlng here four montba Sgo Lund wenîte oNerfolk where bu en- llsted as s naval recruit. atteuding the naval acsdemy tiiere fer four months. WBsu b Aeesf PsenAssecalen. After that lie was asslgnud te the Rat- ____________________________tlushlp isosouri. Rece.tlv the batileshlp sailed te SAOEN.PWELL UIN CHICAGO1 New Yorkc where lt rematnud some lit- IbeySem TumOutte GeetFouner tie tlme, allewlng Lond and other tara Bey~it geoe eCe aGetFnne~0Zt a shore leave and taite lu thei Cicago, Teb. 7-tetenant General Sir itobeit Dad.n-Poweli lieraotorthe stdge oife*ijus anti founder et the bey scout Sýotenlet, arrlvud lun('hi- sag. It wes a big day fer Chicago bey scoute. wio turned ont lu force to wiecoaae tipir international comman- der Peatuies of the day's entertaIn- ent included a revieu of the boy 500.1* ta the attcnaoon and s lecture la OreMutra bail il Badten-Powell ta tic aenat. 1%0 Visitet -air Robent to t ils ouat- t?, La unie? the auspices ef the Boy MSuta ot Amorica. He muets witb th. beys ln varions citiee sud tuIlls thein storles of sconting lu war and peace. PEORIAPAN DISAPPEARS~ Leile Vule RuNiasseLouves Chicago Houc i dle-Net Heard Fnein. (Elpuga, Tub. 7. - The police we-u asied teausrch fer LeslIe Yole Robt- inscué. twenty-four yes s ld. et Pe- oif. DL. a whiaky gauger fer the gov- erftmeuitWhvia Iseperted te bave dis- apueared tram bis rom aSthle Grand Pacfee toteL Chastes M. Robinson, s retired Pc. orba bruen. v ho came to Curcage with is55 an bS1aturday moning, vaut to tic ome g taton and raquestai thtt Sceactives Invustigate lie Milsaine mals absauce. Robinsonn sid! be ternieSUns son bad met vtth foul Play. The missag man had about $80 ln bis qo@»Misetn vea hb eiut tic batel Bat. undsy evuntut. WAU ON "LUMBER TRUST" Mosfei Inlu apa'tmner.t of Justice Con. fer lus Chicago. Cicago, Pub. 7.-A confirunce of s9-UcIIexaminera. representatlves of tic dqjsantment of justice.,iceti Ci- aUn te discus plans fer the dissolu- ttcof etii"lumber trust." Undier the p" wvici bas been agresd upen by t"c roecntion sud deteusu. the pre- là = nybeariug viti be concindeti thhs la is avant the four suite, wblch hava beau atartcd ln New VoZk. De- troi. St Paul sn(t.Penver, con bu hcsnd before, enumer. Clark MtIturcher. as- aitntUta Attorney Generai Wicken. abiitu, vi aischarge of tic pose eutlaa, te nov, ta Chicago. roe CAR *EN'S ULTIMATUM Illmand Buperintsndent De Oustai or Strlke WIillReault Citeas., Feu, 7.-OlReere of thé Chi- «»agasivays compauy vili b. servid vlti au iltimatum te élties' dlacharge ftiviti Teaise B. Ileçuti. gaurai suauuintendest, or fac* s gmneral etrffweous a1liaUns ontthe noransd vauît sues. More tisa 360 moi«erman d con- ductons et tiae ompsuy attended a 2 eeting tn Sciosuhofen bath Snd'âdopt- 1cd resolutloasdimandiug fiat them 2ultImatum ha submitled ta tic. oMcis or tic strqet car comptny at Once On*,@Reail Country. Countryle.not a moesson. cf ter,- rltary. Tic mrue country la lte icai te, vich lit gies ui; h.Il ainte t4eugi t cfve- e lis esof cou- unuion, vi flc t n muoe aui on cie tic troy-.esiMb opni. 'stghts. Prom titere It saiied te Pihisa- delphia aud sitertly afterward saaled te Cuba wbere it lias bien statt onedb by the geverument te keep s waich eut for international disturbances. SIt wus on te trip te Cuba that the battleshtp paaaud titrougli s terrific storm ef two days' duration. Lund describus this very graphically ln is ltter. He. says tbat the storm was S severe that the virulesvas put out of commission aud the aucun cs f the boat were unablu te deturmine their poition, the ship having beun blowu eut ot ber course. Thns fer two daya the beat was prartlcally lest. At times the wves brelte complele- ly over te big btoat, ha saya. Tituy were trying days for Lqnd sud other recruits whe weru just learulng te get their "sua legs". ln addition to iteing more or lesa hemesirit ah gettlug out et sîglit et land, Lund itad te battle witit aeaslcknesa but as soon as be recovered from tits bu vas able te enjoy the trip. At the present lime bu ssys that be la laking daily swttus lu the tropical waters on the cenât of Cuba anti bu epresses considenable pity for the people lu Waukegan vho are obllged te get pleasure ôut et skating snd shovelng snow. SHARE BORDEN PROFITS Condonseil Milk Company'* Pietes'tu Ds Run on New Boule. Dlie, i., Feb. 7.-Ail the piaula cf tié Bardes Condeused Mihi coin- pany ta Aminci vwill bu placed ou a Profit siarin ugbisa an Mach i. The tempamy bas thilty-tvo plants lu operation, represuutiug an Invest-1 meut of about 1120,0,0000, bs-aIdes siumerons bottling estabishments. Retslrs Are In session. Bellevrille, Ill., Fib. 7. - Th ine i lisuh saina convention cf the Retail MeusW Association af Ilinmois bu- fai >-r viii aattindunce of 500 mesbte, Preshdeut Oscar M. King et C0M pieslie. An extensive pwuiasà"becspreparei for the Veterus UIllnois Edihos' 0usd. UwupSaa, f l., Pub. 7.-J. F. Pow- voteraedîtor of theChampaigu ied 15 hacisHlehad been in the aefflerbusiness siace 1869, sud viebti» a oea» imes glae@1879. DESER? UNANIMITY INULE In Chio Verdict of Thne.Fourthse o Jury May ne AccepteS. columbu, 0., 'sb. 7.-Oiie's con- stitutiosej convenition sa*ted a sec- tIon. Provtding tiat In civil eeafla yerdict agrecd upon by tiiefourths ef a jury May bha sccpted. Thc ruIs icf uuaaiuihy alvaya ha, lssvaiied lu ilevirai efforts vus,. mAte unsucets- fnlly 10 amendtheticprovision parttcn- iarly to Include cnimial cases. Tie dabate vas proloagedaiA spilt4d. Many iavyers lB lie convention pro tted 8484M tuh*l.ciange. one. J. ,Wusver la 0usd. Dec Moine., la., Pcb. 1. - Genera 3suce R. Wesvcr. Popunt candidate fer president ta 1892, dieS et tic boms et relatives beoeHe vas clhfy Imm S. A sald.beau tu oaly àfuv _________ MANCSESOF-- FRANK T. COFFYNMESSSIo Tries Ouf New Marine Atrepisne eon the Hudson. FJRST 0f YEUR CITY PHY8ICUAN ATTRtDUT«@ Il TO CARLESSNESS ON PART Oft THE PARENTS, WHY THE EPIEMIC GROWS BELIEVES THAT WiTH MORE WATCHFULLNESS EPIUMUC COULD SE ARRESTIED Sijae the hrst day of -iannary up tu the Praunt lime there have bees fortY-niue cases ef messies sud uiev- un cases of diphtherlà iu Waukugflas,5 fair as police recorda show. The"' have been ninetuen cages of m«ee - here sines the firut day of rebiary wbtch Indicates tiat the number ut 1 cases are Increaaîng rather than diM- Inishon. The figures given aboe show that there have beun neerir fà» lianes s a ny cassesof messIesas et dl ltherta. IM4PROVEMENT OF Accerding to Dr. J. C. 3'oly, oity phYsician, the police records do not PRPOEDROD Sbegin to show the number orcfaue CAUSIN6 JEALOUSY !.sso esesansteot& - - of January, 1 amn convincod cfiat tienl Cudahay and South Milwaukee have bave bien at lent a bundred udr beenthooughy aousd bythede-cases than this," lie aad. -If t inu. beeln oftheouhicagansd Milwtuede- dersland the matter correct ý. -* Road associatien te werk for the lm- liercrsso ipyteam . prevement of tite Kiibeurn road as the ooes where messies exb- ýU,' highway between the lwo cittes. and iseverai instances theralre, .t4 the selection ef the read by the Nll-one lu a tamtly But5e3S waukee and Racine couuly bighway es sl nIhveb cosumittue as a prospective tatu bigli- "As rldc1 bu 0< muaq,~t vway. fntot h pdmço k The South Milwaukiee Advacesment tlie ctty started frais, association lias appointed a commîtte on the South ffle wiUik .f , ,,,'r W . _____eeallowing thce lde e us c~ to take up the Chicago-Mtilwaukee road proposition and sucure. If possi- ble, a reversaI et the.deciaien In tavr et the Kilbourn read over- the laits shore, route, whicli would brlng the route htween the two cilles, titrougli South Milwaukce and Cudahy. Mn. Fergusea had a conterence witb Frantis A. Cannon. secrrtary eft he Citizensa Business luagul. Monday sud nu a result et that conturunce bu vas auked to gatber data sitowing the pas-J sibility 0friýh pmvingte laite shore route at a ressosahle etpeusu sud tic assistance whicli coul- bu depended upon. He la aise sollciting theu Cc- openatton of the Case and Mitchell- Lewis companies. Racine, aud the Mer- liri cempsny, Kunosha. as the sulue- tion et the Kilboun route wouli also muenthe aide lracking of Racine sud Kenosha. "MsI&or Barncy Eaton, Cudahay, bas assurred me dudahy yull do li part of the vont sud liai aiready commune- ed," said SI r. Fergunen. tis year we propose te stant at the cester et Southt Mhlvaukueesud boilti nonthwand, msiig s tiret clas higitvay. T1he Bucyrus cempauy, thul chief preperty boider of thte city. ta Ce-operattng hearllly ln lthe work sud we have raised $600 by subacrlpîton among business men te aid lu building titis Initial good rosi for SonthMl- waukee. "W. belluve lte natural route bu- lween Chicago and Nilwaukee veuld laite lu the Illinois shorè cIties. Keno-1 cita, Racine, Sentit Mtlvautee sud Cudsby. sud titat It vouli bu s mis- tait. te plan it otitenvise. By the route vhtch vu propose taiig in tic nulw sections ot rond suggestud, the distance wDuld net enly hoL lesiuned. but tiere weuld net bu a grade rail- rond cressing between Milwaukee sud Racine." $200,000 UN FEES ARE AT STAKE Milwaukee ElecînIe Boadholdsrs Oh- ject lu B .is auofLawyens. Judge K. M. Landis viii huar argu- ments ef attorneys represeuting the~ variens luterasta ln thc Ciicake-MiI- waute electrlc oempany over the paymeh fll fattoneys' fees loday. Lavyurs repreentlng the trustees have fieti petitions vîith thecourt ask- log that liuy be paiti appnexImahely 1200,000. The International Sonisy Sciteol obmmte bai fixed lie date for lie firet temperanos leson for Pebrusr 25tb. May Suaiay sciols vili ob- morve tic day viti special prorumi whilluthey wuru sesuriug 0f rqeaslli lu this way many ehiiuaw. poued sudd the pd m--.~ ed t0 ipreati. At mart tic e confue tu hoe cSouth aida, butgu»V lhey are founniaIl over towa. '«J am couvtuced that Il adf vould uent a lîttle morseM satint. It would nett aite long te stop the egL. demic, but It la liable ta uict)o*bi as parents slo, tboir c&Utdrm e e tend achool whea they muait ly aIl the symptoms of aiiowtug thesu chtldren ta attend the sehool other chiltinen ame eposeS aid the ndmnbcr of cases lncresaus" " The nomber of diphtieriats a'Wàu considarably sulaluer thau, it "bmm~sk durtug thc Isat few montis. a single case ot icarlet foyer hbu beau ruported sInce tie finet of tic year. UNKNOWN PROMOTERS PI.#4M REOULAR SERVICE SETWOMM CHICAGO AND MILWAUICELý The Metropoitan Lake froat Aeé#o Transit Company) tic firat trsneï*ta tion Companay ln Amarits eoegfu0 ta carry passengers by isenusetfb- 100.5. viii commence openfotn atr la tbe Spria4o. accoruttng te M«ý flaxton. a direoter of tic Acreclb"1ýet CapwsiuHaracu 8. Wldld.itmold è- abi of lait ysar's seroplanu mcci ila englacer of the project. It le uninova wvintic finaciaibacise rt am thougi moerss of tic Acro club MYv the Motropaitals Weft Bide ERieWe Railvay cmpay ny abeiud tfie #e dicate. Lit. Italen Armuy Balane A tweaf y pataeuger dirigibli ia"o et thé aoartd type bas becs pslrtias. ed ln Barlils Sud lanov on 1lievav te New Tonk. Tisballoon, vielàl of thes aine patternasn thoe la use by tic 115115 army, viilcarY h'Vâiyl pasacagers aud a envw of four Me1L Daiiy - tri viii be msde batv"« th iticee ilng toli, at Souh i 'ffy- iret avexue snd West Tvc.ty-tii? striet andtic laie front Tve * isie shore to Milwaukee, Wi., and retenu. Acoordtng ho Mn. flexton. a fiyin 5station viii bu eructid on licelais trust te confonu 10 the P" o f tGq dirigIbie station ln use Jmat ostaide et lte Berlnicty limite. Stilar tr" 1te thoslu affect la Gerinany viii b-e Sciargud. Tic prospective pesa5ýU v iii psy tic air plet $50 for a *110 hour trip ad$25 for a rida Of aesae dunsti. ili bas becsts tîated by Mi. VS 3tiat the trip te ulivaukecvi rthrea beurs, ville the#Alit fiying 8le* ta the. us à leus tian tvesty ti 'A Il'

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