h<i.. Taylor o PalatJ*e, visitemI et thé ý i John film bangTuadai. in mabel airs vlted wiih friendl UyU S'WAN et Woodtock the lut waak. - YeOu kBOW F»dDl andEmil Franuk imdea goultthe' 161r01 outcrOtt,","s aitendil tthe 70, o018. Knigzeai Palatine lant .tb tu t Mr. Md DmmLoulbGeay made àtrip ig f dae 'I Aourcpul4imed6sa. ~~ sto@d VanidpOesTforrd5ingeleciln &Te out' weok wt rte 4 t1,i odiaishu.o au ~ ~ tiltS ~ r.ar orcandidates for colielor ar" .tbe eede 0coruiis i* onoira- ovsert tirty.' l , township. Ray' Newioiq and bé motu,u . W.iprhbtnprtdia a Ler bmd<twuoty'-dlve tt thé card Newton. vlltd Ibis wuk la ofLan up 0atOur bachelr ,nu y 1t»elub roamu Bandai' nlbi. Drîýefôob mec a.u, himm,. kpndér pianorea '.pouied np adedntlfg ton, oe"satSîtaNai 'Sàda$ ot -Vi- e ht. uuk Itb h.r daueht.v, lire. vl l. tallabidtbw,&,ter m&adsau! home. 5 er w b Wo bas belit. village. ilDion, mai ha lu aturdai' ImThé huaiSSuna i epr- «uey omit..D înîb Umtrain mber 18, due hams*4 ~pDdi. pefa. Plon bianks for candidates.01 i mlt athe parooksv tenduuis718Mb inornlng, @saens ta hie 1;a ~. ,emirid ~ ,v faofces caoslhe badtat tha office of for tb. libri'y. tury m0moing hrslooa um. c hi Ilg lr.The village primatialüdyni.igi Win bu hilt March 12 and ail patitdoul aumber fomi bhure tt.nad théecaes", whimb w'. being drivas but to muei bc lu tw.lve day. ben ai data.& smudance au.Liberii'rIlle iitai'thé Deérry lurm, illing two ofý thai.. Th' ra nta hie omlnsted lb'.. trueséea vénlng., Tus14aalmornlug the local mai" m jý a.liDa s onu clrk and police magistrats. MK'..Ana Latbrop spent nseral wmfl*à _ rtysat &sud harsljd'thd »m Wm. Tonne ou the faim tn Cubatwnradisierbu ton Sulrouca flapka bas reoared tram bhis lami Tàurdai'moraang 'occrpd ihe 1h B.lOdDBto Fo! oarrlngioD, v.. lMse. and boaresuuted hi@ work a% thé deli<>of MÉ Desser ater amébrt Rh"~ ms.i<. tinta~k. g safS. odepot. .ltpauoa.bcbdint mu vp helL ad rsitor In urrvllage Tuesday. ibp oW.S-allveMM 1porTax onocoir ermon: "Treasursa of tespow"; andLit.rP,neu Sturday ai Ubettylhle. OTTxO Ico' of ihe arenlug "Iq tba Dgiuang, Od." O . nrrai>Fe. 22 .theéÇ. su<; bitrioxara1Iboeb rci nce myreif a. a c0ni. Lat Mondai thý e rmi.a n .ucajvoài.a netie.îa ~ aafor thé olle. aof collcior ta thé 'Lyie,î 8. Bing ves bro >htbeger. n lria. eeru pora a tova o! fila. Tbefuypaori f ithe oer Chicago for lnternent ai lanhoe, ber beau arnanmed fteandaiargaaitendaneo will lie appmeeated, Primani«te. tbhéformer home, la boped for. held Marcb 16, 1912. t-21-0i Joux Hows. Mis Mýrtle Richarde cfl Chicago, riait.. Carrecitig ithe statemeut glyen In _______________ d ber Mouan md uncie, MOI..and Mrm B. L lasi week's Issue relative te the s&Di Co1,o~oru OtIS rpp, and caui, Mr. and Mire. E. H. §Dg of ,Le cou t a.ks.e, elIn C lg»È Noie Bubm ovr r undai'. 'Ntoa sk<fLbryii u mglm 01cfChicago,. entSoU- W. 0.. Sbnmiakar. tai coliector iaVn aonBnofLbrviehmbt lb Irlandaisu ouirvilmage. of Ela, wlilihé a Emil Franks tore. Mlýhél Back ha. opeaul igle. creato $200,000 dePOsîts and more iban *S, Laire Zrich. eery WedWay andfaor alà oir lona. il rd K$61amber oai ar yong people Ssuru ad t lI l ve y mnd&y faor and lu (Mcvirnra oll re 000 5surplus and undlvlded prots. im fa 151 jeepyorParti taffais farenoon. Ail taxe. mumtbcInhélu 'Ma. Thé mmsrei' nlairof thé laitoHeuri' i vitr, gaun.y evenina. ,1. W, . OSmucEUm. is o ulpe ver culletitoeta . UmBandai' ForTex Colleotor lilm msctdbu-t ...to at»thei.nuramkaervm. 1 lub to'aunouncem ycandidaci' foi laa unms uleah -~Mi. m MKnlgga Mrconmd Bandai the Office of thi collectai fors towu o . oet hcago, $pei sgardai' Chicg om neine tl irltv. 0Llbeniyvlimsbjeita ibtheappioval mi"n'Wiman $peuttgaerai ldgyu op@i a ir O village au thé V'5st during thé e k lu WIImmte VIth ber . L. Trlpp attended the Lumhérm'e Republican voté" ai the cayeu. to bg ,~ilie Muî~b. ms"r' Ms.. Kisi. Asocaion uiatlng ai Dotal Sherman, heldai tbe Ltben4rliia tovil bal mp - sobot et Page Smt$Wa'Idfuma0. P. atehisan rnnd Tuseda? hiag. -2-f IV. EJiOmMÂNS *«i at.quit. vwon attendati front a tva waeks eui a bWaukmga. ____ sub Irdéel romgton miMd .A ecelS. àdmima" - WO( W*.lé on 'h. honore.~iéB. Matdatelddéeveflé le, amuai ntenatona Bnuet Vhleb MieMaint. Aikofan ofUhertrvliiPLTN "OiB *ober Shoos la hé~ O ithéLualieotlTbursd*y spont Bandai ait ber bomtshm. Watcb fer the Poert' ocila t ~w*0100108.elug Feb. 8ih. UMe. Lois. and A, LMayer and gve* Pub. 22ndbv the W. B. C. ;0- .anSa thé Oaie an al MW* aidlire. Peter Zaba wove.Deerfield brotbey Oaoafia, pent 6 adày et bores* Fred and-A*"làaKunzei oh e bIb amuig Vou ot larpkv al'.le we.A p a w ive ttev@Qon oie aoafi#.ad lu gg by ev Du .. fln ole of Canada, wva caller hAro at'va ia héGmaI Ome EgllsWhi . knday. an imole loft for Canada 1maine.im'aelg Alrpc olelWdmdyeaig ,.apst wo Sa i.hoe 'aMr. and ire. J. C. Euder and Mirs. Auna Bede'.ki jan thé sick limi. 0138011r 0! ber yon friande Wednamd« wbo cad bishom laFred Rforeubargur aitended a biribda Urlm Paddock of Round Lake., wa eveitIug in honnor of ber irtbday. mdtdlo' ion sulJunarsrtv ai theh omneof Win. C. EggertMoen nOur siest* on. da, lait Ve. ]Mie Hatti* Kmuhur la on the elis i lurDi a, treet Bady.ai rïn ~~pthVab hsm'hé vwu Correting lthe siatemant giren l Abrt Rouke5hbli pnrchand a fine apelt. é»sudmtuddter. Wheltwsl unleaiv. te tn-dirlzWgb&mefromtWm. Alkofr ou.day Word.-rmeosd train tba MatIbel gà.wt.a imCity hé Va. atekuiueealettatn la.tveek. TheJoila on Albers. Bcbflani Whati o aurlvad inCa: hJ eadkaockmd davn lnot cf[AbS OOm-tiY i>5k5,the Mrt Finisry o th*# rota, Bandai', 1Feh. Bnd. ibai Il vu , là two Ivom glu m f àetVI orer .0 is uti n h ," acati part of ithe vay ibas ibe steat te ,b#.. 961b .w 11009de"gptz and mare than $9.- Wacnta et, bop iti VIIoon arrive iPU iu.ttPul4iaa car frua up. lihE a i beta wb0,0pu ylO u nimud.irIded profits, or "tsnitilsure footed? Thé fanerai of geri ur> ewu el1 be Deavo e é hbtoMme.P. Détlu inhbtter ai preéen Bandr, 5' Pb. i1. frm .theést& ti~ vmtàbg. . hurch Md the, romains laid ta ruti 0 ' soniitanti 'AJI IY emenumetemi'. Akuieenr fa~érit WcotJa o Fred Converse le agatn Vorking for of friand. falowad there.mains to théi e a an10edmwî h Tha Ladies Aid Society' of Prairie Bt itauumnu. reatin plia. Re wililie. misued b,'a jsgh'iyuitthaLakuide le de1 nobu »dezpenlve.. e e4r * ycure. Md 9m«bi. elda. cateurb and e. Ohacaamed a»M lot ai Vlw VIII ulve a cebs Ptle sapper ai Hsnschege-'a h lVdai' evmnng, Pc.2.Adulte 25c. ebldren 15c. Correctng ibm statemat t glra lu last V.ek Isue relative ta testand- ing of Lk Ceunnu banké, the Firut National Bank of LbertiVIUhmbuOvOt flOO000 depotm ts n more thanL 19,- 000 sorine amd undl;idati PrOgtu. - k R. F. Routs Vice Praîldent. Iving E. Payne, Cashier. THE CllZENS' BANK< RoCKoerLLR. ILL, Oouervatlvely Managed a Progressive, ---convenfent W. Invite your patronage for our Nutual Bondit, PARTNER9 AND DIRECTORS: R. F. Roua*.. J. L. Taylor. Irving E. Puyne. J. S. Gildimy. m»Imea Reupouibiliy Approxliatmly $100,QOO.0O. Mlm =- OMM....*.**** CA RPENTER gaod work wib poor maimial. If you contemplai. building or doiag aamy repair work, gei Our Prim eon Lumbar snd Building Malarial i pars tu la.'etlgate, sud v. court Incas@tigation. If yau ra.ed Lumber. bath. or Shîngle. fur tndoom or outdoor pur. pfses, b.r". e place ta bai' cvrn'time. Lumber -Co* Cas ans vil à ~EIJ~I;LyvMw, KIL ire. P. Ullrlai.van' mach Imprarsi ia ber .elib.veauanaplumueti ta opanr. She hae, safféed a euot isal. Jobs Wlliiams of Chicago. "putiWed. ueudav wtîh relatives bere. Mr. and d lro. Chas. Raugiv ere guetirlavsinWuga udaats * Mme. Jane Converse in quit. 111 gaim. Fak Nichais bas eturped tram the hoUptal pn luedalag iceli'. rhur stauford and @itetr Mary a Chicaga,$peut udai' and Mandai' ai * ieir countri'borne. Rani Paddockpuchased atue team 0f boisas lu ibmeclii' Monda, sud drore at ei Il la Lnited SRates Depoe4iy Il« Postil Savlns u ind, to~gi. n apuwtvaîo., 14 ide 4v. utlî olf S. t pdub le soin. 4uthWft0,1*oiecorn, mI0, A*etof r mious10 utino md'*-ait.. ý»à n- bail mime 'L. E. 29, 1912Pcoa. Tht doersiguad -vii a.m.,i athplic w autt Md uah aume tDelitbondtam iM làle nibve. ard fUhrvli bous aoetea ofbey ame-bailwtlle nori M bu. o Jtp 7lstatione o évW*gI letvitE,* ofcor. anS.* ou Fdai'.'grnan id23 912, oi- o!ner çeilia, 7 a ninera, nAple aid lit gooti cdition 4 ardo! >rO Ive bravo a vi 50. ue geltiio* vi1.14 l cbie bs., aleu.cor lai uicttaîo test, iv erlhors$eratel De.vlsgre»b2luber, waons,lng trnd1 rmwire;hav,, pleton il mamaois.adrnerI' 5e, 1 a 1urcei e alivrir, 9Jabvlsuliby rcklsatos 01lies. rkyposestb aIecbmni, hi loh ntnbl p of bGaeaa plar 1 mcto da, set un icirs ke, i r Ooo lemswooueaér,imer vaoalek,CB1 3'l2eb dweZ Iof boo lot bet1 .1.1gb. 1-ores c4lvto, boaipiaga'r ci, 2 maan o!tcbau barmtooe cn, hen ms t bae rse, llot i a! butem collaetc au&)tme.t; » lunch etgrndoue, MIM AXIB 0.DICTuls, res. B. W.m',r oc vi'M1ýClr. atrtc1-1 porablgdie bo ouuit i tan, 10 mu cens, plai vel. lot ap fXrile sorals of evem, 1bll egrds tools anSou ,se 011 amln oltbo PraireaVi e o proel.tva 5besuad01 teun itt vinee proe, ot o esa atnains. te Usukelaermnida lug ai mohi. Ha.. Asmo enu uO. itlairsus, ëPnop. i- er "aos VO eDL, Auc i l ber. v W. n Blai Ahîl- Auction ee.a. h.2 Id Ooeniy: 15beadio cattieP-2vi1 ail lir. Henni'Meus eaon the sick list. Aflt g mrer hmd hi. bauds badly trouen recently. lira. L. T. Rmu. est Mondayi'nt Cblcsiia. Wili Nordmeyer meillmare'," ibmth Dan lBai onùiBothweillsret, .Iiarcb lut mend Frank Cooley wIli orc ta th.e Bergmann boune ou Pium Grave avelne. Postmaater Wilson bas receired notice tibisl office bas benu designated as a psasaigoffice nd ho bai received ib eeur'blaukusud lu autborited 1t' open for hueinen i.Ma.eh 4, 1912. lira. Jobus vue@ taken to a Chicago boâpital Thumadai' ta ha operated on for 1appe,îdiectis. Wu hope tor a apeedi' pracolVeri'.1 théntoui Tueduy.I lir& . 1. YWalte li. vîstiluf ber dibuoeb- Skata cf hIlinots, Coanti' of Laite, 88 te, lirs. 0. Neieb of Racine, tor a ev Circuit Court Oc Lakte Caunti' March da.. Term, A. D. 1912. Dr. and Mr. Fred Coer of Liberty'- Gutare P. Dahms vs. Oren U. Mar- ville, wme' recenti citorcai Le. hsonà'. hie, Nellile Mclaiu, Oio. Phillipi, sud (Jaqong Vis' la nMlwaukee whére "IUnknawt, ovxn f lot fi ln Blocki 7; hé undernwenî auoaperation for catbuet aima, a atrip 3 roda vide of£ thée saire- an thée ee. Hi. ulser Naomi accom- Naitbaterly end of Lot 10. lntBlock pamW ieihm, thera..7,.in 3. Banglssecond addittion taibm MisesFraice@.Mille puiertaimed a ev Tawn of Wauconri, la lake tounti', of ber friands ai ber borne ou Manda e'renlg, the avant 1eig ber twentietbIllinois, ail aocordingta i he Plat made blrtbday. byi John H. s.. L«s.» 1Mati Miller sud famly contemplate In Chancr', Na. 580. rnovlug ta MuEeinni'lu-ibm mcA, tutu'e.. Bathfciori' affliti bavlng been Bore, ta M. and Drs. L». aumon, pub. fiÎluI the ornie. or the Ceiof ibis 5, a dauglter. COurt titat on due leuir he i defen- ____________ dants,' "Unknoown nera O*orLot 6, Notios 01ff e Éî Block 7; aima& a ailP rodae Vide 0« heUic ortheaiia-y end aof Lot 10 Notice laberehi' giron tbat la udr aDle ,luJ an' eon1di signed wyul on the sacond dei cf Marelà iMc ,I .B 99O n di A.D. 19 12, &t the hO'pr of on,. o'c14lek on 10 the town or Wgumoda. lu Lakp nj st a Hait Day. inlu io f town Couatyi, hilnole, WMI accordlng talte S »'I ataipublic rendus.te, the Plat Made hi' John EH. . tee" coPno hid<ier for Caibthe tolovlug descth1 1amt proporiy' Vto-vît: Oneabrovu atiaiui0 hé ouna, so that ipromu aotb colng tour Yaaar id, tod bn ail a eud upon heutor an3'0 o mi. 2:00 i rtstdam hi' Dlr,*Mtr. ."1 Notice Ie thordfor. beabi' alvin to This @aleclesfortbdpànpaMeorenfimanig the. sald ahore aMagi defenanuts ubat [an aaiter's lieun. elttunOtd- s5eqm Otii. aboya nameucM Ooeulant héreto- i8 charter 82 ofti ihe ney.,ttatute5 0 Diinole. of 1909. thé @Meot- being tom la. fOre 5usld bis 0111 of loMiPititn can, koeeinar, >'rdliug a4Jeeiog ofl ts s aid Court On tbe C1140 Marid le ube'e. ataovp deocribedhfq mntm omd t ha omn brua $8261 50 and ibis 0mcf, nd t anadeu palrstieltip t,, authorîti' giveat ander acI1b8 , iud u-o9a;Q1utanieil. ehapter 1.1 of eaid R.ivtaqad tatulMe of aO.ve named deaudomoté, r.turmsile Illinuois ot 1909. e -21-4 On uc 5airday of thé tam Sftihe Wtt. B. W'Ut. Circuit Court of Tube COUti' tabe ____________ h alO aiieiCourt ihoua.la wW aeg C'haffe of 0wI.!Shp. iu sald Laie counf, on the, Fini] Mandai' of Marchi 4..1D. 1912, -Uhla -Notic " elhr'hi 'Igîrenthati' 1bure tili iii'law requlme& .andl vnlcb suit lu M ..*. -u -1. 1ii' «a ihuhmmn. -... - 1 andt at hmaid a!.-Liais m pa> ton ýgooda .014 prito 10 Mi t md maill iheir icoante oq stin peunlug. a I . O BAtOCKWAY, 51 Clrk.' 1wmuietan, fllola, Juu sri81 'L oe UmeWI e. UOÇKWA?, Sa Wolv halA. ** 3 uTIITNAINLTi FM1~YI Iamtfecqoi law givlng mu thé Ittiltu, Rferooduin abd Bacal, sud ta aetthe .UnietiStaitsenta'. hy a direct voie;, alo tçk omInai. udt elotciw eProideusiutl1 he Uitti BiaIsé hi'&sdirect rote o! thc people .1 .5 .1 I ,It n - liii UALTU TIft Yo UVo ompor flair f W t111eea*.g txali *18 1fair To lodn.da. we edaim is WIi, yub"yba*@ no raeau nfor oWO h% tlettry 1*. W.do Itu uafou ta 6bigat. yourWmalu . ay Vay. W, Contd! net aflrd lb en trongîr en- dora.Jaxatl 19811 Rair Touic *nd cen- t" hte Wlllt eswe do,lIfIs dld Dot do ,,&Il aeclai.. Sbould oui, etbuiua. & rDOaway, and rieal "9e flar m ot UIeQ au rasatisfaction try ibe fibaru.thé' Weald lombe athiecau aucr, b*tatemeuw, asud ta consequenca a"r bupinu Prestige. Wol4 ofer. Tbprefore wben w. aa.ur.aleu tibu fluxait '*93" fair Toute wiii prompl *,rad"eto dand ruff,atimulat.ebarurovt and prev.eui pr.matqre foldor.., 300 m'rés eam aared we kno,,w w bat weamar taing about. W. houfeetly b.'laetheoait ajh "8"! flair Toule '.111 do more than any ot>er borna eî.Cy towi6rd reaîorlba wle ['mocratiele andld5lefor Reree.ta. *r<>wth andbar Iîu la îîDo P« .va. lu enerai Aie ,nibiy. Stl, t)mtrt. sud Viii Dot gui. tb.aealp or bai or for p.Mun-nltain. It&ia.pi.o l znueDaO pre eoid Waiaer. hcoma. Ick Joseph W. Freund tw'o aimes, prime .5o cent. 'ud s01. Bamember. zou caoobteai f oly a Wei Veller, 11L, prituarien Apri' Our u>'. -'ni Rasait Store. Dzuu & 9, 1912. BOut,. UbartipwII. lit. Comfortable Home Furnishings Couches. Notlîirg adds quite so îiuch to the air of comfort ini a home as a handsomie comfortable looking- couvih; and nothing detraets f rom Jt rv're thali onel whoSe Springs are h,-)giiîîniug to tîîrn over aiid whose surface shr)ws torturaus Iiiumps andd hollow,. Why not get on", of our Stafford Standards-'-the couch that ià huilt to last. "I Each spring te made of the finest carbou steel and cross locked to the metal cross pieces on the under oide and securely fastened to the diamond cross wire on top, making it impossible for it to shift. The frames are of seasoned oak or birch, earoftilly made and beauti- fully,knished and the curied bh- filling comblitesi 'omfort with durability. Thle leather nsed inicoveriugis from the choicest green hidtis, oak tanned and the.only the outer split with. the natural grain is good enotigh for -Stafford Standard. " Other coverings are of Vorona, ail k plush, Velour arnd Mohair car pl nAi .la rich lasting colore and artistic patterns. Our prices for your comfort $13.50 to $20.00. Mattress. t-fefainous Schultz and t irsh Cotton feit ma ttreffles bufit for comfort and @ex'- vice. The filling 18 of pure cotton feit specially treated bo give it the greatest poâ- stable elasticity and then scientifical' ly bilt up- layer uponi layer-utîtil the required thiokness Io obtained wheu It je covered and èIEcure1y bound. Each tuft je of exavtly the maut, size and tension and tightly held by the beat quality of hemp and cotýou stays tliat _cannot pull ont or fail through. This inhures absolutb uuiformity of 'thicknees atd softness. Thé Il coveriDge are of the finest cloeely woveu ticking that wili îlot'- stretcsh and allow tthe miattree to, epread, rànd may hé had in either plain or satin finish. PRICÈS $7.00i TO $15.00 T.he RayFurniture Store u su - = ILL r LOOK --- OUT --- FOR--US. We ire going to make a specialty of tancy creams, lotis, frappe, Pherbeto and individual. Approperate for Iudges, parties, weddîngs and holidays. elvt. us yoiîr order.i early as possible. 3MTHIJ1 BLACK ROCKEFELLER, ILL. Feetory 262 .1-2 IGraymIta..- 361W. - Trlpp. eguidant. .. Tmpp. pia M. Mller. LI I3TYVI LL.Er - veilboil A.NY